While this is almost certainly true, it doesn't change that we're (allegedly) talking about the POTW fleet, which is a bunch of Daleks rebuilt with scavenged genetic material in the far future, and not some guys in WW2. Next you'll say POTW guys can be equated to the Cult of Skaro, I guess. You ignore that SW weapons have power levels, of course.ChosenOne54 wrote:Or the obvious conclusion that the Dalek's have different settings on their gunsticks? Like this:
No, there's 'thats a lot of juice' and 'there is no fucking way anywhere near that power would get into the bunker without melting the shit out of the cables, breaking the circuit, or blowing up a transformer and producing the effect we see'. Unless the Dalek (in its damaged state) was able to make the entire US power grid superconductive offscreen.Yeah? And so what? It's Sci-Fi. I mean, I could just as easily argue that the power to destroy a planet is absolutely impossible and ridiculous, and it is far more likely that the Death Star beam hitting Alderaan set off a chain reaction of explosives on the planet which destroyed it.
You've got fucking problems.Maybe.
If an F16 shoots someone down, the little dot on the radar goes away. Is it OMG TEH VAPORISED? Of course not. What does the display represent? Where does it get its information? Why does it even still work if the world has been 'melted'?I'm sorry, I thought this was already discussed on the first page?
I mean, the screen explicitly shows a red circle, indicating the blast wave, following by the continents changing shapes in a very 'melty' like manner. And... why would they not be used in ship to ship combat?
The author's intent is clearly that Earth has suffered massive bombardment, but we see none of it. You're all too willing to leap to the best conclusion for you, but normal people like to have evidence, and not 'Google maps went a bit funny'.
You are so ass-backwards it's hilarious. We see their 'power'; a petrol explosion about 200m across. It doesn't destroy the TARDIS, and indeed we see later that the ENTIRE FUCKING FLEET is powerless against the extrapolator (unable even to knock the Gamestation into the atmosphere or simply crush it). You can wave your hand about how 'powerful' they must have been for a bunch of Daleks who never fought in the Time War to think they'd destroy a TARDIS, but what we see is pretty unimpressive. And what we see... is all there is. What those idiots expected is simply not quantifiable - they were ALSO so poorly informed they believed the TARDIS to have 'no defences', remember?The fact that those missiles were actually expected to destroy the TARDIS should tell you something about their power.