Book 37: the Weakness
Jake is out of town, but the other Animorphs get solid intel on where to find Visser Three's new feeding ground, so they set out to ambush and assasinate him. To facilitate this, everyone morphs cheetahs, but a blue blur runs rings around them, casually foiling the attack.
This is the special Inspector for the Council of Thirteen, here to check up on Visser Three's progress after he got caught lying to the Council about having killed those pesky Andalite bandits. Continuity! The Inspector's host is a Garatron, the newest race the Yeerks are in the process of subjugating. It's... exactly like an Andalite, without stalk eyes or a tail blade, and with a somewhat different shaped head (the Garatron's is described as being like a racing bike helmet) and all the powers of the Flash. As has never seen or heard of such a species so we have what I think is a sci-fi first, convergent evolution used to explain why the
alien has a bizarro duplicate rather than why the universe is populated by humans with funny ears. The Inspector is not very impressed with the Andalite bandits Visser Three has blamed every delay and setback on, and the kids escape while the Yeerks bicker like a married couple.
Back at the barn, the Animorphs decide this is a great opportunity to further discredit Visser Three and maybe get him replaced with a less dangerous opponent. Or they could get someone who actually understands counter-guerilla tactics. Rachel is named Acting Leader in Jake's abscence, their plan is to conduct blitzkrieg. Hit every controller-owned business, front, and some houses, create the impression that they are everywhere and attack whereever they want and Visser Three cannot protect his own assests. Rachel is up most of the night before they begin meditating on learning the word hubris in English class, and how she'll have to avoid that. Which she promptly forgets in the morning.
First they hit the local morning news show, with the controller-anchor. Marco wants to take fifteen minutes to recon the studio, since it's somewhere they've never been, but Rachel orders the attack. They go in, wreck the place and tell the anchor to <go home, Yeerk. Go home.> Real intimidating guys. A tour group comes in and the sight of wild animals seemingly about to eat a woman gives an old man a heart attack, so the Animorphs bug out.
They spend the morning hitting various places: bookstore, sports store, office supply store, cigar shop, always with the same pattern: cause some property damage, then seize a controller by the front of the shirt and tell him to go home. After splitting up for a lunch break, they reconvene to plan their most ambitious raid: the Sharing Community Center. Again Marco wants to recon, or maybe skip this one entirely since it has a Yeerk Pool entrance and can get Hork-Bajir reinforcements, but Rachel calls him a coward and orders that they all go in as polar bears for "maximum firepower!"
Fun fact, Polar bears live in or near the Arctic. In that enviroment, they have adapted an incredible ability to survive and function in extreme cold. What they have NOT adapted is the ability to function during a summer afternoon in Southern California (where the last book revealed the series takes place) they overheat, the inspector shows up to casually manhandle them again, and Visser Three morphs a noxious slime monster. The others tumble out a window and flee, but Cassie is captured.
With a ticking clock and unassailable proof that she screwed up, Rachel has a nervous breakdown until Marco tries the "tough love" school of therapy and convinces her they actually have no time for his usual subtle methods (she told Marco he could be in charge now) so she has them steal a plane and fly it into a skyscraper.
I checked, this book was published in 1999. Just... wow.
Okay, the skyscraper is actually empty, no one lives or works there, it's just a cover for a shaft allowing Bug Fighters to access a landing pad in the Yeerk Pool cavern. This raises more question, like who thought a skyscraper in the middle of the downtown area was a good cover for this. Whatever. The kids morph birds and drop down the shaft, preceeded by a hundred tons of flaming wreckage. Cassie is naturally in the Pool in plan sight, chained down while they wait for her to lose her nerve and demorph. The Inspector shows up agian, running over the surface of the Pool to disrupt them, before dashing back to Visser Three's side to call him pathetic. Visser Three challenges the Inspector to capture or slay the Andalite bandits himself, if he thinks it's so easy, and the Inspector does pretty well for himself until Marco tags him with his cobra morph. The Garatron circulation system must be pretty brisk, because the venom takes almost immediate effect. Visser Three lets the Animorphs go because he's too busy taunting the dying Inspector.
As a coda, Rachel goes to the funeral of the old man who died from his heart attack. She tells the trauamatized grandson who was there that she was at the studio and is deeply sorry. Jake shows up, having heard bits and pieces of what happened from the others and wanting the full story from her. She confesses to being a screwy leader, and he consoles her with the notion that there are exactly as many Animorphs now as when they started, and on his worst days he finds that victory enough.
I'm sorry Jake, but you really need to have better rock for your self-worth than that you've never lost one of your soldiers. That's impressive, no doubt, but that might not always be true. Also, how the hell did Visser Three talk his way out of letting the Council's Inspector die? The one sent to find out all the things he's been keeping from them? He
is still under a suspended sentence of death.
Book 38: the Arrival
The Animorphs get caught in a trap, the bait for which is a captured Chee, who was investigating the citie's primary newspaper to see how thoroughly the Yeerks had penetrated it, which is very. Foolish Yeerks, print news is half-dead and fading fast. But this actually has almost nothing to do with the main plot, for in this darkest hour, four Andalites pop out of nowhere and rescue the Animorphs.
Earth is saved! No, no it's not. It seems that 30-ship fleet mentioned in Visser has been sent to the Rakkam Garoo front. What we have here is Unit Zero, a unit that doesn't officially exist, comprised of Andalites listed as KIA, assembled to assasinate Visser Three. Their commander is Arbat, a 'retired' spymaster form the very top of the Andalite Intelligence food-chain, who is also Alloran's brother. Gonrod, the pilot, was charged with cowardice. Aloth, the sniper, was in prison for selling his fallen comrade's organs on the black market (Andalites have a black market?) and Estrid, the girl Ax starts crushing on immediatly, is apparently part of a pilot program testing the feasibility of females in the service. Clearly, Andalite High Command has sent their very best agents on this crucial mission.
After being told the mighty Andalite fleet isn't coming to save the day, the Animorphs fall apart in such an obviously staged manner I called bullshit at the age of nine, but our elite commandoes buy it without question and welcome Ax into their fold.
First, the Andalites infiltrate the Community Center (why does every book suddenly take place there? I'm a huge believe in continuity but this is ridiculous) to snipe Visser Three while he's giving a speech. So far, so good. Except Arbat fires a poorly aimed shot right before Aloth, the team's actual sniper, and give Visser Three enough warning to get off the stage. WHile the team fless, Aloth becomes surrounded and cut off, so Arbat shoots him rather than risk his capture.
This prompts Ax to dig deeper, and he has the Chee hack the ship's computer while he takes Estrid on a date, thus learning that everyone on the ship is listed as dead, except Estrid who doesn't exist. Ax goes to the deck Aloth said was sealed off to save on life support and finds Estrid. It seems she isn't a test program, the Andalite military still requires a Y chromosone (or whatever shape it is in Andalites) also, the ship and unit have a real mission kept scret even from Aloth and Gonrod. Estrid is a science prodigy who has revolutionalized bio-warfare and created a deadly disease the Yeerks cannot cure or counter (the Quantum Virii didn't already do that?) the mission to assasinate Visser Three was a cover for their real mission to kill craploads of Yeerks with illegal weapons. The only reason they haven't already done so is that she hasn't fixed the problem where the virus can spread to a Yeerk's host and mutates to kill that species off to.
Arbat announces his prescence by trapping them both in force-field cages, revealing that he has no intention of waiting to make a virus that won't also wipe out humanity. He gives a true supervillain speech, leaving no dobut that he really is Alloran's brother, before fleeing with evil cackles while the Animorphs demorph and free Ax. They chase Arbat to the Yeerk Pool (through an entrance in the Community Center besides the one we already saw, why should they need multiple entrances?) Just as Arbat in huma morph is about to dump the vial in the Pool, Estrid disintegrates the vial (and his hand) with a Dracon beam before pointing and screaming "Andalite!" and Arbat is eaten by a Taxxon. yay? Gonrod and Tobias burn away part of the ceiling of the Pool cavern to rescue them with the ship, in the process anhilitaing the McDonald's with the Pool entrance.
Estrid and Gonrod go home to report on the mission failure, and the ground situation on Earth, and absolutely not to die in a suspicious shuttle accident or disappear forever. Estrid offers to take Ax with them but he declines, and gives her a cinnamon bun as a parting gift. The ship pulls away into the night and end with Ax crying silently in the night while Cassie holds his hand and the others chatter obliviously.