Your projectile is going to be predictable thank to the fact that has to fire towards a known point and can only release from so many exit points and still hit that target. Not to mention that the ISD can track it from beyond Trek's sensor range so they have guns trained on where it will be before Trek even knows they're there.Uncluttered wrote:Good answer. If you don't mind, I'll tell you why it's not 100% relevent.Sea Skimmer wrote:If you wanted to hit an FTL target with something like a turbolaser you wouldn’t try to track it. You’d do what infantry are supposed to do when shooting at fast moving aircraft. Predict a point it will pass through, and have all weapons aim at one point and fill it with a barrage. Given a dense enough cone of fire you will score hits, in fact with perfect tracking and weapons accuracy you might have every single shot hit a big target from one salvo. You only get one engagement opportunity, but that’s more or less a given in a sublight vs. FTL matchup, unless the FTL target comes directly at you.
The problem is, that your rifleman isn't trying to fire while he's restrained. The turrets of a star destroyer are restrained by relativity. They might get off a lucky shot, but they will never be able to follow as fast as an FTL projectile can tack across relative bearing.
Your best bet, is like you said, to try and predict the relative motion of the projectile. If your projectile is evading, in a truly random motion, then good luck. Really. Luck will be the decisive factor.
I designed this as a hypothetical defensive weapon for this reason. At long range, the empire can simply hyperspace away or spam the corridor.
This would be a defensive weapon. The ISD has to attack your habitat.
At short range, the warp style FTL has some small advantanges.
1. It's FTL with realtime manuevering. Mostly, the warp field is just used as a combined storage canister/launchtube/booster.
2. The warp field is arguably less affected by gravity wells. (LESS |= NOT) The interdictor might be a decent defence, but I'm starting to doubt the ISD's infallibility to defend against C projectiles too.
3. The warp field is capable of carrying things like this projectile via the mass lightening property. The same property which makes warp kamikaze futile. It's one or the other I'm afraid.
1. It really isn't that hard to track as it still has a fixed object that it's orbiting and the ISD can fire at it from beyond your sensor range.
2. The ISD isn't infallible versus projectiles as C so long as they know the ISD is coming before it knows what they're up to.
3. The warp field still requires energy to maintain and those energy cost will go up with larger projectiles and, I'm not up on my treknology, but it should also get more costly as the speed increases.