Having seen this just a few days ago, one thing that really stood out for me is how they made Loki so obviously gay and something of a predatory rapist. I'm not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, representation, but on the other hand, it's still subtext (though only barely so) and really, having the only gay-coded character being effectively a rapist doesn't sit too well with me.
No. Just no. What sort of mental gymnastics do you need to reach this conclusion? Loki is a megalomaniac and more of a sly and sneaky bent. He is the anti-thesis of Thor’s forthright and honest behavior. If you think this means gay-coded, you need to go back to the Homosexual Agenda Training Compound and have your gaydar recalibrated, and remove your own anti-gay bigotry because that is what this is. It is the association of negative or otherwise undesirable traits with gayness. Bigotry.
What happens after the Avengers save the day? They all move on with their lives, hardly the act of fascists dominating the lives of the little people.
This right here is all the commentary that needs to be made with respect to the fascism.
It's the misogyny combined with an explicitly phallic glowstick that the movie points out is phallic, the targeting of men and men only, the scene where he brags about his conquest of Hawkeye to Black Widow, the sexualization of his mind-control in its description by its victims... we don't even have to look at his gestures or choice of words, which are enough to make many other characters campy and thus flaming to people in the know.
He did not only target men. We see him hit men, but he had more minions than that in his little base, including, as I recall, women. Additionally, it is a fucking spear, and he is a motherfucking Viking. What do you expect him to have? What weapon in the history of mankind does not have some sort of stock, shaft, or barrel that could be construed by some over-sensitive “more progressive than thou art” waste of oxygen as representing a penis, or that one cannot make penis jokes about?
Of course he brags about his conquest. He is a megalomaniac who does not follow the 152 rules of an Evil Overlord. He monologues. How exactly is the mental domination sexualized? He taps them on the chest. He is not penetrating some orifice or another. There is no “penetration”. For hell’s sake, the mind-parasites in The Wrath of Khan were more phallic because they actually entered an orifice. I can make the exact same argument you are making about Khan, and have it just as valid. Oh. Wait. No, it wont be, because you are talking out of your ass.
But the biggest sign is probably Loki calling Black Widow a quim.
Which makes the supervillain what? Oh, that is right. An asshole. Is that shocking to anyone? The guy who killed 80 people in two days cannot also be a sexist? Or he cannot tailor his speech in such a way as to deliberately strike at someone he hates?
Bakustra, face it. You are not an intellectually honest person. You need to sit down and rethink your position, and shut up because frankly, adults are talking.