Because I lack imagination.Jeremy wrote:Why are most insect aliens made into hive critters?
More seriously, trying to think of something alien, thinks different from human, start thinking "hive mind", and then insects naturally pop into your head.
You know, funny but until now I never actually considered how cliche that is.
The real advantage the warrior had was size, strength, and large biting mandibles, features that would only have any use of all in direct hand to hand combat. However, the Kerridan mentality is not suited to anything other than strategic combat (the warrior died out before their intelligence developed), and so re-introducing the warriors (which they have the genetic technology to do), with the Kerridan mentality would be a large expense to create a sub-standard warrior. In fact, a trained Kerridan worker armed with modern weapons and armour would be almost as good. They decided it better to hire mercenaries. All Kerridan would fight to defend the Hive, of course, but in general they find it more efficient to leave the fighting to those more suited.Why not reintroduce the warrior breed instead of using mercenaries?
It also gives the Humans something to trade, and the Kerridan calculated that it was more efficient for the Hive for humans (and Tai'Qu) to be able to get Kerridan goods and technology by trade rather then having to resort to force. This was actually a very important part of the decision.
They do take very well thought-out precautions against treachery.