Evangelion VS. Gundam

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Who would win?

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Gundam (Chose a series)
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Post by Darth_Shinji »

The daimond angel was never said t have the strongest atfield they have so far. Mearly one strong enought to show impressions in the air. Considering that we see stronger at-feilds that don't do that. We really don't know how strong the at-feild was compared to the others even before it.
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Post by Mr Bean »

May I point out something you fokes forgot?


Gundum in about any serious(Escilly Wing) can bring 10k Moble Suits to bear and overwhel the Eve's

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Post by SylasGaunt »

Darth Fanboy wrote:youre right on the episode being wrong but the quote still stands and the Angels regenerated.
And that's only because the JSDF was stupid enough to sit around for a friggin week or two and let it.
How in the hell are you going to infect the Eva with the DG Cells though? You have to be able to do that first, which I don't think a gundam could do before getting crunched.
Bardiel didn't seem to have any problem getting its mits on one, and they were certainly afraid Ireul would IIRC.

Assuming the Eva doesn't jsut step to the side, this big bad bass Twin Buster Rifle has not been used on any moving Targets. It has been used effectively on colonys, the falling Libra Battleship, and the base in EW. None of those targets were moving. Its most practical use in battle is not in the large charged up shots, which a mobile suit with an intelligent pilot would dodge. Assuming the Eva pilot knows that the Gundam Pilot has the Buster rifle, it will not sit idly while the Gundam charges its shot.[/QUOTE]

We've seen the original wing gundam shoot down MS's with its buster rifle. And an Eva is:

A.) A big target
B.) How would the Eva pilot know this?
C.) What makes you think it can avoid it considering how long it took Rei to get into blocking position of Unit-01 when Ramiel fired?

You're also assuming the Eva won't have it's attention distracted by other mobile suits.
It still stands that the GM Sniper and the Ez8 won the battle. That "big enough gun" takes a while to fire, especially repetitive shot. The Eva would have to DODGE (yes Evas can evade attacks) and then move in while the gun was recharging.
Really? Well they certainly don't seem to take advantage of that much now do they? And the GM Sniper and Ez8 won the battle because of a set of specific circumstances the Evas will not be able to replicate.
An Eva is fast enough to get there, and large enough so that it could probably kick the thing aside. or step on it.
Wrong. The only speed rating we have on the Apsalus put it at Mach 11.
Berserker Eva 01 would have a field day once it got in close enough.
The Apsalus main weapon was only shown effective on stationary targets once again. Notice the mobile suits make much of an attempt to evade and the Federation Big Tray really couldn't move either.
Notice all the mobile suits that got carved up, or the precise line cut inbetween them and the Apsalus? It certainly didn't seem to have any targeting problems there.

There's also the matter of the mountain it vaporized a rather huge chunk of, and the fact that any Eva avoiding the Apsalus' fire is going to be exposing NERV HQ.. hell they may just target that since that'll handily take out the Eva's support base.
But after the Antarctic treaty none of them did. If we're sitting back and able to use every bit of tech and special ability availiable then the eva series from EoE simply regenerated after Asuka's attack on them they could just bounce back and regenerate every time.
Except you folks have already brought in the MP evas. And their regeneration is entirely dependant on the S2 organ.. something Asuka wasn't taking out. Nor did she just take out their control center by hitting the dummy plug.

That's not what Misato meant, She could have called the Eva transport plane and had it come back to pick him up if she thought there was any danger.
Provided their was enough time for it to come pick him up after he dropped her off. Considering Shinji was arresting it's pace somewhat he was playing a part in the operation.
That ANgel did not kick the shit out of Unit 1, even though it ripped off a limb Shinji had it beat until the power ran out, then berserker mode kicked in ...and we know the story from there.
And if Zeruel hadn't been such a fucking dumbshit and actually fought intelligently Shinji and Unit-01 would have been toast.. and if getting a limb torn off and having your chest blasted open isn't getting the shit kicked out of you then what is?
Not only did the Angel shrug off the N2, but Rei's Eva appeared to have hardly any damage except for the Angel's attack afterwards.
And you're basing this on.... what exactly? All we see aside from the head section after Zeruel spikes her is a sillohuette and she certainly wasn't doing any of the dodging or weaving you're claiming the evas can do.

It can also be contended that when Misato and Commander Ikari yelled at Rei not to attack it wasn't the N2 mine that scared them, but the fact she was going into battle in a damaged Unit 0, not because she was going to be at the epicenter of an N2 explosion.
Oh bull. That scene clearly shows them worrying about the N2, and
Show me some proof that the Devil Gundam itsel fcould catch it without the thing going right through it, the Lance had to do a bit more than just pierce the AT field.
Pardon but that's all it had to do that was special at all. The fake one piercing Unit-02 and it piercing the rather insubstantial Ariel was just being a spear. And that thing has to stop somewhere you know, it's not like the Devil Gundam has to stand of it in mid-throw to get it.
Of course all the DEvil gundam would have to do is move out of the way, the Lance is not an effective weapon in that regard. Its strength would lie in Melee Combat against a mobile suit of large size like the Apsalus or Nieu Ziel (long live Gato).
In Spear mode it doesn't appear to be that effective at all.
That particular routine yes, but they are able to perform them. The only reason for the routine was because this/these enemy(s) had to be hit in its/their weak spot(s) simultaneously. What you say makes it sound like that Evas can only do elaborate maneuvers during some sort of routine, which isn;t the case. Of course I don't know hoe effective a pirouette would be against anything else but o well.
Ah so you have some examples of them pulling off acrobatics during a battle that wasn't essentially choreaographed?

Even though thats what happened, take it up with the writers if they don't have the technicals aspects down right anyway.
Considering that the vast majority of the time this speed is not used I doubt it'll factor in. Would have been awful handy in getting away from Armisael.

Teh JSDF doesn't have any sort of weapons that can challenge an Eva because of that damn regeneration ability. Nothing Im particularly proud to support but nevertheless it is the case.
They vaporized almost 30% of his mass with one strike and forced him to sit still for a week or so if I'm remembering the time correctly. It never occured to them in all that time just to say.. hit them again? It's not like they had any shortage of N2 mines
Assuming that Eva doesn't try to evade, unlock a lot of MS pilots in the face of large uber beam weapons, You don't know the effect on the armor or the Eva itself. You assume that underneath each AT field is a large machine made out of toilet paper and tin foil.
Hardly, but the 180 Gigawatt beam of Ramiel didn't have any problems going through that same armor (which isn't even really armor) and nearly boiled Shinji alive now didn't it? A beam weapon hundreds of times more powerful is going to do a number on them.
The Eva's in themselves are living beings that have shown time and again they can take large amounts of damage and either keep fighting or regenerate.
And this was shown... where? The only thing we've seen unit-01 regenerate ON ITS OWN was the broken arm in the second episode. After it got it's arm cut off by Zeruel it needed the angel's arm to fix it's own, and I certainly didn't see Asuka's eva regenerating it's arms or missing head did you?
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Post by Majin Gojira »

So far, i've noticed several things...

Gundams: Small, Powerful Ranged weapons

Evas: Big, Incredible Close Range Weapons

I should throw in that if an Eva can get it's clutches on a Gundam, it's pretty much over. Eva's are very strong physically (EoE = Asuka lifting a destroyer and throwing it)

All in All, it's actually pretty even when you think about it.

Here's how each side could win:

Gundam: Keep the Eva's as far away as possible and hit them with ranged weaponry

Evas: Get in close, try not to get hit and SMASH!
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Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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Post by SylasGaunt »

Another big problem for the evas is that the Gundam crew, unlike the angels, understands the idea of numerical superiority. They aren't going to come in one at a time like the angels would.
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Post by Majin Gojira »

For Fun

Eva 01 vs. Gundam 01


Round 1:

Gundam Raises Main Cannon

Eva raises Machine gun, fires.

Bullets damage Gundam (well, the ones that hit...small target, innacurate weapon)

Gundam Fires after charging

Eva does not dodge, not thinking small beam will get through AT feild.

Beam punctures through AT feild and the Eva. does not explode because of organic components. Eva is damaged, but still operational.

Eva Charges, Gundam charges another shot, aimed at the head.

Eva bends the gun barrell easily with a flip of the hand. which knocks gundam away, spinning throught the air

Gundam stabilizes and throws gun as Eva. Eva dodges, but is knocked away by the explosion. Gundam fires side cannons, does not penetrate AT Feild.

Eva fires again, more damage to Gundam. Left arm blown off.

Gundam draws beam sword.

Someone watching makes a Star Wars Refference. Audience cringes at bad joke.

Gundam moves in to slice up Eva, dodging Eva's blasts.

Eva Draws progression Knife.

Gundam moves in for the kill.

Eva rears back with progression knife

Possible Outcomes:

Gundam slices off Eva's Head, Game Over

Eva raises an arm in defence, which get's cut off. Eva slices gundam in two with Progression Knife. Game over

Eva raises arm in Defenve, Get's arm cut off, the reals back in pain. get's loeg sliced off next, then head. Game Over

Beamsword is slowed signifigantly by AT feild. Allowing Eva to slice gundam in two. Game Over
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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Post by Yogi »

There's the offensive use of the AT field. Asuka points, and things go BOOM.
As for long ranged weapons, you weren't around all the times they used things like the pallet gun, the pistol, massive amounts of missile launchers, weaopns that could fire into orbit etc.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

1 weapon that can fire into orbit, and a cumbersome difficult to use one at that. It would be useless against anything with an inclination to actually MOVE when a giant cannon is pointed its way.
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Post by Majin Gojira »

The reason I posted this topic was because I encountered a fanfic where the writer claimed that Wing Zero could produce 30 Teratons of power.

For some reason, that struck me as wrong...

(Just thought I'd let you know...)
ISARMA: Daikaiju Coordinator: Just Add Radiation
Justice League- Molly Hayes: Respect Hats or Freakin' Else!
Supernatural Taisen - "[This Story] is essentially "Wouldn't it be awesome if this happened?" Followed by explosions."

Reviewing movies is a lot like Paleontology: The Evidence is there...but no one seems to agree upon it.

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Post by Straha »

They both lose to the all mighty power of B-Tech.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

Majin Gojira wrote:The reason I posted this topic was because I encountered a fanfic where the writer claimed that Wing Zero could produce 30 Teratons of power.

For some reason, that struck me as wrong...

(Just thought I'd let you know...)
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Post by Isil`Zha »

Did everyone just forget about the Zero system on Wing Zero?
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

fuck the zero system. amuro ray and the psycommu make him look like a damn zaku.
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Post by Uraniun235 »

and its nuclear reactor was about to go nuts
...except that nuclear reactors do not explode with the force of a nuclear bomb, hence that doesn't mean much.

Nice try. 8 out of 10 for effort.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

The only gundam that could even POSSIBLY defeat an EVA is Psycho Gundam. All others are MP EVA food.
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Post by jodathalas »

I love 8th ms team. It was the most military like of all the series's.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

DPDarkPrimus wrote:The only gundam that could even POSSIBLY defeat an EVA is Psycho Gundam. All others are MP EVA food.
The numbers say otherwise.

Come to think of it I seem to recall some calcs from a while back that put the Tallgeese's beam saber in the terawatt range.

Also I feel I should point out that the 180 gigawatt beam that drilled through Ramiel DIDN'T last for a whole second. By my count he only got about 39 gigajoules pumped into him.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

Darth Fanboy wrote:fuck the zero system. amuro ray and the psycommu make him look like a damn zaku.
Amuro doesn't need the Psycommu system to be a better pilot than Heero, just Heero's got a better machine is all.
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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Nu Gundam is way better than the wing zero, those wings are ridiculous and they just add more to the MS to be targeted
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Post by SAMAS »

However, those wings also provide additional protection, and contain verniers to increase the thing's maneuverability.

In addition, if you're wasting your time shooting at the wings, you're not shooting at the rest of it. :mrgreen:
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Post by Draco Starcloud »

If the Dummy Plugs and Power cables are all that need to be taken out (and are mechanical, not organic) then there are two Gundams that can defeat at least the EVA series and Units 0 and 2.

The Turn A Gundam and it's odd brother Turn X.

Their Moonlight Butterflies are capable of wiping out all technology on Earth.

As for EVA-01, well, I've seen the topic before and came up with an intertesting strategy.

1. Group of MS leads EVA-01 to a heavily forested area like a jungle or a valley with a jungle in it.

2. A group of decoys takes EVA-01 head on, doing their best to keep its attention toward them.

3. Snipers and other MS with powerful guns poop out from under cover in the forest and begin firing like there's no tomorrow.

4. If EVA-01 turns to face the snipers, uncover more snipers from other sides!

5. If all else fails, drop a colony or two. EVA-01 can't run fast enough to escape and its AT Field isn't strong enough to block.
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Post by Exonerate »

How big are these colonies, and how fast do they fall?

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Post by The Dark »

I would think Gundam Double X (After War) would do fairly well, with the Twin Satellite Cannon.
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Post by Exonerate »

The Dark wrote:I would think Gundam Double X (After War) would do fairly well, with the Twin Satellite Cannon.
Yes, I remember that... Overgrown microwave.

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Post by Draco Starcloud »

One colony is enough to hold about 10,000,000 people and when one hits, it creates a crater between a third and a fourth the size of Australia.

Once it's entered atmosphere, it's impacted with Earth within minutes.
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