Sea Skimmer wrote:One side having time for elaborate preparations, while the others just sit in there houses waiting is hardly a fair or pointful comparison, and in any case equal number where specified.
Now the problem is the Ewoks would never resort to such a thing, especially with equal numbers. They are guerrilla troops, trying to create a battle between guerrillas and pacifists is pretty redundant.
But anyway lets create an Ewoks defeat the Hobbits with both sides being prepared:
The battle.
- Setting: Open flat field.
- Battle type: All out, Battlelines-vs-Battlelines.
- Forces: Equal #'s Hobbits - vs - Ewoks.
- Hobbit Unit types: light infantry(farm equipage), light archers(hunting bows?), other non-melee units(stone throwers), all unarmored. No heavy artillery, or special weapons.
- Ewok Unit types: light infantry(spears, clubs), light archers(hunting bows), Sling troops, all are lightly armored(animal skull helmets,etc), Catapult, and Gliderbourne projectile droppers. Note: Ewoks have sharp teeth which are canine like, could be used for biting, and claws that could further add to melee ability.
Both sides are drawn up in line of battle. Growling and Snarling by Ewoks will probably create amazing pychological effects on the hobbits who do not fight. The Ewoks would probably get first blood, with the catapult, which would depending on the ammunition obliterate 5+ hobbits in line per shot. The Glider troops would harass the hobbits even further with ordinance from above. The Hobbits don't appear to be too fond of hunting, and are more of an agrarian society, so I believe the Ewoks would further take more kills and wounded with their Bow skills. Non-melee combat would ensue until the battle lines would meet. The Ewoks would have better chances as several hobbits may have deserted(due to phychological impact of horror(completely new to them) of battle, and of witnessing gruesome deaths by catapult and falling rocks). The Ewoks would now have a manpower advantage as Hobbit numbers would be decreasing due to attrition of non-melee weapons, catapults, and gliders, with this advantage and with the advantages of Ewok melee combat, the Hobbits would be forced to flee. The Ewoks have a far superior melee combat ability not because of good weapons but because of strength, and natural weapons(like claws, teeth). Their superior strength is witnessed in the easy of heavy lifting of stones. Will complete later....
The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.
--Albert Einstein
I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.
--George Carlin