Cowl, I am getting sick of you spouting this nonsense and your refusal to back up your claims or source them. You have refused my previous request of you to provide a source saying what JMS supposedly said or wrote. You're now ignoring the point I made and casually reinterpreting the entire show to fit your preconceptions. It's time to put up or shut up.
-You've claimed that Vorchans would be wiped out in a fight between Omega-class destroyers; prove this claim or shut the fuck up.
-You've claimed that Sentris would be outclassed by Thunderbolts, or that Thunderbolts are so awesome that they can take out centauri capships by themselves, which is moving the goalposts since you ORIGINALLY stated that Star Furies would triumph. You have not addressed the rebuttal I made on two points: that Captain Sheridan expressly pointed out to his pilots during training that centauri pilots are not only able but willing to perform hard-gee manoeuvres during battles to get into a optimal position, and also Star Furies are by no means hardier than any other typical fighter. Prove your claim via reference to the actual show, or something of equal weight, or shut up. Simply going 'but an RPG book!' isn't going to cut it, unless JMS specifically wrote it. This is usually why RPG or gaming material is ignored, because they make changes for gameplay balance NOT for in-universe consistency.
-You've ignored all the various points other people have listed, such as how quickly a single Vorchan succeeded in destroying a G'quan heavy cruiser in
seconds after jumping out of hyperspace in 'In The Beginning'. Which is even better than my example of two Vorchans taking out the same class of ship in 'Acts of Sacrifice'.
-You still maintain that the centauri needed the Shadows in order to win their war with the narn, as part of the
specific claim that the centauri are not powerful or wouldn't win in a fight against the EA. Thanas rebutted that the real game-changing intel was provided by centauri networks, which shows that even the Shadow's assistance wasn't vital at all.
I could easily argue, based on the episode where Earthforce tries to retake Babylon 5, that the rotating section is one of the sturdiest parts of the Omega Class destroyer. Seeing that it was still rotating, despite the fact that the ship in question was spewing flames from every conceivable part, up until the point where it rammed its opponent.
Another claim you haven't a shred of proof for, and you keep insisting that the rotating section is 'one of the sturdiest parts of the Omega-class'. Here's a line from the XO from that episode, after taking one hit from a Hyperion's beam laser:
'30% damage to rear decks! Major, one more of those and we're going to lose rotation and go zero gravity!'
Also that was an Omega-class destroyer versus a Hyperion cruiser; the Hyperion doesn't have Thunderbolts nor a large hangar bay for embarked fighters, while according to you the Omega's vast fleets of Thunderbolts will allow it to conquer the universe. Funny how Major Ryan didn't tell his Thunderbolts to take out that Hyperion, instead he killed it with his rear heavy guns. Also the Churchill's habitat was still rotating, but so was the ship itself, so that's a bit of a stretch to say 'oh hey it's the sturdiest part of the ship' when the ship was obviously out of control. Because lol, pointing out how sturdy the ship is by referencing one that was heavily damaged and in its death throes is such a winning argument.
A design element which should hint towards the sturdy quality of this alleged 'structural weakpoint'.
This is a load of bullshit that doesn't even address the point I made.
They were incapable of circumventing the Minbari stealth technology, which caused them to eventually lose the war. The war effort itself however led to the accumulation of vast amounts of experience, and raw military data, which eventually resulted in several new ship classes (amongst other things), including the Omega Destroyer. I don't see why you would want to discount such a paradigm shifting event in Earthforce history.
And the point was that the military arm of the Earth Alliance has been heavily reformed since their 'encounter' with the Minbari, not to mention battle-hardened. They're trained to fight a war against unbeatable odds. As a result, they would be more then capable of fighting a war against a Dilgar-esque race bereft of any noteworthy stealth-tech or military gumption.
Earthforce came out stronger from the Earth-Minbari war. Its military apparatus was redesigned to give them a fighting chance against the Minbari. This would be the reason why a standard EA ship is so heavily armed/armored.
I'm going to repeat the above reply with the same:
Actually I'm going to add this quote from Captain Sheridan from '...And now for a word'
'Well with all due respect to Senator Quantrell, and speaking as someone who did his part in the frontlines I have to say we haven't fully recovered from the Minbari War. And we haven't anywhere near the level of technolgy we would need in the event of another major conflict. And anybody who thinks that we can hold our own against the minbari, the centauri, or god forbid the vorlons, is just plain kidding himself.'
Yeah because Star Furies have NEVER exploded after getting hit once.
Omega Class destroyers make use of Thunderbolts. And even if they were carrying Star Furies, these would still be more effective against larger ships than Sentries.
Sentries are mosquitos compared to Minbari fighters. Anti-fighter defenses would make short shrift of them. Thunderbolts are also infinitely more useful than Sentries, as they fully use strafing runs to maximum effect. They're in effect highly maneuverable sentry turrets, having the ability to blast any ship they strafe for the full duration of their run. Sentries on the other hand have only forward pointing guns, with no 360-rotation thrusters, leaving them to strafe with a small window of opportunity to deliver their limited payload.
Sentris were used in 'Acts of Sacrifice' and were seen to be quite manoeuvrable. There is also the previously established line by Sheridan pointing to how centauri pilots are willing to do hard-gees to get into optimal firing solutions through the use of their onboard autopilot system. Something which you have repeatedly failed to address.
And a Vorchan is easily taken out by a couple of Thunderbolts and their anti-ship missiles. Last time I checked, fighters were less expensive than Vorchans. And they're usually brought into a battle, en masse, being standard equipped.
Which episode are you referring to? 'Movements of Fire and Shadow'? That Vorchan was under Drahk remote control; they didn't have a full crew onboard them. In fact, they didn't have any crew onboard - that was the whole point behind the Drahk using automated systems to manipulate everyone into a war with the centauri. LT Corwin also said that its weapon systems were inactive. Also those weren't Thunderbolts you love to wank out to, it wasn't just a 'couple' of them either, it was a squadron of Star Furies. EDIT AND it wasn't 'easy' taking it out too, since it ignored them to do a suicide run on B5's jumpgates, and the squadron destroyed it in the nick of time. You've completely mischaracterised that scene and drawn the wrong conclusions from it. You could just be an idiot, if it weren't for the fact that this was
explicitly mentioned in the episode in question. Basically you are wrong on virtually every count and it is straining my patience.
You're on thin ice here; you've failed to address people's points, rebutted with irrelevant or misleading information (such as the above) and failed to properly reference other rebuttals. That's dishonest debating, and it's against the rules. Specifically, you have violated DR 4 and DR 5 - employing broken record tactics by constantly repeating yourself, and failing to back up the claims you have made. As far as I'm concerned you've demonstrated a capacity for being a useless poster who has already come to the attention of mods on previous occasions. Start shaping up.