Put that in a memo entitled: shit, we already know.SilverWingedSeraph wrote:Since you made a counter claim in far more certain terms than his original claim, I'd say the burden of evidence lies just as equally in your hands, dipshit.Ryu wrote:He needs to prove his statement correct or concede, I do not need to prove it wrong or accept it.
In fact, you made the original statement that all rulers are default evil overlords, and then followed it up by saying you think most people are evil by nature. Prove these claims or concede. Of course, first you'd need to define what "evil" is. By the look of things it qualifies as anything you personally dislike, since your use of the word evil certainly doesn't match up with the dictionary definition, which defines evil as "morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked".
Since what is considered "moral" varies from person to person, and there is no universe moral code, this definition doesn't help your claim. So frankly, I would like to challenge your claim right now. "Evil" is a subjective term, carrying no absolute and definite meaning unless there is an absolute moral authority. Prove the existence of this absolute moral authority or concede.
Benevolence, on the other hand, can easily be described as the presence of altruism. The origin of the word is benefaction, which means to give aid or gifts. It is a simplistic manner to go through history books or even news papers and find acts of benevolence and altruism - kindness - being carried out by politicians and world leaders. All of these words have absolute meanings that do not require an absolute moral authority. Benevolence is altruism, altruism is a selfless concern for the welfare of others, kindness is doing things to make others happy.
Gee, we're all so evil, coming up with concepts like benevolence and altruism and kindness. Clearly all rulers are evil though, because... you say so! By virtue of... you say so!Selfishness2 = Evil? Got some more in-depth calculations there that we can study, or do you just like making unsupportable blanket statements?They don't need to be, but this doesn't mean they aren't. They are still humans, and therefore self-serving in their every endeavor. Selfishness is the root of evil. Do the math.That is an inbuilt, instinctual desire, yes. Many people chose to ignore it.The main concern of humanity is carrying on their genes.And their country, and freedom of expression, and freedom in general... honestly, do you get off on making statements that are patently false and not providing evidence?The only things humans are willing to fight for are their ability to reproduce, their lives, and ultimately any offspring they might have.More baseless claims without any supporting evidence! You basically just claimed that there's no such thing as selflessness, that everyone does everything purely and entirely for selfish reasons, and that kindness is something that doesn't exist. Prove these claims or concede now.They might fight to protect those they deem as important to these other things, but this a development of their primary concerns."Since I have no way of proving my assertion, since I make an unprovable argument, I shall suggest we both end the argument here before someone can point out how flawed my stupid arguments are!"However, neither you nor I have presented any evidence, and we can sit here and bicker until somebody shoves us into the SLAM forum or the colliueseum, and we still won't have gotten anywhere. I suggest we end this discussion now, either by agreeing to disagree or my both conceding our points.
Too late.
My arguements are stupid, his are stupid, the entire thing is stupid. We are talking about morality here, an undefined set of rules and principles that hold no water. It is overtly subjective bullshit to begin with, and as such it is impossible to have an objective debate about it, and a non-objective debate is fundamentally stupid.
As such, the very idea of having such a debate was stupid. We knew this, but we did it anyway. Now asshole, if you don't mind, we need to end this discussion.
EDIT: as a side note:
Cute line.Selfishness2 = Evil?
As for you, Samuel, we need to just end this now. It is entirely a moot point and the arguement is unwinnable for the both of us. Let's just leave it at that.