More Wargear from 2nd edition.. mostly heavy/special weapons now.
Page 25
A grenade launcher is a simple light tubular launcher capable of firing most grenade types with a compressed gas or electromagnetic charge.
Electromagnetic grenade launcher.
The handbow is a pistol version of a crossbow. it is made from modern composite plastics, ,drawn by automatic servos, and is every bit as powerful as a larger crossbow.
Al;though an arrow can pierce flesh or even thin armour it is relatively useless against efficient armour and thick vehicle hulls.
Basically the same as the crossbow above, just writ smaller, with the same problems. No idea what "thin" menas. It is worth noting that in the Inquisition War novels, Flak (at least Squat Flak) was only penetrated by a handbow in a weakened/flawed area.
Page 26
It [lasgun] fires an explosive energy blast with a similar effect to a bullet or small shell.A lasgun may not be the most effective weapon in the galaxy, but it is easy to manufacture and maintain, and very reliable even under the thoughest battlefield conditions. The lasgun is powered by rechargable batteries, but carries a residual supply and can be recharged using its own solar converters.
This seems to be whta everyone thinks about when we hear about the lasgun being "equal to an assault rifle". Although technically thats not quite true. What this quote is saying is that it has effects similar to a "bullet or small shell" but odesnt really be more specific than that. We could assume a stub or auto weapon but you could (technically) argue it could mean anything up to or including autocannon or heavy stubber weapons or even a small bolt shell. Generally I assume it means a fairly powerful round (high calibre autogun, IE 7.62mm) or a shotgun shell/slug - both of which impliy putting a rather big hole in your target. Also effect isn't neccearily meaning the same energy - a laser beam isnt going to be quite as effective even asusming a very efficient design and/or setting. The "explosive" effect suggests explosive vaporization (which fits with other descriptions such as third edition) causing shock and thermal (presumably at least - not stated here but implied elsewhere) effects.
The other really interesting bit about this is the recharging bit and the "residual energy". The first part implies that the solar converter is built into the lasgun (or at least some lasguns) which makes more sense since the damn thing would be more likely to have large enough surface areas for that to be actually useful. The second implies that one can fire at least a few shots without a power pack off the "emergency power" although the exact or some such.
Page 26
The melta-gun is also known as the melter, cooker, or vape gun. It works by sub-molecular thermal agitation in a manner comparable to microwave irradiation. The target gets very hot and eventually cooks, melts, or just evaporates. A melta-gun can melt plasteel or plascrete, and its effects upon living tissue are impressive to say the least.
The melta gun makes no noise when fired, but the super-heating of the air produces a distinctive hiss which becomes a roaring blast as living targets are hit and their bodies' moisture vapourises explosively.
meltaguns have always been the most descriptive weapons quantifiably. This is laso the older references of the good old "microwave gun" variety. It does imply that the meltagun can vaporize an entire person an do it explosively although this leaves alot of room for interpretation (its a sustained effect weapon after all). I daresay I shouldn't have to state the numbers for vaporizing a person, though.
Page 27
The rifle [needle sniper rifle] fires small darts made from a deadly neuro-toxin chemical. The liquid chemical is frozen into a dart or sliver by the gun before it is fired.
Unerring accuracy is afforded by a low power beam of invisible laser light which drives and guides the chemical dart to its target. If the target is armoued the beam automatically pulses when the rifle is fired, punching a tiny hole which allows the toxic dart to penetrate.
The weapon may be used against any target, including vehicles, robots and buildings, in which case it is the laser rather than the toxin which does the damage.
Similar to the pistol in many respects, lincluding the peculiarity. The same beam does the damage (penetration of armour or damage to inorganic matter) as provies the giudance/accuracy for the dart, which sort of implies that lasbeams can have a targeting function as well as destrucrtive onew (laser sight)
I also assume that the damage from the laser is going to be greater than the pistol (bigger dart, more range, better able to punch through armor, makes a bigger hole, etc.) Assuming a ratio between pistols and rifles for modern weapons, I'd guess at least 3-4x greater, possibly more.
Its also possible penetration is alot deeper since the darts take action very rapidly (seconds) suggesting they get close to the important bits of the body fast too, which can also up the calc. Call it double digit kj per shot for this weapon (and thus for a lasgun)
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The Ogryn ripper gun is a drum-fed automatic combat shotgun developed by the Imperium for issue to Ogryn units. The weapon is of suitably large dimensions and is constructed as solidly as possible because Ogryn have a tendency to use their weapons as clubs. The trigger mechanism incorporates a burst limiter that prevents the firer shooting off the entire drum at once - an entertaining possibility that would appeal to Ogryns and very quickly leave them out of ammunition.
The text of the Ripper Gun has not changed much through various editions, and its been discussed before, including the bit on implied ROF (which I still hold to.)
Page 30
The plasma gun fires energy shells of bright glowing plasma. When a plasma shell hits tremendous heat and energy are released, destroying the target in an almighty explosion. A target hit by a plasma shell suffers the dual effects of searing heat and explosive shock as its substance is instantly energised into boiling plasma. Though the plasma gun is highly effective, it loses accuracy over long range, and requires a massive amount of energy to power it.
Plasma weapons blah blah.. thermal and shock effects (explosive vaporization playing a role, though its probably more accurate to say it strikes and the intense heat turns part of the body into plasma, with the rapid expansion transmitting thermal and shock effects.) and evidently blasting the target apart.
If we take "searing" literally it oculd mean 400-700 kj per kg to "burn" a person (and assume the entire target is affected), assuming a 70 kg person "seared" thats around 28-30 MJ. Maybe twice that for the upper end for this calc.
Page 31
The smooth-bore combat shotgun fries a massive low velocity shot which fragments in flight into several pieces of spinning metal or plastic. Although the weapon has only a short range it is quite dangerous against unarmoured targets.
Low velocity, but sharp (shrapnel) ammo which is why its dangerous. Kinda like a flechette weapon, or a frag grenade type shell. This would also possibly make bigger, more ragged wounds than mere pellets, which would impact the aforementioned lasgun calcs.
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[shuriken catapult]
The shuriken catapult is built around a gravitic accelerator similar to the gravitic motors which power vehicles like the Imperial land speeder. The accelerator creates a peristaltic shift from the front to the rear of the firing chamber, hurling the shuriken missiles forward at tremendous velocity. A burst of several missiles can be fired in a fraction of a second this way.
Earlier shuriken weapons around 2nd edition became gravitic (apparently even Imperial ones.) but the motors are implied similar to what is used in the Land Speeder. This in turn (if it holds true in modern times) suggests that gravitic motors exert force on something for propulsion.
Curiously the rate of fire is much lower "several" missiles in a fraction of a second, albeit near-simultaneously. Sorta a cross between a shotgun and a railgun, but we dont know how small a fraction of a second (say human reaction time? 1/3 or 1/4 of a second perhaps, indicating semi-auto modes.)
Page 34
It [assault cannon] has six separate barrels which are rotated by a motor, allowing the weapon to spit out a hail of shells which can easily tear a man sized taget apart and throw it several metes.
Although made from a special heat resistant ceramite alloy, the hundreds of shells fired every second cause the weapon to overheat.
Assault cannons have a ROF of "hundreds of shells" a second, and the impact of shells can "tear apart" a man sized target and impart enough momentum to throw it several meters. Recoil would be considerable (hundreds of kg*m/s easily) with considerably insane KE values. Ammo requirements would be insane, though.
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Autocannon are popular weapons in the Imperial forces but are also common amongst Orks, who especailly enjoy the blaze of shells and mind-numbing recoil.
Man portable autocannon also have considerable recoil, even for an Ork (who is at least several times more massive and stronger than an Ork, suggesting they're at least as recoil-intensive as a HMG, if not moreso.)
Page 35
The heavy boltgun is a larger version of the standard bolter. It is sometimes known as the "back breaker" or "bruiser" by the crew who have to carry it because of its great weight. - but also because of the heavy punishment i can deal out to the enemy. It fires a bolt which contains a more powerful propellant and explosive charge than the normal bolter. The heavy bolter is used to support more lightly equipped troops, and is designed to operate as an anti-personnel weapon although with the capacity to destroy lightly armoured vehicles.
Heavy bolters are both antipersonnel and anti-vehicle weapons, and fires a bigger more powerful shell (both in propellant and explosive charge).
Page 37
The heavy plasma gun generates and fires energy shells of glowing plasma. When the shells strike an object they react with its matter to create miniature spheres of boiling nuclear energy. For this reason heavy plasma guns are sometimes called "sun guns"
A target enveloped by a plasma sphere suffers the dual effects of searing heat and explosive shock.
A bulkier version of a plasma weapon. Other sources (codex chaos) describe it as a sort of man-portable bazooka. Also note the aformentioned "enveloped by searing plasma" bit.
Page 37
This heavy and old fashioned weapon is affectionately known as the 'big stubber'. It rattles off a hail of heavy-weight bullets ufficient to stop a man dead in his tracks. to all intents the heavy stub gun is similar to a twentieth century heavy machine gun in appearance and effect. It is especially effective when deployed against massed formations of lightly armoured or unarmoured troops.
HMG basically, up to and including "stopping a man in its tracks". Its also implied here that certain kinds of armor could stop it (But we're not sure what qualifies as light. Presumbly at least carapace and above, but perhaps some flak also?)
Page 41
the lascannon, or laser cannon, operates on the same basic principle as the smaller lasgun. The laser chamber is larger, the power-build heavier, and the shot a single cannon blast rather than a machine-gun like hail of lower intensity laser blasts.
The lascannon is designed to knock out armoured vehicles and in this role it is so effective that it is often known as the "tank buster" or simply as the "buster".
lascannon vs lasgun is interesting. Its implied a lasgun has a "machine gun" like rate of fire, an that a lascannon has a higher intensity (more energy per unit area) shot than a lasgun.
Other sources (uplifting primer) give a lasgun a much slower ROF than a "machine gun", but it could be all about settings or power outputs. Maybe rat eof fire goes up when power per shot goes down.
Page 41
The multi-melta or thermal cannon is named on account of the multiple barrel-elements used on some models. It is also known as 'hotstuff', 'hells's breath' and 'hells halitosis' - its ccewmen noted for their sense of humor as well as the permanantly singed condition of their uniforms.
The weapon is essentially a more powerful version of the standard meltagun. It works by means of sub-atomic agitation, rather like a long-ranged microwave cooker, and can melt its way through even the heaviest armour. It is, however, handicapped by its relatively short ranged.
The multimelta makes no noise when fired, but the super-heating of the air produces a distinctive hiss which becomes a roaring blast when a living target is hit and its body moisure vapourises epxlosively.
Most of the multimelta stuff is a repeat of the meltagun entry, except that its more powerful and involves multiple barrels (making it more versatile according to other fluff.)