Sort of, the first book ends with it going somewhere, and then when they finally show up in the third, they journey rather rapidly. None of their journeys seem to take appreciable time, so much as searching for the thing. But it's hard to know from that.Connor MacLeod wrote:I wouldn't assume they travel at that speed all the time - the Necrons in Dark took quite a bit longer to cross the galaxy to reach the place Marduk and the Word Bearers were attacking, as I recall.
It's also possible that the modern 'harvest ships' aren't up to the same standard as those used against the Old Ones.
Well, the Hellforged example is unusual in that it describes them not moving to do so. An interpretation I've considered is that 'folding space' is what happens when their ships phase out, and possibly their troops too.If they're the same FTL system then there are some obvious (but unknown) limitations on FTL speed - one possibvility is fuel/energy reserves or condition of repair. If they aren't the same (and Necrons have more than one kind of fTL) then there must be tradeoffs or limitations to the faster kind of FTL as opposed to the slower.
Note as far as we know the inertialess drive and folding space thing are the same thing, I wouldn't read too much into names or context because there's lots of ways you can do something, and it often depends on how literally you are taking things anyhow.
They also get shot down by relatively crude guns. Though it was nice to see non-imperial humans in a starring role, which gains the book a lot of credit with me.There was also the Undying in Hellforged, which has to be to date one of the most underwhelming representations of Necrons ever (200 or so Space Marines plus a few thousand Mechanicus taking on a Necron tomb world, Necron weapons which seem to do damage far less than typical,
Indeed I do.sometimes even doing thermal damage, and Necrons with circuit boards in their skulls - or something to that effect.) Although in Hellforged's defense I imagine you could argue that Necron Lord as being a total lunatic as well.
The circuit boards don't bother me so much; we've seen the Deceiver assemble necrons out of Imperium of Man parts (Skopios Incident), so it's a fair bet that they can be made out of less developed technology. Given the relatively limited nature of the necrons in Hellforged, I suspect that they are backwards compared to the normal ones.
Recall that bit with the Necron Loony's throne room being floored in necrons hammered flat? Perhaps that's what happened to their original bodies!
I've mixed feelings about Hellforged in general.