SAMAS wrote:Never fired at one. But you're measuring the situation out of context. That's when Jango was using his jetpack to escape. I.e.: a full burn to escape. Unless you think he could accurately target someone while moving that fast. Check the time Jango used his jetpack in a tactical sense, like when he was fighting Obi-Wan.
Bullshit. You claimed that the Predator's shoulder gun fired a bolt faster than Fett's jetpack, and I showed you how utterly absurd this claim was.
Of course, if you want him to run, go right ahead.
Well duh. The Predator would come to Coruscant to kill him, so Fett would be the prey.
And every time he has used it, it was for percise, sniper-style shooting at firtually unmoving targets. However, he has used it to target and kill moving targets as well.
Not counting, of course, Topknot's shoulder lasers on AvP: War, which could independently target and hit onrushing Xenomophs. Machiko uses the same type of laser later in the same issue, when she blasts out a grating to escape the Queen. She definitey did not have five seconds to aim before firing.
I'm not familiar with the canonicity of comics, so I'm only going from the two
Predator films.
And you're an even bigger moron if you think the Predator is going to sit there in the open like an idiot. It's called jumping onto a ledge, moving to cover, cloaking, and moving around to attack from another angle while Fett checks his sensors to find him.
It doesn't matter. The Predator will naturally be pursuing Fett wherever he goes, and Fett knows Coruscant's layout better than the Predator! He can't avoid Fett. Fett has superior weaponry, mobility and knowledge of the combat terrain. He's got this one in the bag.
This is, of course, assuming the Predator attacks him in an open area. The rooftops are not the place where the Predator would perfer to set up shop, if you want to go by having Fett come for him first. In fact, in the lower, older parts of the planet where he;d likely park his ship, using the jetpack for more than running or repositioning woud be rather stupid.
I'm sure that's the case when he is ravaging a more primitive race, but Fett isn't going to run to a place where a gigantic mobility advantage disappears. Furthermore, even if he
was in close quarters, Fett has a flamethrower and visual acuity on par or better than the Predator's. He also has more armor and better weaponry. The Predator might make it a little harder for him in the depths of Coruscant, but he'd still win.
Damn, but you're stupid.
And exactly how is he supposed to get this sudden change in direction? His primary thruster faces in only one direction, and the maneuvering thrusters are far smaller.
What the fuck are you talking about? He can fly side to side
and maneuver, as demonstrated when he fought Obi-Wan on Geonosis.
Yep. Basically, it's visual camoflague, bending visible light, at least, around the Predator. I didnt count on it to make him undetectable. However, it would work for breaking up his sillouette.
It doesn't bend light, or else you'd have a gigantic antigravitational force pushing everything away from the Predator. He could simply walk up to his targets and kill them with tidal forces. Its effects look more like some sort of photographic film.
Darth_Nader wrote:in my sense of reading novels and tech on both, Predator has greater tech then Fett (except for the for the jetpack). And how would Fett even come that close to the predator to use the grappling hook, even if fett could use it on predator he could just snap out of it (your forgetting how strong the predator is). The predator has more weaponry then just his shoulder rifle (and weaponry that fires faster then his shoulder rifle) if any of you have watched predator two. And who says that Fett can see a cloaked predator?
Predator II showed us that infra-red can detect the Predator, which is unsurprising, since he's a life-form radiating heat. Furthermore, Fett's wire is strong enough to hold Obi-Wan's weight and withstood the tensile force of Obi-Wan accelerating from 19.6 m/s (this figure is conservative, being his velocity after undergoing roughly 2 seconds of freefall, not counting his initial, non-vertical descent while sliding down the platform) to 0 m/s in one frame, or an acceleration of -471 m/s^2 (roughly 50 g's). If Obi-Wan masses 70 kg, then that wire can withstand a tensile force of
33 kN. I seriously doubt the Predator can run that fast or generate that much force.