Batman wrote:I couldn't possibly care less WHAT fusion reactor they used to power the K-F drive, the assumption that it doesn't work due to the reactor being too powerful remains complete garbage. The second fusion reactors power ANYTHING on a jumpship (ventilation, heating, lights, dishwashers, take your pick) means the 'too powerful to charge the jumpdrive' argument DIES.
Errr..... let me rephrase. Too powerful was a relic argument because I been beating off trekkies and btechers on SB regarding K-F drives. You can't cut down recharge time by fusing in more power.... because the drive core can't accept that power.
The CLASSIC argument against using a fusion reactor was that it burns up too much fuel. I interpreted it as the presence of a secondary fusion reactor being on board which could charge the K-F drive, but it isn't done as the fuel used is the same fuel for the jumpship drives, hence, the desire to conserve fuel and the inability to actually charge the K-F drive out of "batteries" is canonically backed up.
A closer reading of the material showed my mistake, I utterly forgotten that the Btech literature uses fusion reactors as the term for the jumpship engines, hence, the massive wastage of fuel associated with running it off the engines.
Of course, what this means is that we need to ask what the Star Lord fusion reactor is in Dropships and Jumpships, which cuts recharging time down to 42 hours. Is it the ship engines, or a secondary reactor dedicated to charging the K-F drive.
Despite his public stance of sorrow and grieving, Primus Tiepolo ordered ROM to initate a wave of terror to retrieve of destroy the copies of the core that he knew must exist. His agents reported that the two copies that fell into the hands of House Kurita were destroyed in bombings that ROM agents linked to a Davion MIIO operation. An assasin's bullet supposedly prevented a copy being transferred to a Loki agent in the Commonwealth-and the deed was traced back to the Combine's elite ISF...
Theorists speculate that Waterly may have suppressed the information about the NAIS copy of the Star League memory core as a tool to gain political advantage over Primus Tiepolo.
Comstar Sourcebook
In other words, the other Houses did receive fragments of the Core technology, but they never did receive FULL copies of the Helm memory core. Or rather, they didn't receive any in the immediate years following 3025, TR 3050 confirms that copies of the Core were eventually received by other Houses at a later time.
NAIS researchers produced the flawed myomer that gave House Liao its embarrassing defeat on Sian. Research into the successful practical application of this improved Mech muscle continues at New Avalon, Sian, and probably elsewhere. Though no working model has appeared, these researchers have made some progress in using new compounds.
Regarding claims that TSM was developed during the War of 3039.
Capellan scientists had continued research on the booby-trapped myomer and had achieved limited success in identifying another compound with the same valuable properties but no the same vulnerability. In 3046, House Liao traded its knowledge of the improved myomer for House Marik's help in resuming Mech production and incorporating the technology that had already reached the rest of the inner Sphere,
TR 3050 rev
Since said TSM in 3039 was actually flame vulnerable, again, its clear to anyone other than a certain poster that the TSM of 3050 was available ONLY in 3050. Not 3039.
Again, I await evidence that the improved TSM of 3050 was actually deployed by the Cappellan Confederation before Yen Lo Wang.
Let him land on any Lyran world to taste firsthand the wrath of peace loving people thwarted by the myopic greed of a few miserly old farts- Katrina Steiner