Wait, Gundam militaries have been considered for the "best" in this thread? Seriously?
Stark wrote:Judging an entire military by one conceit is ALSO pretty funny. That's like saying Zeon is militarily incompetent because they use INEFFICIENT BIPEDAL ROBOTS and ignoring their conquest of 90% of the Earth's surface.
Oh, yes. Apparently they have. Okay, time for a long-winded rant on why Zeon should actually rank pretty near the bottom of the barrel as opposed to the top...
The Principality of Zeon has a few things going for it. To its credit, it managed to last as long as it did (One Year) against a massively numerically superior foe (the Earth Federation).
Zeon basically destroyed the entire Federation Space fleet in the opening week of the war (despite being outnumbered at least 10:1 overall), and they did conquer a good chunk of the Earth.
[It wasn't 90% of the Earth though, since they only really conquered North America, Russia / Central Asia, and Africa. And even then control was very tenous at best with huge tracts of land left ungarrisoned]
However, this was mitigated by the fact that much of its early war success was due to its technological and doctrinal superiority. In the Gundam world, due to the magic of Minovsky science, giant bipedal robots (Mobile Suits) are in fact the best weapon for fighting wars.
It is very similar to the Axis powers using the tank to conduct lightning attacks against the Allies early in World War 2... except the Allied side in Gundam didn't even have their own tanks (much less a doctrine on how to employ them).
Unfortunately, the comparison with the Axis powers doesn't stop there. Because Zeon unfortunately ended up being possessed by an insane ideology not much different from Nazism (to the point their defacto leader - Giren Zabi - even reinvented a "Master Race" Theory) with consequences just as genocidal.
In fact, "killing half the human race" was not an "achievement" of the Zeon military. It was instead a monumental atrocity wherein Zeon troops essentially used nuclear weapons and chemical weapons against helpless civilian populations.
Not only is this a pretty pathetic display of supposed military prowess, but it also made Zeon unquestionably the
villain of the series, despite the relative moral ambiguity of the Federation (which is depicted as an apathetic regime, but at least they don't gas you for dissenting!).
As a result, in-universe the Principality rapidly lost its support from all neutral parties (Side 6 and the Lunar Cities), who would eventually ally with the Federation... making Zeon's enormous numerical inferiority even worse. Not to mention it pushed millions of survivors into becoming fanatically committed to defeating Zeon, whereas a negotiated settlement might have been possible.
Finally, as soon as the Federation gets its own Mobile Suits the weaknesses of the Zeon military quickly come into play, and it wasn't merely limited to numerical inferiority. These include:
- Massive inter-service rivalry between different factions loyal to different leaders in the Zeon heirarchy, which was highly feudal in nature and it made the IJN and IJA's failure to communicate seem trivial in comparison. In one notable instance (the Battle of Solomon), one third of the Zeon armada was essentially annihilated because factional politics prevented the Space Attack Force from being reinforced.
- Lack of discipline and professionalism among many senior officers. In at least two instances officers of the rank of Colonel attempted to use nuclear weapons in violation of the Antartic Treaty. Neither were punished.
- A rudderless R&D program that resulted in the development of large numbers of one-shot prototypes that had little strategic effect. It's like Hitler's vengeance program that went up to the V-50.
To their credit, individual Zeon soldiers and pilots fought bravely and well until the end. But overall the Zeon military paralleled the catastrophically bad way Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany handled the war at anything above the tactical level.
That being said, while Zeon's incompetence really precludes it from being a "best" military, I've always liked Gundam for at least attempting to closely parallel how real militaries work - especially ones built on feudal dictatorial orders.
Unfortunately, more recent Gundam works tend to glorify Zeon's actions like how Japan pretends the Rape of Nanking never happened. Heck, the current lead writer of Gundam Unicorn is a known ultranationalist with these exact views.