I submit to you, sir, that strength of ANY bombardment is subject to the orders given to the gun crews versus resupply/refit concerns. Today it would be practically and realistically impossible to duplicate WW1 ground artillery barrages or WW2 naval barrages. Neither you, nor i, nor anyone else is privy to the specific targets set forth by the Captain to his Gunnery Master. I take it from your arguments that hence HPGs are superhardened and Strong Enough To Withstand Any Bombardment?PainRack wrote: So? The WOB unleashed naval bombardment STRAIGHT at Harlech. Ground zero, and the tower were still standing, just collapsed. The HPG station stationed just outside was still intact and transmitting.
And? For Outreach, the WOB at that point in time had aerospace superiority and unleashed a direct orbital attack on Harlech. The damage done to the city overall was similar to the damage done at nagasaki, with further environmental damage inflicted by the series of dirty nukes used on Remulus..
Of course, I could also point to the Oriente attack where Marik unleashed a sustained barrage of PPC and missiles at the HPG station, hospice and nearby community.
And? I was referring to the fact that ground zero of a warship bombardment was STILL standing like any other town. Its clearly not a megaton level event by the fact that the buildings, the direct targets were still intact.
Huntress itself would had been better, along with the Battle of Hesperus. We seen vapourisation of streams and etc, but the events were a sustained salvo from multiple weapons and the effects overall still do not correlate to the game mechanics firepower conversion. Hell, Huntress is possibly the highest end of orbital firepower ).
Back to my previous argument that even a Vincent M42 can do the job. Given a YardShip, periodic resupply of ammunition, there is no reason why even it's NAC/10s can perfrom the equilvent of a BDZ. Its just whether you want to expend the time and resources to do so.
I further submit to you that even if a NL-55 has only a kt equilavent of 20kt by the time it hits the ground, the beauty of naval bombardment is that you can carry on as long as the ship can remain on station, the lasers remain functional, and the power supply remains functional. Why is Huntress taken as a highest end of orbital firepower scale when the only bombardments in that campaign were tactical in nature and never strategic?
Where's my copy of the Dying Time when you need it, i recall the Rebel Avalon cruiser firing against the spaceport specifically to stop some pesky structure called an HPG transmitting

Huntress is possibly the highest end of orbital firepower since an indirect strike at the Lyran Guards spilled over and damaged the spaceport severely, I must have missed the part where the CSJ Liberator, sovetskill soyuz, black lion, vincent corvettes or reagan SDS fired on the 11th Lyran Guards. Were they at Hesperus firing on the 15th and 36th Lyran Guards and fighting for Free Skye? To spell it out for you, Fedcom Civil War, page 147 "To his horror, the Free Skye captain of the WarShip exceeded his mandate, not only flattening the Comstar compound, "
Taking into account both your errors in missing the existence of a complete Vessel entirely when it was listed in more than 2 sourcebooks several times (not just a footnote) and now the mixing up of two completely different campaigns and attendant units, one must question your knowledge of the nitty-gritty.