Really? Somehow every little crazy ass idea in Star Wars is valid cannon yet I have to prove not only that within the OA universe the great minds are hugely more intelligent than human mind but that it is absolutely possible?
The problem is that YOU are using pseudscience to extrapolate the capabilities of OA, while i am using observed capabilites of SW.
Whether or not it's scientifically plausible has no bearing on that - it's about the method of analysis you use.
And before you go on I never said OA was possible I said it was "much harder sci-fi" because nothing CONTRADICTS know science and it is internally consistent.
Provide evidence for this.
So show me your proofs for the Death Star, Hyperspace, Hyper matter, etc or accept that the OA minds have the capabilities they are clearly shown in the fiction to have.
The proof is, as they say, in the pudding.
Or rather, in the canon - we SEE that the Death Star blows up a planet. Under suspension of disbelief (the best method for VS-debates and analysis of capabilities), we treat what we see as if we saw it in real life.
If it were going to collapse under its own gravity it would do that with or without the holes, lol.

We need a facepalm smiley.
Obviously, not, since the forces in a sphere chancel out each other - as long as the sphere is intact.
Breach it, and that no longer applies.
And you could try and drain an ocean by haveing a few kids sip at it all days with straws, you would have about as much luck.
So, how many platforms do they have?
Let's say a trillion -
Let's send a hundred Star Destroyers. Each ships has to destroy - 10 billion platforms.
Suppose one medium turbolaser (200 GT) is enough to destroy a platform. A ISD II has about 35 such weapons, including the heavy turbolasers. Therefore, each Star Destroyer has to fire about 285.000.000 times.
At a refire rate of about once every two seconds - that gives us 9.500.000 minutes - about eighteen years.
There - simple math shows that that method is impractical.
So, alternate options? Sure - just up the numbers. Namely, use missiles.
To destroy a trillion platforms, we would need a trillion missiles. Sounds like a lot, doesn't it?
Well, according to the OA-wiki, there are about a dozen of these uber-AIs.
And we have a problem with the launch platforms as well.
Looks bad, eh?
Well, the simple answer is: Go for an area effect.
Which brings us back to our star.
Star Wars has
Torpedoes that are capable of blowing up a star and are still small enough to fit on a fighter. Originally, it was placed on the
Sun Crusher, an extremely powerfull vehicle.
While both are lost, including the (top-secret) technology, it might be possible that they can be recreated.
But let's forget about that for now, and use something far simpler:
No matter how good the AI, it's useless without resources. Simply intercept every ship that attempts to travel to the AI. If necessary, blockade the wormholes. Given the superior speed, this should not be too much of a problem.
Given that complex machinery inevitably needs maintenance, it will break down on it's own while being virtually useless.