40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-etc)

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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-etc)

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Yet more Thorians sourcebook.. this will be awhile...

Page 17
These factors mean that integration of a Thorian into one of the
Ordos, which are hidden organisations within the Inquisition not
known to the uninitiated, normally occurs only if a Thorian
already within the Ordo actively seeks out others of a likeminded
Interesting that to the bulk of the Inquisition the existence of the different Ordos is supposed to
be a secret - it makes sense in some level, and suggests that there exist Inquisitors who are not
part of the formal hierarchies of any particular Ordo./

Page 17
Though dedicated to the destruction of daemons, the reports of
daemonic possessions, summoning arcana and banishments are,
to the Thorians, merely links in a complex mesh of data that
contains important revelations on the Divine Vessel and the
Emperor-Incarnate. While other Inquisitors delve into these
archives with a view to expanding their armoury against the
immortal entities of the Warp, the Thorian approaches them with
an eye to weaving them together into a coherent series of theses
that may provide the final link in that mesh of knowledge, and
allow them to create or discover a Divine Vessel.
Again, chaos research draws parallel to the GEoM, meaning
it is reasonable to treat him as being a sort of Chaos God himself. (duh)

Page 18
If he is of a mind to look at the Eldar, a Thorian Inquisitor can
find the answers to many of the riddles that confront him. The
existence of spirit stones prove that, given sufficient knowledge,
souls can reside out of Warp space. The method by which this
transference takes place, and the materials from which a
waystone is made, has eluded Thorians for centuries, yet there
are those that endeavour to uncover these secrets.
The Thorians don't know about psychoplastics or Wraithbone and
its origins, evidently.

Page 18
If spirit stones were not motive enough to dedicate a lifetime of
research to this advanced race, then the existence of the Avatars
is an even greater lure. If the legends of the Eldar are to be
believed, these daemonic manifestations are each a part of the
ancient Eldar war god, Kaela Mensha Khaine. Each Avatar is, it is
believed, a soul-fragment of the Eldar god, and though they are
not possessed of the magnitude of power that the Emperor-
Incarnate would hold, they may provide the proof needed that a
Divine Vessel could indeed house the soul of the Emperor in the
corporeal universe.
This does mesh with information derived from other sources and materials of
earlier generations - the Avatar's body seems to be in a sense similar to spirit stones
and Exarcha rmour and other stuff. It also seems that the Avatar is semi-daemonic, since
its been mentioned Khaine had belonged to Khorne prior ot Slaanesh (or had some connection to Khorne, suggesting he was a daemon.)

Avatars also seem similar to the Brass Thief from the ravenor novels.

It is interesting to note that this quote suggest the GEoM in his body was more powerful than an Eldar Avatar (which in turn is equal toa GReater Daemon), and hence
the GEoM is arguably stronger than a greater Daemon (which again is prboably no surprise, but its nice to have a confirmation.)

Page 18
Within the
Warp there exists alien creatures that are neither mortal nor
daemonic. Investigation of these aliens is not as alluring as the
daemonic, but the methods by which they can influence and
breach the barriers between Warp space and real space are an
obvious source of knowledge for the Thorians.
Enslavers, Psycheneunein, Vampyrs and other Warp creatures are
able to exert their will into the real universe, and many of them
are capable of transgressing the boundaries that separate the
two. If only to avoid intrusion by these creatures on a DivineVessel, some Thorians have dedicated their lives to a greater
understanding of these hideous creatures.
Non Daemonic entities are mentioned, and that they represent a danger to Divine Vessels as well.

Page 19
Both Enslavers and Psycheneunein manifest physical influence
over hosts in the material universe. Unlike daemon possession,
the pulsing, fleshy Warp gates of the Enslavers are an actual break
across the barriers of Warp space. Similarly, the eggs laid into the
brains of their victims by the wasp-like Psycheneunein are a
physical form teleported across those same barriers. If physical
objects can be displaced across the dimensions in this fashion,
perhaps they hold the key to how the Thorians might be able
bring forth the Emperor-Incarnate.
The non-Daemonic warp entities exert their control over mortal psykers in other manners different from Chaos Daemons.

Page 19
A strong psychic
connection, as with all Warp manifestations, is the single linking
factor, but Thorians within the Ordo Xenos believe that other
traits that make a host suitable for Enslavement, for example,
may aid in understanding the nature of the Divine Vessel.
Another possible example of how studying Xenos creatures may benefit research into the Emperor.

Page 19
It is the threat posed by the creatures to a Divine Vessel that also
occupies the minds of alien-hunting Thorians. Wards and
technology that prevent against psychic infection are under
constant research by the Ordo Xenos, amongst their many other
fields of study. If reliable, portable containment fields or other
technology can be constructed that could protect a Divine Vessel
from Vampyric corruption or Enslavement, then the chances of
the Emperor-Incarnate manifesting are greatly increased.
the Inquisition (at least those in the Xenos) research tech to protect agianst psychic intrusion.

Page 19
Inquisitors are, by their nature, pragmatic and
not given to fanciful ideologies, whereas the dogma of the
Ministorum has in the past caused grief to the Thorians.
Inquisitors, should they work openly, attract fear and suspicion
Its interesting that Inquisitors are not as heavily indoctrinated as you would think given some can come from a Schola Progenium upbringing (like Jaq Draco) - this may mean
that more Inquisitors as a rule come from outside the Schola, or that Inquisitorial training can sometimes break the indoctirnation.

Funny enough, the Inquisition's approach is also more in line with the pre-Heresy Emperor's view on things.. more rational and pragmatic and averse to the religious dogma of the ministorum.

Page 19
By cross-checking
these records with the findings of Thorians in other specialties,
an Inquisitor can determined if such remarkable individuals were
simply gifted, perhaps possessed of psychic powers, or
influenced by other, darker entities. If these avenues of
investigation are exhausted or prove inconclusive, there remains
the possibility that these saints were indeed Divine Vessels and
perhaps partook of a portion of the Emperor's power.
examination and research inot divine Vessels.

PAge 19
The Ordo Hereticus itself is as old as the Thorians,
dating from the Age of Apostasy, but the vocation of the Witch
Hunter dates back much further. The records of the Ordo
therefore predate the investigations of the Thorians themselves
by several millennia, much of it contributed by Incarnationists
and Ressurectionists from bygone centuries.
There were Heretic hunters even before they formalized into an actual Ordo. This also
sets benchmarks on the Thorians in the Inquisition officially.

Page 20
The Ordo Hereticus therefore provides valuable information of
psykers and their powers, and its network of agents can be used
by a Thorian to locate psykers that also display other traits
associated with a Divine Vessel or the Emperor-Incarnate. Being
assisted in the investigation of these individuals allows a Thorian
Inquisitor a greater chance of actually discovering one or the
other, should they actually exist.
Benefits of Hereticus connections to a Thorian.

Page 20
In particular, the most powerful psykers - those graded as Alpha-level
- are the greatest threat the Ordo Hereticus faces. They are
also the most likely candidates for Divine Vessel status, for if a
body can contain the power of an Alpha-level psyker - individuals
capable of destroying Battle Titans or controlling whole worlds -
then it follows that the Emperor's divine essence my also be
contained within such mortal bodies.
Capabilities of an Alpha level Psyker are outlined, and its suggested they are
equalt o (or greater than) a Divine Avatar or the GEoM's body.

Page 20
One of the Ordos Minoris, the Ordo Sicarius is responsible for
investigating and controlling the Officio Assasinorum. By ancient
decree, no Imperial Assassin may be deployed without the
consent of the High Lords of Terra. This is, of course, immensely
impractical and quite often an Inquisitor of the Ordo Sicarius will
sanction the Officio Assassinorum under the guise of an edict
from Terra. While some believe this to be an abuse of their
power, in a galaxy-spanning civilisation, such measures are
essential to maintain a level of response required by threats to
This also means, in essence, the Assasins have become another Chamber militant and tool of the Inquisition, rather than that of the High Lords.

Page 20
Every Assassin is selected from a young age, often from feral
worlds or the Scola Progenium, and trained for many years. The
selection process is even more rigorous for Assassins than it is for
Space Marines, and perhaps only one in several million
candidates will finally fulfil their training an become and Officio
Assassinorum operative.
success rates when it comes to becoming an Assassin. Horus Rising gives the potential ratios for an Astartes at "one man in a thousand" thought hat
doesnt include losses due to training and such (which may bump it up some) but less than 1 in 100,000.

Page 20
They believe that to achieve greater
understanding of the Divine Vessel, one can study the most
repulsive, unholy aberrations within Humanity - those with the
Pariah gene. Pariahs are individuals that not only have no
presence within Warp space, but actually have a negative impact.
They are psychic leeches that absorb Warp energy, not only from
psykers but also from normal humans and other creatures. This
ability to draw out psychic energy is central to the Thorian cause,
and an understanding of the Pariah gene may well assist in the
creation of a Divine Vessel, or at least further knowledge in the
pursuit of the means to bring the Emperor back from the warp
An interesting appraoch to the Divine vessel I have to say.

The interesting thing about Pariahs is that they're said to actually absorb/leech warp energy from
all living beings, not just psykers. One wonders where that energy goes.

It also does suggest that 40K galaxy humans have an innate "level" of warp energy that makes them special
(from other universes for example) again hinting that connection to the warp and psyker activity in 40K is not alwys a naturally occuring thing.
Humanity is, after all, evolving into a psychic race, so that every race should have at least some measure of psychic energy makes sense.

It may also explain why human worshippers matter at all, since evne a small measure of power in aggregate can contribute to the power of a God or daemon.
How powerful can one be if he commands the equivalent of billions or trillions of low level psykers?

Page 20
The chances of coming across a Pariah, who occur once in several
billions amongst Humanity, and virtually non-existent. However,
a member of the Ordo Sicarius can gain access to such
individuals every few years and study them at length.
The frequency of Pariahs in humanity. Given a population of quadrillions or so, that means the number of Pariahs would be no greater than millions (or tens of millions, or hundreds, depending on how many quadrillions you went with)
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-etc)

Post by Serafina »

Capabilities of an Alpha level Psyker are outlined, and its suggested they are
equalt o (or greater than) a Divine Avatar or the GEoM's body.
Well, the GEoM has demonstrated feats greater than Alpha+ psykers - but that might arguably due to greater mastery (better controll) than raw power. After all, he supposedly started out as a normal human.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Page 20
One of the smallest and most specialised organisations within
the Inquisition, the Ordo Sepulturum operates around the Eye of
Terror and is dedicated to investigating a specific threat - the
Zombie Plague
Another Ordo Minoris... but one dedicated to fighting zombies! Cool, huh?
I should note a good example of Plague Zombies outside of the 13th Black Crusade
are on Hive Worlds like Necromunda, in the underhives.

Page 20
Although occurrences of Plague Zombies have been recorded
across the Imperium for many millennia, it is in the wake of the
Plague Fleets of the Chaos Champion Typhus that they have
grown in number to the point where they present a threat to the
Imperium in their own right.


As a combination of both a Chaos infection as well as a physical
malaise, the Zombie Plague has always been on the agenda for
Thorians to study, but its unpredictable nature and sporadic
occurrences meant that it took luck or a tremendous amount of
patience to capture Plague Zombies for investigation.


The Zombie Plague physically degenerates those it infects - and
infection can occur in many ways, including psychically - but
maintains a portion of the life essence of the victim even after
physical death occurs. The parallels between the Zombie Plague
and the operation of the Golden Throne have not been
The Zombie Plague described, includng the manner in which it can be
contracted. That psychic infection can occur is a rather dangerous thing,
making it a form of Chaos corruption or possession rather than an actual disease.

Page 20
The increased study of the Zombie Plague has lead many
Thorians believe that in its unaltered form it may well provide
several clues to the nature of the Emperor's life-in-death, but all
forms of the 'faith virus' so far examined have undergone
mutation. That the Plague Zombies still possess a Warp-reflection
has been confirmed not only by psychic investigation but also by
the fact that several psykers have been able to control these
creatures - psychic manipulation is normally only possible
through the Warp-ego of a creature. The possibility that the
Plague Zambie infection is an offshoot of Golden Throne
technologies is not widely supported and the common theory is
that it was spawned by Dark Mechanicus within the Eye of Terror.
An interesting approach to things, although treating the Emperor as a "super zombie" seems
odd. It is interesting to consider that psyker manipulation of people seems to be related
to them having a "warp presence", so this suggests it may be difficult (or even impossible) to control
someone with little or no war presence (or at least by certain methods - influencing thoughts instead of, say
more mechanicla means like muscle control)

Page 20
Much more rare is the Obliterator virus, which again is a Chaos born
contagion that combines elements of physical corruption
with mental disruption. Allowing the psychic manipulation of
technology, the Obliterator virus allows for humans to interact
and meld with machinery, not only on the physical plane but also
on the psychic and spiritual level. In combination with what has
been gleaned from Eldar technology, the existence of the
Obliterator virus lends hope to the idea that an augmented
Divine Vessel could be artificially created, should a noncorruptible
version of the virus ever be developed.
Interesting take on the Obliterator virus, both in terms of its connection to the GEoM
and the method of its interaction with technology. Human technology seems to have
some exotic (psychic ) proeprties to it that allow the Obliterator virus to do as it does
(at least on some level) Perhaps a simlarity to the Orkish WAAAGH effect, but it may also
simply be a variation of the tendency of the warp and Chaos energy to taint or warp or manipulate
even inert matter.

Page 21
The theological connotations of the Thorian agenda can also give
rise to conflict of another kind. The majority of Inquisitors are
pragmatic with regard to the Emperor, viewing the Imperial
Creed of the Adeptus Ministorum as a useful tool to control the
Imperium at best, or a distraction at worst. However, there are a
small number of Inquisitors, normally those inculcated into the
Ecclesiarchy's beliefs through the Schola Progenium before
becoming Inquisitors, that object to the aims of the Thorians on
religious grounds.

These Inquisitors tend to form pro-Ecclesiarchy factions and
promote the Ministorum as the best means for reinforcing the
faith of the Imperium and using this as a defence against the
wiles of Chaos. To them, the thought of interfering with the
Emperor with any means, whether it risks Him or not, is a
violation of the most fundamental kind.
Again, we see an interesting view of how the Inquisition generally views the Ministorum (as mucha help as a problem), which
again is more in line iwth the Emperor's views pre Heresy.

Still, knowing the Inquisition, they probably dont mind having fanatical/puritan Inquisitors like this, as they'd be
useful tools for keeping the radicals in line.

Page 22
The worst case of this conflict was the Laskar Purge, where over
a dozen Inquisitor's of both factions and their warrior bands had
gathered over a course of time, determined to kill their foes.
Many innocents were caught in the crossfire until kill teams
despatched by the Inquisitor Lords, after notifying the High
Lords of Terra themselves, wiped out both sides in the conflict.
Large parts of the underhive populations of Laskar were also
eliminated to prevent news of the internal strife within the
Inquisition ever being known outside its operatives.
Results and aftermath of a conflict betwene inquisitors. Not quite
on the scale of an Assassin's war, but pretty bad.

One wonders what sorts of kill teams were dispatched. Assasins? Storm troopers? Astartes?

Page 23
Like all Imperial organisations, the Inquisition is vast, covering
the galaxy with untold numbers of agents. However, here the
similarity ends, for the Inquisition is arranged in a way that is
completely different to the galaxy-spanning bureaucracies of the
Adeptus Terra. Its remit is open, its mandate simple: to protect
the Emperor and Mankind against any threat, by whatever means
are necessary. Such a mission requires the ultimate flexibility, and
the scope of the threats ranged against the Inquisition vary from
the individual mutant to system and sector-spanning
conspiracies and alien domination. In this section, we will
explore the ways by which Inquisitors fulfil their mandates, and
the resources at their disposal.


With an open remit to combat threats to
Mankind, the Inquisition operates outside of the other Imperial
organisations, though has absolute authority over them.


In practice, the Inquisition must be more political than its
mandate allows. Though their power derives from the Emperor
himself, and even the High Lords of Terra are not above their
scrutiny, the Inquisition must also rely on the other parts of the
Imperium for resources. The Inquisition has tremendous
amounts of power, and has access to troops, weaponry and
archives beyond most other Imperial organisations, it must still
receive these from the Adeptus Astartes, the Imperial Guard, the
Adeptus Mechanicus and others.
A reiteration of the mandate, scope, and powers of the Inquisition.

And also that the powers of the Inquisitor, like with all factions, ultimatley
comes down to politics.

Page 23
In essence the Inquisition exists not as a force in its own right,
but as a guiding hand that allows the Imperium to protect itself,
after a fashion. Much of its work is dedicated to observing threats
to Mankind and instigating an appropriate response. As well as
the many Inquisitors, the Inquisition has millions, probably
billions, of other agents and operatives across the Imperium and
beyond, watching for signs of mutation, alien aggression,
treachery and incompetence.
Scope of the agents and minions in the Inquisition, not just the Inquisitors.

If we use the ratio before (several thousand inquisitors to hundreds of thousands of agents)

we might infer there are perhaps hundreds of thousands, or even millions of Inquisitors.

Page 23
The word of an
Inquisitor is absolute and beyond reproach - except by other
Inquisitors. Thus it is that as well as protecting the Imperium, the
Inquisition is also responsible for its own self-policing. It is a
testament to the courage and diligence of the Inquisitors that it
has maintained its position for ten thousand years despite wars,
pogroms, internecine conflict and internal heresy. The men and
women of the Inquisition are amongst the most vigorously
tested, intensively trained and motivated individuals from the
whole of Humanity, and they need to be.
This "self policing" aspect is perhaps one reason why the Inquisition is so decentralized
to begin with, and why it puts up with so many quarrelling factions.

Page 23
In a
galaxy ruled by dogma and orthodoxy, an Inquisitor must cast
aside superstition and faith and operate outside the established
view of the galaxy.
To be an Inquisitor is to understand the forces that work against
the Emperor and Mankind in a way that no other individual in
the Imperiun understand - not even those that sit on the
Senatorum Imperialis. To be required to fight against ten
thousand years of received wisdom and established orthodoxy is
no easy task, but if the Inquisition is to remain effective then it is
essential that its Inquisitors can see the galaxy through eyes
untainted by doctrine or assumption.
Again, Inquisitors are considered (at least in this view) not to be blinkered religious fanatics.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next to last update for Thorian Sourcebook.

Page 23
From their
original conception, the Inquisitor can call upon whatever local
resources were required to deal with the threat, with no need for
recourse to the Adeptus Terra.

The Inquisitorial seal carried by every
Inquisitor brings with it tremendous responsibility but also the
means by which this responsibility can be met. The presentation
of an Inquisitorial seal to an Imperial Guard Colonel, an Imperial
Navy Admiral, Imperial Commander or Space Marine Chapter
Master cannot be gainsaid.
Again, this is all theoretical, and only works because of the weight of the Inquisition behind it (and the threat of retribution it carries).
Take away that possible threat, and the Inquisitor's word doesn't carry much authority.

Page 23
On occasion a threat will be of such an extent that the Inquisitor
must also call upon local resources, most notably the Adeptus
Arbites and planetary warriors. They may require intra-system
space craft to bring their foes to justice, or simple need more
firepower against established sects or powerful individuals.


In some situations, local forces are not a viable option. This may
be because they lack sufficient strength to deal with the threat, or
perhaps because they are linked to the threat in some fashion. In
such a scenario, the Inquisitor will need to draw on forces from
further away

Such a situation can be difficult for the Inquisitor, as the
Imperium is not swift to respond and a threat that might be easily
countered within weeks may grow progressively in strength
before sufficient force can be brought to bear. It is the great
expanse of the galaxy and the time delays involved in moving
large bodies of troops even relatively small distances that provide
the greatest obstacle to an Inquisitor in confronting a large threat
to a world or system. By the time suitable forces arrive, the
problem may have grown beyond their capacity to deal with it.

It is therefore in the role of instigators that Inquisitors must often
operate. If a world has succumbed to alien domination, Chaos
influence or some other major corruption, it is the duty of the
Inquisitor to set the military wheels of the Imperium in motion
and oversee their response. The Admirals and Colonels that are
brought to the growing war zone may never even know that the
Inquisition initiated the course of events that summoned them.
The myriad sources of assistance that an Inquisitor may potentially call upon.

Page 24
There is also one area of an Inquisitor's remit that is fraught with
peril, but is fundamental to their successful operation - their
relationship with the Space Marine Chapters of the Adeptus
Astartes. Like the Inquisition itself, the Adeptus Astartes operate
alongside the Imperium rather than as part of it. The
Inquisition's power extends over the Space Marines, but the
Chapters themselves are fiercely independent and not
welcoming of outside investigators.
An Inquisitor that suspects a Chapter of deviant behaviour must
tread carefully. Space Marines have been, historically, extended a
lot more latitude than other Imperial forces concerning their
organisation and activities. However, the threat posed by a
renegade Chapter is such that they must be constantly
monitored. The purity of their gene-seed and the motives of their
actions are regularly scrutinised for irregularities.

The most traditional, hardline Inquisitors have immense
problems dealing with the Adpetus Astartes, simply because they
also operate outside the dogma and bureaucracy of the
Imperium. What may seem heretical and self-serving on one level
can also be viewed as essential to the Space Marines' power. The
ability to act on their own, to fight where necessary and to take
whatever action they deem fit is intrinsic to the Space Marines'
capability to respond quickly and efficiently to emerging threats
or to proactively protect Mankind.


The Space Marines are
rightly justified and proud of their loyalty to the Emperor, but
endeavour to remain aloof from the infighting and politics that
plague the Imperium. They answer to none but their Chapter
Masters and the Emperor himself, and to have their loyalty
brought into question is a great offence. To have forces of the
Imperium brought against them is, to the Space Marines, a
betrayal of the bonds that exist between a Chapter and the
The relationship and comparisons of the Inquisition to the Astates, both
similarities and differences.

PAge 24
circumstances where a Chapter is proven to be a threat, it is the
most preferable course of action that other Adeptus Astartes are
used to combat the threat. Not only is a Space Marine Chapter a
formidable fighting force that conventional troops may not be
able to confront, but also allowing the Space Marines to deal
with each other is invaluable. Space Marines all share a common
bond with each other, and a Chapter Master will respond to
information that threatens the honour of the Adeptus Astartes as
a whole - for one Chapter to turn renegade is a smear on the
reputation of all Space Marines.
It is sometimes enough to be confronted by fellow Space Marines
rather than an agent of the Imperium to make a Chapter see the
dangerous path it has begun to tread and to change its
The way the Inquisition can use politics to gain the aid of AStartes against

Page 24
As with all aspects of the Inquisition, the matter of recruitment
is not centralised, and the power to invest others into its ranks
lies with the Inquisitors.


Inquisitors are left to their own judgement in all matters,
subject only to scrutiny by their peers, and the same applies to
recruiting new Inquisitors.


There are no consistent criteria of age of physical condition
required to be suitable for investiture into the Inquisition.
Proof of intelligence and loyalty are the key requisites, and
often these aspects of a person's character cannot be properly
judged until later in life.


On the whole, Inquisitors will take note of individuals that are
free-thinking, possessed of will power and determination and
unflinching principles. If they find a suitable person, they will
become part of the Inquisitor's retinue, perhaps serving in a
more minor capacity while the Inquisitor continues their
evaluation. Those that prove their worth working with the
Inquisitor will then be taken into their master's or mistress'
greater confidence.
recruitment and training of Inquisitors.

Page 24
It normally requires the consent of three Inquisitors or an
Inquisitor Lord to pass on the full powers of an Inquisitor and
grant an Inquisitorial Seal, though there have been occasions
when this has not been necessary, or the immediate situation
has dictated that the apprentice take on full Inquisitorial
responsibilities immediately. This is likely if an Inquisitor is
killed - their apprentice will inherit their Inquisitorial Seal and
may fulfil the role of an Inquisitor subject to repeal by another
How one is elevated to become a full Inquisitor.

Page 25
The solitary nature of an Inquisitor's work means that after
leaving the company of their tutor, they might never meet
another Inquisitor. This is not that uncommon, and in distant
parts of the galaxy where the Imperium is spread thin, there are
small offshoots of the Inquisition that have had no contact with
Terra for years, centuries or even millennia.

It is in these splinter groups that new philosophies may be born,
or older factions maintained even though the greater Inquisition
may have disregarded them.


Over the
generations, as with the Inquisition across the galaxy, the mission
and purpose of Inquisitors may be perverted, either deliberately
or simply through the progression of knowledge from individual
to individual.
There have been several occurrences when the Inquisition has
openly conflicted with these groups, both sides ignorant of the
true nature of their adversaries. Such wars do not usually end
well, and so those who are most prominent in the Inquisition
make great efforts to maintain contact with as many Inquisitors
as possible to avoid such confrontations.
Variation and change in Inquisitors in specific and the Inquisition as a whole
in both scope and time.

PAge 25
Conclaves are formal gatherings of two or more Inquisitors, and
are convened for a variety of reasons, which shall be discussed
later. Most conclaves are called to discuss a single matter, and
will last a few days at most and be attended by no more than a
handful of Inquisitors. Some, known in some records as High
Conclaves, can last for several weeks and cover a multitude of
related topics. The attendance for High Conclaves may number
several dozen Inquisitors depending on the extent of the topic or
topics being conferred upon.


It is for the flow of information that the majority of Conclaves are
gathered - to warn others of a new threat, to discuss recent
events, to pass on news of success or failure. This informationsharing
will be followed by debate, as the Inquisitors decide
upon a course of action that they will each take. Consensus is not
essential, as Inquisitors know full well that different approaches
to the same problems will garner different results. However,
being aware of the activities of other Inquisitors around a certain
area or confronting a particular threat can avoid unfortunate
confusion and even confrontation later.
Conclaves described, including the benefits of the practice.

Page 25
Authority within the
Inquisition is governed by two factors - reputation and
influence. An Inquisitor may be willing to gainsay one of his
fellows, but if confronted by several he will defer, thus an
Inquisitor with experience and contacts can exert control over
younger, less influential comrades. Seniority is in itself no true
test of authority, but most Inquisitors will default to the
wisdom of another that is older and more experienced.
Despite this, there is a need for a higher tier of Inquisitor to
help maintain the integrity of the Inquisition and to watch over
the rest of the organisation and the marshalling of resources.
They are known as Lord Inquisitors, Inquisitor Lords or High
Inquisitors. Promotion to the ranks of Inquisitor Lord is by
invitation only, and is extended to those that have proven
themselves numerous times, not only their courage and ability,
but also their integrity and loyalty.
To become and Inquisitor Lord, one must be nominated by an
existing Lord, and to have the nomination approved by two
others. Quite often this is a formality, as the word of an
Inquisitor Lord is sacrosanct to his fellows and the chances of
an Inquisitor actually being known personally by more than
one Lord are exceptionally small. However, there is
occasionally contention and a conclave may have to be
convened to discuss the matter - usually, but not always, with
the nominee in attendance to answer enquiries as to their
activities and beliefs.
Being an Inquisitor Lord is a recognition rather than an
absolute rank, and is more a formalisation of a position
enjoyed by the Inquisitor rather than an actual promotion. This
is because an Inquisitor Lord has no real temporal dominion -
they are not responsible for any given area of the galaxy nor
specific individuals. Instead, it is reinforcement of the
Inquisitor's authority and in particular to power within the
organisation. The most obvious benefits are the ability to
recognise the appointments of others to the ranks of Inquisitor,
to convene High Conclaves and to requisition greater
resources from the Inquisition's forces and agents.
An outline of the ways in which an Inquisitor can parley the whole "Inquisitorial authority" into
getting what he wants.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last update for the Thorian sourcebook (At last!)

Page 25
Given the nature of communication and travel, gathering
together even half a dozen specific individuals in a single place at
a certain times requires that most conclaves are restricted in their
sphere of influence to few hundred light years, and must be
planned in advance. High Conclaves, those that deal with the
most grave matters brought to the attention of the Inquisition,
can be convened on smaller timescales if required, as astropaths
send out urgent missives to Inquisitors across a wider area. High
Conclaves are sometimes an ongoing affair that may see several
dozen Inquisitors answer the call all told, though perhaps less
than half of them will be present on any given day as they arrive
or depart as the tides of the Warp allow.
Arranging and holding Conclaves and High Conclaves.

Page 25
There is one position amongst the Inquisition that carries with it more power and authority than any other - the Inquisitorial
Representative to the Senatorum Imperialis. One of the High Lords of Terra, the Inquisitorial Representative is nominated from
amongst the Inquisitor Lords of the sectors surrounding Terra, and Inquisitors that have filled this role are referred to as an Inquisitor
Lord Terran.

It is not unusual for several Inquisitor Lords Terran to share the role of Inquisitorial Representative at the same time. Though the
attendance of the Representative is always appreciated, their position in the chambers of the Senatorum Imperialis is often empty and
their vote conferred by missive - such are the demands of the Inquisition.

The Inquisitorial Represnetative to the High Lords described.

Page 26
While the Inquisition enjoys absolute authority, in reality the cooperation of the other High Lords is essential in maintaining this
position. If a Representative were to cross the Fabricator-General of Mars, for instance, the starships and arms by which the
Inquisition's power is maintained may be put a risk. Conversely, if the Inquisition feels that an organisation is stinting in its dedication,
pressure can be applied to the relevant High Lord, turning an organisational issue into one of personal confidence.

In this respect, the Respresentative is in an unparalleled position of leverage, for he has not attained his role by personal ambition or
desire, and therefore risks no personal stake in his dealings with the other High Lords. They, on the other hand, will be only too aware
of the subordinates that view their position with envy and ambition, and so must actively protect their power at each turn. The merest
hint of the Inquisition's displeasure can be the catalyst for a High Lord being removed by those he represents. Those High Lords whose
position is non-permanent, such as the leader of the Chartist Captains or the Lord Solar, are particularly vulnerable to this type of
careful manipulation by the Representative, for they risk not only their personal privilege, but also that of the organisation they
represent. Thus the careful balance of power between the Inquisition and the rest of the Imperium is carefully preserved
Again, we obseve how politics tends to temper and influence the theoretical "unlimited power" an Inquisitor, even a high end one, commands.

Page 26
The Inquisition operates in such a way that it is normally
the first to become aware of emergent menaces to the Imperium, and has proven this with regards to the Necron awakening, the arrival
of the Tyranid hive fleets, the advent Hrud Migration and during many other momentous events. Thus the Inquisition serves as the
High Lords' eyes and ears across the galaxy, enabling them to bypass the dreary and lengthy processes maintained by the Adeptus Terra,
when the need arises. Such warnings come not only for information, but are inevitably attended with a recommended course of action.
The High Lords will debate this recommendation, usually modifying it in some form or other, and then begin turning the great wheels
of the Imperium to implement their plans.
The importance of the Inquisition as a flexible, independent organization.

Page 26
An Inquisitor is above
any judge but his peers, and thus it is required that for an
Inquisitor be brought to trial a fellow Inquisitor must act as
prosecutor. In these situations, and Inquisitor Lord will convene
the conclave, often with the accused being in absentia, and a
panel of three or more Inquisitors will hear the case to be
answered. Such a conclave can find an Inquisitor negligent,
incompetent or worse. The greatest sentence handed down by
these conclaves is the declaration of Traitoris Excommunicate -
the Inquisitor is found to be a heretic and is to be hunted down
at all costs.
The checks and balances on an Inquisitor.

Page 26
It has been known for Inquisitors to declare another Inquisitor
traitor without recourse to a conclave, as may be necessary to
prevent a deviant from escaping, or when physical conflict is
imminent. In such cases, a conclave of enquiry will be held after
the events have unfolded. Sometimes such conclaves do not
occur within the lifetime of the accused or the accuser, and they
must make their judgement based on whatever evidence
remains. Given the flexible mission of the Inquisition and the
individuals that make up its ranks, such trial conclaves are
limited in the punishments they can mete out on the guilty. One
cannot simply stop being an Inquisitor, and so censures and
other threats carry little weight. Most often, the guilty party may
be subjected to further examination - in itself, not a pleasant
experience - and this is usually enough to provide an Inquisitor
with a new incentive to re-examine his priorities and agenda.
Punishment and chastisement of an Inquisitor.

Page 27
On occasion an Inquisitor may well
encounter another of his organisation, or specifically request the
aid of a comrade. These are temporary, short-lived affairs on the
whole. However, repeated cooperation between Inquisitors can
become established, and over time a growing group of
Inquisitors will communicate regularly and assist each other.
This is likely if the Inquisitors share some common goals and
these cells, as they are known, tend to be factional in nature and
therefore can be used not only to further the cause of the
Inquisition as a whole but also to fulfil the agenda of the
Inquisitors involved.


In time a cell may contain a dozen or more Inquisitors,
occasionally working together and passing on information to one


A cell will often be formed to confront a particular problem - a
daemonic manifestation for example. When this sort of threat
reoccurs, and Inquisitor may call upon his or her old cell to
confront the new menace. In this way, a cell may lie dormant for
years or even decades, before the call is sent out and the
Inquisitors gather.
Contacts between Inquisitors And potential conflicts.

PAge 27
To ameliorate this state of affairs, all Inquisitors carry with them
an Inquisitorial Seal. This may be a pendant, signet ring, actual
seal or some other accoutrement, and is marked with a variation
of the symbol of the Inquisition. This seal is proof positive that
the Inquisitor carries with him the full authority of the Emperor.
Should anyone doubt the veracity of a seal, they will normally
contain other encoded information that will prove the identity of
the bearer, utilising technologies seldom seen outside the forge
worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus.


The absolute trust
and authority with which the Inquisition must operate cannot be
threatened and Inquisitors will go to any lengths to expose a
fraud and bring them to justice.
More on Inquisitorial authority.

Page 27
language. All
Inquisitors will learn various codes and battle-tongues from their
master or mistress while they are in Interrogator, and there are
several spoken by Inquisitors all across the Imperium in one
form or another. However, it will also be one of the qualified
Inquisitor's first tasks to modify or create a secret tongue of his
own. Inquisitors are pragmatic for much of the time, and every
Inquisitor is taught early on that their loyalty to the master may
one day have to be forgotten and they will investigate their
former mentor. In such situations, security cannot be
compromised, and so there is the need for every Inquisitor and
his or her warrior band to be able to communicate in a unique
We've seen this of course - the most obvious example being Eisenhorn's Glossia code.

Page 28
It is through the organic ebb and flow of the cells that ideas,
theories and acquaintances can eventually pass from one end of
the galaxy to the other over the span of years, decades,
generations and centuries. Philosophies that may well have fallen
out of favour near Terra may only just be catching attention in
the southern rim or the Eastern Fringe. The Inquisitors know full
well the impossibility of maintaining any kind of structure across
the great gulfs of space covered by the Imperium, unlike other
Imperial organisations, and for the last ten thousand years it is an
approach that has, on the whole, been very successful.
The spread of information and philsoohpies throughout the Imperium.

Page 32
Seal Warp Breach cuts off the connection between the mortal
universe and Warp space. Daemonic creatures drawing on the
energy of the Warp will have their power leached away as they
attempt to continue to exist in real space, and will perish if they
cannot re-establish another link to their immaterial realm.
A warp power dedicated to closing warp rifts, so as to weaken a daemon.

Page 32
The psyker opens up a small breach into the Warp, tearing away
a tiny piece of reality and dragging into the other dimension.
This is particularly useful for attacking foes protected by armour
or cover.
Like a vortex warhead.

Page 33
A soul net was one of the Thorian's crude attempts to replicate
the technology embodied within the Eldar spirit stones. It is a
latticework of psycho-conductive material that is designed to
activate upon death to trap the escaping soul of the wearer.
Unfortunately, it interferes with the psychic aura that surrounds
the wearer, reducing them to a comatose state or even killing
them. This side effect has now seen use as a weapon against
Daemons and psykers.
More Imperial efforts at replicating Eldar tech.

Page 33
Used almost exclusively by the Ordo Hereticus, a psychic
dampener disrupts the flow of Warp energy within its range of
effect, disturbing the psychic powers of others.
A portable mechanical version of a Pariah, I suppose.

Page 33
Originally designed for Imperial Officers to control penal troops,
an empath generator creates a psychic field that allows the
wearer to project their emotions into another individual. A
character with an empath generator can instil fear in an
enemy within twenty yards, or Nerves of steel in a
friendly character within twenty yards.
Intresting tech.

Page 33
A telepathic beacon can be implanted into the mind of an
individual to allow them to broadcast their thoughts. A character
with a telepathic beacon has the ability Wyrd - Ttelepathy.
Mechanically bestwoing psychic abilities upon a non-psyker.. at least to a certain extent

Page 33
The aura-scrye is a special type of auspex that works along similar
principles as the psi-tracker. It works by detecting the psychic
emanation that all mortal and Daemonic creatures exude, and
displays this as an image when used as an optical aid. The aurscrye
can only be used to make an active scan
Sensors dedictaed to detecting psychic/warp energy and phenomena.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Bit of a change for Spinoff threads.. The Inquisitor 2002 Annual book. I think this is largely a collection of articles from the Exterminatus magazine. Interesting in some details, but that's about it. I figured I'd cover it anyhow.

Page 7
Power fields are the standard energy defence used by the Imperium. They work by throwing up a force wall to deflect incoming energy and projectiles. They provide good protection but are generally heavy devices which require substnatial amounts of power. As well as personal protection, they are used for defending vital equipment such as power generators, access portals, vehicles, and the like.

Power fields provide a force field defence. Unlike other force fields, they have a variable setting and a limited duration of use.
Power fields are similar to void shields, but more compact and less power intensive (usually). The "personal protection" and "defense of vital equipment" are both interesting uses, especially the vehicles. Early edition fluff described vehicles like Rhinos and predators having power fields for example.

Larger vehcles, like superheavies and titans, can use void shields though.

Page 13
This item is unique to Techpriest Tezla. Based upon technology which Tezla uncovered in ancient Necrontyr ruins, the Temporal Phase distort Generator acts as an anti-stasis field, turning the user partially insubstantial. When working efficiently, this can make Tezla impervious to harm. However, in order to work it has been cybernetically integrated into his own body and malfunctions often occur, cuasing him grievous wounds and intense agony.
I dont see why this is unique or especially Necron. Phase field generators exist and are used by the Imperium for relatively mundane reasons like mining or even boarding actions.

Page 18
Covenant wasted no time and unleashed a lfurry of psycannon bolts as the creature descended. The Daemonhost weaved in the air, a macabre dance, dodging the projectiles bfore turning his descent into a dive, heading striaght for the inquisitor.
Daemonhost agile enough to dodge incoming fire.

Page 21
Fabian in fact had been marhsalling his forces, and with a surprise attack, led his mutant army into Protia space port. They managed to hijack a ship, overpowering the helpless port security and blasted off before better trained forces could be deploed ot thwart them. Tyrus himself commandeered a vessel and set off in pursuit, but was unable to bring the rebel craft to combat before they escaped the system and became lost in warp space.
It's interesting that the mutants could hijack a starship. One wonders who owned it, and whether it had a Navigator.

Page 23
Hieronomus Tezla was trained as a runic priest on the forge world of Stygies VIII, a large moon which orbits a ringed gas giant in the binary star system of Vulcanis.

Stygies VIII itself almost fell to heretic forces in the legendary times of the Horus Heresy, only being saved by the intervention of the engigmatic alien Eldar race. This event has lead Vulcanis being the home of a secretive sect within the Adeptus Mechanicus known as the Xenarites.

The Xenarites are dedicated to the study and exploitation of alien technology, a policy which most Tech-Priests find highly offensive.

The Xenarites point to the intervention of the Eldar to assist the true followers of the Machine God as a sign that even they are subject to his will, and that it is their sacred duty to study them.
Here we see the idea of Techpriests studying/using Alien tech being described as a "secret" sub cult of the AdMech, and that alien tech is generally abhorrent to them. This of course reflects that AdMech attitudes vary from author to author. THere are cases where the AdMech openly drools over or even tries ot work with Xenos technology (Eg the Necrons being a notable example.)

Page 23
Runic priests are trained in arcane branches of scientific lore such as intuitive mechanics, speculation, and improvisation. Their special skills are brought into play when scripture and doctrine fail to produce results, although their methods are often viewed with suspicion by more orthodox Tech-Priests.
I admit I find it hard to believe there are AdMech that are even more supernatural than regular tech priests. "Intuitive mechanics, speculation and improvisation" sounds like pseudoscience, but on the other hand when you factor things in like how the Orks work, and the entire plot of Mechanicum (Dalia, the Akashic Reader, etc.) it seems less goofy (purely in the Context of 40K that is.) These priests may be rare (and distrusted) because they behave like Dalia (or like Leonard of Quirm in the Discrowld novels, if you want another example.)

Page 23
He (Tezla) won great renown amongst his fellows for his audacious examination of a crashed Fra'al spacecraft in the Tamahl sector and his subsequent etheric-plasma theorums. Likewise his studies on the ancient Ork power field generators on Polaris are reckoned to be authoritative texts on the subject.
The "etheric-plasma theroems" are particularily interesting, since it hints that some 40K plasma technology has connections to the warp (plasma reactors, perhaps?)

Page 25
Several hive worlds and the forge world Strathrax Fort require regular supplies of the minerals provided by Gabrydon to produce weapons and machinery for the Imperial guard and other organisations.
Mining world provides materials to "several" hive worlds and one forge world. I'm assuming this is in a single sector, so it reinforces my long ago ideas that you gout a couple hive worlds per sector (average) and a single forge world. If we knew or could estimate the average mineral output of the world (perhaps in comparison to Earth) we might get an idea of material consumption of each. But considering the insane production rates a Hive and forge world are supposed to have, its likely that the resource shipping is considerably greater.

Page 25
..Imperial Commander Vasten, descended from the original settlers of Gabrydon, was ousted and excuted by the Adeptus Terra for incompetence (along with his immediate family). This followed an Inquisitorial review of the Gabrydon situation, and a new Imperial Commander, an off-worlder approved by the Inquisition, was put in place to deal with the problem.
They may be hands off in most cases, but there's only so much crap even the High Lords will put up with if problems don't resolve themselves (and they interefere with the broad requirements of the Imperium or pose a threat.)

Page 25
He [the Imperial commander] brought in five hundred Royal Guard from his home world of Karox, and this had subsequently swelled to a force of nearly three thousand hunt-team members.


Lucretia Bravus came to Gabrydon in the second draft of enforcers, some eight years ago. In that time she has risen from hunt-team troper to leader.
The implication here is that the Enforcers (local Arbiter analogues) number in the thousands on this mining world.

Page 26
The Schola Progenium is a vast, galactic-wide organisation that schools the offspring of loyal Imperial servants in preparation for the day that they will take their place in servng the Emperor. Many of these children grow to become officers in the Imperial Navy or Commissariat, while others rise to become the Princeps of the mighty god machines in the Titan Legions. But others have talents that would best serve the Emperor by enforcing His law upon its citizens, and join the ranks of the Adpetus Arbites, the Judges.
Rather your usual description of the Schola progenium, although the people who are "trained" by it can vary. Commissars are common, as are Sororitas and sometimes the Navy, but rarely mentioned are Arbites or Storm troopers. And this is I think the first time I'd heard that Titan Princeps are trained by them. This tends to suggest that Titan Legion officers are not wholly creatures of the AdMech, but straddle a line betwene the two - a bit like Astartes Techmarines in that respect. Makes sense, though, even if the Titan Legions are mainly under the control of the AdMech and not the Imperium proper.

Page 26
Members of the Adeptus Arbites never serve on their home worlds, or even worlds within a dozen light years of their home. Such detachment from the citizens they police is an integral part of their authority.
Another common trait. It often applies to Guard Garrison units as well. Shira Calpurnia from the series of the same name, for example, was stationed on Hydraphur but hailed from Ultramar originally.

Page 26
Eventually, he was to take his place amongst the ranks of the Adeptus Arbites on the hive world of Necromunda.
Necromunda has Arbites, not just the enforcers I have mentioned in the past.

Page 27
Time was running out for Damian. He knew he could not remain on Necromunda much longer, so he secured passage on a smuggling ship leaving the system.
Another indication of a not-insiginificant degree of interstellar smuggling existing in 40K, even among a world like Necromunda.

Page 27
Unwilling to relinquish his Arbites shotgun, he was forced to manufacture specially designed 'hand loads', ammuniton so lethal it was outlawed on many civilised worlds; hydraulic shock shells, expanders, and amputators.
Ammo that basically blows large holes or parts of the body off seem to be "outlawed", although this might refer strictly to civilians. The implication here is that Arbites might use similar ammo.

Page 27
Expanders - these shells are manufactured from a highly compacted alloy that expands rapidly upon impact, blasting huge exit wounds in the target (Expanders... .. combine the effects of dumdums and man stoppers.)
The effect seems to be like a hollow point, although that's not what is described here - it's attributed to the ammo rather than the shape of things (and no shotgun ever used a hollowpoint), Perhaps this is referring to some sort of frangible slug?

Page 27
Hydraulic shock shells - these bullets are fired at far higher speeds than normal and are designed to cause hydraulic shock ot the target, dragging the blood from the heart. (... any location hit by a hydraulic shock shell will immediatle ystart bleeding...)
This is actually refers to hydrostatic shock, one of the theoretical wounding mechanisms (and a much argued one) with projectiles due to the high velocity.

Part of the probelm with the hydrostatic shock theory is that tissue being mostly water will have a high speed of sound (something like 1500 m/s, as opposed to around 340 m/s for Air) and bullets only get close to that (1400 m/s and that with certain low velocity, specialized ammo) which some think isn't enough for the effects.

So if true, this suggests the shotgun round would be highly supersonic if not hypersonic (relative to SoS in air), which for a shotgun (or any firearm) would be insane velocity, and suggest at some incredibly sophisticated firearms technology behind the Imperium. (But things like bolters and caseless ammo being common suggests this isn't implausible.)

Page 27
Amputators - designed to explode on impact, these shells are lethal when used against unarmoured targets (if an Amptuator hits an unarmoured limb or head location.... .. that limb or head is destroyed...)
Amputate suggests it basically destroys limbs, including the head if it hits. A considerably powerful ammo.

Page 28
Chiros itself was a wealthy world....
Its populace numbered only a few million, most of whom were involved in the production of rejuvenating elixirs, fine furs, and rare narcotics crated from its natural flora and fauna.
Rejuv treatments (for the wealthy) apparently are an industry on some worlds. And a drug trade of sorts seems to be legalized (at least in some parts of the Imperium. Rather peculiar given the affinities of Slaanesh and such (seems like it would encourage that sort of shit.)

Page 28
Jan was hailed as a hero and offered the role of planetary governor, but he refused, saying that so long as other worlds suffered under the heel of Bucharis, he could not accept such a position. Jan then went on to fight on worlds such as Guryan, Dolsia, Methalor..
An aristocrat turned freedom fighter managed to travel from planet to planet, again hinting that while perhaps not as common as travel in SW, its still not uncommon for people to be able to move from planet to planet.

Page 29
To placate the swelling desire of the masses to see Jan rewarded, the Adepts hurriedly bestowed the title of Honourary High Lord of Terra upon him. It was also decided that Jan van Yastobaal would be granted a trade license and offered a small fleet of starships with which to explore the stars on the Eastern Fringe.[
Basically made a Rogue Trader, in other words.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next to last update for the Inquisitor annaul... then we move onto space hulk (yay!)

Page 30
Viskeons are ectotherms, absorbing their heat and energy from the surrounding enviroment.
interesting bit of biology. I wonder how plausible it is or if I have to involve "Warp magic" to explain it.

Page 30
He was only prevented from returning home by the intervention of Eldrad Ulthran, Farseer of Craftworld Ulthwe, who caused the total desutrction of the Viskeon's planet and civilisation.

The reason for thi sintervention was the encroachments of Tyranid splinter fleets from Hive Fleet Kraken, that had broken off form the battle of Ichar IV..


Events set into motion thousands of years before by the inscrutable Farseer caused an Ork fleet unwittingly smash through the hive fleet radically altering its course, turning it towards the Viskeon home world.


That Eldar lives and their settlements would be saved was all that mattered to the Ulthwe Farseers.
The Eldar weren't only dicks to the humans, in other words. An interesting note on the scale of Eldar precog, yet again. At least for Ulthwe Farseers.

Page 30
The skies boiled purple as millions upon millions of mycetic spores hurtled through the atmosphere.


Without ranged weaponry, the sheer number of rapacious alien predators swiftly overwhlmed the Viskeons. In less than ninety days, the hot, dry world had been reduced to an airless ball of dead rock, stripped of every single organic component.
'Nids eat a planet in ninety days, drop "millions" of spores on the planet. Also ranged weaponry makes a huge difference in fighting the 'Nids.

Page 34
Many of these categories listed can be mixed and matched to create more complex enviroments, which come under the general heading of 'civilised world'.
A civilised world, in 40K terms (at least in the Gav Thorpe view of things) is a "general" sort of world that has traits of all others (hive, forge, agri, mining, etc.)

Page 34
A world's location within the Imperium has an effect on many things, including how isolated it is from Terra, how much the Imperial organizations interefere with its running, how important it is considered and so on. A world in the Segmentum Solar, close to Earth, is likely to be old, established and an Important part of the Imperium. Whereas a planet on the Eastern Fringe, at the edge of the Astronomicon and far from Terra, will be more of a frontier world, isolated form authority and left to its own devices for much of th etime.
Funny enough this is often the idea I tend to view things in 40K. Alot of the "important" worlds (thus more Imperial worlds and likely part of the "official" million - are closer to Earth.) Whereas the fringes of the Imperium, especially the Eastern fringe, is basically the "frontier.

Page 35
Agri worlds are huge farms, geared towards exporting foodstuffs to hive worlds, forge worlds and other non-self sufficient places. They have a low population density and technology can range from self-managed farming with automated harvesters to horse and plough level. Agri-worlds don't have alot of military resource and are often vulnerable to attack. There are few large conurbations, and most of the populace live in rural communities. Slave labour is often employed in lower-tech enviroments.
Not much different from 3rd and 5th eidtion depiction of Hive Worlds. Also note that "low populations" - apparently ont EVERYTHING the Imperium does relies on sheer raw manpower - at least the really huge types that are basically net food exporters and are expected to feed forge and Hive worlds. Anything of "horse and plough" level probably can't do large scale food export - probably more "specialized" needs (like catering ot the elite bastards of a sector)

Page 35
Dead Worlds: these worlds have minimal, even non-existent life traces. This results from ecological catastrophe, devastating internecine war, Imperial or alien intervention, or no attributable cause. Occasionally a dead world may harbour ancient technology, alien ruins, and other sites of interest to the Inquisition, and some may have research stations, exploratory camps, or fledgeling colonies.
again, similar to 3rd/5th edition text. Even being dead though, they can technically be inhabited (worlds like Krieg, Tallarn, and Valhalla are probably technically "dead")

Page 35
Forge worlds are the sovereign domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus. They are planet-wide factories and may also serve as a base of operations for one of the Titan Legions. Forge worlds are essential for the supply of arms and armour to the Imperium's combat forces. They are also vast repositories of knowledge, with extensive libraries and archives which would contain much of interest to an Inquisitor. The Adeptus Mechanicus guards this knowledge jealously, though,a nd outside interference and visitors are not enocuraged.
Again, same as other forge world descriptions.

Page 35
medieval worlds: Thees have a technical base just prior to or just after Black Powder state. Establishment of wide surface, cultural and political organisations, for example trade guilds, fiefdoms, and such like. Some useful recruiting for Imperial Guard and Adeptus Astartes. As with feral worlds, these planets are vulnerable to attack as they have little central organisation and very crude battlegear.
"some useful recruiting" for the Guard I assume generally means "specialized skills" like the Ogryns, the Attilan rough riders, or the Kanak skulltakers. Modern fluff doesn't feature "feral/feudal" guard levels all that often.

Page 35
Cardinal worlds are ruled over by the Ecclesiarchy and act as centres of spiritual and physical power of the Minostorum of Terra. The ministorum has a great deal of temporal power and resources, and cardinal worlds tend to be well-defneded, with a fairly high degree of technology and standard of living. Usually they are governed by a council of Cardinals (hence the name) or perhaps a lone Cardinal acts in the role of Imperial commander.
Sound pretty nice if it weren't for the fact they were ran by the Ministorum.

Page 35
Research stations: this category contains a wide variety of locations, including orbital stations, asteroidal emplacements and other major facilities on dead worlds, death worlds, and other planets. Research stations are responsible for a wide variety of research, from animal breeding and domestication to weapons testing and gene engineering. They are also listening and watch posts for planetary and system defence of important worlds.
Places like Tyran I imagine. No idea how common they are, but I'd imagine fairly common. Some like WR have suggested (based on 3rd and 5th edition as well as this) that this category might help explain the fact that there are suppose to be "millions" or even "billions" of "inhabited" worlds in the Imperium, which is a reasonable supposition (Void born, after all..)

These planets can apparently also occupy systems that have other types of worlds, as they can serve as planetary surveillance and defense stations.

Page 35
Garden worlds are paradises, with rolling plains, deep forests, impressive mountain ranges and sweeping coastlines. These are havens for Imperial nobles and those with the resources and power as retreats, where they can go hunting, fishing, camping and other such wilderness delights. As you can imagine, these worlds are hotbeds of intrigue and heresy as decadent nobles, rogue traders, Imperial commanders and their like mix together, plotting and scheming as their kind are wont to do..
Also known as PAradise worlds as I recall. Basically Imperial recreation parks.

Page 35
As agri-worlds are to foodstuffs, mining worlds are to minerals. These are ore-rich planets which export unprocessed minerals and metals for manufacture on Forge worlds and Hive worlds. They are usually very rough and ready places, full of hardened miners and their equally hardened families. Digging under mountains often turns up strange artefacts, ancient fossilised remains and other material that would grab an Inquisitor's interest.
Implied here is that the Hive and Forge worlds are the primary industiral powerhouses of the Imperium, which is not an unreasonable supposition.

Page 35
These are planets which are too dangerous to support widespread human settlement. They may vary a great deal in type. Typical worlds may be world-wide jungles which harbour man-eating plants and carnivorous animals, or barren rockscapes strewn with volcanoes and wracked by nuclear storms. These worlds are near-impossible to colonise but must be properly explored, which necessitates the provision of outposts and other facilities. some harbour rich mineral, vegetable, animal or gaseous resources.
The good ol' Deathworld. Including, (amusingly) planets wracked by nuclear storms. What kinds of colonists would be raised THERE I wonder?

Page 35
Feral worlds have a technological state which is considerably pre-black powder, even pre Bronze or Stone age in the most backward cases. Sometimes they are a good source of Imperial Guard or Adeptus Astartes recruits. The Imperial commander is often distant, in orbit usually, with infrequent surface forays to establish pruges of psychic talent and mutation. Warrior cults and widespread religious heresy in general are common amongst feral worlders, and Imperial commanders of such planets are frequently under suspicion of "going native"
Feral worlds are considered only "sometimes" as a source of recruitment for the Guard. More useful to the Astartes and the Assasins.

Page 35
The bulk of a hive world's surface is generally inhospitable, evne deadly, to human life after centuries of pollution. Massive urban conglomerations called Hives, many miles in height, are the principle population centres. Factory, mining and atmosphere processing are the main industries. There is a high import/export ratio, particularily of foodstuffs and fresh water inocming, with machinery and war mateiral outgoing.
Hives of course also export, people. This may be deliberate, so that the Imperium has a ready source of people for military or colonization puproses (although given conditions on some hives, I have to wonder how sane people would be as colonists)

Page 43
Industiral complexes: This includes mines, atmospheric processors, munitions factories, depots and similar constructions. This can also include more extravagant locations; perhaps a gas harvester on one of the system's gas giant planets, or maybe a corpse recycling plant on a hive world cut off from the rest of the Imperium for yers and desperately short of food.
Types of industrial facilities. I quoted this mainly to note the "exotics" like corpse recycling. GRIMDARK!

Page 43
The warships and merchant vessels of the Imperium can be huge vessels, space-borne cities with all the in-fighting, cult activity and heresy you would find in any other settlement.
Typical starship description.

Page 50
The Tarot has guided the servants of the Emperor for ten millenia and, though the significance of its readings are often obscure to the point of meaningless, its holy instruction is said to be imbued with the Emperor's own will.
Likely it is controlled by the Emperor - its not like he has a great many ways he can communicate after all.

Page 50
He mastered weapons, martial skills and the rites by which the daemon could be vanquished. Such was his strength of devotion to the Immortal God Emperor that his word alone could stay the hand of a daemonic creature and cause it to real in pain at his fiery zeal and devotion.
The Inquisiotr, Tyrus, as I recall is not a psyker and is a witch Hunter (meaning he likely hates psykers). His "power" such as it is, likely stems either from the Emperor (bestowed temproarily or used as an avatar/vessel - a sort of possession temporarily) or it is indicative of a subconscious utilization of humanity's evolving psychic potential (similar to the Orks or Eldar)

Page 50
Bellowing words of holy purity that the daemon is forbidden to withstand, Tyrus fought with the strength of the Emperor. The bitter foes traded blows, each grievous enough to fell a lesser being.


..he punched Covonis' weapon through the daemon's chest, dragging out its still beating heart, and crushed it in his gauntleted fist. The daemon grinned as it died..
Again he's either a latent psyker of some kind or specially imbued by GEoM.

Page 52
Inquisitors of the Thorian Philosophy believe that the Emperor walks among Humanity. He chooses his vessels to do his work, as he has done since time began. The rotting carcass maintained in the Golden Throne is not the emperor, for he travels abroad, tending to his Divine Will, instilling his power in those that have been chosen.
..Thorians are convinced that the Emperor yet waits for a new body to be found or created which can contain his divinity for more than brief periods of time.
Thorians in brief. I coverd much of this already in the Thorian sourcebook.

Page 52
The Principles of the God-Incarnate postulate that the Emperor truly is a god; his near-death at the hands of Horus allowed him to finally shatter the mortal bonds shackling his true potential, and he ascended to the power of a deity. Like the other gods he has an existence within the warp, in essence he is the god of Humanity, and the Thorians claim they have gathered much evidene to support this. THe one limtiation to any god is that to have power over the physical world, they must rely upon mortals to do their work. As first postulated by Inquisitor Damasko in 243.M32, most Inquisitors accept that to affect events in the material universe the Chaos gods, and by extnesion other deities, must have champions, possess worshippers, influence mortals or temporarily create phyiscal manifestations in the form of daemons. The Emperor is in fact the greatest example of this - the galaxy-spanning Imperium is merely the material instrument of the emperor.
Again, much of this is ocvered in the Thorian sourcebook, and that the inherent logic behind it makes sense (EG the Emperor has his own "champions, worshippers, angels, etc.)

Page 52
If, as the Thorians expound, a man can become a god, (as they believe happened at the Emperor's Ascension), it stands to reason that a god can become a man. This is Inquisitor Raptenstein's First Principle of the God-Incarnate: a god can become a physical incarnation. The idea of the God Incarnate is that there will be a certain individual (or individuals) who will allow this to happen - a god could invest its power into a special mortal body and literally become a living god. It was Inquisitor Loweberg's interpretations of the Principles of the God-Incarnate that first referred to these physical vessels as avatars.
self explanatory and already covered, but interesting to see again since this is a sort of summary.

Page 52
Without being restricted to the warp, and therefore restricted to the manipulation of crass, mortal pawns, what power would a god have. One can easily imagine that Humanity would be doomed if one of the avatars were to become an incarnation of a Chaos god. Horus himself almost achieved this, and was only defeated by an equally powerful being - the Emperor. Similarily, the idea of the God-Incarnate is not restricted to humans. Many Inquisitors, such as Czevak and Grundvald of the Ordo Xenos, believe that certain faint echoes and omens within the warp suggest that the Eldar are striving to create a new god to defeat Chaos; while a God-Incranate of the Ork deities Gork or Mork would be terrible.
Eldar god ynead IIRC the name correctly. Gork and Mork can incarnate (in some ways) either partially (a fist or foot of ectoplasm for example) or in the form of a gargant (in a fashion.)

Page 53
As far as most of the Thorians' opponents are concerned, the 'Second Coming' of the Emperor would be a very bad thing. This is quite an understandable position really, and springs form uncertainty.


"If the Emperor were to become a God-Incarnate, would the Emperor be destroyed if things went wrong, if the avatar was unsuitable, or the rituals went awry? Even if the transfer of power succeeded, what would happen to the Astronomican? If the Emperor were in physical form, coul he be killed again, and if so would he be destroyed forever, exposing humanity to the many perils that the Emperor protects Mankind from? Most importantly, what would be Humanity's reaction to having their god walking among them once more? I can
tell you now without a shadow of doubt, the Imperium would be torn apart by war, as believers and unbelievers clashed with each other!"
An issue brought up and covered in the Thorian sourcebook. To cover in brief: Accepting that what goes for Chaos Gods, daemons and such also goes for the Emperor, killing his physical manifestation will ont kill the spirit of the Emperor (or whateve rportion of his spirit is inhabiting the body.) All that you do is kill its link to the material world. The entity (the God Emperor) will only "die" if the collective consciousness of said god is broken apart. It would, however, hamper him to have his physical body destroyed.

That said, destroying the corpse on the golden throne would probably be a bad thing, since he really doesn't have any other physical connection ot the real world through which he could actually act, thus the astronomican and likely astro-telepathy ceases to work. But incarnating another avatar for him (or several) wouldn't be a bad thing - he'd actually have vessels to act through.

Incarnating the Emperor would also likely piss off the religious, since what they tend to worship is the IDEA of the Emperor (what they think he is/ought to be) and likely wouldnt appreciate the reality (Lorgar and the Word Bearers didn't, after all, and look how that turned out.)

Page 53
..it is the task of the Inquisition to seek out possible avatars and kill them or, in the case of the Thorians, control and study them.


Under the cover of rooting out heretics, witches, and mutants, the Thorians are also searching for individuals who show signs of avatar-like properties so that they can observe, capture or, if they appear to be avatars of Chaos, destroy them.
Again one could consider the "Sensei" bit from 2nd edition to have been one case of "Avatars" of the Emperor
I'm startting to wonder if the Primarchs were engineered to be Avatars as well of some sort (probably didnt work out as well since Chaos interfered).

Page 54
The young Artemis killed them all, but took a score of wounds, each one grievous enough to kill a man outright. It was here, atop a pile of corpses, that the Chaplains of the Mortifactors found the body of Artemis who, despite his wounds, still lived.
Rather exceptional feat for a normal human. Perhaps thats one reason why the Astartes are so selective - they need the high ends of human capability just to endure the process and survive (or maximize the chances of such.)

Page 55
Once on their ship, Artemis ordered the planet bombarded with cyclonic torpedoes from orbit, knowing it was the only way to be sure that the Enslavers were destroyed.
Cyclonics apparnetly can kill of psychic entities, although this may be indirectly by depriving them of hosts (no life - nothing to latch onto)

Page 56
The course of Cleander von Castellan's life would have taken a very different turn had his route not taken him pas thte capital's shipyards.
Planet based shipyards.

Page 58
Daemons are creatures of the immaterium and such natural laws of real space prevent such beasts from manifesting themselves in the material plane without exceptional effort. The barriers between warp space and real space must first be weakened by ritual and sacrifice, ahd the correct words of pwoer must be spoken by thoes who would summon such things. A much easier way for a daemon to force its way into real space is possession, whereby the daemon uses the unprotected mind of a vulnerable psyker to forge a bridge between it and the material universe.
Discussion of the laws dictating the ability of Daemons to interact with the real world. Would likely apply to anything accessing the warp (from small objects like people to whole starshipr or even planets.) Size or mas presumably is an issue in portal formation (one reason perhaps why a daemon or group of daemons can emerge on a planet - starships are fucking huge and massive.)

PAge 58
As his host body died, Cherubael's spirit form leapt into the nearest available host body, one of Clanar II's mightiest warriors, lest he be banished back to the freezing void of the Immaterium. But Quixos had anticipated this and had previously adorned his warriors' bodies with hidden pentagrammic wards and powerful sigils of binding.
trapping a daemon in a daemonhost.

Page 59
Quixos chained the thrashing creature down and hammered blessed spieks of gold through the meat of the Daemonhost's body, intoning the six hundred and sixty-six verses of the Canticle of Binding. He then fastened scrolls, inscribed with unspeakable oaths in his own blood, to Cherubael with fine silver chains. Finally after this gruelling battle of wills, the Inquisitor had bent the Daemon Prince to his bidding.
Again more of creating a daemonhost.

Page 59
..fragments from his foe's bestial claws became lodged in his heart, every attempt to remove them ending in failure.

Though its influence gradually corrupted the Inquisitor's body; it granted him a tangible link to the warp and a measure of insight into the workings of Chaos.
It is possible for contaminated pieces of a daemon (or possibly any sort of cahos imbued object) to bestow a link to the warp, although corruption/mutation, and potetnail possession obviously can result. Sort of an artificial psyker.

Page 59
Even the awesome power of a daemon prince could not hold the dissolution of its host body at bay indefinitely.. The flesh of each victim would become corrupt and unable to contain the beast, and another unwilling victim would be forced to become host ot the monster.
Daemons put some nasty wear and tear on (most) corporeal bodies. Only the rarest or most powerful (especially psykers, or the Astartes) can endure it.

Page 60
Ritual brainwashing combines with surgical techniques to remove any evidence of individuality or personality. Physical characteristics are interchangable, and it is not uncommon for members of the Faceless to have their own skins, eyes, and other features removed, to be constantly replaced by those of their victims. Thus the cultist's face often appears stitched on, stretched, or floppy.
Faceless are an Imperial cult. Surgicla processes are interesting.

Page 61
From the blackness of our souls come the Great Devourer. It is here to purge our sins. Pure in its unending appetite, the Great Devourer shall consume us all and we will be reborn into the future in glorious new bodies. Welcome the great devourer, feel your soul cleansed as its mighty shadow passes over us.
Obviously a 'Nid based religion.

PAge 61
Stagnate and die, revolte and survive. Mandragora, the ever-shifting God, shall come form the heavens and nothing will remain the same. All will be changed, adapted and fashioned in his image, to overcome the tribulations of the future. The alignments of the mundane world must be prepared to allow his traverse from the REalm of Many Faces...


Wield his magicks with pride, glorify in the transformation of your physical shell, and bring down his servants so that you might be a host to an aspect of Mandragora.
Either this is a Manifestation of Tzeentch, or a minion of his.

Page 61
Upon the pyres of the dead and dying, we shall light a fire to the heavens that the gods themselves might see us once more. Thus spake the founder of the hidden hand, the Plague Lord. Mankind is a disease, spreading across the galaxy like a stain. The gods have turned from the filth of their presence. It must be cleansed so that the gods will pour their bounties upon Humanity once more, and pestilence nad plague shall be the tools for a theif to catch a thief, a plague to kill a plague.
Nurglite religion, obviously.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next to last update for the Inquisitor annaul... then we move onto space hulk (yay!)

Page 30
Viskeons are ectotherms, absorbing their heat and energy from the surrounding enviroment.
interesting bit of biology. I wonder how plausible it is or if I have to involve "Warp magic" to explain it.

Page 30
He was only prevented from returning home by the intervention of Eldrad Ulthran, Farseer of Craftworld Ulthwe, who caused the total desutrction of the Viskeon's planet and civilisation.

The reason for thi sintervention was the encroachments of Tyranid splinter fleets from Hive Fleet Kraken, that had broken off form the battle of Ichar IV..


Events set into motion thousands of years before by the inscrutable Farseer caused an Ork fleet unwittingly smash through the hive fleet radically altering its course, turning it towards the Viskeon home world.


That Eldar lives and their settlements would be saved was all that mattered to the Ulthwe Farseers.
The Eldar weren't only dicks to the humans, in other words. An interesting note on the scale of Eldar precog, yet again. At least for Ulthwe Farseers.

Page 30
The skies boiled purple as millions upon millions of mycetic spores hurtled through the atmosphere.


Without ranged weaponry, the sheer number of rapacious alien predators swiftly overwhlmed the Viskeons. In less than ninety days, the hot, dry world had been reduced to an airless ball of dead rock, stripped of every single organic component.
'Nids eat a planet in ninety days, drop "millions" of spores on the planet. Also ranged weaponry makes a huge difference in fighting the 'Nids.

Page 34
Many of these categories listed can be mixed and matched to create more complex enviroments, which come under the general heading of 'civilised world'.
A civilised world, in 40K terms (at least in the Gav Thorpe view of things) is a "general" sort of world that has traits of all others (hive, forge, agri, mining, etc.)

Page 34
A world's location within the Imperium has an effect on many things, including how isolated it is from Terra, how much the Imperial organizations interefere with its running, how important it is considered and so on. A world in the Segmentum Solar, close to Earth, is likely to be old, established and an Important part of the Imperium. Whereas a planet on the Eastern Fringe, at the edge of the Astronomicon and far from Terra, will be more of a frontier world, isolated form authority and left to its own devices for much of th etime.
Funny enough this is often the idea I tend to view things in 40K. Alot of the "important" worlds (thus more Imperial worlds and likely part of the "official" million - are closer to Earth.) Whereas the fringes of the Imperium, especially the Eastern fringe, is basically the "frontier.

Page 35
Agri worlds are huge farms, geared towards exporting foodstuffs to hive worlds, forge worlds and other non-self sufficient places. They have a low population density and technology can range from self-managed farming with automated harvesters to horse and plough level. Agri-worlds don't have alot of military resource and are often vulnerable to attack. There are few large conurbations, and most of the populace live in rural communities. Slave labour is often employed in lower-tech enviroments.
Not much different from 3rd and 5th eidtion depiction of Hive Worlds. Also note that "low populations" - apparently ont EVERYTHING the Imperium does relies on sheer raw manpower - at least the really huge types that are basically net food exporters and are expected to feed forge and Hive worlds. Anything of "horse and plough" level probably can't do large scale food export - probably more "specialized" needs (like catering ot the elite bastards of a sector)

Page 35
Dead Worlds: these worlds have minimal, even non-existent life traces. This results from ecological catastrophe, devastating internecine war, Imperial or alien intervention, or no attributable cause. Occasionally a dead world may harbour ancient technology, alien ruins, and other sites of interest to the Inquisition, and some may have research stations, exploratory camps, or fledgeling colonies.
again, similar to 3rd/5th edition text. Even being dead though, they can technically be inhabited (worlds like Krieg, Tallarn, and Valhalla are probably technically "dead")

Page 35
Forge worlds are the sovereign domains of the Adeptus Mechanicus. They are planet-wide factories and may also serve as a base of operations for one of the Titan Legions. Forge worlds are essential for the supply of arms and armour to the Imperium's combat forces. They are also vast repositories of knowledge, with extensive libraries and archives which would contain much of interest to an Inquisitor. The Adeptus Mechanicus guards this knowledge jealously, though,a nd outside interference and visitors are not enocuraged.
Again, same as other forge world descriptions.

Page 35
medieval worlds: Thees have a technical base just prior to or just after Black Powder state. Establishment of wide surface, cultural and political organisations, for example trade guilds, fiefdoms, and such like. Some useful recruiting for Imperial Guard and Adeptus Astartes. As with feral worlds, these planets are vulnerable to attack as they have little central organisation and very crude battlegear.
"some useful recruiting" for the Guard I assume generally means "specialized skills" like the Ogryns, the Attilan rough riders, or the Kanak skulltakers. Modern fluff doesn't feature "feral/feudal" guard levels all that often.

Page 35
Cardinal worlds are ruled over by the Ecclesiarchy and act as centres of spiritual and physical power of the Minostorum of Terra. The ministorum has a great deal of temporal power and resources, and cardinal worlds tend to be well-defneded, with a fairly high degree of technology and standard of living. Usually they are governed by a council of Cardinals (hence the name) or perhaps a lone Cardinal acts in the role of Imperial commander.
Sound pretty nice if it weren't for the fact they were ran by the Ministorum.

Page 35
Research stations: this category contains a wide variety of locations, including orbital stations, asteroidal emplacements and other major facilities on dead worlds, death worlds, and other planets. Research stations are responsible for a wide variety of research, from animal breeding and domestication to weapons testing and gene engineering. They are also listening and watch posts for planetary and system defence of important worlds.
Places like Tyran I imagine. No idea how common they are, but I'd imagine fairly common. Some like WR have suggested (based on 3rd and 5th edition as well as this) that this category might help explain the fact that there are suppose to be "millions" or even "billions" of "inhabited" worlds in the Imperium, which is a reasonable supposition (Void born, after all..)

These planets can apparently also occupy systems that have other types of worlds, as they can serve as planetary surveillance and defense stations.

Page 35
Garden worlds are paradises, with rolling plains, deep forests, impressive mountain ranges and sweeping coastlines. These are havens for Imperial nobles and those with the resources and power as retreats, where they can go hunting, fishing, camping and other such wilderness delights. As you can imagine, these worlds are hotbeds of intrigue and heresy as decadent nobles, rogue traders, Imperial commanders and their like mix together, plotting and scheming as their kind are wont to do..
Also known as PAradise worlds as I recall. Basically Imperial recreation parks.

Page 35
As agri-worlds are to foodstuffs, mining worlds are to minerals. These are ore-rich planets which export unprocessed minerals and metals for manufacture on Forge worlds and Hive worlds. They are usually very rough and ready places, full of hardened miners and their equally hardened families. Digging under mountains often turns up strange artefacts, ancient fossilised remains and other material that would grab an Inquisitor's interest.
Implied here is that the Hive and Forge worlds are the primary industiral powerhouses of the Imperium, which is not an unreasonable supposition.

Page 35
These are planets which are too dangerous to support widespread human settlement. They may vary a great deal in type. Typical worlds may be world-wide jungles which harbour man-eating plants and carnivorous animals, or barren rockscapes strewn with volcanoes and wracked by nuclear storms. These worlds are near-impossible to colonise but must be properly explored, which necessitates the provision of outposts and other facilities. some harbour rich mineral, vegetable, animal or gaseous resources.
The good ol' Deathworld. Including, (amusingly) planets wracked by nuclear storms. What kinds of colonists would be raised THERE I wonder?

Page 35
Feral worlds have a technological state which is considerably pre-black powder, even pre Bronze or Stone age in the most backward cases. Sometimes they are a good source of Imperial Guard or Adeptus Astartes recruits. The Imperial commander is often distant, in orbit usually, with infrequent surface forays to establish pruges of psychic talent and mutation. Warrior cults and widespread religious heresy in general are common amongst feral worlders, and Imperial commanders of such planets are frequently under suspicion of "going native"
Feral worlds are considered only "sometimes" as a source of recruitment for the Guard. More useful to the Astartes and the Assasins.

Page 35
The bulk of a hive world's surface is generally inhospitable, evne deadly, to human life after centuries of pollution. Massive urban conglomerations called Hives, many miles in height, are the principle population centres. Factory, mining and atmosphere processing are the main industries. There is a high import/export ratio, particularily of foodstuffs and fresh water inocming, with machinery and war mateiral outgoing.
Hives of course also export, people. This may be deliberate, so that the Imperium has a ready source of people for military or colonization puproses (although given conditions on some hives, I have to wonder how sane people would be as colonists)

Page 43
Industiral complexes: This includes mines, atmospheric processors, munitions factories, depots and similar constructions. This can also include more extravagant locations; perhaps a gas harvester on one of the system's gas giant planets, or maybe a corpse recycling plant on a hive world cut off from the rest of the Imperium for yers and desperately short of food.
Types of industrial facilities. I quoted this mainly to note the "exotics" like corpse recycling. GRIMDARK!

Page 43
The warships and merchant vessels of the Imperium can be huge vessels, space-borne cities with all the in-fighting, cult activity and heresy you would find in any other settlement.
Typical starship description.

Page 50
The Tarot has guided the servants of the Emperor for ten millenia and, though the significance of its readings are often obscure to the point of meaningless, its holy instruction is said to be imbued with the Emperor's own will.
Likely it is controlled by the Emperor - its not like he has a great many ways he can communicate after all.

Page 50
He mastered weapons, martial skills and the rites by which the daemon could be vanquished. Such was his strength of devotion to the Immortal God Emperor that his word alone could stay the hand of a daemonic creature and cause it to real in pain at his fiery zeal and devotion.
The Inquisiotr, Tyrus, as I recall is not a psyker and is a witch Hunter (meaning he likely hates psykers). His "power" such as it is, likely stems either from the Emperor (bestowed temproarily or used as an avatar/vessel - a sort of possession temporarily) or it is indicative of a subconscious utilization of humanity's evolving psychic potential (similar to the Orks or Eldar)

Page 50
Bellowing words of holy purity that the daemon is forbidden to withstand, Tyrus fought with the strength of the Emperor. The bitter foes traded blows, each grievous enough to fell a lesser being.


..he punched Covonis' weapon through the daemon's chest, dragging out its still beating heart, and crushed it in his gauntleted fist. The daemon grinned as it died..
Again he's either a latent psyker of some kind or specially imbued by GEoM.

Page 52
Inquisitors of the Thorian Philosophy believe that the Emperor walks among Humanity. He chooses his vessels to do his work, as he has done since time began. The rotting carcass maintained in the Golden Throne is not the emperor, for he travels abroad, tending to his Divine Will, instilling his power in those that have been chosen.
..Thorians are convinced that the Emperor yet waits for a new body to be found or created which can contain his divinity for more than brief periods of time.
Thorians in brief. I coverd much of this already in the Thorian sourcebook.

Page 52
The Principles of the God-Incarnate postulate that the Emperor truly is a god; his near-death at the hands of Horus allowed him to finally shatter the mortal bonds shackling his true potential, and he ascended to the power of a deity. Like the other gods he has an existence within the warp, in essence he is the god of Humanity, and the Thorians claim they have gathered much evidene to support this. THe one limtiation to any god is that to have power over the physical world, they must rely upon mortals to do their work. As first postulated by Inquisitor Damasko in 243.M32, most Inquisitors accept that to affect events in the material universe the Chaos gods, and by extnesion other deities, must have champions, possess worshippers, influence mortals or temporarily create phyiscal manifestations in the form of daemons. The Emperor is in fact the greatest example of this - the galaxy-spanning Imperium is merely the material instrument of the emperor.
Again, much of this is ocvered in the Thorian sourcebook, and that the inherent logic behind it makes sense (EG the Emperor has his own "champions, worshippers, angels, etc.)

Page 52
If, as the Thorians expound, a man can become a god, (as they believe happened at the Emperor's Ascension), it stands to reason that a god can become a man. This is Inquisitor Raptenstein's First Principle of the God-Incarnate: a god can become a physical incarnation. The idea of the God Incarnate is that there will be a certain individual (or individuals) who will allow this to happen - a god could invest its power into a special mortal body and literally become a living god. It was Inquisitor Loweberg's interpretations of the Principles of the God-Incarnate that first referred to these physical vessels as avatars.
self explanatory and already covered, but interesting to see again since this is a sort of summary.

Page 52
Without being restricted to the warp, and therefore restricted to the manipulation of crass, mortal pawns, what power would a god have. One can easily imagine that Humanity would be doomed if one of the avatars were to become an incarnation of a Chaos god. Horus himself almost achieved this, and was only defeated by an equally powerful being - the Emperor. Similarily, the idea of the God-Incarnate is not restricted to humans. Many Inquisitors, such as Czevak and Grundvald of the Ordo Xenos, believe that certain faint echoes and omens within the warp suggest that the Eldar are striving to create a new god to defeat Chaos; while a God-Incranate of the Ork deities Gork or Mork would be terrible.
Eldar god ynead IIRC the name correctly. Gork and Mork can incarnate (in some ways) either partially (a fist or foot of ectoplasm for example) or in the form of a gargant (in a fashion.)

Page 53
As far as most of the Thorians' opponents are concerned, the 'Second Coming' of the Emperor would be a very bad thing. This is quite an understandable position really, and springs form uncertainty.


"If the Emperor were to become a God-Incarnate, would the Emperor be destroyed if things went wrong, if the avatar was unsuitable, or the rituals went awry? Even if the transfer of power succeeded, what would happen to the Astronomican? If the Emperor were in physical form, coul he be killed again, and if so would he be destroyed forever, exposing humanity to the many perils that the Emperor protects Mankind from? Most importantly, what would be Humanity's reaction to having their god walking among them once more? I can
tell you now without a shadow of doubt, the Imperium would be torn apart by war, as believers and unbelievers clashed with each other!"
An issue brought up and covered in the Thorian sourcebook. To cover in brief: Accepting that what goes for Chaos Gods, daemons and such also goes for the Emperor, killing his physical manifestation will ont kill the spirit of the Emperor (or whateve rportion of his spirit is inhabiting the body.) All that you do is kill its link to the material world. The entity (the God Emperor) will only "die" if the collective consciousness of said god is broken apart. It would, however, hamper him to have his physical body destroyed.

That said, destroying the corpse on the golden throne would probably be a bad thing, since he really doesn't have any other physical connection ot the real world through which he could actually act, thus the astronomican and likely astro-telepathy ceases to work. But incarnating another avatar for him (or several) wouldn't be a bad thing - he'd actually have vessels to act through.

Incarnating the Emperor would also likely piss off the religious, since what they tend to worship is the IDEA of the Emperor (what they think he is/ought to be) and likely wouldnt appreciate the reality (Lorgar and the Word Bearers didn't, after all, and look how that turned out.)

Page 53
..it is the task of the Inquisition to seek out possible avatars and kill them or, in the case of the Thorians, control and study them.


Under the cover of rooting out heretics, witches, and mutants, the Thorians are also searching for individuals who show signs of avatar-like properties so that they can observe, capture or, if they appear to be avatars of Chaos, destroy them.
Again one could consider the "Sensei" bit from 2nd edition to have been one case of "Avatars" of the Emperor
I'm startting to wonder if the Primarchs were engineered to be Avatars as well of some sort (probably didnt work out as well since Chaos interfered).

Page 54
The young Artemis killed them all, but took a score of wounds, each one grievous enough to kill a man outright. It was here, atop a pile of corpses, that the Chaplains of the Mortifactors found the body of Artemis who, despite his wounds, still lived.
Rather exceptional feat for a normal human. Perhaps thats one reason why the Astartes are so selective - they need the high ends of human capability just to endure the process and survive (or maximize the chances of such.)

Page 55
Once on their ship, Artemis ordered the planet bombarded with cyclonic torpedoes from orbit, knowing it was the only way to be sure that the Enslavers were destroyed.
Cyclonics apparnetly can kill of psychic entities, although this may be indirectly by depriving them of hosts (no life - nothing to latch onto)

Page 56
The course of Cleander von Castellan's life would have taken a very different turn had his route not taken him pas thte capital's shipyards.
Planet based shipyards.

Page 58
Daemons are creatures of the immaterium and such natural laws of real space prevent such beasts from manifesting themselves in the material plane without exceptional effort. The barriers between warp space and real space must first be weakened by ritual and sacrifice, ahd the correct words of pwoer must be spoken by thoes who would summon such things. A much easier way for a daemon to force its way into real space is possession, whereby the daemon uses the unprotected mind of a vulnerable psyker to forge a bridge between it and the material universe.
Discussion of the laws dictating the ability of Daemons to interact with the real world. Would likely apply to anything accessing the warp (from small objects like people to whole starshipr or even planets.) Size or mas presumably is an issue in portal formation (one reason perhaps why a daemon or group of daemons can emerge on a planet - starships are fucking huge and massive.)

PAge 58
As his host body died, Cherubael's spirit form leapt into the nearest available host body, one of Clanar II's mightiest warriors, lest he be banished back to the freezing void of the Immaterium. But Quixos had anticipated this and had previously adorned his warriors' bodies with hidden pentagrammic wards and powerful sigils of binding.
trapping a daemon in a daemonhost.

Page 59
Quixos chained the thrashing creature down and hammered blessed spieks of gold through the meat of the Daemonhost's body, intoning the six hundred and sixty-six verses of the Canticle of Binding. He then fastened scrolls, inscribed with unspeakable oaths in his own blood, to Cherubael with fine silver chains. Finally after this gruelling battle of wills, the Inquisitor had bent the Daemon Prince to his bidding.
Again more of creating a daemonhost.

Page 59
..fragments from his foe's bestial claws became lodged in his heart, every attempt to remove them ending in failure.

Though its influence gradually corrupted the Inquisitor's body; it granted him a tangible link to the warp and a measure of insight into the workings of Chaos.
It is possible for contaminated pieces of a daemon (or possibly any sort of cahos imbued object) to bestow a link to the warp, although corruption/mutation, and potetnail possession obviously can result. Sort of an artificial psyker.

Page 59
Even the awesome power of a daemon prince could not hold the dissolution of its host body at bay indefinitely.. The flesh of each victim would become corrupt and unable to contain the beast, and another unwilling victim would be forced to become host ot the monster.
Daemons put some nasty wear and tear on (most) corporeal bodies. Only the rarest or most powerful (especially psykers, or the Astartes) can endure it.

Page 60
Ritual brainwashing combines with surgical techniques to remove any evidence of individuality or personality. Physical characteristics are interchangable, and it is not uncommon for members of the Faceless to have their own skins, eyes, and other features removed, to be constantly replaced by those of their victims. Thus the cultist's face often appears stitched on, stretched, or floppy.
Faceless are an Imperial cult. Surgicla processes are interesting.

Page 61
From the blackness of our souls come the Great Devourer. It is here to purge our sins. Pure in its unending appetite, the Great Devourer shall consume us all and we will be reborn into the future in glorious new bodies. Welcome the great devourer, feel your soul cleansed as its mighty shadow passes over us.
Obviously a 'Nid based religion.

PAge 61
Stagnate and die, revolte and survive. Mandragora, the ever-shifting God, shall come form the heavens and nothing will remain the same. All will be changed, adapted and fashioned in his image, to overcome the tribulations of the future. The alignments of the mundane world must be prepared to allow his traverse from the REalm of Many Faces...


Wield his magicks with pride, glorify in the transformation of your physical shell, and bring down his servants so that you might be a host to an aspect of Mandragora.
Either this is a Manifestation of Tzeentch, or a minion of his.

Page 61
Upon the pyres of the dead and dying, we shall light a fire to the heavens that the gods themselves might see us once more. Thus spake the founder of the hidden hand, the Plague Lord. Mankind is a disease, spreading across the galaxy like a stain. The gods have turned from the filth of their presence. It must be cleansed so that the gods will pour their bounties upon Humanity once more, and pestilence nad plague shall be the tools for a theif to catch a thief, a plague to kill a plague.
Nurglite religion, obviously.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last Inquisitor update. Next up Space hulk and 560 Gigaton anti hulk torpedoes!

Page 68
Enforcer Barbaretta crept silently foreward, her shock maul held before her like a talisman. Her cybernetic eye whirred slightly as it adjusted to the smoky half-light of the mine...
most cybernetics do not seem to encourage much stealth, although the low light feature seems useful.

Page 69
The pitch, tone, and resonance of the chant were displayed on a graphic waveform display on his enhnaced auto senses, that only Dimitri could see. The cadence of the chant was most interesting and his memory engrams recorded it for later study.
Techpriest sensor type and mod.

Page 69
Malicant's laspistol was already in his hand and, pausing only to take brief aim, he loosed two shots at the Magos. Dimitri flinched as the metal of the tower exploded into a shower of sparks and molten metal as a flurry of laser bolts impacted around him.

On the other side of the tower Lichtenstein grunted in pain as a las bolt punched through the metal sheeting of the parapet and scored across his thigh.
Pity we don't know the amount of material that melted, but it seemed to be a side effect of explosive effects (suggesting an incredibly fast shockwave). A purely hypothetical one, assuming iron, and say a 2 cm diameter hemisphere would be around ~20 kilojoules if I did my math right.

PAge 70
flicking the shot selector to Man Stopper shells, Inquisitor Licthenstein leaned over the parapet of the platform and squeezed off two unerringly accurate rounds at the fool who had dared to shoot at one of the Emperor's chosen. The first shell tok the man high in the chest, the second in the thigh. The heavy grain slugs blasted fist sized holes in his body, punching through flesh and bone and exiting explosively from his back. Stone tumbled backwards, pain like nothing he had ever experienced, even in the hell of the Gland war, engulfing him.

The man he'd shot was down, blood pouring from the ragged crater in his chest...
Man stopper pistol rounds putting fist-sized holes in the body. Implied to be large-caliber bullets too. Arguably a lasweapon could do similar effects.

Page 70
Magos Dimitri watched as the red robed figure sprinted along the platform of the adjacent tower, the bionics of his eyes calculating range and trajectories. Whispering the Catechsim of Accuracy, his mind impulse unit fired his shoulder-mounted bolt pistol, the distinctive crack of the shell's tiny rocket motor telling him the round was pure.
Shoulder mounted bolt pistol controlled via thought.

Page 71
He [combat servitor] sprinted across the floor towards the Enforcer, almost faster than the eye could follow, leaping each flight of stairs and Stone's body in a single powered leap.
Combat servitors apparently can be quite agile, if properly designed.

Page 71
She was quick enough to avoid being blinded by the psychic attack, but her mastiff's auto senses were overloaded by the blast of incandescent light and it faltered in its attack as the machinery of its brain reset itself.
Cyber mastiff auto senses don't appear to be capable of handling bright flashes. Or maybe it was a psychic attack.

Page 73
Lichtenstein snarled as he drew his pump action combat shotgun from its shoulder scabbard. He moved to a better firing position, flicking the shot selector to semi-automatic and fired shell after shell at his nemesis. Tyrus rocked backwards under the shells' impacts, but his power armour withstood the majority of Lichtenstein's fire. A single shell somehow penetrated the joints in his leg plates and blood sreamed down the intricate, fluted scrollwork of his armour.
Power armor standing up to shotgun slugs, but apparently baving enough momentum to rock said powered armor person.

PAge 73
Some weapons are capable of pumping out a rapid salvo of shots and lay down a hail of fire.
Lichtenstein's pump action combat shotgun is one such weapon and he managed to fire a total of six shots in a single turn!
Pump action has a semi of 2-3 shots.. though this being game mechanics probalby be taken with a grain of salt.

Page 75
As he approached the walkway, he leveled his shotgun at the Witch Hunter, squeezing off two well placed shots., Tyrus staggered, both shots penetrating his armour, and even his prodigious strength could barely keep him up.
This time the shotgun rounds penetrate.

Page 75
Scorched and wounded nigh unto death, Magos Dimitri's infrascrope clearly indicated the glowing outline of Malicant's head and shoulders through the metal of the parapet.

Dimitri rooled onto his back, cursing his flesh for its weaknes and let his blessed mechanical components infuse his organic components with the soothing balm of pain suppressants.
Techpriest had thermal vision and pain suppression abilities.

Page 75
A limping figure emerged from the smoke on the mine floor, red robed and groaning in pain. Tyrus recognised Malicant and grimaced in disgust at the ruin of his face where Magos Dimitri's bolt had blasted a bloody hole through his skull. Fortunately for Malicant, the bolt had passed straight through his cheek before detonating.
I'd say the dude is damned lucky to have survived being hit with a bolt round at all.

Page 79
Over a thousand feet below ground.
Unknown undeground facility depth. A thousand feet is roughly ~300 meters.

Page 80
IT was the daemon Loa Gorg who temporarily possessed Kessel, as the Inquisitor was attempting to create the daemonhost. Though the ritual was completed, a part of Loa Gorg's essence remained iwthin Kessel, as the Inquisitor's death would result in the release of this soul-fragment and the destruction of the daemon. This state of affairs lasted for three decades, the daemonic presence corrupting Kessel more and more, and would evnetually have led to his death. Kessel searched long and hard for a remedy and finally managed to transfer the presence to a daemonsword, which he now wields.

Kessel had purged the unclean and continued his research into Chaos for nearly two centuries, the daemon-taint that once threatend his life now extending it as long as he continues to possess the sword.
A rather curious sort of possession/daemhonsting.

Page 80
Oilrelius was dying, his body clock almost expired...


In return Kessel had his in-built chronometer halted in its countdown.


..Should he cross the Inquisitor, he would not hesitate in restarting the death-timer, giving the chrono-gladiator only days to live.
heh. Only in 40K. A gladiator who, if his body timer runs down, dies (rather explosively as I recall)

Page 80
Logan Storm once fought for the Adpetus Mechanicus in the Skitarii.

..Storm was part of a force seconded by Kessel in his battles against members of the Xenarite sect, who were attempting to secretly rebuild the remains of a recovered Eldar Wriathlord.


Storm lost his hand, and Kessel ordere the Adpetus Mechanicus to replace it with a bionic, an operation usually only performed for officers, Storm Troopers, or Space Marines.

rather than replacing the limb with an expensive artificial hand, simply implanted Storm's multi-barrelled autogun.
Ex-Skitarii, a multi-barreled autogun, and a peculiar statement that only Space Marines, officers, and stormies get augmetics.

Page 85
.. as a two metre tongue of fire blasted form the muzzle of the man's gun...
to me, that seems like an insane muzzle blast for a gun.

Page 85
The explosive bolt took Logan in the belly and knocked him ot the ground.
Whether the knockdown comes from momentum or explosive effect I dunno

Page 86
Logan pushed himself ot his knees as another bolter round tore a gouge in the concrete beside him.


Gritting his teeth against the pain, Logan rolled bhind the cover offered by a nearby roof tank. He ripped the sleeve from his tunic and hastily plugged the bloody hole in his belly. It wasn't pretty but it would do for now.
This must have been either a non explosive bolter roun dor one of the lower powered ones, since Logan Storm (ex skitarri with the autogun arm) is still in one piece.

Page 87
Dimitri calculated a 78.4% probability that the tank the inaccurate gunner was using as cover contained promethium, a volatile chemical used in the fuel cells of flamer weapons. A thought pulse fired a shell through the tank's side, and a thick, viscous liquid began pouring out.
Yet another description of promethium. This one implies flamers running on fuel cells.

Page 87
..as his pistol ejected the spent casing and loaded another.
bolt pistol casing.

Page 88
His dermal temperature augurs registered heat in excess of 400C and he could feel those few fleshy components left of his body begin to blister.
self explanatory.

Page 88
Such a target was not to be wasted and he lined up another shot, hurling the warrior back with a chunk of flesh blasted from his chest. Amazingly, the warrior climbed to his feet...
The chrono-gladiator.

Page 89
He recognised the familiar sign of the Inquisition beneath the warrior's skin.
either a tattoo or an electoo.

Page 92
Dimitri blocked the first blow with the adamanitum haft of his chain axe, but another underarm stroke of the chainsword hacked upwards into his groin, spraiyng blood and driving the Magos to his knees.


Dimitri felt incredible agony, even though the haze of suppressants were blocking the majority of the pain. He knew he would need several weeks to repair this damage.


Agonising pain clamped down on his chest and head. He had but a moment of surprised incredulity as he detected a 90C rise in the blood temperature of his arterial system before his heart exploded and his brain boiled in his crainium. Dimitri went offline.
Durability of the Magos. He does survieve this, sort of. a 90C temperature increase means that every kilo of flesh affected would have 380 kj of energy added to it. More than enough to boil. WE dont know how many kg of flesh he has, except for brain and heart, which implies around ~2 kg... or nearly 800 kj to do. This was (I recall) done by a daemonhost.

Page 93
The cyber-gladiator bled profusely from a score of wounds and Kessel was amazed that the warrior had managed to stay upright.
So am I. Must be enhanced durability.

Page 93
Lichtenstein would risk much to recover his Magos, as it was almost certain that his brian would have some form of memory recovery cogidator built in.[/quote]

As I said the Magos survived having his brain fried,

Page 94
Considering his previous career as a member of the Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii, I think it only fitting that Kessel employ the services of the Tech priests to fix up the brave warrior. I'm thinking of upgrading him to full Praetorian battle-servitor status.
Logan Storm being made into a Praetorian Battle Servitor.

Page 98
...Chrono Gladiator - a living time-bomb whose life-clock is constantly ticking away and the only way to aviod its detonation si to spill more blood in combat.
Now the Chrono-gladiator is defined. Like I said, only in the Imperium..

Page 100
Sensing an opening, he slid psychic tendrils of influence into his victim's mind, wrapping his power and desire around the man's individuality. He felt resistance, but exerted his powerful will, utterly dominating his victim. He closed his eyes, opening them a heartbeat later and looking out through his puppet's eyes, seeing the warrior with the glaive lying in the sand before him, taking cover behind some rocks. Wtih shaking hands he forced his puppet to raise his own pistols....
psychic mind control. The ability to see through the victim's eyes is nice.

Page 100
His hands shook as he fought the loathesome influence in his mind, but he could not prevent ihmself from pulling the triggers. Bright las-bolts blasted the rocks around Stone's head to splinters and the massive guardsmen rolled aside as Malicant's shots stitched the ground where he had lain.
Laspistol blasting stones of unknown size to splinters. Arguably, they ought to be big enough to hide behind, suggesting the collective mass was around half a meter across (at least) collectively. We dont know the exact energy needed for a single shot cuz we dont know how many rocks are there (aside from at least two), but playing with the peak intensity calculator on Luke Campells death ray page (assuming Granite) figures that at least 200 kj for a singel pulse will create a 10 cm diameter crater if its a single pulse. If you used a series of smaller pulses with a smaller yield (say 1 kj) you could blast out a ~2 cm diameter crater, but you'd still need hundreds of pulses spread out over the surface (magine gun like, or like a sustained beam).

Overall it seems likely that double or triple digit kj over a very short time period (a second or so) is reasonable.

Page 101
Tyrus felt the hammering impacts against his armour and fiery pain as heavy bullets tore through the cermaite plates and into his flesh.[/quote]

heavy stubber.

PAge 102
Both Kessel and Lichtenstein jumped as the truck's engine roard to life, the corroded exhausts jetting filthy blue oilsmoke. Lichtenstein felt the tang of psychic energy permeate the vehcile...

A side effect of the Pharaa'gueotla's daemonic presence in the Taberna Ostium mines had been the unlocking of Dimitri's latent mecha-psychic ability...


as he was without the protection that shielded sanctioned psykers from daemonic intrusion.
"mecha-psychic" powers in a techpriest, but apparently lacking protection against daemons. Used to mechanically manipulate equipment.

Page 102
Firing at such close range and at such a large target, almost all the shells impacted on the truck, blasting great holes in the bodywork and punching through the engine block.
DAmage for a heavy stubber.

Page 102
He snapped off a quick shot, blasting a chunk of timber from beside the man.
No idea what sort of weapon Stone is using, but if he's a guardsman its probably a lasweapon.

Page 103
She unhooked a synthflesh spray from her belt and applied it to her wound, the pain fading as the quick-acting balm did its work.

Page 103
The energised blades of the claw sheared through the barrel of the heavy stubber and punched through the fanatic's belly, before smashing through the timber structure of the building behind. Gryx tore free his claw in a welter of blood as the fanatic slumped to the boardwalk, half his midsection torn away.
Power claw. Slicing through a thick gun barrel is damn impressive (far beyond a modern sword)

PAge 104
Dimitri watched the unfolding battle dispassionately. He no longer saw the world as before, his bionic cortex exhcanign information with his senses by artificially generated electrical impulses. He saw the soon-to-manifest Daemon as a series of vari-spectral hues with proportional vectors of unmeasurable energy.
Daemonic entitiy viewed via techpriest sensors.

Page 104
The skull-topped staff connected iwth the Daemon's midriff and Kessel channelled all his rage and disgust through the psychically attuned material of the weapon. foul ichor spattered him as the Daemon's substance burst apart under the impact.


..the inquisitor stepped forward and hammered his ofrce staff into the rippling tear in the DAemon Prince's body where he had struck before.


Kessel's staff ripped upwards through the substance of the Dameon's body, cleaving it in two.
Effect of Kessel's force staff on a daemon.

Page 107
He sent a psychic thought ot Dimitri and seconds later a Kraken penetrator bolt hammered into Tyrus' leg, pitching him to the ground.
Kraken penetrator rounds are the armor piercing type./

Page 107
Tyrus lashed out with his fist, gripping Stone's bandolier and lifting the heavy sergeant from his feet.
Strength of Tyrus's power armor, particularily since Stone is a burly Guardsman.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Now we start up Space hulk and Space Crusade (all 3 versions). This one will be a bit more fragmented, since the individual booklets and stuff were inconsistently useful and had varying amounts of quotes (some had alot, some had very little.) I'll start with first edition mainly (with some Space Crusade stuff early on) and then work towards Third (where it will get more consistent.) For shits and giggles I'm going to break tradition and throw some early WD stuff in there too I found around.

First, a bit of stuff from the Space Crusade missions manual Circa 1990

page 1
What was once a journey of several centuries became a journey of several days.
Assuming centuries worked out to a few hundred LY, it works out to tens of thousands of c, possibly
a few hundred thousand c if you assume "hundreds" is closer to a thousand LY. Call it tens of thousands to a few hundreds of thousands of LY within an OoM .

Page 1
Warp space is a parallel universe through which starships may jump, travelling hundreds of thousands of light years in a few hours.
This is faster than most of the higher end SW travle times. 100,000 LY/hr works out to 876 million c, and it could go higher. That said, there's no way in hell this can be taken as a realistic average speed, since 40k ships never travel this fast. Rather it's a potential upper limit, either with "ideal" conditions or favourable ones (a stable warp channel and a powerful current driving the ship, say.) It would be akin to the stuff we got from the Dark Creed novel (Boros Gate) which was an exceptionally fast (and valuable) setup.

Page 1
In Warp space nothing may be taken for granted. It is a universe filled with cross-currents, eddies and

whirlpools of power. Ships have disappeared without reason, and emerged from the Warp centuries after they entered it, millions of light years from their destination.
millions of LY in centuries implies a FTL speed on the order of thousands of c. Clearly we're all over the board with warp speeds here, but thousands of LY (or slower) can and does happen in 40K.

Page 2
In time the hidden power of the Warp came to be noticed. By entering Warp space man had awoken an ancient evil: the minions of Chaos had escaped the warp. The first great war, known as the Age of Strife, had begun.
Warp travel seemed to be a big factor (in early fluff) in causing the Age of Strife.

PAge 3
In numerical terms the Space Marines are a small force, but their superhuman ability and fearsome reputation make them worth many times their own number in conventional troops.
Here its not just their superhuman nature and abilities that are part of a Space Marine's ability. Astartes have a significant psychological value attached to them (as well as gear and training and such - that can't be discounted either.)

PAge 3
The Space marines are organised into self-contained Chapters, each with its own fleet. A Chapter's fleet provides accomodation, training facilities, machine shops, armouries, shuttle silos and every other facility the Chapter requires. The fleet roams through the Galaxy in pursuit of the enemies of mankind. Task Forces break way from it for individual missions or campiagns and rejoin the fleet when their mission is accomplished.
Somewhat outdated. In modern fluff only some Chapters are actually fleet-mobile like this - crusading chapters (as outlined in Battleflet Gothic.) The self contained nature is roughly consistent, however. I still include it because it is interesting and you never know. Old stuff does get recycled.

Page 4
The distinctive Space Marine powered armour protects them in all enviroments and is capable of withstanding direct hits from all but the most powerufl weapons.
A bit of generalized fluff on the protective qualities of Marine powered armour.

Page 5
The Mothership launches one or more assault vessels towards the aliens tarship. Once alongside, a number of Docking claws extend from the assault vessel and grab the side of the alien ship. Th epowerful claws tear into the alien ship an dpull the assault vessel into the attack position.

Probes which pierce the skin of the alien ship are then extended from the claws. Each probe has within it a passageway through which the Space Marines attack.
A bit more involved and visceral than boarding torpedoes, it would seem.


Next, Space Crusade, Eldar Attack: Circa 1991

Page 4
Countless millions of Eldar perished in this cataclysm although a number did escape. Among these were Eldar who had fled their declining civilization in vast ships known as Craftworlds - self contained societies, which included cities, industrial production zones and their own interior bio-systmes supporting areas of natural flora, forests and fields.
Craftworld fluff. The bit about industrial stuff is interesting, although it may predate their more "psychic engineering" oriented abilities. This makes them sound almost like a floating Hive City.

PAge 5
All Eldar are psychically adept to a limited extent, but only a few have the strength of will needed to develop psychic mastery. These Eldar are known as Seers, and they control their powers with the aid of special runes made from Wraithbone, a solidified form of warp energy. They alos make use of Spirit Stones which contain the spirits of dead Eldar Seers who protect the wearer form the dangers of the Warp.
Eldar psychic abilities, and the importance of spirit stones and runes.

Page 6
The [Shuriken] catapult fires a burst of small star-shaped projectiles with a mono-molecular cutting edge, using a gravity based firing mechanism.
Shuriken weapons, the Eldar staple.

Page 6
Shuriken Cannon: This is a larger and far more powerful version of the standard Shuriken Catapult. It has a far greater rate of fire and its projectiles fly at a higher velocity.
Heavy shuriken gun.

PAge 9
Thanks ot their great psychic powers, Eldar squads are ablet o move through Space Hulks unseen until they need to go into action. Thius is because they can create a PSychic Blinding Screen which they project from the Craftworld.

The Psychic Screen allows a squad of Eldar Warriors to move slowly through an area withotu being detected. However, as soon as they have registered life readings, the squad must leave this protective screen and start its mission. The Psychich Screen stays in place where the squad left it and remains there until the Eldar have carried out their mission and returned to its concealing depths.
Eldar in Space hulk go all ninja mode against Genestealers with a stealth option. although presuambly this relies on another Eldar ship or Craftworld nearby to allow projection (I doubt they can do it across interstellar distances)

Page 12
The remains of a lost squad of Eldar Warriors have been detected by our psi scanners in sector 66 of Space Hulk code name Denubius. You must enter this hulk, locate any Eldar Runic weapons hidden therein and return them to the Craftworld.
Psi scanners.

Page 13
During your mission, a warp storm has disrupted your Psychic Screen. Craftworld Saim-hann has generated a new screen but it can only be projected into the next sector.
Warp storms can disrupt the funky stealth capability of Eldar groups.

Page 14
Our Pre-Cognitive Psychics have predicted the appearance of a Warp Entity which takes over intelligent machines.
Precog psychics and a daemon that can possess robots.

Page 15
An ancient and invaluable warp tunnel navigational computer has been detected on board Space hulk 669 code name Demonicus. This technology will provide its cpators iwth a great adnvatage - the ability to reveal long forgotten warp tunnels- a nd bring great honour tot hose who capture it.
In early fluff warp tunnels seemed to rely on nav computers in some fashion. I wonder how this would have changed (if at all) in more recent editions. Probably would represent some knowledge of webway passages and routes, since IIRC the Eldar don't have total knowledge of the Webway anymore (or at least it snot as extensively charted as it was, since some places have gone out of use, been damaged or breached, have been shut down or cut off, etc.)


Lastly.. Space Hulk 1st edition rules book, Circa 1989

Page 3
If current loss ratio estimates are correct, a Marine will kill 3.8 Genestealers before dying himself. It is impossible to determine whether this ratio is high enough, as the number of reserves and reinforcement rate of the aliens is unknown. A war of attrition is extremely uncertain and decidedly dangerous.

The Marines have been showing their usual degree of competence and courage in battle - if anything, they are almost too fanatical in their persecution of the fight, fiercely unwilling to retreat evne in the face of overwhelming odds.
Early estimates of Astartes to Genestealre kill ratios. Not sure if this is for normal marines or Terminatros, but latter sources imply Terminators racked up considerably higher kill ratios.

Page 4
The Emperor of Human Space has recently become aware of the Stealers’ activities and is taking immediate steps to isolate and
stamp out the attack - but at a terrible price-the Emperor’s Inquisitors ruthlessly sterilize tainted planets, wiping out their
populations to the last man, woman, and child.

Though thus far 100% effective in stopping the spread of the Stealers beyond the infected planets, this solution is not without its
drawbacks. In addition to the obvious loss of life and resources, if news of the scorched earth policy spreads, local governments may
naturally become reticent about telling the Imperium that they have been infiltrated, making the job of crushing the invasion all that
much more difficult. Therefore, great efforts are being made to search out the invading vessels and attack and destroy them before
they have a chance to infect any more planets.
Again with earlier fluff the Emperor was still "technically" alive and kicking, rather than a totally inanimate corpse. Basically the above indicates
that if Genestealer infection becomes too widespread, the only way to contain it is to render the planet uninhabitable. THat is, exterminatus although they
dont' call it that here. Important detail to note for later sources, although lots of other sources mention Genestealers as being subject to Exterminatus in extreme

Page 7
Blessed with remarkably efficient nervous systems, Genestealers think and act much faster than Humans do.
Much like Astartes do.

Page 9
Genestealers are fast - much faster than humans. A turn of Space Hulk represents just a few seconds of real time; for the Space
Marines, survival depends upon their commander making splitsecond decisions.
Partly gameplay but it does give a sort of idea of the "Genestealers are faster" idea.

Page 11
Marine Squads sent into the space hulk are in constant communication with a command center back on the assault vessel. Each Squad is under
the command of a Lieutenant, who monitors Terminator progress via small cameras mounted on the Squad’s helmets, integrating their movement
within that of the entire assault team.
Again Terminator datalinking.

Page 16
Marines are armed with the very best weaponry in the Imperium. The storm bolter, the Space Marines’ standard firearm, fires small, highvelocity
bolts with explosive tips, capable of blasting through eight inches of plasteel as though it were tissue paper. The heavy flamer fires jets of
volatile chemicals that explode violently, filling the target area with burning flames. Few creatures stand a chance against this awesome
The Genestealer is one of them.
Storm bolter description. The "eight inches of plasteel" is interesting in terms of calcs but hard to measure, since it could be penetration damage
from the kinetic aspect, the blast aspect, or both. Its also a bit odd since it argues a bolter should be able to penetrate tank armour (eight inches
is a lil over 20 cm, equal to the thickness of armor on a Russ) so it may not account ofr variations in material quality (A certain kind of plasteel IoW)

Its also possible its a certain kind of bolter ammo, since bolter ammo is not made the same.

If for the sake of argument we were comparing it to a .50 BMG round in terms of armor penetration here
Lists the .50 cal as having 1 inch armor penetration at 200 yards. Possible, but seems a bit far fetched honestly to assume that that's all raw penetration.

Assuming its eight inches for the warhead we can check mike's destruction page under Demolition rules of thumb
he gives the formula L=100d^2 (L = lbs of gelignite and d diameter in feet) for eight inches its 45 lbs or roughly 20.45 kg. Gelignite here is listed as being btween .4 and .76 the effectiveness of TNT, meaning that the effect (assuming plasteel were comparable to iron, that is) is comparable to betwene 8 and 15 kg of TNT. Possible, but
a bit more powerful than I consider reasonable unless this were a REALLY unusual/special/powerful round than usual. (possible, but again debatable.)

More lilkely its a combination of the two: assuming 3 inches of ballistic penetration and 5 inches from explosive blasting would yield a warhead equal to 7-8 kg of gelignite or 3-3.5 kg of TNT. A bit better, but still probably classified as a "special" round.

It's possible the bolter round is a shaped charge of some kind, which would cut down dramatically on the quantity needed (most shaped charges in modern terms IIRC have a penetration of around 7-10x the diameter of the round. So a ~20mm bolter round would penetrate around 140-200mm as a shaped charge. Which seems to mesh here.)

Other possibilities exist: The bolter rounds have some sort of power field enhancement to aid penetration, for example. Tandem charges, or something like that.

Page 16
Marines don’t have eyes (or camera mounts) in the back of their heads. They can see only targets that are in front or to the side of
them. However, as they are equipped with sophisticated vision enhancement equipment built into their Terminator armor, they can see for unlimited distance (provided there’s nothing in the way).
A bit more on the visual/sensory abilities of Terminators. They don't have 360 degree vision, obviously, which underscores the value of sensors.

Page 18
In sustained fire, a Marine is firing repeatedly at a single target, allowing a sophisticated targeting computer in his Terminator armor to adjust his aim. The computer is effective only if the Marine stays still and concentrates upon hitting the target; if he moves or ceases firing, the targeting computer loses the target and he must rely on his own skill.
Terminators have a targeting computer built into the armor (likely what the targeter is in latter editions.)

Page 23
The assault vessels’ deep radar has given them some idea of the
layout of the space hulk, but it isn’t able to tell them how many Stealers are lurking within.
To combat this problem, Marines are equipped with Sensoriums, or life-detectors. When the Marines are inside the hulk, the Sensoriums
constantly scan the surrounding corridors of the vessel for alien life-forms, showing concentrations of life as dots on a video display (earning the
Stealers the nickname 'blips’). The machines aren’t very precise, being unable to tell whether a life-form reading comes from one Stealer, or two
or three moving close together. Thus, until a Marine actually sees a Blip, he won’t know exactly how many Stealers are there.
Terminator armor scanners.

Next week.. 1st edition missions manual starts.. that will definitely be more fluff heavy and cover several updates.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next up the missions manual for 1st edition. companion guide to the 1st edition rulebook, circa 1989 as well.

Page 2
Humanity was very lucky to be alerted to the second vessel before it reached its apparent target, Maelstrom VI, an isolated terraformation project at the very fringe of the Segmentum Obscura. As with its predecessor, the Hulk was completley dormant, radiating only on the visual spectrum.
Hulk with stealth options?

Also the Imperium has a terraforming project.

Page 2
The Hulk was spotted by the warpship Windrush, which was exploring at the very edge of the Segmentum Obscura. By a fortunate coincidence, teh Windrush dropped out of warp space a mere parsec away from the vessel, easily within visual range. It's commander, Rogue Trader Borrak Vorra approached the Hulk but, fortunately for the Imperium, decided against a boarding action. Instead, he chose to return to human space, and notify Battlefleet Obscura.
Parsec... yet "easy visual range." Methinks a parsec her doesnt mean what we think it does.

Page 2
Realspace re-entry. All six barges have materialised. Displacement 25 seconds less than .05% parsec./ Velocity displacement less than 2%. Formation perfect.
Sefl explanatory. Again I dont think parsec means what It ought to.

Page 2
Because the hulk was completely closed down, it was effectively blind, and an easy candidate for a thorough reduction by nuclear bombardment.
"blind" = defenceless? Or possibly lacking point defence.

Page 2
The news of the Emperor's order was greeted with peeling bells, and earnest prayer.
!st edition again, so the Emperor is active in the galaxy.

Page 2
The first stage of the operation was a thorough scan. To avoid alerting the dormant Genestealers, this had to rely on less effective, passive sensors. As such a scan could only pick up details of the vessel's peripheral areas, one intrusive element was incorporated and the first invador was placed aboard. An autonomous Cyber-Altered Task (recon) Unit (C.A.T.) was teleported to the outher decks. The unit was programmed to move down into the vessel's inner levels. Here it would observe and analyse the Hulk's computer systems. These systems were expected to be activated once an intruder alert had been sounded, giving the C.A.T. an opportunity to gain vital intelligence.

The C.A.T. unit was too small to incorporate a transmitter that could be picked up from within the Hulk's metallic depths. Once the invasion commenced, and the data was gathered. the C.A.T. was programmed to return to the outer decks for retrieval.
C.A.T. recon device.

Page 3
From analysis of the data, cross indexed from reports following the first boarding, it was estimated tha tthe ship contained in excess of 42,000 dormant Genestelaers. Even with improved tactics, the entire Chapter could not hope to destroy even a fraction of this force.
An entire Chapter cant handle 42,000 Genestealers.

Page 3
++ Energizing ram shields
Boaridng torpedos back when seemed to have some kind of shield.

Page 3
Their objective was simple, either to disable the cryogenics, or to introduce lethal toxins into the chambers, killing the Genestealres as they were re-activated. Only when this was achieved would the remainder of the Chapter be sent on board.

To minimise the risk of contamination the first wave was to be launched from warp barges. These would enter real space at sub-light speeds, in close proximity to the target. Each barge would then launch a number of boarding torpedoes, each carrying tow squads of marines. once the torpedoes were launched, the barges would return to warpspace, and re-materialise a safe distance away.
Bioweapons against 'Nids. also the warp barges

Page 3
The mission would be overseen by a command team in a separate module, also deployed from warpspace. The module had the capacity to evaluate all the information in-coming from the sensoria of each Terminator armoured Marine.
mission overseen and data received from troops onboard hulk

Page 3
Standing off at a distance of two parsecs were the Gothic class Battlecruisers Intolerance, Indestructability, and Righteous Power. Each ship carried a payload of one hundred Hellfire class nuclear missiles. The payload of a Hellfire is one hundred and twelve sub-munitions, each ne with a five giga-tonne warhead. If the vanguard failed, the vessel would be fusion bombed, down to a fine powder.
The infamous anti-spacehulk nukes. note that it is 560 Gigatons (112 5 GT warheads) not 610 (122 5 GT warheads). Also in light of parsec usage earlier.. I doubt this means that the Imperial ships were all that far away. 300 560 GT missiles needed to eliminate Space hulk

Page 3
++ First casualties reported. Shield failures on torpedoes 3, 12. Four squads dead on arrival. Tactical reserve re-targetted.
More on shield s on boarding torps. 2 torps lost 2 squads per torp

Page 5
..the Intolerance blazed the alien vessel with a great burst of radiation. The flash of data was quickly analyzed by the onboard computers to give the Imperial forces their first detailed view of the inner layout of the space hulk. On the dark green view-screens on the bridge the skeletal passages and chambers glowed with a ghostly white light. Commander Bellisario pointed to one of the groups of glowing dots clustered around the outer levels of the hulk.

"These match up with the protuberances on the outside of the hulk," he said. "They appear to be small boarding craft, perhaps escape pods."


Within minutes, the next wave of data from the scanners had fleshed out the three dimensional floor plan of the hulk. Wide spectra analysis revealed a fine network of active power conduits and, more ominously, hundreds of blobs of cold blue - cryogenics chambers.

computer analysis predicted that the escape pods were all linked to a central control rom situated well beyond the defensive perimeter, in the cetner of several larger, cryogenics clusters.
Scanning of the interior of the hulk actively provides alot of useful interior detial

Page 7
Commander Bellisario paced across the bridge of the Intolerance to where the Techmarines clustered around the view screen, studying the layout of the space hulk.
Blood Angel commander aboard one of hte Imperial ships.

PAge 7
The Terminators were outnumbered by over sixty to one, and it was obvious that it was only a matte rof minutes before they were wiped out.
Terminator squad vs Genestealers

Page 9
As the Space Marines moved into position, a Cyber-Altered Task spy robot had crept into the hidden depths of the hulk. Within seconds of connection ot the hulk's computer net, the C.A.T. had amassed all the data it required on the ship's cryogenic systems, both their layout and their security.

As soon as the C.A.T. started moving, it was loctated by the Intolerance's continuing wide spectra analysis.

Contact with the C.A.T. was maintained with relative ease, but scanners revealed the Genestealers were closing in rapidly....
More on the C.A.T.

Page 18
Tantalus III was a deep space cargo hauler working the trade routes around the Chiron Cluster. Currently carrying a load of low-grade ore from the Marion belt mines to Darvon VI, Tantalus had been following the same route for years...


Thus her captain was not unduly alarmed by the presence of an unknown ship at the warpgates leading ot the Darvon system.

Until the First Officer told him how big it was.

commerce apparently following and using some sort of multi=node warpgate.

Page 18
"Same reading, Captain. Twelve kilometres stem to stern; eight kilometers diameter at centre. Displacement-."


"That's a warship! REd alert! All crew to battle stations!"
a 12 km long, 8 km wide vessel is noted as a warship definitely. THat means there are no nonmilitary warships (at this time) of that scale.

Page 18
"Navigation! Plot an immediate course back to the Gate. I don't care where we come out, as long as we jump system fast!"
Apparnetly you can change course in this gate.

Page 18
"Whoever she is," the First Officer inseted grimly, "She's moving to intercept us. Accelerating at 50 Gs. We're not going to make it, Captain."


"Nav, take us insystem! Give it your top acceleration - burn out the engines if you have to. Now!"
50 Gee accel on the big warship. Transport need to burn out engines to match or exceed it.

Page 18
When they reached the planet, Sirval was subjected to a rigorous physical and psychological examination. The apothecaries concluded that he was not carrying any communicable diseases, the Inquisitors that he was not spiritually contaminated. He had completely blocked out the details of the pirate attack, but that was not particularily unusual.


When they asked about hi sfuture plans, Sirval said that he was giving up space travel; he wanted ot settle down and raise a family. The Inquisitors nodded pityingly. The boy had obviously lost his nerve. Under the circumstances, they thought to themselves, could you blame him?
Genestealer infestation passes physical and psychic nivestigation. Also, Inquisitors with a heart.

Page 18
As far as we have been able to determine, Genestealers reproduce only by infecting others with their genetic pattern. They appear to entirely lack the capacity to bear their own young.


- they must conqueror new worlds to gain new breeding stock, or their entire race will perish.

To compenste for this extraordinarily complicated breeding pattern, Genestealers are highly intelligent and remarkably difficult to kill, barring accidents, all but immortal.
Genestealer reproduction patterns.

Page 18
A child born to a man or woman who has been infected by a Genestealer is quite similar to a purebred Stealer...


From birth, if not before, it exerts a strange power over its parents, causing them to nurture and protect the monster with almost fanatical devotion. The Human/Stealer hybrid is capable of breeding only via the Genestealer method - infecting other non-Stealers with its DNA.
The benefits an dpower of the hypnotic gaze of Stealers and its resulting mental domination.

Page 19
I suspect that there is some kind of psychic link between a Stealer, his victims, and their progeny, but this is unproven.


In any case, those infected by Genestealers band together and, if possible, leave the mainstream of civilisation altogether, forming small, discrete enclaves of covens.


Though ostensibly run by Humans, I suspect that purebred Genestealers control the covens from behind the scenes.
More on psychic and genetic bonds of STealer brood.

Page 19
A second generation hybrid, born of parents infected by a first generation hybrid, has more of a Human appearance. Its skin-colour begins to approximate its human parents' losing some of the Stealer's characteristic colouring. The hybrid's head may be flatter thana pure Stealer's, closer to the normal shape of a Human's, and its clawlike appendages somewhat atrophied. If fully cloaked and accompanied by Humans to do their talking for them,s ome second generation hybrids are able to move among uninfected humans without being detected.

It is usually at this stage, when second generation hybrids have matured, that the coven begins active infiltration of the host planet.
Evolution of the second Generation STealers.

Page 19
The third generation hybrid may be almost entirely Human in outward appearence. It has lost one or both of the clawlike extremities; it can walk upright; it can speak likea Human. Apparently, some third generation hybrids are not equipped with the organ which allows a Stealer to directly infect others, though they can still do so artificially, by drawing some of their blood and injecting it into a victim.

Frighteningly, this injection as often as not is voluntary. By this time, the coven is probably quite powerful, and victims willingly accept the infection during the coven's initiation rituals.
Third gneration stealers.

Page 19
The fourth generation hybrid is all but indistinguishable from a purestrain Human and is fully capable of reproducing as a Human being. It may spawn pure-strain Humans, Human/Stealer hybrids, or pure-strain Genestealers.
Fourth generation.

Page 19
Assume that one Genestealer lands on a planet and infects just ten Humans - an extremely conservative number. Each of those ten Humans has two children, producing twenty first-generation hybrids. Each of those infects ten Humans, who each hae two chidlren. Now you have.. let's se.. twenty times ten times two... four hundred second generation hybrids. They each infect ten Humans, who each have two children. Thats eight thousand by the third generation. By the fourth generation, there are one hundred and sixty thousand monsters on that planet.

And that's assuming that each of the creatures infects only ten Human beings. Suppose the real number is twenty? Or fifty? Or one hundred? We don't know how long these creatures live, or how fast they mature.
Numericla evaluation of the scoep of the threat.

Page 19
My suggestion to you, my lords, is that once the infection spreads beyond the first generation, the planet should be fusion bombed from deep space.
fusion bomb.. in other words.. Extemrinatus.

Page 19
Eighty years passed, and there were over two hundred thousand third and fourth generation Genestealers inhabiting Darvon VI.
200K Stealers after nearly a century.

Pgae 20
The tenets of the Cult - modesty, industry, accession to worldly authority ("Render unto the Emperor..") - were seen by authorities as harmless, and possibly beneficial. Though not himself infected, the Imperial Governor-General actively encouraged the cult, believing that it was far preferrable to the other native religions, which typically urged their members to anti-social behaivour, if not outright revolt agianst the Imperium.
Genestealer cults tend to be upstanding and proper.

Page 20
As per standard procedure, a Recuriting Centre was established well int the hinterlands, several hundred kilometres from concentrations of civilisation. Recruiting squads of Ogryns were sent from basecamp to local villgaes via drop ship. The first squads were quite successful, hitting the Cult villages under cover of darkness, taking several dozen of the young men, and bringing them back to the basecamp for medical checkup and basic indoctrination.
Recruiting camp established.. Ogryns despatched to forcibly take recruits if tithe is refused.

PAge 20
Four days later, before the Inquisitors arrived, the REcruitment Centre was attacked. Thousands of Cultists, many bearing some degree of the multi-armed mutation, swept out of the forest, completely overwhelming the surprised pickets and the automatic defences.


That untrained cultists managed to discover our location, get themselved organized and march two to three hundred kilometres in four days is frankly astonishing.
Mobility and speed of Cultists when roused.

Page 20
Humans and Squats were no match for them [Genestealer cultists] in hand-to-hand combat; the OGryns gave them more of a fight, but even they were soon overwhlemed. The Cultists' morale was extraordinary; they did not seem to take any notice of casualties.
Humans and Squats and OGryns at this camp.

Page 20
within two days of the attack on the recruitment centre, the Cultists rose up in revolt, and ifghting broke out across the entire planet. All the smaller towsn and villages were overwhelmed, and Carsin City, the largets city on the planet, reported fierce house-to-house fighting as the Imperial garrison there struggled for its life.


The rebels quickly mastered the garrison's anti-space weaponry, forcing the Imperial transport to leave orbit and destroying all of the Imperial communications and spy satellites.
It was noted at some point that the Cult had 40% of the planetary populace under its controlm as well as the 200,000 or so genestealers.

Note the refrence to Imperial comm and spy satellites.

Page 20
Four battalions! You seek to reconquer Darvon VI with four battalions? I doubt that you could do it with forty battalions, or four hundred!

The planet is lost! Fusion-bomb it from space, I beseech you!


Destory the dropships after they land. Do not take them back into your transports under any circumstances.

4 battallions, or even 400 not enough to retake a world from STealers. Again extermintus level measures suggested.
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Connor MacLeod
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Posts: 14065
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

2nd and last half of Space hulk Missions, 1st edition.

Page 21
There are currents in warpspace. Spacecraft ride these currents, entering the warp at a warpgate, travelling along them for a time, and then, hopefully, emerging back into our universe again at another gate. Some vessels never return. Sometimes they founder and are ripped apart by the tremendous force of warpstorms. Sometimes they miss their exit gate, and journey forever through the warp, eternal prisoners of the void, or drop back into the universe countless untold miles and endless years from their intended destintion.
Dangers of warp travel.

Page 21
Some vessels, however, become locked in a strange current of the warp, emerging from time to time in realspace, but then later helplessly sucked back into the warp. They have no control over their destination and may travel in the warp for centuries, appearing at the same gate whence they came, or light-centuries away, only ot disappear once more after several hours or days.
The start of ghost ships and hulks

Page 21
Millions of human vessels have been lost in the warp; countless billions more must have been lost by other races over the millenia.
Millions of vessels in millenia

Page 21
Some creatures, particularily Chaos Renegades, use the hulks as pirate vessels, appearing in a system, sending out smaller ships ot murder and rob nearby planets or vessels, then escaping to safety in the random warpjumps of the space hulks.

The Genestealers choose ot live aboard the space hulks for similar reasons ot the Renegades.
Use of hulks by Genestealers and Orks and Chaos cultists.

Page 21
There are no 'male' and 'female' Stealers; Stealers are incapable of mating with each other, and they are unable to bear their own young. Stealers reproduce by infecting other races with their genetic materials.

Stealers are strong psychics. They are able to paralyse victims with their gaze...


If a Stealer concentrates all of his energies upon dominating its victim, only the strongest-willed cna resist. Once a victim is dominated, the Stealer infects him, passing on its genetic mateiral in an obscene parody of a kiss.
More on the unique nature of 'stealer Reproduction

Page 23
the Genestealer's long, supple tongues are equipped with oviposters (egg-layers). When a Stealer 'kisses' a victim, the tongue pierces the victim's skin, leaving an egg behind. After a victim is infected, he is released. Whether as a byproduct of the Stealer's hypontic gaze or as a result of hormonal secretion of the egg itself, the victim has no memory of the implantation; he sees the entire episode as a nightmare of fear, and burning eyes.

a subtle psychic link is established between the Stealer and its victim. The Stealer can influence the victim's thoughts and actions without the victim realizing that he is being manipulated. The stealer uses this power to give its victim one overwhelming desire: to mate hand have children.

Because of the damage to the victim's genetic structure, though he mates with his own kind, his children will be hybrids: part victim race, part Genestealer. Until the Fourth generation, the hybrids are sterile, able to procreate only via the Genestealer method.
The psychic element to the implantation process... its a subtle link but it can carry tremendous influence.

Page 23
The first geeneration of hybrid closely resembles a purestrain Genestealer. From brith, if not before, it has the Stealer's strong psychic ability; this, in concert with the natural paternal/maternal instincts in all parents, blinds its parents to the child's monstrousness, keeping them from destroying the monster at birth. THey nuture and cherish the young hybrid, and will go to great lengths to protect it from harm.

When the first generation hybrid matures, it will infect others, who will in turn produce second generation hybrids. With each passing generation, the hybrids look more and more like their parent race, and less and less like Genestealers. By about the fourth generation, they are all but indistinguishable from purestrain members of their parent race, to the extent that they are able to mate in the same fashion as uninfected members of their species. Some of their children will be hybrids, some purestrian members of the victime race - some will be purestrain Genestealers. All of the descendents of a purestrain Genestealer tend to band togehter into an extended 'family' usually under the control of the original Stealer itself.
Genestealer threat throughout the four or give generations./

Page 23
Despite being equipped with hands, purestrain Genestealers are not tool-users, they build nothing for themselves. Their sophisticated and sublte brains, which allow them to infiltrate and psychically dominate other species, are quite incapable of understanding the complexities of the lever or the wheel - or the spear, or the gun.
One would expect that should the 'Nids wish so they could arm the 'Stealers or allow them to use weapons.

Page 23
Not so the hybrids. First generation STealers are almost as limited technologically as purestrain Stealers. Later generations, however, are capable of understanding and using technology. A third or fourht generation Stealer can build and operate sophisticated equipment, and it can wield weapons. However, even the later hybrids are not technological innovators; they are limited by the capabilities of their parents. If their parents lack sophisticated manipulatory digits, so will the hybrids; if the planet never achieved spaceflight, the hybrids are unlikely to do so.
'Stealer generations and their intereaction with technology.

Page 23
When Stealers embark upon space hulks, they take third and fourth generation hybrids with them, to maintain the vessels and operate the lifeboats; however, the hybrids are not as hardy or long-lived as pure Stealers. If they die before the vessel reaches an inhabitable planet, the Stealers are all but helpless until new victims decide to enter the hulk on their own.
Genestealer migration.

Page 23
The Imperial Inquisitors ruthlessly exterminate any infected planets they discover - they are not afraid to kill the innocent to insure that all of the tainted ones rae destroyed. The Inquisition keep strict silence about this threat to the Imperium, ruthlessly killing mor mindwiping all who come into contact with the aliens, fearing the taint of Chaos and spiritual contamination.
Again, beyond a certain point, effective Exterminatus becmes the only option.

Page 23
As a whole, Mankind is psychically weak, but some individual Men are strong. The Emepror of Mankind is all but dying, but the Stealers have tasted his mind from afar - and they fear him, more than any being they have ever encountered.
The Stealers are no match for the GeoM it would seem.

Page 23
Individual Genestealers will infiltrate a large number of Imperial planets, establishing small covens among the diaffected populace which exist throughout humanity.


After the fourth generation hybrids are born, they will leave the planet as merchants, diplomats, traders, and even soldiers in the Imperium, to found covens on new planets.

Using their psychic powers and shrewd diplomatic skills, honed by millenia of inter-family warfare, the Stealers' covens will make alliances with other, non-Stealer covens - those created by Vampires, mad Humans, the forces of Chaos extending their power and influence a thousand fold.
Stealers in 1st edition coudl coorperate with other forces to achieve their own ends.

Page 24
With the discovery of the warp drive came the great Expansion, as what was once a journey of several centruies became a journey of several days. Warp space was tricky and dangerous stuff, and not to be entered lightly.


Witht he discovery of the navigator gene, which allowed ship's pilots to make longer, more accurate warp jumps, interstellar travel became much safer, and soon Men were exploring all of the nearby stars.
Several centuries to several days - 200 LY in 2 days is ~36,500c For Non-Navigator warp (which is presumably faster.

Page 24
The trigger for this appearence (of psychic power) has never been precisely determined, but within mere centuries psyskers were recoverded on almost every planet known to Man. Some went mad; uncounted millions were burnt as witches, destroyed by ignorance and fear, and, possibly, prescience. A few, those on civilized, 'enlightened' planets, were protected and nutured, allowed ot test and explore their new-found skills.


Untrained and ignorant of what they meddled with, the novice psykers opened the galaxy to invasion. DAemons - fell creatures in the warp, born of Chaos - attacked the minds of the unprotected psykers, and through tehm, gained entrance to our galaxy.
Origin of psychic phenomena is unknonw. Those who explored it got fucked.. those who suppressed it survived.

Page 24
It was at this time [age of strife] that the mutatns began to appear in great numbers. As science crumbled, terraformed worlds slowly reverted to their natural conditions; the Men on them adapted, or died. Thus were born the abhumans - the stocky Squats, the powerful Ogryns, the mad Beastmen, and many others.

Only the worlds where psykers were rigorously suppressed survived intact.
40K terraforming often seems to need constant maintenance or it will go out of whack

Page 24
A shrewd diplomat, he gathered the loose fragments of Humanity into a single Empire. A brilliant soldier, he conquered those who woudl not join of their own volition and reclaimed the worlds lost to the aliens. The strongest psyker the galaxy had ever seen, he drove the Daemons back into the warp from whence they came.
The Emperor.

page 25
The Inquisition is responsible for scouring the Imperium for rogue psykeers, mutants, and alien threats. Answerable only to the Emperor himself, they are also charged with weeding out the corrupt and inefficient within the Adeptus Terra.
Early Inquisition.

Page 25
The largest single department in the Adeptus Terra. The men and women of the Administratum are responsible for most o fthe day-to-day governing of the Imperium; there are members of the Administratum on almost every planet in Imperial space...
The best servants of the Administratum are appointed as Imperial Commanders. They are given charge of planets, and sometimes entire systems, to run as they see fit - providing tithes are paid and their loyalty is firm.
The adminsitratum.

Page 26
The Imperial Fleet provides both a space-going navy and transport for the Imperial Guard and Collegia Titanica. In addition, the Imperial Scout Vessels are constantly probing at the edge of the Unknown, expanding the Imperium at a tremendous rate. The Fleet controls most of the interstellar transport within theImperium; independent private ships do exist, but these are relatively rare.
The Navy. In latter eras the AdMech has its own transport. Also private ships exist but aren't common.

Page 26
A subdivision of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Collegia Titanica controls the Imperial War Titans - huge manlike war machines, up to one hundred feet tall.


Today, most of the Imperial Titans are employed garrisoning the boundaries of the Horus Worlds, where remnants of the Traitors still exist, an ever-gnawing thorn in the Imperium's side.
Titans. Also the "horus Worlds" which are liekly an early name for the Eye of Terror.

Page 26
There are one thousand Chapters of Space Marines, each one one thousand Marines - a million battle brothers.

The best one hundred Marines in each Chapter are trained in the use of terminator armour a fantastic battle-armour created in the Dark Age of Technology.
A million marines, Termintaros among the best.

Page 26
The galaxy contains around four hundred thousand million stars. Of these, only a fraction are orbited by planets which are habitable or within the capability of human engineering to make habitable. And of these few, fewer still have been investigated and settled by humans. This 'few', however, numbers millions of worlds.
400 billion stars in the 40K galaxy, mililons of human inhabited worlds.

Page 26
It is simply impossible to count the systems where humanity or one of its sub-species can be found. New worlds are constantly being colonised and added to the Imperium, in such number that even the sophisticated computers of the Adeptus TErra cannot keep track of them all.
New worlds constantly being adde,d the Imperium hasnt got any precise notion of its true size and scope, etc.

Page 26
Even using faster-than-light warp drive, travel from Terra, the centre of the governemnt, to the edge of the Imperium can take literally years - by the time one arrives, the border is likely to have advanced even farther. Despite its inexorable growth, the Imperium is unlikely to ever explore the entire galaxy, let alone spread its rule to others.
It can take "years" to travel from Terra to the edge of the Imperium (which means the limits of the Astronomican) - thousands fo tens of thousands of c depending on how many years.

Page 26
The conquest of warp space is the power that binds the Imperium together, allowing spacecraft to move hundreds of thousands of light years in only a few hours.
And this comes up just after saying "it can take literally years" unless we were to conclude the Imperium is literally billions of light years across (it isn't.) As noted elsewhere this sort of speed translates to hundreds of millions times c to billions possibly, but can in no way be taken as a standard travel speed. At most its an ideal conditions type speed, but it is useful to note what the Warp is capable of.

Possible examples of this higher end speed might be: If a Warp God (like the Chaos Gods or the GEOM) use their powers to facilitate the passage of a vessel, special warp passages like the Boros Gate network from Dark Creed, etc.

Pag 26
At the simplest level, warp space is a separate and complete universe, coexisting with our universe. For every point in our universe, there is a corresponding location in warp space, and the two universes are intimately connected. However, warp space is not an exact duplicate of 'real' space. Warp space exists according to its own set of physical laws: distance and time are different there. Two points that, in our reality, are tens of thousands of ligth years apart might, in warp space, be separated by mere miles, or inches. Thus, it is possible for a suitably-equipped vessel to enter warp space, travel several hours, and re-emerge in our space light years from its starting point.
the distances do give an idea of how rapidly (in theory) warp travel can be. Of course its not that easy (since the distances can grow or shrink, time can go faster or slower, the currents of the warp can help or hinder travel all on their own, etc.). 2 LY in 2 hours is ~8800c, although it doesn't spcifically say how many LYs (it could be between systems, in which case it might mean 10-20 LY, between sectors, which is hundreds or even thousands of LY, or greater.) If we took the "tens of thousands" of LY example for before (one could make an argument about them being related) the speed would be ~88 million c far faster than typical war travel, but at least possible. The actual value would fall somewhere between the two depending on circumstances.

Page 26
spacecraft Navigators find their way across warp space by fixing their course on the Astronomican, the psychic beacon of the Imperium. Maintained by the Emperor's will and consuming the energy of uncounted millions of psykers, the Astronomican shines across reality and the warp, allowing Navigators to steer spacecraft safely thorugh the currents of warp space.
Here its said the AStronomican relies on millions of psykers, whereas in later sources its merely thousands (10,000 IIRC). It should be possible, though, to increase the range/power of the Astronomican by increasing the number of psykers (at the cost of burning them out faster and depeleting reserves - as was done in the horus HErey collectd visions novels)

It is also useful to note this may suggest that the aforementioned warp speed was "without the Astronomican". Possibly even wtihout Navigators.

Page 26
It is a universe filled with cross-currents, eddies, and whirlpools of power. Ships disappear, without reason, or emerge from the warp centuries after they entered it, or millions of light years from their intended destination. Warp storms flare up, blocking travel through huge reaches of the warp. These torms can last for seconds or persist for millenia, destroing or sending off-course any ships which enter them, isolating areas of real space from all but painfully-slow sublight travel.
"centuries or millions of LY off course" - again highlighting how variable time and space can be in the Warp, in addition to the turmoil that can help or hamper travel.

Page 30
Most of its [Astartes] troopers are recruited from feral planets, where traditional warrior castes compete for the honour of becoming a "warrior of the stars.." For true aggression and psychotic killer-instinct, however, few recruits can best the murderous followers of the city -scum that roam the darkest pits of the hive worlds. Driven to extremes by the colossal pressures of hive-world living, these merciless killers make ideal Space Marines.
Hive worlders are noted here to be supposedly superior Astartes than feral worlders. Yet Feral worlds seem to be more highly favored.

PAge 30
Young recruits are subjected to many hours of intensive training and indoctrination. Their bodies are toughened by bio-chemicals, and their resolve is hardened by psycho-surgery. A special black carapace is merged witht heir natural flesh, forming a sort of identity tag as well as permanant armour. By the end of his training, the recruit has beent urned into a Marine, a disciplined - or at least controllable - killer.
The Black Carapace forms armour as well as the cybernetic interface.

Page 30
Although it contains at most only a thousand fighting Marines, the Chapter has the fighting potential of many times that number of ordinary troops.
a commonly noted feature of the Marines/

Page 30
Marines go into battle wearing power armour. Power armour consists of an all-enclosing protective suit, life support system, and many other features. The natural weight and cumbersomeness of the armour is overcome by a system ot electrically motivated fibre-bundles which replicate in every way the muscular movements of the wearer - so, although heavy, the wearer moves without penalty. Controls are minimal; most of the suit functions are automatic, and the suit's built in "thought machine" (computer) will respond to vocal commands.
Power armor described. In particular the note of the Marine version having its own inbuilt computer to respond to vocal commands (while the majority of the functions are automatic) is interesiting though.

Page 30

The stnadard hand weapon of the Space Marines is the bolt gun, a lighter version of the storm bolter. Many marines cary different weapons: lasguns, auto-guns, and various types of grenades being particularily popular. Marines almost always go into combat with a hand-to-hand-weapon, which may range from a simple knife all the way up to an awesome chainsword. Heavy weapons the Marines favour include flamers, graviton guns, shuriken catapults, heavy plasma cannon, multi-meltas, and the like.
Here we see while the "standard" Marine weapon is the bolter, they are trained in and allowed to utilize many different kinds of weapons, presumably depending on the circumstances. Marine-scale eapons would be considerably more powerful. (an autogun could arguably carry more ammo than a SM bolter, and have a higher ROF. Useful in some cases.)

Page 30
Aslo known as Tacticla Dreadnought Armour, Terminator exo-armour is a development of the sealed enviroment suits used by spaceship crews.

Exo-armour is constructed from heavy gauge plasteel plating, forming an armoured shell that can withstand even the colossal impact of high-speed orbital micro-debris. It is the only readily available armour suitable for working inside the high pressure casings of plasma reactor shields, or the extremely corrossive enviroments inside the holds of bulk chemical carriers. THese same qualities, suitably enhanced by the aDeptus Mechanicus, make Terminator armour virtually invulnerable to most weapons.

Terminator suits contain their own independent power supply and life support systems. They are heavily armed and many also carry teleport homers, bio-scanners, energy-scanners, auto-senses, suspensors and tageters for their weapons, and communicators.
Terminator/Exo-armour described.. once again. More particular of interest is the origins, and the gear carried.
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Connor MacLeod
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Posts: 14065
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Space hulk 2nd edition. Rules and missions covered together.

First rules:

Page 4
If undetected and unstopped, Genestealers can take over a whole planetary system in a matter of years,
infecting all with their tainted curse.
Genestealer infestations do not happen rapidly, but they do (in 40K at least) stealthily and insidiously.

Page 4
Clad in black ice, many miles in length, space hulks can be hundreds or even thousands of years old. Each hulk is made up of the compacted remains of hundreds of other vessels, meteors, comets and deep space debris.
Space hulk depiction. Fairly bog standard. At least 2 miles long, although can be much higher (some are stated at 10-50 km or more depending on source)

Page 12
Space Marine squads are in constant communication with their commander back on the assault vessel, via small cameras and communicators fitted to their Terminator suits. The commander urges his Space Marines on, offering tactical suggestions, and exhorting them to even greater efforts.
data-link abilities of Space Marine terminator armour.

Page 12
Once inside the space hulk the Space Marines use scanners to reveal a map of the surrounding corridors, and to show ’blips’ - the tell-tale glowing dots which indicate unknown life forms. In the twisted labyrinth of a space hulk, the scanners merely indicate an unknown presence. What the life form is, or how many of them the blip represents, is unknown. The scanner might even be malfunctioning, indicating movement where there is none, or perhaps picking up the slow swinging of an unsecured bulkhead.
Terminator scanners when inside the Space Hulk. Possibly some kind of motion sensor or lifeform sensor, or a combination.

Page 17
Sergeants are armed with a storm bolter and a power sword, a deadly weapon which helps the Sergeant to even out the
odds a little when facing a Genestealer in close combat. The blade of a Sergeant’s power sword exudes a powerful energy field, enabling it to slice through even a Genestealer’s tough carapace.
This suggests a Sergeant's power sword is "better" than a Terminator's normal power fist, although it may be specific to Genestealers in this case due to penetration (the sword's edge helps pierce better than the flat surfaces of a power fist)

Page 18
Storm bolters are the Terminator Space Marine’s standard firearm, firing explosive bolts which rip their foes asunder.
standard "bolter type weapons blow the target apart" although it doesnt specify how many shots (and examples can vary from one bolt, to multiple bolts)

Page 21
The twin barrels of a Space Marine’s storm bolter can fire a hail of lethal destruction, often ripping multiple targets
asunder in a single salvo.

Overkill fire can also be used to destroy doors, or kill Genestealers that were hiding behind a door which was
destroyed by the Space Marine’s first hit!
A bit better. A single salvo (assuming the standard "3-4 bolts per trigger pull" from 3rd edition and a storm bolter being a combi bolter.. 6-8 bolts being a single salvo) can tear apart at least 2 Genestealers. As per IA4 Genestealers are around 300 kg (about 3-4 times the mass of a normal person) Discounting the carapace aspects and increased durability inherent to Genestealers ove r anormal squishy human, and knowing a single grenade (as per Mythbusters) can blow a single human body apart (more or less - so 3-4 grenade equivalents for a Genestealer). It seems safe in concluding a storm bolter shell would be equal to some tens of grams of TNT at least, and possibly extending into hundreds of grams per bolt (one still has to account for the fact the bolt round has a not-insigifnicant kinetic effect and penetrates deeply before detonating,b ut one also has to account for presence/absnece of shrapnel in some bolt rounds too.) Of course its still possible to argue that a bolter round is equal to a grenade.

Page 25
Flames cannot damage the reinforced metal doors of a space hulk,...
Self evident, but interesting to note given some yields for flamers.


Missions book next:

Space hulk missions, 2nd circa 1996

Page 2
The conversion into a super-warrior is achieved by the careful implanting of genetically cultured organs, created originally from the gene-seed of the Chapter's originators, the super-human Primarchs. Once implanted these organs grow and modify th recipient's genetic structure. Selected hormones are boosted to aid growth, expand muscle tissue and strengthen bone structure, while other genetically tailored substances are released into the Space Marine's bloodstream which cause further changes throughout his body. This process takes many years and can only occur while the Space Marine is still growing, which means that all Space Marines are recruited at an early age and start training before they reach adulthood.
Space Marine transformation process.

PAge 2
Most, but by no means all, of the Chapters number about 1,000 men, organized into 10 companies of 100 men each. Some Chapters are considerably larger or smaller than this, however, and Chapters are often increased beyond their standard strength if they are involved in a protracted or highly intensive war.
Company and Chapter organzation, at least by Codex standards. The "increase beyond standard" is pretty much reiterted in recent materials and tons of other second edition fluff (including Epic, regular 40K, etc.)

Page 2
All the [Terminator] sits contain their own independent power supply and enclosed life support systems as well as a special motion-scanner that indicates the positions of any life forms and follows their movements.
Benefits of Terminator armor.

Page 3
Storm bolters fire two large explosive 'bolts' at the target. These bolts contain armour-piercing tips, explosives and mass reactive detonators. They are shot from the storm bolter under low velocity, their own propellant igniting once they're clear of the barrel. Storm bolters are extremely heavy, but they are light work in the servo-assisted hands of the Space Marines.
Storm bolter description. Note no mention of "eight inches of plasteel penetration" Also mention that the bulk fo the velocity comes from the rocket bit, not the initial launch.

Page 3
The [Power] sword's blade is surrounded with a hazy blue energy field that disrupts any solid matter it touches. As the Sergeant strikes a blow, the whole weapon crackles with energy that envelops the target and tears it apart.
Pretty much like the Wargear/Battle manual description of a power sword.

PAge 3
The Imperium first encountered Genestealers on the moons of Ymgarl long before they were alerted to the approach of the hive fleets. At the time it was assumed that the Ymgarl Genestealers were an indigenous life form so no active xenocide campaign was undertaken against these deadly creatures.
These are the nasty tentacle-face Chthulu type Genestealers, considered a sub-type.

Page 4
They are incredibly fast and dangerous opponents in hand-to-hand combat but never use ranged weaponry or other devices, despite their obvious intelligence. Genestealers can operate independently of the hive mind, having a gestalt brood intelligence of their own.
A useful trait for the Genestealers no doubt having their own gestalt intelligence, although it still seems under the control of the Hive Mind at large.

Page 4
Once infected a victim can be controlled by the psychic brood intelligence of the Genestealers, and becomes completely dedicated ot their cause. The implanted germ cell grows inside its hose until it is ready to emerge. The Genestealers' genetic attributes are passed on in part to the offspring, creating monstrous 'Stealer hybrids whose own spawn will either be purestrain Genestealers or more human seeming hybrids. As the hybrid brood grows in strength it generates a psychic signal that the hive fleets can follow, drawing the Tyranids on to rich feeding grounds.
the psychic domination/hypnotic aspects of 'Stealer infestation.

Page 4
If so much as one Genestealer should reach an inhabited planet, the consequences can be catastrophic and lead to countless billions of deaths.
Potentially dangerous, but probably slow going if its just one. Multiple stealers is more effective.

Page 4
Warp space does not obey the physics of the mateiral world - the laws of space and time have no meaning there. It is a realm of pure energy, with its own eddies and currents. Sometimes storms sweep throught he warp, making travel between certain locations difficult or even impossible. A persistant warp storm cna completely block access to a plaentary system, effectively isolating it for decades.
Description of the warp and warp storms.

Page 4
Travel through warp space is never certain, and there is no guarantee that a space ship will emerge in real space when and where it intended. A space ship might drop back into real space miles or light years off course, or dicover that time has passed strangely during its absence from the real world. Instead of weeks or months, years may have passed. Indeed, it is not unknown for a ship to drop back into real space before even setting out on its journey!
Implies "weeks or months" is a standard travel time over unspecified distances betwene worlds (hundreds or thousands of LY?)

Page 4-5
Some vessels become locked in a strange current of the warp, emerging from time to time in real space, but always being sucked helplessly back into the warp again.
the peculiar nature of space hulks randomly appearing/disappearing into the warp seems related in some way to the currents of the warp. Possibly related in some wy to periodic warp storms that breka out into realspace as well (similar phenomenon perhaps). We know naturally occuring warp portals or gates can be formed (Temporarily, indefinitely or effectively permanant), and that at some places in the galaxy the boundary betwee warp and real space is thinner than others, so its possible those factors alogn with the currents dictate the seemingly random nature of space hulk travle.,

Page 5
The warp has its own demented laws of physics and it is not uncommon for several of these 'ghost ships' to drop out of the warp at the same, floating near each other for a few hours or days before being sucked back to their cold home.


During their brief time in real space, the crew may be able to position their ship next to another to board it and scavenge supplies and equipment. Occasionally the ships collide with each other, and become linked together in a mass of twisted metal.
More on the creation of space hulks.

Page 5
Millions of human vessels have been lost in the warp; countless billions more must have been lost by other reaces over the millenia.
Considering how long vessels can last int he Imperium, millions of ships lost can be a not-insignificant loss even over millenia (Thousands per year), and the Imperium appears not to notice this. (not really surprising, considering that they've lost millions of ships in a single warp-based catastrophe before)

Page 5
Some creatures, such as Orks and Chaos Space Marines, lack the organization or technology to create warp-capable spacecraft, and often use abandoned space hulks as pirate vessels. Using small, inter-planetary craft, they board the hulks when they drift in system, then ride wherever the winds of warp space blow them.
Assuming such groups can't get hold of warp capable ships of their own, this seems to be the preferred alternative for warp travle.

Page 5
They are unaffected by severe cold, can endure long periods without nourishment, and can survive in low atmospheres. They can even live in vaccuum for short periods of time. If conditions become particularily difficult, Genestealers can lower their metabolic rate and enter a state of hibernation that enables them to survive long periods of hardship.
Genestealer toughness. Presumably the ability to go a long time without food but not in hibernation assumes they do not undergo significant exertion (such as combat) though - given their combat abilities one expects thy cna burn through a fair bit of energy.

Page 7
Three gothic class batltecuriseres were despatched to investigate - the Intolerance, the Indestructability and the Rigtheous Power. As the ships travelled towards the hulk and astropathic request for help was broadcast, which was promptly answered by the Blood Angels. Their First Company was on its way back to Baal and could easily make a diversion. The Blood Angels arrived a few hours after the Imperial ships, and the commanders immediately held a conference on the flagship, Intolerance. It was decided to attempt a boarding action,a nd, if this failed, teh hulk would be fusion bombed down to a fine powder by the three Imperial battlecruisers.
Similar to 1st edition depiction of the events, minus the mention of the HEllfire class nukes. Not really inconsistent though.

Page 8
..the Intolerance blazed the alien vessel with a great burst of radiation. The flash of data was quickly analyzed by the onboard computers to give the Imperial forces their first detailed view of the inner layout of the space hulk. On the dark green view-screens on the bridge the skeletal passages and chambers glowed with a ghostly white light. Commander Bellisario pointed to one of the groups of glowing dots clustered around the outer levels of the hulk.

"These match up with the protuberances on the outside of the hulk," he said. "They appear to be small boarding craft, perhaps escape pods."


Within minutes, the next wave of data from the scanners had fleshed out the three dimensional floor plan of the hulk. Wide spectra analysis revealed a fine network of active power conduits and, more ominously, hundreds of blobs of cold blue - cryogenics chambers.

computer analysis predicted that the escape pods were all linked to a central control rom situated well beyond the defensive perimeter, in the cetner of several larger, cryogenics clusters.
using starship scanners to scan the interior of the Space hulk and build a picture of what they wer eup against.

Page 10
The Terminators were outnumbered by over sixty to one, and it was obvious that it was only a matte rof minutes before they were wiped out.
60 to one odds too much for terminators to handle.

Page 12
As the Space Marines moved into position, a Cyber-Altered Task spy robot had crept into the hidden depths of the hulk. Within seconds of connection ot the hulk's computer net, the C.A.T. had amassed all the data it required on the ship's cryogenic systems, both their layout and their security.

As soon as the C.A.T. started moving, it was loctated by the Intolerance's continuing wide spectra analysis.

Contact with the C.A.T. was maintained with relative ease, but scanners revealed the Genestealers were closing in rapidly....
C.A.T. drones for recon purposes. Can be teleported in.

Page 14
The Genestealers had laucnhed a massive attack on the Space Marine defence perimiter.


After the engagement, it was estimated that well over a thousnad Genestealers had been involved in the attack.
1000 Genestealers defeated by no more than 100 Marines. 10:1 kill ratio.

Page 14
The Techmarine fiddled with the controls, and the view jumped from one location to another, relayed by the mini-cams in the Termiantor's helmets.
Again, Terminator suits have their own cams that provide visual data to the commander's setup on board ship.

Page 14
Although there were as few as thirty Terminators left on the hulk, Commander Bellisario knew that the Chapter's gene-seed could not be allowed to fall into enemy hands. Like it or not, he had no option but to order the captured Space Marines to be sacrificed.
They would rather gene-seed be lost or eliminated rather than subverted.

Page 16
The squads on the hulk had suffered heavy casualities, while as many as 35,000 genestealers still lay in cryogenic slumber. There was one last tactic open to the Blood Angels: They could flood the cryogenic chambers with a deadly toxic gas.
Use of bioweapons against the 'Nids.

Page 16
As they moved it became obvious that a second wave of Genestealers, much larger than the first, was beginning to emerge from cryogenic slumber. Surveillance form the Intolerance assessed this second force as having a strength of 4,000, while the remaining 30,000 or more GEnestealers were also commencing their recoverry cycles.
More examples of a starship providing sensor intel data on the goings on inside the hulk.

Page 20
The hulk was spotted by a Space wolves' scout vessel, doing a routine patrol on the edge of the area of warp/real spac eoverlap known as the Eye of Terror. The ship's Astropath broadcast the hulk's location back ot the Chapter's home world, Fenris, from where the information was passed to Earth.


As one of their companies prepared for mobilisation, the Space wolves received a message from the Blood Angels First company, who had just arrived at the Space Hulk. Because of the uncertain nature of astropathhic communication, the Blood Angels had recieved the Space Wolves' message two weeks before it had been sent.
Signals between Fenris and Earth and Baal would encompass many thousands/tens of thousands of LY travel, in under two weeks, not to mention that the Blood angels probably traveled to the hulk from Baal in a matter of a couple weeks (tens of thousands to hundred of thousands times c for warp travel, hundreds of rthousands/millions c for the signal at least, disregarding the weird temporal stuff.)

Page 21
Sergeant Huon checked the scanner again.
AGain scanners. I shouldnt have to keep mentioning they exist but it never hurts.

Page 23
All of the Space Marines had seen the pictures of the Genestealers sent back by the cameras of Squad Huon and there was no deying how deadly they were. Storm bolter fire could kill them, and heavy flamers were particularily effective, but in close combat the sheer strength and ferocity of a Genestealer was more than a match for even a Terminator-armoured Space Marine warrior.
Further mention of Terminator cameras. Genestealers are stronger in cloes combat than Termaintors and normal space marines (who can be dozens of times, or 100+ times stronger than a normal human)

Page 23
They watched with Sergeant Huon as the Stealers ripped through a solid steel door in seconds, tearing it apart with great slashes of their claws before forcing their bodies trhought he rents..
GEnestealers getting through a steel door in "seconds".

Page 25
Quickly he swung around to the right and snapped off a shot at another monster as it bounded towards him. The shot hit his second target on the neck, blowing its head from its body and ichor sprayed the corridor as yet another alien died.
Bolter shot decpaitates a genestealer.

Page 25
Shooting in both directions up and down the corridor, no-one had noticed the two Stealers running upside down along the ceiling until it was too late. They had dropped down on Brother Altair's head and had torn his armour open and disembowelled him before being blown apart themselves in a storm of vengeful storm bolter fire from the other Space Marines.
Stealers can crawl across ceilings. two get blown apart by storm bolter fire from a groun/squad of Terminators (5-10 marines, minus one or two)

PAge 29
The third boarding craft was barely half full, the Space Marines on board were waiting for the last two squads.
Boarding craft cna carry 4 squads of Terminators (20-40 Marines total)

Page 29
If Genestealer infestation reached too high a level for the Ipmerium to suppress, only one option remained: Exterminatus - the destruction of the entire planet.
As noted elsewhere, Genestealer infections that get too severe end up with the planet being exterminatus-ed. Like in Denzark's hammer.

Page 29
The Blood Angels' spacehsips lacked the firepower to destroy the hulk, and Commander Borgia could not afford to wait for the Gothic class battlecruisers of the Imperial navy.
More gothic-class battlecruisers. Blood angels ships of unspecified nature cannot destroy the hulk themsevles.

Page 29
There was one desperate course of action left open to him, they could try to destroy the hulk by sabotaging its decrepit nucelar reactors. If the damping controls were destroyed, the chain reactions within the engines would tear the hulk apart from the inside.
Yep. Nuclear reactors that blow up. Although what kind of nuclear reaction isn't specified (at least not here. I think it is elsewhere.)

Page 31
This left three, and they still had several levels to go before they were close enough to the outer skin of the hulk for the teleporter to latch onto their life signs.
teleporter's bulk blocked the sensors from allowing effective teleport unless they were close ot the outer part of the hulk.

Page 34
Since the Blood Angels' ill-fated assault on the Spawn of Execration the incidence of space hulk sightings has increased substantially, and by the early years of the 74th decade an aveage of one hulk per year was being detected. None of these ships were large enough to pose any real threat ot the Ipmeirum. The smallest were blown up, larger hulks were boarded and searched before being destroyed...
Annaul average of one hulk spotted per year.. presumably throughout the Imperium

Page 34
Lann Koren, commander of the nearby Imperial navy base Kar Duniash, sent out a call for assistance to the nearest Space Marine Chapter...


As the hulk's course posed no immediate danger to any human-inhabited worlds, it was allowed ot pursue its course, trailed by a flotilla of Imperial ships from Battlefleet Ultima. Three days later, the hulk slipped back into the warp and was nearly lost but for the persistence of a squadron of navy frigates. Against all odds, the gallant little ships trailed the hulk right through the nightmare shoals of the warp until it dropped back into real space, five light yearsf rom the planet Formund, right in the path of the Blood Angels Terminator company, racing to meet their destiny at Kar duniash.
It takes no more than a couple of days for Blood Angels to arrive at a locale five LY from Kar Duniash or therabouts. The implication is maybe hundreds, perhaps thousands of LY in a few days, but its not certain how far away the Blood Angels actually were. - tens or hundreds of thousands of times c.

Also its possible to track Hulks throught he warp.

Page 37
The Blood Angels Terminator company was at full strength..
This is according to the book 35 years after the previous chapter.. and no more than half the company survived the previous engagement. 112 years earlier than the second engagement the comapny was almost totally wiped out, but presumably at full streength after a century.

Page 39
Both squads were carrying data transmitters that could be linked to the hulk's computer system and would automatically transmit the stolen data to the Blood Angels mother ship in one short high speed burst.
Some sort of wireless linkup for Space hulk computers.

Page 41
Initial analysis of the data streams showed that the ship was not the floating hulk the Space Marines had supposed it to be but was in fact being directed by an external source based on the planet Grazarch XXIV in the nearby Altron star system.


The only possible conclusion was that the small Imperial mining colony on Grazarch had been overrun and that someone or something on the planet was directing the hulk. All attempts to estalbish communications with Grazarch failed, but an Astropath on formund informed the Blood Angels that all contact with the mining colony had been lost for three years.

The alien signal emanating from GRazarch could control more than just the hulk's movements - it might be able to activate the hsip's weapons systems, force the hulk back into the warp, or trigger a self-destruct sequence. The only way that the threat could be neutralised was to sever the communication stream before the alien intelligence could prevent them breaking its control.


The Space MArines must get to the communications console and cut off the alien communication link.
Space hulk having some weird alien communication gear that is clearly FTL of some kind.

Page 45
The most efficient way to rid th hulk of its monstrous inhabitants was to use toxic gas to kill the active Genestealers, then take advantage of the respite to destroy the cryogenic clusers before the reinforcements they contained awoke.
Again chem/biologicla warfare again against the 'Stealers.

Page 45
the Imperial xneo-biologists had refined the anti-Genestealer toxin so that it was now hundreds of times more effective than the version used on the Sin of Damnation, over a hundred yeras ago.
Again, at least when it comes to certain technologies, the IoM can make fairly rapid advancements compared to others (or when necessity demands it, anyhow.)
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

3rd edition of Space hulk. Posting both missions and Rules together. This one is so recent (2009-2010) I shoudlnt relly need to be precise (And its breaking my rule of posting older stuff before recent, mainly cuz I just want to get ti all out there and done before moving to BFG)

So first, Space Hulk 3rd edition rules, what little there is:

Page 19
It [storm bolter] is capable of laying down a withering hail of fire that can but down Genestelaers and blast down doors.
Again storm bolters can penetrate doors.

Page 19
Terminator armour incorprates a power fist for close assault combat. It is a massive armoured gauntlet that contains a power field generator. The field disrupts any matter it touches, enabling the Terminator to punch through or crush almost any material.
Power fist described.

Page 20
Their [assault cannon] rapidly rotating, multiple barrels arecapable of unleashing a hail of shells, each capable of tearing a Genestealer apart.

An assualt cannon is loaded with enough ammunition to fire ten times.
Considering the ROF is hundreds of sehlls a second in earlier sources, and assuming several seconds of sustained firing per "time" - that could mean a Assault cannon typically carries many thousands (~5-10K?) shells. Of course I think this is described later, so this might not be quite right (I think this assault cannon ROF is lower. It might depend on caliber)

Page 20
Assault cannon ammunition is held in slide-in magazines mounted on the rear of the weapon. The Space Marine armed with the assault cannon carries a spare box of ammunition...
I'd wonder if they'd be able to rig some sort of backpack ammo feed. That would seem a better idea.

Page 20
Although made of special alloy, an assault cannon's weapons barrels can reach increidbly high temperatures if used continuously.
Self explanatory, but mentioend elsewhere more than once.

Page 20
Chainfists are used to slice through bulkheads and closed doorways.


Though they do more damage in battle than a power first, they are somewhat unwieldy...
Considering they have a fricking chainsaw blade attached as well as a power field.. no duh.

Page 20
When a thunder hammer strikes a foe it unleashes a blast of energy that can stun even the most powerful opponent.
Here they dont' blast apart enemies so much as stun them. Although I guess if some enemies are tough enough they wouldnt be blasted apart so quickly.

Page 22
Using his powers of foresight, the Librarian allows the Space Marines to act with greater coordination and efficiency.
Benefits of Librarian precog in a combat situation.

Page 22
The Librarian creates a psychic barrier.
another benefit - they can create psychic shields to close off sections.


Now, space hulk Missions... alot meatier:

Page 3
The fourth world of the Secoris system was a populous hive world, inhabited by more than fifty billion humans.
Hive world described as "populous" with over 50 billion humans.

Page 3
Wary of boarding the vessel with his crews, the commodore commanding the flotilla sent an astropathic message to the nearby fortress-monastery of the Blood angels. The Chapter responded in full, led by Commander Sangallo, and within three weeks, the might of the Blood Angels had come to Secoris.
No idea where Secoris is.. but 3 weeks travel time (preusmably with time to mobilize the entire Chapter. ASsuminh hundreds or thousands of LY (the "average" distance mentioned often between worlds) - FTL speed would be on the order of thousands ot tens of thousands of c.

Page 3
The sheer size of the space hulk and proximity to busy trade routes lthrough the system precluded any kind of systematic bombardment - debris would pose a serious threat to navigation.
Earlier I mentioned that space hulks can sometimes be vaporized. This suggetss that not all are.

Page 3
The Battle ended when Sangallo had no choice but to order a general retreat. Though kill estimates put enemy slain at close to twelve thousand, there seeemd and unstoppable tide of the creatures. Of the entire Chapter, only fifty Marines survived.
950 Marines were wiped out taking down ~12,000 Genestealers, a roughly 13:1 kill ratio. I find it rather amazing that not only did they deploy the entire chapter for what would be a seemingly minor task (relative to say, a large scale war like Armageddon where according to the Armageddon codex they deployed only a single company). Even more, I find it amazing they survived to rebuild the chapter, since from what I remember amy chapter dropping below a full company in size tends to be irreparably doomed.

Its likely tat they had a fair number of unattached forces (sanguinary priests, starship Marines, etc.) and a skeleton force still on Baal so in theory there may be more than 50 Marines, but the active roster would (for all intents and purposes) just be 50 Battle brothers.

Page 6
Many of the Warp's rivulets of power draw together in certain places, particularily where the Warp pushes against hte boundaries of reality and causes a Warpstrom. The ghost ships of the Warp are drawn to these places, where they are crushed together by titanic forces. The resultant mangle of severla ships is known as a space hulk.
Apparently the "currents" of warp space that can sometimes push ships can follow (somewhat) pre determined paths and combine in certain spaces which may function as a semi-natural "warp gate (although more appropriately a warp storm incursion.) When it fades the hulk gets pulled back in.

PAge 6
Some space hulks are relatively small, only two or three vessels compacted together. Others are ancient and vast, hundreds of cubic kilometres or more.
Volume of one kind of Space hulk. Would work out to a cube about 5 1/2 - 6 km on a side roughly, I believe.

Page 6

.. a little more than six hundred years after the disaster at Secoris. By cosmic coincidence, the Rogue Trader had dropped out of warpspace almost on top of the gigantic space hulk only a few light years from the Blood Angels' home system of Baal.
Scans performed by the Windrush crew revealed there were high concentrations of alien lifesigns aboard and Captain Raphael treated the entire vessel as hostile territory, suspecting a large Genestealer presence.
Sin of Damnation returns to realspace a few light years from Baal.

Page 6-7
While the assault craft blazed through the ether, scanners bathed the vessel with low-power, mutli-spectral analysis, to provide overall layout detail and identify the concentrations of the dormant aliens. Stronger scanners risked alerting the hibernating Genestelaers before the Terminators were aboard, so Captain RAphael deployed autonomous recon devices known as Cyber-Altered Task units, each teleported to a strategic point aboard the space hulk to collect vital information.
Space hulk scanned and assault ships, but entierly passive it would seem. Teleporting the CAT on board did not seem to warrant detection however.

Page 7
Raphael's Strike Cruisers orbited the space hulk at a safe distance, their bombardment cannons and torpedoes primed to reduce the Sin of Damnation to atoms at the first sign that the Genestealers were escaping or that the mission was failing.
In 3rd edition we're told the Blood Angel Strike cruisers are prepped to obliterate the hulk (semingly able to reduce it to "atoms" now. No mention of the hellfire nukes or Gothic curisers. Some would argue tis means that the older fluff is overriden, but this is not a specific contradiction (unlike some changes in Space Hulk), so there's no reason to assume the ships mysterously vanish just because they fail to be mentioned. That's not how canon or harmonization works.

Page 8
Over long centuries, the 1st Company had bene rebuilt and Terminator armour repaired and constructed. Roughly eighty warriors in total were involved in the fighting..
Took centuries to rebuild the first company into eighty warriors, including with the terminator suits.

Page 11
"Ingress!" announced Zael, squeezing the trigger on his heavy flamer. A sheet of fire roared along the corridor, bathing the area with promethium fury. Something flailed in the falmes, soundlessly spasming as the cleansing fires melted through its carapace, flehs, and bones.

Charred bodies fell from destroyed pipework. The adhesive promethium clung to walls, coating the corridor in white-hot flames.


"cleanse and burn!" Zael shouted, his spriits soaring as he saw the unholy creatures incinerated.
Flamer "incinerating" and "melting" Genestealers. If we take "inceinerate" or char to burn between 100-400 kj/kg (70-150C temp assumed, can encompass both.) 30-120 MJ for a single 'nid - call it double/triple MJ for nids.

PAge 12
The sensorium showed a score or more creatures in the darkness of the tunnels ahead.
Termiantors kept their sensor gear.

Page 12-13
He opened fire, the barrels of the assault cannon rotaitng up to speed in a heartbeat, a torrent of shells screaming down the passageway in another. Leon's autosenses had kicked in the audio dampeners the moment he had pressed the trigger, but even through the immense plasteel plates armouring his body the Space Marine could feel the concussive shockwave that filled the room.

In a two second hurst half a dozen creatures were shredded, their bodies vaporised by the fusillade.
"hundreds" of shells (400-600 at least) "shred" or "vaporize" half a dozen genestealers. Assuming it blows apart like a grenade 4 grenades (2 MJ or so) per 'stealer - 12-24 MJ. 20 or 30 kj per shell (5-6 grams of TNT per shell) If its "vaporize" 4.5 GJ total, 7.5-11 MJ per shell if vaporize is literal. Depending on the kind of shell (explosive, fragmentary, somethign more exotic) it probably falls somewhere between the two values.

Page 13
Overall casaulty ratio good. 1:28 in our favour.
28 Genestealers kiled for every Terminator lost.

PAge 15
The Cyber-Altered Task unit was a tracked automaton about a half a metre in length, studded with sensor spurs and data aerials. Jointed metallic probes splayed from its central hull and wiggled forlornly in Goriel's grasp.

At the end of a prehensile cable, a gildd skull containing the C.A.T.'s metriculator waggled left and right as it continued its scans.
3rd Edition C.A.T. described.

Page 16
Two techmarines isolated from the other support squads went missing in action. Their power armour continued to transmit functioning lifesigns and Captain Raphael quickly organised a rescue response.
Normal power armor transmit lifesigns that can be tracked on.

Page 17
Casualty rate: 1:142. Bring Righteosu Death in the name of the Emperor.
casualty ratio has gone up to 142:1. Higher than anything else even than in 1st edition. One tends to think the kill ratios are tactics specific.

Page 18
Test releases of the toxin gas brought fromthe Strike Cruisers had demonstrated that it was possible to poison the Genestealers. However, the concentration required was almost one hundred times higher than the fatal dosages for humans.
This is presumably an un-tailored toxin. And one configured especially to Genestealers would be much nastier.

Page 19
"Those that survived learnt form the deaths of the others." Lorenzo continued. "They changed and adapted quickly. Quicker than we could..."

"Psychic?" said Valencio.

"Very Likely," Lorenzo said,
Genestealer psychic communication can allow for rapid tactics changing.

Page 20
Lifsigns transmitters showed that they had not been killed, while sensorium data revealed that they were in their previous defensive positions but unmoving.
Again lifesign transmitters show up on sensorium.

Page 20-21
He slashed and swiped his suit's lightnign claws, each fist armed with several blades as long as swords wreathed in arcing energy. Electricity spat and crackled as he carved open the ribcage of a Genestealer, its blood hissing into vapour.
Lightning claw fields have a thermal effect that can evaporate blood.

Page 21
Pain suppressants and healing stimulants flowed through his suit, stemming the blood flow and washing away the agony.
power armor/Marine physiology can inject medical enhancement tech.

Page 24
the Space Marines discovered a golden grail...


It was stained with the blood of their Primarch and the psychic link with Sanguinius coursed through the Blood Angels' veins.
They found a blood angels artifacts on the hulk. how ironic.

Page 25
A cursory examination of the sensorium showed that he was already several hundred metres away, a swarm of Genestealers cricling his position.
Range of Terminator sensors.

Page 27
Noctis ignored the jibe and opened fire as the first of the Genestealers rounded the corner to his right. Three salvos gunned down the first wave and Noctis swung around one-hundred-and eighty degrees and fired down the other corridor, blasting the head from another Genestealer.
Storm bolter beheads a 'Stealer.

Page 27
Within moments, the metal was torn apart and a mass of Genestealers burst through. Noctis tore them apart with a steady ripple of fire.
Genestealers tear through a door and are torn apart by sustained storm bolter fire from a Marine. 8-10 or so grams of TNT at least as per below

Page 29
He switched to full auto, his bolts ripped through the clutch of Genestealers, blasting them apart at close range.
Full auot barrage blasts apart a group of 'Stealers. Presumably short, matter of seconds (or less than a full clip) asusming 100 rounds 40 kilojoules (8-10 grams of TNT per shell).at least.

Page 30
The Squad was issued iwth portable power field generators to aid them in their mission. These could be used to close off doors and passages for a short space of time, ensuring hat their prey would not escape.
Portable powerfield defenses again. Like in earlier editions, and novels like Guns of Tanith.

Page 31
The unidentified life signals were barely two hundred metres away, but there was no straight route to them.
200 meter range on sensorium.

Page 31
A blue glow lit the corridor as he placed his power field generator on the floor and activated it with his comm-link.
Powerfield generator activated via comm.

Page 34
Though unimaginably vast, with a population of countless hundreds of billions, the Imperium is yet a fragile, thin civilisation when compared to the immeasurable enormity of the galaxy. The Imperium's million worlds are scattered thinly across the void, separated by tens, if not thousands of light years. It is a realm founded not on political solidarity, but upon common faith in the Emperor and military necessity.
Scale and scope of the Imperium.

Page 34
The warp exists as a separate dimension, alongside the physical wrold of mortals. It is a palce of pure emotional and psychic energy, formless and timeless. Though a separate realm of existence, the Warp is still connected ot the material world. It is a roiling mass of power shaped by the thoughts and feelings, the nightmares and dreams, and the aspirations and fears of living creatures.
Nature of the warp.

Page 34
As the warp has no conventional time or space, ships can ride the currents of warpspace to travel across the galaxy at many times fhte speed of light. Man ha sspread amongst the stars and reache dthe million worlds that make up the Imperium.
Warp space "many times faster than the speed of light."

Page 34
The Chaos Gods spawn endless legions of Daemons, psychic manifestations of anger and lust, decay and change. These daemons prey upon the hopes and terrors of mortals, feeding on nightmares and ambition, sometimes breaking through the void to invade th planets of the Imperium. The Chaos Gods tempt mortals directly, bargaining power for service.
Chaos daemons are extnesions of the Chaos Gods, feed on emotions, and seek ways to garner their aid.

Page 34
Ships that are cast astray by the swirling energies of the Warp are often lost for centuries, and can even end up in the far future or the distant past. Even worse, crews on ships whose Warp fields have failed can be devoured by bodiless beasts or wiped out by self-destructive madness.
Dangers of the warp.

Page 35
Most [aliens] are few in number, inhabiting only a single world, or a mere handful of planets. Some, however, challenge Mankind for dominance: the enigmatic, ancient Eldar; the brutal, war-loving Orks; the dynamic Tau Empire; the primordial evil of the Necrons; and the extra-golactic Tyranid race that consumes entire star systems.
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong.....

Page 35
The armies and navies of the Emperor are vast, though nowhere near as vast as the population they give their lies to protect.
Predictably, the army and navies are smaller than te actual population.

Page 35
Armies numbering in the millions are shipped to innumerable warzones, to fight and die on alien soil in the name of the Emperor.
Armies "millions strong.

Page 36
The Space Marines are a small elite force numbering roughly one million warriors - just one Space Marine per world of the Imperium. They are a shock force, fighting independently of the Imperium's massive military bureaucracy, with the weapons and starships needed to respond quickly and deciselvely to emerging threats.
1 million Marines

Page 36
Space Marines are the greatest warriors of the emperor for three reasons: superior physiology, advanced weaponry, and decades of training and experience. The first advantage is conferred by the genetic enhancemnt of a Space Marine's body. Recruited when young, an aspirant's body is implanted with Astartes gene-seed and artificial organs that change his physical form. When fully grown, a Space Marine stands far taller than a normal man, with muscle mass far in excess of anything nature can accomplish.


He has an additional heart to keep his genetically altered blood pumping through thick artieries, and a third lung to filter out toxins and poisonous gases. Other improvements and organs give a Space marine superior sight, hearing, and reflexes.

Space Marine abilities.

Page 36
A Space Marine's power armour is like a thick skin of metal alloy and ceramite, responding as he moves, protecting him from all but the heaviest weaponry. This armoured soldier is then armed with devastating weapons, the most common of which are boltguns that fire self-propelled rockets that explode inside their target.
Power armor and boltguns.

Page 36
It takes many years of training to learn to use the weapons of the Adeptus Astartes, and even the newest recruits would be considered veterans by conventional forces. Space Marines live for many years if they do not die in battle, and most are highly experienced in the art of war, aving fought across dozens of battlefields in a life filled with constant conflict.
Space marine training and experience again.

PAge 36
The Space Marine Legions numbered many thousands of warriors, far more numerous than the Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes today.
Legons vs Chapters.

Page 36
Created from the flesh of the Emperor himself, these super-warriors [Primarchs] far exceeded mortal men in size, strength and intelligence.
Primarch abilities. Again noe tthe "created from the flesh of the Emperor" connection.

Page 37
Each Chapter is an autonomous entity of roughly one thousand warriors, with its own traditions, tactics, and creed. Most Chapters are based upon a single world, with fleets to patrol the depths of space and seek out the enemy.


Some Chapters live in space stations orbiting their chosen home world, others are spread through samller Chapter keeps in asteroid fields or across several planets in neighbouring star systems. A few chapters are enitrely space-based, either aboard a massive fortification the rival of any planet-bouned fortress monastery, or on rapid warships spread across dozens of sectors of space.
diffeernce between types of Chapters. By themselves the Astartes in total must "rule" a small but not insignificant

Page 37
This tome [Codex Astartes] sets out not only the organisation of warriors and equipment, but essnetial battle drills, training regimes and tactical doctrine. Some chapters adhere religiously to its instructions, others use certain elements of the work and some have disregarded it completely, preferring the lesosns left to them by their own Primarchs.
The Coidex Astartes.

Page 38
In the twisted ruins and across unnatural deserts, the nomadic tribes waged war from ramshacle vehicles, clad in patched bio-suits
The people of Baal are descended from Mad Max movies.

Page 38
In battle, they become gripped by a frenzy of bloodletting, giving vent to all their anger and rage in barbaric dispalys of violence more suited to the feral tribesmen of their home world rather than noble paragons of the Emperor's blooodline. Some Blood Angels have elongated teeth, and more than one member of the Inquisition has noted the Chapter's unhealthy fixation on blood rites and acts of excessive bloodletting in battle.
Blood Angels like the Space Wolves have a berserker trend.

Page 38
Some Blood Angels are afflicted by an even deeper curse, known within the inner circles of the Chapter as the Black Rage. THese Space Marines become possessed of a deathwish and are assembled into a special force called the Death Company.


In battle the Death Company are deranged, torn between fighting the present foe and phantasmic enemies form the Chapter's past.
The Death company.

Page 38
The 10th company is the Scout Company, where Aspirants underoing their alterations are trained, and the 1st Company is the Veteran Company, filled with warriors who have fought for hundreds of years.
Scout comapny and Veteran company. note that the latter has fought for centuries.

Page 39
The Space Marines of the 1st Company are veterans of many campaigns. Several Centuries old, they will have spent their lives fighting a wide range of foes, in challenging situations and armed with a plethora of weapons. All will have received trianing as close combat Assualt Space Marines and heavy weapon armed Devastators. THey will have ridden bikes and Land Speeders and ocmmanded tanks and other vehicles. MAny will have served as sergeants to the squads in their original companies.
The breadth of experience amassed by the Veteran companies.

Page 39
The Veterans of the 1st comapny go to war in five or ten man suqads, depending on the nature of the mission they are undertaking.
Veterans have a more variable squad arrangement.

Page 40
Tactical Dreadnought armour is the toughest personal armour in the Imperium, possibly the whole galaxy. Its internal frame is made from heavily reinforced alloys. Servos and muscle-like fibre bundles enable the wearer to fight in the bulky armour with relative ease. Layer upon layer of adamantium, ceramite, and other compounds are built over this endo-skeletal arrangement, proving protection more commonly found on armoured battle tanks. Only the most devastating weapons are capable of racking Terminator armour, and the armour is designed to withstad immense enviromental pressures, enabling the Space Marine to fight in a vaccuum, in the depths of an ocean, or even in the heart of a volcano.
Terminator armour descrbed. Tough, durable, not very mobile compared to normal power armor. The ability to fight underwater or inside a volcano is interesting.

Page 40
In addition to the power generation and life support functions of all Space Marine power armour, Terminator suits incorporate an advanced scanning and communications network. This enables Terminators to share tactical data almost instananeously. Known as the sensorium, this scanning array means that Terminators cna act with precise coordination, identifying and neutralizing threats far more efficiently than would be otherwise possible. More advanced systmes in some suits allow Terminators to see through each other's eyes or weapon sights, giving each warrior unparalleled battlefield intelligence.
Additional features of Terminator armor.

Page 40
Terminator suits incorporate systems that allow for the teleportation of squads. Teleporter technology is notoriously unreliable, and is used only when absolutely vital. More often, Terminators will fight to their objective on foot, or be transported by armoured vehicles or massive boarding torpedoes.
Teleporter stuff for Terminator suits. not the "unreliable" quality attributed to suits, although in practice this never seems to be the case.

Page 42
Over Six hundred and fifty years old, Sergeant Lorenzo is a veteran of more wars than any other Terminator in the 1st Company.
650 year old TErminator.

Page 42
Having served the Blood Angels for less than one hundred years, Valencio is young by the standards of the Terminators, but has earned his place amongst them with his forthright, courageous actions in a dozen wars.
100 years is "young" in the Terminators.

Page 45
When not fighting, Leon fastidiously maintains his weapons and armour, making small adjustments, adding his own litanies and benedictions ot their machine spirits. This has caused some controversy with the Techmarines of the Chapter, who have repeatedly requested that Gideon bans Leon from the armoury when unaccompanied by one of their order.
Even some Space Marines maintain their own gear even if it annoys the AdMech or Techmarines.

Page 46
All that the Tyranids use is derived from the organic. The raw biomass needed to create new Tyranid monstrosities comes directly from the species and planets they devour. Molecular chains are broken up and recombined, while essential acids, proteins and other organic material are regurgitated as more creatures bent upon consuming everything.
Tyranid organic tech.

Page 46
The second Hive Fleet has been codified as Kraken. Its swarms are dispersed, operating independently of each other. Though these individual Hive swarms can be defeated, so disparate is Kraken that it is impossible to say how truly large it is and how many swarms it contains.
Hive fleet Kraken. Never truly calculated.

PAge 46
Each swarm acts very differently, and in this can be seen one of the Tyranids' greatest strengths. They adapt and spawn new generations at an alarming rate, far faster than any other species can ever match. New tactics, creatures, and weapons are encoutered in every campaign as the Tyranids change their approach, countering enemy strengths and exploiting their weaknesses.

Tyranid adaptability and tactics.

PAge 47
Tyranids are able to adapt and coordinate in this fashion due to a unique psychic potential. Each Tyranid is linked to all other Tyranids of its swarm, creating a gestalt consciousness known as the Hive mind. The Hive Mind is not a thinking entity in its own right; it is not capable of small, conscious thought like a human. It is an agglomeration of the instincts and racial imperatives, a psychic embodiment of the Tyranids' function to devour and destroy. Bound together by this common psychic bond, smaller Tyranid creatures are effectively mindless, uttelry subservient to the needs of the Hive mind. They are without emotion, a cloud of biomechanical weapons with no purpose other than to kill and consume.
Psychic abilities act as dtalink and communication network.

Page 47
Certain larger Tyranid creatures have more autonomy and higher brain functions. These 'synapse' creatures act as nodal focus points for the Hive Mind. The presence of synapse creatures strrengthens the Hive mind's grip on a swarm; they not only quell the natural instincts of the creatures around them but also redirect their psychic potential back to the Hive Mind in a two-way process. Creautres known as Hive Tyrands and Norn Queens, and to a lesser extent Tyranid Warriors and other creatures, are essential for the swarms to operate efficiently. Without the influence of the Hive Mind directed by the synapse beasts, the lesser Tyranid organisms revert to genetically instinctive behaviour of feeding and self preservation.
Synapse creatures

PAge 47
Seeding swarms and infiltration creatures have made their way to the worlds of the Imperium for thousands of years. THey have travelled ahead of the gigantic living spaceships and their monstrous cargoes, paving the way for invasion.
LEngth of time of tyranid invasions

Page 47
They [Genestealers] do not produce young like other creatures, but instead insert their genetic material intoa h ost victim by means of a tube-like tongue called an ovipositor. This is inert of itself, but will combine iwth the host so that its offspring are born as horrific hybrid creatures. During and after infection, the hosts consciousness is suppressed by a localised version of the Hive Mind, psychically mesmerised to care for its disgusting children.

The hybrid will grow quickly and infect other hosts, which in turn will give birth to hybrids increasingly like the hosts. A fourth generation Genestealer hybrid is almost identical to the host species at first glance, though closer examination will reveal physical deformities derived from its Genestealer parent. Able to act almost as normal in the host society, these hybrids lure, kidnap, or otherwise provide more hosts for the growing Genestelaer brood. The fifth generation of a Genestealer is a 'purestrain'; a fully functioning, unaltered Genestealer. Thus the cycle begins again.

Over years and decades, Genestealer infection will spread through a society, the brood increasing ins ize and power.
'stealer hybrids

Page 47

The Genestealers have an interlinking telepathy similar to the greater hive mind. When a Tyranid Hive swarm draws within a few hundred light years of an infected world, a subliminal reaction si triggered in the Genestealer's Brood Mind. This goads the Genestealers into a frenzy of activity, breeding and killing, destabilising the society in which they were hidden. At the same time the Brood Mind acts as a naturally occuring psychic beacon for the Hive Swarm, which will instinctively head towards areas that the Genestealers have infected.
'stealer telepathy similar to hive mind, beacon has range of a few hundred light years at least

Page 47
It is unlikely that the Hive Mind plans this, at least not in the way a human being can understand, but the result is that the defences of the planet will be in disarray when the Hive Fleet arrives.
As I've noted in the past.. the Hive Mind is clever in a sort of way.. will respond to threats against it reactively, but does not as a rule plot or plan with any detail or or
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

We step back from modern back to earlier era: space hulk Genestealer, Circa 1990. In its entirety.

Page 1
The material universe is but one aspect of reality. There is a quite separate and co-existing immaterial universe. This is commonly known as the warp or warpspace, although it is also known as Chaos, the otherworld, the ether, the empyrean, the void and the immaterium. Warpspace may be explained in terms of an endlessly broad and deep sea of raw energy. This energy carries within it the random thoughts, unfettered emotions, memory fragments and unshakeable beliefs of those who live in the material universe — it is the collective mind of the universe itself.

All living creatures exist in warpspace as well as in the material universe, although most are not conscious of the fact. Just as a man’s body inhabits the material universe, his soul inhabits that of the warp. The body is part of the universe and made of matter: the soul is part of the warp and is made from the stuff of raw Chaos.

Human sensitivity to the warp is not generally well developed. The soul itself is not aware: it is simply a coherent lump of Chaos energy maintained whole by its anchor to the material body. However, in a minority of people this sensitivity is far more finely tuned. These people are psykers and they are able to consciously control and use the energy of the warp to affect the material universe. There are many kinds of psykers, not all of them Human, some of whom are tolerated or encouraged within Human society while others are regarded as dangerous and are actively persecuted and destroyed.
Lengthy discussion of the nature of the Warp and psykers connection with it. The bit about the soul/human connection is interesting, as it implies the "soul" in realspace has a tangible element to it in realspace, akin to Wraithbone, spirit stones, or other similar phenomenon. It could be that whatever artificial processes created/enhanced psychic potential in many races (like the Eldar, Orks, Humans, etc.) resulted from the implantation of some psychic "organ" composed of this tangible chaos energy, assuming there is some way to get such a thing to be reproduced genetically.

In VS terms, such a "lump" would be the prime factor in determining whether or not other races can make psykers (other universes are unlikely to have this "lump" for example. If we wanted to have a valid example we can simply point to the Tau.)

Page 1
As power from the warp flows into realspace, it splits into eight parts, each perceived by those with psychic awareness (often called the second sight) as a separate colour. Just as the
warp comprises tides and currents of emotion that over the millennia have melded together to form the great Powers of Chaos, so in realspace each of the colours of psychic power
draws on a certain type of emotion or energy from warpspace. This gives each colour its own distinctive effects when used by a psyker. A small amount of raw energy from the warp
leaks through into realspace all the time. Those with psychic powers see this energy as layered mists of colour, building into boiling, turbulent clouds and multihued storms where the
barrier between the warp and realspace is particularly tenuous.

To cast a psychic attack, the psyker pulls energy of one colour into himself, draining the surrounding area as he concentrates and focuses the colour. When he uses his powers, he further weakens the distinction between warpspace and realspace, allowing more power to flow through, providing additional impetus to his attack and replenishing the mist of colour that surrounds him. To those
with psychic second sight, it appears that the psyker is the centre of a maelstrom as fragments of colour whip and twist around him. As he gathers all the energy of one colour, the
storm dies for a brief moment and he stands at the calm centre of the boiling clouds — he moulds the power into his chosen form, turning it with his mind from raw energy into potent weapon of attack or a shield of defence. Then he releases the pent-up energy, hurling it at his enemy or pushing it out to form an impenetrable shell around him.

Those with the second sight see psychic attacks in many ways. Each psyker interprets what he sees according to his understanding of the warp: some as a dance of pure colour; others as a strange geometry of mystical symbols drawn from the arcana; many as images of power and destruction taken from the mythologies of their homeworld.
The "Colors" of Chaos, which is an obvious discworld reference. Humorous as it is, the description at the end of "interpreting" The warp and warp attacks is highly reminsicient of psychic combat as seen in the Ravenor novels.

Page 2
As well as using the power of the warp by drawing it into realspace, the psyker can reach out within the warp itself to clutch the soul of an enemy and break the thread that connects
it to a living body. For a second the eyes of his victim will go blank and any who look into them will feel drawn in, sucked by the black emptiness of death, before the victim crumples to
the ground in silence — only his soul, torn apart by the psyker, screams unheard with the agonies of annihilation. The links of those who are weak are easily broken; the
psychically strong are anchored to their souls with adamantine chains and only the most powerful of enemies can threaten them. As they feel the presence of animosity in the warp, they can concentrate their power into the chain, setting it aglow as if just pulled from the fires of a furnace, throwing back the assailant with a white psychic heat that bums any who approach.
A tangible explanation of how one with psychic power can either sever the warp-"soul" connection, and those who are psychically strong. One imagine it echoes the ways a strong psyker (the sanctioned ones) can protect themselves likewise against possession.

It is doubtful that actually severing the soul by itself is lethal in many cases - we know that Warp connection is not a requisite for life in the 40K galaxy (Tau), and at least some of the lesser psychic races can be engineered to exist without it (or a negative presence- eg the Pariahs in humanity). In the case of highly psychic races like the Eldar, though, it is quite likely that the connection to the warp is crucial, as the psychic part of their nature is probably closely enmeshed with their biological makeup (thats at least something I guessed from Xenology, anyhow.)

Page 2
Most Humans do not have psychic powers, although all Humans have at least a limited potential for psychic activity. However, a small but growing minority of Humans do develop tangible powers.

All humans are minimally psychic. Likely this mainfests in certain specialized, unconscious manners, but not in any consistent or easily predictable way.

Page 2
Psykers are dangerous individuals whose powers can only be tolerated when safely harnessed within the Imperial organisation: the psychic universe is the universe of Chaos and therefore
perilous. It is a universe inhabited by Daemonic aliens that care nothing for living creatures and wish only to use and destroy Humanity. All psykers, even the most powerful, offer
these aliens a potential means of entering and affecting the material world. Every planet in the Imperium is bound by law to control its psychic population. Persecutions or witch-hunts are an everyday part of life on most worlds. The same laws oblige rulers to set aside a levy of young and relatively promising psykers for transport to Earth by the Adeptus Astra
Explanation of the necessity to control and regulate psychic activity in the Imperium.

Page 2
The institution is divided into a teaching body called the Scholastia Psykana and a recruiting body known as The League of Blackships. These two are united under the Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and his advisory council of several hundred senior officials drawn from the main divisions.
The two main arms of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica.

Page 2
The League consists of a substantial fleet based throughout the Imperium. The ships visit each world every hundred years or so. As the fleets approach their destination, the ruling
Imperial Commander is instructed to prepare the customary levy.
League of Black ships.

Page 2
The Scholastia Psykana is a vast teaching institution dedicated to the training of psychics. Most recruits are drawn from the levy collected by the Blackships, but a minority are handed over by the Inquisition, the Judges or through other channels. The role of this institution is to teach young psychics how to develop and control their powers. The future of each psyker depends on his abilities and character. Initial
evaluation divides the levy into several groups depending on their innate psychic power and their willingness to serve the Emperor.
It is interesting that character can play a role in the fate of a psyker, although it makes sense. Someone rebellious or unlikely to cooperate or accept their role is unlikely to be trained as Astropath or sanctioned psyker. They might be sacrificed to the Emperor or chained to the Astronomican. of course.

Page 2
Those whose powers and strength of character are sufficient to resist possession and Daemonic taint under normal circumstances are chosen to serve in an elite capacity. They are often known as primary psykers or the Chosen and they will learn to serve the Imperium in many ways throughout the galaxy. The very young may be indoctrinated into the Space Marines as Librarians; the most talented may become
Inquisitors or Grey Knights. Even these chosen psykers are not invulnerable to the powers of Daemons and psychic aggressors, but their training gives them a fighting chance against all but the most potent of these creatures.
The fate of the stornger psykers.

Page 2
Astropaths are selected from the second ranking of psykers, those whose powers are considerable but inadequate to resist the dangers of possession or Daemonic corruption. Astropaths
undergo basic training coupled with a thorough study of telepathy. They are taught how to use the Emperor’s Tarot, how to cast horoscopes, and the practices of cheiromancy and
augury of all kinds. Once they have been prepared in this way they undergo the unique Binding Ritual which gives them a little of the Emperor’s strength.
Rest of the non-sacrificed psykers become astropaths. More utilitarian psykers than Sanctioned psykers.

Page 2
The psychic levy inevitably includes many whose powers are too random and whose minds are too vulnerable. If left unrestrained they would soon perish and their doom would
lead to further deaths — maybe even to the destruction of entire Human worlds. In a teeming universe their loss is of no great matter but even in death they can serve, for the Emperor
must feed upon raw psychic energy if he is to survive as the protector of Humanity. They become sacrifices to the Emperor, their souls leached from their bodies to sustain the
Father of Mankind.
The rest again are sacrifices.

Page 3
A Marine chapter’s Librarium is both its command and communications centre, and the repository for centuries of wisdom and history, culled from the reports, treatises and
memoirs of the chapter’s greatest warriors and finest minds. Because interstellar communications are achieved by psychic means, sending messages through the warp rather than
through realspace, most of the Marines who work in the Librarium are psykers. Known as Librarians, they are recruited from among the youngest and most promising
primary psykers trained by the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. Librarians also have potent psychic powers which they use on the battlefield to augment the conventional weaponry of their
brother Marines.

Librarians hold a functionary rank, describing their role as well as their position. The four battlefield ranks of Librarian, in ascending order of importance, are Lexicanian, Codicier,
Epistolary and Chief Librarian. Each of these enters battle ready to support his brothers with a range of psychic attacks and defences. They are fielded in many different situations,
especially when Marines of the chapter face psychic opponents such as covens containing Rogue Psykers or followers of the Chaos Powers.

In addition to their duties as warriors, each performs an auxiliary role. The Lexicanian prepares a report of each battle for the chapter’s records. The Codicier evaluates the reports
of Lexicanians and provides a strategic overview of campaigns. The Epistolary is a more powerful Librarian — his role is that of chief psychic communications officer. He
transmits and receives psychic messages on the battlefield. The most important of all fighting Librarians are the Chief Librarians, superior in rank and psychic power. They report
directly to the chapter’s commander and hold overall responsibility for the maintenance of communication lines. They also scrutinize their subordinates’ battle reports and
give recommendations for honor awards, drawing on their intimate knowledge of the chapter’s glorious past to appraise a Marine’s valorous actions.
Lengthy discussions of Librarian duties.

Page 3
All Genestealers are psychic. They share a limited form of telepathy that lets the members of a brood communicate. They also use their power to hypnotize their victims before
striking to implant their seed, lulling them into submission and then erasing the event from their minds. Only when the much-loved firstborn of such a victim arrives does the truth
become apparent — by then the victim is ensnared, bonded to his Hybrid child by chains of parental love, strengthened by the pull of the Hybrid’s latent psychic power. From this
beginning, a brood of Hybrids and followers will grow, owing allegiance to their founder and Patriarch.

The psychic power of a brood is shared between all the members and is focused on the Patriarch. The Patriarch has the strongest soul and the greatest ability to draw power from
the warp. He is a mighty psyker and his attacks can be devastating — to those unprepared to face him, it may seem as if the very gates of hell have opened when he unleashes his
full power. He also passes on part of this power to his children, feeding and directing currents of warp energy towards them and strengthening their own psychic abilities.
In Purestrain Stealers, this psychic power is latent. In many cases, however, Hybrids of the 3rd and 4th generation are able to direct their psychic power, casting psychic attacks to
annihilate their enemies or shielding themselves and their kin from harm. Like other Stealers, they draw their power from the brood’s shared presence within the warp; each Hybrid
benefits from this presence, having a greater ability as part of the brood than he would alone.

Because they draw power from the brood’s strongly-bonded souls, the abilities of Hybrid psykers vary less than those of their Human counterparts. Even so, some Hybrids are gifted
with much greater talents than others — it is one of these who will rise to the exalted position of Magus, standing at the right hand of the Patriarch, second only to him in power, and
interpreting his will to the Human and other cult followers of the brood.
Genestealer psychic stuff. Much like Orks (and presumably the 'Nids), Genestealers tap into their psychic bond to produce and direct psychic power. Likewise with Daemons and sorcerors
or champions (or the Emperor and his minions), PAtriarch (the strongest psykers) can enhance its minions through its own psychic powers in various ways.

Page 8
Hybrids don’t have anything like the awesome strength of a Purestrain Genestealer and they can’t rip their way through a Marine’s Terminator armour with the same ferocious ease
Hybrids arent' as "pure combat" oriented as Purestrain genestealers, but they can pass as human and they have the human's versatilitiy. (at least if t hey're human or humanlike)

Also Genestealer strength is what allows them to breach armor.

Page 8
The autocannon is a large-calibre gun which fires highvelocity mass-reactive explosive ammunition — this gives the weapon a hefty recoil and the firer must brace himself firmly
to take the shock. Within the confines of a space hulk, the autocannon has an unlimited range, but is particularly effective at closer ranges where it can lay down an
impenetrable hail of fire making full use of its large ammunition supply.
Autocannons fire mass-reactive ammunition.

Page 8
The conversion beam projector, also known as the beamer, works by converting matter into pure energy, creating an energy field before it. The beam builds up slowly, increasing
in intensity as it extends further from the projector — at the beam’s focus point, the matter-energy conversion becomes so powerful that it causes a violent explosion. Because of this,
beamers are incredibly effective against massively armoured targets, such as Terminators, and instantly eradicate large static objects like bulkheads and doors. The firer must remain
stationary otherwise the energy field becomes unfocused and the effects are negligible — firers often wear boots adapted with special claws to provide a stable firing position.
Conversion beamers have to be fairly common technology back then if Genestealers could get ahold of them.

Page 8
These are bulky shoulder-mounted weapons that fire small missiles armed with powerful warheads. Typically a missile launcher is loaded with a combination of armour-piercing
crack missiles and area-effect plasma missiles, either of which can be selected before firing. Crack missiles are armed with a double-charged hollow-case warhead designed to
rupture armour. Plasma missiles detonate in a split-second burst of flesh-boiling super-heated plasma.
Missile launcher warhead types. Discussed elsewhere.

Page 9
Bolt guns fire large bolts or shells with explosive or armourpiercing tips, similar to the storm bolters used by Terminators. They are also popular among races such as the Orks, who appreciate their violent noise as much as their deadly effect, and are widely used by Stealer Hybrids. There are three types of bolt gun: the bolter, which is the standard issue weapon for most Marines; the bolt pistol, which is more
compact and is favoured, often in pairs, by assault troops; and the heavy bolter, which is a shoulder-mounted heavy support weapon. Used on automatic fire, bolt guns lay down sweeping curtains of death, able to cut down a line of enemy troops with a single sustained burst.
Genestealers get easy acess to bolt guns. If this were the case one wonders why the Imperium didn't have more Guardsmen with them.

Page 9
Advanced laser technology is common to all races throughout the galaxy and easily-maintained, highly-reliable laser weaponry is widely available to Genestealer Hybrids. Laser
weapons come in a variety of sizes: las-rifles or lasguns are the standard armament for the Imperial Guard and for many Planetary Defence Forces; the laspistol is a short-ranged
weapon often carried as a side-arm, being openly worn on many planets; and las-cannon are powerful shoulder-mounted weapons, capable of cutting through even Terminator armour.

It takes several seconds to build up the energy for a laser bolt and none of these weapons are capable of automatic or sustained fire — their energy is released as individual bolts
that punch holes through their targets.

Shoulder mounted lascannon, also all las weapons apparently need "several seconds of buildup, and are strictly semi-auto weapons.

Page 9
Plasma weapons fire a hail of plasma bolts: small packets of super-heated gas plasma with awesome destructive capabilities. It takes a vast amount of energy to heat the plasma to this lethal level and all plasma weapons take some time to recharge after firing a bolt while the power packs energise the plasma under great pressure.

Like bolt guns and laser weapons, there are three types of plasma weapon: the basic plasma gun; the smaller and slightly less powerful plasma pistol; and the heavy plasma
gun. The heavy plasma gun carries huge power packs, far larger than the standard power packs of other plasma weapons, which means it is able to fire in two modes: rapid
fire or maximal fire — rapid fire uses only a small amount of the weapon’s energy so that it can fire without recharging, whereas maximal fire releases the entire pent-up energy in a
single cataclysmic burst.
A single shot seems to fire a hail of bolts before needing to recharge or cool down. This may be due to rate of fire change in mode.

Page 11
Marine Librarians are invariably armed with a force sword or force axe. The carbon steel blades of these weapons house a meticulously engineered psi-matrix formed into a precise
serpentine shape which concentrates and directs the psychic energy of the wielder. In the hands of a non-psyker, these weapons behave like any other sword or axe. A psyker,
however, can channel his psychic energy through the psimatrix to increase the strength of a blow. Every attack benefits from the psyker’s reserves of power and he can
choose to actively send a psychic blast through the blade to crush his enemy in a single mighty blow.
Force weapons. Enhanced by a psyker's power.

Page 11
Terminator Librarians wear Aegis suits — these are suits of Tactical Dreadnought Armour specially modified with a protective psychic hood. The hood encases the Librarian’s
head and is made from reinforced plasteel interlaced with the intricate crystals of a psi-matrix. The psi-matrix amplifies the natural psychic defences of the Librarian and helps to deflect
harmful psychic attacks.
Aegis suits.

Page 13
Eveiy creature has a presence, often called a soul, within the warp. For most creatures, this is a mere spark in the maelstrom — the strongest of psykers, however, blaze with a
brilliant fire, their soul a resonant echo of their manifestation in realspace.

A psyker can hunt the soul of an enemy through the warp and, by briefly touching it with his own strong presence, he can momentarily contact the mind of that enemy in realspace. The
contact can be a light mind-reading or can be more powerful, allowing the psyker to take over the mind of his enemy or crush him with a deadly psychic blast.
It seems that a warp connection is required for certain powers such as mind reading or mental domination. This may not be totally true, as some psychic powers like that can affect the Tau as well.

Page 13
A psyker can open a hole into the warp and let through the smallest fraction of the terrible energies from the other side. By focusing this energy, he can cause a roaring blaze of
psychic power that burns with the fires of hell, or throw an arcing bolt of lightning. He can even allow the raw warpstuff to enter unfocused as a whirling vortex of pure psychic
energy, a wild tornado of destruction that moves out of control and rips apart everything in its path.
Psyker attacks.

Page 13
The twisting paths of warpspace often follow a very different geometry to the straight lines of realspace, allowing starships to travel the vast distances between suns and planets. By
entering the warp, a shorter but vastly more dangerous route can be travelled. In a similar way, a psyker can entangle an area within the webs of warpspace and manipulate things with
the power of his mind. He can interfere with the action of small objects such as door locks and weapon triggers, or alter space to fling about large objects or teleport himself.
For TK - this makes it seem like its more an indirect "manipulation" of
spacetime to move stuff rather than direct force. On the other hand, intefereing with locks or triggers seems to be different.

Page 13
In the warp, time runs in strange patterns, sometimes faster, sometimes slower than in realspace. In places, it may run backwards, or stop entirely, or leap from moment to moment
with centuries passing in the blink of an eye. A psyker can use these uncanny effects to pollute the time in realspace, stretching or compressing the passing minutes, or freezing an
area out of time. He can even look forward into the future, seeing his enemy’s next move before it’s been made.
Some psykers can manipulate the flow of time.

Page 18
If a psyker comes under psychic attack, he may be able to disrupt or deflect the attack’s energy, using his power to transform it into an unfocused psychic radiation. This appears
to surround him momentarily with a brilliant aurora before harmlessly dispersing. Setting up such defences drains some of the power which the psyker could have used for his own
attacks, but can often save him from certain death.
Psychic attacks can be transformed into some form of harmless energy.

Page 19
Some psychic powers cannot be dispelled by another psyker; they manipulate the warp in a manner so esoteric that their effects are literally unstoppable.

Even if it isn’t dispelled by another psyker, a psychic effect doesn’t remain forever. Gradually the power it is drawing from the warp is consumed and the summoning psyker’s
control is weakened — the remaining energy loses its coherent form and rapidly fades into the faintest of psychic echoes.
Knowledge seems to be required to "block" or nullify some kinds of psychic attacks, and no psychic power is indefinite (or self sustaining) - they eventually "wear off".

Page 21
An Aura is a psychic shield that the caster throws around himself, putting all his power into a single brief defensive screen that surrounds him, protecting him from harm.
Psychic defences are called auras.

Page 22
The psyker hunts the soul of his enemy through the warp, trapping and encircling it briefly within his own strong soul. For a moment, he is able to touch the mind of his victim,
controlling thoughts and actions, before the victim is able to break free with a shudder of cold terror.
An interesting implication of this "soul hunting" option is that it allows a means of tracking/targeting individuals psychically.. or even groups of individuals. Range would be a factor.

Page 22
The psyker projects a field of rapidly-changing random psychic energy that manifests itself visibly as ever-shifting, multi-coloured lights. The walls and floor shimmer and dark
fire runs the length of force weapons as their psychic power is leached into the warp.
A way to drain psychic power, it seems.

Page 22
Sending tendrils of psychic power out before him, the psyker is able to look into an unseen area with his mind’s eye and see what it contains. Those affected feel a spinetingling chill as
ghostly feelers brush across their skin and probe their minds. The air becomes slightly misty and a distant whistling noise is heard from all sides. As the psyker withdraws his presence, a
freezing wind whips through the area, leaving a thin rime of frost on the walls
Psychic observation.

Page 22
The psyker unleashes a carefully-directed burst of psychic energy that only affects his enemies — by seeking out the strong emotions of hate and animosity they project towards
him, the psyker can target his attack with great accuracy. Those who are unable to defend themselves are struck down as their brains overload with the psychic assault. Flames of
golden fire lick from eyes and ears as the victim’s face melts and his bones crumble to a fine yellow sand.
"emotional guidance" is both interesting and hilarious. Considering how the warp and technology can be interrelated, you could seriously create a "joy seeking" missile. Or maybe a "hate guided" warhead.

Page 23
As the psyker concentrates his power into a hail of mighty blows, his enemy is flung about as if battered by the huge hands of a giant, invisible assailant. The air around the victim crackles with sparks of ruby light as pulsing lines of energy entwine him and hurl him to the ground.
This sounds more like direct application of a forcefield rather than mucking about with space time distortions.

Page 23
The psyker unleashes a roaring blaze of psychic energy that erupts around his opponents, burning them with the fires of his enmity. The affected area is filled with huge red and orange flames as the furnace heat boils off flesh and blood, melts armour and blackens even the hardened plasteel walls of a space hulk.

More fun warp PK powers.

Page 23
The psyker creates a whirlwind of pure energy that destroys everything it encounters. Once it has been created, the Vortex runs out of control and moves around the space hulk causing
horrible damage. A Vortex is totally devastating, a wild tornado of destruction that removes everything in its path and leaves nothing but empty corridors in its wake.
It doesnt osund like "vortex" weapons or psychic powers as we know it since its not technically creating a portal into the Warp. Sounds more like some sort of psychically created construct or summoned creature.

Page 24
The psyker uses his power to smash an inanimate object and hurl it backwards, crushing whatever or whoever is behind it. Other psykers see emerald beams of energy hurtle from the
psyker’s pointing hand towards his target — those without the second sight catch a glimpse of a great fist from the corner of their eye as it smashes into the target and flings it back.
Again more direct force field applications rather than space time magic.

Page 24
The psyker throws a Jinx onto mechanical devices, causing them to temporarily malfunction. By entangling small mechanisms within the webs of warpspace, the psyker can
twist their movements so that firing pins fall on empty space and cogs never mesh, spinning idly without effect.
"webs of warpsapace" again sounds like magic forcefields manipulating things directly.

Page 24
By telekinetically operating the control mechanisms, the psyker can open or close a nearby door, possibly blocking or opening a vital line of sight to the enemy. As he reaches out
with his mind, crackling green sparks leap from the control panel, arcing across to surround the door with an eery light as it moves under psychic control.
Doors on space hulks are designed so that they cannot possibly injure anyone. They simply will not close if anyone — or anything — is in the way
Space hulk doors have safety functions.

Page 24
The psyker manipulates the link between warpspace and realspace to open a short-lived portal into the warp. He steps into the portal and disappears from realspace, instantly
reappearing a few yards away as the portal slams behind him, shutting out distant cries echoing from the warp.
Warp teleportation.

Page 25
The psyker creates an accelerated time field around himself, making it seem to him that everyone else is hardly moving at all. As he strides forward, ripples of blue fire run up and
down his limbs, leaving pools of luminescence wherever he steps.
Time manipulation for increased speed.

Page 25
By opening his mind to the echoes of future events rippling backwards through the warp, the psyker is able to foretell things that are about to happen. With second sight, he sees a
few seconds into the future. Shadow-images of his opponents move and fire, revealing attacks as yet unplanned.
Precog enabling them to see "a few seconds" into the future. Does not act for them though - the user is still in control of his own actions (not a problem for Space Marines, of course)

Page 25
Stasis freezes time in a small area, causing it to appear from the outside as a dull black, impenetrable shell. By opening a small hole into the warp, the psyker bleeds time out of the
area affected. For those within the Stasis shell, time stops — when the Stasis eventually fades, it will seem that anyone outside has instantaneously leapt to a new position.
Psykers can create stasis fields as well.

Page 25
The psyker draws on the strange fluxes within the warp to slow down time within a chosen area. By diverting the currents of warptime into realspace, he twists time back and
forth on itself. To onlookers, those affected appear to be moving in slow motion. Within the Stasis field, people feel themselves pushing against an unseen barrier that traps and
hinders their movement.
Time dilation and statsis fields seem to rely on creating some sort of warp/realspace interface akin to the Eye of Terror, just on a more localized scale. Considering some of the fucked up effects
that can happen in the Eye, this is no surprise. Its rather interesting that this is considered safe and won't contribute to taint or corruption or daemonic possession or incursion, though.

Page 35
From what he could piece together, Broken Knife concluded that deep within the bowels of the Governor’s Palace, protected from all but the most devastating of conventional
weapons, a Genestealer Patriarch was co-ordinating the Stealers’ psychic assault, guiding its children and lending them its strength.

To crush the Patriarch and the Hybrids defending him, Broken Knife gathered together the Chapter’s most powerful psykers. The tarot was read and the Librarians looked deep
inside themselves to seek the wisdom of their ancestors. As night fell and the only light came from the leaping flames of burning houses, a plan unfolded.
The Marines’ best hope was for the Dark Angels to launch a full-scale offensive from all sides of the palace at once. While the Stealers were reeling from the Marine assault, Broken
Knife and a carefully-chosen force strong in psychic power would be able to penetrate the overloaded defences and destroy the Patriarch.
Space hulk game based on William King's Deathwing story.

PAge 35
Success was imperative. If Broken Knife failed, the Dark Angels would be forced to destroy the entire city to be certain of rooting out the infestation. Even so, without a corpse as
proof of the Patriarch’s death, the Marines would never be sure they had fulfilled their duty and permanently removed the threat.
"destroy the city" to stop the stealers, by uknown means.

Page 36
The Grey Knights are unique among the Legiones Astartes as the only chapter to have full knowledge of the dark secrets of Chaos — they alone know of the existence of Daemons and
their appearance in the real world, and they alone are equipped to battle and defeat mankind’s most terrible enemy. The Grey Knights are the military arm of the Ordo Malleus,
the inner chamber of the Inquistion dedicated to eradicating all manifestations of Chaos within the Imperium. The Chapter is the only product of the mysterious Second Founding of the
Legiones Astartes in the 31st Millennium, raised by the Emperor to protect Humanity by hunting down and destroying Daemons in all their many fonns. When the Ordo
Malleus enters battle with Daemonic forces, it is Grey Knights that stand alongside the Inquisitors.
Gray Kmights described.

Page 36
The Grey Knights are one of the largest Marine chapters; even so, they are too few to stand against the incursions of Chaos throughout the Imperium. The Ordo must spread them
thin, stationing individual squads in the systems judged most at risk. When an Inquisitor seeks aid in defeating Daemons or those irrevocably tainted by the warp, he must hope that a
squad of Grey Knights is nearby — all too often there is too little time for a full task force of the Ordo to be summoned.
This hints that GK as a chapter are far larger than other chapters.

Page 36
Grey Knights often aren’t called home for decades at a time. To most, the Chapter’s homeworld is but a distant memory, but each of them wishes eventually to be buried with honour
beneath the fortress-monastery where they were trained for so many of their younger years. Grey Knight Terminators are all psykers, each with the immense fortitude and strong soul needed to protect himself
from temptation and possession by Daemons. They are grouped into squads of five, equipped with Nemesis weapons and Aegis suits of Terminator armour. A Grey Knight’s Terminator armour is highly ornamented and heavily embossed in a baroque fashion and, with the exception of the personal heraldry plate upon its left shoulder, metallic gold in
Like the regular Space marines, Grey Knights seem to be scattered out pieacemeal throughout the galaxy in a ready-response fashion.

PAge 40
Nemesis force weapons are the standard class of armament used by Grey Knight Terminators. The Nemesis is a doublehanded weapon and comes in several forms, often as a
halberd or two-handed sword. Whatever their shape, all Nemesis weapons have the same basic design and function: the blade is a powerful force weapon housing a psi-matrix attuned to the unique psychic
field of its owner; and the haft or handle contains a modified storm bolter which can be used in both ranged combat and close assault
Nemesis force weapons of this era were "attuned" to their wielders and seemed to wield weapons reminiscient of Custodian spears.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Almost done with the Space hulk stuff. Next up on the cavalcade is Space hulk Campaigns, plus misc White Dwarf/Citadle journal articles.

First up: Space hulk Capaigns circa 1991

Page 4
Throughout the Imperium, there are small outposts of Space Marines. They patrol their area of Imperial space and are ready to respond rapidly to defend planets against alien conquest or aid other Imperial forces to quell rebellions.

These outposts can take many forms. some are concealed within hollowed out shells of asteroids. Some are starships or space stations in orbit around a sun or one of its planets. Others may be fortresses on inhabited planets, usually sited far from the populated lans in vast mountain ranges, or on distant volcanic islands, or within the arctic wastes of polar regions.
"small" is a relative term. I've seen stories where outposts have been stationed on key mining worlds involving an entire company, while in other cases it might be a single squad or couple of squads garrisoning a key recruiting world (Angels of Darkness or the Dawn of War novel) or something similar. There probably is no consistent pattern to it, but if the "company level" garrison were typical (which I doubt) there couldn't ever be that many (10 companies per Chapter and 1000 chapters.... only a few thousand such likely, while a squad or two could be expected to "garrison" many tens of thousands of worlds.)

This probably has a secondary benefit of spreading out Astartes assets across the Imperium to help shorten response times to crisis (there's at least a few such on hand in a given area to act when needed.)

Page 4
The garrison is rotated from time to time, staying at the outpost for months, sometimes even years, depending on the Chapter's other duties. When the alien starship landed on the planet, the outpost was under the command of Captain Lazarus. Stationed with him were six squads of Space Marines armed with some of the chapter's ancient honour suits of Terminator armour. Their garrison duties were almost over - the relief contiengent was due any day.
Six squads, including some terminators. This would be a fairly important outpost, arguably.

Page 8
The vital few minutes between the two waves had given them time to set up their position and activate some of the base's own defences - lasers positioned in the corridors that fire a high energy pulse whenever something crosses beneath them.
Space Marine base defneses. reminds me of the multi-GW laser fences from the Short story "deus Ex Mechanicus"

Page 16
The outline of the huge derelict spaceship loomed through the dense mist. It had crash-landed a few days ago -the automated re-entry systems saved the ship from destruction, but it had buried itself deep into the sof tearth of Septimus V.
starships with automated-reentry systems. also seem to be specifically designed for landing on planets. This means there are limits to how big they are (The biggest such ship I've ever heard of was several km)

Page 30
Necromunda is a world of mines, factories refineries and processing plants. The planet is a vast powerhouse of indusrty, making thousands upon thousands of different items for use throughout the nearby planetary systems. Nothing which can contribute to the planet's output has been left untouched. Mountains have been reduced to rubble for the ore they contain. Oceans have been turned into little more than chemical sludge ponds. The once fertile plains have disappeared under huge urban developments of great housing and factory blocks, forming new ranges of man made mountains as tall as the long-since flattened natural land features. These huge towering urban complexes are known as city hives, or simply hives, and their individual peaks or towers are called city spires or spires.
A bit of fluff on the industrial capabilitoes of Necromunda.

Page 30
Beneath the hives and extending around them under the wasteland itself lies a honeycomb of ancient disused factoreis and a labyrinth formed from the sewers and service tunnels of an earlier age.

The spires nad their undercities seethe with humanity, from the noble families who live at the top of the spires above the perpetual smog layers, to the fugitives, outlaws, and mutants who scrape a mean existence far beneath the planet's surface. Among the countless billions who populate Necromunda are those who have been fortunate enough to break free of the planet, at least temporarily, and work as crew on the great starships that trade between the local systems and carry Necromunda's tithe to the Imperium.
It seems the older structures of the hive city were definitely sub-terrenean before becoming more like we know them now. Also "countless billions" on the planet.

PAge 30
Rumours that mutants and psykers were inolved brought the witch-hunting Venators onto the scene.
First time I've ever heard of Venatros. Probably some obscure bit of fluff in the early WD articles.

Page 30
Lord Helmwar asked for assistance from the Space Marine contingent that maintained a permanant base o nthe planet. From tehir fortress monastery on the side of the Palatine Spire, a task force of Imperial Fist Terminators launched their assault. If the Genestealer infection was to break out of the rebellious spire, it ocuold mean the neccessary extermination of thousands, even millions of Necromundans.

Possibly at least 7 squads (5 men squads probably). It's really not too often nowadays that you actually see or hear about Marines recruited from Hive Worlds - they almost invariably come from feral worlds instead.

Page 30
Otherwise the only answer is destruction of the spire - possibly even the whole hive!
They'd rather destroy an etnire Hive City by unspecified means rather than let the genestealers infest Necromunda. BEtween Genestealers and Orks, its small wonder Necromunda has its own nasty lil ecosystem.

Page 38

To pinpoint the Genestealers, the Space Marines had to interrogate the computers that ran the few remaining automatic services in this part of the spire. They were convinced that the Genestealers had been resident long enough for their location to show through the use of access tunnels, energy points and so forth. If they were wrong, it could mean sending the Space Marines on a wild goose chase - or worse, into a trap.
Apparently the Necromundan hives, at leastin the still-maintained areas are heavily automated enough that the population can be tracked and monitored in at least some ways.

I also have to note the Astates side is equipped with automated lasgun defences.. so apparently Necromunda has its own buitl in automated interior security systems in the hives.

Page 42
The interrogation of the computers was successful. Combined with reconnaisance reports and bio-scanning of the spire, the Space Marines had discovered there were only two main concentrations of Genestealers left.
Deteciton methods used to localize the 'nids. Not sure what sort of bio scanning (from ship? Vehcile?)

Page 43
The Space Marines had two canisters of a deadly nerve agent that had been specially developed by Imperial xenobiologists - it was known to affect even the hardy metabolisms of Genestealers.
Again we see the Marines freely choose to employ biological weapons against 'Stealers.

Page 43
Because of their Genestealer parentage, Hybrids are much stronger than normal humans.
Self explanatory.

Page 46
the Devlan system lies towards the south-eastern arm of the galaxy. The system contains six inhabited planets, all rich in valuable ores that feed huge industrial complexes. Exports from Devlan are sent out across the galaxy on great star freighters - in return, riches pour in to swell the coffers of the noble magnates.
Devlan got mentioned later on actually in other mateirals (Tyranid Codexes, partiuclarily the 2nd edition one.) Apparently they never managed to stave off the 'Stealer infection fully.

It's also implied that Devlan has its own interstellar merchant transport capacity.

Page 46
At the edge of the system are a series of space stations to warn off invaders. Each of these Sentinel space stations is powerfully armed and together they form a web of death surrounding and protecting the system.
We don't know the exact spacing of such stations, but to encompass the whole system.. there'd have to be alot on the edges.

Page 46
Among them, as an Imperial representative, was captain Jacobus of the Space Wolves, commander of the Space Marine contingent stationed in the system.
Devlan has its own Astartes contingent.

Page 46
Eventaully a decision was reached: Captain Jacobus would lead an assualt on Sentinel V - if this was a forerunner of the Tyranid fleet, the Administratum must know as soon as possible. At the same time, the nobles would prepare to flee the system, taking their wealth aboard the huge star freighters ready to head towards the safety of the galactic core.
Again the mention of a long-range operating merchant fleet. Rather amusing the nobles would rather flee than stay and fight.

Page 46
Captain Jacobus had only a small contingent: six squads of Space Wolves terminators would be boarding the Sentinel V space station to assess the situation and capture or eliminate the invaders.
six squads is a "small contingent?" That's over half a company, especially if it has Terminator suits!

Page 50
The information was relayed back by captain Jacobus to his command vessel for transmission to the Administratum.


No psychic signals had been picked up by the Astropaths in the Devlan system - it was probable no message had been sent to the hive Fleet from the captured space station.
I wonder why the Genestealers needed to capture the station to send a signal to the tyranids? In any case the Astropaths psychic detection capabilities seem able to at least encompass the entire system.

PAge 58
Some of the Traitor chapters never settled on a planet, wandering from one battle to the next.
The Space Marines of the former Word Bearers, Night Lords and Alpha Legion travel through the warp in this way and are scattered throughout the Eye of Terror and beyond.
the Word Bearers actually settled in the Maelstrom, but of course in early Space Hulk they were also identified as Khornates soo...

Night Lords and Alpha Legion aren't affiliated with Chaos as a rule, so its not relaly surprising that they aren't planet based as a rule (doesn't fit in with either Legion's MO's anyhow.)

Page 72
The remnants of the Blood Angels Termiantors, fourteen men in all, were carrying out a sweep of the landing areas where the rest of the Blood Angels (those who were equipped with standard power armour instead of Terminator suits) were due to arrive, when the Genestealers launched a counterattack. Pitifully weak compared to the massive assaults of the earlier actions, with only 200 Genestealers taking part, it still came near to overwhelming the battered Space Marines.
14 Termintators vs 200 Genestealres ~14:1 kill ratio, and was challenging to the Terminators (although they were battered and weakened.)

Page 74
The blood Angels' commander feared that further Space Marine losses might force them to abandon the hulk altogether. He reluctantly decided to set up a permamant defensive perimeter - force fields, mines, and the like - until reinforcements arrived and brought the Chapter's strength up to the point where they could once more go on the attack.

Techmarines becan to deploy the explosives and field generators as quickly as possible...
Space Marine fortifications on a Space hulk seem to include force field defenses, similar to what we saw used in Guns of Tanith and certain other sources (like Battle for MAcragge.)

Page 74
Though the Genestelaers could exist for quite some time without breathing - most of the hulk was in vaccuum - the task forces's xenobiologists insisted that no matter how efficient their bodily functions, the Genestealers had to breathe some time.
Still they must have some impressive lung capacity.

PAge 76
Power armour allows a Space Marine a much greater degree of freedom of movement and, although its protection isn't as good, this added manoeuvrability may sometimes be vital.
regular power armor is more mobile than Termiantor armor.

Pge 76
Although deadly in the extreme, storm bolters are weighty weapons that use alot of ammunition - this makes them unsuitable for Space Marines equipped with power armour. These Space Marines are equipped as standard with single-barrelled bolters which use the same mass-reactive bolt ammunition as storm bolters but are ligther and slower-firing.
Astartes can't use storm bolters cuz of the ewight and bulk, but can use the same ammo. (This means that in theory they could use the "blast trhough eight inches of plasteel" uber-ammo mentioned before, probably.)

Page 76
A Space Marine in power armour also doesn't have the mechanically-assisted crushing strength of a Terminator power glove.
This implies power fists have further strengt augmentation over normal Terminator/Astartes Power armor as well as the technobabble field effects. Something that is implied in omre than a few sources.

Page 78
Eureka: a medium-sized planet in a system containing an amazingly rich asteroid belt. A planet that has been contaminated with a heavy Genestealer presence.
Another mining world taken over by 'Stealers. ASteroid mining here.

Page 78
The holographic display showed an overview of the Owa system.

The huge gas giant at the centre glowed with a faint light, a stark contrast to the hundreds of bright red pinpricks that dotted the res to fthe display. Each of the dots represented a mine or refinery in Genestealer hands. Alone among them was a single green speck - the base where they were now standing.
Again asteroy mines and refineries.

Page 78
"This vessel?" Denzark points to the scarlet line edging its way into geostationary orbit, high above Eureka's surface.

"That's the tug, sir. It isn't a ship as such, simply a fusion engine and crew quarters attached to the ore, which has been welded into one massive block. Its over 700 meters wide and 3 km long, and contains thousands of millions of tonnes."
As I covered long ago: incidentally, assuming the fusion engine provided a 3 gee acceleration for the mass given (2 billion tons), the engine would require a constant output of 1.6e22 watts. If we go with 300 gees, the output goes up to 1.6e24 watts. "billions of tons" would probably be well into the battlecruiser/battleship range of mass, incidentally.

Page 78
By jettisoning the tug itself, he could redirect the massive chunk of ore to impact onto Eureka's surface with the force of a hundred thousand fusion bombs. The resulting destabilisation of the planet's orbit, the atmospheric pollution, and the rapid onset of the greenhouse effect would destroy the Genestealer population totally.
again: 1 billion MT at lest for exterminatus equals ten gigaton nukes, at least. Meshes with what we know from lots of other sources. Plasma warheads (by space hulk) would be in the teraton range.

Page 80
Bolters are the standard issue Space Marine weapon. They fire bolts or shells with explosive or armour-piercing tips.
Interestingly here it implies bolters can be either using AP or explosive ammo.

Page 80
The autocannon is a large-calibre gun which fires high velocity mass-reactive explosive ammunition. This gives the weapon a hefty recoil and the firer must brace himself firmly to take the shock.
autocannon fires mass reactive shells. May either mean they pack explosive or something odder (like reactive metal munitions)

Page 81
The conversion beam projector, also known as the beamer, works by converting matter into pure energy. The beam builds up slowly, increasing in intensity as it extends further from the projector. At the beam's focus point the matter-energy conversion becomes so powerful that it causes a violent explosion.
One of a number of ways the Imperium has access to matter-energy conversion tech (others being certian kinds of plasma weapon, anti-matter, certain kinds of cyclonic warhead, etc.)

Page 81
Typically a missile launcher is loaded with a combination of armour-piercing crack missiles and area effect plasma missiles, either of which can be selected before firing.
Plasma missiles here seem favored over fragmentation ones, yet krak missiles are used instead of melta missiles.

Page 81
Crack missiles are armed with a double-charged hollow-case warhead designed to rupture armour. Plasma missiles detonate in a split-second burst of flesh-boiling super-heated plasma.
"double charged" probably means a tandem-charge warhead, but it may mean something else (what kind of charges depends entirely.. it could be to deny active protection or may have some secondary element liek a fragmentation/incendairy effect once penetration occurs.. hard to say.) Still sounds like a shaped charge.

Plasma warheads have "flesh boiling' plasma. Assuming it can engulf at least one target;. double digit MJ or thereabouts.

Page 82
Space Marines in Terminator suits are too encumbered by their armour to throw grenades. Instead they can be equipped with a grenade harness that can be used to fire a grenade in fornt of the Terminator.
Terminators can't toss grenades, so they have a built in grenade launcher.

Page 82
Crack [grenade] is a target effect grenade. It is a sticky, shaped charrge that is used against armoured targets.
Mentioned elsehwer,e sticky and shaped charge.

Page 83
Melta bombs are target effect grenades that superheat the area and melt-down anything in contact with it.


When a melta-bomb is thrown the Marine player selects the target square and removes anything in it. A pitfall marker is then placed facedown in the square. The marker represents a mass of hot gases and molten metals and completely blocks line of sight and movement...

At the start of the Space Marine's next turn, the pitfall marker is turned over ot represent the intense heat melting a hole through the space hulk's floor.
Marines fall through. As noted, depending on paramters this could be MJ to GJ, depending on the exact mass/volume of mateiral effected. Its big enough for a Marine to fall through at least.

Page 83
Plasma grenades are section effect grenades that explode in a split second burst of superheated plasma.
Presumably flehs boiling also.

Page 83
A blind grenade releases a burst of wide-spectrum interference that blocks vision and auto-systems.
A sort of EW weapon.


Citadel Journal 25
Imperial Guard squads are not Terminators (they are cannon fodder), and so do not have the communication
abilities of Tactical Dreadnought Armour. (they are cannon fodder), and so do not have the communication
abilities of Tactical Dreadnought Armour. To represent this, as long as your Captain or Com-link are alive
you may take command points. The Captain or Com-link shouts additional orders to the other squad
members. If both of these men die you lose your command points permanently. With Storm Troopers they
each have cameras mounted on their back packs and so do not suffer from this, they may take command
points to the last man.
IG don't have the datalink abilities of Termiantor armor individually at least.. possibly with the squad comms though. Storm
troopers have cameras though and possibly comms and the ability to transmit like that.

We do know form various random sources that individual gaurdsmen (at least the officers) can be equipped with auspex
and picter gear that allow for observation/transmission of visual and other data to other places, and depictions of
datalink abilitiy on the squad level comms (EG in the Ghosts novels, Storm of Iron, etc.)

We also know that naval boarding crews can have their own mounted cams as well (Bleeding Chalice.)


White Dwarf 115
The ammunition for the Assault Cannon is held in the slide-in magazine mounted at the rear of the weapon. Each
Assault Cannon shot represents a burst of around fifty actual rounds. An Assault Cannon magazine carries five
hundred rounds, enough for 10 shots.

The Assault Cannon Marine carries an effectively unlimited supply of Assault Cannon ammunition in a
compartment built into the back of his Terminator suit.
Latter sources (IIRC Wargear '93 or Battle manual) hinted at assualt cannons firing hundreds of rounds a second. Here, it suggests
assault cannon only carry 500 rounds, and the 50 rounds may not neccesarily even be per second.. it could be much over several seconds
(the stated duration of a round.) Again, it may be due to caliber or some such.
The Marine Captains are equipped with special Power Gloves incorporating a small, rapid-firing Grenade Launcher.
The Launcher is equipped with ten Crack and ten Plasma grenades.
A variation of the "gauntlet of Macragge" type power fists, it would seem.


WD 117

The Thunder Hammer is an energy weapon constructed around a generator. It produces a blindingly bright
explosive energy field capable of blowing apart a Genestealer's carapace. The thunder hammer's generator can
be set to overload in the most dire of circumstances; this causes a gigantic explosion that vaporises everything
in the vicinity. The thunder hammer is usually carried in conjunction with the storm shield
HEre the thunder hammer's power field is described as being explicietly explosive - (basically meaning it discharges the energy
The storm shield is a Terminator defensive energy shield. Shaped like a cross, it draws its energy from the
generators inside the Terminator suit. It always glows a startling azure-blue from the electrical energy that
snakes across its surface. It glows even more violently when a Genestealer's claws rake across it and disturb
the energy pattern.
a shield with a power field.


WD 120

Page 53
Brother Liathus comes to the aid of his ambushed Sergeant, a well-aimed shot tearing the Genestealer's skull apart.
Bolter round blowing out genestealer's skull.

Page 57
Crack [grenade] is a target effect grenade. It is a sticky, shaped charrge that is used against armoured targets.
Crack grenades are specifically identifed as being shaped charges here. The "sticky" part presumably means that its designed to be adhesive to targets when thrown.

Page 57
Melta bombs are target effect grenades that superheat the area and melt-down anything in contact with it.


When a melta-bomb is thrown the Marine player selects the target square and removes anything in it. A pitfall marker is then placed facedown in the square. The marker represents a mass of hot gases and molten metals and completely blocks LOS and movement.
A Marine moving onto a pitfall rolls a dicel if the dice scores a 1, the Marine falls through.
meltabombs melt/vaporize a given volume.. in the rules apparenlty its enough to make a hole large enough for a Marine to fall through (which could mean a half meter to meter hole in diameter, say) Assuming the floor was a few inches thick (2-4 inches ltes say) and made of iron, the mass involved culd be between 70 and 600 kg roughly. 1.2 MJ/kg to melt and ~7 MJ/kg to vaporize, the energy intput would measure somewhere between double digit MJ (melting of 70 kg of floor) to single digit GJ (total vaporization of nearly half a ton of floor)

Page 57
Plasma grenades are section effect grenades that explode in a split second burst of superheated plasma. The detonation is over in a flash, so plasma grenades do not block line of sight.
A less focused thermal weapon compared to a melta bomb, probably similar in magnitude of power (some sources describe it as "flesh boiling plasma", which if it consumed one or more human sized targets could easily be in the double digit MJ range)

Page 64
Eureka: a medium-sized planet in a system containing an amazingly rich asteroid belt. A planet that has been contaminated with a heavy Genestealer presence.

Action required: to obliterate the infection.

Solution: Extreme action required. Suggest we redirect ore asteroid to impact with the planet's surface.
The Space Marines deem it neccesary to wipe out a Genestealer infestation by dropping a big rock on the planet. As we know from lots of other sources In space hulk and others, such measures generally mean rendering an Exterminatus on the planet.

Page 64
By jettisoning the tug itself, he could redirect the massive chunk of ore to impact onto Eureka's surface with the force of a hundred thousand fusion bombs. The resulting destabilisation of the planet's orbit, the atmospheric pollution, and the rapid onset of the greenhouse effect would destroy the Genestealer population totally.
If we go by modern nuclear weapons, (50-60 megatons) the total yield would be about 5 or 6 teratons of TNT. Enough to cause nasty effects, but hardly enough to meet exterminatus standards.

If we go by 40K standards (ie the 610 GT warhead from 122 5 gigaton bombs) we can work out that that the asteroid would hit with a force close to 500 TT, which is within the lower limit of the extinction threshold (But not guaranteed as a kill.) If we use the whole 610 GT figure, it goes to 61 petatons, which would be within the "sterilization" threshold I mentioned before.

If we work backwards and assume a 1 billion megaton minimum, by the way, we can infer that an Imperium "fusion bomb" is at least 10 gigatons. Plasma torpedoes, established in "Space Fleet" to be 1000x more powerful than conventional nuclear weapons (presumably including fusion bombs) would be in the 1-10 TT range, depending on what kind of "nuclear" reaction it referred to.

If we apply the 61 Petaton figure to exterminatus calcs from BFG (1 light cruiser over a 2-23 hour timeframe), we get a firepower yield of between 800 gigatons and 8.5 TT minimum for a light cruiser.

The most solid one for our purposes is probably going with 100,000 fusion bombs equalling 1 billion MT at least, giving us 10 GT nukes (possibly higher, depending on the definition of Exterminatus we want to go with) Meshes nicely with the anti-spacehulk nukes to corroborate, and by meshing it with the Space Fleet data from the Goliath, places plasma warheads in the Teraton range.

Page 64
"This vessel?" Denzark points to the scarlet line edging its way into geostationary orbit, high above Eureka's surface.

"That's the tug, sir. It isn't a ship as such, simply a fusion engine and crew quarters attached to the ore, which has been welded into one massive block. Its over 700 meters wide and 3 km long, and contains thousands of millions of tonnes."
This provides another potential way to calc the the energy level delivered by the impact, if we knew the velocity.

incidentally, assuming the fusion engine provided a 3 gee acceleration for the mass given (2 billion tons), the engine would require a constant output of 1.6e22 watts. If we go with 300 gees, the output goes up to 1.6e24 watts. "billions of tons" would probably be well into the battlecruiser/battleship range of mass, incidentally.

If you wonder why I say that even though its got the volume (roughly) of a heavy cruiser - a heavy cruiser isn't a 100% solid lump of metal. Although if it was 90% empty (a reasonable assumption for a ship) we can infer a IoM cruiser masses in the tens or hundreds of millions of tons.


White Dwarf 199
It was a space hulk,
an immense monstrosity almost fifty kilometres long and half as wide – a horrific conglomeration
of alien ships which scans showed to contain a swarm of Genestealers.


The Vengeful Blade would
take a least a day, maybe more, to destroy the space hulk. The Vengeful Blade was built
for speed rather than strength and to smash the hulk would really require a dedicated battleship,
which could take weeks to arrive, by which time the hulk could be lost again.


More information would have to be gathered
first, but if the Dark Angels acted swiftly they could destroy the hulk within a matter of hours
rather than days.
They needed a battleship to destroy a 50 km long, 25 km wide space Hulk in less than a day (or possibly sveral days) - certainly less
than "weeks." Some sources describe space hulks being vaporized or reduced to atoms. If we asusmed iron composition, 90% empty space it might take
some 50-60 TT to completely vaporize.

There are problems however, since a spacehulk may not necesarily be dormant and often reactors are rigged to blow it up, so it may not be exactly an
inert target (hard to say for sure, as that depends on the reactor type and how/why its rigged to go off.)

another not so minor problem of course is that 3rd edition of Space hulk indicates at least some kinds of hulks are not totally vaporized in a bombardment, so the calc
may again not be wholly accurate for that reason.

Sergeant Gabriel of the Deathwing was charged with the responsibility of locating the master
controls for the reactor with the three available C.A.T.s. Should this be achieved in time,
the Space Marines would be able to shut down the failsafe systems, killing all the aliens as
the hulk exploded into a plasma fireball a hundred kilometres across.
If it were an atmospheric fireball a 100 km across would be around double/triple digit GT. Could be higher if the fireball represents the gaseous material of the space hulk. Again
though not knowing for sure whether we can treat the Space hulk as an inert target or not complicates this.


White Dwar 201
When all seemed lost, the Techmarines aboard the Will of the Emperor found a solution to the problem: Terminators carrying powerful anti-matter bombs could fight their way to a level above the reactors and drop the explosives down the shafts. The chain-reaction of explosions would then tear the space hulk apart, along with its deadly cargo.
The Imperium uses anti-matter munitions, at least in some cases. I'd imagine that plasma and melta weapons might be nearly as powerful (possibly more so, depending on interpretation) and possibly safer to use (well melta weapons probably, Plasma reactors can be pretty volatile.)

It also indicates that the Imperium is not strictly reliant on fusion or fission as has been suggested before. (The Imperium uses many different kinds of power sources, really.)

Antimatter has since then been mentioned in other sources in use as part of Imperial weapons: In the Deathwatch RPG (as part of specialized bolter ammunition) and in the Daenyathos limited edition story by Ben Counter (mentioned to me by WR, an Exterminatus-type weapon I believe, but brute force and involving a fuck ton of antimatter too.)
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Connor MacLeod
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Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And at last we come to the last Space hulk source.. ADvanced Space Crusade. Probably three updates, since I dont feel like cramming it down to two.

Advanced Space Crusade:

Circa 1990

Page 3
In the 41st Millennium, the rule of humanity encompassesalmost the entire galaxy, a glittering circle of stars ninetythousand light years from rim to rim. This is the Imperium ofMan, the largest and most populous empire of all time, anempire of more than a million worlds and untold billions ofhuman beings.
the Imperium is stated to be 90,000 LY across. Depending on source this has varied from as little as 50,000 LY, to maybe 100,000+

Page 3
The Imperium is ruled by the ancient and immeasurably powerful Emperor. Once he was a living man,but he has long since ceased to live in any normal sense. Hisbody is dead, yet for ten thousand years the Emperor hascontrolled the destiny of the Imperium, thanks to a complexlife-support system which preserves his spirit. His wishes are enacted by means of the Adeptus Administratum, a colossalbureaucratic organisation based upon Earth but with the authority and means to rule the entire galaxy.
Emperor living death, blah blah.. supported by the golden throne.. blah blah... rule in his name...

Page 3
Human fleets travel the star clusters ofthe galactic core and the outer rim. Human armies wage waron planets fifty thousand light years from Earth.
This gives an idea of the range of the Astronomican again, which is a bit less than what was hinted at in 2nd edition stuff (regular and epic regarding the Tyranids with Tyran being 60K LY from Terra), but not that far off.

Page 3
Beyond the human galaxy, beyond the range of human spacecraft and astrotelepathy, lies the unspeakable cold void ofintergalactic space. This is a realm into which few men haveventured and from which no-one has ever returned. It is the great barrier which divides galaxy from galaxy
Implies that astrotelepathy's range is limited to the human galaxy or not much beyond it.

Page 3
Yet the void isnot empty. Through it moves an intelligence, a great creature that is formed from countless billions of creatures, a mind thatis many inter-linked minds. This entity, this race, is theTyranid hive mind, and it has come from a galaxy unimaginably distant.
Tyranid hive mind, countless billions of creatures, etc...

Page 3
The Tyranids have travelled to the Imperium in a hive fleet consisting of a great dark swarm of many millions ofindividual spacecraft. Each spacecraft is a gigantic livingthing, a creature fashioned from organic tissue by means ofsophisticated genetic manipulation. The journey across thevoid has taken eons and during that time the Tyranids haveslumbered in a state of frozen hibernation. As the edge of thehive fleet approached the Imperium the spacecraft stirred fromsleep and their inhabitants slowly began to thaw. However, thehive fleet is so large that its trailing edge still slumbers beyond the galaxy's outer rim.
millions of spacecraft, travelled eons through the spaces between galaxies.. etc..

Page 3
Their own galaxy is exhausted, its creatures long since absorbed into the hivemind, their flesh turned to machine-like purposes or discarded as useless. The Imperium with its billions of humans and countless other creatures offers the Tyranids an almost inexhaustible stock of flesh and genes which will invigoratethe hive mind and enable it to embody itself in new forms.
billions of humans... and "exhuasted the galaxy". One wonders what they did with all that biomass... likely this "hive fleet" is just one of many sent out in different directions

Page 3
Where a man sees life, the hive mind sees only something to be consumed. Such has been the fate of a thousand galaxies, of millions of intelligent species, since time immemorial.
perhaps "a thousand galaxies", but its rather obvious they don't throw the entire resources of that galaxy's mass against another sole galaxy, otherwise they'd have easily overwhelmed the Imperium from the get go.

Page 4
By means of the GreatTyranid Norn-Queens, vast living factory-creatures whoserole is to make other creatures, the Tyranids have created thecountless bio-constructs that make up the hive fleets.
Norn queens described.

Page 4
The Tyranids themselves have six limbs and stand twice theheight of a man. Their bodies are covered with thick bonyplates which overlap forming a tough natural armour. Poresbetween their plates exude a colourless slime which oozesover their bodies and drips from their talons. This slimelubricates the inflexible bony plates and prevents frictionfrom gradually wearing away their surfaces.
The Tyranid's lower pair of limbs act as legs, enabling it tomove, and end in hard bony hooves – although not primarilyintended as weapons a kick from a hoof can easily crush aman's skull. The middle pair of limbs are incredibly strongand end in razor sharp talons – these limbs are used to rip apartan enemy in close combat. The upper limbs are more delicateand end in jointed talons which serve the Tyranid as hands andfingers – these are used to carry weapons and other devices,to operate delicate bio-machines, and for other subtlemanipulative tasks.
The limbs are held together by a perforated bony girdle whichprotects the creature's spine and soft organs from damage.Above the upper arms is a bony neck and the Tyranid'sfearsome head equipped with powerful jaws. This basic six-limbed layout is common to many Tyranid bio-engineeredcreatures, such as Genestealers, and it is quite likely that thesecreatures are derived from Tyranid gene material or a closelyrelated species from some long forgotten planet of origin.
Back in first edition of stuff, the 'Nids had an actual 'Race' rathre than simply a nameless horror named after the first planet they consumed. We can probably consider this a mistaken conclusion based on encounters with some earlier 'Nid bio-construct.

Page 4
The Tyranid hive mind is a single co-ordinating will that directs the entire hive fleet. The hive mind is formed from untold billions of individual consciousnesses, each of which isa Tyranid or some other living creature in the hive fleet. Someof these minds are capable of individual rational thought;some are capable of making only limited decisions; and others are mere automatons whose minds perform only basic motorfunctions. The extent of this ability to act and think freely varies and depends upon the creature's role in the hive fleet.
Again, "untold billions" of Tyranids of all kinds . Some are more intelligent and rational than others, some are littel more than robots. The 'nids were and still are throughout the editions fairly good at genetic and organic specialisation.

Page 4

Tyranids also use gene-manipulation to create new races of servant creatures from captives. These advanced bio-constructs are artificial races bred by the Tyranids. Theirminds form part of the hive mind but they can still think andact for themselves and can make and act upon decisionswithin the limits engineered into them. There are manyhundreds of these races, amongst them the destructive Genestealers, the ponderous Zoats, and the murderous Grabber-Slashers. Although these awesome creatures maylook improbable and horrific to human eyes, they are all designed to fulfill some specific role in Tyranid society: forexample as advance fighters and infiltrators in the case of Genestealers, ambassador-conquerors in the case of Zoats,and warrior assassins in the case of Grabber-Slashers.
Mention of "servant" races of the 'Nids. One may assume that what this is, since it is earlier/older fluff, simply one strategy or facet of strategy in the face of a much larger force. That might explain the "taking slaves", the distinct Tyranid "race", the diplomacy, etc. In the grand scheme of things such a group would simply represent another "advance party" much like the Genestealers, sent forward to disrupt and cripple.

Page 4
In order to move from planet to planet, human spacecraft travel through an alternate dimension known as warpspace. Warpspace is the medium through which human Astro-telepaths send psychic messages enabling the million worldsof the Imperium to communicate with each other. TheTyranid hive fleet also moves through the warp. Normally any spacecraft moving through the warp sets up vibrations which can be detected by a human Astropath, but the hivefleet is so unimaginably vast that it creates an impenetrabledisturbance like a huge blocking shadow in the warp. This shadow is the dark, impenetrable will of the hive mind itself,b efore which the astral spirit of a puny psyker is about as safeas a candle in a hurricane.
Tyranids use the warp for travel, a tleast in theory they did til recent editions. Apparently it was the vibrations of these massive fleets moving through the warp that created the Shadow in the Warp, fucked up astropathy, etc.

Page 4
Only by tremendous luck have any victims survived at all,their spacecraft pushed thousands of light years through the warp by the advancing edge of the Tyranid hive fleet. A thousand human worlds have already fallen to the invader.Their populations have been consumed or imprisoned bythe Tyranids. Even after so short a time new races of human-based bio-constructs are ready to join the hive mind.
The Nids reportedtly this early have "taken" a thousand worlds, imprisoning some and consuming others and creating new "servant" races based on human biology. AGain a thousand worlds would represent a large amount of biomass and its doubtful all of it was thrown against the galaxy.

The "prisoners" is an artifact of earlier editions, since we know the "later" 'Nids didn't really do this often (if at all.) A reason to take prisoners is largely one of infterrogation and study. And probably dissection, since the material can just get recycled.

Th "thousands of light years" bit is interesting too.. it implies it is fairly rapid.. but if we knew how fast it might be a useful calc.

Page 4
Millions of human warriors have died. Entire chapters of the Imperium's finest Space Marines havevanished without trace with no clue as to their fate. The Lamenters chapter is presumed to have been destroyed andthe Scythes of the Emperor chapter has been reduced to afew scattered remnants.
One of the earlier bits of fluff that stays consistent with latter editions.

PAge 4-5
Armed with this precious information the Imperium prepares for open war against the enemy it has called Hive Fleet Kraken after the mythical monster of Earth's ancient past.The weaponshops of Mars turn out new and more potent machineries of war, gleaming new spacecraft pour from theshipyards of Necromunda, the vast resources of the ImperialGuard gradually swing into action as millions of men prepareto embark on a war for humanity's very survival.
Necromunda has shipyards and they're preparing to throw "millions" of troops agianst the 'Nids. Hardly "total war" by Imperium standards.

Page 5
Unlike the huge unwieldy armies of the Imperial Guard, the Space Marines are able to respond quickly to any threat anywhere inthe galaxy. By means of their spacecraft they can travel hundreds of light years and defeat whatever enemy threatensthe Imperium.
Hundreds of light years in how long though?

PAge 5
The various chapters arebased throughout the Imperium so that wherever dangerthreatens there will be a chapter nearby to deal with it.

The number of Space Marines in each chapter varies but mostare relatively small with only a thousand or so fighting troops.Even though a chapter has a small number of troops comparedto the immense fighting formations of the Imperial Guard, it isan extremely potent fighting force which includes armoured vehicles, powerful support weapons and spacecraft capable offighting battles in space. The Space Marines are masters of allkinds of combat, but are especially good at fast strikes, lightning raids and boarding actions in space.
Composition and deployment of space Marines.. again evenly spaced throughout the galaxy.

Page 5
Although Space Marines are recruited from normal humans,they are surgically altered to make them are far tougher,stronger and more capable than any ordinary person. By implanting hormone-releasing organs into a Space Marine'sbody his muscles are encouraged to grow and develop beyond normal human limits. Other implants expand his skeleton,providing a strong frame for his new body. Amongst otherchanges, this causes a Space Marine's ribs to thicken and join together, forming a solid bony mass which acts like natural armour. Thanks to transplanted lungs, Space Marines can also breathe noxious gases and can survive in environments which would kill an ordinary man. They can also see better, hear better and eat food which would poison anyone else. Thanksto these modifications, and others too numerous to mention indetail, the Space Marine is the ultimate human warrior.

When Space Marine recruits receive their surgical implants,they also undergo conventional training, hypnotic tutoring and other instruction in tactics and weapon handling. When theSpace Marine is ready he is inducted into the Scout Company of his chapter. The Scout Company specialises in dangerous reconnaissance missions and infiltration of enemy lines. Theyusually fight ahead of the main line of advance right at the forefront of battle, causing consternation among the enemyforces by striking where they least expect
Early space marine creation

Page 6
As the Space Marines explore, they come across strange alien artifacts, fall foul of hideous Tyranid traps and rescue captives locked inside stasis pods.
'Nids use stasis tech and the Imperium salvages Alien artefacts for study.

Page 10
The Space Marine Strategic Display represents the operations console of the Space Marine Commander aboard the Space Marines' starship. From here the Commander directs the assault, monitoring Space Marine troop movements, ordering reinforcements into the fray and assessing the strength of the Tyranid defences.
The Tyranid Hive Network represents the hive ship's defences. The Tyranid forces are directed by the hive mind:each Tyranid shares its information about the Space Marines' deployment with the greater Tyranid consciousness, allowing strategists to analyse the assault and retaliate in the most devastating manner.
Observation gear Commanders use to monitor their ship during ship boarding operations, and the 'Nid equivalent.

Page 16
Between solar systems, they dive into the warp, naturally adapted to survive the tides of the immaterium, surfacing once again in realspace to feed. They consume the cosmic detritus, the comets and asteroids left by the creation of solar systems. A ship grows as it travels,adapting itself to each new source of food, creating new digestive systems to break down the different types of matter.The old stomachs atrophy and harden so that an ancientTyranid starship is a mass of stony growths, often forming a fantastic whorl of armour around the still-growing body.
This suggests the starships feed on space-borne inorganic matter (or possibly some organic matter) as they travel.

PAge 16
In the smaller starships, hibernating Tyranids are gathered in small chambers, contained withinpods that feed them vital nutrients. In the largest ships there are great halls packed with hibernating Tyranids – in their hundreds and thousands they pass the long years of travel in adreamless sleep. The only creatures moving around the miles of passages and tubes within a ship are the countless bio-constructs that perform the mindless, repetitive duties necessary to keep the ship healthy.
"miles of passages" inside larger ships.

Page 16
The chemistry of the hive ship itself changes and new
hormones are secreted, bringing the Tyranids back from their long sleep. As the ship moves through the outer edges of a starsystem, the hive mind prepares for war.

It is at this point in its journey that the Tyranid ship is most vulnerable. Tyranid Warriors are just beginning to awaken but the ship is as yet lightly defended. A lightning assault can punch its way through the weak defences to sabotage the ship's vital organs. If the ship dies, so does its cargo of Tyranid Warriors and bio-constructs. Those still in hibernation never awaken as the supply of life-sustaining fluids dries up. Those who are awake and survive the attack are doomed to drift onthe dying spaceship as it floats out into the cold of interstellar space
The awakening of 'nids from hibernation

Page 16
It is generally the smaller Tyranid ships that are attacked inthis way. The largest ships are unimaginably vast and are better left as targets for the battlecruisers of the Imperial Navy.But the Navy can't patrol every star system – sometimes thereisn't time for a message to be sent before the shadow in the warp cuts the system off.
this implies the largest ships are at least comparable to Navy battlecruisers.

Page 16
"There was no warning when the other ship appeared; nothing showed onour sensors until we were close enough to pick it up visually. It was a strange shape, almost like a snail, as if it carried a huge spiral of armour onits back. It wouldn't respond to our signals and kept moving in towards the system. We were having problems communicating with the Fortress, so I took the decision to board."
Tyranid stealth in space. Again, magical in all probability.

Page 16
Two of them wielded pairs of swords, five or six feet long and glowing witha green light I saw one split Harvan in two, carving through his armour as though there was nothing there.
'Nid Warrior with boneswords.

Page 16
I hope never to see that weapon used again. With one shot it killed three of my men, burning through their armour and spraying them with vile mucus.They died in agony. It was as if a plague rotted their flesh, but it took seconds not days to kill them."
I don't know what weapon this is, but its clearly "magical'

Page 17
In many parts of the ship, there are large cysts growing from the floor. These are the openings to the Tyranids' teleporter system. Tyranids do not use a mechanical teleport system like the Imperium, but travel by means of the Teleporter Worm, abio-construct that has the main part of its body in the warp and only the ends of its many hollow feelers in realspace.These feelers attach themselves to different parts of the hiveship and a cyst grows where they burst through. Tyranids can enter these cysts and pass through the hollow tubes. Because both the Tyranids and the Worm are part of the hive mind,the Tyranids can direct their movement through the Worm'sbody in the warp to reappear at another point in the hiveship.
'Nid Teeleporter system.

Page 17
The feelers are sensitive to secretions given off by Tyranids and Tyranid bio-constructs. If something that hasn't got the correct secretions enters a teleporter cyst, it is directed into one of the Worm's many digestive sacs. There it is trapped,stranded in the warp to be slowly consumed by the Teleporter Worm. The Worm's digestive juices aren't strong enough to break down armour so it closes off the sacs containing armour-clad victims, eventually expelling the indigestible mass months, years or even centuries later. Strange alien artifacts and creatures long-dead enclosed in armour of unknown materials are occasionally found near teleporter cysts.
Friend or foe system used by the teleporter and the inborn defense system

PAge 22
When the Space Marines assault a hive ship, they're equipped with bio-scanners that allow them to pick out the bio-signals of moving creatures. The scanners are only operative at short ranges in a hive ship because of the mass of bio-matter constantly surrounding them – they are therefore set only topick up the strongest signals, such as those giving by a moving Tyranid. The scanners give the Space Marines some warning of the approach of the enemy, but they cannot tell what creature is moving towards them, and often can't even tell how many creatures the signal indicates.
Astartes use biosensors as an early warning system onboard ships.

Page 30
Some weapons affect not only the target they're aimed at but also an area around the target. These weapons fire powerful shells that explode with rupturing shock waves and fling out deadly shrapnel, or they project rapidly-expanding balls of fire or plasma that incinerate anything within their blast radius.
These are known as area effect weapons
Plasma weapons can "incinerate" and are area effect weapons, at least in ASC.

Page 40
The Energy Cortex is a large,multi-chambered pump thatcirculates vital fluids around the hive ship. At its centre, covered by thin carapaces, are leech-like creatures that draw their sustenance by sucking fluids from the arterial pipes, swelling or contracting with the varying rates of flow. As they do so they secrete a wide variety of
enzymes that act upon the Cortex to regulate its pumping.

The Energy Cortex constantly pulses as the viscous fluids are pumped around its muscular tubes. This produces a deep throbbing sound at the lowest range of human hearing. The sound at this frequency is so powerful and penetrating that it can cause disorientation, nausea and temporary blackouts in those close to the source.
Energy-cortex makes it osund like a power distirbution system, but that's clearly what it doesn't do.

Page 40
The Sensory Cluster co-ordinates many of the hive ship's functions, sending out neuro-chemical signals that stimulate the ship's multitude of bio-mechanisms and keep all of the vessel's systems stable.Thousands of tendrils spreadout from the central Cluster along fine tubes that runthroughout the ship, monitoring
the ship's organs and stimulating them into action when they're required.
Beneath the Cluster itself is a complex network of pipes,valves and small orifices. The valves continuously open and close with an eerie whistling, wheezing noise. The orifices are receptacles for nutrients fed to the Sensory Cluster by small slug-like creatures – the orifices suck the slug-creatures dry and let their empty husks fall to the floor.
Probalby qualifies as the main computer.

Page 41
The Hive Mind Synapse is a vital organ that connects the hive ship with the Tyranid hivemind, adding the ship's ponderous thought processes t othe sum of experience shared by the Tyranids. Using the Synapse, the hive ship is able to think as one with the many millions of ships in the hive fleet.

As a side effect, the Hive Mind Synapse also amplifies and speeds contact between other members of the Tyranid hivemind. Its powerful emanations concentrate the effects of the hive mind and facilitate communication between the Tyranidsand their bio-constructs on the ship.
In a sense the ship is itself a synapse creature, an the Synapse organ acts as the main FTL comm system for command and control with the Hive mind at large.

Page 41
The Sphincter is used to evacuate the fluids and detritus that have been exhausted of all
nutritional value and would otherwise accumulate in the hive ship. These waste materials are pumped or carried here overtime and finally released into space with explosive force.
The garbage dumping system.

Page 42
The Teleporter Nexus is thecontrolling hub of the teleporter system within the hive ship. Likethe smaller cysts spread throughout the ship, its orifices are extensions in realspace of the Teleporter Worm, a Tyranid bio-construct that has its body and most of its internal passages and organs within the warp.
The Nexus itself is a very sensitive organ – damaging it causes the Teleporter Worm to close off all its cysts as the shock sets in. The Worm pulls back its tentacles into the safety of the immaterium, leaving the cysts as decaying cancerous growths in the floor of the hive ship.
Teleporter system.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

I decided to finish off Space hulk stuff, so I'm posting the entire remainder of Advanced Space Crusade. AFter this.. I dunno. BFG but when I do I havent figured yet.

Page 43
Grabber-Slasher: one of these Tyranid assassin bio-constructs has been dispatched to murder a member of the recon squad.
An Early form of Lictor, perhaps?

Page 43
one member of the recon squad has been infected by the Tyranid Mind-Slaver parasite. As the parasite grows, it gradually takes over the victim's mind, eventually controlling him.
Mind control weapon.

PAge 43
Digester-Macrobes: there are many types of Tyranid bio-construct designed to consume different materials and break them down into usable nutrients. These creatures move around the Tyranid ship, rapidly slithering, crawling or flying when their acute senses pick up a trace ofthe material they must digest to survive.
Fuel processors, I suppose. Maybe repairbots.

Page 43
Foot-Spiker: One of the Tyranids' many bio-constructs is a creature that burrows down into the floor of the hive ship's passages, leaving only a thin snaking tendril on the surface. As soon as a model steps on the tendril, the hidden muscular body thrusts long, sharp, iron-hard spines up through the victim's feet and pumps toxins into them. A Space Marine's bio-engineered body is able to withstand these toxins,but the damage done by the spines slows down the victim.
Shipboard defence system.

Page 43
Pod: the recon squad find a chamber containing cocooned prisoners. They open the cocoons but the prisoners have been held too long — their dead bodies are covered with slimy feelers, bundles of thin pipes and tubes pushing into every orifice. As one of the cocoons is opened, itbursts and sprays the model with a disgusting bile-green ichor and the putrid remains of a decayed corpse.
Again, one wonders why they bother taking prisoners if they just wont do anything with them except hold em

Page 44
Warp Tunnel: this artifact was designed to allow long-distance travel by opening a tunnel through the warp. Unfortunately, it has decayed and malfunctions when it's activated, sucking anyone nearby to their deathin the heart of a warpstorm.
Siome sort of portable warp tunnel? Something like what Ulthwe has?

PAge 44
Phase Shifter: the artifact shifts the model slightly into the warp, allowing itmove through walls and other impassable squares. The model can be seen as a ghostly image but it can't shoot or attack in close combat, andit can't be shot or attacked by enemy models.
The phase shifter device

Page 44
Combi-Weapon: the artifact is a multi-barrelled missile launcher attachment that can be fixed onto the model's weapon and allows it tomake two attacks at a time.
Storm bolters are multi-weapons, but here we have a missile launcher on a bolter.

Page 44
Daemon Gate: the artifact is a Chaos device that enables cultists to summon Daemons to do their bidding. Unfortunately the activating model doesn't know the correct invocations and imprecations — when it activates the Daemon Gate, a dark whirling vortex opens beside the model and a huge taloned claw reaches out. It grasps the model and crushes him as it drags him back to expire amongst screaming Daemons in the realm of Chaos. The Daemon Gate collapses into a small pile of dust.
A specialized kind of warp gate, I suppose. One use.

Page 44
the Assassinator is an assassination device that hunts down a specified enemy and attacks it remorselessly until it's been slaughtered. The Assassinator is an obsidian globe about the size of aman's head, bristling with whirling blades, drills and small lasers.
Sounds a bit like a mix between a STar Wars OT droid, one of those things in Phantasm, and those assasin drones from Dune.

Page 45
Creatures captured by the Tyranids aren't always immediately consumed or processed by the Norn-Queen. They may be placed into temporary storage, wrapped by a Shroud-Spinner in a fine cocoon that soon hardens into a glistening, fibrous pod. These pods are often found during the exploration of ahive ship and their captives may be saved. Some have been kept paralysed for too long and have died. Others have become host to the offspring of a bio-construct and when the pod is opened there is only a writhing swarm of larvae. A few captives are found alive and can be revived, although their minds and bodies are often altered by their captivity.
I guess this explains one reason why they may be kept alive.. as living hosts for Tyranid young.

Page 45'
the Squat was part of a Brotherhood combat squad, captured while defending his Stronghold from Tyranid invasion; he wears flak armour and carries a lasgun.
Since this was 1st edition, there were squats still.

page 45
Space Marine: the Space Marine is from the Scythes of the Emperor chapter, captured by the Tyranids during the devastating surprise attackon the Scythes' homeworld that led to the near-annihilation of the entire chapter.
Apparently the Scythes did survive in some form. Whether they can rebuild is another story.

Page 45
Inquisitors are special agents of the Imperium – every Inquisitoris empowered to investigate any potential threat to humanity. There are no bounds to the Inquisitor's field of operation: alien plots, mutation,cultist activities, crime and corruption all come under his jurisdiction. The Inquisitor wears Terminator armour and is armed with a stormbolter.
Inquisitors. Even they can get Terminator armour (or an analogue.)

Page 47
The Chaos Dreadnought is an armoured fighting suit controlled by a pilot encased deep inside the heavily-protected chest section. Th eDreadnought's operator can control all the Dreadnought's functions, including moving its arms and legs and firing its powerful array ofweapons. Chaos Androids are robot fighting machines whose servo-mechanisms are actually possessed by a Chaos Daemon. The Daemon controls the Android body enabling it to move and fight as if it were aliving creature. The characteristics for these two models are given below.
Chaos robots and Androids. The Chaos android sounds like a daemonic wraithguard, actually, but it is interesting to have it re-confirmed that daemons can possess machinery.

Page 48
The boltgun or bolter is a short, compact weapon that fires a small missile called a bolt. The bolt is shot from the barrel under low velocity and then its own propellant ignites once the missile is clear of the barrel. The missile accelerates to tremendous velocity so that its adamantium tip will piercemost types of armour. Inside the missile is an explosive charge which detonates once the target has been pierced, blasting the enemy apart.
Bolter described. Implied a single bolt can blow a person apart.

Page 48
Bolt pistols are amongst the most powerful of all pistol weapons and are carried by the Space Marines as well as by many of the better-armed troops in the Imperium. Like the boltgun, the bolt pistol fires a small self-propelled missile.

The heavy boltgun or heavy bolter is a larger version of the standard bolter, firing a missile which contains a more powerful charge of propellant and explosive. The heavy bolters of Space Marine Scouts are specially-adapted to shoot hellfire shells as well as normal bolter shells.
bolt pistols and heavy bolters. Note HB's using different ammo, and having the ability to chamber hellfire rounds. (And that Scouts can be equipped with HBs as a special support weapon.)

Page 48
Hellfire shells are horrific weapons, well-suited to the Scouts' role as terror troops. They are made from a single hollow crystal filled with a mixture of caustic acids and deadly neuro-toxins. When a shell hits, it shatters with explosive force, throwing out slivers of crystal that cut through flesh, while itscontents simultaneously bum and poison its victims.
Frag and bio weapon.

PAge 48
The structure of a force sword is interwoven with a powerful psi-convector which concentrates and projects psychic energy.In the hands of a psyker such as a Librarian of the Space Marines, the weapon can be used to concentrate psychic energy into the form of a devastating blow.
As we know, force swords can augment their attacks with psychic power.

Page 49
Flamer weapons project a special chemical which ignites on contact with air producing a burst of super-hot flame. If the target is hit, the flamer chemical sticks to it and continues to burn, making it very difficult to extinguish. The heavy flamer is a large and comparatively weighty version carried by Terminator Space Marines. The hand flamer is the smallest type of flamer: a pistol designed to be held in one hand.
hand flamers still existed back then.

Page 49
The autocannon is an automatic self-loading cannon which fires a caseless shot of great penetrative power. It is ideally suited to attacking vehicles and fortifications at long ranges.
Autocannon, like all autoweapons in earlier fluff, fired caseless ammo. In some novels they still do (EG Ravenor).

Page 49
Plasma weapons utilise a blast of laser energy to ionise acharge of highly volatile gas. The result is a ball of searingplasma, super-energised matter which shoots out from the plasma gun and envelops its target. Solid matter hit by the plasma ball is vaporised, leaving a half-molten husk. Plasma is the material which surrounds the surface of the sun — hence the popular name of sun-gun.

There are two variants of the plasma gun: the shoulder-mounted plasma gun and the hand-held plasma pistol often favoured by close assault troops.
Plasma guns are clearly "area of effect" weapons and envelop the target. THey are stated to partially vaporize, partly melt targets. A Human sized target might be double/triple digit MJ, depending on how much melting/vaping is assumed to be done (far less than full vaporization though.. melting/cauterization seems more consistent. And don't forget earlier it noted plasma weapons cauterize.)

In earlier fluff they were also literally plasma weapons... laser heated plasma bolts.

Page 49
The plasma gun is an area effect weapon but it doesn't use the normal area rules for determining which models are affected.

The plasma gun is a single shot weapon because it takes time to energise the plasma — reloading the weapon represents powering up and super-heating the gas to a plasma.
Plasma guns are area effect weapons and probably can hurt multiple targets. On the other hand these are the "slow firing but safe" plasma guns too.

Page 50
Laser weapons fire a blast of laser light energy. A laser blast is as powerful as a shell or bullet. When the target is hit its outersurface vaporises explosively, causing further damage to the target. Although less powerful than bolt weapons, laser weapons are cheaper to make and can be recharged easily from solar batteries. As a result lasguns are very popular amongst the Imperial Guard. There are also pistol andshoulder-mounted versions of the lasgun: the laspistol and thepowerful lascannon.
Lasguns fire a bolt as powerufl as a shell or bullet of unknown type (Shotgun shell perhaps? Assault rifle or full caliber rifle bullet?) The damage mechanism is explosive vaporization of the surface , causing mechanical damage by the explosive blast of vaporized material. It apparently isnt a ""rapid series of pulse" type laser (The most efficient) as suggested by the "surface vaporization" bit.

Page 50
The conversion beam projector or beamer projects an energy field which converts matter to energy. The more dense and massive the target, the greater the effect. As soon as a target is caught in the energy beam, its molecular structure begins to energise and break apart. After a few seconds the field reaches a critical level and the target explodes. Because the energy of the beamer takes a short time to reach critical levels the weapon is more effective against stationary or very slow targets. Small targets are not affected so quickly and mobile targets can avoid the beam if they are agile enough.
Conversion beamer. One should note this might make a very interesting warhead if not a reactor.

Page 50
Power weapons are surrounded by an energy field which disrupts any solid matter it touches. The power glove is a heavy gauntlet which can be used to punch through walls and armour, and to tear apart solid objects. The power sword can cut clean through most materials including armour and flesh.
The chainsword has a powered chainsaw edge studded with mono-molecular teeth. It is capable of slicing through most solid material including armour and flesh. Lightning claws are long steel claws worn in pairs, one on each hand. The claws are sheathed in deadly energy, and can easily hook into and rip open armour or slice through exposed flesh.
All Space Marines carry a combat knife to use as a last resort in hand-to-hand combat. These knives have mono-molecular edges which can cut through many types of metal and sever flesh and bone.
The thunder hammer is like a long-handled hammer, but it is a highly-advanced and very deadly weapon. When the thunder hammer hits its target, it releases a powerful energy blast easily capable of shattering most objects and opponents. The thunder hammer is carried in conjunction with the stormshield by some Space Marine Terminators.

The storm shield is not just an ordinary shield; its surface issheathed within a power field of pure energy. This enables thestorm shield to deflect an enemy's blow before it reaches thewearer's armour.
Various close combat weapons and defenses: Of note: chainswords have monomolecular edges, as do the combat knives (which ar ealso a "last resort" weapon.) Thunder hammers are power weapons that release their energy in an explosive blast.

Page 51
Grenades are small hand-thrown projectiles that explode witha number of effects, including high explosive, armour-piercing, anti-personnel and smoke variants. All of these grenades are very small - little larger than a coin - but their destructive power is none the less considerable. This means that a trooper can carry enough grenades of various types tolast several battles. There are several different types of grenade, each with its own set of special rules. These rulesapply equally to missiles of the same type.
The old "coin sized" Space Marine grenades.

Page 51
Frag grenades explode with a powerful charge that spreads deadly fragments of shrapnel.


Blind grenades don't cause damage but release a burst ofsmoke and broad-spectrum electro-magnetic interference.


Melts-bombs are a special type of grenade, designed with a magnetic-adhesive surface that allows them to be fixed to their target. The shaped charge of the melta-bomb then explodes and channels all its energy against the target. They are designed for blowing holes through bulkheads and as demolition charges, but they can be used against living targets.
Various grenade types.

Page 51

A missile launcher is a long, tubular weapon which is usually carried on the shoulder so that it can be aimed and fired like a bazooka. It can fire several different kinds of large self-propelled missiles, including both high explosive and armour-penetrating types.
Missile launcher.

Page 52

The Deathspitter is an organic symbiote formed from three separate and quite different creatures. Deep inside the innards of the Deathspitter is an ammunition brood chamber where the living creatures which form the ammunition are nurtured. These tiny creatures have a hard chitinous shell and a fiery metabolism based upon what would be to other creatures a highly volatile and corrosive substance. Beside the ammunition brood chamber is the arming chamber, an oozing, spider-jawed creature which exists simply to prepare the ammunition creature, which it does by stripping away their chitinous exterior with a terrible grinding noise before dropping the fleshy morsel into the firing chamber itself.

The firing chamber creature reacts to the now explosively-volatile flesh of the ammunition creature with a powerful spasm which ejects the tiny morsel of living flesh out through the Deathspitter's nozzle. The tiny gobbet of flesh is still alive, but only just – it shrieks through the air (which is poisonous to it) until its body reaches the target. The corrosive flesh of the creature is spattered over the target. The force alone may be enough to slay an unarmoured target, but those that survive the initial hit may be poisoned by the vile thing, while armour is corroded away by the creature's powerful metabolic acids.
Deathspitters seem to b somewhere between a bolter and a grenade launcher in function. Or maybe a shotgun-like effect.

Page 52
When the Deathspitter's bio-projectile strikes a target, the tough organs burst and spray the area with caustic bile and mucus.
Deathspitters are area effect weapons, again like a grenade or shotgun.

PAge 53
The blade of a Bonesword is a massively-enlarged horn, sharply-serrated along both edges. The blades grow slowly but continually and areeven able to repair themselves over time. The hilt is the hard, chitinous exo-skeleton of the bio- construct. Within the hilt is the creature's small brain, incapable of independent thought but able to generate a powerful surge of psychic energy when stimulated by the wielder. This flows along the nerve tendrils embedded within the blade, causing a field effect rather like a psyker's force weapon.
Tyranid version of a power/force sword.

Page 53

The Fleshborer weapon is a compact brood nest in which borer beetles lay eggs, hatch and mature, fed by nutrients exuded by the weapon itself. Mature beetles have long legs like coiled springs, but they do not move other than to shuffle their way through the magazine chambers of the weapon, until they lie in the firing chamber. When the weapon is fired, amassive electro-chemical shock surges through the beetle goading it into frenzied activity. Its spring-coil legs instantly unfurl, propelling it from the weapon with tremendous speed. Angered and tormented by the charge, the creature's circular whirring jaws begin to spin furiously.
As the borer beetle strikes, its long spring-coil legs lash round and fasten to the target whilst the jaws work feverishly boring through armour and flesh. So great is the stimulus to the borer beetle that it expends all of its remaining life energy in acouple of seconds. Armour does not stop the flesh borer, but in most situations the beetle with have insufficient energy to completely penetrate, leaving its corpse stuck half-buried inthe armour plate. Should it penetrate the armour, however, the beetle will quickly work through the creature inside, burrowing a hole through flesh and bone more rapidly than a mechanical drill, ripping and shredding the creature's internal organs.
Projectile weapon I suppose, with some sort of "shredder" round in practice.

Page 55
Space Marines wear power armour which completely covers their bodies in a protective shell made up from resilient plates.This armour contains servo motors which enable the suit tomove as the Space Marine inside moves his own limbs, so the wearer can move about quite quickly despite the bulk and weight. Although all Space Marines other than Scouts and Terminators wear this armour, there are three different kinds of Space Marine squad. These differences reflect the weapon sthe Space Marines are armed with and the differing tactical roles they are expected to perform.
Space Marine armour.

Page 55
Terminator Space Marines are only sent in where they aremost needed, because every chapter has only a few of these elite troops and they are far too precious to waste. Because their armour is considerably bulkier than that of other Space Marine's, Terminators can only move relatively slowly, which makes it all the more important that they are committed in the right place at the right time.

Page 55
Terminator armour is very bulky and prevents a Terminator from throwing a grenade in the usual fashion. However,Terminator armour has a built-in harness from which the Space Marine can fire grenades.
Terminator grenade launcher. One of the built in weapons mechanisms.

Page 56
The Imperial Guard is the Army of the Imperium consisting of millions upon millions of troops scattered across a thousand war zones throughout the galaxy. The Imperial Guard defends many of the space fortresses and colony worlds in the part ofthe galaxy taken over by the Tyranids. Although no-one really knows what is happening in the Tyranid-controlled zone it is certain that the Imperial Guard will be resisting the enemy tothe last. More troops are being transported into threatened areas, but it will take many months, even years, for the giant transporter ships to reach outlying areas.
"months, even years" for IG transports to reach the outlying areas infested with the Tyranids. If we assume they are being brought from across the segmentum (say thousands of LY) this is going to be FTL speed of thousands to tens ouf thousands of c.

Page 56
Guardsmen are not as well armed or equipped as Space Marines but they have a far larger amount of support machinery, such as tanks, aircraft, and armoured carriers. This is why the Imperial Guard is so much less mobile than the Space Marines, and why they are so difficult to move from one battle zone to another.
The IG have "aircraft" in early fluff. Of course that early on they had Land Raiders and Land Speeders too. The size and number of their vehicles (and their troops) is supposedly what makes them so unwieldy, too.

Page 56
Squats are the descendants of human settlers from the worlds which lie at the core of the galaxy, known as the Home Worlds to the Squats but in fact lying between 30 and 40 thousand light years from Earth. Although their distant forebears were normal humans, the extreme gravitational and meteorological conditions on their planets has changed them physically and mentally, creating a race of short, broad-set, and ver yindependently-minded creatures.

Squats are very proud of their unique culture and traditions,and always remain slightly aloof from ordinary humans who they regard as rather soft. During their early history theirworlds were isolated and the Squats were forced to develop their own technology. As a result they are very adept with machinery of all kinds. The Squat Home Worlds are not part of the Imperium but are allies of the Emperor, providing troops for the Imperial Guard in return for the protection of the Imperium. As a result, Squats can be found all over the Imperium, fighting as members of the Imperial Guard or conducting their own business as private merchants, shipowners, mechanical experts and so on.
Squat territory is 30-40,000 LY from Earth. Squats are an "allied" faction much as the AdMech or Space Marines, but tithe troopers to the Guard (or provide equipment and technical expertise, serving a role like an industiral or forge world as well.) I think its interesting they regard humans as "soft". It's also interestng that they can be found throughoug the galaxy in military, commercial, and other duties. Having them that widespread makes it rather hard to eat them all :)

This says something about the Astronomican's range as well.. we know the Squats are around the center of the galaxy, but the edge of Ultima segmentum stretches well beyond Squat space (they were still quite a bit distant from the 'Nids for example on the eastern fringe).. largely a supporting bit for the AStronomican range, but interesting nonetheless. Squat territory is also "within" range of the Astronomican, so they could in theory (if they could gain Navigators or some close equivalent) possibly use the signal to move their ships by.

Page 56
The galaxy is inhabited by many strange creatures other than humans. The Eldar look very much like tall, elegant humans, but they are a far older race from a long-since-destroyed world. They live in huge spacecraft called craftworlds which are the size of small planets, but they have many colonies on real worlds too. Unlike the Imperium, which is a single empire ruled from Earth, every Eldar Craftworld is independent and controls its own small domain consisting of several colony planets. The Eldar sometimes fight against the Imperium,especially if the Imperium has taken over a world which they claim as their own, but they also fight against Orks and other aliens.

Ever since the destruction of their homeworlds the Eldar have gradually declined in numbers, so that the remnants of their race represents only a small fraction of their ancient strength. Despite this they are very powerful, much of their technology is far more advanced than that of humans, and the craftworlds contain many ancient weapons and other artifacts which even the Eldar have now forgotten how to make. It is not known if any craftworlds have been destroyed by the advancingTyranid hive fleet, but at least some Eldar colony worlds have been consumed by the Tyranids and it can only be a matter oftime before a the hive fleet confronts a craftworld.
Eldar : suppsoedly originate from a single planet (not anymore) but then it says "homeworlds" - given the independent nature of craftworlds, it may be meaning each craftworld originated from a single world. Craftworlds are the size of small planets, and each Craftworld has several colonies of its own.

The bit about ancient weapons and artifacts is interesting, too. But unspecific.

If there was one craftworld per planet, then we can argue (on the basis of the EoT) there ought to have been at one point many thousands of Craftworlds.. perhaps tens of thousands. Many of these arguably were lost in the Fall, but hundreds, perhaps thousands, could plausibly exist.

Page 56
The Ogryns are a race of large, burly humanoids who are loyalto the Emperor and the Imperium. In fact they are amongst the most loyal of all the Emperor's people, and are only too happy to perform the tasks asked of them, becoming tearfully sorry if they should fail in even the slightest degree. Unfortunately they are not too bright, but they are just about capable of fighting in the Imperial Guard, especially if they are subjected to a minor brain enhancing operation to increase their intelligence slightly. Once an Ogryn befriends a human his loyalty and dedication is absolute and he will defend his smallcomrade with his life
Ogryn. The interesting thing is the BONE'EAD process is not specifically limited to Ogryn Sergeants, it in fact implies any Ogryn might benefit from it.

Page 57
Within some of the spacecraft of the Tyranid hive fleet are huge chambers many hundreds of metres high. Within each chamber is a creature so vast that its great, pulsing bulk almost fills the immense structure. This is a Norn-Queen, also known as a Splicer-Beast, a creature whose function is to make other creatures. Every living creature in the Tyranid hive fleet owes its ultimate origins to the Norn-Queen,including the Tyranids themselves. Long ago the Tyranids gave up whatever primitive form of reproduction afflicted their kind, and adopted genetic cloning as their sole form ofreproduction. A Norn-Queen is a huge biological machine, a factory whose only concern is to produce other creatures.
Norn Queens are baiscally just cloning facilities. The "chambers hundreds of metres high" give sa lower limit on the height of 'Nid starships.

PAge 57
All the weird creatures that live in the hive fleet, including the Tyranids themselves, are created by means of the Norn-Queens. Genetic material in the form of captive creatures and corpse scavengers called Coffin-Crawlers is fed into the great maws located at the top of the Norn-Queen and synthesised by its genetic shredder organs. The dissembled DNA structures form a gene-bank which provides the raw material from which new creatures called bio-constructs are created.Once a type of bio-construct has been designed more identical
creatures can be cloned by the Norn-Queens.

Norn Queen cloning process. note that they salvage and re-use corpses too... which we know even up to recent editions (hell they can salvage ash as usuable material - eg Pyrovores, so why not corpses?)

Page 57
The many kinds of bio-construct emerge in different ways from different parts of the huge Splicer Beasts. Clusters of eggs spill from rows of ovipository orifices along its flanks, fluid filled depressions on its upper surface writhe with maggot-like larvae, foetal sacs hang like ripe fruit from umbilical branches, and huge larval Teleporter Worms burst from incubator pouches on the Norn-Queen's sides. Simpler bio-constructs may emerge already in their adult form to be gathered and directed by the horde of creatures which feed and serve the Norn-Queen. Most bio-constructs are born as tiny wriggling larvae or may begin life as eggs which must be nurtured further before they hatch and develop into adults.

The ships of the hive fleets swarm with thousands of different kinds of bio-constructed creatures. For example, tiny multi-armed creatures roam the innards sucking up detritus and processing it into a sickly nutrient which they store in their swollen bodies and then feed to other creatures. Coffin-Crawlers consume fresh corpses and grow in bulk until they are ready to return to the Norn-Queen, carrying their swollen bodies back to feed the Norn-Queen itself. Another kind of bio-construct is the globe-like creature which hangs from the upper surfaces of the ship's tunnels; these creatures synthesise a luminous chemical inside their own bodies proving a dim green light for others to see by.
These are just a few bio-constructs but there are many others which maintain the ship in good working order, provide food and guard vulnerable areas. The ship's various controls and facilities are themselves bio-constructs, although they are immobile and function much like biological versions of teleporters, air recycling systems and communications networks
Small bio-constructs tend not to be very bright. They go about their genetically-determined tasks with a satisfyingly single-minded persistence, largely untroubled by the higher purposes of the hive mind. Far more dangerous to intruders are the larger bio-constructed races such as the Genestealers, Zoats and Grabber Slashers. There are many others too, some of which are relatively rare whilst others are very common. Nomatter how large or how intelligent they are, all bio-constructs form part of the hive mind and are an integral part of the hivefleet and Tyranid society.
Lengthy discussion of the genesis of Tyranid forms onboard.

Page 58
The Genestealer is one of the most deadly of all the Tyranid bio-construct creatures. It is very likely that the Genestealer was created from the genetic structure of the Tyranids themselves, or if not then a very closely related species. Like Tyranids, Genestealers have six limbs, including ferocious, taloned mid-limbs which are used to tear enemies apart inhand-to-hand fighting. Genestealers are the shock and infiltration troops of the Tyranids. They are fast and deadly but they can also hide in alien societies for years, interbreeding with the native creatures and producing generations of Hybrid Genestealer creatures ready to join a full-scale invasion.
Although it seems unlikely that a creature so terrifying as a Genestealer could hide in human society, they achieve this by implanting their genetic structure inside unsuspecting humans. This genetic material is passed down to the offspring of the infected humans, creating a generation which includes monstrous Genestealer Hybrids as well as seemingly normal children. The Hybrids are genetic time bombs whose own descendants will eventually become fully-developed Purestrain Genestealers. The effect is quite horrifying –suddenly for no apparent reason monstrous Genestealers star tto appear all over the world, destroying and enslaving humansin preparation for the arrival of the Tyranid hive fleet. Mature Genestealers, called Patriarchs act as psychic beacons which attract the Tyranid hive fleets, signalling that their world is ready for invasion. Genestealers are also ideal warrior-guardians, so the spacecraft of the hive fleet contain many ofthese creatures to defend against infiltrators and invaders.
Genestealer fluff, much of which is already known and repeted elsewhere. It is interesting to see the speculation that Genestealers may have some genetic legacy from the 'nids themselves, but again this probably isn't surprising.

PAge 58
Zoats are probably a very ancient strain of bio-construct because they share the same six-limbed structure as Tyranidsand Genestealers. It is quite likely that this sextrupedal form is derived from the native creatures of the lost Tyranid homeworld in whatever remote galaxy they originally came from. Zoats are robust creatures with thick powerful limbs.Only their upper arms are used to hold or carry things; the lower two pairs are used for movement and have horny toes rather like a rhino.

Zoats have been specially developed so that they can communicate with alien creatures. Their minds are capable of tremendous leaps of logic and they are able to master new languages with astonishing speed. This enables Zoats to act asambassadors to races taken over by the Tyranids and it also enables the Tyranids to find out about the races they have conquered. No matter how strange or mentally incompatible a race might be, the Zoats can learn how they think and act, and thereby access their true value to the Tyranids. Zoats are also tremendously strong and have thick horny skins. When they unleash their warrior skills they can destroy many times their own number of humans or other races, a feat which may serve to impress upon the defeated creatures just how superior theTyranids are.
Zoats, the forgotten race. They are thinker/diplomats, with a bit of warrior thrown in. At this point they apparently were more conventional in their conquests (which is in some ways more horrifying considering what happens in the end and how logical the Zoats and 'Nids as a race are.) than the later Tyranoforming (which seems more bestial)

Page 58
Of all the Tyranid bio-constructs, the Hunter-Slayer most closely resembles the Tyranid Warriors. The most apparent different is only size, for the Hunter-Slayers are much smaller than a Tyranid at only two metres tall. Hunter-Slayers are incredibly fast and ferocious creatures so that although they don't have the strength or resilience of a Tyranid they're farmore mobile.
Hunter-Slayers move quickly through the small arterial tubeways in the hive ships, exploiting their size and speed by wriggling through narrow ventricles and soft constricted passages. Their role is to protect the hive ships from intruders,moving swiftly from one part of the craft to another in search of their foes. When enemies are discovered, whole swarms of Hunter-Slayers burst from the narrow orifices and vents in the tunnel walls, dropping on their foes from above and wreaking havoc with their sharp talons and deadly bio-weapons.
Given the similarity between Hunter-Slayers and Tyranids, it is likely that the Hunter-Slayers are a very ancient kind of bio-construct developed from Tyranids genes, possibly as a sort offast attack warrior.
Some sort of precursor to lictors or hormagaunts?

Page 59

The Grabber-Slasher is a destructive warrior assassin which has certain biological traits in common with Orks, including blood containing symbiotic algae which enables the creature to digest its prey. Indeed, it is possible that the Grabber-Slasher has been created from Ork captives, in which case it heralds the birth of new bio-constructs based upon creatures from the human galaxy. The algae in the Grabber-Slasher's bloodstream synthesises the genetic material of its victims which is then absorbed into the Grabber-Slasher's body enabling it to gradually mutate its own form. However, the Grabber-Slasher can always revert to its basic Grabber-Slasher shape, although the change may take a day or so to complete.
Its powerful body is very muscular and it can propel itsel falong by its tail. A single flick of its tail sends it bounding through the air towards its chosen target. The target is then grabbed by the clawed hand-like organ on top, andimmediately disemboweled by means of the razor-sharp protrusion underneath. Grabber-Slashers are very single-minded creatures: if instructed to assassinate a particular individual they will stop at nothing until the target is dead,ignoring all other threats to themselves entirely.
A precursor to a Lictor more appropriately than the Hunter Slayers perhaps? It is interesting that they seem to be ork-derived (using ork DNA especially) and that they can apparently change shape to some degree.

Page 59
The Tyranids have come to the human galaxy in search of fresh genetic material to feed their Norn-Queens and revitalise the hive fleet after its long journey through space. However,not all captives are fed to the Nom-Queen; some are useful simply as food for the Tyranid bio-constructs. And some are sacrificed to the breeding programs of other creatures; it is their grisly fate to become hosts for immature grubs or thelarvae of a bio-construct.
If the Tyranids want to store a captive so that he can be eaten, genetically shredded or used as a breeder host at a later date, then a special bio-construct called a Shroud-Spinnerweaves an anaethetising cocoon round the victim to keep him alive and fresh. This is the reason why troops assaulting a Tyranid ship sometimes find whole chambers of these cocooned victims.
One particular creature which feeds upon a captive during itslarval stage is the parasitic Mind-Slaver. The mature Mind-Slaver is a crab-like bio-device which is used by the Tyranids to gain temporary control over another bio-machine which has malfunctioned or been damaged. As such, the Mind-Slaver takes over the individual mind of the bio-machine and allows the hive mind to control its mechanical functions.
The larval form of the creature is about the size of a pea or small pebble. When the egg laid by the Norn-Queen hatches,the creature is introduced to a living captive. It burrows into the captive's skull and searches out the brain stem. Here itclasps in place with its legs and attaches itself to the base ofthe medulla.
At first the immature creature is not powerful enough to influence its host but, as it feeds from the host's bloodstream, it becomes stronger, allowing the hive mind to seep into the host's brain and eventually take over and direct all ofthe creatures higher brain functions. These victims are known as mind slaves. Although they're captives, their actions and thoughts are completely controlled by the Tyranid hive mind.
Eventually the Mind-Slaver outgrows and destroys its host but, until it does so, the mind slave moves about the ship and performs tasks under the direction of the hive mind.
If the ship is attacked, the mind slaves will be amongst the first to move to its defence, especially if they belong to an armed warrior race whose fighting skills may be usefully employed by the Tyranids. As the Space Marines move through the spacecraft they may meet mind slaves controlled by the Tyranid hive mind and will recognise many of the creatures of the Warhammer 40,000 galaxy including Chaos Space Marines, Imperial Guard, Orks and Eldar.

The ultimate fate of a mind slave is to be sacrificed to the next part of the life cycle of a mind slaver. When it is quite large and almost fills the cranial cavity of its host, the Mind-Slaver exudes a chemical which encysts the host, dissolves him from the inside and turns his body into nutritious soup. The Mind-Slaver feeds off this soup and grows into its adult form
We learn the point of captives and more detail about the Mind Slavers.

Page 60
Humans share the galaxy with many alien creatures, some of which are peaceful and cooperative but most of which are implacable enemies who would like to see the Imperium destroyed and humanity robbed of its power. The Orks are amongst the most powerful of these enemies. Orks are large, green-skinned humanoid creatures with powerful limbs and heavy-jawed heads. Although they might look a little brutal and stupid, in fact they are highly evolved and a very successful race.
All Orks are fighters and the whole race is dedicated to war and fighting. In fact Orks enjoy fighting a great deal; they have an easy-going attitude about warfare and death, and would far rather die fighting than miss a good scrap. Unlike the Imperium, the Ork-controlled parts of the galaxy are not very organised or coordinated. There are countless different tribes of Orks, and they all fight amongst each other as well as against humans and other alien races.

Many Ork-controlled worlds have already been taken over by the advancing Tyranid hive fleet. Of course, the Orks have fought back, destroying many Tyranids and Tyranid ships thanks to their reckless bravery. Some Orks are still at large amongst the Tyranid ships, hunting the tube-like corridors and organic chambers for Tyranids and their bio-construct creatures. Others have become mind slaves of the Tyranids.
The Orks have met the 'nids, so we get some Ork fluff here.

Page 60
Gretchin are the small servant race of the Orks. They look very much like Orks except that they are shorter and thinner and much less strong — they're probably a bit smarter too! Wherever Orks go, there will also be Gretchin accompanying their Ork Bosses into battle, proudly cheering on their own particular Boss and leaping forward valiantly to defend him if the fighting gets particularly fierce.
We end with some Gretchin flugg.
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by andrewgpaul »

Connor MacLeod wrote:Page 58
Of all the Tyranid bio-constructs, the Hunter-Slayer most closely resembles the Tyranid Warriors. The most apparent different is only size, for the Hunter-Slayers are much smaller than a Tyranid at only two metres tall. Hunter-Slayers are incredibly fast and ferocious creatures so that although they don't have the strength or resilience of a Tyranid they're farmore mobile.
Hunter-Slayers move quickly through the small arterial tubeways in the hive ships, exploiting their size and speed by wriggling through narrow ventricles and soft constricted passages. Their role is to protect the hive ships from intruders,moving swiftly from one part of the craft to another in search of their foes. When enemies are discovered, whole swarms of Hunter-Slayers burst from the narrow orifices and vents in the tunnel walls, dropping on their foes from above and wreaking havoc with their sharp talons and deadly bio-weapons.
Given the similarity between Hunter-Slayers and Tyranids, it is likely that the Hunter-Slayers are a very ancient kind of bio-construct developed from Tyranids genes, possibly as a sort offast attack warrior.
Some sort of precursor to lictors or hormagaunts?
Termagants. I think, although I can't confirm at the moment, that there's some late 1st edition or early 2nd edition material which explicitly states that Hunter-Slayer = Termagant and Screamer-Killer = Carnifex (IIRC, the Latin-ish names are official Imperial designations, while the double-barrelled names are what the troops on the ground call them). If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say it's in WD 145 (the 1st edition Tyranid army list) or the 2nd edition box set.

If this is from the Advanced Space Crusade rulebook, this was written before they had a miniature made for the Hunter-Slayer/Termagant. The current Termagant may not look all that similar to a Tyranid Warrior in anything other than overall bodyplan, but way back when 40K first came out, the Tyranid Warrior miniature was basically like a Hunter-Slayer but twice the size. Presumably someone didn't get the memo that the Tyranid Warrior had been redesigned in the meantime. :)
"So you want to live on a planet?"
"No. I think I'd find it a bit small and wierd."
"Aren't they dangerous? Don't they get hit by stuff?"
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

I'm delaying BFG again to cover Space Fleet (yet again) in more detail.

Links to the mateiral again:

http://members.fortunecity.com/pangolin ... efleet.htm

http://www.gamehobby.net/subject_indexe ... fleet.html

Some of the stuff seems to be culled from other sources rather than space fleet. I'm guessing its all White Dwarf stuff so, I'm oging to include it, along with the other sorts. since its all quasi canon anyhow, its not like I'm tainting the source any further anyways.

Why am I covering this? I'll re-elaborate my reasons briefly:

1.) Canon policies change. In 40Ks case there doesnt really seem to be an official canon policy anyone can point to, and I've heard varying stories over the years. simply taking it all in (within reason and with a grain of salt wher the earlier stuff is concerned) simply covers all the bases. In the case of 5th edition and the RPGS (Eg the latest rogue Trader one) we've seen a resurgence of much older material, including bits of space fleet. To me, that says that even the old stuff is considered wortwhile. So, you include it "just in case", and if something is thrown out, well.. no loss except time.

2.) Precision is a rarity in sci fi analysis. Most of the time you can only hope for order of magnitude estimtaes, or more often a range of values (upper/lower limits.) Even more problematic, you can have conflicts of viewpoint between authors, sources, editions, etc. which bring widely divergent figures into play (EG Titans.) Thus it is important to have as much data as possible from which to draw the biggest and hopefully most consistent sample from, even if it is a broad sample. Ultimately its not so much single sources that matter in a large scale analysis, its the aggregate of individual sources that form the larger overall picture that matter.

There could be other reasons, but that works pretty well I think. Plus my analysis has changed and evolved in the past few years, and some sources have deserved revisiting.
The galaxy is a vast spiral, ninety thousand light years across and fifteen thousand light years thick, containing four hundred billion stars. Only a fraction of the stars have habitable planetary systems, and only a tiny fraction of these have been investigated by humanity or any other spacefaring race.

The initial human colonisation of the galaxy lies in the distant past, separated from the present by twenty thousand years of regression and rebuilding. Human worlds are scattered throughout the galaxy but their distribution is not even. The greatest density of human worlds is in the galactic west, close to Earth. In the galactic east, in the area known as the Eastern Fringe, human worlds are few and often far apart.

Many human worlds benefit from mutual contact and a comparable level of technology. Others have become primitive and barbarous, often as a result of periods of isolation. New human worlds are being discovered all the time, and there remains an unknown number which have been isolated and forgotten for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
State of the Galaxy. Salient points are 90,000 LY across (modern interpretations seem to go for a larger galaxy of 120,000 LY or so IIRC), 400 bililon stars (although this has gone down to 200 billion). And of course worlds are highly diverse, some are high tech, some are primitve, etc.

The other interesting part is that the "galactic west" is considered more densely populated than the east/eastern fringe (despite being larger.)
Stellar empires cannot really be reckoned in terms of the spatial areas they occupy, but only in terms of the star systems under their control. The Imperium is the largest such empire in the galaxy. The million or more worlds that lie under its dominion are spread throughout the entire galaxy with the exception of the Eastern Fringe. It extends to the limits of the Astronomican, the beacon which its fleets rely on for navigation. Of course the Imperium does not control all of the star systems within this vast area, nor even the majority of the inhabited systems within its borders. The galaxy also contains many alien races ruling smaller empires of their own.
"milion or more worlds" in the Imperium, and the borders of the Imperium are defined by the Astronomican.
The Eastern Fringe lies beyond the Astronomican and so beyond the easy reach of Imperial forces. It is known to contain human planets settled in ancient times as well as many alien worlds. Some of these planets have populations which are feral or barbarous but many shelter highly advanced cultures. Most worlds are self-governing or belong to small independent human or alien empires. Agents of the Imperium are continually exploring the Eastern Fringe, spying out dangers, recruiting allies, and fighting wars beyond the borders of the Imperium itself.
Eastern fringe beyond Astronomican, but still messed around iwth by the Imperium (likely Rogue Traders mainly)
Most of the stars in the galaxy remain unexplored. Whole areas of the galaxy are embroiled within warpstorms and are therefore inaccessible from other areas. Other stars are simply remote and await mapping and codification by the Imperial exploration teams. These largely unknown zones are known as wilderness space or wilderness zones. As warpstorms abate, old wilderness areas are explored, uncovering ancient human settlements as well as alien races and empires. Wilderness zones are spread throughout the galaxy.
Wilderness space defined.
Humanity is but one of many races in the galaxy. However, none are so widely distributed or so numerous as humans. Most occupy only a single world or a small group of worlds. The majority of aliens are comparatively primitive, peaceful or powerless, and of little interest to humanity. Only a few alien races are powerful, aggressive and possess technology which rivals that of the Imperium. Of these, the most common are the Orks, Eldar and Tyranids.

The Orks are the degenerate descendants of a once- sophisticated spacefaring race. They are brutal and warlike, but retain some of the technological knowledge invented by their forebears. Orks are naturally anarchic and aggressive, fighting constantly amongst themselves as well as against other races. Ork worlds are spread throughout the galaxy in a similar way to those of humans, testifying to a past age of superior technical knowledge.

Ork Warlords represent a consistent and dangerous threat to humanity. Individually they control only a few ships, but there are so many of these petty tyrants that the Imperium is in constant danger from their raids. Their craft are crudely designed and constructed, but effective for all that and easily a match for Imperial ships of similar size.
The other races in the galaxy described, especially the Orks.
The Eldar are an ancient race that live on giant spacecraft called Craftworlds. These Craftworlds drift through space at sub-light speeds. The Eldar travel through space by means of an intricate system of warpgates and tunnels, closed routes through warpspace leading from a Craftworld to either a point in space or a planet. Some gates are quite small and allow an Eldar to literally walk from his Craftworld to another part of the galaxy. Other gates are large, and every Craftworld has at least one warpgate that is large enough to enable spacecraft to enter. It is by this means that Eldar ships travel between the stars - they have no warp drives in the human sense.
Eldar craftworlds here are said to be sublight and the webway. It's curious that they say they have "no warp drives in the human sense" as that implies they do have warp capability in some fashion (And w eknow they have it)

The Tyranid hive mind is an alien entity, a great creature that is formed from countless billions of creatures, a mind that is many linked minds. The Tyranids have travelled to the Imperium in a hive fleet from an unimaginably distant galaxy. The hive fleet is a great dark swarm of many millions of individual spacecraft, each a gigantic living thing, a creature fashioned from organic tissue by means of sophisticated genetic manipulation of which the Tyranids are masters.
"millions" of ships for 'Nid fleets seem to be a standard assessment.
Now the Imperium prepares for war. The weaponshops of Mars turn out ever-more potent machineries of death, new spaceships sail from the shipyards of Necromunda, Space Marine chapters muster their fleets and begin the long battle to counter the hive fleet, the vast resources of the Imperial Guard gradually swing into action as millions of men prepare to embark on a war for humanity's very survival.
Necromunda has shipyards, "millions" of guardsmen deployed against hte 'Nids.
The Imperial Commander holds his planet on behalf of the Emperor. In return for his oath of loyalty and regular planetary tithes, he controls the planet as if it were his own. The Imperial Commander is free to administrate and defend his planet as he sees fit. Most worlds maintain fleets of interplanetary spacecraft - ships built to operate within their home system and lacking the warp engines needed for travel between stars.
Imperial commanders. Its safe to say that
Interplanetary ships are common on all technically advanced worlds. Even on medieval and feral worlds the planet's governor and his associated staff and warriors would have access to such spacecraft - the general population would remain either ignorant of or completely in awe of spacecraft and technology.

Interplanetary shipping is administered by the Imperial Commander of each system. Some Imperial Commanders keep a tight leash on all space travel, others are far more lax and allow independent bodies to organise and maintain spacefleets to serve the system. Similarly, while some Imperial Commanders police their systems very thoroughly, others find it impossible or impractical to enforce controls on independent operatives. Some Imperial Commanders undoubtedly collude with anarchic and piratical organisations, trading off the control of planets or asteroids, mining or transport rights, or even defence and policing concessions, in return for personal profit. These Imperial Commanders may maintain that this is the only way they can control their worlds.
spacecraft and space travel is not unusual per se, its just travel beyond the system which may be unusual. Within the confines of a system the Commander dictates the space travel (and some are more liberal, some less.)
Each planet is responsible for its own defence. Imperial Commanders are obliged to build ground-based defences, spaceports, and what defence fleets that can. The number of weapons and ships in any individual system will vary, depending on the enthusiasm of its governor as much as the possible danger. In addition to ships under the control of the Imperial Commander, planets lying in vulnerable positions or having a history of trouble may also have an Imperial Fleet base. Although Fleet ships are independent of those of the Imperial Commander, both would be ready to meet an emergency. Fleet ships may also be stationed in one system so that thcy can patrol a number of nearby star systems.
system based defences available. In special cases the Imperial Navy may establish a base to guard an important (or especially troubled locale) or as a nexus for covering several nearby systems. It is implied that Navy personnel may run both interstellar and sub-stellar ships.
Interstellar spaceships are equipped with warp drives enabling them to travel between the stars. A few of these craft are owned by Imperial Commanders, Navigator families or other independent organisations or individuals. The vast majority belong to and are controlled by the Administratum, the administrative branch of the Adeptus Terra. All legally operating human ships, whether owned by the Imperium or not, are registered and policed by the Administratum.
Definition of interstellar craft. Some Imperial Commanders have their own, as do the Navigators and other Imperial organizations. all such craft are registered (but does not include illegally operated such ships.)
An understanding of interstellar travel requires some knowledge of the warp. The material universe is just one aspect of reality. There is a quite separate and co-existing immaterial universe. This is commonly known as the warp or warpspace, also known as Chaos, the otherworld, the ether, the empyrean, the void and the immaterium. The study and exploitation of the warp is the aim of warp technology, the most important achievement of which is warp travel.

Warpspace may be explained in terms of an endlessly broad and infinitely deep sea of raw energy. This energy carries within it the random thoughts, unfettered emotions, memory fragments and unshakeable beliefs of those who live in the material universe. In this sense it is the collective mind of the universe itself. It would be overly simple to claim that this is all there is to the warp, but the image is a useful mental tool which helps us to understand it.
Warp description.

A spacecraft drops into the warp by activating its warp engines. As a ship leaves the material universe it enters a corresponding point in warpspace. The ship is then carried along by the tides and currents of the warp.

After travelling in this fashion for an appropriate time, the ship uses its warp engines to drop back into real space. Because the material universe and the warp move relative to each other, the ship reappears in a new position several light years from its starting point. This process is called a jump or hop and the process of entering or leaving warpspace is known as a drop or shift.

Journeys are undertaken in short jumps of up to 4 or 5 light years. Longer jumps are unpredictable and dangerous. The tides of warpspace move in complex and inconsistent patterns and ships attempting longer hops often end up wildly off course.

Were this limitation to apply to all warp travel then humanity would not have spread throughout the galaxy as it has. It is possible to make long jumps of many light years by steering a ship within the warp itself - sensing, responding to and exploiting its currents and thereby directing the craft towards a corresponding point in the material universe.
Propulsion and navigating in the warp. The prime requisite (and thus means by which Navigators are so valuable) is largely a predictive one (not neccesarily precognition, but that doubtless plays a significant role.)
Some people are sensitive to the movements of warpspace. They can, for example, sometimes tell that a spacecraft is approaching even before it drops back into the material universe. This human sensitivity to the warp is not generally well developed. However, in a minority of people this sensitivity is far more finely tuned. These people are known as psykers and they are able to consciously control and use the energy of the warp to affect the material universe. Navigators are powerful psykers of a specialised kind who can use their powers to steer spacecraft in the warp.
The warp and psykers. IT seems that there are more people who can sense it than who can sense and use it.
The Astronomican is a psychic homing signal centred upon the Earth. It is powered by the continuous mental concentration of thousands of psykers. The Astronomican cannot be detected in the real universe but only in the warp. It is by means of this signal that Navigators can steer their spaceships over long distances.

The Astronomican's signal is strongest close to Earth and gets increasingly weaker further away. It extends over a spherical area with a diameter of about 50 thousand light years. Because the Earth is situated in the galactic west, the Astronomican does not cover the extreme eastern part of the galaxy. Nor is the extent or strength of the signal constant - it can sometimes be blocked by localised activity within the warp itself. Such activity may be compared to the hurricanes or storms of a terrestrial weather system and is known as a warpstorm. Warpstorms may be so bad, and so long-lasting, that entire star systems are isolated for hundreds of years at a lime.

A warpstorm not only obscures the signal of the Astronomican, it is also dangerous for spacecraft travelling nearby. No spacecraft can venture within a warpstorm and expect to survive, although there are tales of miraculous escapes and of ships being thrown tens of thousands of light years off course. Warpstorms are not the only dangers within the warp. There are sentient energies and other immaterial life-forms that inhabit it: creatures formed from (and part of) the shifting stuff of the warp. Few are friendly and many are hostile. They are known to mankind as Daemons.
The AStronomican. Here it says thta it has a diameter of 50,000 LY but this is almost certainly overridden, given there are shisp that navigate 50,000, 60,000 or 70,000 LY by the AStronomican. Like any signal, it is stronger the closer to the source one gets. This is naturally going to have an influence on warp speed.
The time differences between real space and warpspace are quite drastic. Not only does time pass at different rates in both kinds of space, but it also passes at very variable rates. Until a ship finishes its jump, it is impossible for a ship's crew to know exactly how long their journey has taken. Time passing in real space is referred to as real time. Time passing on board a spacecraft is referred to as warp time. The relationship between real time and warp time is shown on the chart below.
The time dilation resulting from warp travel.

1 LY

Min warp time: 2 mins

Max warp time: 6 mins

Min Realspace time: 43 mins

Max Realspace time: 4.5 hrs

5 LY

Min warp time: 7 mins

Max warp time: 30 mins

Min Realspace time: 3.5 hrs

Max Realspace time: 1 day

10 LY

Min warp time: 14 mins

Max warp time: 1 hr

Min Realspace time: 7 hrs

Max Realspace time: 2 days

50 LY

Min warp time: 1.25 hrs

Max warp time: 4.75 hrs

Min Realspace time: 1.5 days

Max Realspace time: 9 days

100 LY

Min warp time: 2.5 hrs

Max warp time: 9.5 hrs

Min Realspace time: 3 days

Max Realspace time: 3 weeks

500 LY

Min warp time: 12 hrs

Max warp time: 2 days

Min Realspace time: 2 weeks

Max Realspace time: 3 months

1000 LY

Min warp time: 1 day

Max warp time: 4 days

Min Realspace time: 1 month

Max Realspace time: 6 months

5000 LY:

Min warp time: 5 days

Max warp time: 3 weeks

Min Realspace time: 5 months

Max Realspace time: 3 years
LEngthy chart can be summarized thus: 2000 to 12000c is average speed in realspace.

So, for example, a 100 light year jump will seem to take from 2.5 to 9.5 hours to a spaceship's crew, but between 3 days and 3 weeks will have passed in real space. These times do not include journey times out to and from jump points on the edge of the star systems. It takes from days to weeks of travel at sub-light speeds to reach a drop from the spaceship's starting planet, and a similar time to re-enter the destination system.

The Imperium is approximately 75 thousand light years from edge to edge. A journey of this length would take between 75 and 300 days in warp time, and between 6 years and 40 years real time.
"Days to weeks" at sublight from planet to system's edge. Assuming 15 AU or so (a couple billion km as per Chaos Child, which seems typical for this era of game) and betwene 2-4 days you get between single double digit gees (a few gees to a few tens of geeS) and speeds of between .08c to .03 Weeks is obviously going to take longer (maybe 1% of c or less.. possibly hundreds of km/s) It is interesting to note that much of this, at these timeframes, assume that constnat acceleration is needed. IT is possible travel time is limited by effective velocity, which is limited by shielding (impacts and such), and acceleration would be independent of this.

The imperium being 75K LY across (a bit less than usual) takes supposedly years to do
It is convenient to imagine warpspace as consisting of a relatively dense, almost liquid, energy which is devoid of stars, light and life as we know it.

Once within warpspace a ship may move by means of its main warp drives, following powerful eddies and currents in the warp, eventually reaching a point in the warp corresponding to a destination in real space. The most difficult aspect of warp travel is that it is impossible to detect the movement of warpspace once a ship is in the warp. The ship can only blindly carry on, its crew trusting that it is going in the right direction. The longer a ship remains in warpspace the greater the chances of encountering some unexpected current that can turn it unknowingly off-course.

Navigation of warpspace can be achieved in two ways: the calculated jump and the piloted jump.

All warp-drives incorporate navigational mechanisms. When the ship is in real space, these monitor the ever shifting movements of the part of the warp corresponding to the ship's current position. By observing these movements in the warp it is possible to calculate a course, corrective manoeuvres, and approximate journey time to a proposed destination. Calculation relies on the assumption that the warp-currents observed from real space don't change significantly during flight. This method is known as a calculated jump. It is not safe to make a calculated jump of more than four or five light years at one go. The longer the jump, the greater the chances of a significant change in warp current movement.

The second, and more efficient, form of warp-navigation is the piloted jump. This method relies upon two factors: the human mutants known as Navigators and the psychic beacon called the Astronomican. The Astronomican is centred on Earth and is not only controlled by, but is directed by, the psychic power of the Emperor himself. The Astronomican is a beacon that, because it is psychic, penetrates into warpspace. A Navigator on hoard a ship in the warp is able to pick up these signals and can steer a spaceship through warpspace, compensating for current changes as he does so. A piloted jump can safely cover a far greater distance than a calculated jump. 5,000 light years would he the normal maximum jump, but longer jumps have been made.
More on Warp travel and warp nature. The primary means of non-Navigator jump is "calculated' (prediction via computers and refrence points and such.) Navigated jumps are better, and can allow for 5,000 LY (or higher) jumps. when using the AStronomican. Calc'ed jumps are 4-5 LY tops.

The interesting aspct here is that the warp is "observable" (rpobably psychically)_ in realspace, but cannot be observed when in the warp (interference of the Gellar fields and other defences keeping out the Warp and daemons)
It is the fleets that carry vital food to the starving hive-worlds, and which bring technology and equipment to the agricultural planets. Without its fleets the Imperium would soon collapse and humanity would perish in many parts of the galaxy.

Interstellar craft may be privately owned but most operate on behalf of one of the Imperial organisations. Of these, the Imperial Fleet is the largest, numbering tens of thousands of warships and hundreds of thousands of cargo vessels of varying sizes. In addition to its spacecraft, the Fleet maintains military spaceports, space stations, mining and factory ships, various orbital research stations and countless unmanned orbiting spaceships that serve as early warning, exploration and research satellites.
A bit more on what the inter-dependency of the Imperium may actually require.

Also the "Imperial fleet" has "tens of thousands" of warships and "hundreds of thousands" of cargo craft and numerous other vehicles (including mining/factory vessels, orbital platforms, and unmanned spaceships.)
With BFG, its fairly obvious the fleets grew in size, but in general one could estimate a 1:10 ratio (roughly) between warships and transports. Of course depending on how many "hundreds of thousands" you go with vs "tens of thousands" it could go from 1:50 (warship:transport ratio) to 1:2 (100K warships, 200K transports)
So vast is the Imperium that the Fleet is divided into five main sections, each functioning as an independent administrative unit (although they cooperate whenever it's necessary). Most of the higher levels of Fleet command come directly from the ranks of the Priesthood - principally from the Administratum. The overall Fleet commander is also a High Lord of Terra and resident on Earth.

The Priesthood also maintains a small number of its own ships. Some of these reside permanently on the Imperial planet, whilst others are scattered throughout the galaxy, transporting Imperial servants on missions of the greatest importance or secrecy. A further corps of ships lies under the direct control of the Adeptus Arbites, the Judges, to be used for transportation and war.
Fleet subdivides into 5 Segmentum forces, each a distinct force. Some ships are retained separately for the priestohod itself (preusmably the Adminsitatum or Munitorum directly) The Arbites have their own fleets as well. It's implied their forces are more numerous than the Astartes.
The Space Marines have their own interstellar transports and battlefleets. Although not large in numbers these arc manned by the most ferocious and highly-trained warriors in the galaxy. Each Space Marine chapter has sufficient ships to act as a spacebound home base, including equipment transports and landing craft. Space Marine Commanders are at liberty to purchase craft or capture enemy craft and use them how they will. Individual chapters use their own colour schemes and markings and their ships are immediately identifiable.

Other interstellar craft form a minority. The small exploratory fleets of the Rogue Traders may number as many as two hundred ships at one time, but are scattered beyond the fringes of human space. Other Imperial organisations, such as the Officio Assassinorum, also have access to interstellar craft, but the details of these ships are well-guarded secrets.

Astartes personal fleets and such. Rogue TRaders maybe up to several hundred. Assassin ships aren't known. Other fores (like the Minsotrum) probably also have their onw personal ships.

Interstellar ships in private hands make up a fairly small fraction of the total. In addition there are space stations, mines and factory craft also owned by individuals, corporations or mercantile families but these are a rarity. As far as interstellar travel is concerned, the Imperium is all-powerful and ships not controlled by the Imperium are only permitted to exist because their owners are cooperative and useful.

The most noteworthy privately-owned ventures are the great mercantile families of Navigators. Even the largest of these owns a relatively small number of craft, but in terms of real wealth this represents a huge investment. Most of these ships are ancient family possessions nurtured and maintained over the millennia - but they are generally large and well built.
Private starship ownershi pin the Imperium. The Navigators fall under this category.
The Imperium is divided into five fleet zones known as the Segmentae Majoris. Although intended for purposes of fleet administration and shipping controls, the Segmentae have evolved into administrative divisions of the Adeptus Terra.

All shipping is supervised within the jurisdiction of one of the five Segmentae. Each Segmentum has an orbital headquarters called a Segmentum Fortress which forms the base of fleet operations within the Segmentum. The Segmentum Fortress is controlled directly by a high-ranking official of the Administratum known as the Master of the Segmentum.
Again each sEgmentum represents a major component of the overall Imperial Navy. As we know there are 5 major bases at Segmentum level.

Each Segmentum is divided into sectors. The size of a Sector varies according to local demands and stellar density. A typical sector might encompass 7 million cubic light years, equivalent to a cube with sides almost 200 light years long.
200 LY per side is 8 million LY, but close.
Sectors are divided into sub-sectors, usually comprising between 2 and 8 star systems within a 10 light year radius (some may encompass more systems - others only 1. This size is governed by the practical patrol ranges of spaceships. Because sub-sectors are divisions of worlds (rather than volumes of space) there are vast numbers of star systems within each sector which do not fall with in a sub-sector. These are referred to as inter sectors - and are commonly known as wilderness zones, forbidden zones, empty space and frontier space. Inter-sectors may contain gas or dust nebulae, inaccessible areas, alien systems, unexplored systems, uninhabited systems and uninhabitable worlds.
Sub-sectors defined. It's interesting here to note how small subsectors are implied to be here (20 LY diameter), whereas in other sources they cna be much larger (up to 50 LY in diameter). Of course, the whole bit about wildnerness space and inter-sector zones can also explain that.

The Imperium's interstellar ships comprise merchant vessels, warships, civil craft and several other specialised types. These are organised into specific fleets: merchant fleets, warfleets, and civil fleets. Each of the Segmentae Majoris has its own merchant, civil and warfleets. So for example, the Warfleet Solar is the warfleet of the Segmentum Solar, the Merchant Pacificus is the merchant fleet of the Segmentum Pacificus, the Civilus Tempestus is the civil fleet of the Segmentum Tempestus and so on.
The various kinds of "fleets" that comrpise the Navy's fleets. I'm not sure what "civil" ships would be - government vessels?
The combined merchant fleets comprise almost 90% of all interstellar spacecraft in the Imperium. Each fleet is based in one of the five Segmentae Majoris. and its administrative staff operate from the Segmcntum Fortress. For example, the Solar fleet is based on Mars, while the fleet of the northern zone - the Segmentum Obscurus - is based on Cypra Mundi. Although these fleet bases are huge ports equipped with docks, shipyards and repair facilities, their main function is to administrate the fleets operating within their area. Only a small proportion of ships ever travel to the Segmentum Fortress where they are theoretically based.

Each merchant ship serves its fleet under an arrangement called a merchant charter. Not all charters are the same - some confer more power and responsibility to the ship's captain than others - but all types take the form of a feudal oath sworn to the fleet authorities on behalf of the Emperor. A captain may not register his vessel with the fleet authorities until this oath has been sworn and a record of it entered at the Segmentum Fortress for that zone and on the Segmcntum Fortress on Mars.
Merchant fleets are 90% of the spacecraft in the Imperium. The other 10% are the warships, civil ships, etc. Most of those are almost crtainly warships.

Also a discussion of the infamous charters.
Although the vast majority of interstellar spacecraft are part of the merchant fleets, there are several thousand ships registered to individuals, families or trading cartels. All privately-owned interstellar craft operate along routes licensed to them by the fleet authorities responsible for shipping within that Segementum. These route licences must be bought, and must be renewed after a fixed time, usually a hundred years. This means few privately-owned ships like to risk the effects of time dilation on long journeys. A licence may run out before the ship has completed its journey!

Civil fleets vary in size from a single vessel to several dozen. One of the largest is that of the Navigator family Redondo, numbering 47 registered interstellar ships. Most ship owners have only a single vessel.
"several thousand" private ships (as opposed to "hundreds of thousands" before. This suggests less than 1% of merchant ships are privately owned. Also the route licesnses - the vagaries of the warp would apparently make these short ranged.
Imperial space is so vast, with so many star systems and areas of Wilderness Space to be patrolled, that even the many thousands of spaceships in the warfleets must be spread thin, with individual ships and squadrons set out on their own assignments. The Imperium cannot maintain permanent fleets ready to respond to invasion or rebellion. Nor would it make sense to do so - it would take so long for a fleet to get from its base to the war zone that the enemy would surely have moved on by the time it arrived.

Instead, temporary battlefleets are gathered together whenever they are needed. Warships within a relatively small area are summoned to join the battlefleet. It is rare for ships more than 50 light years from the battle zone to be included in the fleet and more commonly only those within 10 or 20 light years are summoned. Even with ships this close to the battle, it will take at least days and more often weeks for them to arrive.

Only during the very largest of wars, lasting for many decades, does the lmperium bring battleflects together and dispatch them en masse to a warzone. Such a war is currently underway in the galaxy's south-eastern spiral arm. Here the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken is inexorably advancing, conquering and consuming the planets in its path. A massive campaign involving millions of men, thousands of ships and whole chapters of Space Marines is being fought against the Tyranid invasion. Fleets are being mustered in all the Segmentae to begin the long journey to the warzone. The journey will take decades in some cases and many of the crew will never see the battles they are heading towards - but the Imperium knows all too well that in mere decades the Tyranid threat will be as strong as ever.
A bit on the composition of the Imperial fleet and operational side of things.

It must also fight forces from within the Imperium itself. Most of these battles are small-scale and involve only sub-stellar craft in skirmishes with smugglers, brigands and rebels. But occasionally larger conflicts occur when whole systems or groups of systems must be brought into line. Sometimes these systems have their own fleets and the Imperium must send its largest battleships and cruisers to crush the enemy. In these circumstances an Imperial battlefleet will be facing an enemy containing ships exactly like its own - the enemy will also be using ships like Gothic battleships, Firestorms, lronclads, Cobras and so forth.
Fighting rebellion/interssection within the Imperium

Warpstorms are common occurrences and systems frequently lose contact for a few years - when the storm passes, contact is re-established and little has changed. Sometimes storms last for decades, even centuries, and systems that are cut off for this long can stray far from Imperial authority. Once the warpstorm has died down and travel to the system is feasible again, the Imperium may be rebuffed by an independent federation or find itself in the midst of a local war. A battlefleet will he assembled to return the system to Imperial control and Imperial spaceships will find themselves facing ships that perhaps once served alongside them in other wars.
Warp storms.
Most spaceships are old - open space, the most hostile environment to man, preserves the plastics and metals that spacecraft are made from. Space gives them with the power to endure through generations of men. The Imperial fleets number many thousands of ships, the majority of which are at least a thousand years old. Some are as old as the Imperium itself, a full ten thousand years. A very few claim a pre-Imperial origin. It is difficult for those born under the claustrophobic sky of a planet to appreciate the great dignity which is inherent in all old spacecraft.

The spaceships of the Imperium are vast constructions that take many decades to build. Each craft represents a huge investment of time and resources. But once completed, fitted out, armed and commissioned, a spaceship continues in service for centuries, even millennia. After that, it may be refitted, modernised, reconstructed and live on practically indefinitely. Barring a major accident or destruction in battle, a ship is immortal like a great city, its population and fabric existing in a constant state of decay and renewal.

Throughout this time there is a constant process of rebuilding and renewal. Hulls are damaged by battles, asteroid storms and the ravages of the warp. Mechanical parts inevitably wear down. Electrical components fuse. Engine housings crack or melt under the immense pressure and heat created by plasma and warp drives. To combat this constant process of decay, every interstellar spaceship has a maintenance crew of hundreds or thousands of dedicated craftsmen, continuously striving to repair and refit the ship. Inside a large Imperial warship there are factories and workshops, huge forges and plasma furnaces, even small refineries and ore smelting plants to provide raw materials for the work of reconstruction.
Age and durability of Imperial ships. The important details are the "decades" build time and the fact that all starships carry their own factories and workshops and such for repairing and rebuilding ships while away from base.
Interstellar spaceships are powered by plasma and warp drives. Plasma drives are used to move through star systems at sub-light speeds. They burn with the fierce energy of a star, converting their fuel into a super-heated gas plasma to create the immense thrust needed to propel these gargantuan craft through space. As a large interstellar spaceship moves out of orbit towards the edge of a star system ready to jump into the warp, the fiery arc it traces across the night sky can clearly be seen from the planet it's leaving. It appears to be a great comet streaking through the heavens - on many worlds, the arrival or departure of' a spaceship is read as an omen, a divine harbinger of joy or doom.

Warp drives are altogether more esoteric and terrifying, understood by few even among a spaceship's crew. When the spaceship reaches the jump point at the edge of the star system it's leaving. its plasma drives are turned off and its warp drives engaged. These hurl the spaceship out of real space and into warpspace, propelling it through the warp to a destination light years away. If a spaceship's warp drives were switched on while it was still within a star system. the huge rent in the very fabric of space that they create would be catastrophic for the population and planets of the system. The spaceship itself would be torn apart as the massive pull of the star's gravity reacted unpredictably with the energies released by the warp drives.

Fully one-third of a spaceship can be taken up by its engines with their huge thruster ports, cavernous combustion chambers, generators surrounded by massive protective cladding and the miles of pipes, tunnels, corridors and ducts needed for the control mechanisms, fuel supply and access by service crews.
Imperial starship drive systems. Plasma drives have "fierce energy of a star", implying stellar scale outputs if taken at face value (although not sure for what kind of vessel, or if its sustained or total for a given activity. It also doesn't tell us what kind of a Star, and that can rather sharply affect the figure as well. Also some will contest this quote. I believe it reasonable to take it literally igven the variables above, but people will scream about me saying so. Oh well.) Warp engines can be disrupted by the gravitic pull of a star, and this apparently creates hazards for planets and populations for the system (what this hazard is.. is not known) And 1/3 of the spaceship can be taken up by engines, giving an idea of size.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next Space Fleet installment. I think I'm just going to post both updates and get this over with and move onto BFG. This is part one

The living areas of a spaceship contain the thousands, often tens of thousands, of men that serve aboard. These areas are often built up from the ship's hull into huge domes and spires that rise hundreds of metres into space. On some ships, they seem like the heart of a mighty city, immense towers rising to touch the stars, their sides glittering with lights, bridges spanning the void between them. On others they resemble a gigantic cathedral, the towers colonnaded and sculpted. Vast carved figures of legendary heroes recede into the darkness of space - huge homed gargoyles leap and leer from the highest pinnacles in mockery of the terrors of warpspace - golden domes blaze with the light of stars.

On freighters and merchant vessels, the rest of the ship is taken up by holds containing the ship's precious cargo. On warships this space is filled by the colossal power generators that drive their weapon systems. These towering structures hum and crackle with the monstrous energies bounded inside. They are housed within deep shafts which disappear from view into a darkness that is broken only by the crackling blue arcs of lightning which leap from the generators. When a laser battery is fired with a titanic unleashing of energy, its power well is filled with a furious roar. In battle, a warship echoes with the thunder of its weapons. its decks shuddering with the recoil of their furious discharges.
Crew and living conditions onboard ship.
Ranked batteries of powerful laser cannon are the most common armament on the spaceships of the Imperium. Mounted in huge turrets, the lasers are powered by immense generators deep within the spaceships. They release their energy in deadly bolts of light with the power to punch through the massive hulls of spaceships. They are brought to bear in a single broadside that rakes a line of devastation across an enemy spaceship.
Primary weapons in Space fleet were all laser based.
The fusion cannon is powered by the awesome energy released as atoms are brought together in a nuclear furnace and fused into new matter. At short range, the effects of a fusion cannon are devastating but they drop off quickly at longer ranges.
Fusion cannon. Seem to be based on fusion reactions creating some kind of exotic particle beam type thing rather than being related to melta-weapons in any fashion. Whether or not this definition still applies (since "fusion" has come to apply to melta weapons as well) is anyone's guess.
The prow laser is a single bank of laser cannon firing from the front of the spaceship. Although not as powerful as a laser broadside, it's forward position gives it a good arc of fire to attack incoming ships. It is often used to soften up the enemy as the spaceship prepares to ram.
More laser weaponry.
A vortex torpedo creates a vast vortex held when it explodes. The vortex field disrupts the very fabric of the universe as the raw energy of the warp is pulled through into real space with terrifyingly destructive effects, even to something as large as a spaceship.
Imperial ships had vortex torpedoes more often back then :D
The plasma torpedo explodes in a burst of super-heated energy that literally burns its way through a spaceship's hull as the craft is engulfed in a ball of white-hot flame thousands of metres across.
a fireball "thousands of metres across" implies at least a megaton range, if it were anything akin to a nuclear fireball, although how many thousands of metres isnt really specified either and we're talking in space, where you can't really create the sort of nuclear fireball you can in the atmosphere, and we don't know enough about the plasma to make guesses. We might guess from ship lengths about the diameter/radius, but that's it. Besides, nowadays torpedoes don't really seem to work quite like this (they're more penetrative in most respects and even when they don't they don't wholly engulf the ship.)
On the Annihilator battleship, the usual laser broadsides of Imperial battleships have been abandoned in favour of two huge turret-mounted cannon. Known as Annihilator cannon, these massive weapons fire huge shells armed with powerful explosive warheads. The shells are fired at high velocity and then accelerated even further under propulsion from fast-burning plasma rockets. When they hit their target, their sheer speed and mass is enough to tear through even the armoured hull of an interstellar warship. A fraction of a second later their warheads explode and inflict devastating damage.

The turret mounting allows the Annihilator captain to bring his weapons to bear on all sides - only ships directly behind the Annihilator are safe from attack. The cannon can also be fired as the turret is being rotated - where a laser broadside has to concentrate its fire, the Annihilator cannon can pick out separate targets for attack. This is especially effective against smaller ships when a single shot from an Annihilator cannon can destroy the target.
Turret mounted weapons. The rocket propulsion is interesting, but these things almost seem like predessors for turret mounts and more specifically bombardment cannon. We have seen rocket-propelled antiship weapons in the Blood Angels novels though.
The Castellan is a battlefleet support ship. Its role is to provide other warships with the vital defence they need to be able to close with the enemy and bring their weapons to bear.

The Castellan shield ship is built around a single huge shield generator. Most warships have a number of shield generators each projecting a short-range field in one direction. The Castellan shield emanates from the ship in every direction and is powerful enough to extend its protection to any spaceship close to the Castellan.

When the Castellan shield is hit by enemy attacks, the shield generator absorbs the energy of the attacks, preventing them from damaging their targets. This causes a gradual build-up of power in the shield generator and only the close attention of its Adeptus Mechanicus custodians prevents it from exploding.

Eventually, however, the power build-up becomes so great that unless the generator is shut down it overloads and ruptures in an almighty explosion that literally rips the Castellan apart from the inside. This sends out a vast fireball which engulfs the area that was under the shield's protection and can destroy the spaceships which were accompanying the Castellan for its protection.

In battle, the Castellan's Captain must constantly assess the dangers of leaving the shield running or shutting it down to dissipate the energy build-up. If he shuts the shield down too often, he fails to benefit the other ships around him with the Castellan's protection. If he waits too long, he jeopardises those very ships he's meant to he defending.
Warship with dedicated shield system for protecting other vessels. The difference beween this ship and normal ship mounted shields is interesting, although I'm not sure this ship still exists.
Cobra Destroyers usually act in support of battleship squadrons. When a Gothic battleship, for example, arrives in a system, its supporting Cobra squadrons are deployed to patrol the individual planets and moons. Their speed and mobility make them ideal craft to pursue and engage the sub-stellar spaceships of pirates, smugglers and rebels. For although they are small in comparison to the mighty battleships they accompany, Cobra Destroyers still vastly overawe and outgun all but the very largest of sub-stellar spaceships.

Cobra Destroyers are among the fastest warships in the Imperial Fleet. In battle, they operate in large squadrons, moving in tight formation into close contact with the enemy before firing their lasers or their destructive vortex torpedoes.

Even in large formations, Cobra squadrons can make tight turns, allowing them to sweep around an enemy's flank or move directly through his fleet, turn and launch a second wave of attacks from the rear. If the enemy turns to face the Cobras, he runs the very real risk of leaving himself open to attack from the rest of the battlefleet.
Back in space fleet.. cobras were sublight fighter-like ships.
The Dictator is probably the most unusual battleship to be built at the great Jovian shipyards. It is designed specifically for close assault and is used to board, and often dismember, enemy spaceships.

The gigantic power claws of a Dictator can move with frightening speed to grab an enemy spaceship and rip it out of formation. Even if they fail to take hold, the massive force of the Dictator's claws can severely damage an enemy ship, tearing through its hull and crushing or pulling off huge sections of a ship's superstructure, engines or weapons.

An enemy ship that is firmly grabbed by the Dictator's claws is dragged onto the Dictator's huge boarding drill that bites deep into the unfortunate ship's innards. Once the drill has crunched through an enemy's hull and torn its path of destruction deep into the interior of the ship, hundreds of vast reinforced hatches swing open and the Dictator's crack assault teams pour out and take the battle into the very heart of the enemy ship.

If the first assault of the boarding action isn't successful and the enemy resistance appears to be strong, the Dictator captain may order his troops back to their own ship. He'll then use the Dictator's mighty power claws to twist and tear and crush the enemy ship. Smaller ships may be literally torn in two by the Dictator - larger ships may be disembowelled by the terrible saw-toothed drill.

Sometimes a ship will manage to break free, firing its engines at maximum power to loose itself from the Dictator's iron grip. But this is a desperate manoeuvre, often crippling the escaping ship as huge sections of its hull are torn off in the attempt
The Dictator seems to be the sort of boarding ship we see in space hulk, with the claws and such. This of course is probably NOT canonical, although if the Battlefleets have them they're in mothballs - ramming is NOT a common tactic (although hardly rare or unheard of either) in the BFG era onwards. Hell, it actually seems like something the Orks would do rather than the Imperium.
It is armed with the awesome inferno cannon. This massive cannon is mounted along the entire length of the Dominator's hull. The huge shells are loaded at the rear of the ship in a cavernous chamber positioned above the roaring fury of the Dominator's plasma drives.

Each inferno cannon shell is the size of a tall building, its warhead packed with explosive. The shells are moved from the ship's magazine on great tracked transport vehicles that crawl along echoing tunnels down the length of the ship. The shells are loaded by powerful winches, guided by an army of engineers whose prayers ring through the chambers. As the huge breech closes, the gun crews leave the chamber - no man could withstand at short range the awesome concussion produced as the shell is fired.

The shell accelerates down the long barrel of the cannon, reaching a searing velocity that hurls it out into space. The whole ship shudders with the recoil of the cannon - indeed, it is constructed with massively reinforced bulkheads and hull supports to withstand the powerful shockwaves.

When the shell detonates it releases a ball of radioactive fire that forms a sphere of destruction kilometres across. Not only the cannon's target, but any ship close to it receives a deadly blast of intense heat, energised particles and huge jagged shards of shrapnel larger than most sub-stellar spaceships.

The inferno cannon is affectionately known as the Planet Buster by a Dominator's crew because it is often used in planetary assaults to rain fire down on enemy cities. A single shell is powerful enough to destroy all but the largest cities, leaving only flattened ruins around a crater many hundreds of metres deep. When an enemy planet learns that a Dominator has entered the star system, it is rare for a complete and unconditional surrender not to follow swiftly.
Dominator's inferno cannon. Seems like a precursor to the nova cannon. No idea how big the "sphere of destruction" actually is. Km across (assuming nuclear firepower) would be megaton range. Peculiarly, like Tyranid Spore mines, generate shrapnel, which suggests the Imperium (like the 'Nids) have some materials that can resist (to some extent) nuclear level detonations (then again plasma reactor oriented stuff has suggested that too, not to mention the "plasma forged" materials we've heard referenced.)

A single shell can destroy all but the "largest" cities, which may very well mean anything up to continent sized hive cities. It can (it states) create a crater "hundreds" of metres deep, which could mean transient or final crater (nevermind whether we take "hundreds" literally.) It could go to hundreds of gigatons, possibly more, for example, if we go with the final crater and assume its an impact, or it could be megatons (or lower) if we applied other assumptions. Not very helpful as calcs go.
Emperor capital ships are designed exclusively for war. Their role is not to patrol the Imperium's many star systems or to combat small fleets of rebels and pirates, but to fight in huge space battles as part of great battlefleets.

Emperor Captains are chosen from the most experienced and revered of commanders - men whose judgment and outstanding tactical sense has been proved time and again in the heat of battle. It is traditional for the most senior Emperor Captain to be appointed as a battlefleet's commander - his ship becomes the flagship and the beacon to which the other squadrons rally as the fleet gathers for war.
Dedicated combat warships, in other words. Implied to be a bit more common than Emperor class vessels in the BFG era.

The firepower of these vast ships is terrifying indeed. From orbit a single broadside can incinerate a whole city or reduce a mountain range to rubble - moons can be atomised - enemy spaceships seared with pious fire.
City could be anything up to a hive city, mountain ranges could be tens of km long and kms wide (As noted before) and moons could mean anything. Implied firepower is gT range or greater, though. If the moon was bigger, teh calcs could get nastier of course.

The huge Emperor ship can only manoeuvre at slow speeds, turning majestically to bring its broadsides to bear. But by driving its engines to their very limit it can surge forward at ramming speed. At the front of an Emperor ship is a massive energy ram ablaze with leaping bolts of raw power. When the ship rams at full speed it is near-invincible, smashing through even the most heavily-armoured hull and leaving its shattered enemy as a cloud of drifting debris in its wake.

On board an Emperor capital ship there are docks for the fleet of smaller sub-stellar craft that the ship carries with it. These are used for supply and communication both with planets and with other ships in the battlefleet. The great echoing chambers contain freighters, maintenance craft, scout ships and shuttles. They also house the Emperor's own fleet of fighter craft. These are small warships without warp drives and incapable of interstellar travel which are transported within purpose-built carrier craft or huge capital ships like the Emperors. They are launched during a battle to augment their mother ship's own firepower and move in to make close range attacks against the enemy's ships.
Emperor class also had a ram at that time, and parasite warships.

Firestorm Cruisers are often used on long-range incursions and patrols and as the first line of defence against alien attack. In the inhabited parts of human space, they jump from system to system, maintaining regular contact and reaffirming the ever-watchful presence of the Imperium.

Even with frequent patrols, the sheer size of the galaxy and the number of inhabited planets may mean decades pass before a system is revisited. Whole generations live and die between patrols and many of the Imperium's citizens never experience the passionate excitement of the arrival of a squadron of these mighty warships.

In the less-densely populated parts of the galaxy, the Firestorm squadrons patrol the vast areas of Wilderness Space, hunting down pirates and rebels, watching for signs of invasion by Ork or Tyranid fleets, and fighting innumerable small battles at the fringes of Imperial space.
"decades" pass between visits between systems. Assuming around 50 years (2 generations) and 1 million ships, you'd get something like 20,000 squadrons, which would be 60,000 cruisers.

Imperial Guard regiments are recruited from a world's best warriors - gang fighters from hive worlds, planetary defence forces from industrialised worlds, tribal warriors from feral worlds and the feudal elite from medieval worlds.

At the time prescribed by the Administratum, a troop ship such as a Galaxy arrives at the planet to recruit the elite warriors. They then begin a great journey through space during which they are trained in the armaments and tactics of the Imperium. They are issued with standard Imperial equipment - lasguns, flak armour and so forth - and instructed in the Imperial faith. When they arrive at their destination, they have been trained into a crack force, their natural warrior skills honed to a razor-sharp edge.

Some regiments are sent to conquer and pacify newly-discovered planets and may remain there afterwards as a garrison, forming a new warrior elite to rule the planet. Other regiments may be moved from warzone to warzone, fighting countless battles on the Imperium's behalf.
Galaxy Troop ship and some early guard fluff. The GAlaxy is a bit of a high end, old "rare" ship in modern times (BFG era onewards.) but it still exists AFAIK.
The Goliath factory ship is a vast interstellar refinery and fuel transporter. Its role is to supply fuel to energy-hungry industrial and hive worlds. It transports its cargo from star systems rich in mineral resources across vast interstellar distances to worlds which have already depleted their own natural resources.

It arrives at a mining planet and takes aboard millions of tons of unrefined rare ores - for, of course, only rare and valuable ores are worth the expense of interstellar transportation. En route, the Goliath's huge refineries extract all the precious minerals from the ores. Working at immense pressures and temperatures, these minerals are then converted into plasma fuels that are incredibly energy-rich.

The Goliath itself needs a vast quantity of energy. Each ton of enriched plasma fuel uses many times more energy in the making than it will ever provide. To power its processes, the Goliath makes use of resources not available to cities and planetary factories - the raw power of the stars themselves. The Goliath skims close to the surface of stars, sucking in the energy that is burning off them by means of power fields that funnel the energy through to the Goliath's reactors.

At the end of its long voyage, a Goliath will have produced several million tons of super-energised plasma fuel. Every ton of this fuel is a thousand times more powerful than conventional nuclear fuels. And any explosion aboard a Goliath produces an incinerating fireball a thousand times more powerful than a conventional nuclear explosion.
Good ol' Goliath factory ship. Makes an appearance in Warriors of Ultramar. Salient points are:

- Plasma fuel needed on industrial and hive worlds (and presumably forge worlds.) This isn't a hard and fast rule in modern 40K, as such worlds have been known to operate other means of generating power (fusion, geothermal, etc.) Plasma reactors though have been used, and probably provide a "optimum efficiency" result.

- Plasma fuel is created from minerals extracted from unrefined rare ores mined from planets. Pressure and temperature are important here for whatever reason. This tends to argue Plasma fuel isn't just "fusion reactions, as fusion fuels are much more plentiful and would not reuqire such roundabout methods to make them. fission is an unlikely candidate for similar reasons. So this would point to "plasma" being something weird and exotic.

- Power fields used to funnel energy from stars into the Goliath's reactors. Implies some capacity for energy absorbed by shields to be channeld/recycled for tangible use. Energy input into making plasma fuel (per ton) is many times the energy it releases (basically meaning its not an efficient process, like antimatter production, although plasma is clearly NOT antimatter either. It may be comparable in ability though, if not better.)

- "several million tons" of fuel produced by end of journey. Sounds like an exact number, but may or may not be an underestimate (we dont know how big such ships are, or how many there are, or so on.. ) Fuel is noted to have 1000x greater energy density than "conventional nuclear fuels" - either in reactor form or (as noted explicitly) an explosion.

Lots of ways to utilize this. We don't know what "nuclar fuels" means (fission? fusion? antimatter), but it does hint at extreme energy density potential for plasma reactions. It could even "exceed" E=MC^2 if we go with fusion (nevermind antimatter), although inefficiencies are a matter. (In that case it would be something exotic like Naq in Stargate.) The overall description hints at an antimatter-like function itself (plasma fuel almost sounds like a "battery" in the way antimatter is.)

We can use this in a few tangible ways. For one thing, we know that the Imperium (from a number of sources) has multi-gigaton nukes (Space hulk, novels, etc.) This could meant hat plasma warheads are teraton range.

Another way to use it is with known energy density. We know for example, modern nukes can generate 1 kt of energy per kg of fuel at least, and can go up to 6+ kt per kg (posisbly more) Plasma would be 1-6 MT per kg. In this context, such warheads would arguably be lower limits, since this is generally based off modern third generation nukes, and is not neccesarily an upper limit for such.

A more "upper limit" approach is to apply it to the maximum energy density per kg of "nuclear" fuels (fission and fusion).. which leads to interesting (insane) results which tend to point back to "Plasma reactors being weird", but would also make some sense (even if they seem to violate E=MC^2. But then again this isnt unusual in sci fi.)

It goes without saying that plasma fuels are heavily indicated NOT to be anything like conventional fission, fusion, or perhaps even antimatter reactors (EG something exotic, despite claims to the contrary.) and should be treated as such. (as if we didnt have ample evidence plasma reactors were weird.) By other, latter statements, this also tells us something about plasma drives and weapons, since they are all noted in 2nd and 3rd editions to be related technologies.
Most Goliath factory ships are part of the Imperial merchant fleets. They usually ply the chartered routes between mining worlds and industrial planets. When they are passing through dangerous space, they often form into convoys accompanied by a defensive force of warships.

Sometimes a single Goliath accompanying a large battlefleet for the safety it offers will get caught up in a battle. At other times, a convoy will be deliberately attacked by pirates seeking to capture the ship or enemy raiders seeking to destroy it. A lucky convoy will be well-defended by warships. More often, only a few ships can be spared to protect the convoy and a fierce battle will ensue between raiders and convoy defence ships.
Goliath routes and formations.
The Gothic is the mainstay of the Imperial Fleet and Gothic squadrons form the core of most Imperial battlefleets. Gothic battleships bring both the protection and the authority of the Imperium to the star systems they visit.

They operate in squadrons or singly, for the presence of even one of these vast warships is enough to bring a rebellious planetary governor into line or disperse raiding pirates to other more lucrative and less well-defended systems.

Some Gothic squadrons are more or less permanently stationed in one star system. In the Segmentum Obscurus, for example, they form part of the fleet stationed around the Eye of Terror, defending the Imperium from attack by Chaos fleets and raiding Chaos Renegades.

Other squadrons move from star system to star system, staying for a few months or years to complete their mission, refuel and resupply before making the jump to their next destination.

During the squadron's assignment to a system, a large flotilla of sub-stellar craft constantly surround the battleships, moving to and from the system's planets and moons. They supply the ships with food, fuel, ore, raw materials, personnel and all the other necessary supplies that these huge spaceships, each the size of a large city, require for their upkeep.

In battle, the long range of a Gothic battleship's vortex torpedoes make it a dangerous opponent, often able to launch one or more attacks before an enemy ship can get within range to return fire.

When it does close with the enemy, the Gothic battleships powerful laser batteries are fully capable of destroying an opponent with just a few broadsides while its own strong shield defences protect it from enemy attacks.
Gothic class battleships seem to be the most common battleships. These of course are now cruisers in "modern" era. Like the emperor class, it apparently has its own warships. A hilarious retcon would be to treat the 4-6 km length of the "gothic" as canon and battleships simply went up in scale (we know similar cruisers to the Gothic are in the 4-5 km range, after all, so it wouldn't be too silly. And some go as high as 8 km in some sources.)
The Ironclad battleship hails hack to a time before the Imperium and these ships are millennia old. They were built when mankind's shield technology was too primitive for the defence of spaceships. Instead their hulls are massively armoured, covered with layer upon layer of thick plates arranged to deflect and minimise the impact of torpedoes and laser fire.

Over the many centuries of its service, every Ironclad has fought in countless space battles, and each ship's surface is pitted and rutted with the sears of combat, a glorious history of its long defence of the Imperium.

In times of peace, the Ironclad and the Gothic battleships share many of the same roles. In battle, the Ironclad plays a very different part. The Ironclad's main weapon is the fusion cannon, a weapon of awesome power capable of destroying an enemy spaceship in a single shot, Its energy, however, falls off at longer ranges and the Ironclad needs to close with enemy to be most effective.

Where the Gothic battleship can stand off at range and use its greater mobility to outmanoeuvre the enemy, the Ironclad must surge forward to deliver its attack at close quarters, braving the enemy fire and trusting to the protection of its massively-armoured hull.
Another possibly "non canon" ship. Used hull armor rather than shields for defense. The way fusion cannon work here imply a melta-weapon like origin (high power but short range due to enegy dropoff.)

The Stalwart is a convoy escort vessel and planetary defence ship. It is used primarily to escort merchant vessels as they travel between the heart of a system to the jump point at the very fringes of the system. The Stalwart itself has no warp drives and cannot make jumps between planetary systems. A squadron of Stalwarts will escort a convoy from the space docks around the system's planets and then remain at the jump point when the merchant vessels fire their warp drives and make their leap into warpspace. The Stalwarts wait at the jump point for the arrival of another convoy, which they then escort back into the centre of the system.

Stalwarts both guide and guard the merchant vessels they escort. Drawing on an intimate knowledge of their own system, the Stalwarts plot a course to avoid potential hazards, such as asteroid belts, comets and the favoured hunting grounds of pirate ships.

If the convoy is unfortunate enough to encounter pirates or other aggressors, the Stalwarts turn their laser batteries onto the enemy. Compared to the average sub-stellar pirate ship or the rag-tag entourage of a planetary governor, a squadron of Stalwarts is a fearsome foe indeed.

As a specialist convoy escort ship, the Stalwart is fitted with powerful blind field generators. These throw out a massive field of wide-spectrum electro-magnetic interference. To the naked eye, this appears as something like a dark cloud of dense fog which is impossible to see through. It has a similar effect on the sophisticated technology of spaceship targeting systems, preventing accurate shooting of any weapons either into or through the blind field.

The blind field provides complete protection for the merchant vessels behind it It also makes the Stalwart itself an almost impossible target. And as the enemy ship closes with the Stalwart in an attempt to penetrate the blind field, it comes within range of the Stalwart's own lasers.
The only known "specific" class of sub-stellar ship. Possibly, we might classify this as a "Navy" vessel raterh than a PDF one built by a planetary governor given the statement up ahead. The blind field generators (some sort of stealth/EW system) is interesting. Sort of primitive, Imperium holofield devices.

Its other distinguishing features also typify Cypra Mundi's experimentation: the unusual design of the large plasma drive at the rear, its inertial stabilisers and its use of forward-firing laser batteries rather than the more common broadsides.

The Thunderbolt cruiser is remarkably manoeuvrable for a ship of its size. This is due to its unique inertial stabilisers.

These stabilisers use a similar technology to the anti-gravity devices found in weapon suspensors. They offset the effects of mass and inertia and allow the Thunderbolt to turn much faster and in a much tighter circle than other Imperial ships of its size.
Mention of "inertial stabilizers" to "offset" mass to increase mobility. Likely a similar technology to the "controlled inertial fields" mentioned in Eye of Terror (Which uses Space Fleet material itself heavily) and is related to other gravitic tech like suspensors (which also links to the EoT tech because inertial tech is often related to creating artifiical gravity.) However, we aren't told HOW this tech all works, even though some people like to speculate it works like ST "mass lightening" is supposed to work (something even I find absurd and have come to ignore - where does the fucking mass go?) It could work instead like Andromeda/Mass effect "mass ligthening" which does not literally reduce mass in the least.

We know from Soul Drinkers that suspensors do not alter mass or momentum significantly, so whateve "reduction" happens is not a literal reduction (which is silly from a physics standpoint anyhow - changing the velocity of anything within the field would have catastrophic effects in many ways - on human bodies, probably on computers, etc.) What is more likely is that "inertial" tech like that provides some sort of "boost" to any mass that must be accelerated (engine thrust, for exmaple) and pulls energy to do so from another source separate from the reactors. This would suggest more in line with "Andromeda/Mass Effect" type devices rather than the supposed "Trek" type (supposed because I doubt ST mass lightening actually reduces mass.)

Space Marine armour in 2nd edition "angels of Death" is also mentioned to have a device like that, with the implication that the "mass reducing" effect is no more than half actual "mass" even if we buy into the whole "mass lightening actually reduces mass to reduce energy" nonsense.

Each of the Imperium's ship designs is associated with a single shipyard. The shipyards orbit the forge-worlds of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

These worlds are vast manufacturing bases, their surfaces covered with massive industrial complexes, huge volcanic furnaces, skyscraping chimneys, abyss-like quarries and the great workshop-fortresses of the Titan Orders.

The Emperor, Tyrant and Dominator are typical of the spaceships produced at the Jovian shipyards. The docks and workshops circle the planet like a ring of moons, home to the millions of Servitors, Technomats and Drones that work under the supervision of Artisans and Rune-Priests to build the Imperium's warships. Each ship is a vast undertaking. Many of those working on it will live and die during its construction, never seeing the magnificent warship they proudly strived so hard to create.
Forge Worlds.

Although the Tyrant resembles the Emperor, it is a more manoeuvrable ship. Where the Emperor often depends on its huge size and powerful shields to protect it, the Tyrant can attempt to outmanoeuvre the enemy in order to bring its devastating laser broadsides to bear.

Like the Emperor, the Tyrant has a large energy ram on its prow, constantly rippling with sparks of barely-restrained power. With its manoeuvrability at speed, the Tyrant can often move into a ramming position and literally carve its way through the enemy fleet.

The Tyrant battleship serves a similar role to the Gothic battleship - bringing rebellious systems into line, keeping the Imperial peace wherever it sails, and forming the core of battlefleets summoned to defeat pirates, alien raiders and other space-borne enemies of the Imperium.
LAser broadsides, agility, and ramming options.

The fleet commander always has the finest spaceship, officers and crew in the fleet. As an experienced captain and the hero of countless battles, he is an inspiration to his men. They proudly serve him with great vigour, honoured to be chosen by a leader of such renown.

Best ship goes to the commander of the fleet.
After a major space battle, many of the ships will have suffered minor damage. Shield generators recover over time as the excess power that has been built up is drained off. But if the shields have been breached by enemy attacks, the ship itself will have taken damage. Sometimes this can be repaired as the spaceship continues its journey - more often the ship has to return to the nearest space dock for repairs and a refit.

While his ship is docked, the fleet commander uses his authority and high prestige to get the most out of the engineers working on his flagship. And although he won't let the rest of his fleet suffer, he can requisition the best materials for his own ship. As the flagship is often the key to success or victory in a battle, it is entirely appropriate that it receives the most attention.
Shields back in space fleet had longer "recovery" times than in Battlefleet gothic. The "power built up" needing to be bled off implies some sort of absorption/reraidation function.
Every warship carries assault troops specially trained in the tactics of boarding enemy spaceships. When a spaceship has been hammered into submission by broadsides and torpedoes and is left drifting as a crippled wreck, boarding parties may be launched against it to try and capture the ship. The boarding ship moves alongside the crippled ship and sends thousands of men into the assault.

All spaceships are equipped with teleporters and short-range sub-stellar launches and shuttles. These are mainly used to transport men and equipment to and from the ship when it's in orbit or docked at a spaceport. They can also be used to land boarding parties onto enemy spaceships.

Crack teams of assault troops, experienced in the tense, desperate fighting of shipboard combat, are teleported to key areas like the bridge, engine room and weapon targeting chambers. Meanwhile more troops land in the enemy ship's docking bays, or fly their shuttles in through gaping holes in the side of the hull.

Some ships are also specially-equipped with boarding torpedoes which they fire into the enemy ship. As soon as they hit, bursting through the hull of the crippled ship, the fronts of the torpedoes swing open and the heavily-armed boarding parties emerge, opening fire on any defenders as they head into the depths of the ship.

Boarding an enemy spaceship, even when it's crippled and drifting with all its weapon systems down, is fraught with danger. Often teleporters are inaccurate and assault troops find themselves fighting through a labyrinth of narrow corridors to reach their target. Or the enemy may have already prepared for landing shuttles and the boarding parties have to fight a pitched battle against well-armed defenders.
"specially trained" troops implies either naval armsmen or the stormtrooper-like "Naval Security" forces mentioned in Eisenhorn. Such troops could also from the advance group or nucleus of a ground assault from a naval starship in aiding a PDF (aided by trusted/able crews and ratings)

Mention of the use of teleporter tactics, boarding shuttles, torpedoes, etc.
Unlike the spaceships of the Imperium, powered by plasma engines and warp drives, the Eldar Wraithship with its vast sails is powered by starlight itself. Every star radiates a gale of photons, known as the solar wind, which the Wraithship catches in its sails. The Eldar are masters of sailing the solar winds and their ships race forward, sails billowing out as they run before the wind. With the same case, they can turn their great ships into the wind and tack against it, heading directly towards a star.
Eldar use "solar" sails. Not likely to be real solar sails, since the accel would suck. It wouldnt surprise me if the Eldar could use warp currents to push the ship sin realspace though. The "solar sail' option may be a secondary/backup function though (non combat perhaps?)
Wraithships are made from Wraithbone, a material drawn as raw energy from the warp and shaped into matter by psychic craftsmen known as Bonesingers. The Wraithbone forms the living skeletal core of the spaceship around which its other structures are arranged. The Wraithbone also provides channels for psychic energy. This facilitates internal communication, transmits power and enables the spaceship to act as an organically integrated whole.

The Wraithbone core of a spaceship is surrounded by a structure which is literally grown into the required shape by Bonesingers. These Eldar use their psychomorphic talents to shape bulkheads, walls, floors and conduits into a shell that completely surrounds the Wraithbone core and forms the hull and major internal divisions of the spaceship.

Most of a spaceship's operating systems are connected directly to the Wraithbone core. The many thousands of systems draw power through the Wraithbone and are constantly monitored and controlled through it.

Because of the unique practices of Eldar psychic engineering, Eldar spaceships resonate with sympathetic psychic energy. The Wraithbone core provides a psychic channel through which an Eldar can control mechanical functions. In this way, Eldar attuned to the very essence of their spaceship guide it, making countless minute adjustments to the trim of the great solar sails to draw every fraction of energy from the solar winds.

This is also the key to the legendary elegance and almost birdlike agility of the Eldar Wraithships. Their pilots literally feel the solar wind on the ship's sails, they sense the flex of the ship's structure, the tension and movement of its Wraithbone skeleton. Like a hawk soaring on a thermal or diving to clutch at its prey, a Wraithship can turn in the wind, circling and swooping to hunt its own prey - the spaceships of its enemy.
Wraithships, psychoplastics, Eldar power sources drawing energy from the warp.
ldar Wraithships are usually part of Craftworld fleets. Craftworlds are huge Eldar spaceships, each a self-contained bio-system with natural zones and areas of habitation. The Craftworlds dwarf even the mighty warships of the Eldar and the Imperium - on the outside of Craftworlds, vast space docks house entire Eldar trading and war fleets, each containing many vessels the size of a Wraithship.

The Craftworlds are home to the Eldar race. Since the great tragedy known as The Fall when the Eldar race was almost entirely consumed in a cataclysm of destruction, the Eldar have colonised many worlds, but the Craftworlds remain the focus of these colonies and the heart of their society. Each Craftworld is independent - it conducts its own affairs and wages its own wars. Craftworlds do sometimes ally together to face a common threat or to achieve a common objective, but such alliances are usually temporary and have no lasting significance.

Although all Eldar are united by a common culture and racial identity, wars between Craftworlds are certainly not unknown. These wars are almost always fought over a locally-dispute world and are usually resolved in a short time. Sometimes, the conflicts spread and Eldar fleets will gather and face one another in battle. Even so, it is rare indeed for the Craftworlds themselves to actually become the object of assault - such destruction would be regarded as a wasteful and purposeless enterprise.

It is more common for the Eldar fleets to meet in battle with the Imperium. Although mankind is not at war with the Eldar race, local frictions sometimes escalate into small-scale wars, rarely involving more than a few systems in the less-populated areas of Imperial space. Disputes over colony worlds, the ownership of mining rights and even trade wars can all lead to Craftworld Wraithships meeting an Imperial battlefleet in combat.
Eldar craftworlds, and the Fall.
Imperial fleets also battle with the ships of Eldar pirates who raid the lucrative trading lanes that are the arteries of the Imperial Merchant Fleets. Most of these encounters are skirmishes of just a few ships on each side - very few of the Eldar pirates are powerful enough to command even a single Wraithship, let alone an entire fleet. But occasionally a large pirate fleet will gather, perhaps supported by ships from a Craftworld, and a major space battle will ensue as the Imperium acts to impose the absolute authority of the Emperor of Man.
Eldar threats seem to be largely small scale skirmishes and pirate raiding.
Like the Wraithship, the Eldar Shadowhunter is constructed from psychically-attuned Wraithbone and powered by a massive solar sail that drives the ship forward on a gale of photons released by the stars themselves. The Shadowhunter is smaller and faster than the Wraithship and is capable of both great speed and agile turns. It is best used for lightning attacks, launching its plasma torpedoes or firing laser broadsides from close range and depending on its speed and bob fields to prevent the enemy returning fire.

Unlike most Imperial ships and the Eldar Wraithship, the Shadowhunter is protected by holo fields instead of shields. Shield technology works by projecting defensive energy fields around the spaceship to absorb and deflect attacks. Each shield can only absorb so much energy and eventually it is battered down until the power built up can be discharged - a process that lasts much longer than any space battle.

The Shadowhunter's holo fields work on a different principal. The fields project a holographic dispersion pattern which disrupts enemy targeting. The effect of the holo fields increases as the ship moves faster and faster. At slow speeds, its shape is blurred and its outline indistinct. It is seen by the enemy as a dancing cloud of multi-coloured shards - this makes precise targeting of the Shadowhunter difficult. At higher speeds it disappears altogether - only a slight rippling effect like a heat haze against the backdrop of glittering stars reveals it to keen eyes. No targeter can successfully track such an indistinct, fast-moving spaceship.

However, because the fields only disrupt targeting, the Shadowhunter is easily damaged if hit. This means that it must keep moving, darting through enemy formations at maximum speed to deliver its attacks and then turning beyond the range of their guns.

A Shadowhunter is at its most vulnerable when it is forced to manoeuvre within range of enemy attacks or if it has to turn into the solar wind. Experienced Shadowhunter captains play a patient game of attack and retreat with their victims, circling at the edge of their enemy's fleet, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. A captain who throws caution to the wind and closes to fight at short range soon pays the ultimate price for his foolhardy bravado!
Shadowhunters constructions, holofields described, shield effects described (and the fact that the dissipation rate lasts longer than a space battle) and being propelled by photons supposedly.
Despite the use of faster than light warp drives, the enormous size of the galaxy means that it remains almost entirely unexplored. Even the Imperium of Man, by far the largest of all stellar empires, contains a very small number of the galaxy's stars. New star systems are constantly being discovered and investigated along with their native creatures, natural resources and alien civilisations. Even so, there is no possibility of humans exhausting the galaxy's potential to provide new worlds for habitation and exploitation.

The spiral arms of the galaxy contain recent stars and gas clouds where new stars are born. It is within these arms that the majority of the galaxy's habitable worlds lie, between ten and forty thousand light years from the galactic centre. Earth lies approximately 30 thousand light years from the galactic core in the main western spiral arm.

Not all human-settled worlds are global conurbations like the Earth. Some are relatively sparsely settled. Different worlds have different social structures, different economies, and different levels of technology. The same is true of alien worlds, although as most aliens are less mobile than humans their worlds tend to be self-supporting and less specialised.

Space exploration in the Imperial Galaxy.
The Imperial Commander may be appointed and replaced by the ruling body of the Imperium, the Administratum, but in almost all cases he is a hereditary ruler whose family was appointed to the governorship hundreds or thousands of years ago. The Imperial Commander is a feudal ruler. He holds his world for the Imperium - in return he must meet his feudal obligations.

These obligations vary from planet to planet depending on the arrangement made when the ruling family was installed. Common to all these conditions are certain obligations. Imperial Commanders must always help and cooperate with Imperial officials and Inquisitors. They must maintain the rule of the Imperium over their domain. They must provide troops for the Imperial Guard as required by the Departmento Munitorium. They must control psykers within their domain and provide a levy of psykers for the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. And they must pay the tithes set by the Administratum. In other respects Imperial Commanders are free to govern their worlds exactly as they please.
Types of Imperial commanders and obligations.

A major factor in the social, economic and technical development of human and alien worlds is the relative isolation of each solar system. Interstellar travel is not rare, but the vastness of the galaxy means that most worlds are distant and sometimes difficult to reach. The continual threat of warpstorms sometimes results in worlds being cut off for indeterminate periods of time and sometimes for good. In the Imperium, interstellar shipping remains the preserve of the Adeptus Terra. Imperial Commanders ultimately rely upon the Imperium for external contact. Due to all of these factors most settled worlds are insular. Their inhabitants may well acknowledge the existence of the Imperium, but this is hardly apparent in their daily lives.
Naturally, isolation has an impact on the world's development.

Civilised Worlds

The majority of human and advanced alien worlds may be described as civilised - although the term refers to their urban landscapes rather than to any pretence of social decorum. These are worlds with large but balanced populations centred in large cities. They are self-supporting worlds where factories turn out the majority of their needs, and carefully managed farms produce sufficient food to feed the inhabitants.
"Civilised" worlds are the most common. Not really surprising, considering that they can fall into many sub categories (cardinal worlds, mining worlds, proto-hives, etc.)

I would say they ar mostly self sufficient, but some worlds are bound to be lacking things which other worlds provide. The diffrence betwen say, a forge, hive or Agri world is that such potential shortfalls are less likely to be catastrophic to the world.

Agricultural Worlds

These are little more than farming planets where most of the world's surface is given over to producing food. The food they produce is shipped to the hungry hive worlds and the technological materials they require are imported in return. These worlds are difficult to protect from food pirates and interstellar raiders. It has been known for rival Imperial Commanders to raid and steal grain and cattle barges from each other. The resulting skirmishes sometimes break out into full-scale war.
Agri worlds are the Hive/Forge world equivalent for food production, by and large.
Industrial Worlds

These are factory planets given over to manufacture or mining. They are sparsely populated as most functions are accomplished mechanically. Only worlds possessing quantities of rare material are really worth developing in this way. Like agricultural worlds, they are difficult to defend.
Industrial worlds are probably outside the remit of the AdMech by and large, but more technically sophsiticated than Hive Worlds (whcih use human labor for their industrial power)
Hive Worlds

Hives are huge urban conglomerations which can stretch across continents and which may reach miles into the sky. A planet may comprise many individual hives divided by areas of polluted waste - in some cases the world is completely built-up forming a single planet-wide hive. Hive worlds have huge, unmanageable populations and rely upon constant recycling to produce food. Such planets are usually rife with anarchic and destructive forces and as a result provide the richest source of fighting men for the Imperial Guard.
Recylcing is likely a measure to stave off infecton and supplement food imports. Wil not include proto-hives.
Medieval Worlds

Many re-discovered human worlds have regressed to a social and technological status usually described as medieval. When these worlds are absorbed into the Imperium they do not change much. There is little point in bringing technology to a society which is getting on perfectly well without it.
Also known as Feudal worlds. Like Feral, they curiously seem to be regarded as useless, except maybe to the Astartes and the Guard.

Feral Planets

Feral planets contain long-isolated populations where society has declined into complete savagery. Feral planets have a technological basis which is sub-medieval and often stone age. The Imperium regards the populations of such worlds as harmless but useless. The worlds may be explored and exploited for mineral wealth or settlement potential, in which case the natives may have to be controlled or exterminated.
Feral worlds. Intersting that they are regarded as uesless save for mineral wealth or future settlement. Of course, some are important to the Imperium, and sometimes the Guard will raise regiments from such a world.
Death Worlds

These are planets which are simply too dangerous to support human settlement. They vary a great deal in type. Typical worlds may be world-wide jungles which harbour man-eating plants and carnivorous animals, or barren rockscapes strewn with volcanoes and wracked by nuclear storms. These worlds are impossible to settle but must be properly explored which necessitates the provision of outposts and other facilities.
Death worlds.
Research Stations

Worlds which contain no significant sentient population are often used by research units where dangerous experiments can be conducted into new aspects of technology. Perhaps the most common type is a Breeding Unit where local wildlife undergoes domestication and evaluation for food potential.
uses of research worlds.
Imperial Commanders are obliged to build ground-based defences, spaceports, and what defence fleets that can. The number of weapons and ships in any individual system will vary, depending on the enthusiasm of its governor as much as possible danger.

In addition to ships under the control of the Imperial Commander, planets lying in vulnerable positions or having a history of trouble may also have a Fleet base. Although Fleet ships are independent of those of the Imperial Commander, both would be ready to meet an emergency. Fleet ships may also be stationed in one system so that they can patrol a number of nearby star systems.

Ships built by Imperial Commanders are pure interplanetary craft with no warp drives. Fleet patrol ships would of course be interstellar ships with warp drives but they'd also have many small interplanetary ships operating from the launch bays built into their hulls.

In times of war or danger, fleet ships from all over a sector may be diverted from their normal duties to form a battlefleet. Rarely is it necessary to divert ships from other sectors, nor would it be worth moving vast numbers of ships just to defend a solitary world. A common Imperial ploy is to let a world fall, knowing that it can easily be retaken once sufficient craft can be mobilised. This is not a popular tactic with the populations of such planets, but spacecraft are valuable and difficult to replace whereas humanity is prolific
Imperial commanders and defending planets. you can tell this is an older source by the fact they say that ships from toher sectors get diverted, when in fact it hpapens on many occasions (Gothic War, Black Crusades, WArs for Armageddon, etc.)
The vast majority of spacecraft in the Imperium are sub-stellar ships which travel only within the confines of their own star system. The laws governing the ownership and operating of sub-stellar ships are the concern of the Imperial Commander of each system. The Imperial authorities take no great interest in what happens on this, galactically-speaking, tiny level.

Sub-stellar ships divide into many kinds, from warships to industrial craft.
definition of substellar ships.

Most space warfare centres around planets, installations and other important targets within a solar system. It is therefore sensible to maintain sub-stellar craft in the proximity of vulnerable systems. These craft may be Fleet vessels operating out of a Fleet base, or they may be vessels belonging to the Imperial Commander of the system.

The Navy itself may operate substellar ships, in conjunction with the Imperial commander. Most likely in any fleet bases within a sector or subsector.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part 2 of the space Fleet update

Cargo Ships

If a system has several inhabited planets it will need cargo ships of one kind or another. These may be owned and run by the planetary government or by private individuals, cartels or companies. Most systems would have both government- controlled and privately-owned craft.
self explanatory
Industrial Ships

These include all manner of ships used for maintenance, manufacture and mining, owned by governmental or private groups in the same way as cargo ships.
Again self explanatory. The implication of ship-based fabrication and ocnstruction (akin to ome Chapter/Admech "Forge ships") but in civilian hands is interesting, but unsurprising given that many Naval vessels have their own fabrication/workshop facilities as well.
Research Ships

Very few systems are fully explored - there are always parts of a solar system which are uninvestigated. The exact nature of research or exploration varies from system to system. A common ship of this type is the mineral prospector which investigates potential mining areas.
interesting sort of substellar ship.
Space Stations

It is not always possible to build bases or docking facilities on planets or asteroids, so space stations may be constructed instead. These are huge craft which provide all the facilities normally available on a planet.
Not a mobile ship per se, but interesting.

Beacons are small space stations. They serve three functions. Firstly they act as navigational beacons by broadcasting a local signal. Secondly, they monitor passing spacecraft, sending information regarding size, course and registration signal. Thirdly, they act as emergency refuges where the crews of crippled ships can survive until they can be rescued. Beacons usually have a small crew, although some are entirely automated. The position and number of beacons in a system varies from none at all to hundreds.
I wonder if these beacons house astropaths.
The Imperium is divided into five fleet zones known as the Segmentae Majoris, each supervised from a Segmentum Fortress which is the base for that Segmentum's fleets.

The Imperium's interstellar ships comprise merchant vessels, warships, civil craft and several other specialised types. These are organised into three specific fleets: merchant fleets, civil fleets and warfleets. Each of the Segmentae Majoris has its own merchant, civil and warfleets.

So for example, the Warfleet Solar is the warfleet of the Segmentum Solar, the Merchant Pacificus is the merchant fleet of the Segmentum Pacificus, and the Civilis Tempestus is the civil fleet of the Segmentum Tempestus.
More on the different kinds of fleets.

All interstellar spacecraft are registered as belonging to one or more of the Segmentae fleets. Registration allows a ship to be identified, and permits the fleet authorities to record and administrate shipping within each of the Segmentae.

A ship which is not registered in a Segmentum may only travel to that Segmentum with the special permission of the fleet authorities. This is purely an identification measure. An unidentified and unregistered ship is assumed to be hostile, and would be attacked and destroyed.
Some interestellar craft may be registered in more than one Segmentum.
Each merchant ship serves its fleet under an arrangement called a merchant charter. The different types of charter are described below. They all take the form of a feudal oath sworn to the fleet authorities on behalf of the Emperor. A captain may not register his vessel with the fleet authorities until this oath has been sworn and a record of it entered at the Segmentum Fortress for that zone and on the Segmentum Fortress on Mars.
Merchant charters in detail.
Hereditary Free Charter

This is the most coveted and most highly honoured form of captaincy. It is also the most ancient. A hereditary free captain nominates his successor, and that successor swears the oath of allegiance and thereby becomes the new captain of the ship when its current captain dies or retires.

The captain is 'free' in that he may trade freely within the Segmentum where his fleet is based. Many of these old captaincies are based in all five of the Segmentae Majoris. Although the hereditary free captain is theoretically an Imperial servant, his obligations are few. The ship may trade where and how it pleases within the confines of its charter.
The best kind, sice it is more or less permanant.
Hereditary Charter

Hereditary captains may pass their ships to favoured, or related, successors as described above. As well as inheriting a ship, the captain inherits a route or routes, and can only carry cargo and passengers along this route. Some routes are more profitable than others and so are more highly regarded.
More restricted than the free charter, but still desirable.
Free Charter

Free captains are appointed to command individual vessels by fleet officials. They are usually established fleet officials themselves, having worked their way up the ranks to a position of responsibility. Free captains may trade as they wish within the Segmentae. except they are usually forbidden from trading along established routes. Instead, they roam the less-densely populated sectors, areas where regular services are either not needed or would be too costly to run.
Free Charter.
Fleet Charter

A fleet captain is appointed to his position in exactly the same way as a free captain, but plies fixed routes like the hereditary captain. This is the least prestigious level of interstellar captaincy, and is also the least secure. A fleet captain may be deprived of his command and given a shore posting at anytime, his ship reassigned to someone else.
Fleet charter, the least important charter.
A typical example of a merchant charter is the cargo ship Axnaranthus which has been captained by the Sorensen family over the last nine thousand years. It is one of the oldest ships in the Merchant Ultima fleet, with a hereditary free charter registered in the 32nd millennium. The ship has undergone several major rebuilds since that time, the last being two hundred years ago. The Sorensen family has amassed a considerable fortune in its time, and now owns a number of interstellar craft.
A sample charter.
The civil fleets contain privately-owned interstellar craft operating along routes licensed by the fleet authorities. Civil fleets usually bid for route licences as they come up, the route going to the fleet prepared to pay the most for it. This system enables the Imperium to maintain routes which, for whatever reason, it finds inconvenient to service from its own craft. It is also a good way of raising revenue. As well as route voyages, the fleet administration also issues one-off licences for single trips. Many of the smaller fleets manage to survive entirely in a hand-to-mouth fashion reliant upon one-off licences.

Exactly who captains a civil ship is entirely up to the owners. lit many cases the owner is the captain. With the larger fleets, the owners appoint a captain who is effectively an employe
"civilian" ships seem to make up the civil fleets. Again, these are the smallest forces overall. Licensing trade in this manner is an interesting way for the Imperium to make money to support itself aside from the tithes.
The three fleets of each of the Segmentae Majoris are organised and administered by the fleet authorities in that Segmentum. This organisation is part of the Administratum - the great bureaucracy of Earth and government of the Emperor. The officials of the individual fleets are responsible in their turn to Segmentum fleet officials, who are responsible to the administration of the Segmentum as a whole. The highest official in each Segmentum is its Lord Commander and of these the Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar is the foremost, often taking his place as one of the High Lords of Terra.

The following list briefly outlines the important ranks in the organisation of a Segmentum's warfleet (often also known as the naval fleet).
Administratums' role in handling fleets.

The highest ranking of the military officers is the Warfleet Commander. He is in charge of the entire naval contingent of a Segmentum, numbering many thousands of warships. There are only five Warfleet Commanders, one for each of the Segmentae Majors. They rank equally, although command of the Warfleet Solar is generally regarded as the most prestigious position.

The Warfleet Commander formulates the naval fleet strategy throughout the entire Segmentum, overseeing repair schedules, supervising construction programs and ensuring the general space-worthiness of the fleet. His personal staff is divided into armament, maintenance, design, construction and a thousand other working committees.
Warfleet (or Battlefleet) commanders.
Under the Warfleet Commander are individual Space Commanders responsible for naval operations within each sector. The Space Commander is based at the Sector Fortress, along with other sector-level administrative staff of the Administratum and other branches of the Adeptus Terra. He must answer not only to his naval superior, the Warfleet Commander, but also to the Adeptus Sector Commander in overall charge of the sector.

The Space Commander has direct command of a portion of the Segmentum's warfleet. A typical command comprises about 50 interstellar ships, although the number would obviously vary depending upon the needs of the sector. Fifty ships is very few when you consider that a typical sector has between 30 and 40 thousand stars forming a cube with sides approximately 200 light years long!

These warships are divided up into patrol vessels, ships on permanent station in one star system and the reserve fleet. The reserve fleet is usually stationed at the Sector Fortress.
50 ships per sector, and a typical sector has 30-40,000 stars. A nucleus of the numbers we get in BFG. unknown 9but unliekly) all worlds have human habitable.
Group Commanders are in charge of a portion of a sector's fleet. They are sometimes based around the Sector Fortress or, more often, on one of the permanently-manned docking stations in one of the sub-sectors. Group Commanders are responsible for patrolling and keeping order within sub- sectors and inter-sectors around their base.

A typical command consists of a sub-sector base, noncombatant staff and a couple of squadrons of ships. One squadron is usually a patrol squadron, while the other is held in reserve to meet specific threats.

Group commanders often serve as Battlefleet Commanders when the need arises. The battlefleet is a temporary force, summoned to meet a single crisis or defeat a particular enemy. It usually consists of spaceships from only two or three neighbouring sub-sectors at most. The Battlefleet Commander is generally the most senior of the Group Commanders whose warships are involved in the battle.
Sector bases and sub-sector docking stations having their own section of the fleet. Implied to be at least one command per sub-sector, with each command having several squadrons (4-9 ships) Given the 6-8 sub-sctors known, this would correspond roughly to the 75 warhsip max mentioned in BFG for Battlefleets.

A Squadron Commander is in charge of a squadron of spaceships. He is also a ship Captain and leads his squadron from the bridge of the ship he commands. A typical squadron might be three spacecraft of which the Commander's ship is one.

While the Battlelfeet Commander dictates the overall tactics of the force, the Squadron Commander's task is to make decisions about the formation and manoeuvres of the spaceships he leads.
Definition of a squadron.

The Imperium is large - large enough to hide in if you really want to! The Administratum has a great deal of control over interstellar shipping one way or another but, even so, there are illegally-operating interstellar craft. These ships are owned and operated by unregistered merchants, smugglers and even by pirates. They are taking a grave risk, because any unregistered ship is automatically assumed to be hostile by naval forces.

All illegal ships are at a considerable disadvantage compared to registered vessels. Navigators are, on the whole, loyal citizens. They are also quite rare. Interstellar travel without a Navigator is relatively slow because the maximum distance a ship can jump is only four or five light years compared to five thousand. There are navigators who will work on board illegal ships, but they are few and far between. The vast majority of illegal interstellar shipping is therefore locally-based, usually operating within a group of close sub-sectors or from peripheral inter-sectors.
Illegal shipping. Navigators rarely go renegade, so non-navigator travel is slow and difficult. This has interesting limitations for issues like inter-system battles (Between Imperial commanders), piracy, conquest, etc. as well as sub-sector/sector level trade and transport.

There are many reasons why a captain may be tempted to run an illegal ship. Planets all have local laws governing what can and can't be imported and exported. Some planetary governments also charge an import duty or have complex quarantine laws. The cargos and passengers of official ships are always carefully checked and recorded. Many routes are the property of hereditary captains or are operated exclusively under a fleet charter.

There are all sorts of people, including Imperial Commanders, who may wish to circumvent one or other of these obstacles. Even registered ships may be tempted to break the law occasionally if the price is right, but they run a far greater risk because their craft are very easily identified arid traced.

A typical unregistered ship operates out of a hidden supply dump near the solar-system's jump point. It would be foolish for the captain to bring his ship into the solar system itself, so cargos are ferried to the supply dump by sub-stellar ships.

The location of the ship's dump must be kept secret, and it is often necessary for a captain to change the base's location every few months. An Imperial Commander may take a lax attitude to illegal shipping if it suits his purposes to do so. The illegal trader's greatest enemy is treachery!
More on illegal shipping.
Interstellar pirate ships operate in a similar way to unregistered traders, but their intentions are far more sinister. Few Imperial Commanders will tolerate pirates in their system, so most pirate bases are within otherwise uninhabited systems. Some pirates operate exclusively against registered shipping, others are indiscriminate in their choice of victim. Pirates and unregistered traders often collaborate, sharing information and sometimes using the same facilities.

A pirate's usual mode of operation is to lie in wait just inside a system's jump point. If the target is leaving the system, the chances are that any accompanying sub-stellar craft will have turned back by now. The pirate leaps upon the craft, aiming to board and remove the cargo before the ship jumps. Although a pirate could attack and destroy a cargo vessel, little would be gained by doing so.
Raiders are interstellar craft belonging to enemy forces. Of course, exactly whose enemy they are depends on whose side you are on! Imperial Commanders are prone to quarrel with their neighbours. In these quarrels one side may be prepared to hire illegal ships, even pirates, to attack and destroy a rival's shipping. Such fights are common, but are directed mainly against sub-stellar craft belonging to the foe. It would be extremely stupid for an Imperial Commander to attack Imperial fleet vessels - to do so would invite immediate and uncompromising retribution. Needless to say, mistakes do happen, and Imperial Commanders often find themselves on the wrong end of an Imperial Planetary Assault unit.

The other enemy raiders encountered by Imperial fleets are those of alien races, foremost amongst which are the Orks, Eldar and Tyranids. Most battles with aliens are relatively small-scale conflicts with only a few spaceships on either side. Sometimes a major war will break out with large battles fought between powerful fleets. The war may spread across several neighbouring star systems and might take years or decades to resolve.

By far the largest war currently underway is against the Tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken. The Tyranid fleet threatens every race in the galaxy as it literally consumes the populations of the planets it conquers in its insatiable progress. Already the south-eastern arm of the galaxy has fallen to the Tyranids.

Also within the category of enemy raiders are the Chaos fleets. These are manned by the Traitors who fled to the Eye of Terror at the end of the great civil war known as the Horns Heresy. For ten thousand years, the degenerate remnants of those banished from the Imperium have fought a constant war against mankind. They regularly launch raids into Imperial space and, less frequently, larger invasions.
Raiders, a specific subset of pirates and such. Mainly Alien and Chaos raider.s
The ship heads outward towards the rim of the solar system, carefully increasing speed by tiny increments as it does so. Although the vessel's engines are capable of terrific acceleration, the risk of collision with interplanetary debris is high if the ship accelerates too quickly or too much. As the sun shrinks in the ship's wake, the density of debris lessens and the ship's speed reaches approximately 1% that of light.

After several weeks travel, the ship arrives at its first destination. This is the jump-point lying around the star system like the circumference of a circle. This delineates the point at which inter-planetary debris falls below maximum warp density. Once this invisible line has been crossed it is safe to activate warp drives. A crew careless or foolhardy enough to prematurely activate warp drives would be lucky to find their ship hurled thousands of light years off course. More likely, the ship would be torn apart and destroyed, never to be heard of again.

With the safe activation of its warp drives, the ship is plucked out of the real universe and enters the dimension of warpspace. Its true interstellar journey has begun. Ships travelling in warpspace do so by means of jumps varying in length up to five thousand light years. While in warpspace, the ship is piloted by its Navigator, one of the rare human mutants who are able to see into the warp with their Third Eye.

Only a long journey would involve more than a single jump. Even so, almost two weeks pass on board ship before the craft is ready to end its jump. Meanwhile, because of time shifts in warpspace. over a year has passed in the real universe.

The ship re-enters real space just beyond the jump-point of its destination solar system. If it is lucky the ship will come out close to the jump-point, otherwise it may take many extra weeks to reach the inner planets.

It is always wise to allow a safe margin when jumping towards a star. The results of re-entering space within the jump-point would be the same as prematurely activating warp drives on the outward journey, and would almost certainly end in disaster.

The ship is now ready for its final haul, beginning by broadcasting to its destination and establishing a new time co-ordinate. Time in warpspace is so different from time in normal space that the crew has no idea whether their journey has taken a few months or years.

Initially, the ship travels at approximately 1% of light speed, decelerating gradually through the denser inner regions. Eventually, the ship reaches its destination, where swarms of tiny shuttles once more make themselves busy loading and unloading cargo and passengers in preparation for the ship's next journey.
At ypical warp journey plus in system travel. Note the 1% c speed and "several weeks" travel and the unpredictability of emergence points.
Most humans do not have psychic powers, although it is generally accepted that all humans have at least a limited potential for psychic activity. A small but growing minority of humans develop tangible powers - these people are called psykers.

Psykers are dangerous individuals whose powers can only be tolerated when safely harnessed within the Imperial organisation. After all, the psychic universe is the universe of Chaos and therefore perilous. It is a universe inhabited by daemonic aliens that care nothing for living creatures and wish only to use and destroy humanity. All psykers, even the most powerful, offer these aliens a potential means of entering and affecting the material world.

Every world in the Imperium is bound by law to control its psychic population. Persecutions or witch-hunts are an everyday part of life on most worlds. The same laws oblige rulers to set aside a levy of young and relatively promising psykers for transport to Earth by the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. It is from this levy that the Adeptus Astra Telepathica divides those who will live and serve from those who will be sacrificed to the Emperor.
PSykers. IT's interesting to notice that while most of humanity does not have psychic powers, it is infered that all of humanity has at least some low level psychic ability.

The League consists of a substantial fleet based throughout the Imperium. The ships travel around a huge circuit, visiting each world every hundred years or so. As the fleets approach their destination, the ruling Imperial Commander is instructed to prepare the customary levy.

Once the levy has been collected the Blackship Captains make an initial evaluation of their cargo before proceeding to the next world in their circuit. When the holds are full, the Blackships turn towards Earth.

It is common for Inquisitors to travel on board these ships, as this gives them a good opportunity to investigate a planet's potential for psychically-based corruption.

League of Black ships.

Those whose powers and strength of character are sufficient that they can resist possession and daemonic taint under normal circumstances. Primary Psykers are chosen to serve the Imperium only if they are young, intelligent and willing to learn. After five years of basic psychic training in the Scholastia Psykana they are ready to join any of the Imperial organisations in a suitable capacity. The very young may be indoctrinated into the Space Marines as Librarians, the most talented of all may become Inquisitors or Grey Knights. Primary Psykers are not invulnerable to daemons and other psychic aggressors, but their training gives them a fighting chance against all but the most potent of these creatures.
Primary (or Sanctioned) psykers.
Astropaths are selected from the second ranking of psykers, those whose powers are considerable but inadequate to resist the dangers of possession or daemonic corruption. Like Primary Psykers, they must be young, vigorous and willing. Astropaths undergo basic psychic training before they assume their role of telepathic communicators throughout the Imperium. They are taught how to use the Emperor's Tarot, how to cast horoscopes, and the practices of cheiromancy and augury of all kinds. Once they have been prepared in this way they undergo the unique Binding Ritual which gives them a little of the Emperor's strength.

The psychic levy inevitably harvests many whose powers are too random and their minds too vulnerable. If left unrestrained they would soon perish, and their doom would lead to further deaths and maybe even to the destruction of entire worlds. In a teeming universe their loss is of no great matter, but even in death they can serve - for the Emperor must feed upon raw psychic energy if he is to survive as the protector of humanity. These sacrifices are fed into the Emperor's Golden Throne so that the Emperor and the Imperium itself can continue.
The need for psychic sacirfices.
Thanks to the vigorous checks of the Blackship Captains few tainted psykers get as far as Earth. Those who do are weeded out and destroyed on account of the daemons they harbour or the destructive powers they possess. Yet despite these vigorous precautions a few of the Tainted do get through. In the past important members of the Imperium, even High Lords, have been psykers of this kind. Who knows how many individuals have slipped past the checks and become important officials without their true nature being discovered?
They weed out almost all the tainted psykers long before Earth is reached.
Astropaths are extremely important within human society because they offer the only means of communicating over interstellar distances. Astropaths are capable of sending telepathic messages across space and they can receive messages sent by other Astropaths if their minds are correctly attuned. Telepathic messages travel through the warp and so travel faster than light, although not instantaneously.

The need for Astropaths is enormous. They are a common sight in the Imperium and are easily distinguished by their green robes. Astropaths serve in the Fleet as ship-board and shore-based communicators. They serve in the Imperial Guard, the Inquisition, the Adeptus Ministorum, the Space Marines and throughout the Adeptus Terra.

The Imperial Commanders of distant worlds must have Astropaths if they are to communicate with the rest of the Imperium. Similarly, Astropaths are an essential part of civilian life, working for commercial shippers and anywhere where interstellar communication is needed. This vast body makes up a network covering the entire Imperium thus facilitating the transfer of information from one end of the galaxy to the other.
Uses for astropaths.
No ordinary psyker could transmit a message through the warp, nor could he receive a telepathic message over such vast distances. Astropaths only gain this ability as a result of their many years training, culminating in a special ritual which combines some of the Emperor's own power with their own. This ritual, known as Soul Binding, brings the mind of the psyker close to the psychic greatness of the Emperor. In the process, some of the Emperor's vast energy is transferred to the Astropath.

The transference of energy is traumatic for the psyker - not all survive despite years of preparation, and not all those that survive retain their sanity. Even the survivors suffer damage to the sensitive nerves of the eyes, so that almost all Astropaths are blind. In fact their increased psychic skills tend to make up for this loss of sight, so that they would not appear blind were it not for their distorted, sunken and empty eye sockets.

Soul Binding is said to affect Astropaths in other ways, and it is commonly claimed that once an Astropath's mind has touched that of the Emperor he gains a new understanding and insight into the nature of the universe.

Soul binding.
An Astropath sends a telepathic message by falling into a trance. During the trance his mind forms the message and sends it through the warp. The progress of the message is rather like a stone dropped into a pool which creates a series of ripples. The message ripples through the warp until its energy is lost and it fades away to almost nothing. A communication of this kind is restricted to only a sentence or two - to attempt a longer message would set up too many simultaneous ripples which would end in confusion. Such a message could be read easily at five light years and with increasing haziness up to about twenty light years. Local movements of the warp will affect the progress and sometimes the sense of communications. A message destined for a more distance target must be appended with a request to 'rebroadcast' so that it is gradually passed towards its target by a chain of Imperial Astropaths.
The inferred mechanism for Trance-based warp messages. This method seems to be somewhat difficult and short ranged - would need Astropaths working in a chain to progresisvley send message from point to point.

Given a 10 LY diameter and simply going in 2 dimensions, we're talking a hundred million astorpath relays, but could go up to many billions (or tens of billions) in 3 dimensions.

An Astropath can also enter a trance in order to monitor the warp for psychic messages. Residues of ancient messages and the eternal noises of the warp itself makes all reception uncertain.

There is the further nuisance resulting from the interference of small mischievous warp creatures and independent daemons. These creatures pick up on the psychic waves of telepaths and send them false and frequently obscene messages. A trick which these troublesome creatures find especially entertaining is to pose as some far more powerful malign entity in order to give an unwary Astropath a good fright!
Monitoring messages are risky due to daemonic interference.
If an Astropath wishes to broadcast a message to a specific location he concentrates his mind on that location, be it a spacecraft, a planet or even a specific person. This enables a receiving Astropath at the same location to identify and focus on the incoming message.

Many Astropaths work in this way as Station Receptors. Such a message may still be picked up by Astropaths in Trance Reception - but the chances of success are less likely and the probability of error is high.
The "trance" reception seems to be like a "broad" sort of omnidirecitonal transmission, whereas this one is a "focus" ones are more concentrated. Presumably it is more reliable (easier to pick up) by the one who it is targeted on, and faster.

This is the most difficulty means of telepathic communication for the Astropath. The Astropath divorces his consciousness from his body and enters his astral body or spirit. The astral body exists permanently in the warp. Once in his astral body the Astropath can travel to another point in the warp and can communicate freely with other astral bodies including other Astropaths.

The principal difficulty is the presence in warpspace of many other astral creatures, most of which are extremely hostile. The astral body is vulnerable while it acts as the seat of consciousness, and if destroyed the body is effectively dead. A very powerful Astropath is able to make his astral body appear for a moment in the material world as a ghostly shadow.
Possibly the longest ranged means of message transfer. But also the riskiest.
Astropaths are taught how to use the Emperor's Tarot and other forms of divination in order to identify subtle changes in the warp. The warp is not subject to normal laws of time or space - its fabric contains strands of potential futures as well as strands of past and present.

These hints of what might be are far too incomprehensible to identify as messages, but by the use of the Emperor's Tarot they can sometimes be detected. By the same means an Astropath can pick up elements of very weak messages and the repercussive warp-waves of major events.
Divination via Tarot.
The Adeptus Astronomica is a small organisation based in a remote complex known as the Forbidden Fortress. Uninvited access to the Fortress is not permitted - even Judges and Inquisitors must seek permission before they can enter.

The Forbidden Fortress is built in a sheltered crag near the tip of a vast mountain range in a land once known as Nepal. To outside appearances the mountains remain unchanged by the hand of man but in fact the Forbidden Fortress extends deep down into the rock and throughout the entire mountain range.

The leader of the Adeptus Astronomica is the Master of the Astronomican. His task is to oversee the organisation and to represent it on the Senatorurn Imperialis as a High Lord of Terra. The object of the Adeptus Astronomica is to teach and train young psykers so that they can serve in the Astronomican.

The organisation is really a vast teaching institution controlled by a class of older members known as Instructors. Some Instructors are accorded the title High Instructor and entrusted with the guardianship of certain aspects of the organisation's teaching. Its day-to-day affairs such as maintenance and provisioning are taken care of by a body of administrative functionaries.

Young psykers are initiated as Acolytes. They are taught how to control and use their powers in much the same way as psykers taken by the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, but in addition they are introduced to the Lore of the Astronomican. They learn the value of their lives, study philosophy and are gradually brought to an inner understanding of the universe and the nature of the warp.

Only those who achieve this mystic state can become members of the Chosen, those who will give their psychic energy to the Astronomican. The rest, those whose studies fall short of this ideal, remain within the organisation and become Instructors or are absorbed as administrative functionaries of the Forbidden Fortress.
More on the AStronomican and the groups that control it.
The Chamber of the Astronomican is a huge hollow sphere carved from a single mountain peak. Its outward form is a giant dome, the lower half of the sphere being buried under the rock. Ten thousand multi-tiered seats cover the entire inner surface of the sphere. Each seat faces the very centre of the sphere where a raw ball of psychic energy dances in space.

This ball of energy is created by the Chosen as they release their powers into the Astronomican. In this way their psychic power is drained into the energy-ball and then through the warp, directed by the mind of the Emperor himself. As the energy of the Chosen is drained away they slowly fade and die. The average psyker lasts for about three months - about 100 die every day and their places are taken by new Chosen.
100 psykers lost per day. Wtih 10K psykers at the start, and without replacements, the AStronomican would die out completely in 100 days. But even then, it would be growing weaker and weaker with every death.

The Navis Nobilite - also known as the Navigator Houses - is an institution which predates the Imperium by many thousands of years. It is the most ancient of all human organisations. It was founded sometime in the Dark Age of Technology and survived through the Age of Strife to the present day.

Over this period of approximately 30,000 years, the fortunes of the Navis Nobilite have constantly waxed and waned, but its power has never been broken. Today it thrives as a vital part of the Imperium.

The Navis Nobilite is divided into many individual Houses or Great Families. Each House is a large related family, but it is also a literal house, a fortified mansion where the House leader - or Novator - lives together with his immediate kin and retainers. This mansion is regarded as the seat of the entire Great Family, even though it is only the hereditary ruling family that lives there.

The Great Families of the Navis Nobilite are uniquely composed of a particular form of human mutant called a Navigator. The mutation is not a spontaneous or natural one, but rather the result of genetic engineering conducted in the distant past during the earliest history of the Navigator Houses. This engineering created the Navigator Gene that distinguishes Navigators from ordinary humans.

The gene itself can only be preserved by intermarriage, as it is lost when a Navigator breeds with an ordinary human. This factor has led to the development of the closely-related Navigator families.
The Navigators.
The genetic creation of Navigators has a single purpose: to endow a human with the ability to steer a spacecraft through warpspace. Only Navigators can do this - no other human or machine has the ability to navigate warpspace in this way. It is this ability that allows human spacecraft to travel so quickly compared to alien craft.

Without Navigators to steer its ships, the Imperium would quickly fragment into thousands of separate stellar empires, each only a few dozen light years across, whose spacecraft would be obliged to use tiny and dangerous blind jumps to cover interstellar space.

The physique of Navigators is unusual. The feature which distinguishes all Navigators is the Third or Warp Eye situated in the centre of their forehead. Nearly all young Navigators traditionally work in space as pilots. Over the years they gradually increase their familiarity with the warp and their powers become stronger.

This mental maturation may take as many as fifty or a hundred years of space flight, but as Navigators can live for three or four hundred years this is not a great proportion of their lives. As they grow more experienced they also change physically. The white and iris of the Third Eye gradually vanished leaving a single black pupil. The eye itself hardens, and the eyelids shrink leaving a single staring orb.

Often the Navigator continues to grow more massive as he ages and his ribs enlarge, becoming prominent as internal gills develop in the chest cavity.
The importance of Navigators.
The most powerful Navigators in each of the Great Families are called Heirs Apparent. This signifies that they may one- day contend for the position of Paternova, the ruler of all the Navis Nobilite. The Paternova may come from any of the Great Families and from any social level within them.

The Heirs Apparent are usually the oldest Navigators, although not all develop in this way and some Navigators live out their entire lives without undergoing the physical changes described.

The Heirs Apparent are often bitter rivals who will even go as far as to try and eliminate each other if they get the chance. This sometimes leads to protracted personal vendettas or even family feuds between two Navigator Houses. The Adeptus Terra is fairly tolerant of minor skirmishing of this kind, although open hostilities between Houses are discouraged as much as possible.

Unfortunately, this keen rivalry sometimes draws Heirs Apparent into marginally unlawful or even outright illegal practices. Their personal ambition makes them vulnerable to all sorts of dangerous influence, from collaboration with aliens to dealings with the daemonic. These deviants are a minority - most Heirs Apparent conduct their rivalries without courting such dangers.
Yet more navigator stuff.
The Paternova is the leader of all Navigators and the most powerful of all his kind. The Paternova may live for up to a thousand years. When he dies all the existing Heirs Apparent begin to change - they begin to grow even larger and stronger. Their gill structure becomes fully functional allowing them to survive in hard vacuum as well us underwater or in normally poisonous environments. Most important, they start to fight.

They are drawn to combat with each other, building up a pitch of aggression that eventually overrides all other considerations. As Heirs Apparent are killed those who survive change even more until finally only one remains alive. It is this vastly changed and extremely powerful individual who becomes the new Paternova.

The Paternova lives in the Palace of the Navigators which lies on Earth in the centre of the zone held by the Navis Nobilite. Following his accession, the Paternova never leaves the palace. The existing staff, soldiery and other retainers of the palace are replaced by those drawn from the Patemova's own House. The chief amongst his servants is the Paternoval Envoy who becomes a High Lord of Terra and sits on the Senatorum Imperialis.

The role of the Paternova is an obscure part of Navigator biology although no-one doubts its importance. The Paternova is described as the guiding father whose powers transcend the warp itself.

During the interlude between the reign of one Paternova and another, all Navigators other than Heirs Apparent suffer a considerable reduction in their powers. Their ability to navigate the warp is impaired, warp journeys become longer, ships are unexpectedly lost, and younger Navigators may lose their abilities completely.

As soon as the new Paternova is installed the powers of Navigators are restored. However, not all are restored to the same degree. Navigators belonging to the same House as the Paternova find their abilities enhanced, as if their blood relationship were enabling the Paternova to transmit his powers more effectively. Navigators belonging to the House of the old Paternova lose this benefit, and so individuals may find their powers impaired.
More Navigator stuff even now.
The unusual feature shared by all Navigators is the Third Eye or Warp Eye. Navigators normally keep this eye covered with a bandanna or covering which is itself often decorated with an eye. This has led many humans to doubt the existence of this Third Eye.

In fact the Third Eye is the focus of the Navigator's power. The eye enables the Navigator to see the shifting currents of warpspace and so to guide his spacecraft within the warp.

It is said that a Navigator can always see the warp even when he is in the material universe, and that it is this constant exposure to the unnamed horrors of Chaos that lends to their strange physical changes. It has been known for Navigators to react suddenly and violently to invisible things in the warp, and to collapse, lose their sanity or even die as a result.

The eye has other powers too, although these are employed far more rarely and are the subject of some mystique. These powers develop with the Navigator's experience of the warp, so that they are most developed of all in the Heirs Apparent. The uncovered stare of a Navigator can kill a man, and that of an Heir Apparent is said to ward off even the daemonic creatures of the warp.

Rival Navigators sometimes fight using the power of their eyes to blast each other - such open conflicts are rare but spectacular. It is also said that the eye of a Navigator has prophetic powers and that it can literally see into the future. Navigators are very reluctant to talk about their powers and it may well be that only the Paternova understands the full potential of a Navigator's abilities.
Navigator warp eye. The fun bit is the duelling via eye. The precog bit is interesting and probable, given the need to navigate the warp relies almost certainly on prediction.
Mars is the planetary realm of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the home and domain of the Tech Priests of the Cult Mechanicus. The Red Planet is acclaimed as one of the wonders of the galaxy, the workshop of the Imperium, the forge-world, the maker of ships, and the guardian of secrets. It is the Adeptus Mechanicus that furnishes the technical knowledge of the Imperium, that preserves the scientific secrets of former times, and which explores the new sciences of the 41st Millennium.
Mars and the AdMech. Implies some measure of scientifi cresearch.
According to the strictures of the Adeptus Mechanicus, knowledge is the supreme manifestation of divinity, and all creatures and artefacts which embody knowledge are holy because of it. The Emperor is the supreme object of worship because he comprehends so much. Machines which preserve knowledge from ancient times are also holy, and machine intelligences are no less divine that those of flesh and blood. A man's worth is only the sum of his knowledge - his body is simply an organic machine capable of preserving intellect.
Knowledge and mAchines in the "reliigion" of the AdMech likely rperesnets the "body" and "spirit".
The Adeptus Mechanicus controls the entire governmental, industrial and religious affairs of Mars and is thus very diverse and complex in its organisation. In its broadest terms the population is divided into two parts. The greater mass of Martians are worker-slaves called Servitors. Servitors are not really fully human, but half-man half-machine creatures whose minds have been partially programmed to perform specific duties. The Servitors are slaves to the ruling priesthood of Tech Priests who form a hierarchy of technicians, scientists and religious leaders. The Tech Priests provide the Imperium with its engineers and technical experts.

The leader of the Adeptus Mechanicus is the Fabricator General of Mars. The Fabricator General is also a High Lord of Terra and one of the most powerful members of the Senatorum Imperialis. He is also the head of the Cult Mechanicus in his capacity as the Magos Mechanicus.
The Adeptus Mechanicus is driven by the quest for knowledge. This quest takes many forms, including research and exploration, but its ultimate embodiment is the search for ancient STC systems.

STC systems were created during the scientific high-point of the Dark Age of Technology. During this time thousands of human colonies were founded on distant worlds. Many of these colonies failed to survive, some were lost, and of those that survived most achieved only a subsistence level economy. Yet almost all of these colonies managed to retain a high level of technology thanks to the huge base of computerised information carried from Earth. This massive computer databank was known as the Standard Template Construct (STC) system.

The objective of the STC systems was to provide all the technical information needed to construct anything that settlers might need. The user simply asked how to build a bolter, tractor, house or whatever, and the computer supplied the details for fabrication. STC systems would calculate the constructional loads placed on locally-available materials, work out the depths of foundations, define the means of manufacture and assembly, and present the most efficient ways of achieving what it was the settler asked.

The systems were designed to be practically idiot proof, so that even the least technically-accomplished person could build a vehicle, aircraft or weapon given time.

One result of the STC system and its pivotal place in human colonisation is that human material culture is very similar, even on worlds which are many thousands of light years apart.

The STCs are often said to embody the sum total of human knowledge. This is probably true as far as technical accomplishment goes. Although most colonists required little more than designs for agricultural machinery, programs were included for all sorts of advanced constructions such as nuclear power grids and fission reactors. However, the early colonists' needs were simple and were met by conventional energy forms and relatively low-level technology.

Every original colony had at least one STC system. With the passage of time these gradually failed, and passed out of use. Some colonies were forward-thinking enough to make drawings or hard-copies of some designs, which were in turn copied repeatedly with varying accuracy. Some STC systems became corrupted and useless, and were eventually destroyed.

Today there are no known surviving STC systems, and only a very few examples of first-generation print out. On some worlds information about the ancient STC is regarded as holy and design copies are guarded as secret and sacred texts, housed in the inner sanctums of temples.

For thousands of years the Adeptus Mechanicus has pursued all information about the STC. It is their lost bible, Holy Grail and Cup of Knowledge. Any scrap of information is eagerly sought out and jealously hoarded. Any rumour of a functional system is followed up and investigated.

By their efforts much information has been retrieved or can be reconstructed by the vigorous analysis and comparison of copies. Yet the most technically-advanced knowledge eludes the Adeptus Mechanicus, for the early colonists were mostly simple folk whose needs were practical. Only rarely did anyone bother to take copies of the theoretical and advanced work which the STC contained.

The technical achievements of non-humans, such as Eldar and Orks, and isolated human civilisations, such as Squats, are of almost as much interest to the Adeptus Mechanicus as rumours concerning the STC. Indeed, non-human knowledge is often more useful and usually far easier to obtain.

Members of the Adeptus Mechanicus always accompany Imperial exploration teams, Rogue Traders and Space Marine chapters, and so are ideally placed to investigate the technical abilities of other cultures. Even extinct civilisations are vigorously investigated and their technology recorded.
AdMech like abhuman and xenos tech as well as human stuff.
The Adeptus Mechanicus is not only interested in technical achievement, but also in biological and natural science. Thus, the flora and fauna of a newly-discovered world will be recorded, and samples returned to Mars for classification. Weather systems and subterranean morphology will be mapped, atmospheres analysed and all aspects of the natural ecosystem studied.

Such studies are vital for further colonisation. Dangerous animals and plants must be considered, useful species may be studied for potential domestication. Weather and geographic stability must be determined and sometimes stabilised. Thanks to their in-depths knowledge of such things the Adeptus Mechanicus has the ability to mould a world's climate and ecology to meet human needs.
Other avenues of research for the AdMech, and the benefits it has. The ability to altera world's climate and ecology (or weather) implies some measure of terraforming ability.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Well we're back again, this time about to dig into BFG at long last. First off before digging into the "blue book", I thought I'd share these random quotes on Andy Chambers from BFG because they are interestin gand may have an impact in a "behind the scenes" sort of look. I don't rally know how "canon" this is anymore, since andy doesn't work for GW or anything anymore, so using it as "primary" evidence is probably risky (then again nowadays any discussion will degenerate into canon nitpickery when you go up against certain kinds, so that may not matter.)

http://www.wolfedengames.com/battleflee ... lances.htm
The attacks that ships make are divided into two sorts, direct firing and ordnance attacks. Direct fire attacks are weapons like lasers, fusion beams and plasma launchers which are fired and hit almost immediately even across tens of thousands of kilometres. Lances are incredibly high powered direct fire energy weapons capable of burning straight through an armoured hull or cutting an escort ship in two. On Imperial and Chaos ships lances are usually mounted in huge turrets with quad or triple energy projectors which focus into a concentrated beam of destruction.
This might have basically come form the Blue book, but I think it reinforces its meaning.
Visually this would be along the lines of the advanced races’ weapons in B5, like the Minbari and Shadow ships - a coruscating beam of pure energy which is swept across a minute arc.A lance turret would need to work something like this;Immense power conduits enter at the bottom of the turret, feeding into house-sized capacitors and storage cells which form most of its base (ie magazine/ammo hoist area). The power conduits tap into the ship’s main power core, which in turn is energised by huge, throbbing plasma reactors.
As others (like White Rabbit) have mentioned before, weapons like lances (and probably other laser weapons) behave like sustained cutting/sweeping weapons. The description of the size and composition of the lance turret is interesting.. we could perhaps tell details about their capacitor tech from known outpiuts of a lance and the size of the capacitors, for example.
The lance weapons themselves would be enormous energy projectors - each one the size of a factory chimney. They work by combining focussed coherent light (ie lasers) and electromagnetic pulses as a propellant for highly energised particles (ie plasma). The closest naturally occurring equivalent would be a solar flare but foccussed into a narrow beam. This means that lances would consist of a central particle/plasma chamber surounded by a series of enormous electromagnetic coils forming the barrel and muzzle, behind this would be a cluster of laser rods in the place of the breech/shell.
Andy's depiction of the lance is as a hybrid laser/particle beam weapon ("focused solar flare" - although technically a flare is just a mix of diff EM radiation.. CMEs tend to be the charged particles, but I get his meaning) which would make a viable interpretation of the "fusion beam/fusion fire" lances (same for the type of weapon used in the weapons batteries.).
The mention of laser rods, unless that's supposed to be a crystal or some such, hints at an X-ray laser (at least when I think of laser rods I think x-ray laser. I suppose other ones might)

Not sure about the size of a "factory chimney" for the lance - best I can work out is something tens of meters in height (and preusably at least thta wide/long)
Other things in a lance turret would include; bunk rooms, mess decks and a chapel for its crew (they would live eat, work and probably die inside their turret, never seeing the rest of the ship) - estimate around 200-500 gunners, officers etc. Probably a tech-priest shrine (ie workshop/computer mainframe), the turret winding gear and gun laying sections, plus engines and backups. Stores of coolant to keep the turret efficient as it starts to heat up after a few shots.

The crews sleep and apparently live in the turret. Rather alot of crew compelment. The turret looks automated (I assume the engines run the gun laying and winding gear) and coolant is also stored there. It's interesting if it circulates to some sort of radiator system or if they vent it into space.

http://www.wolfedengames.com/battleflee ... /scale.htm
I'm not sure if I've talked about scale before but here goes anyway. BFG works around an approximate scale of 1cm=1000KM for the planets and other tabletop features. Obviously this means the ship models are massively out of scale, an Imperial cruiser is NOT 9000KM+ long! The scale is basically there as a rule of thumb and I didn't worry about it too much when it came down to setting weapon ranges, ship speeds and so on. These were all done to create the right impression of distance on the tabletop. For example 60cm 'feels' like a long way and 30cm doesn't, the weapon ranges aren't defined by some pseudo-science calaculation of the energy dissipation rate of lasers (fairly obviously ) but to create an interaction between the (massively out of scale) models on the tabletop.
the oft-cited 1 cm = 1000KM figure. But given what Andy is saying it seems like he's "reluctantly" giving a range value - he seems to realy emphasize the nature that all measurements are highly "relative" and can change somewhat depending on different things. At best, 1000 km/cm is merely an approximation. We can point out that given there are "hundreds of thousands of km" (EG the 300,000 km range for macro cannon from "Nightbringer") could yield a range of 1cm being 5000Km to 10,0000 KM.
But if we play the game and look at weapons battery figures... some of them range from 30 cm to 60 cm.. at the "approved" ratio max ranges can go from 30,000 km to 60,000 km (the latter being battlecruiser/battleship range typically) Some ranges can be even shorter (Eg ork guns).
Nova cannon can have a range of 30-150, which corresponds to a min/max range of 30,000- 150,000 km, or half a light second. since a fair number of combat engagements (EG including Shadow point, the Ultramarines novels, etc.) feature nova cannon ranges we can infer that many combats (with broadside and lance weapons) occur at more than 30K km.
What's more, referencing the "almost immediatley" bit could imply that Macro cannon, railguns and other projectile weapons have a velocity of 10-20% of c (hitting "almost immediately" remember.) A nova cannon would likewise have a velocity of 50% of c (which is a good lower limit on "near C", although a bit lower than I expect.) As noted though, its an approximation, nothign more, but it would justify the magnitude of the calcs I've done at least.
The more interesting question is perhaps how long is a turn, and that one I don't know the answer too - I'd guess somewhere between 15 minutes and an hour (quite likely telescoping so that at long range a turn is an hour but by the time you're within 15 cm its 15 minutes). This would make an attack craft capable of moving 30cm per ordnance phase capable of doing approximately 30-120,000 km/h. I've got no idea if this is realistic for starfighter speeds, or unfeasibly fast, incredibly slow or what , perhaps someone on the list could enlighten us all on this front (don't just tell us what it says it the Star Wars technical manual though!).
Time, like distance, seems to be wholly relative and approximate. And again Andy doesnt seem to like to give precise figures (nor should he, since it almost certianly would create contradictions.) But again we're given attack craft speeds here of 30-120,000 km/hr... which works out to an average speed of 8-33 km/s. The idea of "top speed" is a bit silly, and its likely that it wouldn't stay constant across the range and time: ships would change course and direction, they might go up and down as well as side to side. They might slow down as well as speed up, so the potential for these velocities could flucutate even MORE. And I dont even want to try to calc acceleration.

Starhawk bombers would be (at 20cm) 20,000 to 80,000 km/hr (5.5 - 22 km/s). Torpedoes would move as fast as Furies, unless they were short burn (which have a 40 cm speed.. which is 40,000 km/hr to 160,000 km/hr (11-44.5 km/s roughly).

Andy even admits he doesnt know if this neccesarily would ACCURATELY represent BFG, so again I feel justified in thinking that one has to be careful with game mehcanics derived "evidence." I won't neccesairly toss it out, because it could be interesting, but I won't neccesarily take it at face value either.

My two pennyworth on crew sizes was around 1500-2000 per damage point for Imperial and Chaos capital ships (adjust down a bit for Eldar and up a bit for Orks), but only around 2-500 total for escorts. Space Marine ships, as had been mooted, I would imagine to benefit from a lot of automated systems and wired in servitors to reduce their crew requirements to a minimum and increase their state of readiness in comparison with Navy ships. I would imagine that most Imperial and Chaos capital ships could find transport capacity for troops equal to about 1/3 to 1/2 their crew compliment. Tanks, artillery, Titans etc would need specialist transports to carry in any significant numbers.A far more interesting way of looking at crew numbers is summed up in this excerpt from a short story I've been writing for my own amusement.
Nathan woke to the sound of screaming.
He lurched up with a half-strangled yelp, almost braining himself on the bottom of Kron's bunk. He stared wildly about him, gulping for breath. The oppressive redlight of the bunkroom still surrounded him, the cloying odour of sour sweat and grease still fought the sharp tang of coolant in the air down here. The room was quiet save for the drip of the condensers and the sussurance of night noises made by forty sleeping men.
Nathan wiped a shaky hand across across his eyes and peered over towards Hendriks. If anyone had screamed it would have been Hendriks, he had nightmares nearly every sleep-shift. They all did, but Hendriks just couldn't take it. Perhaps he had a guilty conscience, or perhaps he was just some dumb farmer who was completely terrified by being shut up in one of the Emperor's warships.The scream came again, but it was tinny and distant, carried along by the conduits from another bunkroom. Pity the poor devils in there, thought Nathan, every one of them wide awake and praying the screamer didn't go berserk and start clawing and biting at them. Didn't turn into a wild beast like Fetchin had.
Nathan lay back in the narrow bunk and tried to recapture sleep. He tried to imagine all the other shipmen doing the same. Start with this gundeck. Forty guns with forty(ish) crews each, thats sixteen hundred, another gundeck on the port side for three thousand two hundred. Then there were the lance turrets, port and starboard, nobody seemed to know just how big the crews for those beasts were, call it another sixteen hundred a piece. This was working well, his eyelids were drooping. That was six and a half thousand souls (give or take). The torps probably had a crew bigger than a single gun but less than a whole deck - maybe a thousand. That made seven and a half... engines must be at least two or three thousand more...
Crew complemetns as well as a citation from the Andy Chambers short story "Ancient History".

Wit 1-2K crew per "hit" Battleships (12 hits) could go up to 12-24K crews. Cruisers (8 hits) would go 8-16K. Light cruisers have 6 hits (6-12K crews) Grand cruisers have 10 hits (10-20K crew)

Escorts and some transports seem to have 1 hit - 1-2K crew only (Frigates and destroyers both). Some of the bigger transports have 2 hits. (2-4K crew).

Its debatable whether this applies outside of Imperial navy vessels and Chaos vessels. Space marine ships have (6-8) and 12 hits respectivley, but they tend ot have small human crews and mostly servitors. I suppose the serivtors could represent that... but its doubtful you could apply it to, for example, the Eldar.

http://www.wolfedengames.com/battleflee ... paigns.htm

Under "campaign" - these are somewhat game mechanics baesd, but interesting still since they hint at "in-universe" facts.
Capturing Hulks.
Q:In campaign play, you get bonus points for capturing hulks. How, exactly, *do* you capture hulks? By controlling the battlefield at the end of the game? By boarding with a prize crew? And after you capture it, then what? Can you send a captured hulk off for repairs? Can you send one of your own hulks off for repair?
A:A: See p66 for capturing hulks. The value of hulks is that they can be rebuilt into capital ships in the long term (say a few hundred years). Some players have been allowing hulks to be refitted in their campaigns, leading to Chaos with nova cannons and so on - which sounds like good fun to me!
We dont know what kind of hulk, but it seems some of them can take awhile to rebuild. This is actually a bit odd considering battleships often take no longer to build than several centuries (or some of the high end cruisers, if you go by the Rogue Trader RPG...)

Q: If playing a campaign would navigational shields work against that annoying solar flare thingy? (was that flare rule an oversight?)
A: Yes.

useful detail. Nav shields can block solar flares. (and if you're going to use the rules based stuff for flares, you might as well use this too.)

http://www.wolfedengames.com/battleflee ... nrules.htm
Q: In the ship section, there is mention of Imperial Oberon-class battlecruisers and Apocalypse-class battleships. Were these cut from the registry to save room? Also, will these be making an appearance in a future issue of WD or possibly a supplement?
A: No we just wanted to give an impression of there being a greater number of ship classes and designs in the galaxy than were depicted in the book, particularly as Gothic sector is but one among thousands. Having said that we might well put some extra ship designs in WD at some point.
"thousands of sectors." To be honest, i feel more than a little vindicated that my long time estimates on the number of sectors in the Imperium was accurat eto within an order of magnitude (well the lower end ones, since I have argued and still argued that there could be hundreds of thousands haha. I suppose you could argue "thousands" means tens or hundreds of thousands though too.)

Noting this, that means that as per the blue book stats there are at leats 100-150K warships in the NAvy. If we go by the "hundreds" per sector in the BFG novels... well hundreds of thousands easily.
Q: The marks of Slaanesh, Tzeentch, and Nurgle are identical for Warmasters and Chaos Lords. Yet the chaos lord version of the mark of Khorne is (for no reduction in cost) only half as effective as the warmaster version. Is this a typo or were khornate lords deliberately singled out to be screwed over?
A: No, they were deliberately singled out to be 'screwed over'. We couldn't really see Khornate warmasters making brilliant fleet admirals ("the sun is exploding sir, what should we do?" "Khorne damn your eyes, Ramming speed!")
Not really "analysis" per se, but its fucking hilarious to consider a Khornate admiral.

http://www.wolfedengames.com/battleflee ... /eldar.htm
My own thoughts on holofields are that they are a whole range of 'stealth' and misdirection systems ranging form the non-metallic wraithbone the ships are made of, to the almost non-existent energy trail left by their unique drive systems. The actual holo element would operate by bending light and radiation around the the ship's position, reducing it to a slight distortion against the backdrop of stars. Weapon battery fire doesn't need a very precise fix to be effective because the whole principle of it is plastering a BIG area (a bit like AA fire at aircraft). Lances, well as someone pointed out, they are supposed to be like B5 Shadow and Minbari armaments, so they're great when you have a positive fix but pretty useless when you're having to guess. Attack craft and torps have basic augur systems which are easily fooled and led aside by false energy trails. Ships trying to ram or board - well you don't think an Eldar ship would just sit there while some lumbering mon -kie tin can charged at them do you? I'd guess the same applies to Nova cannon shots - the 'shell' is moving fast, but not neccessarily so fast the the Eldar ship can't manoeuvre some distance out of the way, plus pre-setting the distance to explosion would be very tricky if you only have a hazy lock on the target - remember its only one shot as opposed to a continuous bombardment like that from a weapon battery. As to the race definition, the Eldar in Gothic are supposed to be (and I quote) 'absolute gits'.
Its rather nice to know how holofield works and how it affects other systems (which gives us an idea of their targeting systems). The big inference is that it works on visual/active sensor targeting (there has to be an emission to bend or redirect).

It's also interesting to see agian why Holofields work better against some weapons than others. Weapons battery fire is likened to AA aircraft fire (hence the blast marker stuff), lances are like Shadow/Minbari weapons, and Attack craft and torps can be fooled by EW type signatures (suggesting they often engage bVR or far enough away that visuals can be distraced.)

Nova cannon are even more interesting - it implies Eldar ships can react fast enough to get out of the way (or that the nova cannon's range is such tht, even moving at near-c there is a little time for the Eldar to react or move, which could ptoentially suggest multi-LS ranges.) although the "pre-setting" bit also helps explain things.

Also, weapons batteries are defined as guns firing continously over an area, which helps explain the blast markers persistant nature and area of effect (basically some weapons just spray n pray for a logn time.. which ameks sense given how long a turn can last.)

http://www.wolfedengames.com/battleflee ... a/more.htm
Q. If enemy ordnance moves into my fighter markers can I choose not to intercept that ordnance in favour of waiting for a juicier target later on? For that matter could ordnance choose not to attack a ship which moved into contact with it during the movement phase?
A. No in both cases. I imagine ordnance to have exceedingly short range detection systems which mean they are normally guided towards their target by other ships, inspired navigation, gut feeling and so on. This, along with their limited fuel and ammunition, means that they will seize on ‘targets of opportunity’ as soon as they are available. If this seems inefficient read up on some World War 2 carrier battles and you’ll soon see what I mean!
Torpedoes guidance systems clarified. They sound a bit like the telemetry fed torps from the specialist torpedoes in Warp Storm.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And this marks the final (and largest) stage of my "spinoff" analysis by a re-look at battlefleet Gothic in much more detail and with some probable revisions/corrections/additions and so on. I probably won't be touching on the Magazines again because I've had some comments cast their canonicity into question (but they can still stand at least as quasi-canon like Space fleet). and I don't think there is anything I can really add to those that I would like to - I have so much stuff to go on with as it is.

Page 6
In order to include interesting and exciting features such as planets and moons on the battlefield and have ship models which are not the size of molecules, Battlefleet Gothic takes some liberties with scale. In short, the ship models are designed to look good and be nice to paint, but they are not intended to scale with planets. To prevent this becoming a problem in the game it is assumed that the ships actually occupy the point in space shown by the stem of their base.

In keeping with this principle, movement distances are measured fromthe stem on the ship's base and distances for firing are measured from the stem of the ship's base to the stem of the target model.
A worthwhile note that some of the ingame stuff (ship data, for example) is heavily abstracted and can be taken with a grain of salt. And even in the cases where stuff might be "calced", I'd take the conclusions only in the broadest ways possible (EG weapons ranges as "tens of thousands of kilometers" perhaps rather than say a 30,000 km range precisely. Ship speeds as well.)

Page 6
The actual base of a ship model represents very close range around the ship, no more than a few thousand kilometers. At this distance all kinds of dangers can affect the ship itself such as torpedoes, deep space bomber squadrons, other ships exploding or asteroids striking.
I suppose this might give one person a way to "measure" ranges or such based on game stats, but I prefer to think of it as giving us the idea of what passes for "short" or "point blank" ranged combat. Fighters, torpedoes, and such seem to attack within this range (eg thousands of km or less) Asteroid collision being a danger this close up also suggests fairly significant velocities are used (tens or hundreds of km/s at least, possibly thousands.)

A few activities (point defense, torpedo homing, etc.) seem to occur at this range as well, so on the surface this seems useful. Basically in general ew treat them like I said before.. take them broadly, with a grain of salt.. but not be surprised if they don't quite mesh up. Then again they don't have to, since we can make allowances for variation (it fits within an order of magnitude estimate or so, so it works)

Page 6
It's easy to imagine that individual ships are just a few hundred kilometres higher or lower than each other and so have plenty of clear space to manoeuvre in.
Elevation of starships in combat. This probably is meant to give us a broad indicaton of clearance between ships in a squadron, fleet, whatever. Since it's a game played on a 2-D map though, this is yet another abstraction and probably doesn't impact the game in meaningful terms.

Page 8
Massive beweaponed battlecruisers joust with lances of fusion fire.
Mention of "fusion" lances, in contrast to the latter-mentioned "laser" lances. Presumably this means "fusion" in the context of melta/thermal weapons, rather than "nuclear" fusion.

Plasma lances were mentioned as part of a Ultramarines Battlebarge in the BFG magazines, and I believe White Rabbit once indicated Andy Chambers had speculated lances were laser/particle hybrid weapons . Particle beam (or atomic at least) lances may have been mentioned in the novel references as well (Blood Angels novels are most notable for this) The quote in question is here. I'll probably cover it later part of space fleet. This third definition hints at a nother way to define "fusion fire", since Andy likens them to a sort of focused "solar flare", they may be considered a "fusion" weapon in that context.

Page 8
Battleships are the largest fighting ships in space. They
They can absorb tremendous amount of damage and mount weapons batteries capable of laying waste to entire continents.These vessels are so huge that they are comparatively slow and ponderous to manoeuvre, so they need support from other vessels to bring the enemy to battle.
There are several ways to interpret it. One way ( asingle massive explosion) implies firepower on the order of tens or hundreds of teratons minimum (for weapons batteries.), though it depends heavily on the size of the continent and what "laying waste" means. Vaporizing a continent, ,for example, could go well up into the e10-e11 range (like with the Eclipse superlaser.) On the other hand, since individual guns would make smaller explosions and would be scattered over a larger area (more efficient than a single larger explosion). Depending on the size of continent, coverage/overlap, damange mechanism derived by (impact, nuke, beam, etc.) number of shots, and so on.. this could be below teraton range (gigatons, say.)

Timeframe is also not specified, but in context it would seem to refer to a "single shot" capability, since any weapon in theory could achieve those results given enough time. (also earlier sources like Space fleet use a "per shot" context in describing the capability of the Emperor-class Battleship's weapons, so one could reason it carries over.) Or at worst, a short period of time (far less than exterminatus, in any case)

I'd guess that the context of the quote is referring to a single broadside rather tha multiple since in theory any warship could smack a continent around given enough time, and this is meant to sound impressive. In the end though, this is useful more as a supporting context of firepower rather than a primary one. It perhaps clarifies things better in contrast with other, more precise calcs (Eg nova cannon, Exterminatus, etc.) - we just lack too much hard data to be much more precise than what the energy content may be.

Page 8
Cruisers are the workhorses of any fleet. They are manoeuvrable, well-armed ships, capable of operating away form a base for extended periods. This means cruisers are used for extended patrols, blockades, and raiding deep into enemy held space. In a major battle, cruisers screen the approach of the fleet in support of the escorts nad form the gun line once battle begins.
Defining traits of cruisers and their primary tasks. They also double as lesser warships (pocket battleships) in many cases, and may even be major warships where no battelships are availabe. Reminsicient, I believe, of tactics during the WW1 era and therabouts (before and after).

Page 8
Escort ships are the commonest warships in any fleet. They are fast, lightly armed and capable of running rings around heavier ships, which they accompany to protect them against torpedo attacks and to fight off enemy escorts. They are laso used for independent actions such as scouting, raiding, protecting transport ships and chasing pirates.
Escorts, primarily defensive, but serve various other roles that a cruiser or battleship may be too valuable to do (as in, say, escorting.) Some are little more than glorified torpedo boats.

Page 8
Note that for reasons of brevity, battleships and cruisers are often grouped together under the general heading of capital ships, a term which applies to all ships of both types.
Cruisers and battleships both (including light cruisers) are classified as "capital ships". Note that htis is relevant for later, parrticularily in Exterminatus calcs. Outside of BFG, I don't think this definition is quite as ironclad, just like outside of BFG you can get escorts rendering an Exterminatus (whilst they technically aren't supposed to in BFG, at least according to the strict rules) and the effects can be more variable (from just reducing everythin gon the surface to ash ro actually breaking the planet apart a'la St Josemane's hope.)

Also, it is worth noting that there are no "hard and fast" lines between classes - some frigates are as massive as small cruisers, and some cruisers are comparable to small battleships, for example. Variance in ship dimensions and lengths over the years has definitely ensured this.

Page 9
All ships deserve a name! Well, except escorts maybe. There is a list of some of the most famous ships that fought in the Gothic War in the Ships of the Gothic Sector section....
Escorts could be considered too unimportant for a name, although as a rule most of the larger escorts like frigates do get names. Of course given the number and variety of language and dialects in the Imperium, naming conventions should not be a problem. Again this is one of those things true "inside" BFG but not neccesarily outside it. Outside I can recall quite a few escorts getting names. Any retcon would probably go along the lines of "it varies from sector to sector."

Page 9
Ships are not all the same, so they are listed as belonging to a particular class. Different classes may be approximately the same in terms of size and weight but vary a lot in details. What is basically the same hull may carry different weapons, bigger engines, more or less armour, etc. Ships may even be converted from one class to another in the course of a major refit.
In other words, even ships of the same hull type or class may have specific or distinctive differences from one another due to myriad factors. Voss pattern ships (or any ships handled at the Voss forgeworld) are a good example. This handily helps explain inconsistencies in acceleration, ship sizes, etc. Nowadays not even size and weight are neccesarily consistent (Lunar class cruisers and its cousins can vary from 1 km to 8 km depending on your source.)

Page 9
The Speed characteristic tells you how far a ship moves in one turn.
Vessels can potentially move faster than this but the additional power output needed will divert energy from weapon systems. The Chaos cruiser has a slight edge in the Imperial one in terms of speed.
This is kind of "gameplay", but in it is also "in-universe" given the terminology. Its importance is that it indicates that Imperium warships in combat do not always devote the full power of their ships reactors to just guns - they also maintain a not-insignfiicant degree of manuverability. Though they can increase weapons power at the cost of thrust, and increase thrust at the cost of firepower, even in-game. Extremely high acceleration rates (most at least, say well into the thousands of gees) can be explained by claiming they represent all power diverted to the engines, and other (lower) accels could represent different power allocations. Hell, the fact power transfer is not going to be instantaneous is going to also play a factor (either in pre-arranging power levels in a given way, or in delays in acceleration changes.)
That power distribution changes can affect firepower in not-insiginificant ways does suggest that firepower is at least partly tied to even explosive shell/cannon (EG missiles and macro cannon) in some fashion (EG it behaves like a kinetic impactor if it hits as well as the explosive component. small shock at this given that torpedoes can nad do the same.)
Mainly, its of use in telling us that variables could affect our given conclusions, and gives us possible ways to explain away potential inconsistencies (power allocation affecting performance in a given instance. For example, firepower might be less in certain cases where it is higher than others. Depending on concext, the fact power is allocated elswhere may help account for this discrepancy. And of course, there's the differences in accleration where this idea can come into play as well.)

Page 9
Its [ship] number of hits indicates how big and strongly built its hull is and how large a crew it has In Battlefleet Gothic, a ships Hits represents how many times it can be hit and damaged before it is reduced to a floating wreck.
Nearly all ships are protected by powerful force field generators that can absorb or shunt aside incoming hits. Shields are rated according to how many hits they can absorb in a turn before they temporarily collapse.
The ship's Armour rating shows how well protected it is and/or how difficult it is ot damage.
In BFG "hits" seem to represent crippling, rather than total catastrophic destruction of the hull (Eg the hull may be badly beaten up but still largely intact.) Armoour also seems to be distinctive in this regard, although how (or if) this could translate into anything not gameplay is debatable (some sort of absorption/retransmission system to help keep the hull cool, SIFs, etc.) How this translates outside of BFG is again variable.

Plus: Description of the operation of a ship's defensive shields, presumably the "void shields", though it may or may not
include powerfields. They both absorb and redirect weapons fire (both possessing a reflective and a absorption and retransmission function.) In context, this makes sense. Redirecting or deflecting as much of the energy away cuts down on how much has to be absorbed. Indeed, the small amoutn "absorbed" would be from the process of redirecting the incoming fire away from the ship.

Page 9
[quiote]In addition to their main armament, most hips carry numerous small, quick-firing turrets. These are mounted over the length of their hull to shoot down incoming torpedoes and fighters.[/quote]
Point defense in other words.

Page 9
The maximum range of weapons is shown in centimetres. In the case of ordnance weapons which move towards their target, such as torpedoes or fighters, the speed of the weapon is shown rather than its maximum range.
More game stat stuff, but if we were doing game stat conversions again this might be worth noting. Ordnance as such has no absolute range, but is limited by other factors (fuel, life support, etc.)
Page 9
Weapons systems may only fire in particular directons depending on where they are mounted on the ship.
Few vessels mount any rear facing weapons - their engines are too massive and the thermal backwash" they create makes targeting almost impossible.
Rearward-firing weapons on a starship are rare or nonexistent because of the size of the engines and their hampering of sensors. Note that this is probably a minor issue, since engines like that probably could qualify as weapons themselves (Though no 40K captain ever lets an enemy into his rear section if he can help it.) Often times ventral weapons aren't mentioned either, but have been mentioned in some form or another.

Page 10
Even the smallest stellar craft is a marvel of engineering, packed with machinery and technology of the highest sophistication. The truly massive stellar warships are almost impossible to comprehend in their complexity, with thousands of crew members prforming millions of tasks to keep the whole vessel in working order. It is said that no single man could fully understand all of the machinery and systems that work together to make such a vessel function.
"stellar warships" carry at least "thousands" of crew members. It is not specified as to which kind of ship it is, but one might infer that it could be at least cruisers, if not destrroyers/frigates. (probably not battleships, since they carry "tens of thousands", and heavy cruiser scarry 10,000 as per Execution Hour. Tens of thousands ofr battleshps from Soul Drinkers.) The far end of this spectrum is the Rogue Trader RPG, where even small escorts can carry tens of thousands of troops and a cruiser can get up to nearly 100K crew.

I'd guess that it probably depends on alot of factors. Servitor to personnel ratio, ship to ship role (long trm voyages probably call for larger crews) and suchnot. Varying levels of automation may make a factor too. some older ships or better built/designed ones (EG Forge world origins) may simply be more advanced than others. It probably even varies by practice from sector to sector. Like everything else up to this point, this tidbit is more useful in broad rather than specific terms :P

Page 11
All Ahead full: A ship going All Ahead Full directs more power to its engines to produce an extra burst of speed, gaining an extra 4d6cm of movement. Its weapons are reduced to half effectiveness and the ship may not turn while moving under this order.

Come to New Heading: The ship sacrifices opportunities to fire its weapons in order ot turn more sharply, allowing the vessel to turn twice during its movement phase instead of only once, but at a cost of halving its weapons' Firepower or Strength.

Burn Retros: The ship directs additional energy to its retro thrusters in order to kill some of its forward momentum and hold position. Again, this reduces the firepower and strength of a ship's weaponry but the vesel can burn more sharply, thereby using the retros to turn on the spot.

Lock On: The ship maintains a steady course and draws additional energy from its engines to fire its armament in multiple salvoes. While a Lock On order prevents the ship form turning, it sshooting is far more effective...
This is the more "game oriented" description of what I alluded to earlier with regards to engines and weapons consuming reactor power. In combat, they balance power generation between weapons and engines, but under circumstances, they can and will divert power from one system to another, at least temporarily, to boost its effectiveness.
Again the ability for power distribution to affect things like firepower as well sa shields suggests that firepower for even "explosive" weapons is drawn from the powerplants in some manner (warheads "charged" like is hinted at in the Rogue trader noels for torpedoes, or in KE/momentum effect of accelerated projectiles, or both) But like before, the specifics are still up in the air (we know they draw some amount of power, it apparently is noticable enough that it can impact thrust to a measurable degree, but just how much all of that translates into we can't really know.)

Page 11
The captain of the vessel orders his crew to brace for impact; power is redirected to the shields, blast doors are slammed shut and the crew hang onto something secure. The ship gains a saving throw of 4, 5, or 6 on a D6 against any hits inflicted on it by the enemy, but its firing is reduced to half effect and it ma ynot use any other special orders in its next turn (the crew need time to re-open its blast doors, redirect power, etc.
This implies shields can consume power, but the exact amount is not specified (its implied to be enough to reduce firepower, though this may be due as much to crew allocation as to raw power.) Also note it refrences "redirecting" power.

Do note that shields will NOT consume energy unless they do work (A shield which dissipates most of its energy as waste heat is pointlessly stupid.), and under most cases only mass-based attacks are likely to require shields consume energy (to destroy the projectile, though even then they could do it if the shield acts like a solid object.). The only other reason for shields drawing more power is if they "circulate" some solid matter or have to be physically moved, accelerated, ,etc. In any event its likely there would be a certain limit to which energy would be consumed, and then stop until work is done (sort of like a capacitor) unless for some reason the shield has constant motion or something.

Given some lines in Imperial armour and a few other sources as well as a recent blurb from the Gav Thorpe novel "Path of the Warrior" we are given to believe that void shields have some connection to the warp in the way they operate. If that is the case, then the power consumption may be tied into whatever that connection is (Path fo the Warrior for example suggests the energy gets dumped into the warp) may at least offer a token explanation of shields consuming lots of energy - any sort of access to the warp is meant to be energy intensive - at least the way the humans do it is.)

Page 12
Blast markers are described more fully in the Shooting section of the rules. For now its simply worth knowing that they represent weapon impacts, debris clouds, radioactivity and other impediments to calm and orderly ship operation.
Blast markers defined. In general they're "proximity" effects but they also represent direct hits of various types and apparently other "prolonged" effects. It gives us an interesting idea what weapons battery fire can consist of though as well, since they are significantly represented by blast markers (proximity detonations, MIRV like submunitions or shotgun like blasts, raking/scything beam weapons, guided shells, etc.) How that "proximity" effect is interpreted is thus open ended (lasers won't "flak burst" in a spherical effect, no matter what people may wish, but a sustained barrage/burst of shots might be tracked across space to hit a moving target with at least some of the energy, Shadow Slicer beam style.)

Also, this would tend to suggest that 40K proximity weapons aren't strictly nukes, since blast markers tend to persist quite a bit (plasma tends to be exotic in 40K anyhow, so nevermind.). Guided macro cannon shells and missiles COULD be, of course, given the "interpretation" angle above.

Page 12
Enemy ships on special orders create anomalous energy emissions which make it much easier for the ship ot detect them and react quickly.
Not surprising but worth noting.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K spinoff game analysis thread (Necromunda-Inquisitor-

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next Blue book update. apologies if some of the calcable examples seem more fragmented or convoluted.. I've added thoughts/sources and revised it more than once (both the macro cannon and bombardment cannon bits especially.)

Page 16
The aft section of a warship is a mass of enormous drive tubes and vast engine compartments, filled with thundering machinery, that run for up to a third of the length of the ship.
Engines of a warship will consume up to a third of its length. If the length of a ship's engines are known, ,then its length can be derived - in an approximate fashion, at least. Since it says "up to a third" it doesnt neccesarily HAVE to be that much. On the other hand, a few ships can go as much as half. As a rule, I tend to figure it varies alot depending on warship design. Given the incredible variance in ship lengths nowdays for even a given class (cruisers can range anywhere from 3 km to 8+ km) differences in engine type used may acocunt for this. Some ships may use smaller engines, others may use bigger. Some may even stick engines of say, a battleship on (known to be done to create some kinds of battlecruisers.) This might also help account for different performances in acceleration too.

Page 16
Ships moving under engines retain enormous amounts of momentum. If a vessel slows down without the correct preparations, it is so big that there is a very real chance that its structure will be damaged because the whole of its vast length isn't moving at the same speed. Because of this, ships must always move at least half of their speed unless they use the Burn Retros special order, detailed below.

If the ship passes its Command checkit cna move at up to half its cruising speed, or even remain stationary (hold station).
Although I'd thought I shouldn't ever have to point this out, 40K starships as a rule have momentum and retain that momentum, and that conservation of momentum exists in 40K. This quote is also interesting as it would hint that structural integrity/tensor type fields technically do not exist, although it has been mentioned in Planetkill (Phobos worked in Adamant) and Legion (infantry scale weapons strenghtned by grav fields) An alternate interpretation is that too sudden a course change at a given momentum (an unknown velocity) exceeds the abilities of said fields to cope with it. Or, some ships may not just have the fields and others do.
The fact of the whole "burn retros" bit, and the speed angle tends to suggest that maybe is the deciding factor, and that in context it applies to sudden emergency changes (having to avoid a collision, for example)
Beyond saying "there are limits to the structure and whatever supporting fields may exist", however, we can't really say much about it (certainly not much about velocities or such.) We certianly can't calc anythign definite. One could infer that these changes are much greater than whatever the forces nova cannons generate, but that ignores a directional component (IIRC, compensating for recoil in one direction does not neccesarily guarantee it would in all directions.)
I would note this also tends to make the idea the Imperium makes rampant use of mass lightening rather a difficult to use or improbable technology - at least a certain KIND of mass lightening tech. In sci fi lots of differnet approaches ot that technology have been utilized, so one cannot definiteively claim it works one way just because the technology supposedly exists. (and this quote would put limits on such a tech in any case.)

Page 18
Direct fire attacks include weapons such as lasers, fusion beams, and plasma launchers which when fired hit almost immediately, even across tens of thousands of kilometers.
Description of the "direct fire" weaponry. note "weapons batteries", which include railguns and missiles as well as fusion beamers, graviton pulsars, lasers and plasma projectors.") minimum velocity is established as "tens of thousands of kilometers" (or nearly .1c) though its probably MUCH faster for most wepaons (lasers certainly, and probably plasma/particle beams, since plasma diffuses very quickly unless it moves at near-c. unless it is some sort of physical projectile.) Definite upper limit will be the nova cannon (by virtue its a single, massive fucking gun running along much of the ship) and possibly bombardment cannon (although those aren't IIRC, primarily designed for space combat and generally have shorter ranges.) but it is not IMPOSSIBLE for higher velocities in broadside weapons (a railgun possibly could be near c velocity but with a very low-mass projectile. I am not arguing it DOES, mind, merely that it could.)

Macro cannon almost certainly are included as well, by definition, since only two categories of "direct firing" attacks are mentioned (weapons batteries and lances.) If Macro cannon, railgun, etc. were not included, they should logically be a separate category. Moreover, we see a depiction of plasma weapon firing in the blue book, and it involves what appear to be detonations (rather than a beam strike), which would probably be the plasma launchers (which even sounds like a projectile weapon.)

There is plenty of reason to consider this valid. Warp storm mentions that weapons battery salvoes are timed to allow a fractional-second delay (they say micro-second, but there is no way this can be literal unless everything moves FTL, which only happened in the Eye of Terror) to allow for both weapons fire to cross the intervening distance, as well as to compensate for the distance starships have traveled. The recent novel "Savage Scars" mentions macro cannon fire covering an unspecified "long" weapons range in seconds, which makes sense, since unless the projectiles are guided, even a starship moving at mere kilometers a second should be able to easily dodge dumb projectiels that take minutes to reach the target. Really, it shouldn't take more than seconds for a dumb projectile to hit the target, at tens or hundreds of thousands of kilometers, especially with railguns.

That isn't all either. We know from the BFG novels that torpedoes can travel at tens of km per second, and "Iron Hands" mentions boarding torpedoes moving at hundreds of klicks per second. Since both are munitions that technically can penetrate shields, and weapons batteries (at least as defined here) do not normally do so, We also know weapons batteries included guided projectiles like missiles as well as unguided (like macro cannon and railgun.) The latter two ought to move considerably faster than missiles, and a railgun (a weapon relying on impact to do damage, rather than an explosive warhead) ought to be faster still. In that context, velocities of thousands or tens of thousands of kilometers is hardly improbable either. I will admit that some weapons (EG guided ones) moving slower than tens of thousands of km is not unreasonable, but it is equally true that dumb fired ones will need greater speed to compensate for their unguided nature - particularily when one considers how gunnery is often depicted in 40K.

There is also a bit in Execution hour where we know the Punisher-class Strike cruiser's bombardment cannon move at close to 1/4 the speed of light. It is also noted in that same novel by Ulanti that the Macharius would have better accuracy at range than the strike cruiser - unless the macro cannon were all guided (possible, but debatable) the Macharius macro cannon would need to be capable of roughly similar velociites to be true. Nova cannon also hint at "direct fire" propogation rates being short.

Page 19
The attacks that ships make are divided into two sorts: Direct firing and ordinance attacks. Direct firing uses a ship's weapons batteries, lances, and nova cannon. Ordnance attacks include torpedoes and fighters, which are launched during the shooting phase but are not resolved until they hit their target in the subsequent ordnance phase.
Direct fire weapons again are noted to be weapons such as "lances, nova cannon and weapons batteries." Worth noting as we probably can establish ranges and velocities through various means (for example, using game stats could establish "direct fire" ranges for guns. Although it would clearly not work for all weapons - eg laser batteries or laser lances.)
Note again that direct firing do not make subdivisions or distinctions between weapons batteries as some have hinted. Indeed, lances and nova cannon both fall in this definition - their shots strike within a very short period of time (less than a second at ranges of tens of thousands of kilometers, easily.)

Page 19
Some weapon systems can shoot in more than one fire arc. For example, many cruisers have weaponry in a dorsal mount (ie, along the top of the vessel) and dorsal mounts can fire left, front or right. Some weapons can even fire all around.
Weapons it seems can be turreted to a certain extent (At least some can.) going by some of the sketches and drawings even broadside weapons can be turreted, although turrets tend to be far larger, more mechanically complex (and therefore, less numerous) than gun port mounts.

Page 19
Enemies at close range pose a much greater threat than those thousands of kilometers away, so a shp will normally target the nearest enemy. However, a ship can always fire at whatver targets you like if it takes and passes a leadership test on 2d6 first.
Range seems to have an effect on the "danger" that a target represents. Presumably this has something to do with both accuracy and coherency of weapons fire (weapons battery broadsides are more accuate closer up, and some weapons like laser and plasma will lose effecitveness over range.) Perhaps shields are more likely to be breached at closer range (not only will more shots hit on target, but they may be more concentrated.) This makes sense, since many weapons (like macro cannons) depend on accurate placement for effective damage, so the furhter away one is, the less likely one is to make direct hits (or even very close hits.)

Then again, some weapons like nova cannons and lances are probably more effective at longer ranges (being big, bulky weapons like they are.)

Page 20
Lances are incredibly high-powered energy weapons that are capable of burning straight through an armoured huull or cutting an escort ship in two. On Imperial and Chaos ships lances are usually mounted in huge turrets with quad or triple energy projectors that focus into a concentrated beam of destruction.
Lances seem to represent the "big/heavy" guns on a ship, the ones with the longest range and the biggest individual punch. They also seem to be a bit more versatile than weapons batteries, having cutting/piercing effects as well. Each lance is also a multiple-projector mount that seems to have a death-star like "composite" beam effect, although preusmably they can fire them independently as well.

Although in BFG they are primarily used against large ships, they have been used against fighters as well (various codexes and epic sourcebooks and suhc pertaining to the third Armageddon war describe lances taking out Ork bombers, and the HH novels have lances used in a point defense role against torpedoes, for example.) Although 40k fighters can sometimes get big (up to a small starship.. eg 100+ meters long) others are presumably alot smaller so its hard to say.

Page 20
Weapons batteries form the main armament of most warships, ensuring that much of their hull is pock-marked by gun ports and weapon housings. Each battery consists of rank upon rank of weaposn: plasma projectors, laser cannons, missile launchers, rail guns, fusion beamers and graviton pulsers. Weapons batteries fire by salvos, using a co-ordinated pattern of shots to catch the target in the middle of a malestrom of destruction.
Weapons batteries seem to be the "medium/intermediate/secondary" guns on the ship. Smaller but more numerous than the massive dorsal turrets (like lances, but not always lances) they possess less range and power individually but possess alot of punch collectively. Its a bit like Age of Sail or the intermediary "ironclad" period between broadside guns and turrets, it would seem.

Another detail worth noticing is that weapons batteries are perhaps the most diverse weapons around. However, not all ships will carry all those weapons at once. Some ships seem to carry only a couple of those, or maybe only one type (all lasers, or maybe lasers and plasma, or plasma and railgun/macro cannon, or lasers and missiles, etc.) This is probably meant to enable a ship to deal with more than one kind of enemy (one that may be resistant to laser or plasma fire may not be so against missiles or projectiles, for example.)

Third: The velocity issue, which I already covered.

Lastly, the need to coordinate weapons of different types and velocities, especially in large numbers (and coupled with their "medium" calibre relative to the big turret weapons) also means that their destructive capability at longer ranges is also more limited (fewer direct hits, or fewer concentrated hits.) Hell, the reason range matters is quite likely due to accuracy. Coordinating so many guns on a moving target is not bound to be easy, hence the "pattern of shots catching the target in the middle of a firestorm" type description (EG and the blast markers.) projectiles probably either proximity detonate or stand-off detonate (depending on how they work), beam weapons rake or sweep space around or near the target, guided munitions adjust course to strike (in the case of Kinetic kill elements to such changing course may reduce forward velocity and therefore the effectivenss of impact), and so on.

That said, it is quite likely that (due to velocity, guidance ability, etc.) different weapons have different ranges. Unguided macro cannon and railguns probably have shorter ranges than lasers (which move at lightspeed) and missiles (whcih are definitely guided) for example.

Again, range is also likely influenced by defenses like void shields. Voids can easily deflect and (if needed) absorb a ton of abuse, and the rule of thumb (at least as pretensed in BFG sources) si that a single ship facing one of equal power at range won't do much damage unless they get lucky (or very accurate.) This probably is dictated though by power allocation (eg some to shields, some to engines, and not all to weapons) as it is to the toughness/nature of shields or range itself. At closer ranges, against a more slower moving (or stationary taget), with more power diverted frome ngines to weapons, the situation might be quite different. Variables, as always, matter.

Page 21
the forty men pulled harder at the traversing chains, heaving the massive barrel of the macro-cannon into position amidst the clank-clank-clank of rusty gears.

"Avats heaving! stand by for reloading" ordered Murman and the men dropped the chains and hurried to stand by the gun's huge breech. At the signal from the Gun Captain, ten of the men sprang into action, pushing the breech-block. When it was open, the others bent their backs to the loading winch, ,lowering the shell, which weighed several tons, into the heart of the cannon. With a deafening clang the breech was closed again.
Capital ship "macro cannon", with a shell that weighs "several tons." Going with the "lower limit" velocity I established before of 20,000 km/s for "direct fire" weapons. At that mass/velocity, the KE of the projectile would be 4e17 joules, or just under 100 megatons. Assuming the 40,000 km/s velocity I conjectured, it goes up to ~400 megatons. This is definitely a lower limit. The mass can probably be MUCH higher (and is, ,given other sources. In Nightbringer they're hurling building-sized projectiles out to 300,000 km, and in Iron Hands they hurl shells "three times the size of a man." Both would mass FAR more than "several tons." On top of that a number of novels like Wolf's Honour, Let the Galaxy Burn, and so on describe shells that are tank sized or bigger.. being many tens or hundrds of tons.)

If we assume "tens of thousands of km/s" refers to 100,000 km/s, and apply the same logic (railguns travelling faster than missiles.) and assume a 10 ton shell, the KE is 3e20, or around 70-80 gigatons of KE. Macro cannons, IIRC typically fire explosive warheadS (like bombardment cannons and nova cannon) so they may not rely on pure KE/momentum as the primary/only damage component. In this respect, lower KE/momentum probably would be a benefit, though it probably has a shorter range. Railguns probably are more "KE/momentum" weapons. We do know from the Cyrene Extrminatus short story (Thanks to Teleros for providing the info) that Mass driver/railgun rounds are ~10 tons in mass in that instance, which would mesh well with the above in an OoM manner.

Note that given the "mass" of the shell, unless "several" means alot more than 2-3 tonnes, the weapon in question is far lighter than many other anti ship weapons (described as being as large as tanks, or larger, with masses of tens or hundreds of tons) Hell, In "First and Only" and "Necropolis" the higher-end ground based macro cannons were flinging "multi ton" shells. I'd say it might be a point defense weapon, but the rate of fire would be slow, unless its designed to fire those proximity-detonation shells or something (I think Execution Hour describes such) Then again, this IS 40K, so it may be some ships DO use point defense weapons like that. On the other hand, it could just be a small ship (an escort for example) or a vessel that has a large number of smaller guns (as opposed to fewer, bigger guns.)

It could also be that the ship opted for a more numerous number of smaller guns. Such a ship need not have equivalent firepower to a ship mounting a smaller numbr of more powerful macrocannon - perhaps they traded off raw firepower for greater versatility (better able to take on smaller targets or point defense duties, for example. It may also be possible that the smaller shells have a much higher velocity to compensate for the lower mass. Other possibilities may exist yet, but the point is, it is not neccesarily a contradiction for macro cannons to be firing different masses of shell.

On top of the KE, we know macro cannons are often warheads of a type. Assuming they carry something equivlaent to a nuclear warhead, we can work out (approximately) the yeild. Modern nukes get somewhere between 1-2 kt per kg (here - yes I know its Wikipedia, but they actually do source the articles so its valid), possibly up to 6 kt/kg. For a 2-3 ton shell, that is between a couple of megatons up to 12 or more megatons. If it were a plasma munition rather than just a nuke, it would be 1000x better (as per Space fleet), upping the yield to single or double digit gigaton range. This is conservative, since we have no reason to assume (due to Space hulk nukes and Denzark's hammer example, if nothing else) that 40K nukes can get to very high yields suggesting their nukes are more efficient than ours. ASsuming close to 100% efficienciy (say 100 kt per kg) you get several hundred MT per shell (consistent roughly with the KE output) and a plasma muniton woudl get several hundred gigatons, easily (although exceeding 100 MT/kg easily exceeds the energy yielded from a single kg of fuel, so the energy owuld be coming from another source at that point, possible since a warp-based connection has been hinted at plasma reactors and weapons multiple times. If we assume it was close to E=MC^2, say 20 MT per kg, we're talking 40 GT per macro cannon shell or so.)

Page 22
A Nova cannon is a huge weapon, normally mounted in the prow of a ship so that the recoil it generates can be compensated for by the vessel's engines. It fires a proejctile at incredible velocity, using graviometric impellers to accelerate it to close to light speed. The projectile implodes at a preset distance after firing, unleashing a force more potent than a dozen plasma bombs
(First off I apologize for the length and somewhat fragmented nature of this analysis as well, but over time Nova cannon calcs have been disputed and discussed a ton, so a much broader and lenghtier analysis must follow.)
I would generally assume "close to light-speed" to mean at least 80-90% of C, but like most things this has been disputed. AT the very least, it should mean "greater than 50% of lightspeed." The size of a Nova cannon shell is never given precisely, but the diameter of the shell is given in other sources (50 meters in Warriors of Ultramar, though a 30 meter diameter nova cannon is mentioned. Mass can be derived by assuming the length is at least equal to the diameter, or (more probably) a multiple of the diameter (2-3x longer than the diameter, for example. A 50 meter diameter shell would be 100-150 meters long.)

Example: Going by a 50x150 meter shell made of iron (assume 30% solid, its supposed to be packed with explosive o funknown type and density) fired at ~90%of c yields a shell mass of around 770,000 tons and and a KE of 9e25 joules, putting Nova cannons well into the petaton range (~21 petatons roughly here.) In the literature, Nova Cannons are implied to "charge up" for firing just after loading, implying that the gun is charged in a matter of seconds - but it could alst for many minutes to close to an hour, depending on your source and whether you figure they constantly charge the gun up whilst loading.

Of course, if the WoU gun is a different class of Nova cannon, then its possible/likely that the shell mass I estimate isn't valid. It may not be, since Dark Disciple mentions Retribution class ships carrying 40 meter wide torpedo tubes and torpedoes are roughly the diameter of nova cannon shells (As per the Hammer class Battlekroozers.) and we know from the BFG magazine that 30 meter diameter nova cannons exist (suggesting similar shells. and failing that, there's always torpedoes anyhow, so it shouldn't affect the "Back of the envelope" nature significantly. If it does.. well.. thats why I'm going for a range of values now :)

Something that has been pointed out before WRT nova cannon calcs is that the diameter of the breech/breech door for the nova cannon is not going to be the same as the projectile (because that is how it is with real life cannon.) That has a certain amount of merit, but there are a number of qualifiers to that assessment as well. First of them being that a Nova cannon is not a chem propelled slugthrower. It's closer in role to an EM gun or railgun, which does not have to contain the pressures of a propellant charge by mass, or risk rupturing (EM guns have different considerations entirely.) There is no casing, no rifling, nothing. That said, there are other reasons for the breech end being heavy (at least in a turreted weapon) and that is to balance the gun (Thanks to Sea Skimmer for pointing this out, as usual) since a non-propellant weapon is likely to have EM magnets or similar along the gun itself. (Of course, since Nova cannon are fixed mount, the balance issue isn't as big a deal as it would be if it were turreted.)

There's also the issue of vaccuum being created behind a shell moving at such velocity and it sucking the air out of the ship (unless the area is vaccuum, which in the case of nova cannon is unlikely) so sealing it strongly by other means is important. This catually points out another reason why the breech doesn't have to be large, since 40K has a ton of forcefield tech and means by which such sealing could be done, the gun needn't have a huge mass of metal at the end.
Even if this were a consideration though, it is unlikely that it would change things much for a variety of reasons. Examples of the breech end here and here show that the difference between diameter of shell and door isn't all that significant (EG not an OoM difference, but maybe 1/2 to 2/3 differece.) which is not going to dramatically impact the calcs in the least. And failing that, we cna always check up against torpedoes and bobmardment cannons (which depending on source can go with mass OR diameter. The fact that 40 meter diameter torpedoes exist alone can justify the earlier calcs.) which just goes to show you why I keep revising this stuff.. its important to looka t a calc from lots of ways if you can just to make sure it all works out.

This is one sort of calc (and perfectly valid) for the nova cannon, given what we know, but it has been disputed. We can looka t it other ways. Torpedo yields (which can get to thousands of tons by scaling and by direct inference from a Gav Thorpe short story in Let the Galaxy burn. We know from Warp Storm/Armada that Bombardment cannon and nova cannon have similar bore diameters to torpedoes, which can go up to 40m or so, as per dark disciple.) is significant. We will also assume .6c velocity (not quite as "near-c" as 90% perhaps, but still possible. And we know inc omparison to bombardment cannon, as well as direct fire weapon descriptions, that a velocity of .5c or so would be more sensible at least.) a 2000 ton nova cannon shell would be 4.5e22 J of KE.

It is also interesting to note that the recoil generated needs to be compensated for by the engines. This suggests that the recoil/output of the Nova cannon is of comparable magnitude to the output/thrust of the engines. And if you know the specifics of one, you can probably estimate the other (IE figure acceleration from ship mass and the recoil of a Nova cannon.) Taking the shell example above, the momentum would be 4.77e17 kg*m/s. If the ship in question has a 5000 gee acceleration rate the ship itself masses somethign like 9.5 billion tons. A mass far greater than implied by a number of other sources, but I tend to believe 40K ship masses are dramatically under-stated in the vast majority of cases. Given the estimated accelerations from other sources like Sabbat Martyr or Grey Knights, and estimate the mass from starship dimensions, the output of engines for a cruiser/battlecruiser grade would be high TT/low petaton range easily (consistent with the "stellar scale" outputs mentioned in Execution Hour for warp engines, which aren't as energy intensive as the realspace engines as per Ravenor which does confirm the estimates.

We can be more conservative than that, though. The recent Rogue Trader RPG released stats for many ships, including masses and accelerations. A Lunar class cruiser has a mass of 28 million tons and a "max sustainable acceleration" of 2.5 gravities. At those values the engines have a momentum of 7e11 kg*m/s, which (in theory) the nova cannon could be capable of matching. At this scale, assuming a .6c Nova cannon velocity, the shell would have 7.9e19 J of KE and the projectile would mass... 3.5 tons. Possible.. but not very likely, given what we know torpedoes and macro cannons (or hell, even fighters) can mass. To be honest, the cruiser mass figures, if not the accel figures, can be argued to be off by quite a bit (and ships can be argued to be more massive.. something I will deal with at a later date.. nevermind the accel) but for our purposes her it does serve to provide a "canonical" lower limit.

Another useful detail we can derive from this is that nova cannons are a prow weapon, and thus powered by the reactor. From what we know we can infer (in a broad sense) that the other weapons (broadside, dorsal, etc.) and other systems (engines, shields) would draw roughly comparable levels of energy, which gives us a good way to double check these figures as well as infer capability of those other weapons even further.

The destructive power of a Nova cannon shell is up in the air, since the destructive mechanism cannot easily be agreed on.
If explosive, it ought to be at least comparable in magnitude ot the energy expended in getting the projectile to the target(s), which suggests its petaton range, if not significantly higher. Note that if this is the case, the energy density of the explosive, like plasma reactors, must be many many times greater than conventional nuclear fusion or even antimatter, for it to be equal to or greater than what a near-c projectile provides. Then again, 40K is not a stranger to "power sources with insanely high energy densities." either. The depiction above assumes an explosive projectile, which does not match quite with "implosion. On top of that, novels like "Cadian blood" give a very exotic nature to how nova cannon shells inflict damage, which does not seem to rely on raw energy (i hesitate to say "black hole" or even "vortex warhead".. but something arguably along those lines.) This does not preclude an explosive shell existing, mind, but it doesnt seem to be the point. We do know different kinds of nova cannon exist (some more like beam weapons, some seem to have different velofcities or firing mechanisms, too) but the Cadian blood one matches up best with the BFG one (supported by Shadow point, Chapter's Due, and a number of other novels where nova cannon sometimes appear.)

Also note that "plasma bombs" is another term used in earlier sources for torpedoes, so this might imply that a Nova cannon is equivalent to a dozen torpedoes (a double salvo, in other words.) I do find it odd they say "force", as this implies that a Nova bomb detonation has some sort of blast/pressure effects like a conventional explosive (nuclear/antimatter warheads would not have blast effects, ,becuase the blast is a result of atmospheric detonations.) which may hint at some sort of exotic mechanism, perhaps like a seismic charge (or maybe a multi-function warhead). anyhow, this would imply plasma torpedoes are in the teraton range or so (double or triple) assuming a multi-petaton nova cannon. Again this gets into semantics and the explosive/implosive bits about nova cannons, so a direct comparison between plasma bombs (however one chooses to define it) and a nova cannon shell is up in the air. I think arguing that nova cannon are worth 12 torpedoes in effect (however that effect results) is the best.

All in all, Its probably not best to obsessively ascribe one single value to nova cannon or hinge one's entire argument on the truth/falsehood of a particular vlaue. A range of values is quite acceptable and can even be reconciled - we've known quite awhile there are many kinds of nova cannon - the different calcs could simply account for differences in design, requirements, performance, etc. Even velocity (Eg the WoU nova cannon). Gigatons can fit just as comfortably as the petatons can, depending on how the overall fit of the universe requires.

page 23
The weapons carried by some ships are powerful enough to reduce whole cities to plains of radioactive glass. Ships are armored and shielded in order to resist their savage caress,, hulls are heavily reinforced so that they can survive the horrific pounding of gigawatts of energy. But within every ship is a crew all too vulnerable to the fires of battle and the deadly cold of the void. Ships are often crippled by crew casualties long beofre hull cracks or drives explode.
We actually hear about ships destroying cities in various forms (vaporizing, melting, ,etc.) quite often. Battleships, cruisers (or rather specific weapons on crusiers) and even frigates have been mentioned as capable of destroying cities with their weapons. We also have heard of cities simply being "levelled" or razed or otherwise demolished/wiped out.
Cities can be quite large too. Either fortress cities (like we see in 13th Legion and Ghostmaker) to Hive Cities (which span many tens or hundreds of kilometers in diameter minimum, and extend many kilometers both above and even under the ground). Hell, some planets have continent sized buildings (like Terra, but also some Hive Cities and Forge worlds do ).

Calculating it can be hard, given the variables involved, though"reducing cities to glasS" implies melting. Assuming a 10 km diameter city, composed of iron, 90% empty and with an average building height of 300 meters (with a fairly crowded density), it would take at least 5 gigatons or so to melt. Something larger (say 50 km in diameter, or about hive city size) that extends up ~ 5 km in height, as a cone, composed of iron and 90% empty) would take around 738 gigatons to melt. THat doesn't include anythign below ground - assuming a 200 meter depth into the rock, 90% empty, would be several times greater) would add around another 40-80 gigatons depending on composiition. Again this is not a precise, absolute figure.. but just an approximation. Melting the ground to several meters deep would simply require a few hundred megatons, for example.

For shits and giggles if we assume a 100 km diameter hive city (some of them get that big, since we know a number of "normal" non hives can be several tens of km in diameter easily) several km tall and conical, with iron composition and 90% empty space, it could take 1.8 TT of energy to melt. If we go "contientn" scale.. say 1000 km and 10 km tall, and a cylinder, it would take ~590 TT to melt. We know Battleships can destroy hive cities (been done before) so that suggests we can definitely say battleship scale vessels get into the GT/TT range of firepower, proably within one shot.
The Rogue Trader RPG mentions starships destroying cities in a single broadside, and an early epic source (which I alreay covered) has described titans needing "hours" to do so (and cruisers without a doubt are MANY orders of magnitude more powerful than Titans...) I think it is safe to say a "single shot"

Like with the "continent destroying" comment before for bAttleships, this quote is somewhat speculative and open to interpretation, so it doesn't really tell us much since you can go from "small town" to "hive city" in definition, nevermind the varaibles in duration or method of destruction. Some of course treat it as an inviolable upper limit, but that can't be helped.
The "gigawatts of energy" is interesting in comparison to the above calcs and what we now of other weapons. Strictly speaking there is nothing "wrong" with it.. a ship that can resist kilotons, megatons, or even gigatons could shrug off gigawatts, and if one is loose in interpretation "gigawatts" could mean gigatons (just alot of gigawatts...) It might also be an error (someone said 'gigawatts" instead of gigatons or terawatts or petawtts or whatever, for example) such errors have creeped in (the "kilotons of kinetic energy for a supposed ground weapon ona Stryker wannabee from Emperor's Mercy, for example.) Again, I'm not going to stress over having a "specific" value for this.

Page 24
The weapons used in space are so destructive that when a ship is hit there is a chance that a vital location will be critically damaged. Critical hits can temporarily knock out a ship's weapons and engines, start fires or even breach the hull.
To be honest, I'm not really sure how to translate this into "in universe" examples, aside from lucky or chance hits that get by defenses or such (hit weakened bits of shield, exposed sections, whatever. IIRC voids dont even completely protect against the possibilities of critical hits, so there's lots of ways to handle that.

Page 24
Blast markers represent all kinds of events - huge explosions, expanding shockwaves, intense radiation clouds, ,tumbling debris, unexploded warheads, plasma bursts, etc.

They show areas of tumultuous, strife-torn space

Game mechanics after a fashion, but its interesting to note what "blast markers" would represent on the 40K battlefield - "shockwaves" (implying some weapons generate them despite vaccuum, again like a seismic charrge), radiation (presumably like the dumping of absorbe denergy from void shields, but also starship explosions) debris, bombs, and plasma burts (either plasma cannon or plasma torpedoes, if not both - it suggests they are omnidirecitonal blast weapons either way.) Again it gives an idea of the kinds of firepower and abuse get thrown at 40K ships, although how I interpret blast markers is still a cautious one, since it is a game mechanic. Also, given how I've seen it portrayed in BFG and elswhere, those "areas of strife torn space" tend ot persist for quite some time, which is hard to reconcile if you have nukes or antimatter bombs releasing their energies in fractions of a second ;)

On the other hand, taking this too literally has other odd implications, like weapons spreading out to fully encompass hundreds of kilometeres of space and being hazardous throughout that volume as well as remaining persistant. That would lead to.. interesting calcs :)

Page 25

If a ship moves through any blast markers, it reduces its speed that phase by 5cm regardless of the number of markers actually moved through.
As tempted as I am to try to make sense of it in an analytical sense, I am not going to do so. I'll just leave it as notice that blast markers (and what they represent, eg weapons damage) seem to be able to affect the mass/momentum of a ship in a noticable manner (which is consistent, for example, with impacts shaking the ship violently, etc.) Mind you, given that speeds for shisp range form 30 cm to 20 cm, a 1/4 to 1/6 degradation in speed, ven at a few km/s, is still alot of potential momentum. We just can't figure out how much, or the manner in which it is applied, or anything usable other than it happens, which only plays into the "blast markers lead to weird ideas" about 40K weapons if taken too literally.

Page 25
If a ship's base is in contact with any blast markers when it is fired upon, its shield Strength is reduced by -1 per Blast Marker.
Once more, not quite sure how to interpret this WRT in-universe, aside from it taking multiple "blast markers" to knock down shields and that it only happens when in "contact" with whatever the blast marker is representing. I suppose with above it could imply that multiple blast markers would imply multiple changes in momentum to the ship before shields get knocked down, even temporarily.

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Blast Markers interfere with gunnery, as mentioned earlier, disrupting firing and causing plenty of 'ghost' images on the firing ship's sensors.
The phenomenon represented by "blast markers" represent some sort of sensor-disrupting measure, suggesting a potential means of electronic warfare. (which we see after a fashion in various novels, and in certain kinds of torpedo or nova cannon shell.) Void shields themselves seem to have a "EW-like" function in this respect, since their dumping/dispersing of attacks generates blast markers. And again, I dont see regular nukes or AM detonations doing this since the energy doesnt last long enough to do it, and this effect suggests blast markers can be persistant. Though in this case, its hard to see some weapons doing it regardless (EG lasers and particle beams and railguns.)

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Ships are protected by powerful energy shields, so that they can survive travelling through space. The shields form a wavering band of energy around the vessel, a teardrop of invisible force that can absorb or deflect the worst excesses of stellar radiation and metor showers or a series of weapons hits. The amount of damage shields are able to absorb is limited and they will be overwhelmed by a sustained attack, forcing a temporary shutdown while the shield generators vent off the excess energy.
Shields must also shut down while they vent excess energy. The reason for this has never been stated. Either the shields block such emissions (creating a temporary but dangerous vulnerability) or its simply a consequence of the design (it seems odd, but perhaps its designed so to avoid destroying the generator or damaging it.) Given that ships mount many shield generators to provide multiple layers of redundant protection,, its probably unlikely that the void shields themselves block the radiation process (however it works.), or if they do, they vent in such a way that other shields minimize the vulnerability. Of course we know nothing about the radiating method anyhow, aside it has a visible component), although Path of the Warrior evidently mentions Imperial void shields (from the Eldar perspective) dumping energy into the warp.

Void shields on a starships are "teardrop shaped" Also, It is worth noting that void shields are not *just* energy-absorbing devices. They can also "deflect" attacks, ,which suggests they redirect or disperse the energy of attacks so that the generators need only absorb part of it. This may explain the "teardrop" shape in some way - angled shields would help deflection, and the angle would be optimal in a "forward" configuration (which is where Imperium ships stick those heavy armoured prows as well.) The "absorbed" energy probably represents what the shields handle in the process of deflecting attacks. Deflecting attacks before absorbing makes sense, since you want to absorb as little energy as possible and save strain on you rdefenses as much as possible.

I'm honestly not quite sure how to reconcile this notion of shields with the newer ideas of shields being warp-based or shunting attacks into the warp (Path of the Warrior, Imperial armour 6) or the like. It could be different kinds of void shield operation by different mechanisms, or it could be multiple mechanisms for disposing of attacks employed (again redundancy.) Or perhaps even both, since they're not mutually exclusive mechanisms.

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A blast marker is palced touching the ship's base for each hit blocked by the shieldst to show how much energy has been absorbed
Once they have been overloaded the shields may not be raised again until the ship escapes the storm of energy blasts and shock waves represented by the Blast markers. The shields remain down until the ship moves away from the Blast markrs in a subsequent movement phase.
More blast marker fun. In this context, it seems to suggest shields are under strain in the magical "blast marker" damage zones, but also to reprenset the absorption and dissipation functions as well. This does not seem to destroy or knock out the shields, but is purely a temporary weakening.
Maybe, in context with the "warp dispersion" above, we should attribute Blast Markers to funky warp disturbances in the context of shields?

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The Intolerance was surrounded by a seething sphere of plasma and missile detonations, held back by the bright coruscating arcs of its energy shields. With a blinding flash the shield generators collapsed under the onslaught, leaving the ship at the mercy of its enemies.
In universe depiction of the blast marker/shields interation in action. I'm not quite sure how it could maintain a perfect sphere to begin with (a teardrop would be semi-sheprical), but one possibility is that its describing the shields behaving as the containment and radiating medium for the energy - much like a Mote in the God's Eye or the Lensman universe "screens". Though in the former case without the nanoying tendency of the ship to destroy itself when the fields are overloaded. And you can scan through them. Anyhow, the "sphere" would simply represent the energy being absorbed, deflected and dissipated away by the shields (and the more surface area the better for this), which would aguably make a sort of "sphere" effect, I suppose.

This also tells us that void shields can be strained or overwhelmed, although they only gradually fail against the assaults (greater the strain presumably, the faste they fall.) I have heard such argued for SW shields before.
Also note that the plasma weapons seem to be some sort of physical munition, as they detonate omnidirectional rather than behaving like a beam weapon (recalling the "plasma launcher" bit I alluded to earlier.)

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A ship with no hits left is effectively out of action. There may be some crew left alive, trapped in compartments which have not been breached yet, there may even be power available in some sections of the ship, but the ship can no longer fight. When escort ships are reduced to zero damage remove them from play and replace them with a blast marker, to represent the expanding lcoud of debris left by their passing. With a mighty capital ship, there is a chance that the vessel will be destroyed by catastrophic damage as its plasma drive overloads or its warpdrive triggers.
Escorts are less durable than capital ships, so any destruction that hits them is likely goign to totally obliterate them. although some of the larger frigates probably could survive this. Cruisers and Battleships, however would be much more durable and resilent to catastorphic destruction, and might merely be "crippled", mission killed, or howver you want to define it - basically the'd be a throughouyl blasted but largely intact hulk.

Another possibility is that escorts simply aren't as engineered/protected as better as Cruisers/battleships. The latter tend to be more highly valued and harder to build, whereas escorts might be far faster to build and replacable (They may even favor a mor disposable model of such ships to enable them to be built faster, for all we konw.)
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Blazing or drifting hulks will block lines of fire that pass ove their base, due to the clouds of venting gases and debris they produce. Likewise torpedoes which strikea hulk will detonate...


Blazing or drifting hulks have no shields or turrets value. Hulks can be targeted by shooting (usually in the hopes that they wille xplode and cause vast harm to your enemies!)
more on crippled hulks/capial ships

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Drifting hulk : The ship is reduced to a shattered hulk in space. [2-6]
Blazing hulk. The ship is reduced to a burning wreck with uncontrolled fires blazing on very deck. In time the fires either burn out or trigger a cataclysmic explosion.[7-8]
Plasma drive overload: The ship's plasma coils overload and explode i na blazing inferno of white hot plasma. Remove the ship from play, leaving behind a number of Blast markres equal to half its starting number of hits. Every ship within 3d6cm of the imploding wreck is struck by lance shots with a strength equal to half the ship's starting Damage capacity.
Warp drive implosion. The ship's warp drive implodes, ripping a hole in real space that tears at nearby vessels with horrific force. Remove the ship from play, leaving behind a numbr of blast markers equal to its starting number of hits. Every ship within 3d6cm of the imploding wreck is struck by lance shots with a strength equal to the wreck's starting Damage capacity.
Game stats, but it shows the manner in which catastrophic detonation could occur, although not guaranteed the way with escorts (due to armor, redundancies, etc.)
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