It doesn't make it ok (although I personally have no problem with it) only that if it is indeed a flaw it is one it shares with the original film.Vympel wrote: Sure, minus the whole futurist energy weapon and time machine.
And which makes it ok for it to happen again in this show, how?
Actors commonly play people younger than themselves, the guy playing Xander was 26 when he was playing a 16 year old.That would mean he's still too old for T2 to have taken place in 1997. He'd only be 14 in 1999, and obviously, he's older (he's turning 20 this December in real life, but anyway).
In the show it says he is 15, so they were a year off in any case.
This however avoids the point that this show inherited a dodgy time line and just corrected it (and that your cited figure was itself incorrect).
I don't see the justification for railing against the show for the reason you listed (part from your dislike of the actress which is a matter of personal taste).
The show certainly wasn't great but I can't see the horrifying abomination you saw and certainly not based on several of you less than adequate reasons.