The EA ships' main guns seemed to have a pretty decent traverse - at least along the vertical plane (the two examples I can think of are the Agamemnon shooting White Star 1 in Jupiter's atmosphere and the Omega shooting defense satellites in the climactic battle of season 4.
The invisible Sharlins bugged me, too, though. even if for some reason the capital shpis don't have cameras (which would be pretty fucking stupid), a Starfury flight could spot for them, no?
To give them their dues, most capital ships would actually hit what they were shooting at, unlike plenty of other shows (like that anime clip Patrick linked to). The exceptions I can think of are fighters and White Stars, both of which have fixed-forward guns and manual pilot control.
One thing that does really annoy me is the 'realistic spaceflight' wankers. Only 2 ships ever behaved like that - the White Stars and the Starfury fighters. Everything else flew about like an X-Wing (as did the aforementioned ships, half the time). Not to mention how the hell the Earth destroyers decelerated without any thrusters on the bow.