He can time the orgasm in the sex scene to go with a massive explosion in the background.
I would LOVE to see the Constructicons get some screen time without their characters being fucked up.
Devestator. On the big screen. Just plowing through buildings like they weren't even there and blowing shit up. Oh yeah.
I heard that Soundwave was going to be in the first movie, but they decided they couldn't do him justice yet and held off on using him until the sequel. They had Blackout with Scorponok and Barricade with Frenzy, so I'm certain Soundwave's gimmick of ejecting smaller robots from his chest can be put to good use. Now if only they bring Frank Welker in to do his voice.
So, of the Decepticons, who survived in the first movie besides Starscream? Barricade was in the highway chase but then never showed up in the city battle and I didn't see him in the body disposal scene, so presumably he lived. Scorponok had his tail blown off and was hurt pretty bad, but he managed to get away and is presumably still in Katar. And Frenzy is presumably still alive, but probably a prisoner under study by the government now. Do those sound like reasonable conclusions?
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