Eve vs Superman

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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Themightytom »

gamer wrote:
Themightytom wrote:The cartoon superman is scaled down considerably from the current comic book incarnations, even the Doomsday fight was dialed back, in the comic book Doomsday is jumping hundreds of miles, and Superman's doing damage control the whole time. You really want to decide which superman you want to use, current comic, that one cartoon move, the live action movies or what. I still think Eve is outclassed by all but that one example, and if you put most versions of GL or Flash in she's in over her head.
Forgive me I'm not much of a comic book reader so I don't know too much about superman's abilities but do you have scans of that doomsday fight?

Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman, and Batman all possess mitochondria right? Eve's ability to control mitochondria would probably render them all useless in a fight as their bodies and minds become her slaves.
I don't even know how the copywright laws apply to that but I assume they would give me the thumbs down

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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Batman »

I seriously doubt those scans would provide much of anything useful but I'm reasonably certain they would fall under 'fair use'.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Solauren »

I'm seriously doubting the thread author has reading comprehension and the scans would do anything.

So, on that note.

Kid, listen, and listen closely.

This is a DEBATE board, not a 'wank about our faves and argue' board. We want qualifiable feats we can do a mathematic analysis on.

i.e Range is the range of Eves apparent ability to control Mitochrondria?
What is it's time limit? What are it's demonstrated limiations?
Does she need to maintain line of sight, does it work through materials, does anything interfer with it?
Is it psionic? Is it magic? Is it technological? Can it be blocked, and by what?
How fast do these 'mutations' happen, what is the energy source used, etc.

And, of course What is the source of this information? Game Cut Scences? Novelization? Game Editor/Authors notes posted on his personal website?

At that point, we can do a analysis by each 'version' of Superman.

Oh, and BTW, Superman moving a planet might be borderline insane, but we've seen him do it. Series Finale of Smallville, he flies up into space, and flys Apocalypse away so damn fast, if you yawned, you'd have missed it.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Batman »

Heck back in the Silver Age shoving Earth out of the way was Clark's default method for solving 'imminent asteroid impact' scenarios. They even made fun of that in-universe later. :D
Heck they made fun of that in the DTVs. I give you Justice League:Doom'
Clark:'Maybe I could move the Earth out of the way.'
Me: 'If we had a week I couldn't list all the reasons why this wouldn't work'.
The point being even severely depowered animation Clark thinks he can move planets. Yes, the guy's that insanely powerful.
'Next time I let Superman take charge, just hit me. Real hard.'
'You're a princess from a society of immortal warriors. I'm a rich kid with issues. Lots of issues.'
'No. No dating for the Batman. It might cut into your brooding time.'
'Tactically we have multiple objectives. So we need to split into teams.'-'Dibs on the Amazon!'
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

I think I can answer most of these questions, having played Parasite Eve.
Solauren wrote:i.e Range is the range of Eves apparent ability to control Mitochrondria?
I think the longest range she's ever seen using her powers at is perhaps a few thousand feet, using her ability on the pilots of some low-flying jets. It could be substantially less than that.
What is it's time limit? What are it's demonstrated limiations?
Instantaneous and permanent. Eve looks at someone, or something, or a crowd of someone or somethings and she can almost instantaneously start breaking down their bodies into ooze under her control or turn them into horrible monsters. But it does take a few seconds and there was a single example of someone surviving an attempt to have their mitochondria set them on fire. Yes, Eve uses peoples mitochondria to make people spontaneously combust, too. No, it doesn't make sense.
Does she need to maintain line of sight, does it work through materials, does anything interfer with it?
Based on what's seen in the game, it requires line of sight to have any effect at range, but she seems to infect the mitochondria of things that get close to her just be being around as well.
Is it psionic? Is it magic? Is it technological? Can it be blocked, and by what?
"Magic" is the most apt description. They offer a pseudoscience explaination, but considering people with mitochondria powers are capable of firing magic lasers, lightning bolts and balls of fire, lets just call it magic and not beat around the bush.
How fast do these 'mutations' happen, what is the energy source used, etc.
They happen about this fast:

Typical mass-from-nowhere mutation stuff.
And, of course What is the source of this information? Game Cut Scences? Novelization? Game Editor/Authors notes posted on his personal website?
Game cutscenes, dialogue, that sort of thing. I haven't read the novels, so I can't speak for those.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Eulogy »

I find it funny that as per OP Eve can permanently mind control anyone or any critter she feels like, and can melt herself to move around without anyone finding out. Both those powers ALONE, when given to someone who's not a complete moron, should allow said someone to eventually take over the world. Once everyone but Aya is a slave, he uses the multitude of methods available to him - from poisoning Aya's coffee to dropping her own house on her - to get rid of Aya, thus ensuring that he dominates the world with NOBODY to stop him.

That fact that Eve, who gamer says is a SUPERGENIUS :wanker: didn't do this is very telling of her actual intelligence - especially since she can do much more than just mind control and melting. It should have been just like Let's Be Frank, only without the whole plan taking so long.
Last edited by Eulogy on 2012-04-03 11:49pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

To be fair, Eve was doing a fairly decent job of consuming all life in New York city until they bombed the shit out of the massive monstrosity of biomass she'd created, and then sent Aya down to clean up the mess, as Eve's body survived said explosions.

Eve certainly doesn't display anything resembling super-intelligence in the game though, and spends most of her time fucking around and putting on theatrical shows and impregnating herself with special mitochondria-free sperm so she can have a child that will exceed her own power or some shit it's all pretty dumb and Eve could have easily won if she'd just killed Aya straight up instead of acting like a moustache-twirling villain.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Eulogy »

SilverWingedSeraph wrote:To be fair, Eve was doing a fairly decent job of consuming all life in New York city until they bombed the shit out of the massive monstrosity of biomass she'd created, and then sent Aya down to clean up the mess, as Eve's body survived said explosions.

Eve certainly doesn't display anything resembling super-intelligence in the game though, and spends most of her time fucking around and putting on theatrical shows and impregnating herself with special mitochondria-free sperm so she can have a child that will exceed her own power or some shit it's all pretty dumb and Eve could have easily won if she'd just killed Aya straight up instead of acting like a moustache-twirling villain.
:lol: Well, there goes gamer's claims of Eve being God's Wikipedia. Behold. in-game proof that Eve is a fucking moron whose massive ego gave her a massive Villain Ball. Making a huge wad of flesh in an otherwise lifeless city is basically painting a gigantic bullseye on yourself AND putting up a big neon sign saying something to the effect of I AM AN EVIL MONSTER QUAKE IN FEAR MORTALS.

I predict that while Eve is making a bonfire out of orphans and posing for the camera Supes picks her up and tosses her to Superboy Prime, and before she can even say MEET YOUR GOD Superboy punches her timestream so hard the dinosaurs come back.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

I actually really enjoyed Parasite Eve despite its silliness, or perhaps because of it, and the gameplay mechanics were insanely abuseable, and so it was fun, even though the plot was dumb. But the second I saw this thread I knew it would be awful, 'cause gamer here just goes "Does it have mitochondria? lol then Eve wins" and that's retarded. We never see Eve attempt to take over the mitochondria of any superhumans in Parasite Eve. Except for Aya. And she can't take over Aya.

To assume that it'd be just as easy for her to take over the mitochondria of a superpowered being, as it is to take over the mitochondria of a base human, strikes me as something of no-limits fallacy. Or some sort of fallacy. At the very least, it's screwy logic. We have a sample-size of zero (if you don't count Aya) when it comes to Eve's powers vs. Superhumans, so you must assume, and assumptions are not useful for gathering data or for analysis.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Eulogy »

Well nobody ever said you can't enjoy games that have stupid plots and Snidely Whiplash for a villain. If a piece of entertainment entertains you, then it's done its job. :)

But yeah, gamer has failed miserably in attempting to make Eve a genuine threat to Supes and pals even when he flat out gave Eve Prototype copypasta. But even if Eve had a whole legion of Mercers under her command she'd STILL lose vs. Supes, and that's because Eve is an idiot while Supes (most of the time) isn't. I mean, he learned his lesson with Doomsday, so why WOULDN'T he just chuck Eve's ass into the sun?

The thing is that there wouldn't be a game if Eve was smart. It would be like an Unwinnable Battle at level one vs. several Killtron Dust Mites 3000 and the rest of the disc would be dedicated to a huge movie showing how Eve mind controlled the world into being hers, and then she spends eternity sitting on her flesh mound having orgies with all sorts of mutant sex slaves while her minions spread to the stars and Zerg Rush innocent aliens.


Having fun with insect overlords
1. Find an anthill.
2. Mutate the ants into horrific abominations.
3. Use said horrific abominations to swarm Aya.
4. ???

Feeding the birds
1. find some seagulls or pigeons.
2. Mutate the guts of the birds so instead of passing normal bird shit they now drop RADIOACTIVE ACID FLESH-EATING YOLKS.
3. Have said birds poop on Aya.
4. ???

1. Mind control an engineer into making a small nuke.
2. Cover the nuke with skin.
3. Mail the Nuclear Death Testicle (TM) to Aya's residence.
4. Aya and her place gets vaporized.
5. Make several Fallout sequels and make much profit.

Putting that mitochondria manipulation to good use
1. Shapeshift into some guy Aya would find charming.
2. Seduce Aya.
3. Use the time alone with Aya to infect her with your own patent-pending MEGA-AIDS.
4. Let the MEGA-AIDS kill Aya.
5. Cure actual AIDS and make much profit.

Hot stuff, baby!
1. Turn into liquid. Wizard of Oz references optional.
2. Wait until Aya is surrounded by people. (An elevator, for instance)
3. Light up all those people at once.
4. Aya can't be directly torched by Eve, but she can still be well done by all the other flaming victims.
5. Unfortunately this would destroy the wallets and purses of everyone toasted, so no profits. :(

God kills a kitten
1. Wait until Aya enters a pet shop or an animal shelter.
2. Gooify everthing in there.
3. Use the goo to drown Aya.
4. Raid the cash registers, safes, and bank accounts of the shop or shelter and walk away with some profits.

Eat your heart out Asimov
1. Mind control some guys into making an AWESOME science fiction show.
2. Have Aya watch said show.
3. See Aya's head explode from sheer awesomeness.
4. Reap the show's profits.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Parallax »

Panzersharkcat wrote: Through the power of will or something. Dude's been taken over by being of living fear that ended up nearly blowing up the universe. He can probably handle it in time.
People have tried to transform Hal against his will before. See the previous Green Lantern series wherein Hal was fighting the old gods of Maltus. They tried to turn him into a Guardian and he resisted and turned himself back to normal through sheer force of will. Good luck trying to mutate him when he doesn't want to be.

Likewise, mental control doesn't work. See the start of the current series where even a mental power house such as Hector Hammond couldn't do jack-squat against Hal until Hal purposefully dropped his ring's mental protections.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Parallax »

he learned his lesson with Doomsday, so why WOULDN'T he just chuck Eve's ass into the sun?
When Superman feels he's facing someone of sufficient power and given them a chance to back down and they've refused ... well, we've seen him cut loose and use his powers properly.
And it's scary.

Just ask The Elite (Action Comics #775), who were a blatant rip-off of The Authority and who Kal took down with ease once he stopped playing nice. They out-powered and out-numbered him but he kicked their collective asses once he decided enough was enough.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Erik von Nein »

Uh, you guys do realize that Eve wasn't trying to kill Aya the whole time? Yeah, it was more non-sense "I'll challenge you until you join me!" stuff, but she wasn't attempting to kill Aya until the end.

As far as turning people to goop/turning them into slaves, the only people she did that to were compatible donors, for some reason. Even Aya's partner's son managed to get away from Eve before everyone was goopafied. For anyone else she just tends to torch the fuck out of them, or send monsters.

The jets and when Aya's partner was standing outside the gates of Central Park, the jets, and the helicopter scene at the end are probably the best examples of Eve's range, with line of sight not even being necessary (probably, she was otherwise occupied in Central Park). Certainly not for control of whatever monstrosities she controlled.

The book's kind of vastly different. In it Eve's cells took over two female character's body, as well as hypnotized (through some means) the main character into culturing more of her cells. There were no monsters, no magical flying battles (no real magic in general), and no goopafing people.

In any event, she's boned against Superman.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

Solauren wrote:I'm seriously doubting the thread author has reading comprehension and the scans would do anything.

So, on that note.

Kid, listen, and listen closely.

This is a DEBATE board, not a 'wank about our faves and argue' board. We want qualifiable feats we can do a mathematic analysis on.

i.e Range is the range of Eves apparent ability to control Mitochrondria?
What is it's time limit? What are it's demonstrated limiations?
Does she need to maintain line of sight, does it work through materials, does anything interfer with it?
Is it psionic? Is it magic? Is it technological? Can it be blocked, and by what?
How fast do these 'mutations' happen, what is the energy source used, etc.

And, of course What is the source of this information? Game Cut Scences? Novelization? Game Editor/Authors notes posted on his personal website?

At that point, we can do a analysis by each 'version' of Superman.

Oh, and BTW, Superman moving a planet might be borderline insane, but we've seen him do it. Series Finale of Smallville, he flies up into space, and flys Apocalypse away so damn fast, if you yawned, you'd have missed it.
Actually all of Eve's abilities are posted in the OP. The Scenarios and rules of the battle are also posted there as well.

To answer a few questions there isn't a source that says the exact range of her powers but they seem to be at least in the hundreds of metres, eye-contact doesn't seem to be needed as long as she knows where you are.
There is no time limit once she has established control over your mitochondria she will control you forever or rather until you die and in some cases after death. As for its limitation check the OP.
Its described as a natural biological process there isn't any detail on how she is able to make your own body rebel against you, but there has been no known way to protect yourself from this even fighter pilots flying supersonic jets and naval crewmen in ships with thick plates of armor aren't safe surrounding yourself with metal does nothing as her power doesn't interact with any objects nearby and nothing seems to interfer with her ability to take control, the only way for someone to be safe is to simply be nowhere near Eve when she appears or possess a body that doesn't use mitochondria, and no there has never been a case where someone blocked her power with an object (plus its not like there's a visible mutation laser or anything) whatever means she uses to communicate to your mitochondria it doesn't seem to interact with any objects or radiation.
Mutation like the time it takes to turn a normal dog into a 3-headed plasma breathing hellhound is quick only a few seconds is typically needed. Like most living things Eve's powers come from the massive amount of ATP her cells can generate. As for my sources they come from the Parasite Eve game and movie. Also don't forget that Eve also has complete control over the Blacklight virus as well so things like changing the genetic code of herself and those she infects on the fly is something she can do.

Eve could certainly put Batman to use in scenario 2 and 3 if she takes control over his body and mind she could also infect him with the Blacklight virus similar to how Mercer infected Heller so now she would have the awesome power of batman at her disposal but also infused with the Blacklight virus and Eve's mitochondria making quite the dangerous adversary. Also upon further investigation according to wikipedia in the newest comics Wonder Woman is not molded from Clay but the actual daughter of an Olympian so Eve's powers affecting her are debateable, Eve could potentially still infect her with the Blacklight virus or better yet try to absorb her. I am having my doubts that the Green Lantern's ring will protect him from Eve's mitochondrial powers sure it will probably protect against Blacklight infection but really how is it going to stop an internal rebellion of mitochondria? In scenario 2 and 3 the only way for Eve to take the Flash would be to catch him when he's not moving around at lightspeed, flash's superspeed would render him effectively invisible in a confrontation, but the moment he's not moving he is hers.

Eve functions as the King piece so her best bet is to hide deep underground somewhere and feed an infection on the surface while using various pawns to do her bidding as she will probably be pasted in a direct confrontation with Superman, asymmetrical warfare is her friend.

As for Eve's superintelligence it came from a line in the movie where she stated she was billions of years old and essentially knew everything mankind and the other animals knew as she has been watching and helping them evolve and develop. Unfortunately she is crippled by the idiot ball.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by SilverWingedSeraph »

holy fucking shit can you please include a little more punctuation in your run-on sentences I literally can't bring myself to readhalf the shit you type because the VOICE IN MY HEAD GETS WINDED WHILE TRYING TO READ IT. Commas motherfucker, Jesus.
I am having my doubts that the Green Lantern's ring will protect him from Eve's mitochondrial powers sure it will probably protect against Blacklight infection but really how is it going to stop an internal rebellion of mitochondria?
FUCKING. WILLPOWER. He wills his mitochondria into not being stupid. Bam. That's not even a stretch for a Green Lantern.

But no, seriously, this whole vs. is stupid. Most vs. are stupid, but comic book and video game ones especially because they require a bunch of analysis of things that are difficult or impossible to fucking quantify, and we get shit like this, with you claiming that Eve could totally own all their shit with her mitochondria. Not to mention both have inconsistant portayals of power and the like. End it now, while I can still think of Parasite Eve fondly as an enjoyable game, and not "that thing that gamer guy furiously masturbates over"
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Eulogy »

Don't worry Seraph. I'll pick it apart for you.
Some asswad that gets off on mutation wrote:To answer a few questions there isn't a source that says the exact range of her powers but they seem to be at least in the hundreds of metres, eye-contact doesn't seem to be needed as long as she knows where you are.
So why didn't she have a horde of former bugs maul Aya? If she can magically sense critters why doesn't she just use them to help her dominate instead of jerking off?
There is no time limit once she has established control over your mitochondria she will control you forever or rather until you die and in some cases after death. As for its limitation check the OP.
Again, she could have easily had a huge fuckoff army of disposable horrors to deal with threats like some woman who you can't mutate or enslave and whose blood is deathly toxic to you. She could have many such armies waiting in the wings. Yet she didn't.
Its described as a natural biological process
:lol: SERIOUSLY? Think about this a second. Being enslaved forever, Being turned into hideous abominations that look and act far more like creatures you'd find in comic books and B-movies than in real life. Violating laws of physics. Setting people on fire without starving them into your average Ethiopian first (Where does the energy required to flash fry somebody come from, if it's because she makes them heat themselves up?). Regen Wolverine-style and making mass appear out of nowhere. Resurrecting the dead. All of these are the result of natural processes? You don't know jack shit about nature, son.
there isn't any detail on how she is able to make your own body rebel against you, but there has been no known way to protect yourself from this even fighter pilots flying supersonic jets and naval crewmen in ships with thick plates of armor aren't safe surrounding yourself with metal does nothing as her power doesn't interact with any objects nearby and nothing seems to interfer with her ability to take control, the only way for someone to be safe is to simply be nowhere near Eve when she appears or possess a body that doesn't use mitochondria, and no there has never been a case where someone blocked her power with an object (plus its not like there's a visible mutation laser or anything) whatever means she uses to communicate to your mitochondria it doesn't seem to interact with any objects or radiation.
So blow her up from orbit as it's the only way to be sure. Or nuke her. Or shell her with artillery fire from beyond the horizon. Or gas her with a witch's brew of the nastiest poisons you have (She wasn't immune to blood, after all). You make it sound as if the military would be completely helpless against an Eve that is stupid and showing off, which they aren't.
Mutation like the time it takes to turn a normal dog into a 3-headed plasma breathing hellhound is quick only a few seconds is typically needed.
Why aren't the ENTIRELY NATURAL PROCESSES :roll: killing the dog outright? Hell, why not have any attempt to mutate an animal that quickly simply result in a very dead soup of goo and twisted body parts? Even insect metamorphosis take weeks at least, and that's for a small insect whose genes entirely support the transformation, and even then the insect has to feed and prepare for said metamorphosis so it doesn't starve, get eaten etc.
Like most living things Eve's powers come from the massive amount of ATP her cells can generate.
Again, no understanding of how biology works. This is what ATP is. It is not something exclusive to X-men.
As for my sources they come from the Parasite Eve game and movie.
The same sources that have Eve acting like a retarded drunken frat boy who secretly wants the admiration of his peers?
Also don't forget that Eve also has complete control over the Blacklight virus as well so things like changing the genetic code of herself and those she infects on the fly is something she can do.
That you gave her by author fiat for the purposes of this vs. with no explanation as to how she could have made this virus her bitch, and not the other way around, or how she got the virus in the first place. When people smarter than you make vs. topics, they don't arbitrarily give one side assets or superpowers from A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FRANCHISE. That would be like giving the Federation the entire technology of the Imperium Of Mankind so they can stand a better chance of not getting assraped by the Empire. Spoilers: it still won't help them, because the Federation is retarded, just like Eve is.
Eve could certainly put Batman to use in scenario 2 and 3 if she takes control over his body and mind she could also infect him with the Blacklight virus similar to how Mercer infected Heller so now she would have the awesome power of batman at her disposal but also infused with the Blacklight virus and Eve's mitochondria making quite the dangerous adversary. Also upon further investigation according to wikipedia in the newest comics Wonder Woman is not molded from Clay but the actual daughter of an Olympian so Eve's powers affecting her are debateable, Eve could potentially still infect her with the Blacklight virus or better yet try to absorb her. I am having my doubts that the Green Lantern's ring will protect him from Eve's mitochondrial powers sure it will probably protect against Blacklight infection but really how is it going to stop an internal rebellion of mitochondria? In scenario 2 and 3 the only way for Eve to take the Flash would be to catch him when he's not moving around at lightspeed, flash's superspeed would render him effectively invisible in a confrontation, but the moment he's not moving he is hers.
Clean the sticky stuff off your keyboard and try again. Like I said, if she was smart she'd just enslave everybody without them knowing, no Blacklight required. But no, this SUPERGENIUS :wanker: has to show off and get herself thrown into the sun. Besides, I could just as easily say that the Green Lanterns come to Earth and cleanse the virus and Eve's influence out of everyone using their rings, or Zatanna uses her sdrawkcab cigam to turn Eve into a cantaloupe.
Eve functions as the King piece so her best bet is to hide deep underground somewhere and feed an infection on the surface while using various pawns to do her bidding as she will probably be pasted in a direct confrontation with Superman, asymmetrical warfare is her friend.
Until Batman deduces where she is, Or Superman literally bores through the planet at a gazillion miles per hour and finds her much more quickly than expected. But even your cunning plan supposes that Eve is smarter than your average comic book vampire.
As for Eve's superintelligence it came from a line in the movie where she stated she was billions of years old and essentially knew everything mankind and the other animals knew as she has been watching and helping them evolve and develop. Unfortunately she is crippled by the idiot ball.
Too bad she never remotely demonstrates even once her SUPERGENIUS. :wanker: She doesn't make plans, instead doing shit because it tickled her fancy. She doesn't hide and make slaves, letting them do things that she openly can't. She doesn't slime into the abodes of those who could stop her (like Aya) and drown them with her goo body. She doesn't raise massive armies and let them take over the world by force. Hell, she doesn't control the world like the Illuminati, pulling strings from behind the shadows. Yet we know that she shames Einstein because of one line from the movie of the game, that she spoke, and we have no reason to believe that she might be lying?

Face it, Your precious Elder Goddess is nothing more than the Villain Of The Week to Supes, and he will dispose of her like he disposed of all the other villains. Blacklight won't make a damned bit of difference.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

Eulogy wrote:Don't worry Seraph. I'll pick it apart for you.
Some asswad that gets off on mutation wrote:To answer a few questions there isn't a source that says the exact range of her powers but they seem to be at least in the hundreds of metres, eye-contact doesn't seem to be needed as long as she knows where you are.
So why didn't she have a horde of former bugs maul Aya? If she can magically sense critters why doesn't she just use them to help her dominate instead of jerking off?
There is no time limit once she has established control over your mitochondria she will control you forever or rather until you die and in some cases after death. As for its limitation check the OP.
Again, she could have easily had a huge fuckoff army of disposable horrors to deal with threats like some woman who you can't mutate or enslave and whose blood is deathly toxic to you. She could have many such armies waiting in the wings. Yet she didn't.
Its described as a natural biological process
:lol: SERIOUSLY? Think about this a second. Being enslaved forever, Being turned into hideous abominations that look and act far more like creatures you'd find in comic books and B-movies than in real life. Violating laws of physics. Setting people on fire without starving them into your average Ethiopian first (Where does the energy required to flash fry somebody come from, if it's because she makes them heat themselves up?). Regen Wolverine-style and making mass appear out of nowhere. Resurrecting the dead. All of these are the result of natural processes? You don't know jack shit about nature, son.
there isn't any detail on how she is able to make your own body rebel against you, but there has been no known way to protect yourself from this even fighter pilots flying supersonic jets and naval crewmen in ships with thick plates of armor aren't safe surrounding yourself with metal does nothing as her power doesn't interact with any objects nearby and nothing seems to interfer with her ability to take control, the only way for someone to be safe is to simply be nowhere near Eve when she appears or possess a body that doesn't use mitochondria, and no there has never been a case where someone blocked her power with an object (plus its not like there's a visible mutation laser or anything) whatever means she uses to communicate to your mitochondria it doesn't seem to interact with any objects or radiation.
So blow her up from orbit as it's the only way to be sure. Or nuke her. Or shell her with artillery fire from beyond the horizon. Or gas her with a witch's brew of the nastiest poisons you have (She wasn't immune to blood, after all). You make it sound as if the military would be completely helpless against an Eve that is stupid and showing off, which they aren't.
Mutation like the time it takes to turn a normal dog into a 3-headed plasma breathing hellhound is quick only a few seconds is typically needed.
Why aren't the ENTIRELY NATURAL PROCESSES :roll: killing the dog outright? Hell, why not have any attempt to mutate an animal that quickly simply result in a very dead soup of goo and twisted body parts? Even insect metamorphosis take weeks at least, and that's for a small insect whose genes entirely support the transformation, and even then the insect has to feed and prepare for said metamorphosis so it doesn't starve, get eaten etc.
Like most living things Eve's powers come from the massive amount of ATP her cells can generate.
Again, no understanding of how biology works. This is what ATP is. It is not something exclusive to X-men.
As for my sources they come from the Parasite Eve game and movie.
The same sources that have Eve acting like a retarded drunken frat boy who secretly wants the admiration of his peers?
Also don't forget that Eve also has complete control over the Blacklight virus as well so things like changing the genetic code of herself and those she infects on the fly is something she can do.
That you gave her by author fiat for the purposes of this vs. with no explanation as to how she could have made this virus her bitch, and not the other way around, or how she got the virus in the first place. When people smarter than you make vs. topics, they don't arbitrarily give one side assets or superpowers from A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FRANCHISE. That would be like giving the Federation the entire technology of the Imperium Of Mankind so they can stand a better chance of not getting assraped by the Empire. Spoilers: it still won't help them, because the Federation is retarded, just like Eve is.
Eve could certainly put Batman to use in scenario 2 and 3 if she takes control over his body and mind she could also infect him with the Blacklight virus similar to how Mercer infected Heller so now she would have the awesome power of batman at her disposal but also infused with the Blacklight virus and Eve's mitochondria making quite the dangerous adversary. Also upon further investigation according to wikipedia in the newest comics Wonder Woman is not molded from Clay but the actual daughter of an Olympian so Eve's powers affecting her are debateable, Eve could potentially still infect her with the Blacklight virus or better yet try to absorb her. I am having my doubts that the Green Lantern's ring will protect him from Eve's mitochondrial powers sure it will probably protect against Blacklight infection but really how is it going to stop an internal rebellion of mitochondria? In scenario 2 and 3 the only way for Eve to take the Flash would be to catch him when he's not moving around at lightspeed, flash's superspeed would render him effectively invisible in a confrontation, but the moment he's not moving he is hers.
Clean the sticky stuff off your keyboard and try again. Like I said, if she was smart she'd just enslave everybody without them knowing, no Blacklight required. But no, this SUPERGENIUS :wanker: has to show off and get herself thrown into the sun. Besides, I could just as easily say that the Green Lanterns come to Earth and cleanse the virus and Eve's influence out of everyone using their rings, or Zatanna uses her sdrawkcab cigam to turn Eve into a cantaloupe.
Eve functions as the King piece so her best bet is to hide deep underground somewhere and feed an infection on the surface while using various pawns to do her bidding as she will probably be pasted in a direct confrontation with Superman, asymmetrical warfare is her friend.
Until Batman deduces where she is, Or Superman literally bores through the planet at a gazillion miles per hour and finds her much more quickly than expected. But even your cunning plan supposes that Eve is smarter than your average comic book vampire.
As for Eve's superintelligence it came from a line in the movie where she stated she was billions of years old and essentially knew everything mankind and the other animals knew as she has been watching and helping them evolve and develop. Unfortunately she is crippled by the idiot ball.
Too bad she never remotely demonstrates even once her SUPERGENIUS. :wanker: She doesn't make plans, instead doing shit because it tickled her fancy. She doesn't hide and make slaves, letting them do things that she openly can't. She doesn't slime into the abodes of those who could stop her (like Aya) and drown them with her goo body. She doesn't raise massive armies and let them take over the world by force. Hell, she doesn't control the world like the Illuminati, pulling strings from behind the shadows. Yet we know that she shames Einstein because of one line from the movie of the game, that she spoke, and we have no reason to believe that she might be lying?

Face it, Your precious Elder Goddess is nothing more than the Villain Of The Week to Supes, and he will dispose of her like he disposed of all the other villains. Blacklight won't make a damned bit of difference.
In the Parasite Eve universe magic is natural biological processes like making people generate so much energy they explode in a ball of fire, and ATP functions like mana. I know real-life biology, but this isn't real-life is it?

Why Eve couldn't take over the world in Parasite Eve? In game personally taking over the world was never her goal, her goal was to just get pregnant. I know silly, but the reason she acted the way she did was because she was obsessed with getting pregnant.

Nuking Eve from orbit this might work but again the goal is to save the city not kill it.

Now I agree with everything you said about Eve's poor decision making skills with her powers she should be able to easily take over the world but she was given the idiot ball.

As for Blacklight taking her over would it really matter who's in control? Now that I think about it someone like the totally insane Greene would make a much better villain. Greene at least knows not to make herself too visible (she was even capable of making an entire town of infected appear completely normal for an entire year) and can raise massive armies fairly quickly and actually acts more like a competent general (went from Terry Schiavo level of intelligence to general in days) than a bitch in heat someone like Aya wouldn't have a chance in hell in stopping her.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Revy »

I've only ever played Parasite Eve 2 myself, but I'm pretty sure you fight Eve as the final boss in that. She can fly, teleport, shoot magic and make duplicates of herself. I killed her with a 9mm pistol. I've heard someone say they did the same with a baton. She never struck me as that impressive. Maybe they scaled her down for the second game ... though usually sequels do the opposite when it comes to the main villain.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by gamer »

I guess to sum everything up

In scenario 2 I don't know if Eve can possess batman things might start going south.
Didn't batman take on Darkseid before as well?
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Panzersharkcat »

And he got his ass kicked, if you referring to the storyline in Batman/Superman where Darkseid kidnaps Supergirl. The only reason he didn't get completely splattered was because Batman threatened to blow up the friggin' planet and Darkseid thought he meant it.

EDIT: Incidentally, even if it's from Countdown, this is what happens if Batman fights a Kryptonian who's actually trying. True, he was distracted, but it doesn't change the fact that he should go splat against Superman if he ever bothered ever to try.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Simon_Jester »

gamer wrote:
Face it, Your precious Elder Goddess is nothing more than the Villain Of The Week to Supes, and he will dispose of her like he disposed of all the other villains. Blacklight won't make a damned bit of difference.
In the Parasite Eve universe magic is natural biological processes like making people generate so much energy they explode in a ball of fire, and ATP functions like mana. I know real-life biology, but this isn't real-life is it?

Why Eve couldn't take over the world in Parasite Eve? In game personally taking over the world was never her goal, her goal was to just get pregnant. I know silly, but the reason she acted the way she did was because she was obsessed with getting pregnant.
Why would she act any smarter, or be any harder to beat, while fighting Superman?

Sure, she talks a good game, and the theoretical limits of her powers might be impressive, but she doesn't have the brains or ambition to make the most of them- if she did, she'd do it, not just talk about how she can do it.

So just cool down and realize that Parasite Eve is just another video game, not the ultimate presentation of THE GODDESS. Thrown at characters with a long history of 'making their save' against weird mutagenic powers, shapeshifters, and people with hordes of mind-controlled minions... she's really nothing out of the ordinary for them.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Batman »

Heck, take the battle from Hush's 'The Battle'. Clark is under Ivy's mind control and is fighting himself as much as he's fighting me, I pull out all the stops []including[/i] using the kryptonite ring... and I barely manage to slow him down.
But gamer, who naturally knows the DC Universe far better than any of us (despite earlier having stated that he barely knows it at all) has, from one picture that doesn't tell us much of anything other than a guy in a Batman suit is fighting someone who looks like the Kryptonian Icon, cleverly deduced that if I were under Eve's control I would somehow turn the tables.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Solauren »

Also, we have established that Superman is immune to most biological attacks.

i.e Poison Ivy can't affect him unless her spores are laced with Green-K. This has also been demonstrated against any number of opponents that use biological attacks. Kryptonain biology is either too alien (if vs a Earth based villian), or to powerful (alien villian) to affect.

Superman is going to curb stomb Eve. And if he wants to, he'll make her like it first.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Ellindsey »

Does superman even have mitochondria?

I'm serious. Kryptonian biology works in ways different than human biology. Mitochondria break down carbohydrates to make energy. Superman gets his energy from yellow sunlight. His cellular metabolism is probably using something completely different from mitochondria to generate energy. Is there any reason to think that biological control powers that work by manipulating a particular quirk of earth-based multi-cellular life will work on a life form from a completely different biological origin?

Assuming Kyrptonians are a completely different biological origin, that is. I'm not up on the latest DC canon.
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Re: Eve vs Superman

Post by Panzersharkcat »

Batman wrote:Heck, take the battle from Hush's 'The Battle'. Clark is under Ivy's mind control and is fighting himself as much as he's fighting me, I pull out all the stops including using the kryptonite ring... and I barely manage to slow him down.
Not to mention frying him with all the electrical output of Metropolis.
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