OK Steel (apologies for the long post):
The colonials had no contact with the cylons for 40 years. They had absolutely no idea about their technology or any of their capabilities. Using the results of a simulation run by the colonials is totally pointless as the colonial data was innacurate. If the colonials could accurately simulate all the capabilities of the cylons then would they have been fucked in half a day?
Incorrect on two counts.
While it is usually bandied about that there had been no contact for 40 years, don't tell me that you are stupid or naive enough to believe that the Colonial military wouldn't at least try to find out what their enemy is doing. In fact, I believe the episode 'Hero' deals with this (haven't seen it yet).
The Cylons fucked the Colonials because Six fucked Baltar and designed a back door into his Command Navigation Programme that was distrubuted to the fleet. She also had unlimited access to the Defence Mainframe. The Colonials were screwed through espionage and computer science not firepower. One on one a battlestar, even one as old as Galactica, is still a match or more for a Base Star.
And the simulation obviously wasn't pointless, was it, because it gave Apollo what he needed to pull off his stunt.
Where does Apollo get his data on the yeild of the weapons from then? Why do the colonials have the raptors acting as AWACS if the vipers already have massive sensor suites installed in them? Apollo certainly couldnt have data from before the conflict started as there had been no contact between the sides. Remember nobody here has FTL sensors (It took the entire cylon fleet a year to detect a nuclear explosion from a light year away, and lets not forget the need for recon craft) so unless apollo directly witnessed a nuclear explosion then he could not have that data, even assuming he has good enough sensors.
As stated above, there
had been contact. Apollo didn't get the data from his Viper (he was derisive of the Mk II's sensors), and I never said he did. Obviously, Cylon military capabilities haven't changed much over 40 years or Galactica and her Mark II Vipers would never have been able to hold off two Base Stars and their Raiders. Nuclear attacks from Raiders also seemed no surprise to Adama and Tigh.
Of course Apollo thought the raiders would use nukes, as thats what they had been using previously. Why the hell would the people on galactica be suspicious about the yeild of the nuke used on Apollo? Do you honestly think they'd go "hey that was a pretty small one, it was probably a decoy, even though we dont know theres anything they could have done to produce that effect" As to Apollo being able to precisely control the output... what exactly are you basing that assumption on? You just seem to have assumed it based on the fact that the setup worked at all.
Apollo had no direct knowledge of ship to ship nuclear combat at that stage of the war. All his knowledge would have to be pre-war.
As for why people would be suspicious/grope for inconsistencies, have you never seen people grasp at straws where the survival of a loved one is at stake?
My 'assumption' of Apollo controlling the output is based on his statement to Roslin regarding how he did what he did. And as you point out, it worked.
You also have the fact that the missile that was fired at apollo had lower acceleration than the one fired as galactica, as apollo was able to have a game of chase with his, but starbuck and all the other vipers couldnt intercept the last missile. So if it was a different type of missile you are even more SOL in your blithe assumptions that A: The size of the EMP burst and the yeild of the nuke are the same and B: the missile fired at galactica was the exact same type.
You're making an assumption wrt missile acceleration. Apollo had more time to react than Starbuck did, given that he was able to match course and speed with the missile, luring it away and destroying it at a safe distance. But no one was shooting at him
Starbuck was in a head-to-head intercept situation, with a Raider shooting at her after it had just launched three nukes. She took the Raider out first, then two missiles, while the third blew by her. She didn't have the time to do what Apollo did. Any other Viper that had initially tried would have been in her line of fire.
My assumptions are not 'blithe', they are what the evidence as I see it points to. However, your point that the missiles may have been different types is an interesting one. We know that other Raiders that day carried primarily conventional weapons. Only some carried nukes. And those missiles are actually pretty small, given the small size of Raiders. Cylon advances seem to be mainly in the areas of computer science, genetics, FTL and miniaturisation. Which brings this quote to mind:
The torpedo is a nuclear missile device, and inclusion of "proton" in its name hints (inconclusively) at a hydrogen-fusion basis. As such, its output would not be less than about 100kilotons, even by the primitive standards of Earth's technology. (A deliberate effort of profoundly high technology would be needed to create a viable fusion explosive with less yield.)
This is Dr Curtis Saxton on proton torpedoes, but the principle is the same. If the Cylons are using thermonuclear devices, then we might actually expect the yield from a missile to be closer to 100 kT.
As a further aside, what Apollo would actually have to have done (as I understand it) would not have been to create an EMP cos you don't get EMP in space. What he created was amassive burst of radiation that would have looked like (and did look like) a nuke on DRADIS.
Ok, you obviously dont understand that if something dips behind another object that it is not necessarily just behind it, when the sun dips behind a cloud do you automatically think that its about a mile away from you? All that shows is that is was on the port side of the ship when it detonated. You have NO way of telling how far behind the ship it was.
D'oh! I didn't think of that . . . no wait, I did. But the statement that I was initially responding to was:
What was odd was that the missile passed by galactica and then curved back before detonating.
It dips below the main hull before it goes off, so i cant see if it is actually hitting the pod or going beyond...
Given the camera angle and the fact that the bulk of the ship obscures the explosion, and given that in fact we see the missile heading straight in, I indeed assumed a direct detonation. However, there is another reason. Nukes in space don't have a lot of the advantages they have in atmosphere (EMP, fireball, shockwave). They're far less effective as proximity-fused weapons than they are as impact-fused weapons. When shooting at a big, armoured target like a Battlestar, wouldn't it make more sense to use an impact fuse? And in any case, all of the other Cylon munitions we see IIRC are impact fused. I'm not saying its impossible, just that impact makes more sense.
Of course Adama says brace for contact, its not as if hes going to say "dont worry, it might miss, just keep fucking about doing your normal thing guys" When there is a significant risk of being hit you act as if its going to be the worst case scenario regardless of what the outcome is going to be.
Erm, except he doesn't (and yes that was funny). That 'brace for contact' was an aside to Tigh. No general call for all hands to brace was made the way it would be on a modern warship before an imminent torpedo strike (for example). He doesn't seem overly worried, just resigned. Odd for someone who claims to care for his crew as much as he does. Maybe he knows his ship can take it?
The ship was shaken as if HIT. We know the ship shakes nearly as much when its hit by conventional missiles of massively lesser yeild on numerous occasions. There has to be something the ship does which makes these missiles with infinitesimal momentum and transferred energy compared to that of galactica have that effect.
I know there arent shockwaves in space dipshit, but could the ship have been shaken by explosive decompressions of portions of the ship? Explosive vaporisation of the hull? Perhaps disruption of propulsion due to the detonation?
You're welcome asswipe

but I think you might be onto something here. When the Galactica is being bombarded by two base stars, it's getting hit from 'above' almost constantly with conventional missiles. I don't know why they didn't use nukes in this one, since we know base stars can fire nukes (The Captain's Hand). I don't necessarily think explosive decompressions would have done it, given that in the nuke incident Tigh ordered an emergency decompression to snuff the fires and it made no difference to stability. Perhaps it was smaller. I don't know about explosive vaporisation of the hull, but I suspect it would take something like a nuke hit to vaporise enough matter to make a difference.
Propulsion did misfire after the nuke hit, and the ship went into an uncontrolled lateral spin. But aside from the intial jarring, this seemed to make little difference to the crew.
However, it occurs to me that ships capable of FTL would probably have some sort of acceleration compensation. This would be aligned along the axis of acceleration. It's obvious they have artificial gravity. Could impacts from nukes and large conventional warheads disrupt the functioning of these fields or simply jar people by virtue of being 'off-axis' forces?
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- Obi-Wan Kenobi