Cesario wrote:Also, since you're now accepting that wiki:
Unobtanium (pronounced un-ub-TAIN-e-um) is a highly valuable mineral found on the moon Pandora. Humans mine unobtanium to save the Earth from its energy crisis; bluntly put, they need it for their survival.
Strange that in your scouring this wiki for things you think will destroy my case, and your absolute certainty that everything in the EU contradicts my position, you never bothered to look at the obvious article on Unobtainium.
the wiki wrote:Unobtanium (pronounced
un-ub-TAIN-e-um) is a highly valuable mineral found on the moon Pandora. Humans mine unobtanium to save the Earth from its energy crisis; bluntly put, they need it for their survival.
[citation needed]
Make sure you read that last bit:
[citation needed]
The articles everyone else else been quoting have been referenced back to canonical sources (be it the Pandorapedia, or the ASG).
Where is this energy crisis ever mentioned in the EU? Please, citation needed.
It's a bunch of people asking for references to the energy crisis, and a bunch of other people not providing them. Very much like what we have here.
Please, evidence is required to back up this energy crisis. People have been asking for this for 14 pages now. You claimed to have conceeded, but are now apparently flogging this dead horse again.
Now, check this out:
This is an official page, cited as a source for many of the wiki articles.
Here's a really important bit about the RDA's history.
http://www.pandorapedia.com/human_operations/rda/rda wrote:With millions of shareholders, RDA is the oldest and largest of the quasi-governmental administrative entities (QGAEs). But its origins are far more modest. The entity that would become RDA was little more than a Silicon Valley garage startup in the early 21st century, when its two founders borrowed money from family members to begin the company.
Within a few decades, the company had the stature to propose the construction of a world-spanning rapid transit system that would allow entire population groups to conveniently commute hundreds or even thousands of miles to perform work where it was needed, without impinging on the cultural values of host populations. This led to the current global network of maglev trains that require the superconductor unobtanium for their continued operation.
The company's early expeditions to Pandora were seen as a colossal risk; the construction of the first interstellar vehicle alone put an enormous strain on capital resources. But with exclusive mining rights to unobtanium (which, at time of publication is valued at $20 billion per kilo), and potential profits from countervirals, biofuels, and cosmetics, the enormous capital investment has paid off.
Absolutely nothing about an energy crisis.
Where's the energy crisis? Please, present evidence that there was one.
Because the fact that the RDA was able to build a fucking INTERSTELLER STARSHIP TO BOLDLY GO WHERE NO ONE HAD GONE BEFORE very strongly suggests that they weren't exactly strapped for cash (at least not before they poured all their money into a GIANT AWESOME SPACESHIP).
But it gets even better:
Think of the timeline of these events. The company formed in the early 21st century, and within a few decades proposed a GIANT MAGLEV TRANSIT SYSTEM.
Now, this thing needed unobtainium to run, but wait up a second...
Pandora wasn't discovered until 2129.
The RDA proposed to build something that they
didn't have the means to build. They created the demand for unobtanium.
They wanted it so
they could build
their railway.
The RDA then spent a shit ton of the world's money sending spaceships out- for what?
Did they use Jedi precog to know that there would be magic rocks on the elf-planet?
The justification for the mining is no better than "We spent a lot of money getting here, we better get something to show for it."
Then there's the circular creation of further demand- "We 'need' more unobtainium so we can build MORE spaceships to mine MORE unobtanium!"
There was no actual need for unobtanium in the first place.
It was a massive propellant for the economy, that there is no doubt.
But where was the economic crisis? Where was the energy crisis?
You need to provide evidence.
And this applies to a lot of your arguments.
We can say "hey, here's an EU source, and it has no mention of any energy crisis/mining treaty with the Na'vi"
And you can say "that doesn't prove that there wasn't an energy crisis/mining treaty with the Na'vi."
You need to prove that there
was an energy crisis/mining treaty with the Na'vi.
I mean, ffs:
Cesario wrote:Didn't you notice that I conceeded that there was no evidence that the mineral was necessary for human survival in the film some time ago?
And you're now trying to argue that there was (again), based on an unreferenced single sentece in the wiki, with no supporting evidence?
I guess supporting evidence doesn't mean much to you, given that you can hold fast to a position that has none.
Courtsey of:
http://www.pandorapedia.com/unobtanium_ ... d_refinery
Closer inspection by an orbiting ISV revealed that there are many deposits of unobtanium on Pandora, some of which are even richer than that at ESM 01. It is expected that further exploitation of Pandora’s unobtanium deposits will eventually result in construction of further mines, with at least twenty-five potential sites already located. Plans are already underway to develop a substantial deposit within a few miles of ESM 01.
WOW! They totes could have mined SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN HOME TREE! At least 25 sites!
Unobtanium’s unique properties are largely dependent on the inner structure of the material, which must be preserved through the refining process. Initial purification is done in large ball mills, followed by successive nitric and hydrofluoric acid rinses. Acidic effluent is discharged into the stream to help control growth of life forms near the mine workings.
WOW! That's so environmentally friendly!
Tell us all again how
a company that sprays its toxic waste at the native wildlife is nicer than
the native people who don't want their home demolished.
PeZook wrote:In the extended edition, Jake says outright in the beginning that he joined the Marines because he wanted to have a cause worth fighting for. So it's a doubly Western theme

Add the fact that the bad guys wanted to build a railroad.