Me2005 wrote:Actually, that whole thing is a super-questionable design. The DS/DSII had massive surface batteries and presumably could've swatted any fleet that engaged it just by virtue of being immune to any weapon in that fleet. Shoot, we see the DSII basically ram the largest ship in the galaxy (at the time) and it doesn't even scratch the paint.
I seem to remember a massive fireball erupting from the surface, but yes, the Death Stars have tremendous resistance to damage from normal ship attacks.
But a planet? That doesn't seem even completely colonized? I guess it's got a huge shield (the MF needed to hyperjump in the atmosphere after all), but it still seems.. Less impressive. I don't know, maybe a different kind of engagement would have made it seem tougher, but the rebels didn't seem to have any trouble with their fighters (other than from TIEs) getting close once they got the shield down.
I'd say that in terms of being effective
against a fighter attack, Starkiller Base's defenses compare pretty well against the first Death Star's, if only because the guys commanding it were smart enough to actually launch their TIEs.
As you mention, Starkiller Base's shields were taken out of the picture before the battle even began, and might well have done a lot to increase the base's resistance to attack.
That said, I think it's key to understand that given its intended strategic role, Starkiller Base doesn't
need massive defenses to take on fleets of conventional warships. Its strongest defense is being about to destroy any target in the galaxy, without being located and attacked at all. It's like a ballistic missile submarine that can manufacture more of its own nuclear missiles. Sure, it can't sink a carrier battlegroup in a 'fair fight.' But it doesn't
need to be able to sink enemy aircraft carriers to be massively, apocalpytically dangerous.
So... Yeah. Long story short: Planetoid hyper-missiles land inside the SKB shield and blow up all the important stuff; if SKB even gets a shot off Planetoid hypers out of the way, game over.
Honestly yeah, good chance of this happening, unless Starkiller Base goes into hyperspace
first. If they get away into hyperspace then the Imperium planetoid will never see them again, because Star Wars hyperdrive is a lot faster.