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Basically stuff we've heard before, but its still worth noting, the vast numbers, the ability to overwhelm everyone else if they united, fighting amongst themselves in a darwinian process, etc.[
Orks are the msot warlike aliens in the 41st Millenium, and their number is beyond counting.
Should the Orks ever truly unify, they would crush all opposition and dorwn the civilised races in a tide of gore.
The Ork tribes spend much of their time fighting amongst themselves, ,waging brutal wars against their own kind so that only the strong survive.
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Orks slouching would be around 1.8--2 metres tall, but taller if standing straight (as tall/taller than a Space Marine, quite liekly.) Orks here ar ementioned as having taloned fingers, which makes them rather dangerous even unarmed (at least against unarmoured opponents.) Their skulls (and probably skeletons) are significantly tougher than humans, and their skins are much thicker/harder to pierce.A typical Ork stands around the same height as a man, though he would be much taller if he would onyl stand up straight. His frame is extremely muscular and solid. An Orks' arms are long and heavily thewed, and his knuckles almost scrape the floor as he lopes around. His gnarled hands end in taloned fingers capable of tearing an enemy's throat out with ease.
An Ork's skull is extremely thick, able to absorb impacts that would cave in an human head.
An Ork's genetic make-up contains fungal and algal strains, making them highly resilient. The skin of the Ork is green and leather-tough, and his body is dotted with scars, scabs, pock marks, and parasites.
An Ork feels nex to no pain even from the most grivous of wounds, enabling him to fight on whilst horrifically injured and even for a short while after he is technically dead. The greenskin regenerative process is so powerful that an Ork who has been cut apart in the crucible of battle can simply be stitched back together again, bewildered but ready to fight once more.
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The inter-relation of various orkoid species in Ork society, and the benefits to survival it engenders.The greenskin sub-racees have a symbiotic relationship of sorts, ,with the smaller greenskins performing menial tasks for their Ork overseers in exchange for a measure of protection. The self-sustaining Ork society and ecology is so robust that it can exist almost anywhere, which is why Ork settlements have been found scattered to the furthest corners of the galaxy.
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Various aspects of a Gretchin, fairly self explanatory.Gretchin have a similar physiology to the Orks, though they are not as strong or tough.
Sometimes known as Grots, Gretchin are more numerous than Orks.
The Gretchin's large and protruberant nose gives them an excellent sense of smell, their ears afford them a similarily advanced esnes of hearing, and their eyesight is actue even in the dark.
Some Grots hav etheir survival instinct honed to such a degree that they may posess a rudimentary sixth sense, or naturally be far more fortunate than they have a right to be.
On his own, ,a single Gretchin poses little threat ot a human sized adversary.
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Snotlings.Snotlings have an even closer genetic bond with fungal life forms than the other greenskins, and cultivate the great patches of the fungi that spring up aroud Ork settlements. In this way the Snotlings provide food, drink, and medicine for the rest of Ork Society. Snotlings also look after the ferocious squiggly beasts that live in the Ork cesspits.
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Squigs and their roles.They [Squigs] are an integral part of the simple and mobile Ork ecosystem. The squits eat the refuse of the Orks, and the Orks eat the Squigs.
Their functions range from edible to medical, but perhaps the most infamous of all Squig types are the ravenous face-biters, which the Orks use in teh same way humans might use attack dogs.
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The Brainboyz fluff, which is (like most o fhte fluff here) recycled in some form or another from earlier sources, if with some changes. The orks are a engineered "survivor race" precisely because of the Brainboyz, which makes you wonder how they relate to the Old Ones and Krork (I'm sure someone will answer this for me.)Difficult as it was to believe, this ancient race was extremely intelligent, and held dominion over the other Ork Castes.
The Runtherds refer to the mysterious forefathers of the Orks as the Brainboyz.
The Brainboyz were the driving force behind Ork civilization; developing technology and directing the other castes in their expansion across the stars.
Some Ork legends tell of a grerat plague that lasted for many centuries, causing the Brainboyz to dwindle and eventually die out altogether. Others maintain that the Brainboyz regressed into Snotlings and that an Ork rebellion was responsible for reducing the Brainboyz to the infantile little monsters they are today. Either way, the Brainboyz took steps to preserve what they could of their knowledge by engineering it into the genetic structure of their slaves, tehreby creating the ultimate survivor race.. Many amongst the Magos Biologis of the Imperium theorise that the Orks retain such a relatively high level of technology in the 41st Mil;lenium as a result of this acceclerated evolution, their technical skills coded into their genes.
Also note the Orks are considered to have "realtively high" levels of tech.
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Warbosses can match/exceed Space marines for height.The rulers of Ork society are the largest and most powerufl Orks of all, known as Warbosses or Warlords. These monstrous killing machines can reach up to ten feet in height.
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Gretchin basically do all the stuff ORks are too lazy or impatient (or bored with doing)Most of the day-to-day running of Ork society is left to the Gretchin, whose duties include preparing food, taking messages, fetching, carrying, general organisation and just being around the place when an Ork wants something to kick.
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Gretchin are not only the primary ork labour forcec (aside from slaves) but they also seem to run the service and commercial industries. (And I n ever believed I'd be considering the term "Orkoid economy" in my analysis. Ever.)The Gretchin have created an entire enterprise culture of their own within their Ork-dominated society. Many Gretchin operate their own black-market businesses on the side, such as selling fungus-beer, roasting squigs on sticks, cooridnating the bets when a fight breaks out or looting corpses for fun and profit.