The point you're missing is that you don't need to be in the system to know the effect an object has on the slipstream. Jeger could have been in any one of thousands of systems yet they were able to detect him through slipstream. We have all ready seen that wormholes like the one from Tunnel affect slipstream.
They detected Jaeger through his PSP though, didn't they? Did they detect the wormhole that way?
Any reason they would search for it?
The tunnel pretty much fits the definition and popular description of a wormhole. It managed to connect two points in space together and allow passage between them. Unless you want to place Star Wars in the same universe as the Commonwealth; which case the Commonwealth can ignore wormholes in favor of just slipstreaming. Mentioning the thread starter has listed slipstream as a valid way to reach the other powers.
Why would I want to do either, there are many things that do the same thing but by a wormhole.
The only thing that tunnel had in common with the wormholes we've seen is that it connected two points.
We'd need to define what sort of wormhole and if it should have any effect or where it is, what if it can only exist near a gravitaional extreme like a Black hole?
Now prove Star Wars has anything on the order of the power of a nova bomb cubed like Roseanne and I'll agree with you.
Gravshock devices can disrupt entire planets when powered by an Executor class vessel, power one with an Eclipse or Deathstar and almost certanly have enough power, thats one way, we also know they have blackhole furnaces and in NJO they studied Dovin Basals and where able to create black holes with their regular gravity well generators(though this is not applicable I know).
Ofcourse that is assuming a simple superlaser shot wouldn't do it.
1) You really think the Commonwealth will nova bomb a few systems and then stop? Then five the Empire time to plan before hitting more. The High Guard alone has over 60,000 of one variant of Shrike fighter and All Systems says several variants were made. That would be 60,000+ fighters, each of which can be carrying a nova bomb to an Imperial system. Then you have 150,000 capital ships in the High Guard DSXs, DSA, XMCs, or GDFs all capable of carrying nova bombs. Since nova bombs can be fitted to a small two man fighter most patrol craft can probably be armed with them. The Empire could easily lose on the extreme low end 100,000+ systems in a first strike.
No, I think they could take out a few(and since they have no real way of knowing the important worlds it's not that big a risk, the wormhole will be blockaded already by SW forces) then they'd start facing problems as they enter systems.
It's very likely any attack will have to fight through a blockade.
If the Highguard sends anywhere near such many ships they'd also have internal conflicts at home, most notably I think the Nietzscheans would take advantage and try and close the wormhole and create their vaunted Nietzschean Empire.
Ofcourse I see no reason in the first place for the CW to try and Nova bomb it's enemies in the first place, since the Empire is most likely not going to attack them, if there are no direct ways to each other like this: ... laxies.jpg
then they probably meet in other galaxies, and what would we have then from the CW perspective?
We'd have a galaxy or two, that are facing invasions by another unknown enemy of high strenght, what should they do?
Should they fight to save these two galaxies, or just one, or parts of it/them?
Or jump in on the conquering and hope to keep it without fight after the galaxy is split up, or defend the people, or make themselves scarce and not attract attention to themselves maybe get a few nice techs before leaving and blowing up the wormhole and securing their rear?
Maybe they'd get new tech like FTL communication wich could revolutionize the galaxy and might prevent the long night since one major issue of the long night was that communication broke down and information was lost.
I honestly think they'd look it at pragmatically and make a very quick very fast mission of acquiring new tech and then leaving, this would not be what Dylan would have done though, but it's the most practical issue, maybe even the majority of the CW citizens won't ever know about the wormholes or what could have happened.
*snip* So any ships guarding will have at most only 5 minutes to respond to an attack that might be anywhere. It takes time to detect someone, maneuver to intercept, and then plot a jump. If you have multiple attackers coming in from a few different directions you are screwed.
Simply have a few ships around the star, or make missile platforms with hyper-equipped missiles that'll take care of most of it simply by having pre-set coordinates that'll cover most of the system in spheres of a few thousand KM's they can get around the problems of calculating jumps.
These missiles could be equipped with any manner of warheads, plausibly heavy Baradium warheads(imagine a glowing sphere 2000km+ in diameter that'll destroy anything inside it) or fusion(not nuclear) warheas made in similar manner as reactr cores on smaller ships, they could take out nearly anything within thousands of kilometers, the MF in the Flamewind of Oseon would have destroyed anything within a 1000km if it's reactor had overloaded, making missiles or mines like this that are hyper in around the target would severely fuck up chances.
Or a bit more extreme, create a linked network of shields to cover the stars or large portions of them, this is not an unfeasible thing, resource hungry perhaps but not unfeasible.
Or if the need is dire, Centrepoint station can evacuate entire planets by sending them through hyperspace, there are also known to be planets that have their own hyper-engines(Zonama Sekot being the prime example).
And they would detect the gravity anomaly created by a slipstream portal at once, and after a few systems been hit, they'll be on alert all the time.
3) Furthermore by opening slipstream portals the nova bomb carrying vessels can prevent anyone from using hyperspace. Without microjumps a SW vessel has no chance of catching and intercepting a HG vessel when they only have a few minutes.
Can prevent anyone from within how big a reach? a star system is very large, and the disruption is not going to last long.