Project Phoenix, Longbow.Initial tests of the 12C's weapon systems proved the 'Mech could simultaneously engage both fast-moving aircraft as well as slower ground-based targets with ease. In fact, actual battlefield reports indicate the system is even better than originally thought-with some believing the Martin-Quarry system is better than the highly acclaimed Garret D2j and Spar 3c computers put together. At the very least, field reports regularly show MechWarriors successfully engaging targets well outside of typical combat ranges, a fact the 12C's users are doing their best not to advertise.
Proof that mech weapons do fire and can hit targets at much longer ranges than Btech ranges.
TRO 3058, LongbowThe 7Q shares with its 0W model predecessor an antiaircraft targeting and tracking system widely considered to be one of the best in the Inner Sphere.
The Longbow was designed to act as a heavy support unit for assault groups. With its long range missiles it is capable of standing off at long range and launching a devastating preparatory attack against enemy positions and cities.
The Longbow is a late model BattleMech that utilizes the 0/P 1560 Laser Directed Missile Targeting and Tracking System. Using a Locust or Flea equipped with the targeting system as a spotter, the Longbow is capable of acquiring a target that it cannot see and delivering a barrage of missiles with the same accuracy as if it had sighted the target visually. This ability has made the Longbow a dreaded opponent.
Stardate: LongbowThe Longbow is half of a very effective 'hunter-killer’ team, with specially equipped Fleas or Locusts as the hunters and the Longbow as the killer. In tactical usage the light ’Mech searches out enemy units and pinpoints their location with its laser-directed targeting system. The Longbow then strikes, its long-range missiles guided to the target by the unseen laser beam.
Describes how the indirect LRM fire works. Also demonstrates that laser guided systems exist as a "normal" sensory function of certain mechs(Phelan Wolfhound similarly possess this ability. Certain aerospace fighters are also described to have similar sensors)
As such, TAG and its use for semi-guided LRMs is probably not just the simple laser guided PGMs now in use.