My response is very much an if/then to the situation on Earth. I assumed in early discussions, based on what was hinted at in the movie, basically what 880 spelled out. If that scenario is the case, then I do the following:
-I assume that I have a quota of Unobtanium to meet per year (assume it's the current extraction rate), and that I will be fired and replaced with someone (and probably sent home) if I can't meet it. If things are as desperate as 880 hints at, that's probably the case. This also implies that I can't suspend operations for a long period of time to set up a new base somewhere. That said, the final product is somewhat vague on all points, but I'm going to assume this is the case.
-I also assume that my current deposits are depleting; this might simply mean that we're having to pull lower and lower quality stuff out of the ground, or that we're coming to the effective end of the deposit, but I assume that I need a new source in a 5-6 year timescale.
With those two assumptions:
-I look to establish a secondary base in an area that is more security-friendly but accessible from the first base but which has access to Unobtanium deposits. I'm assuming a maximum of three-four hours by chopper between them from a fuel use stance, but even that might be a stretch. In that big of a circle (roughly 200-300 km), I should be able to find either a hill or a major break in the forest that meets the description; even a large riverside base would be acceptable if it is defensible. If this is a viable project, I do this to go after a "backup" source of unobtanium that I can ship back to the main base.
-If I can't find a good location that I can link up with the first base, or I simply can't get enough stuff to build the second base (I'm going to assume that at least some components need to be shipped in from Earth, even if it's just a bunch of computer hardware [or even software] that can't be replicated/sent electronically. Bear in mind that if a link is $7500 a byte and it takes a one-in-several-thousand shot per byte to get it through, I don't want to send complex software code [even in Notepad format] along and hope that I don't lose one or two key packets in the process; I might even try that, but for all I know it's going to hog my bandwidth for two weeks at a shot if I need a copy of Windows Pandora Edition and it might take three shots to get a functional copy across.), then we're on to plan B: I scope out other viable deposits not linked to hometrees that will generate enough excess production. I know this is quite possibly a hit-or-miss proposition, but I do look to link to other deposits within an operational radius.
-Now we get down to an ugly "if": I'm not sure how to avoid a clash with the Na'vi if I can't get necessary components for a secondary base, can't suspend operations long enough to move my base (or simply can't pull off a move, period), and can't get other deposits online to meet my quota in time. I'm up for suggestions here, but it is
very possible that if all these things are the case then my back
is against the wall.
Gramzamber wrote:starfury wrote:Then the UED will have control over its pet Overmind.
Wait, what? Crystals? Psi-emitters? Man. That sounds so familiar.
(where was this stuff in the movie? video games, blah
Just from the previews alone, I got that whole Starcraft vibe, I so intend to treat it as starcraft the Movie, hehhe.
If there's anything I feel Avatar draws near exact parallels to it's Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, as far as the nature of the world goes anyway.
The game's plot further cements this for me. Or maybe I think of these things too much.
You know, I've got to say that you're not the first person who's had that thought. And I say this as someone who has never really enjoyed the idea of seeking the Transcendence ending (as I think one likely loses something fundamentally human in the process).
Anyone up for a Pandora mod for SMAC?