Pest control. ObviouslyFord Prefect wrote:I'm pretty sure the flamethrower is actually a blowtorch ... which has a flamethrower setting. I'm not sure why its blowtorch has a flamethrower setting, but it is Fallout, I guess.

Moderator: NecronLord
Pest control. ObviouslyFord Prefect wrote:I'm pretty sure the flamethrower is actually a blowtorch ... which has a flamethrower setting. I'm not sure why its blowtorch has a flamethrower setting, but it is Fallout, I guess.
The very idea here is to get out before the first decade is done, if at all possible.Stark wrote:Man it's going to be great for a woman locked up in a small part of the vault with no interaction with anyone but the Overseer and his mates FOR DECADES! This is totally a secret you can sit on too; nobody would ever blab about the secret woman in your office to anyone in a vault full of slaves men doing stupid jobs for no reason.
There is a reason I am not 'just walking over', but sending over a loyal party to make contact. I know my 999 men are likely to be insane, so they stay at home while I figure out the situ over at 69, which is likely going to be in a reasonable walking distance (a day or so, maybe a week, given how closely groups Vault clusters are) of mine. In general though, the best option- that I as the overseer would be aware of- providing I was told what the other Vaults are doing, natch- would be to find V69, or find survivors of the drops. Either way, getting OUT is major goal #1.The very idea that you can just walk over to vault 69 is absurd. What could go wrong out in the wasteland when a thousand physically-fit, sex-starved and brutalised men find a vault full of women?Actually telling the population that there's another vault out there full of women requires revealing the Vault-Tec Stupid Plan, which seems like a really bad idea. Planning to eliminate the overseer so your rape gangs league of gentlemen can seize form loving relationships with women is awesome.
The earliest 'safe' vault was 1 year as I recall, though I could be wrong. One never closed and it created the ghouls we all know and love.Can anyone quote the shortest time people need to stay in the vault to avoid radiation? I remember some vaults opened pretty early, but some had problems and others didn't. Does 68 have a GECK? What level of mutation or hardship is worthwhile? Is it desirable to use the tech and manpower to go bandit on the poor survivors? What will happen to the inevitable mutant subclass thus generated?
Then clearly the solution is to use the power of greyskull... I mean the GECK to create not a garden of eden, but eve herself. BY THE THOUSAND. Quickly progressing to a woman-based economy sounds like a good plan after the GECKbomb turns half the population into women. What could go wrong?Ford Prefect wrote:The OP mentions forty years before the locks turn off, which sounds about right.
In my defense I didn't assume everyone involved would share my values, merely some. I'll conceed the point though, as I really don't feel qualified or inclined to get into an argument over how 1000 random people I don't know would probably act, and I'll happily admit evidence of how people who haven't just watched most of the things they love get blown up probably doesn't mean all that much here. So conceeded.Ghost Rider wrote:LOL, that has to be one of the funniest things I've seen in this thread. Why? Because said person above is likely not a survivor of some end of all things, is comfortable in his dwelling, has a full belly, and has said comfort assured for the next few years if not longer. Whatever your personal anecdote is, actually having the arrogance to believe 999 other men share that with no idea of background, bereft of everything except basic food and the mental anguish of destruction of all that they have ever known?
Except you live in a world with shitloads of women, many of whom will have a consensual sexual relationship with you if you put some basic effort into it. Also there are hookers.Like with a lot of disaster scenarios that come up here, the responses to this seem full of the unstated Hobbesian assumption that the average person is a can of evil just waiting for the right stimulus to explode. Let me put it this way:
(1) I'm a 24 year old virgin. That means I have been celebate and capable of being bothered by it for over a decade now.
(2) Despite this I am not cool with rape or so desperate for pussy I would assault a woman if I could get away with it.
(3) In fact I do not look kindly on the sort of men who are and would be happy to help slap them down if need be.
(4) I do not believe I am an exceptionally nice or self-controlled person or have an exceptionally low libido (in other words, I do not believe I am really atypical).
Vendetta wrote:Richard Gatling was a pioneer in US national healthcare. On discovering that most soldiers during the American Civil War were dying of disease rather than gunshots, he turned his mind to, rather than providing better sanitary conditions and medical care for troops, creating a machine to make sure they got shot faster.
I suppose you could replace one of the arm-mounted tools with a fleshlight or something. The cheery british butler voice might be a little bit off-putting, however.Ford Prefect wrote:Oh lol.Junghalli wrote:It also occurs to me that if we could modify a couple of these robots into mobile sex-doll thingies this might go a ways toward reducing the sexual frustration problem. I take it they're relatively humanoid, so such modification shouldn't be too hard; it would mostly be a matter of putting padding and fake skin over them.
Zixinus wrote:I believe that she should be given the choice of the first free: suicide, self-prostitution or hermiticism. I will not risk having her become a destabilising force.
No. I believe the artifical coma would probably be the most moral thing to do: if anything else, it would disable the woman to experience suffering.
Do you believe this is a moral thing to do?
Even if the Vault's design can be changed? The Geck tells how to make both forcefields and how to disassemble the Vault for surface living. The greatest issue would be moving dirt away.The idea of leaving early or destroying the door strikes me as retarded. The door can be opened if the outside environment is ok, so either it'll open or you'll be fucked going out there. The vault is too stupidly designed to have an airlock, so once you open it or breach the vault how are you going to maintain the environment?
I see little reason why at least the possibility would be researched. The Vault is fully-equipped after all. I don't know about using the availability of resources, but I believe that some probes could be made from unneeded units and spare parts.The idea of building robots to tunnel out while collapsing the tunnel behind them is so fruity I can't even picture it. Talk about desperate.
I meant: tested by robots.Why the fuck would you have to 'find ways to test [water] purity'?
Excuse me for not remembering the nerdy details about a single, non-important NPC type in a game I played at least months ago, if not more.Using protectrons (ie, worthless robots) to clear hostile mutants betrays a total ignorance of Fallout.
At least you're not pretending to be a white knight; openly oppressive is much better.Zixinus wrote:Either way, she should be handled quickly.
LOL! The biggest issue would be moving dirt when apparently building forcefields and disassembling an underground base in a radioactive, dust-blown, mutant-swarmed environment!Even if the Vault's design can be changed? The Geck tells how to make both forcefields and how to disassemble the Vault for surface living. The greatest issue would be moving dirt away.
So what's the point in destroying the door? If it lets you open it normally if it's safe (I don't know if this is the case, Vault-Tec is pretty retarded) by the time it's safe you can just NOT RUIN YOUR DOOR.Also, I noted that I would also wait for 2 years at least, for the war to cool down and some of the radiation. If that is not enough, I would wait more obviously. I doubt things will be magically tolerable right at the point it hits 40 years past. I admit that I am unsure of the details of the nuclear fallout or how damaged Chicago likely would be.
So we're keeping the fluff about stupid Vault-Tec plan and ignoring the part where they were massively expensive long-term projects? YEAH JUST BUILD ANOTHER DOOR LOL! Even if you built an internal door you'd have to dig on the other side of it, which would kinda suck for the poor saps you sent to do it. Oh well?Destroying the door would be retarded, I agree. If anything, it would be better to create an alternative door, with an air lock and much higher security.
'Fully equipped' doesn't mean 'invent underground bulldozers'. Vault-Tec didn't build the vaults with magical robots, but you can do better somehow?I see little reason why at least the possibility would be researched. The Vault is fully-equipped after all. I don't know about using the availability of resources, but I believe that some probes could be made from unneeded units and spare parts.
PS, you're all going to die. Sorry.And really, this is the post-apocalypse: things are desperate. Do you have a better idea that would guarantee survival? Because as an Overseer, you can either document how 998 other men will live and die or try to contact the outside world. As an Overseer, which one do you think you have more moral commitment?
So you think the vault is 'fully equipped' to build a never-seen robot design and be disassembled from withing but you DON'T have radaway?I meant: tested by robots.
Also, the Vault is designed to have its own water supplies purified, not that of a heavily-irradiated river.
Yeah sorry expecting you to know what you are talking about is pretty unreasonable.Excuse me for not remembering the nerdy details about a single, non-important NPC type in a game I played at least months ago, if not more.
I wouldn't even know about them, so they'd surprise me and slaughter the entire vault. Oops.:pAnd even if so, so what? If I were an overseer, how would I know about the deathclaws and dangerous mutants?
That is why I send probes and would try to set up posts that would monitor the outside world for me, so I can go more prepared. Besides, who says that one cannot modify the protectron with more armour and better weapons, which I would be bound to do if I see the dangerous things out there?
And even if I don't have the robot population to do this course, I would still have some outside information that would allow me to plan any future excursions rather than blindly bust open the door and hope for the best.
Uh, what? The only vault disabled by a contaminant was the one with hallucinogen released into the air (man, talk about a useless experiment: what would happen if we exposed a society to potent hallucinogenic gas? I wonder...) and it was deliberately introduced. All the other ones have airlocks leading into the door room, and were usually destroyed due to (equally useless) social experiments.Stark wrote: BTW, what's up with the door room? In the games vaults are routinely disabled by internal contaminants; the doors obviously do not seal the rooms (perhaps there are unsealable vents or something). Can the door room be sealed at all?