Just like everyone else on her planet...and you mock the treecat at your own risk! That thing is awesome. Reminds me of Mercedes Lackey's shipscats.Nephtys wrote:She's also a genetically enhanced super-strong, fast,
I've only read as far as the second book so far, but she's gotten beaten up worse than Dresden does.... did I forget anything? Because I'm not sure I can apply anything that ridiculous to any other character in existance.
Let's see, over the course of about five years in the Dresden Files, he:
Gets possessed by, resists, and redeems the shade of a fallen angel,
Has both Winter and Summer Courts of the fae determined to either kill or seduce him,
Has acquired an extremely powerful, vampiric half-brother (who is also of the "atoning bloodsucker" sort, metaphorically speaking),
Has befriended a pack of teenage (well, college-age) werewolves, and personally brought down a loup garou,
Has learned to play D&D,
Has gone face-to-face with the Wild Hunt,
Has bent the Laws of Magic a dozen times,
Has befriended the wielders of, and later possessed one of, the only honest-to-God paladins in the world,
Has adopted an incredibly useful god-dog-thing,
Has discovered that his mother arranged for him to become an incredibly potent wizard due to some time-of-birth flimflam,
Has learned that he is capable of using the power of freakin' angels themselves,
Oh, and personally beat the crap out of an Elder God before he was old enough to legally drink.
Would you say Dresden is a Mary Sue?
Anyone with a long-running series, reasonably interesting is apt to acquire an astounding range of friends, enemies, abilities and scars, simply by virtue of the author having to keep topping himself to keep the books going.