The Earth-Minbari war indicates the Minbari weren't all that hot on sending out hails and why in Valen's name should any of the hails they're not likely to send to begin with mention wedges given nobody in the B5 universe knows what they are in the first place?
I suspect he means that it will alert them to the fact that there are ships there, but there are no wedges on the scopes, therefore the other ships do not employ wedges.
Honorverse ships are not designed like, do not really resemble, or operate on similar principles to B5 ships. On encountering unknown spaceships of an unfamiliar design, the logical assumption is that they are previously unencountered aliens. The logical thing to do when meeting aliens for the first time is to try and talk.
Whether they could understand, recieve, or even detect the other's transmissions is another matter. The Minbari use a tachyon-based sensor and communication system, the Manties use gravity pulses at long range, radio at short, and lasers when they want their communications to be secure.
barnest2 wrote:she always seems to win through very poor tactics that could be beaten by anyone with true military knowledge. Admiral Nimitz, for instance, would defeat her with his eyes closed.
Examples? I'm really curious, but I haven't seen enough of the books (reading the 5th currently.)
Actually, 90% of Honor's tactics are some variation on "Ambush." Sometimes she sneaks up on her enemy, sometimes she suprises them with a technology or other capability they didn't know she had, sometimes she's just plan deceptive. That's fine, deception is the first art of war, and all that, but her only other plan seems to involve a self-sacrifical run to prove she has more balls than any of the male characters.
In what's either the most subtle thing David Weber has ever done, or completly unintended and just showing his biases and thought-processes, it's completly understandable how she became that way, serving the same role for Hemphill in the first book and with Sarnow doing the same thing in the third.
Anyway, the war games in the first book she's the "superweapon" sneaking up on Capital ships by depowering her drives then killing them and running. Hancock, they also 'lie doggo' (drives down) to ambush the Haven fleet, with their new missile pods, then they use prepositioned drones (previously only used as another missile baffle) to give the impression of reinforcements, allowing them time to escape. Second Yeltsin, she managed to convince the Haven commanders that her SuperDreadnaughts were, in fact, Battlecruisers towing pods (because of the higher accel allowed by Grayson-style compensators.) Hades, she managed to slip a small fleet into point-blank range, using thrusters, careful positioning, and apparently Ursarker E. Creed. The whole Q-ship escapade was entirely about luring ships to their doom, by giving an innocent looking freighter more firepower than an SD, and it mostly worked. In War of Honor, she hides an allied fleet in Hyperspace. And almost every time she loses, it's because her enemies turn her own tactics against her.
Actually, most of the major events of the war could be described as ambushes or sneak attacks of one kind or another, by one side or another. It seemed to be the only way Haven could ever win.