40K 5th edition analysis thread

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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And now.. the fucking Necrons, man. 5th edition saw the final update of the Necron codex, and it is quite an understatement to say that the reaction was mixed. Some people obviously hated it - either because it was Tomb Kings in space, or because it seemingly did away with the old intepretation of Necrons (or Oldcrons as the term has come to be, with the new ones being Newcrons.). Some simply hated it because it was done by Matt Ward. Others liked it - it gave more personality to the Necrons, it gave them greater diversity, and saw a bunch of new units and an upping of their scope.

My feelings on it are more or less limited ot the fluff. I tend to view it as positive. Alot of people, I suspect, simply were mad because the new edition shattered alot of the preconceptions they had formed to fill in the gaps about the Necrons. Some for example had complained that the Dolmen gates took away their 'across the galaxy in the blink of an eye' FTL which had been long believed to be inertialess drive... even though it was never explicitly stated as such, nor was the means of travel across the galaxy stated. Some were upset because they felt the 3rd edition Necrons were more ominous, darker, mysterious... even though another way to look at it is that they were space zombies with little or no personality except for the C'tan, and there were only four of those. And really, 3rd was mainly 'space undead robot analogues feeding the giant space god vampire analogues' which is HARDLY any better or worse than Tomb Kings in space. At that, the Codex (and the rulebook) had skewed the canon in a sufficiently vague way that at least some (or most) of the fluff could be inteprreted so as to harmonize with much of the previous fluff (or at least didn't explicitly forbid it.)

Besides, I fucking hate arbitrary distinctions like 'NEWCRONS' and 'OLDCRONS', because of the inherent 'resistance to change' that implies. It kinda reminds me of alot of the nostalgai-driven rage about 40K compared to 1st edition, or regarding the Squats. I mean I have a fondness for first edition because its quirky as hell and different, and the style and humoour were much more in evidence. And I like the Squats just becuase.. but times change, and just because I like something doesn't mean that it is inherently, objectivley 'Better'.

And honestly, the idea that the old Necrons were somehow more ominous and nasty just because they were more.. ambiguous and mysterious is kinda silly. I mean fuck, there's millions of tomb worlds, and billions (or trillions) of necrons at a minimum. They're stealing people to experiment on them to gain back squishy bodies... but experiment on them in brutal, horrifying and painful ways. They have no regard for the lesser races - much like the Eldar they view themselves as superior. They fucking killed their 'gods' and bound them to servitude with their own powers. They've build planet sized mobile constructs, played around with time and space, and created devices that can blow up freaking stars. I dont know about anyone else, but I consider that nasty, ominous and damn chilling, especially since they're set on reclaiming what is theirs. And at the same time there is some good in the bad. They can be quirky, perverse, or even bizarre. THere's traces of humor in the new Necrons (Trazyn the Infinite, for example.) There's even more scope than simply 'fighting' - they can be dealt with, or even allied with, which makes them more complicated than interactions with the old Necrons. There is even a bit of tragedy and nobility in their story, which makes them far less the 'evil' fucks they were 3rd edition. And even more, the fluff betwen 3rd and 5th is not totally irreconcilable, nor is 5th irreconcilable with alot of the pre-5th edition Necron stories either. The fact it may only be a C'tan 'Shard' rather than the actual C'tan doesn't really change things from a story perspective - that whole 'myth and legend' aspect so heavily apart of 40K, after all. And combining the two, I feel, adds even more depth and complexity - not only do you have the 'new' Necrons vying for power, but you may have the 'old' C'tan ruled factions (or rather Shard ruled) still out there, causing trouble.

So, having laid all that out, we dive into the 5th edition Necrons. Like them or hate them, they're here to stay. I'll be covering it in 3 parts, since this is one of the bigger analysis (only the IG one is bigger lol)

Page 5
Yet if billions of Necrons have been destroyed by the passage of eternity, countless billions more remain to see their dominion reborn.
Implied scope of the Necron force, although "billions" is not exact.

Page 5
Given time, severed limbs reattach, armour plating reknits and shattered mechanical organs are rebuilt. The only way, then, toa ssure a Necron's destruction is to overhwhelm its ability ot self-repair, to inflict such massive damage that its systems cannot keep pace.
..the Necron will often simply 'phase out' - automated teleport beams returning it to the safety of the stasis crypts, where it remains in storage until such time as repairs can be carried out.
Mechanical organs? Are they just meatbag forms made out of shiny morphing metal? Also the means to destroy Necrons - more damage goes in than goes out, basically. Same probably applies to their ships and such too.

Also interesting is the "automated teleport beams" - that implies some sort of transponder or beacon probably - when the beacon goes out (due to damage) the teleport beams activate.

Page 5
Should a fallen warrior fail to phase out, it self-destructs and is consumed by a blaze of emerald light. Outwardly this appears little differnet to the glow of teleportation...
Necron phase out.

Page 6
...billions of years before Mankind evolved on Terra.
Using stasis-crypts aboard slow burning torch-ships, they began to colonise other planets. Little by little, the Necrontyr dynasties spread ever further, until much of the galaxy answered to their rule.
Necrons are billions of years old, and the "Stasis crypt/torch ship" thing is pretty much lifted almost entirely from the previous codex, page 24. The only major difference is the dynasties thing being added, and the removal to references of living metal shielding them.

Page 6
In but a span of centuries, the Necrontyr were pushed back until they were little more than an irritation...
Given that the preceding quote says that the Necrons conquered 'much of the galaxy' they must have had an empire spanning thousands, if not tens of thousands of light years. Given that their tomb worlds were pretty much pan-galactic we can consider this a safe bet. The interesting thing is, this is pre-C'tan Necrons, so they must have some form of FTL travel, even if its fairly slow (tens or hundreds of c at least). It's not certain of course, but its quite likely still.

Page 6
Some Necrontyr actively sought the C'tan's favour and oversaw the forging of living metal bodies to contain the star-gods' nebulous essence.
..the C'tan took the shapes of hte Necrontyr's half-forgotten gods, hiding their own desires beneath cloaks of obsequious subservience.
Another change, despite the living metal 'incarnation" (STar god version of daemonic possession I guess) they are not instantly chowing down on Necrons mindlessly, or seeking to control them.. they're much sneakier now.

Page 7
Colossal bio-furnaces roared day and night, consuming weak-bodied flesh and replacing it with enduring forms of living metal. As the cyclopean machines clamoured, the C'tan swarmed about the biotransference sites, drinking in the torrent of cast-off life energy and growing ever stronger.
This is something that echoes the Planetkill short story "Phobos worked in Adamant"

Page 7
In that moment, he knew with cold certainty that the price of physical immortality had been the loss of his soul.
... the soulless Necrons reborn in their place.
Does this mean the Necrons were a warp-sensitive race originally?

Page 7
The biotransference process had embedded command protocols in every mind, granting Szarekh the unswerving loyalty of his subjects.
And apparently unbreakable? Apparently the Silent King could choose to break them, but feared the repercussions were he to do so.

Page 7
..the empowered C'tan were nigh unstoppable and unleashed forces beyond comprehension. Planets were razed, suns extinguished and whole systems devoured by black holes called into being by the reality warping powers of the star gods.
C'tan power.. apparently this is what they're capable of after they've snacked on the souls/life essences of an entire galaxy-spanning race (billions, trillions, perhaps quadrillions of necrontyr.)

Page 7
Necron Legions finally broached the webway and assailed the Old Ones in every corner of the galaxy. They brought under siege the fortresses of the Old Ones' allies...
They gained access to the Webway. This primariyl seemed to be of offensive benefit, allowing them to carry the war to the Old Ones themselves. It does not neccesarily mean this is the ONLY form of FTL the Necrons have, or that they have lost others.

PAge 7
The Necrons focussed the unimaginable energies of the living universe into weapons too mighty for even the C'tan to endure. Alas, the C'tan were immortal star-spawn, part of the fundamental fabric of actuality and therefore nigh impossible to destroy. So was each C'tan instead sundered into thousands of fragments.
Each C'tan shard was bound within a tesserect labyrinth, as trammelled and secure as a genie in a bottle.
This really makes the C'tan seem like the realspace version of Chaos Gods and daemons really.. the whole "part of the fabric of reality" bit and such.. and the shards kinda emphasize that, considering that warp entitites are basically a gestalt of thoughts/feelings/souls of living beings incarnated to consciousness.

Also note the tesserect labyrinth. The really interesting thing is the "energies of the living universe" - it makes it sound like the Necrons tapped the Force or something. Or maybe the warp? Who knows. Either way it begs the question - did they overwhelm them via brute power, or exploit a weakness in doing this? We do know that the C'tan had basically exhausted themselves defeating the Old Ones, which allowed the Necrons to pull this off (it flat out states they couldn't have taken them at full power.

Page 7
The Mantle of galactic dominion would soon pass to the Eldar...
.. thus come to hate the Necrons...
... the Necrons, weakened during the overthrow of the C'tan, could not stand against them. Yet the Silent King knew that the time of the Eldar would pass...
.. the remaining Necron cities to be transformed into great tomb complexes shtreaded with stasis-crypts.
..he destroyed the command protocols by which he had controlled his people.
No Enslaver plague explicitly this time, but that doesnt mean it wasn't a factor either. Basically the Necrons did it to avoid the Eldar, and wait them out so they could re-awaken and reclaim the galaxy.

Page 8
For many the [malfunction] results were minor, such as a disruption to the operation of the Tomb World's chronostat or revivification chambers, causing the inhabitants to awaken later than intended...
Cascade failures of stasis-crypts destroyed millions, if not billions, of dormant Necrons. Some Tomb Worlds were destroyed by the retribution of the maraudering Eldar, their defence systems overmatched...
Tectonically unstable planets crushed necron strongholds slumbering at their hearts; stars went supernova, consuming orbiting Tomb worlds in their death trhoes. And everywhere, inquisitive life forms scrabbled and fought over the bones of the Necron Territories....
Fate of tomb worlds. Some malfucntioned, some destroyed by deliberate or accident or nactural occurances, some looted. that some had their necron tombs crushed or damaged by tectonic activity suggests it was buried somewhere in or close to the crust.

Implied scope of NEcron worlds in the millions or billions as well, which subsequent sources tied to 5th have corroborated to varying degrees.

Page 8
Even now, at the close of the 41st Millenium, billions of Necrons still slumber in their tombs..
Billions of Necrons at least.

Page 8
With but the slightest flaw in the revivification cycle, the engrammic pathways of a sleeper scatters and degrades. In most cases, these coalesce over time to restore identity and purpose, but it is a process tha can take decades, or even centuries, and cannot be hurried. Sometimes recovery never occurs and the sleeper is doomed forever to a mindless state.

There are thousands of Tomb Worlds scattered throughout the galaxy whose halls are thronged with shambling automatons, Necrons whose minds fled during the hibernation, and whose bodies have been co-opted by a Tomb World's master program in an attempt to bring some order to their existence.
Severed worlds.. Probably a reconciliation of old Necron fluff (the old codex and some of the older stories, Apocalypse, etc.)

Basically the 'Crons who were soulless, lifeless, emotionless killers and harvesters and all around killer doombots. Of course they make up a minority of th eoverall worlds mentioned later (millions of tomb worlds, althoug how much of a minority depends on how one defines "thousands") but at the same time this is suggestive of the number of tomb worlds in current activity (Thousands at least, not including the non-Severed worlds.)

Page 8
..there were not resources enough to provide all Necrontyr with bodies capable of retaining the full gamut of personality and awareness.
..the finest bodies went to individuals of high rank...
For the professional soldiery, the merely adequate was deemed appropriate. As for the common people, they received that which remaind: comparatively crude bodies that were little more than lobotomised prisons. Numb to all joy and experience, they are bound solely to the will of their betters, their function meaningless withoug constant direction. Yet even here a tiny spark of self-awareness remains, enough only to torment the Necron with memories and echoes of the past it once knew.
the net result of all this of course is that there's a massive caste system enforced among the 'Crons.. and that destroying the whole command protocol thing was pretty silly (since it would seem the majority of the population either was already basically robot zombies, or were more prone to that.) - the Silent King basically just doomed his people to yet another cycle of conflict and strife, which is going to pretty much hamper their efforts to reclaim their empire methinks. Of course, he was also gullible enough to deal with the c'tan and end up with his entire race as soulless metal space zombies, so we may actually have a Necron version of Sarpedon in play.

On the plus side it gives the 'Crons more character.. you have warriors, leaders, workers, etc. They're not all mindless killbots now. On the other hand you have to wonder why they get so upset about Severed Worlds if most of their commoners are little better too. Overall though I don't mind it, its pretty grim and horrific a fate all told and it leaves alot of room for some general nastiness of the sort associtaed with the old Necrons.

Page 8
In the closing years of the War in HEaven the tides began to shift when the Necrons finally gained acess to the webway.
through a series of living stone portals known as the Dolmen Gates, the Necrons were finally able to turn the Old Ones' greatest weapon against them, vastly accelerating the end of the War in Heaven.

The portals offered by the Dolmen Gates are neither stable, nor so controllable as the naturally occuring entrances to the webway. Indeed, in some curious fashion, the webway can detect when its environs have been breached by a Dolmen Gate and swiftly attempts to seal off the infected spur until the danger has passed. So, Necrons entering the webway must reach their destination quickly, lest the network itself bring about their destruction.
Many Dolmen Gates were lost or abandoned during the time of the Great Sleep, and many more were destroyed by the Eldar. Those that remain grant access to but a small portion of the webway, much of that voluntarily sealed off by the Eldar to prevent further contamination. Yet the webway is immeasurably vast, and even these sundered skeins allow the Necrons a mode of travel that far outpaces those of the younger races.
The Dolmen gates as artificial webway portals. Again this emphasize that the benefit of the webway was largely offensive (allowing them to launch attacks on the Old Ones more effectively.)

Also interesting is another refernece to the "aware" nature of the webway, itse organic self-healing capability and its ability to fight back against perceived invaders. I think it might have done so against Chaos, but apparently it will do so against Necrons as well. Rathre odd that it hasnt against humans (EG Jaq Draco invading the webway.)- it must be conditioned only to attack specific entities.

Also the Dolmen gate concept introduces an interesting question - was the golden throne and the gate there a Dolmen Gate? Given that the Void Dragon was defeated on Earth, this is quite possible. On the other hand, the Golden throne was also a stasis device and a means of amplifying psychic powers... which isn't something you'd expect Necron tech to do. It may be that this was a Dolmen gate the Emperor modified to provide both the stasis and psychic-boosting properties (the mechanisms of the Dolmen/webway gate that shielded it might also act to facilitate safe tapping of the warp, for example, and the gate itself would be a strong fount from which to draw upon. Likewise, the "timelessness" of the webway would be the ideal sort of stasis to presreve the Emperor - it would prevent him from aging in aw ay, yet keep him aware so that he could act.)

Lastly, the webway offers them teh fastest means of indepednent travel - this excludes teleport/wormholes they use (which require a means of entry and exit at both ends, or a beacon to home in on) and it doesn't include means of FTL they may have that are slower than the webway.

Page 8
As a race bereft of psykers, the Necrons are incapable of Warp travel, and without access to the webway, they would be forced to rely once more on slow-voyaging stasis-ships, dooming them to isolation.
Technically this should be meant to imply they don't have any ftl other than the webway except: we know about the teleport beams nad wormholes (which can be excused as they require locations between two points be established - unless they dispatched a ship or crew to provide the anchor point or beacon, they would in fact remain isolated.) That isn't hte only problem - the silliness is - why would lack of psykers prevent them access to the warp? We know of lots of races without natual psykers (the tau, for one) who can access the warp for travel. We know that you can navigate short distances in the warp via computer. Even if you can't there is still the tau ether drive, which no doubt the Necrons could emulate if not improve upon. As masters of folding space and dimesnional manipulation stuff, they could also emulate the Narvahl abilities.

And if that wasn't enough.. we know from Hellforged and Dark Creed that they have some starship travel ability (possibly the inertialess drive, or it may be osmething else) that allows them to move through space (it may still be slower than the webway) - so however you look at it this quote is conditional.

It is also interesting how they note "psykers" in general rather than navigators. Usually its the latter who are required for warp travel at all (even though psykers and sorcerers can technically do it, although not as good as Navigators. We know the Salamander,s the Avenging Sons, the Thousand Sons, etc. have all navigated the warp to a limited degree without navigators.
As have Ork WEirdboyz and Eldar Seers and Farseers, although Weirdboyz are far from teh most reliable means of navigation. And of course, dAemons can do it. ) It does suggest that astropaths or other human psykers could be used to do at least short-range warp hops though.

Also while the Necrons have souls, they clearly don't have psykers. This suggests that if they do have a connection to the warp, its a very tenuous one., much as with the tau.

Page 9
The Colossal amounts of energy generated [during revival] are detectable across great distances...
defence lies in the hands of the Necrons servitor robots - the Canoptek Spyders, Sarabs and Wraiths. Initially dehse defneders will be directed by the Tomb World's master program, whose complex decision matrix allows it to calculate an efficient response to any perceived threat. As the threat level rises, so too does the intensity of the master program's coutnermeasures, prioritising the activation of the Tomb World's defensces and the revivification of its armies according to the situation at hand.
..until the first legions have awoken - at which point the Master program surrenders command to the Tomb World's nobles.
This particular bit of fluff reflects strongly about the pre-5th edition stuff.. mainly derived from Apocalypse and such (The command levels and whatnot.) as well as perhaps reflecting earlier stuff (like the Great Warding, the old version of necrons as harvesters/killers, etc.) It offers yet another dimension as well as a retcon to earlier fluff without outright ignoring it (and yet another way in which the Necrons can be a danger to themselves or others, as the Master program can take charge and do things its own way. Hell maybe it can even gain sentience or coopt its masters? That might explain Hellforged for example.)

Page 9
When a large population centre of a younger race has evolved or expanded close to a Tomb World, the encoded programming delves deep into its archives and armouries in order to conduct an aggressive defence. Such Tomb worlds are the ones that have expanded their spheres of influence most rapidly...
Again this tends to reflect the stuff mentioned in the core rules for 5th, as well as the Apocalypse stuff on Necrons (the Gold, Silver, Platinum Lords, control programs, etc.)

Page 9
Some Necron Lords send diplomatic emissaries to other worlds, negotiating for the return of lost territories and artefacts, or cast off into the stars, searching for distant Tomb Worlds not yet awoken.
Diplomatic and exploratory Necrons

Page 9
The vast majority of Tomb Worlds, however, take a more aggressive tack, launching resource raids, planetary invasion, or full-blown genocidal purges.
Some Necorns attack in the full panoply and spectacle of honourbale war, rigorously applying their ancient codes of battle. At others, every possible underhanded tactic is employed, from piracy and deception, to assassination and subornation. On other occasions, the campaign is less a martial action than a systemic extermination..
Most Necrons are, in other words, militant jerks. There's still lots of variation to be had with that line, but this bascially comes across as yet another way to allow for the "old" fluff to have its say in recent canon without diluting the whole "Tomb dynasty" dynamic they go for. You still have the potential for the harvesting/stealing of living beings, the soulless, emotionless, killer necron exterminators, but you also have room for some Necrons playing the Deceiver (which may explain some of the stories, for example, since the Necrons now have personalities.) or other stuff.

Page 9
Yet, with the Triarch long gone and huge numbers of Tomb Worlds lying desolate or dormant, there can be no galaxy-wide coordination, no grand strategy that will bring about Necron ascendancy.
Which means that the 'Crons are basically on the same level as other aliens like the Orks - no real unity, no coordination, just a bunch of numerous small, independent mini empires fighting amongst themselves or others. This tends to mitigate the seriousness of their threat compared to, say, the Tyranids, but leaves them on the threat of Orks (potentially dangerous if they unify in large numbers for decisive action, but mostly an annoyance that drains resources with numerous, smaller conflicts with the Imperium.)

Whether this would change with a new Triarch, or the return of the Silent King, its up for debate. As it stands, its the same as with the Orks " shoudl they ever unify.." sort of thing.

Page 10
Before the coming of the C'tan, there were many hundreds of Necrontyr dynasties.
Through the Wars of Secession, the rebellion against biotransference, the War in Heaven, and the Great Sleep, many thousands of royal dynasties were destroyed. It is impossible to say how many survived, save that they number in the hundreds, or possibly thousands.
Hundreds or thousands of Dynasties, with thousands having been destroyed. This menas hundreds/thousands of Necron Tomb Worlds t least, although with the millions of tomb worlds the implied scope of a dynasty can be significant (scores of worlds to hundreds/thousands, depending on the number of Dynasties assumed.)

Page 10
Many of its dormant Tomb Worlds were devoured by Hive Fleet Behemoth, and countless others have been ravaged during the Imperiums counterattack against the Tyranids (in the galactic southeast.)
Er, what? As I recall most 'Crons tend to settle on dead or mostly dead worlds, so why would the 'Crons be consuming huge chunks of the population undefeated? Did they change their mind and set down in inhabited worlds?

Page 10
..the Oroskh Dynasty are heavily infected by the flayer virus - the result of a deliberate contamination conducted by Pathfinders from the Altaioc Craftworld.
This is a good thing.. how? I'm not sure making the Necrons into mindless psychos who want to make skin cloaks is a brilliant plan....

Page 11
Highest of the Necron noblees are the Phaerons, the rulers of entire dynasties including many planetary systems. Beneath these are the Overlords, who rule clusters of Tomb worlds within their Phaeron's domain. Lower still are the Lords, each charged with the keeping of a single core or fringeworld.
Necron dynastic structure. It seems that any dynasty can easily be expected to control multiple systems (dozens of systems? Hundreds?)

Page 12
Even a noble who lacks for a Royal Court commands a Legion of Necron Warriors, a few phalanxes of Immortals and Deathmarks, as well as a Phalanx of Lychhguard.
Minimal forces of a Necron "Lord"

Page 12
By this time the Khansu Dynasty was lost forever, its nobles destroyed in the War in Heaven, its Warriors and Immortals seized by other dynasties and reprogrammed to their service.
It's possible to capture and reprogram lesser necrons.

Page 12
As even the smallest of Tomb Worlds has at least two-score nobles of lesser rank, an Overlord can commonly draw upon at least a hundred Legions of Necorn Warriors, should he have need.
Assuming a roman "Legion" we might be talking 3-6000 (about the size of an IG regiment), we're talking 300-600 thousand Warriors. I'd guess given previous estimates we're talking at least a few tens of thousand sof Immortals and such.

Page 14
Crownworlds were once hubs of galactic power, buttressed by tithe and tirbute sent from elsewhere within their dynasties. With access to such great resource-wealth, crownworlds were able to construct the most reliable stasis-crypts.
Next in importance are coreworlds, planets which togehter form the heart of a dynasty. The rulers of core-worlds would inevitably be close kin to the regent of their crownworld, ensuring a bond of dynastic loyalty between the often diverse planets.
..fringeworlds are planets of tertiary importance, not viewed as being of high enough stats to be numbered amongst a dynasty's coreworlds. Fringeworlds were often poor or distant colonies, able to contribute to the wider realms only in terms of manual labour or as a location for penal institutions. Some fringeworlds will once have counted amongst the coreworlds of a different dynasty.
Necron territorial stratification. The importance seems to be more of ties of blood or dynastic status rather than any sort of industrial or resources (except crown worlds, which benefit from all the rest.) - this also means you could have a fringeworld that is actually more valuable resource or industry wise than a coreworld (althoguh this seems counter-intuitive.)

It also implies some significnat territory per Lords, typically. (more than half a dozen worlds or so?)

Page 14
Ordering Mandragora's Dolmen Gates reactivated, he sent forces to seize many corwrolds...
Some crownworlds seem to have their own Webway acess.

Page 14
Due to a devastating fault in a dimensional stabiliser array, the crownworld of Gheden is half-phased into a pocket dimension for all but a few hours of its stellar orbit.
..their world is almost entirely impervious to assault.
Phaseout seems to be an ideal defense.

Page 14
....the Oracle Chamber, wherein the bulbous head of an ancient alien prophet is kept alive through a combination of stasis fields and temporal stabilisers. The prophet's thoughts are projected as multifaceted holographic images which, in theory, show events yet to unfurl. That said, the creature continually rails against his ghoulish imprisonment and obfuscates the images so that the mislead as often as they are truthful.
I suppose this is a necron version of FTL sensor/detection.

Page 14
only the Eldar see the Necrons for the threat they truly are - and even they cannot be sure how many Tomb Worlds slumber in the darkness.
Many such worlds were seeded with life and adopted as homes by outcasts and Exodites.
Given that "millions" of tomb worlds have been mentioned this could imply a great many Eldar/Exodite colonies - hundreds of thousands or millions, perhaps.

Page 14
The Children of Isha hold soullessness to be the very worst of all fates, and the Necrons therefore provoke an abiding terror that the Eldar can never truly suppress.
Again implies "soullessness" implies warp-soul stuff.

Page 14
For the seer council of the Altaioc Craftworld, however, ta time of terrible vindication is at hand. The Eldar of Altaioc remembered whilst their peers forgot. They recovered the fragments of the great map, spread their networkds of outcasts and Exodites even wider and waited for the ancient enemy to return. So it is that whilst most craftworlds are re-honing half-remembered strategies, Altaoic is reaching its hand, assailing the Necrons on their own territory, sabotaging their Tomb worlds and ambattling their legsion..
It implies the Eldar might actually believe they can fight the Necron threat, suggesting their numbers are comparable to the 'Crons (or not dramatically weaker.) - or, at least, comparable to the curent Necron threat.

Page 15
Crafted by artisans of the Oruscar Dynasty long before the onset of the War in Heaven, this web of hologram and living metal is beyond price for its artistic value alone.
The tiny pinpricks of glowing light suspended within the impossibly intricate matrix record the positions of every star in the galaxy. Snuff out one of these lights and its physical counterpart will go supernova long millenia before its destined time, bringing fiery oblivion to all nearby worlds.

Such an act cnanot be performed without consideration, however, as each star destroyed in this fashion upsets the fundamental forces of the galaxy, setting off a catastrophic chain reaction. Only with further manipulation of the Celestial Orrey can these forces be returned to their proper balance, and this invariably takes many thousand sof years of constant and precise micromanagement.
..they (the Court of Thanatos) see themselves as gardeners of creation and dispassionately use the Orrey in a precise and sparing manner, pruning the galaxy only out of need to prevent it from becoming wild and overgrown.
A Necron supernova device... implies some FTL performance, although its probably tied to the whole "fundamental forces" thing. I suspect however, that the mechanism is incredibly complex givne the whole "chain reaction/micormanagement" thing suggests that the entire device is intended to manipulate/control forces that are beyond the ability of most people/necrons to comprehend usually (it takes alot of balancing and careful manipulation to avoid unintended consequences and such.. perhaps its a form of probability manipulation?)

Page 15
Every few solar months, when no more meat remains...
..Valgul announces a new Time of Bounty, and despatches the fleets of Drazak to raid nearby worlds.
Assuming they don't just send fleets through the Dolment gates, this may imply starships can travel back and forth between distant star systems in no more than a few months, since its unlikely flayers can last mor than that without fresh meat.
this might also be one possible explanation for Necron 'Harvests' from earlier fluff.

Page 15
..low flying squadrons of Night Scythes flit over the landscape..
It is not uncommon for entire settlements to be overwhelmed and harvested within a single night with only a large and barren crater to show where people once lived and worked.
As darkness descends, curfew begins, blast doors are sealed and sentries set. Yet every few nights another settlement vanishes..
I guess that implies necron fighters can reduce a whole settlement of some kind to craters.

Page 15
.. Trantis was only ever intended as a way station for resources and raw materials. It lacks the ability to use more than a fraction of the plunder form the planet below and was to ship the excess to toher nearby coreworlds.
..Trantis' portion of the webway has become sundered from all others..
Apparently the Webway also served as an important industrial route for the Necrons. This makes you wonder if they can use wormholes or teleport in that way... and if not why that isn't the case since they can transport armies...

Page 16
Thaszar's vessels have already begun to prowl both the webway and realspace, and the galaxy will surely come to rue the day he awakened.
That may refer to sublight travle, but prowling intervening space at sublight speeds isn't of much good really.

Page 16
When radiation storms ravaged the Tomb World of Sarkon, they destroyed forever the memory engrams of every Necron interred therein. With its charges thus rendered mindless, the complex's master program took charge of their bodies. Little realising its own systems had also been damaged, the master program observed the quiet order it had brought to Sarkon and resovled to carry it far and wide.
Takarak's defences were swiftly overwhelmed, and the Sarkoni Emperor (for thus was how the master program now thought of itself) erased the minds of Takarak's inhabitants and claimed their bodies...
.. another three Tomb Worlds have been overcome in this manner, and the Sarkoni Emperor has begun to extend its will across other, non-Necron worlds, using mindshackle scarabs to bring any unruly living creatures under its direct control.
A master program acting in the role of a Lord. Reminds me of the situation in Hellforged.

Also note using the mindshackle scarabs for mind control duties.

Page 16
As creatures long without any kind of spiritual essence, the Necrons cannot project their minds into the Warp or harness its power to any degree. They are unable to use the Warp to journey across the galaxy and are thoroughly bereft of psykers.
Hard to believe that psykers are a requirement for warp engines, considering that lots of humans use them for short range navigation and travel (unless a psyker is needed to *create* the engines, but that only means the Necrons would have to harvest them from another race, which shouldn't be difficult.)

Page 16
..many Tomb Worlds are shielded from psychic disturbnaces by vast null field matrices. Developed during the War in Heaven, these emit energy that destabilises a psyker's connection to the Warp, rendering him unable to utilise his full power. Similarily, Daemons in the presence of null field matrices have a tendency to flicker in and out of existenc,e as if unable to maintain a solid foothold in reality.
..the Null field matrix has also proven to have a deleterious effect on Tyranids. The vassels of hte Hive Mind are not immune to the unsettling soullessness of the Necrons, and the null field matrix only serves to exacerbate this effect...
These remind me both of gellar fields, as well as the effects created by the collapse of a void shield, as well as Abnett-grade untouchables. This could mean untuochables were meant to generate a naturally occuring null field matrix. That void shields can do similar as the shields (perhaps, given the void shields are warp based in nature, invoking a null field to collapse the voids, which also cuts off psykers.) and gellar fields in general would further reinforce the Mechanicum/Dragon of MARs based connections between human and Necron tech.

Page 16
A null field matrix requires incredible amounts of power to function properly, and is a fragile machine that must be hidden away at a Tomb World's very heart to prevent its destruction.
Limits of null field tech. Suggests it's not used effectively outside of a Tomb world. Then again we know the Necrons have had widespread Warp-nullifying technology (Nexus Arrangement, The Great Warding/Cadian Pylons, etc.)

Page 17
The hyperspace corridors connecting Moebius' countless crytps take the form of an ever shifting maze, ensuring that no journey through the catacombs is ever the same twice..
Necron 'hyperspace' abilities.. I take it to mean some sort of pocket dimension or folded space type thing, rather than FTL stuff.

Page 17
IT wsa from this coreworld's (Seidon) stardocks that the torhc ships set out into the stars, carrying colonists beyond the boundaries of Necrontyr space. Throughout the War in Heaven, the wharves of Seidon continued to ply their trade, but instead sent expeditionary forces in search of fresh worlds to conquer. Every thirty-three weeks, another vast stasis-ship woul launch from the dockyards at Seidon, carrying a legion of Immortals to some distant planet.
..for every thirty-three weeks that pass, another legion of Immortals depart on their perilous journey into the unknown.
Implied construction rate for stasis ships.

Page 17
Their aim is apotheosis, the undoing of biotransference's curse by transferring their consciousness into the bodies of other sentient creatures.
it has ever been unclear wehther the Necrons need to take over other bodies, or clone new ones for their eternal minds to inhabit.
..the Legions and fleets of Zantragora scour the galaxy for fresh subjects, following strict search patterns lest they somehow miss a world whose inhabitants hold the key. Hundreds of thousands of samples, both living and dead, are taken from every planet in the search pattern. Sealed in stasis-sleep, these are conveyed back to Zantragora to feed the never-ending series of autopsies, gene-splicing, tissue mutation and molecular deconstruction that typifies the quest for apotheosis.
Yet another way I suspect they reconcile the old Necron approach of harvesting with the new fluff. Still in its own way its pretty damn grim and as horrific as the old stuff.. even moreso because we know the reasons.

Page 17
These tomb worlds represent no more than a handful of the many millions spread throughout the galaxy.
There are millions of tomb worlds. This suggests trillions of Necron military forces at least, probably more. And doesnt include all the other types (the menials and such.) I have to say that as car as scope and threat goes, that makes for a nastier enemy for the Imperium than the earlier fluff did.

Page 17
Who can say how many far-flung outposts of Man have their foundations set upon a planet long-ago claimed by an immeasurably older civilisation, inhabitants blissfully unaware of the slumbering horror at their planet's core.
Implies that the Necron forces are buried pretty damn deep below the planet (or at least deep in the crust.)

Page 20
Even as the last necron fell, the regeneration of the first triggered, drawing upon hidden power reserves to reknit broken limbs, repath critical circuits and return the warrior to full function. Thus even before Skullkrak's jubilant shout had finished echoing off the cliffs, the Ork Warboss found himself surrounded once again by the reanimated forms of those he had hacked paart only moments before.
Decapitated heads were reclaimed by grasping hands, and severed arms scrabbled across the sand in search of their sundered bodies.
the Warboss had taken to smashing his opponents into as amny, and as small, peices as possible to delay their inevitable reassembly.
..downed Necrons were failing to regenerate, as vital components were swept out into the seething waters of the bay.
Necron regeneration in action against Orks. Several implications can be held from this:
- Damage to the critical components can hamper recovery, although to do that you have to get inside the target (the water in question is highly acidic...) The regeneration procss requires internal power. I suspect Necrons that are constantly supplied power (beamed energy, I believe they are constnatly provided anyhow) this isn't an issue.. but if they are on their own internal reserves regeneration is probably finite. The method of destruction also affects recovery - I suspect Necrons reduced to puddles of slag are harder to repair (if not impossible) - which makes thermal weapons like meltaguns rather useful.

Page 20
..a slab-sided Monolith heaved its way to the surface Gunfire scattering off its armoured flanks, the inexorable machine glided slowly towards Skullkrak and his remaining boys. There was an ear-splitting whine, teh crystal atop the monolith glowed a piercing white and then all that was left of the Orks was a pile of smouldering ash.
Monolith cremates a Warboss, his orks (unknonw number, presumably double or triple digit) in a single flash. I would gather we're talking somewhere in the gigajoule range at least (single for sure.. a couple Orks would be a ton or so of flehs at least) and more probably double or triple digit (scores or hundred of Orks, especially allowing for the toughness and mass of Orks compared to humans.)

Page 20
"recommend activiation of mindshackle cluster..."
..issued the necessary interstitial command. "It is done. If the subject performs as expected, we have three months to prepare."
Shortly thereafter, three sectors distant, Tech-Priest Dreicon Brudac began preparations to investigate a reported cache of xenos technology...
Three months for the AdMech to mobilize and deploy some sort of force to investigate/assault a Necron Tomb world. 3 Sectors is at least 600 LY, not including any distances between sectors (hundreds or thousands of LY extra between sectors).. at least thousands (2400c) if not tens of thousands of c minimum, and that implies rapid deployment.

Also we get more or less a rapid (near instantaneous) transmission back and forth betwene the mindshackle scarabs and the tomb worlds over that same distance - implied comms speed.

Page 21
Zahndrekh's first attack wave was a dozen squadrons of Doom Scythe fighter craft...
death rays raising great furrows of twisted metal and stone as they ploughed through bastions, ferrocrete walls...
Hydra Flak Tanks and defence lasers scoured the skies, driving off or blasting apart many of the Necron Aircraft.
Death rays vs autocannon/lascannon defenses. Note the anti-aircraft defence lasers.

Page 21
Small arms fire scattered across the Night Scythes' armoured hulls as their flickering invasion beams delivered Zahndrekh's assault troops into the heart of the humans' defences.
Teleport assault!

PAge 21
The Megalith was no ordinary war engine, but a vast floating fortress.
.. chunks of the Megalith's understructure broke away...
They were no mere wreckage, but Monoliths detacching from the mother ship's hull.
PArasite ships.

Page 21
..teleport beams activated, delivering Doomsday Arks, legions of Necron Immortals..
Megalith invasion beams can deploy tens of thousands of troops and entire vehilces.

Page 22
For every crippled Necron that reassembled itself and rejoined the firing line, another succumbed to critical damage and was whisked away by retrieval teleporters.
Retrieval teleporters.

Page 22
Long did the Eldar Walk in the darkness, through dusty vaults and chambers that had not bene seen by the living...
Deeper and deeper into the tomb the Eldar went, until in a colossal vaulted chamber many miles beneatht he surface, Imotekh sprang his trap..
Tomb world locales many "miles" below the surface of a planet. Nice to know this meshes with Caves of Ice earlier (well then again it Meshes with Hellforged and most other sources we know involving Necrons. Big shock, huh?)

Page 22
Without warning, quantum force fields flickered into life at the chamber's exits, sealing the Eldar within.
The quantum fields are fixed defenses as well.

Page 24
Humanity is widespread throughout the stars and encounters the Necrons with some frequency, but there is no mechanism by which the experiences of one embattled world can be shared with the wider Imperium. Even if there were, by what means would the data be catalogued? Hundreds of human worlds are depopulated or destroyed every year, and if their fates are noted at all, the cause of their demise is rarely discovered. There is no single repositioriy of information in the Imperium, no established historicla record - in a galaxy-spanning civilisation so shrouded in ignorance, it would be remarkable if it were otherwise.
Wait.. no mechanism or central repository for information at all in the Imperium? No established historical record? What the fuck did we see in fhte 5th edition core rules back in 2008? you know? Time of Ending? Nova Terra Interregnum? What about that vast astropathic network? The Inquisition? How about how the Administratum on Terra collects and processes/files all the information they recieve from the Imperium? I'd think the exact opposite would be true - the problem is they get SO much information, it's hard ot tell what is useful and what isn't. The only exception to that are cases where messages are lost, worlds are destroyed without messages being sent, etc... the data would be lost in that case.

Also note the "hundreds of worlds" destroyed every year. I think there's reference to hundreds (Thousands) of worlds being discovered annually, which means that there is a rough equalibrium, at least. Funny thing with that, if there are 200 worlds.. over a 10,000 year period they have lost 2 million worlds.

Page 24
Some Imperial scholars hold the slaughter at Sanctuary 101 in 897.M41 to be the first contact with Necrons. Such men do so in ignorance of the many millions of encounters that, though predating the Sanctuary 101 event, went entirely unremarked because no one survived to make not of them, the records were lost or deemed mythic, or simply took place on a world where the inhabitants made no distinction between differing alien perils.
There's comment on general arrogance of humans but, really, how does this justify the previous "no centralized repository for data/no way to collate information?" This sounds like they in fact are aware of and know of possible encounters, its just that they had no way to accurately or reliably sift out and identify the data. Or in some cases the data was lost or noone was around to report it. That actually sounds like there is a place, it is just overworked and doesn't do it in an intelligent manner. Which actually is.. the Adminsitratum. Shock.

Page 24
Having encountered the tyranids in the intergalactic void, he recognises the threat they pose to the Necrons' apotheosis - if the Tyranids devour all life in the galaxy, the Necrons will never find living bodies to house their consciousness.
Working with the surviving Triarch Praetorians, he begins a pilgrimage across the galaxy...
It is the Silent King's wish that the younger races' flawed attempts to destroy the Tyranids do not simply feed the Hive Fleets beyond the point where even a united Necron people have any hope of victory.
Interesting that he thinks that if he pulls all the 'Crons together they can defeat the 'nids. That might say something about the size/scope of the Necron forces (EG being far greater than trillions, perhaps.) Or maybe it means that the true scope of the Tyranid threat is exaggerated - it isn't so much they have huge numbers already, but its that the numbers they do have have the potential to grow out of control unless they are crushed rapidly.

Also it sounds alot like he wants to find new bodies to steal for the Necrons to inhabit.

Page 24
..Valeria unleashes a pulse from her graviton beamer that reduces the Necron Lord to mangled and fused scrap.
Gravitic beam weaponry in action. I imagine the capital ship versions might behave a similar way.

Page 24
In exchange for several dozen functioning doomsday cannons, 'Eadcrumpa agrees to leave Suranas and seek plunder elsewhere...
..'Eadcrumpa is unable to resist his urge to investigate the doomsday cannons' systems. One breached containment core later and 'Eadcrumpa, his Waaagh! and the planet Eden PRime are erased form existence.
Necron weaponry blows up a planet. Whether a single weapon or the results of all the cannons is up for debate, as is the exact parameters (was it disintegrated, blown apart, melted/vaporized? How long did it take?) It at least shows the Necrons can make some pretty compact planet-destroying weapons in some manner if they choose, anyhow.

Page 25
At Nemesor Zanhdrek's instruction, the armies of Gidrim invade the Tau world of Cano'var, routing the planetary defenders after two weeks of campaigning.
Some Necrons are targeting the poor Tau now. White Scars make an appearance and get hier asses kicked as well.

Page 25
Khan's sword is quicker and guided by a desperate fury, but Obyron's body repairs any damage within moments.
Necron Lord is repairing sword wounds from a Space Marine in moments.

Page 25
..Zahndrekh has been watching the fight from afar and, impressed by Khan's skill and bravery, orders Obyron to stand aside and let him leave. Dragging the crippled Nightspear behind, Khan finally escapes to the surface, finds a still functioning Tau craft and leaves Cano'var far behind.
White Scar steals a tau ship and drags off an Eldar to save him. So much for "FILLLTHY XENOSSS" all the time, eh?
We also get a good example of the "honourable" Necron attitude in effect.

Page 25
Explorator Fleet 913 strays into territory controlled by the Tomb World of Gheden..
at least (potentially) 913 Explorator fleets.

Page 25
The Shadow-shrouded world of Athonos is wracked by severe earth tremors. The cause remains a mystery until a colossal Tomb Ship captained by the pirate king, Thaszar the Invincible...
The Athonosian planetary capital lies in ruins, but the rest of the planet survives relatively unscathed as the Tomb Ship heads into the stars, towards the Tomb World of Zapennec, pausing only to obliterate a holo-stealthed Eldar listening post hidden in near orbit.
City-sized Tomb ship (judging by devastation... kilometres long? Tens of km?) and the Eldar have a stealthed (unmanned?) listening post that the Imperium had no idea about but the Necrons could easily detect.

Page 26
.. a swarm of mindshackle scarabs burst bloodily from the explorator's brain to feast on the governor and his guests. From there, the mindshackle scarabs multiply and swiftly infest Burr's military echelons.
The dissolution furnaces roar day and night...
This possibly refers to them creating new troops via biotransference. Also note the self-replicating swarm of scarabs (dozens) which can hide in a techpriest's brain.

Page 26
Though the main Tomb World is overwhelmed and obliterated, the Silver Skulls are quick to regret their hasty assault, as secondary bases throughout the system whir into life.
Necron systems seem to be rather densely populated.

PAge 26
Anrakyr seizes control of the battle-barge's still-functioning weapon batteries and turns their fury on the defenders..
the beginning of an ability we see often used later.

Page 26
..Imotekh finally breaks the stalemate by launching a series of attacks on Hypnoth's supply worlds, Praedis-Zeta and Nyx.
weak points of forge worlds. Much like Hive worlds they are dependent upon subordinate/secondary production units (raw materials, foood, etc) to maintain their outputs.
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Connor MacLeod
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Posts: 14065
Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Pag 26
912-926.M41 The Worldengine
A Violent coup on the Tomb World of Borsis sees its introspective Lord replaced by one of a more expansionist bent. Thus are the long dormant engines of Borsis fired into life once more, signallying the start of a campaign that leaves much of the Vidar sector in ruins.
The world engine mentioned in Codex Space Marines and the core rulebook (although there they only mention that in 925.M41 that 18 had been lost in the Vidar SEctor) and destroyed in 926 gaving rampaged across a subsector and destroyed a number of worlds. Clear evidence of FTL transit ability of some kind. Whether that is the webay or not is up for debate, but I've never heard of world-sized gateways in the webway, so that makes it debatable, especially given how the Imperium pursued it.

Page 26
Sautekh Crypteks succeed in introducing a mechanophage into the defence systems of the forge world Hypnoth, reducing the formidably armed bastions to helpless ferrocrete shells.
I'm guessing this is 40K speak for "they slippeda virus into the world and it took down their defenses.

Page 26
Helbrecht deals Imotekh a dozen ruinous blows, but each time the Phaeron recovers in a matter of seconds to land a strike of his own.
Imotekh's durability.

Page 27
Helbrecht finally collapses, blood flowing from a score of serious wounds...
He also loses his hand and get kicked off a bridge. Interesting that he is dealt (and survives) a score of serious wounds, suggesting Imotekh is as durable as Helbrecht is (at least). Also the Phaeron's weapon can negate Space Marine Larraman healing.

Page 27
The Emperor's Swords Chapter of Space Marines, the second to bear that name, is destroyed when a Tomb World awakens beneath their fortress monastery on the world of Bellicas.
You can have multiple chapters going under the same name.. a sort of continuity. I imagine that Terra creates them from the same gene-seed they get tithed, or soemthing.

Page 27
The Necrons of Damnos then proceed to awaken their Dolmen Gates ans reconquer a crucial spar of the webway, driving out the Eldar who had reclaimed its paths during the Great Sleep. With their webway access restored, raiding parties from Damnos reach out across the Ultima Segmentum..
Damnos. Also suggests that while their control fo the Dolmen gates is imperfect, they can fight to keep it stable if they work at it.

Page 27
The Stormlord's Tomb Ship Inevitable Conqueror comes under attack by a Black Templars fleet whilst en-route to the Sautekh coreworld of Davatas.
A braodside from the battle barge Sigismund strips away the Conqueror's shields an instant before the Black Templars' boarding torpedoes strike home and, within moments, teh decks of the Inevitable Conqeuror are swarming with vengeful space Marines.

The Stormlord therefore teleports to an escort vessel and makes his escape.
.setting Imotekh's beloved flagship on a collison course with a nearby star.
Various points of interest. First, Necron Tomb ships can have shields, and they can block torpedoes it would seem. Secondly, the Tomb ship was in realspace where it could be assaulted. It's rather.. impressive the Black Templars were able ot track down and attack them - it suggests sublight travel was some part of the journey, but we don't know where/when it was exactly attacked, or how it was transiting betwene locales really. Also the Sigismund is of comparable firepower to the Tomb Ship, so while Necron starship firepower is arguably greater (in a stand up fight) we're not talking a dramatically greater capability either. Imotekh escapes on an escort via teleport (again is he fleeing via sublight, or what) but Helbrecht apparently can't pursue. Tomb ship dropped into nearby star.

Page 27
..the Pyrrhian Lord manages to subvert the prophecies of the Farseer through the astromantic analyses of Orikan the Diviner. Though Orikan's divinations are by no means as focussed as those of Starbane, they are sufficient to tangle the skeins of fate and leave many details beyond the Farseers reach.
Orikan can meddle (somehow) with Eldar farseeing, although in an indirect and limited way. This may be tied to the warp/realspace connection (thoughts and emotions having an influence/reflection in the warp) as well as Orikan's time-travel capabilities (or just a general probability manipulation of some kind, perhaps.) Precog ECM/ECCM.

Page 29
Necron vehicles are composed of a semi-sentient alloy capable of incredible feats of resilience and self-repair.

Page 30
Not only were their [Nobles] new bodies stronger and more durable [than the plebians], but the engrammic circuitry that housed each noble's intellect and personality was far more extensive than that granted to lesser Necrontyr.
..Unless they suffer damage during dormancy, Necron Lords and Overlords retain all the dirves, obsessions and nuances of personality that they once possessed.
Again "circuitry" - I wonder if that is literal or figurative (electronic brains analogues perhaps?) - does this mean if they suffer brain damage their engram circuits might suffer or be lost? It would seem it's not easy to repair or restore those, even for Necron Lords.

Page 30
A tomb world may have dozens, or even hundreds of norbles, but only one has the power of absolute rule. For coreworlds and fringeworlds this is usually a Lord, while crownworlds and particularily important coreworlds will have Overlords as their regents. Each PHaeron will also lay claim to a crownworld..
Implies multiple crownworlds, wich many more core/fringeworlds.. each with dozens/hundreds of Lords.

Page 30
..power struggles can erupt into open conflict. When this occurs, the remainder of the Tomb world's nobles align according to loyalty and ambition.
In the times before biotransference, such events led to the slaughter of countless millions in a matter of days or weeks. Nowadays, thanks to the Necrons' capacity for self-repair, these wars can last ofr years or even centuries with no discernable victor...
Necron self repair capabilities during internal political struggles and conflicts. Implied millions of troops in such conflicts, even now.

Page 30
For every battle a Necron noble fights amongst his own kind, he will orchestrate hundreds of sprawling campaigns against alien usurpers who squat amongst the remains of the Necron dynasties..
..most races are little more than vermin to be wiped away with as much efficiency and as little pomp as possible. Most of the more advanced races, such as te Eldar, have simply proven themselves unworthy of being treated as equals. So it is that assassination and ambush - forms of battle forbidden in wars between the nobility - are employed against outsiders without reservation.
Necrons fight more against outsiders, and they fight more dirty. Because like the Eldar, humans, etc. they are arrogant.

Page 30
When a Necron Lord or Overlord strides forth...
His armoured form is proof against tank-busting weaponry; his metal sinews have might enough to crush bones to powder.
Necron Lord strength, and durability.

Page 31
Whilst few Necrons retains any instinctive comprehension of pity and mercy, the cleverest amongst them can at least still grasp such concepts intellectually. Not so Destroyer Lords - they have long ago discarded any ability to empathise with creatures.
Destroyer Lords - even more psycho than regular necrons, it seems. I suspect this is another reason to explain why Necrons wreak such cold devastaton - some of them simply seek to destroy for the same reasons some C'tan did.

Page 32
Crypteks are members of pan-galactic conclaves of technologists...
They are masters of dimensional dissonance, singularity manipulation, atomic transmutation, elemental transmogrification and countless other reason-defying technologies. In many ways, a Cryptek's powers mirror those employed by the psykers of other races, but with a crucial difference; instead of using a mutant mind to channel Warp energies, the Crytpek employs arcane science to harness the universe's fundamental forces.
EVery conclave specialises in a particualr field of techno-soercery, be it psychomancy, plasmancy, chronomancy or any one of a hundred thousand other disciplines.
Crypteks and necron "science" - baiscally they're B5 technomages, only more skeletally. Time manipulation, space manipulation (making womrholes and black holes I imagine), matter to enregy conversion, matter transmutation and other weird shit. Its suggested they can emulate psyker powers, which may include some of the more exotic ones (like teleportaton and such.)

Page 32
..Crypteks have become just as stagnant and fragmented as every other aspect of Necron society. Nowadays, the surviving conclaves are maintained out of force of habit more than for any practical reason.
..Necrontyr nobility were ever disinterested by the workings of the technology they employed..
A Cryptek's power springs from this ignorance, adn from the army of Canoptek Spyders, Wraiths and Scarabs under his control.
A tomb world's countless systems require perpetual maintenance if they are to function at peak efficiency, and a slighted Cryptek is always willing to bring the maintenance cycle to a screaming halt should his 'betters' require a reminder.
Oh goody, the Necrons have their own version of the AdMech. This cements the parallels betwene the humans and the Necrons via the Void Dragon on Mars. There's even cryptek politicking and infighting

Page 32
..duels of techno-sorcery that inevitably result in the losing Cryptek suffering a most unpleasant, if scientifically impressive, fate - such as being transmuted into liquid adamantium, moved a nanosecond out of phase with the rest of the universe or being transformed into a speck of dwarf-star matter and hurled across the galaxy.
Cryptek feats.

Page 32
..Cryptek the firs tpickings of precious alloys, power cores, and focus crystals in exchange for his services on campaign.
..resources on a Tomb World are limited, and the Cryptek's trade requires that he have a ready supply of raw materials.
Crypteks need raw materials to work with, although what qualifies as such is open to debate given what canopteks are capable of.

Page 33
Yet on closer inspection of a Necron Warrior, aberrant details become visible that act against the image of the inevitable reaper. ITs reactions, though precise, are slow. Its limbs, though strong and sleek, are pitted and corroded, covered with an oily fluid seeping from aged joints. Its movements are jerky, and every so often it stumbles as synapses misfire.
Necron warriors have become even more zombiefied in 5th edition, which is something of a downturn for them. Still 60 million years is a long time for technology to last. I imagine the condition/stat eof such depends on the world, however.

Page 33
They [Warriors] are bound entirely to their commanders unyielding will. Outside of simple instructions, a Necron Warrior's tactical awareness is almost entirely noneixstent. Without more specific orders, a phalanx of Necron Warriors automatically settles inot a guard routine...
They don't have vocal apparatus either, except to scream if badly damaged. The utter brainlessness is consistent with earlier fluff though, at least to certain extents. Its a bit confusing from 5th edition core rules, as it implies even warriors could be sentient up to a point (sort of). Again I suspect it varies. I would imagine that "commanders" can include not only Lords and such, but also the Master Programs of the Tomb world.

What they remind me most of are Wraithguard/Wraithlords in mentality.

Page 33
Even dismemberment or decapitation cannot be counted upon to stay a Necron Warrior's advance, for its sophisticated self-repair mechanisms can return it to the fray within minutes.
Self repair capabilities of the average Warrior.

Page 33
though most of its animalistic instincts have long since been expunged or degraded into nothingless, a Necron Warrior's need for self preservation still has some purchase on its mind.
..such a reaction requires it to have registered the danger at hand, something which is by no means certain.
It is possible that the Necorn Warrior's paucity of wit and self-identity are merely side-effects of the biotransference process.
..They were not soldiers, but artisans, merchants, farmers, scribes - indeed anything but creatures of war. As citizens of lesser status it was inevitable that their conversion would be neither so careful nor so precise as that of the Necron soldiery or royalty.
.. that those Necron nobles who oversaw biotransference deliberately stripped their vassals of personality, character and awareness to ensure they would have loyal and unswerving foot soliders..
The mentla side of Necrons.. They aren't totally mindless (sort of), but inconsistently 'alive' in some basic way, which I guess is supposed to explain the earlier fluff (and possibly reconcile with earlier necron stuff.) We also learn that the Warriors are made up entirely of the nonmilitary portion of necrontyr society - basically this is what happened to all their civilians. Given that the 'Crons had most of the galaxy under their sway (millions of worlds) we could be talking many trillions or even quadrilliions of potential troops. If even a fraction of that survives...

Also the grim assertion that the Lords may have deliberately stripped the lessers of identity simply to have loyal, fearlress cannon fodder.

Page 34
These [Immortals] were the very elite of the Necrontyr armies, hardened veterans born anew in tireless metal bodies.
Now the Immortal legions are but an echo of what they once were, for countless trillions were destroyed in the final days of the War in Heaven. Yet billions more survived...
Immortals. The 'official' warrior caste of 'Cron society. Used to be "trillions" but now only 'billions'.

Page 34
..Immortals have a far wider range and dpeth of reaction than necron Warriors, for they have retained much of their tactical and strategic experience. Indeed, in many ways the transfer to machine bodies and minds only sharpened the Immortals' ability to prosecute war in an efficient faction.
..they are incapable of learning and adapting to new means of battle. On the rare occasions when Immortals are presented with a battlefield situation that cannot be conquered with ancient tactics, they will apply the counterstrategy they consider the closest match, regardless of its ultimate suitability. Fortunately, such instances are unusual for, no matter the advances in technology, war has changed little since the days of the War in Heaven.
Immortal fighting abilities. Better than warriors (more intelligent) but no capacity for learning. Read into "war has changed little since old days" whatever one wishes.

Page 34
Immortals are capable of speech, albiet in flat and emotionless tones..
This enables them to not only provide clinically precise battlefield reports to their superiors, but also to issue orders to Necron Warriors, a factor that often increase the efficiency....
.. Immortals are, atbest, limited conversationalists, often falling prey to recursive loops of logic and procedure in place of conveying any pertinent information. If presented with an enquiry or concept beyond its understanding, an Immortal simply does not respond.
Immortals can speak, but are unimaginative. One wonders why they bother with speech at all.

Page 34
Immortals are more thickly armoured than Necron Warriors and can weather a storm of heavy bolter or assault cannon fire with little more to show for it than fresh carbon-scoring...
..its auto-repair systems are, if anything, the tiniest fraction more efificent than that of the baselines warriors.
Immortal durability. AS good as the best Space Marines, probabyl better.

Page 34
A single shot from a gauss blaster can punch through most type sof armour to strip flesh from bone, and the closer the Immortals come to their target, the shorter the interval between blistering volleys.
Gauss blaster.

Page 35
They are no longer capable of straying from their master's edicts - careful engram manipulation during biotransference saw to that. Each is programmed with unswerving loyalty to a particular noble, or sometimes to a whole dynasty. Tis, combined with the fact that they have retinaed most of their personality intact, make Lychguards the ideal emissaries and lieutenants in sutations deemed too dangerous to risk the existence of a Phaeron or his regal subordinates.
conditioned to absolute loyalty, but smart enough to be better than most troops inb attle.,

Page 35
...housed in the same heavily-armoued forms more commonyl reserved for Necron royalty.
Most are equipped with heavy-bladed warscythes drawn from their patron's personal armoury - when combined with a Lychguard's prodigious strength, there is very little such a blade cannot penetrate. Phalanxes employed by more influential Overlords instead carry hyperphase swords and disperson shields, trading little in the way of raw might in favour of the incredible protection granted by the dispersion shields' interlocking force barriers.
..the ability to withstand anything from a siege shell to a defence laser blast is ample compensation.
Offensive and defensive capabilities of Lychguard. Strictly melee but formidable despite that (Esp with hyperphase swords) they have the same bodies/capabilities as the higher level 'Crons, and the dispersion shields (en masse especially) are formidable.

Page 36
..tradiction dictates strictr rules concerning their use. As agents of assasination and ambush, ancient codes forbid the deployment of Deathmarks in wars betwee nobility, or oagainst other 'honourable' enemies.
..as most alien foes are considered far from worthy until they have had a chance to prove otherwise on the battlefield, and few enemy commanders encounter Deathmarks and live to tell the tail, thise gives all but the most tradtiional and hidebound nemesors carte blach to employ these assassins against pretty much any alien he sees fit.
"regulation" such as it is, of the Deathmarks.

Page 36
..they slip sideways out of reality and monitor the ongoing conflict from a hyperspace oubliette - a pocket dimension riding the gap between then and now. They can remain here for days upon end...
..biotransference has done little to dullt he Deathmarks' predatory instincts and most nemesors are content to trust to this. From their hyperspace sanctuary, the Deathmarks cna track the initiation and target points of enemy communication channels, teleport beams and even orbital descents with childish ease.
Tracking/detection abilities of Deathmarks. Implies their detection powers can at least pierce dimensions if not be truly FTL.

Page 36
..te Deathmarks place the hunter's mark...
..an eerie green energy halo that plays about the target's head. The halo glows brightly through five dimensions, ensuring that no matter how far or by what manner the target flees, the Deathmarks will never lose track of him. Naturally, such a marking does not last froever, perhaps only an hour or so at best...
"Marking" ability. I wonder what happens if a target can access more than five dimensions. It is suggested, for example, that the Warp can encompass 8 dimensions on top of the 4 of realspace. I also wonder what the fifth is supposed to be - the warp? HAH.

Page 36
..before being torn apart by fire from the Deathmarks' long barreled synaptic disintegrators.
This rifle fires a compressed leptonic beam that destroys synaptic tissue.
Deathmark synamptic disinetgrator. Letpons are particles like electrons, muons, and tau. The latter two can decay into other particles (muons are interesting as they re speculated as being a way to catalyze fusion reactions. Tau particles are the only lepton that can decay into hadrons - particles like protons and neutrons.) They also have neutrino opposites (tau, muon, electron neturinos.) although I doubt those matter much since neutrinos hardly interact with anything. It may be some magically invented lepton even.

Anyhow, not sure how the letponic nature applies (unless it is supposed to say it fires very low mass, or highly penetrating particles or it has some special decay process) but it affects certain kinds of tissue, which echoes certain kinds of sci fi weapons (like the deathray ring from lensman that denatured only certain kinds of brain tissue. or most kinds of neural disruptors.) Why it says it destroys synaptic tissue but can also "tear apart" the target I dont know, but its a particle beam with a side ability to destroy brain tissue. Nasty

Page 37
Their [Flayed Ones] curse was the parting gift of one of the C'Tan.
..the Flayer was not merely splintered as were his brothers, but utterly obliterated.
..he called down a terrible curse upon his betrayers, tainting them with an echo of his fearsome hunger.
..the afflicted Necrons had travelled far and wide, unwittingly spreading the disease to countless worlds.
it [Flayer], begins to revel in the bloody ruin of fleshed foes, and is driven to claim gruesome trophies of skin, sinew and bone. As the madness progresses, the victim becomes compelled to feast upon the fallen.
Physical changes occur shortly thereafter, wracking and twisting the afflicted Necron's form into something as warped in body as it is in protoocol and function. Ultimately the accursed Necron simply disappears, drawn by unknown instinct to a pocket dimension beyond ours, where he will forwever dewll amdist the charnel palaces of the Flayed Ones.
New Flayed Ones fluff.. they're corrupted by a curse (virus?) of some kind, which changes them physically and mentally. Probably some sort of self replicating nanoscarab/nanomachine virus thingy. They are effectively their own (allied) faction now as well, and like Dark Eldar Mandrakes seem to be part of some other dimension, which woudl also seem to be their means of travel.

Page 37
Those suspected of infection are banished or destroyed before the affliction becomes contagious.
.. no manner of precuation can prevent a pack of Flayed Ones joining a battle already underway. They can materialise at any time, lured from their bleak dimension by the scent of blood and carnage.
..if the enemy proves particularily resilient, the Flayed Ones inevitably retreat, skittering into the shadows to await a more tractable target.
..it is not uncommon for an Overlord to order the execution of any surviving Flayed Ones at battle's end. Alas, only the most insane are slaughtered easily. The rest slip sideways through the dimensions to reappear in their palaces...
reactions of Necrons to Flayed ones - like the Severed, they seem to regard them as aberrations to be purged (though that is easier sadi than done, it seems the purging has a darwinian effect.) They can also phase between dimensions, which again has a suggestion that they can appear anywhere from their little pocket dimension.. on different planets across the galaxy.

Page 38
..the Praetorians held the responsibility of maintaining the Triarch's rule, to ensure that wars and politics alike were pursued according to ancient codes..
..they acted outside the political scutures, and held both the right and the means to enforce their will should a Lord, Overlord, or even a Phareon's behaviour contravene the edicts..
..a higher responsibility, to ensure that the Necron dynasties never fell, taht their codes of law and order did not vanish...
..the last Triarch Praetorians withdrew to the Necrontyr's ancient seast of power on the northern rim, preserving what they could from the vengeance of the Eldar.
From tehir concealed fortresse,s the Triarch Praetorians plotted for that day, amny millenia distant though it was, when the Necrons would emerge to dominate the galaxy..
Praetorians. Sort of travelling paladins and judges for the Necrons, preserving their traditions. They failed, according to the fluff. We also learn that the Necron started out on the northern edge of the galaxy, which hilariously would place them ratehr close to the Eye.

They also didn't go into sleep like the rest, so some factions were always active on some level at some point.

Page 38
..the Triarch Praetorians came to travel widely throughout the galaxy, masquerading as grim-visaged gods on countless primitive worlds. They brought the codes of the Necrontyr to credulous primitive,s reshaping culturs according to their own ideals. Few cvilisations wholly embraced the Triarch Praetorians' teachings; many more were exterminated by wars, natural disaster or the vengeful outriders of Altaioc...
..fragments of Triarch lore and archeotech survive on worlds not trod upon by Necrons in many thousands of years.
I guess this represents subversion attempts to recruit minions among the lesser races. It echoes the stuff the Deceiver was reputed to do in earlier fluff, so this might be a retcon of that too.. if so it would also add an ominous dimension to these ideas, since the Deceiver had purged such failures himself.

It also suggests parts of Necron tech might be floating around the galaxy in places. I wonder also is this is supposed to be a hint for a certain race on the Eastern Fringe (like the Tau) - who found a non-warp drive system by reverse engineeirng a starship, have tech immune from the effects of Chaos, have been engineerd for some sort of highly unified society by a certain high placed caste, and evolved unnaturally rapidly in a mattter of a handful of millenia...

Page 38
They are travelling across the galaxy, Tome World to Tomb World, rebinding the sundered pieces of the Necron dynasties. It will be a long and interminably slow process, for the galaxy is vast..
Once a Tomb World has been contacted and bound into the newly-founded dynasties, a host of Triarch Praetorians is assigned to that world in perpetuity, to govern its protocols and act in its defence.
Given thousands or milions of tomb worlds, it suggests many tens of thousands (at minimum) to tens of millions (or more) of Praetorians.

Page 38
..hover above the fray on gravity displacement packs.
Though Triarch Praetorians share the usual necron contempt for any race tha tis not their own, they are ever watchful for an opponent marked millenia ago by their influence, and sometimes proclaim such creatures honourable foes against whom the codes of battle must be observed.
Necrons have antigrav packs, and a rather unsubtle hint about who might be considered influenced by Necrons. They're also badass fighters.

Page 38
A blast from a rod of covenant can reduce even a Necron to a smouldering pool of fused metal - organic creatures simply explode into clouds of flaming ash,
Suggests high MJ/low GJ leevel firepower either way, but the cremation bit is more reliable (and a benchmark as to the kind of firepower needed to totally destroy a Necron.)

Page 39
..Triarch Stalkers can easily outmanoeouvre more cumbersome tracked vehicles, the better ot unleash their withering firepower against the thinner armour presented by the target's flanks and rear.
..they prefer to employ hit and run tactics, launching one or two salvoes of fire...
Triarch Stalker mobility and tactics.

Page 39
..it is typically equipped with a heat ray - a multipuprose fusion weapon. If an enemy tank stalls the attack, one focussed blast from the Triarch STalker's heat ray is suffiicent to end the threat.
..the pilot simply sets the heat ray to dispersed beam, and sends clouds of scorching plasma swirling into every crevasse to broil the enemy alive.
Heat ray weapon.. anti tank and antipersonnel modes. single double digit MJ per person for antipersonnel mode at least.

Page 39
..it [Stalker[ can indstruct nearby Necron phalanxes to add their firepower to its own, and evne transmit targeting data to ensure these augmentative volleys are as accurate as possible.
Target data coordination

Page 39
Each Triarch stalker is protected by layered quantum shielding. Though a determined assault can still breach these energy fields, it normally buys the Triarch STalker enough time ot withdraw.
Triarch defenses.

Page 40
They are echoes of their former selves, splinters of neergy that survived the Necrons' betrayal and were enslaved in turn.
Should a C'tan Shard rebel, or a fault develop in its control relays, then fail-safe mechanisms automatically activate, whisking the creature back to its tomb, there to languish for centuries until times are dire enough that its services must be called upon again. Even with these precautions, the Necrons are wary of employing C'tan Shards in battle.
..the day must be dark indeed before the tesserect labyrinths are opened and the C'tan unleashed...
Much as Khaine was broken up into individual fragments, the C'tan were fragmented, bound into shards (or exist as shards, but they still seem to inhabit necrodermis bodies, which presumably are where all the conrol relays and failsafe mechanisms reside.) Tesserect Labyrinths seem to be their primary prison.

Page 40
They can manifest energy blasts, control the minds of lesser beings, manipulate the flow of time and banish foes to alternate realities. Indeed a C'tan Shard's abilities are limited only btw two things: its imagination - which is immense - and glimmering memories of the being form which it was severe.d Whilst no individual C'tan Shard has full recall of the omnipotent creature it once was, each carries the personality and hubris of that far vaster and more puissant being. Though a C'Tan shard has the power to reduce a tank to molten slag with but a gesture, it might simply not occur to it to do so, as its gestalt primogenitor would have tackled the situation through otehr means, such as devolving the crew into primordial ooze, or deceiving them into attacking their own allies.
C'tan abilities. Rather an interesting way of limiting their abilities ingame, as well as why they may vary in capability. The "reduce a tank to molten slag" bit is double digit GJ for a Shard, easily :P

Page 40
..its necrodermis - the living metal form that cages its essene. If the necrodermis is compromise, the C'tan Shard explodes in a pulse of blinding energy, its being scattered to the galactic winds.
This seems to suggest without their bodies (much as in older fluff) the C'tan is pretty powerless, and may not be able to be made corporeal again unless the Necrons do it (which I rather doubt.)

Page 40
... many C'tan Shards are indentured to Necron service, this by no means accounts for the entire pantheon. Rumours of C'tan like beings can be found across the galaxy, though many are merely entities that exhibit inexplicable powers. Indeed, any such beings - whether Warp-spawned Daemon, energy-based life form or an alien with advanced technology - can be mistaken for a c'tan if the observer is primitive, credulous or simply ill-informed enough. This discrepant information causes great confusion concerning the exact number and nature of the surviving C'tan, even among the Eldar. Records held in the Black Library contradict those maintained on Ulthwe, which are again at odds with the archives held on Altaioc. There might be four C'tan, four thousand, or any number in between. However, all Eldar agree that the splinters of knowledge held by the Imperium are so flawed and confused tha tthey, if anything, move further from the truth with each fresh discovery made. Any who go looking for proof of a C'tan's existence can easily uncover it, but this speaks more to the mindset of the searcher than it does to any value of the 'evidence.'
rather obvious attempt at retconning previous material, or setting it up to explain away inconsistencies in classic 40K fashion (EG its all dependent on POV of the individual.) The bit about "four and four thousand" C'tan is interesting, although I doubt its an absolute either. Still the Eldar probably believe there were at least 4,000 or so c'tan possibly. and we know there were at least seven or so confirmed.

For the rest of it I suspect that this is meant to explain other possible accounts (EG like the Goto DOW novels - was it a C'tan or something else.) The fact Daemons and similar entities can be confused for C'tan (aliens with advanced tech can also mean Necrons, incidentally) also suggests similar abilities and nature.

Page 41 - Necron abilities.. they can control the elements like lightning, create quakes and hurl rocks, lava-like matter. They can drain life from all in close civinity, they can manipulate heay ray, flame and similar thermal weapons it seems. They can obscure sights with darkness, they can decay metal, create illusions to confuse and misdirect others..

Page 41
The C'tan Shard's presence destabilises gravitational forces, disrupting engines, teleport beams, and warp jumps.
This suggests teleporter sand warp jumps (Both of which are warp tech) involve some sort of spatial distortion or gravity(or gravtiy like effect) - probably referenceing the effect of portal formation. It probably could explain why proximity to stars and other celestial bodies is so bad for warp jumps

Page 41
Mutating the flow of causation and remoulding the temporal stream, the C'tan Shard casts its foe back into the darkness fromb efore time was time.
Time/space manipulation. Note that some high end Necrons can do similar (Orikan) but it is unpredictable and dangerosu for them (much like the Celestial orrey) - this suggests the C'tan have a much finer degree of precision in manipulating reality's fundamental forces than the Necrons do.

Page 42
As Necrons' robotic bodies are immune to the hazards of interplanetary space, traditional pressure-sealed and canopied craft were unneccessary....
Acting in swarms that were dozens or even hundreds strong, Tomb Blades would swarm over enemy capital ships, overwhelming armour and weapon systmes with waves of pinpoint guass and tesla fire...
..modified versions soon appeared in planet side battles - one of the few occasions in which the hidebound traditions of the Necron military were adapted to better exploit emergent opportunity.
Necrons have a natural advantage piloting fighters, and their fighters can in numbers threaten capital ships with weapons fire. Modified versions represent rare tactical adaption.

Page 42
..Tomb Blade's dimensional repuslor engines ensure that gravity, momentum, and other forces have little purchase upon its frame.
..the craft corkscrews across the battlefield rather than taking a more direct approach, and constantly changes vector ant attitude...
No flesh and blood pilot could ever hope to content widh such an anarchic approach without succumbing to blackouds and nausea..
Possibly a variation of inertialless drive, but might also just be your standard antigrav providing enough thrust to counter gravity, momentum, etc. Whehter or not this means Necron craft have higher accels than normal ships (or effectively more) is up for debate too.

Page 42
..the attack patterns performed by Tomb Blades are strictly controlled by a series of hyper-fractal equations.
..the attack patterns are entirely pre-planned and the pilot cannot alter them once in flight, though it can switch between different tacitcal packages in order to adapt to fresh objectives.
..it is therefore theoertically possible to predict the flight path it will take, but only a genius-level intellect could divine that there was a pattern at all.
..no conventional targeting computer could ever hope to process the data fast enough to be of any use.
I take this to mean Necron craft are supposed to be predictable, but their robotic natures mean that they can have so many pre-programmed patterns, and can change so quickly, that a human pilot predicting or coping with them is difficult. coupled with their drive system, this cna make them hard to beat, despite being (supposedly) stupid machines.

Page 42
Though the planet-side craft do not mount the starship-busting weaponry of the spacefighter variants..
Confirmation that the space fighter variants have heavier armaments.

Page 42
This scarab sized gnerator projects an aura of darkness.. [stelath capability]
Nebuloscope: this arcane device allows the Tomb Blade's pilot to track his prey through seven different dimensions...
Many Tomb Blades run with additional armour panels..
Tomb blade capabillities. Note the seven dimesnional tracking. Rather interesting, the thing looks like a tiny speeder.

Page 43
Destroyers are the deranged agents of annihilation whose sole reason for existence is centered around an unshakeable yearning to quench the flames of life. A Destroyer cares not for borders or alliegance, nor does he make any dinsticiton between the innocent and the damned - all life is his enemy, and all living creatures are his prey.
It is not the Destroyers' violent madness alone that makes them so different from the other denizens of a Tomb World. Insanity infects many a slumbering Necron, though it rarely takes a dramatic form, but instead merely exacerbates the victim's innate eccentricities.
Basically they want to be mortal again, and because their metal body is all they have, they won't alter it (whicha Destroyer does, to further his desire of total annihilation.) This suggests normal necron madness (or hatred for life) may be spurred on by something more like jealousy, rather than just pure nihilism. That said I'm not totally ruling out the idea that Destroyers (or Destroyer Lords) could lead or co-opt other Necrons (like Warriors) for their annihilation goals (if the Master Programs on Tomb world can, so could they) which might lead to the "stereotypical" old fluff style 'Cron attacks.

Page 43
They Ruthlessly adapt, augment, or expunge any facet of their physical form if it will improve their mission of slaughter. Legs are removed in favour of repulsor platforms, arms are fused to the workings of gauss cannon. Even the Destroyers senses are reconfigured to better serve target lock and prediction capability, its neural cicruitry repathed to improve response times at the cost of vestigial emotions.
.... it is a retreat nonehteless, spurred on by a spark of self-preservaiton that will never quite be extinguished,
Destroyer adaptations. Necron self preservation seems to be build in.

Page 43
..they can be found on almost every Tomb World...
This suggests that the descent into this particular form of madness is drivin by subconscious imperative -possibly one implanted by the C'tan during biotransference.
It takes a certain freedom of personality ot embrace nihilism with such cold-blooded determination, a levle of individuality denied to low-ranking Necrons. Destroyers therefore, almost without exception, emerge from the ranks of Immortals, Lychguard, and, occasionally Deathmarks.
Origins of destroyers. It seems denied to lower level Warriors, but I imagine (as noted before) Destroyers can take on a certain amount of authortiy in directing and influencing lesser Necrons. They're also noted as being instant outcasts and aberrations similar to but a lesser degree than Flayers are.

Page 44
Wraiths are primarily probe mecahnoids, programmed to report back to their Canoptek Spyder controllers via interstitial interface, rather than act under their own cognisance.
The same sort of control thing used to give directions ot other devices like scarabs.

Page 44
The Canoptek Wriath's most notable feature is its dimensional destabilisation matrix - a phase shifter that allows it to skip in and out of reality. It can even adjust the modulation of the matrix in order ot keep sections of its form in different state.s Whilst a completely phased-out existence can be sustained almost indefinitely, a half-phased state takes a great deal of energy ot sustain. Indeed, the Wraith's body is little more than a series of interlocking power generators and etherium lode conduits, and even so it can exist in a dual state for only limited periods of time
The dimensional destabilisation matrix was originally concieved to allow the Wraiths to reach into and repair solid machinery without all the toruble of removing outer components or armoured casings.
... a Canoptek Wraith can phase its claws and tendrils inside an opponent, swiftly resolidifying them to sever arteries, never clusters and other vital pathways without leaving an extneral mark to show for it.
..the foe must time his return blows with great care, lest his weapons pass trhough the Canoptek Wraith's phased out form
Wraith abilities. I'd imagine the energy draw on phasing depends on teh degree of the wraith's form phased. Apparently phase swords and other Necron weaponry would (I expect) work this way as well.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Joined: 2002-08-01 05:03pm

Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

LAst update

Page 45
Canoptek Scarabs are constructs, designed to break down organic and non-organic matter into raw energy. This harvested energy can then be woven into fresh forms at the direction of the Scarabs' controller. In the confines of a tomb, this invariably involves stirpping down destroyed or damaged components which can then be reborn as replacement parts, or else as further Canoptek Spyders, Scrabs or Wraiths ot oversee and manage the tomb's functions. Almost anything can be replicated in this fashion, providing that the wellspring of energy is suffiicent to the task at hand. Given time, a suitably large swarm of Scarabs can consume an entire hive city, and all its inhabitants, thereafter using the purloined energies to create anything form a battlefleet to a fully functioning Necron tomb ready for habitation.
Rather useful ability as far as constructiona nd conversion goes.. I wonder if they can adapt it to power generation as well? Interesting also how it implies that a hive city (and its inhabitants) would mass approximately the same as a Necronb attlefleet or be the same size as a Tomb (implying a similar population, perhaps?) Assuming a 8 km tall, 10 km wide cone for a hive world that is 99% empty space and made of iron we'd get some 16 billion tons total

It also shows automated, self replicating construction ability.

Page 45
A swarm of Scarabs has no more intelligence than one Scarab alone - which is to say none at all - and is driven by simple instructions and even simpler instincts.
..Canoptek Scarabs are typically controlled by interstitial carrier waves from Canoptek Spyders or Crypteks. If this signal is disrupted or jammed, Canoptek scarabs simply revert to their most basic instincts and devour anything in the immediate vicinty, even scarabs or other necrons. However, the interstitial interfaces are incredibly difficult to detect, let alon disrupt. Should the controlling entity be destroyed, another automatically assumes control within moments. Even i f the enemy can completely remove the carrier waves, this often creates a far greater problem than before.
..reversion to basic programming they will expend any accumulated energy on fashioning ever more Scarabs, thus creating a voracious self-replicating swarm that only something on the order of saturation bombardment has any hope of exterminating.
More of the self-replicating swarm nature of the scarabs, as well as the control systems for Necron machines (and redundancies therein)

Page 46
Even in their prime these [tomb world] systems required constantly looped maintenance cycles lest they degraded beyond repair...
Though it is essentially just an automated drone...
Its vast arrays of self-repair and backup systems, vital for enduring the uncaring millenia, offer substantial protection...
Canoptek Spyders whose primary duties are oversight, rather than direct action, craft slaved hosts of canoptek Scarabs and nanoscarbas within their abdomens, which are unleashed to effect repairs on nearby Necrons, or consume enemy weapons and Armour. Others employ particle beam dissectors..
Tomb Spyders.. they're repair, recycling and manufacturing facilities all in one.

Page 46
Whilst canoptek Spyders are not sentient by any strict definition, their complex and layered subroutines are incredibly resilient and can adapt to most situations. If a triad of Canoptek Spyders are operating in concert, one takes overall command, harnessing the processing capacity of the others to create a gestalt supermind far greater than the sum of its parts.
Not unlike the abilities present in Tau drones, at that matter. The "super mind" effect also applies to Wraith and Scarab units nearby.

Page 47
Like all Necron constructs, it [Monolith] is composed of living metal: a complex, semi-sentient alloy that ripples and flows to repair damage in a blink of an eye. Target matrices and motive units, power conduits and command nodes - all are capable of comprehensive and near-instantaneous self repair.
Energy beams are absorbed and dispersed, whisle tank-busting missiles simply ricochet off the Monolith's armoured hide, leaving behind monor damage whose repair lies within the parameters of the living metal's arcane function.
..target it with a sustained period of focussed fire. Only by punching through the armoured shell to the vital systems and crew within can there be any hope of ending the threat.
Monolith defensive capabilities.

Page 47
Even a single Monolith can muster enough firepower to be considered a small army in its own right.
A single ear-splitting discharge from the particle whip is enough to reduce tanks to smouldering wrecks and infantry to molecular vapour.
Particle whip can 'vapourize' troops.. same firepower implied to destroy tanks. single to triple digit MJ depending on interpetation.

Page 47
These automated defence [Gauss flux arc] arrays rake the area around the Monolith in pre-prrogrammed execution patterns, finely tuned to predict the panicked motions of foes under fire.
Defensive weapons.

Page 47
This shimmering energy field is nothing less than a captive wormhole, bound into the very heart of the Monolith. With a simple mental command, the Monolith's crew can transform the eternity gate into a portal of exile, and those that fail to resist its pull are sucked out of reality entirely, banisehd forever to a temporal prison from which tehre can be no escape.
Eternity gate and its offensive function.

Page 47
Alternatively, the Monolith's crew can use the eternity gate as a form of dimensional corridor, pulling squads of Necrons from elsewhere on the battlefield, orbiting starships or even far-distant Tomb Worlds and deploying them to the Monolith's location.
Teleporting function of Eternity gate. Effectively FTL transport.

Page 48
All Overlords hold na absolute belief in victory through overwhelming firepower.
..the Necrons have ever won their wars through the unrelenting application of superior technology. As such victories are invariably won at a distance, all Necron battle codicils emphasise ranged superiority.
Nevcron tactics. Again parallels to the Tau are hard to ignore.

Page 48
Any systmes not directly pertaining to the Doomsday Ark's main armament are part of the motive units that propel it into position, or the shielding arrays that give it some measure of protection from enemy fire. Each of these secondary systems draws power from the same source as the doomsday cannon..
Sufficed to say power allocation is important.

Page 48
..easily eclipsing the primitive energy weapons of the Imperium. Even fired at low power the Doomsday cannon is a fearsome weapon; when firing at full effect, its searing energy beams burn many times hotter than more conventional plasma weapons. Infantry caught in the doomsday cannon's fury are obliterated instantly; armoured vehicles reduced to glowing slag. In the face of a shot from a doomsday cannon, nothing less than a Titan's void shields can hope to offer anything more than a fool's hope of protection.
..its pilots defenseive strategy is one of pre-emptive strike - after all, enemies are infinitely less threatening once reduced to an expanding cloud of superheated energy. Thus does anything less than an overwhelming frontal assault on an Doomsday Ark inevitably end in disaster, the attackers vapourised long before their own weapons come into range.
Doomsday cannon fire. These ar the weapons that blew up a planet, incidetnally. In a more controlled state they seem to be basically superheavy grade (just below Titan grade) i assume it means they can melt mulitple stnadard tanks.. possibly even melting multiple superheavies.. hundreds if not thousands of tons of metal. Assuming iron we're talking hundreds of gigajoules to several TJ over an unknown but presumably short dischrage. it also implies it may reduce organic opponents in groups to plasma and/or vapour.

Page 49
The tesla destructor employs much the same lightning-arc technology sa found in the smaller tesla cannons and carbines. Its energy dischrages wreak terrible harm on living targets, searing their flehs and boiling their blood. furthermore, ther bolts will often leap from target to target before they are finally gorunded, leaving a trail of smouldering carnage across a broad swathe of the battleffield.
WEapons of annihilation barges.. which seem to be direct fire defensive artillery antipersonnel use. Searing and boiling human bodies (in part) implies single/double digit MJ per victim.. multiple victims as well.

Page 49
The primary blast shreds the armour of Trukks and looted wagons, while the wildly arcing lightning incinerates any Ork Boyz unfortunate enough to be advancing alongside.
Tesla destructors destroy light vehicles, as well as oblitearting the troops as secondary effects (single digit MJ for burning inicineration, gigajoules for cremation.)
For the record annihilation barges are also shielded.

Page 50
Doom Scythes are herealds of terror and dismay, supersonic fighter craft that range far ahead of a Necron invasion..
Supersonci fighter craft.

Page 50
..Doom Scythes can function in a highly indepedentend manner. Much of the craft's superstrucutre houses datastacks that are in turn heavily laden with strike plans, stratagems and tactical variants. When faced with a situation outside of known parameters, the pilot can sift thorugh and retrieve the correct responses from this datastack. Thanks to the ruthless precision of his android brain, the pilot can simulate billions of possible strategies in the span of a few nanoseconds
The pilot is probably a necron, so this means that as long as the 'Crons have access to some large computer library, any 'pilot' could do this.

Page 50
..an scaled up and augmented version of the dimensional repulsor drive employed on Tomb Blades. On those smaller craft, the whine of the drive is piercing and discomforting. On a Doom Scythe, the scale and amplitude of the sound is many hundreds of times greater; it resonates deep within the primitive core of living brains, playing havoc with memory, perception and sanity. Victims collapse into catatonia, slump into slack-jawed Vacuity and suffer hallucinations of their dead comrades returned to worm-eaten life.
This effect may account for the bizarre way Necron tech can affect the perceptions of living beings (the odd geometries and shit.)
Also the Doom Scythes are larger than Tomb Blades. Presumably large numbers of Tomb Blades could replicate the effect.

Page 50
Tesla destructors explode into life, raking the battlefield with arcs of eldritch lightning, instantly incinerating any infantry...
Armoured targets can perhaps weather this sizzling storm..
Tesla destructors burn organic troops (single digit MJ to triple digit or single digit GJ, depending on interpretation) but not much damage to (heavy) vehicles (like tanks. we know they can fuck over lighter Ork vehicles.

PAge 50
A particularily alert foe might recognise the nimbus of energy building up around the focussing crystal, or the abrupt change in air pressure.
.the nimbus pulses one final time and an irresistible beam of blinding white light bursts from the Doom Scythe's underside, vaporising infantry and tanks alike, leaving only charred and ruttered terrain in its wake.
Vaporizing infanry and tanks.. gigajoule range definitely (triple digit for Leman russ grade tank.. more perhaps for superheavies - all assuming iron.)

Page 50
A single doom scyche can carve its way through an entire armoured column so long as its death ray remains operational, and a full squadron can reduce the sprawling spires of a hive city to fulminating slag in less than an hour
Assuming 100 in an "squadron" and a 16 km x 8 km conical hive 99% empty air and made of iron, we get 4.3e13 kg.. 12.34 GT to 'melt" But for 100 Doom Scythes over an hour we get something like 30-35 kt/sec. Which is respectable for a fighter. This is quite probably the Necron equivalent of a super-heavy/Titan.

Page 51
Once a foothold has been established, coordinates are relayed to the main army, enabling Monoliths and other forces to teleport into position, and the invasion to begin
Like most other "teleporting" or wormhole deployment platforms like the monolith, it seems that some sort of signal or beacon must be relayed so that a "lock on" of sorts is achieved.

Page 51
...it [Night Scythe] deploys troops by means of a captive wormhole whose far end is anchored on a distant tomb World. though this is less flexible than the Monolith's eternity gate, it does allow the Night Scythe to mimic the battlefield role of a more conventional transpsort vehicle without jeopardising the existence of its assigned squad.
Yet another means of FTL wormhole transit like the Monolith. What's interesting is that this is a highly specialized form.. it has an 'assigned squad" to each anchored point, and it deploys (apparently) only that squad. this does mean that unlike say a Chimera, losing the craft does not mean losing the squad.

Page 51
Night Scythes are often employed as far-ranging scout-ships, tasked with making contact with other Tomb Worlds or searching out lost Necron planets suitable for reclamation.
Another task their "wormhole" makes them useful for really. One imagines they are deployed either sublight, or through Dolmen gates.

Page 51
..the pilot of the Night Scythe clandestinely performs probes and biopsies of the inhabitants...
..it searches for clues that will identify the inhabiting race's suitability for apotheosis. Such tests are long and exhaustive, and the pilot is often forced to dissect entire townships in order to harvest sufficient data. On a particularily promising planet, the Night Scythe's pilot may go so far as to transport living samples back to its Tomb world for further inspection by Crypteks. most subjects do not survive the scientific method, but are instead stripped down molecule by molecule and neuron by neuron. a few abductees are returned to their home,s but evne these are implanted with mindshackle scarabs or other control mechanisms to enable them to function as unsuspecting spies and saboteurs...
The 'scientific' side of Night Scythe deployment. Note the use of mindshackles and other 'control mechanisms' to create rebels/agitators on potential tragets. it also retcons some of the previous Necron activities in stripping planets or harvesting.

Page 52
The Catacomb command barge is nothing less than a giant carrier wave generator that allows na Overlord to instantly issue commands to nearby troops.
It acts as a giant radio transmitter, In other words. fancy.

Page 52
..the craft's controls are the charge of two slaved Necron crew who act both as pilots and as the gunners for its underslung weaponry. These Necrons are hard-wired to the Overlord through the craft and can react to his instructions in a fraction of a second. This does not, however, prevent the Overlord from issuing verbal commands - old habits die hard in old soldiers.
Command mechanisms and Necron reaction time.

Page 53
..trawling the battlefields for remnants of Necrons no longer able to reconstruct themselves. Recovered components are then set upon by swarms of constructor scarabs.
..they return the fallen Necron to function if repairs are possible, or dissolve it into reusable raw energy if they are not. Repaired Necrons are then locked into stasis until the Ghost ARk is at capacity, at which point it will either return its salvaged cargo to their Tomb world or else deploy them directly to the battlefield.
Ghost Arks. Much like Spyders, they act as mobile repair and reconstruction facilities, as well as recycling systems (matter to energy conversion again.)

Page 54
His [Imhotek's] campaigns operate not only across worlds, but across entire star systems and sectors. It is impossible to discern if it is the main thrust of his strategy or simply a decoy raid, crafted to bleed enemy reinforcements away from a battle yet to come. all such assaults are carefully weighted to overwhelm enemy forces already in place, requiring the foe to either sacrifice his troops or reinforce them - and Imotekh's plans are always many stages ahead, set to take advantage of either course.
..the StormLord's battle plans are incredibly versatile, seeded with feint attacks, counter-strategies and other contingencies enacted automatically should certain circumstances be triggered or thresholds crossed.
..there is nothing more at play here than the careful application of probabilities and logic, combined with a canny understanding of the Foe's mindset.
..the only way a foe can truly gain meaningful advantage is to abandon all logic themselves - something that most enemies find incredibly difficult to do, but Orkish anarchy achieves as naturally as breathing.
The Stormlord's battle strategies, which basically seem to be all sorts of highly elaborate and pre planned/pre programmed strategies made available to his troops (something that Doom Scythes already do, but Imotekh is clearly applying on a larger scope.) Hilariously, his only weakness are da Orks.

Page 54
..for Imotekh, terror is a weapon as potent as any..
His armies advance under the cover of storm-blackened skies, emerald lightning bolts arcing out from heavy clouds to wreak carnage amongst the foe.
..some such survivors are implanted with bloodswarm nanoscrabs, whose gore-arm scent acts as an irresistable beacon for roaming packs of Flayed Ones.
Imotekh's storm powers and terror tactics.

Page 55
four Score tomb worlds lie under his regal command, and five times as many alien-held planets pay direct or indirect tribute - the number of alien civilisations Imotekh has destroyed during his campaigns cannot easily be counted. Such a realm is as nothing when compared to the Galaxy-spanning Imperium or the Necron dynasties as the height of their glory, but it is nonetheless impressive for the work of a mere two hundred years.
200 years expansion and close to 500 worlds under his control, nearly a fifth of them necron. Apparently Macragge, Craftworld Iyanden, and the tau are all aware of his potential threat, so we have a little micro-conflict amassing between the Tau, the smurfs, and the space elves.

Page 56
..the first of several steps on the path to ultimate evolution, a journey that would end as a creature not of flesh or metal, but as a god of pure energy.
Szeras labours to unravel the mysteries of life, for he fears that he would be a poor sort of god without the secrets of life at his fingertips.
..the truth is that the secrets of the soul will almost certainly live forever beyond Szeras' comprehension.
..he requires a constant flow of living subjects, and the most efficient way for him to acquire such creatures is to trade expertise in exchange for captives.[/quote]

Yet another retcon for the 'harvesting' angle. note that what is described sounds an awful lot like becoming a Daemon (daemon prince) or being bound to the warp in some way.. which is interesting and hilarious (do creatueres 'evolve' to merge with the Warp or something?)

Page 56
The dissection of Vuzsalen Arachtoid compound eyes unlocked an improved array for targeting optics, and the molecular dissasembling of chitinous Ambull hide led the way to more efficient armour configurations..
Necron 'upgrade's from Szeras are the direct result of his dissections of organic beings. Heh.

page 56
.. specimens can look forward only to a pain-filled, though not neccesarily brief, existence in the bloodstained and shadowed laboratory catacombs of Zantragora. Few of Szeras' operations are carried out on the dead, for he believes the knowledge he seeks resides only in the living. Banks of stasis machinery keep the subject alive and aware throughout the procedures, though they do nothing to numb the terrible pain. The Specimens' agonised screams are of no consequence to Szeras as he feels no kinship with such inferior beings.
... his whirring tools carve the subject apart molecule by molecule.
Szeras is noted for rquesting whole worlds be 'harvested' for his experiments, again retconning earlier Necron behaviour. some thing this is less ominous or nasty than in the previous codex but really.. this is still pretty harsh and terrifying.. even worse if you ask me.
one thing of interest is the "life preserving" nature of Necron stasis tech - it not only sustains the life, but it keeps it aware.. not unlike the effects of the Golden Throne in preserving the Emperor. I've begun to notice that in novels and codexes we're getting a GREAT many hints that the Emperor is tied into Necron machinerry.

page 57
..able to calculate the events of the future from the patterns of the stars. Thus did he know of the Fall of the Eldar, the Rise of Man, the Horus Heresy and the coming of the Tyranids many thousands of years before they came to pass. Through careful study and scrutiny, Orikan can even divine lesser occurances; the movement of fleet,s the destinies of individuals, evne the strategies undertaken tby campaigning armies...
Necron prediction/divinatory powers. Not unlike a technological version of Eldar Farseeing I suppose. Orikan trades knowledge (esp of the lesser sort) for stuff he needs.

Page 57
Orikan knows the plans of his rivals and enemies long before they do, and it is child' splay for him to exploit such schemes to his perosnal advantage ...
He can even foretell Necrons.

Page 57
Unforseen events can queer his calculations, wiping out and replacing his prophesied timeline. Warp travel is a consistent aggravation, as its eddies and anarchies seem to delight in defying his predictions. under suhc circumstances, to preserve his plans and reputation, Orikan is forced to employ a closely guarded set of chronomantic abilities. Travelling backwards down his own timeline, he emerges in the pst at a point at which he can set his prophesied version of the future back on track, normally by having the interfering factor destroyed in some manner.
Yet Orikan has ever been sparing of such actions, for his meddling can birth all manner of unforseen events.
Orikan's powers arne't perfect, so he uses time travel to 'adjust' his predictions. This likewise is not perfect, and if he isnt careful it can screw things up. (One example given is that a prediction he had made about the destruction of a Imperial Navy facility was thrown off by Space Marine intervention, so he went bakc in time to have the Marines destroyed... which elad to the facility being destoryed, but also lead to the destruction of an entire Tomb World by Astartes retaliation.)
It also shows again that, like with the Celestial Orrey, the manipualtion of time and space that the Necrons can achieve is powerful, but risky - the consequences and effects can be manifest and difficult to predict, and if one is not careful in using it, it can backfire on you. Reminds me alot of the high end tech in Revelation Space in that regard (EG inertia suppression.) This may explain why the Necrons don't employ their own means of FTL very often despite having it (EG Hellforged and Dark Creed) - Necrons aren't gods and the consequences can be hard to completely predict.
Also that the warp confounds his predictions more is interesting - both in the sense it suggests the Warp entities (daemons, chaos gods, other warp gods like the Emperor, etc.) are his primary eneimes in these matters, it may also suggest that he had a hand in the "Great Warding' - since cutting off the warp would only benefit his predictions.
His time travle abilities seem to be able to go backward weeks in time as is mentioned explicitly.

Page 57
Though chronomancy is a science practiced by many other Crypteks, no other is remotely capable of Orikan's feats...
A thousand millenia of planning and preparation are about to come to fruition..
Other Crypteks have some measure of "Chronomancy" which may suggest a lesser degree of divination/farseeing and perhaps even time travel/manipulation. Orikan for his part operates on a timescale of thousands or millions of years it would seem.

Page 57
Orikan's staff exists a half second ahead of 'now', his blows hitting the target an instnat before he moves to strke.
an interesting form of attack.

Page 57
..there is a chance that the stars will come into alignment and restore to him a portion of ancient power.
... the constellations have come into alignment and Orikan has unlocked a portion of celestial power...
Impyling that Orikan is existing at a 'reduced' state compared to how he used to be (more godlike?) and for some 'reason' his power was tired to the stars. Ominously this suggests his power was perhaps akin to that.. of a necron (star vampires?) I suspect that whatver it is its tied to his supposed, predicted 'destiny'...

Page 58
..the fabled wraithbone choir of Altansar, the preserved head of Sebastian Thor, the ossified husk of an Enslaver and a giant of a man clad in baroque power armour, his face contorted in a permanant secream...
All stuff that has spawned all manner of rumours and speculation.

Page 58
The prismatic galleries are populated not with mere sculpture, but living beings transmuted into hard-light holograms by arcane technology. Some such statues are nothing less than the original enactors of history, frozen in the moment of triumph or defeat and whisked away to Solemnace to forver stand as testament to their deads.
Its also mentioned Inquisitors roam in from time to time. The hardlight sculputres are interesting, but it also implies that the frozen/living beings themselves may come from all times and eras.. so practically anyone from Imperial (or other) histrory could exist here.

Page 58
Even on Ork-held planets, Tau Sept worlds, and human colonies, where his dealings are conducted strictly through mindshackled cat's-paws..
Trazyn has his own minions via mind control.

Page 59
Trazyn commonly conducts reconnaissance and campaigns through surrogates - substitute bodies into which he can pour his will. Should the body suffer catastorphic damage, Trazyn's essence simply returns to his 'true' form, or otherwise into anther surrogate.
,..many surrogates are actually Necron Lords or Overlords in their own right who, unbeknownst to them, have had their bodies subverted by Trazyn.
..the regular occupant's will is suppresed for the duration of Trazyn's occupation, and the body itself instnatly morphs into an exact facsimilie of his primary form.
Trazyn seems to be able to 'wear' other forms of any shape or type he needs or desires, and he can even mould other (lesser) beings forms into his own shoudl he need (living metal capability I imagine.) It's a rather useful capability.

Page 59
already a score of the imperium's worlds are under occupation by Trazyn's forces..
Territory captured by Trazyn.

Page 59
Accompanying this message is the Hyperstone Maze, one of a series of tesserect Labyrinths constructded at the height of the Charnovokh Dynasty. It is a trinket relaly..
We learn how the Inquisition may have acquired tessrecet labyrinths (inadvertently). it was acutlaly a pretty funny bit all told.

Page 62
Planets have been destroyed, isolated by Warp STorms, or evne shifted through time and space. Even should the world itself remain in the position recorded, the tomb beneath its surface might well be gone, destroyed by tectonic upheaval, meteor strike, or other unforseen disaster.
Fates of some destroyed or lost tomb worlds.

Page 62
the same force of will that enables Anrakyr to maintain command of his forces can be refocused to deceive enemy targeting systems, granting him control of the foe's weaponry for brief periods of time.
an interesting ability that suggests many weapons are computer-assisted/or partly controlled, making this an implication that a great many races (even the Orks perhaps) have computerized or electornic weaponry to some degree. Alot of it depends on how the hacking occurs of course.. if its something akin to nanoscarabs rather than just electronic takeover of software, it might not need to be so sophisticated, although 'computer hacking' seems to be implied. and the ability name 'mind in the machine' and the ability to overwhelm the targeting systmes, suggests that as well.

Page 63
The Tomb Blades made three passes before the fotress flak towers had their measure, and even as a hail of high velocity autocannon shells blew the Necron craft out of the sky..
flak towers (hydra emplacements?) shoot down Necron Tomb Blades.

Page 63
In perfect unison, they marched into the teeth of the imperial Guard lines, las-frie and heavy bolter shells ricocheting off their armour.
Pyrrhian Eternals, Anrakyr's elite Immortals.

Page 63
Anrakyr was no more than twenty paces from his target when a deafening explosion tore through the Pyrrihain Eternals ranks, blowing a dozen immortals to peices and knocking the POverlord unceremoniously into the mud. As Anrakyr hauled himself to his feet, he caught sight of his assailent, a Leman Russ battle tank, whose turret was even then coming to bear for another shot.
Battle cannon many times (at least several dozen times) more powerful than heavy bolter shell. Also it seems to be able to reload in seconds.

Page 63
Reaching out his consciousness to the rudimentary spirit of the Leman Russ, Anrakyr saw that the tank was intended to be a masterpiece of design. But he saw also that technological incompetents had made alterations that had served only to cage the Leman Russ's full efficiency. How fitting them, that this abused machine would now take a measure of revenge upon its tormentors. Tightening his mental grip, Anrakyr seized control of the tank's weapon systems - even technology so basic could not resist his will - and fired point-lbank into the Cadian colour party, tearing them to red ruin. A moment later, teh systems overloaded completely, bringing the tank to a lifeless halt.
Heh.. oh man.. where to begin. Reemmber how I just noted Anrakyr can mind control the weapons/targeting system of a Leman Russ? Well lets see that means.. the Leman Russ has some sort of targeting system which can be 'deceived' and controlled. EG computer assisted. i mean you could argue this is some sort of scarab control or perhaps some sort of weird TK like effects but... that seems rather unlikely.

We also learn that the Leman Russ's "spirit" is abused and altered to cage its full efficiency. Rather interesting given that a number of earlier sources have hinted at the abilit yto "soup up" Imperial vehicles (illegally) for greater performance.. which is something that is suggested here. "incompetents" would definitely refer to AdMech, and they probably would "govern" or limit performance (EG engine speed) to reduce wear and tear on the vehicle (eg suits their puproses.) That would definitely be in line with this, but it would also suggest more other caging.

It also suggests that the tank might have a legitimate 'machine spriit' of some kind.. it doesnt neccesarily mena a full blow, automated computer system of any kind, just something that Anrakyr could detect or control.
The same systems tied to the weapons are also tied to the drive system, given the tank seized up and overloaded.

I don't know what to make of Anraykr's assessment of the design, except perhaps he has different and skewed standards compared to modern vehicles :P

Overall its a hilariously interesting quote that implies some interesting abilities more in line with a Ghosts novel than with Forgeworld Russes. :D

Page 63
"The codes of battle allow me ot extend the option of honourable surrender to their commander. We require neither their destruction, nor that of the fortress. Access to the catabombs beneath is our only priority."
"this is the proper protocol. The commander and his men have fought well, for primitives. The offer is to be extended."
Anrakyr is a rather honourable combatant, for a necron. He is not pleased that the Cadians are massacred.

Page 63
Scores of hooded hunters had materialised amongst the fortresses flak tower and sensor arrays.
Cadian defences.

Page 81
The Gauntlet's mechanisms are controlled by a series of submechadermal filaments, allowing the wielder a levle of control over the guantlet as fine as over his own hand.
Necron version of a powerfist... excpet with green fire.

Page 81
Unlike more conventional energy weapons, a gauss projector does not deliver a cutting beam or bolt of forece. Instead it emits a molecular disassembling beam, capable of reducing flesh, armour and bone to constintuent atoms.
Implies other 'energy' weapons - laser, plasma/particle, melta, etc. might be either cutting weapons (like a sustained beam laser) or explosive/mechanical damage (my take on 'bolt of force' although that might be gravitic weapons as well.)

Page 81
The energy blade of a hpyerphase sword vibrates across dimensional stsates, and can easily slice through armour and flesh to sever vital organs within.
Behaves as a power weapon, but in practice is far above that.. a multi dimensional vibroweapon!

Page 81
At the bearer's command, tiny scarabs bury into the vicitm's mind and bypass cerebreal functions, turning the victim into littl more than a puppet under the control of the scarab's master.
The trusty mindshackle scarab.

Page 81
These weapons emit a stream of miniscule anti-matter particles that detonate on contact with other matter. They are incredibly reliable, needing only enough energy to maintain the containment field that prevents the anti-matter detonating within the weapons' mechanism.
Necrons have extensive control of antimatter technology, which isnt surprising given their extensive matter ot energy (and vice versa) conversion abilities.

Page 82
A phase shifter flickers its bearer into and out of a phased state. If improprely timed, blows and shots aimed at the bearer of the phase shifter instead pass through empty air.
Self explantory defense

Page 82
This inconspicuous charm is a powerful self-repair device, filled with tiny, spider-like creatures that swarm over the bearer's wounds, re-knitting his ravaged body.
Phylactery. Self repair device.

Page 82
Necron quantum shielding defies examination, for it exists only at the moment of deflection - at all other times there is no indication of its presence.
One up on void shields, I suppose.

Page 82
This glowing sphere focuses energy into the regeneration circuits of surrounding necrons, hastening their repair.
Which implies living metal either draws power from some extenral source/surrounding to power itself when it needs to do alterations or changes (like repair), or perhaps that all Necorns use some measure of that 'matter ot energy/energy ot matter' conversion in repair.

Page 82
Many a Necron Lord's exoskeleton is threaded with filaments of phase-hardened amaranthite and adamantium, vastly increasing their hardiness.
Sempiternal Weave.. upgraded armour.

Page 82
The tachyon arrow is an intricate wrist-mounted energy caster. When activated, it trnasmutes a sliver of inert metal into an unstoppable thunderbolt capable of piercing the heart of a mountain.
ingame it has 'infinite' range. What is interesting is that it has properties associated with the 'tachyonic' theory of SW hyperdrive, suggesting the weapon behaves pretty much in that matter (the projectile is transformed into tachyonic matter, projects to the target, and then reverts into normal matter at the point of impact, or something.
It is both proof of a FTL weapon as well as a means of yet another FTL transit. It could be that their comms and their non-wormhole teleporters are based on tachyons.

Page 82
a Tesla weapon unleashes a bolt of living lightning that crackels from foe to foe after hitting its targets, charring flesh and melting armour. Tesla bolts feed off the energy released by the destruction, the lightning becoming more furious with every fresh arc.
Sort of like a chain reaction flamethrower type weapon. Definitely thermal, which perhaps explains a number of recent Necron stories and depictions where they have definitely thermal weaponry. Note as well that it 'feeds off' energy.. whether this is the generic 'life energy' draining shit or its somehow feeding off some sort of combustion reaction of organic matter (or perhaps even some weird matter to energy conversion process) we don't know. Just as we don't quite know how it is "living" (guided?) One possibility is that it is uses lots of very tiny tiny self propelled machines/bots "molecules" or particles to generate the effects, absorb the enrgy, and 'jump' from target to target.

Page 82
A tesserect labyrinth is the physical manifestation of a pocket-dimensional prison gateway. Once caught within its folds, there can be no escape.
Tesserect Labyrinths.

Page 82
Used as a convenient method of banishing unwanted debris, machinery, and failed experiments form Tomb Worlds and battlefields inot a pocket dimension, the transdimensional beamer can just as easily be used to banish foes.
Necron version of a D-cannon, without weird warp effects. Also apparently a interdimensional garbage can/littering facilitator.

Page 83
The glemaing black edge of a voidblade flickers in and out of existence, causing molecualr bonds to disintegrate...
A melee version of a guass flayer.

Page 83
A warscythe is incredibly heavy and cubmersome. In the heands of a lesser creature it would be of little threat...
Warscythes are far heavier than humans (or other 'lesser creatures' could handle. meaning that in the hands of someon strong (EG Necron) it packs alot of force/momentum behind its swings.

Page 83
Accomplished psychomancers are..
..the enemy's morale will be shattered within moments...
The nightmare shroud assails nearby enemies with phantasms of dread as potent as any mortal danger.
The cryptek can summon a veil of Darkness which twists and billows like a ghostly cloak blown by an ethereal breeze. Then the darkness ebbs, the Cryptek and his comrades have disappeared, only to rematerialise some distance away.
Psychomancer powers. They basicaly seem geared towards mind control and illusion/psychological warfare - creating fear/madness and blinding the senses.

Page 84
Plasmancers are not subtle beings, for they choose to wield raw energy rather than go to the trouble of binding it into other forms.
Direct attacks in the forms of solar-like matter and neergy.. it suggests weird plasma like effects (which often in 40K is treated as 'energy')

Page 84-85
Chronomancers are known as Harbingers of Eternity, as knoweldge of the future flows through their very act.
The sapphire head of an aeonstave contains a massive chronal charge that, when unleashed, can trap a foe in a bubble of slow time.
The Chronometron allows the bearer to act out of phase from the normal time flow, permitting him to make minor, but sometimes potent, alterations to his destiny..
The Cryptek is encased in shards of crystallised time, each splinter proof against any blow not landed in the split-second formed in another moment.
Basically Chronomancers not only have some precog like Orikan, but they have the ability (in a more brief, limited fashion) ot mess with time and space.

Page 85
Harbingers of the storm are ethermancers...
... they can summon lightning or set enraged winds upon the foe.
Still air comes to howling life in the presence of an ether crystal, buffeting the Cryptek's enemies with crushing pressure waves and bolts of lightning.
Basically weather, wind, and electricity.

Page 85
..adepts of geomancy and masters of the science once known as alchemy. They specialise in the transmutation of matter from one form to another and the instilling of animus in the inanimate.
A single booming bass note from these electrum strings cna transform adamantium plate to a brittle glass.
the bearer of a seismic crucible can induce localised tremors in rock, metal and even the air itself.
They can alter and transform physical mtter, make it move or 'anitmate', or create shocwkaves/earthquakes. These seem like the ones best suited to creating and dealing with living metal and perhaps even biotransference.

Page 85
Necrons were ever the masters of transcendant physics, pocket dimensions, and hyper-geometry, and these sciences are put to full effect wherever they can serve useful functions. Many tomb worlds and strongholds are far more vastwithin than they might appear from the outsie, or are protected by energy labyrinths if impossible size.
Necron physica nd their 'bag of holding' technologies.

Page 85
Some specialised troops, notably Deathmarks, regularly employ pocket dimensions as vntage points from which to hunt their foes, and the more accomplished nemesors can conceal entire armies and lfeets in slivers of 'out-of-phase' reality.
Useful tricks.

Page 85
As counfounding as these techniques might be to the other races of the galaxy, there is one enemy agianst whom they are no defence. To the Daemons of the Warp, such technological conjurings are merel another flavour of existence to be corrupted and devoured.
Possibly to explain why the Warp is supposed to be so anathema to Necrons/C'tan. Much as Orks re the bane of Imotekh, we could tsay that Necron super-science can be corrupted by the Warp, much as nromal matter can be perverted by the warp easily. Indeed many of their powers could be replicated by psychic powers or psykers (or daemons) of sufficient power, especially the temporal shit.
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by jollyreaper »

Warhammer always struck me as contradictory with the dangers of warp travel. On one hand, it's presented like the days of Columbus, much ignorance and here be dragons. But the presence of agri-worlds would imply something more like the modern day when marine shipping is routine enough to bank on.

Now it may well be that some parts of the warp are calmer than others so the areas with heavy traffic are benign and other parts are a mix of the cape of good hope, Sargasso Sea and Bermuda Triangle.

I would tend to think that shipping food over interstellar distances -- not luxury food but prole feed -- would simply be infeasible. I would tend to think that traffic would be mostly imperial business with merchants making their fortunes on luxury goods, like with the spice trade. Pepper wasn't shipped back to Europe for the peasants to eat.

Is this in inconsistent or do they explain things elsewhere?
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Imperial Overlord
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Imperial Overlord »

The Roman Empire spent a considerable amount of effort shipping grain and sand from Egypt to the rest of the Empire (arenas need sand) so it's entirely keeping with the "warp travel=sea travel" loose equivalency they have going. Now most of that shipping is done over stable, well mapped warp routes that are as close to possible to risk free and some of the transports involved are larger than Imperial battleships so a lot of low value bulk goods can get moved. War zones and the dark edges of mapped space are a different story, but that's why Rogue Traders go for the high ticket items.

As for the original Necrontyr possessing a warp soul of some sort, that's likely true. In 40K terms every one of us non psyker humans has a rudimentary warp soul. So do the psychicly blunt Tau and for that matter, so do our dogs and cats.
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

It's also worth noting that most clusters of 'civilization' tend to be oriented around the subsector or sector scale or smaller, which are fairly small volumes of space compared to the scope of the Imperium as a whole. We're talking a few tens or a few hundreds of light years distance tops typically (traversed in days or maybe weeks in most worst case scenarios save unless we're including the non-Navigator Chartist VEssels.) as opposed to the hundreds to thousands of light years (or more) for travel long distance (such as between sectors, across and between segmentum, etc.)

Ironically there seems to be a sort of 'disparity' in speeds between 'within a sector' and 'between sectors'. EG even if it takes months to cross thousands or tens of thousands of light years (or perhaps years) this often represents speeds far faster than the days or weeks to travel between worlds within a subsector/sector.) we're talking literally like two orders of magnitude difference or so.
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by jollyreaper »

It must be difficult to keep the scale consistent in a shared universe like this. Some of the biggerer and embaddened numbers tossed about seem wildly inconsistent. Even though everything is grimdark, the Imperium shouldn't be going anywhere. Losses need to be made good. Losing a hundred billion in an exterminatus should be the equivalent of the US losing a small town, not the Eastern seaboard wiped out clear to the Appalachians. Fluff for most shared setting tends to go for poetic awesomeness rather than the kind of stuff that really makes sense once you stop and think about it.

It also seems like a hard, uphill battle to justify infantry combat in a setting with planet-blasting warships. We haven't seen a total war on Earth between nuclear-armed powers. We haven't had any kind of total war since WWII. Iran-Iraq might qualify but no nukes.

Warhammer ain't hard scifi, obviously. But even within the setting it seems difficult to justify. Yeah, I know -- the goal is to sell miniatures. No miniatures, no revenue. Make it work. Still, it's damn hard work.
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Stark »

Are you serious? Contrived excuses for ground combat have been around in the setting for decades. Its actually pretty fucking easy to do - especially considering most people will probably never put enough thought into it to notice any 'inconsistencies' in their meaningless miniatures fluff text.
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

jollyreaper wrote:It must be difficult to keep the scale consistent in a shared universe like this. Some of the biggerer and embaddened numbers tossed about seem wildly inconsistent.
Not really. For one thing 40K never went with any concrete 'canon' policy, so everything is pretty much in flux, subject to revision and/or recycling at varying points, and there are several different (sometimes competing) sources contributing to the backstory. And that variation means the numbers themselves are variable, which means that more often than not we're left with a range of values. Its not PERFECT consistency, but it works about as well as any other sci fi franchise I've ran across.

If there are problems, they usually come from devising answers that won't outrage certain segments of the fandom, or contradict individual impressions of what 'makes sense'. Which I actually consider to be a problem endemic of sci fi in general, honestly. Lots of people know what is 'right' but noone can actually agree whose definition of 'right' works best.
Even though everything is grimdark, the Imperium shouldn't be going anywhere. Losses need to be made good. Losing a hundred billion in an exterminatus should be the equivalent of the US losing a small town, not the Eastern seaboard wiped out clear to the Appalachians. Fluff for most shared setting tends to go for poetic awesomeness rather than the kind of stuff that really makes sense once you stop and think about it.
Uh, again no? The Imperium really doesn't have a concrete idea of how big it is. The population numbers, the number of planets, etc. are always variable. Just because they say 'countless billions' or 'million worlds' or even 'milion space marines' doesn't mean they're absolute figures - the nature of warp travel and communication make reliable information collecting over truly huge distances problematic, so they can only have the roughest idea of what is out there. When you consider the 'variable' approach to canon, it tends to scale to the situation.

I also would not generalize about 'shared universes' as a whole, because that attempts to boil them down to a common set of variables that generally neglects whatever individual details they may or may not have. Star Wars and 40K are NOT the same, becaues they have any number of individual differences - level of militancy and conflict, as well as its nature. The kind and manner of technology and its capabilities. Scope of trade and communication. REsource utilization, etc. You can't throw all that out simply on the grounds of 'poetic awesomeness.' which sounds like just a fancier way of saying RULE OF COOL. I mean fuck, why not invoke a trope to explain shit if you're going to do that?

It also seems like a hard, uphill battle to justify infantry combat in a setting with planet-blasting warships. We haven't seen a total war on Earth between nuclear-armed powers. We haven't had any kind of total war since WWII. Iran-Iraq might qualify but no nukes.
Define 'total war'. By the stuff I'm familiar with, I'm not even sure I'd say the Imperium is in a state of 'total war'. Rather, they're ruled by more of a military mindset/paranoia/propoganda dictated by the myriad smaller but more numerous threats afflcting them. If they could mobilize the majority (or totality) of their assets against one threat, they would probably crush them and make things easier, but the sheer number of minor threats involved keeps them reactive and defensive more often than not. The closest to 'total war' you could come is perhaps the Great Crusade/Horus Heresy era, and thats 10K years in the past.

Secondly, the notion that 'SPACESHIPS WITH HUGE FIREPOWER' suddenly makes any and all ground conflict irrelevant is pretty silly if you're just going to compare it to nukes (as if the best way to resolve problems was destroying the thing you're trying to take/defend.) As a contrasting example, air power has not rendered all other forms of military power irrelevant (not even drones have managed to do that. It remains to be seen if it will in the future.) I've heard people say a 'properly' realistic military warship would be able to blast/drone the fuck out of anyone on the ground causing trouble and would be an unbeatable advantage, but that really makes some assumptions.

For one thing, nukes are ludicrously powerful and not at all precision weapons. The collateral damage they cause (not to mention the loss of life in a political sense) are the big factors which rule out their use. Its debatable whether this would be true if nukes could be scaled down to 'conventional' explosive yields (EG kg or tons) or even close to that (Think MOAB in a smaller package.) Secondly not every enemy you could face in sci fi (40K in particular) is going to be like anyone in real life you can face. I dont think you can Nuke Tyranids into an armistice, and they often have starships in orbit which means gaining orbital superiority can be difficult (particularily when they can often outnumber the defending forces.) Or Orks, for that matter. And both races are pervasive enough once on planet that the only way a starship can guarantee eradicating them is probably going to fuck up the enviroment (amongst other things.) If its a Hive World this probably won't matter much, but fucking up the ecosystem of an agri world renders it pretty much useless (and if Grainulon IV loses its annual harvest and can't send it out to Forge world Mechanaw 8 or Hive world Densorious, they're likely to starve or stagnate.)

What it comes down to, again, is the assumptions you make, the traits of the setting (and what is desired), and what the supposed consensus of 'reasonable/logical' actually is. Some people won't be happy with anything less than DRONE STRIKES UBER ALLES because its the most 'realistic' aftera ll, or only grudgingly allow 'human' factors must be considered because of the dreaded 'story' reasons. I swear sometimes I think they make 'human' factors sound like 'eat your veggies' with the same reaction.

Warhammer ain't hard scifi, obviously.
This matters.. why?
But even within the setting it seems difficult to justify. Yeah, I know -- the goal is to sell miniatures. No miniatures, no revenue. Make it work. Still, it's damn hard work.
Its not any harder to make sense of than any other sci fi ('hard' or otherwise.), because it ultimately comes down to individual people/fans arguing over what they think is most REALISTIC. TAke that out of the equation and things become much simpler. At the worst you just have to approach those dreaded 'human' factors - greed, bureacuracy, inefficiency, religious or ideological or cultural impertatives. Things that seem to get treated as dirty laundry because they're not technically realistic (although I woudl argue given the ludicrous and inefficient way modern societies run, some of the stuff in alot of 'shared' sci fi actually makes sense. Even if its not a 'sense' most sci fi fans would agree on.)
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Zinegata »

Connor MacLeod wrote:
Even though everything is grimdark, the Imperium shouldn't be going anywhere. Losses need to be made good. Losing a hundred billion in an exterminatus should be the equivalent of the US losing a small town, not the Eastern seaboard wiped out clear to the Appalachians. Fluff for most shared setting tends to go for poetic awesomeness rather than the kind of stuff that really makes sense once you stop and think about it.

I also would not generalize about 'shared universes' as a whole, because that attempts to boil them down to a common set of variables that generally neglects whatever individual details they may or may not have. Star Wars and 40K are NOT the same, becaues they have any number of individual differences - level of militancy and conflict, as well as its nature. The kind and manner of technology and its capabilities. Scope of trade and communication. REsource utilization, etc. You can't throw all that out simply on the grounds of 'poetic awesomeness.' which sounds like just a fancier way of saying RULE OF COOL. I mean fuck, why not invoke a trope to explain shit if you're going to do that?
Yeah, not to mention the differences in the fundamental premise of Star Wars and 40K.

Star Wars is a relatively stable (and one could say almost perpetual) civilization wherein people are fighting on how the galaxy should be governed.

The Imperium of Man on the other hand was really modelled after civilizations that are in decline. There is massive infighting (and not just the Horus Heresy), barbarians are at the gates (Tyranids, Orks, Necrons, etc), and authorities nominally in charge don't have full control. It's more like Rome in the latter days of the Empire.
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And now, we bring 5th edition to a close by looking at the Imperial Guard. Now as I've said before, I am unapologetically biased towards the Guard. always have been, always will. Space Marines were only ever peripherally interesting to me, its always been the human elements of the Imperium - the Guardsmen, the Inquisitors, the Rogue Traders, who draw my interest to the setting and always will, and Space Marines will always be background characters.

Which is kinda of interesting, given that Space Marines are basically at the forefront of everything 40K - they get more novels written about them, they get the most artwork, they even get more codexes than anyone else. 40K has come to be literally defined by the Space Marines, and I'm not sure that's the best thing really, because while they were always a major part of the series even in 1st, they were never the ONLY part, or evne the best part really. I wonder if perhaps its some sort of 'wish fufillment' not unlike you see in alot of first person shooters which drives this, but.. its there. And for my part I go with the underdog, which means the Guard.

Now that isn't to say the Guard doesn't have problems (because it does, and in spades) but I find it interesting precisely because its more diverse and human. You can get screaming fanatics, guys who just want to defend house and home, people who think they are heroes, people who are forced into fighting a war they never wanted and were pulled from homes and families against their will.. there's an entire spectrum of experience and emotion there. And to be fair there are the 'technical' sides. I dont like power armor and giant rocket pistols. But I do like lazer guns. So again, there ya go.

Now all that said of all the codexes I've done, I suspect the IG will probably be the most biased becuase of all I've said. I will quite likely be trying to make them seem better, at least inasmuch as the evidence allows me to. This isnt to say they don't do the bayonet charging stuff, or the 'huge numbers of lives spent to no purpose' because that remains part of all of the grimdark, and the IG seem to most embody GRIMDARK. But I'll probably be fighting against alot of the preconceptions and 'common assumptions' spun by the artwork and alot of the flavour text in that way, and I'll be trying to paint a different picture of the Guard using that same text, because as I said - the Guard is at its heart variable. It embodies both the best and worst of what it is capable of - the shit you see in novels like Gaunt's Ghosts as well as the 'bayonet charge stupidly and die'. and everything in between. So insofar as my own bias colours things, I can only ask people be patient, and try to grasp the WHY of it. It isn't so much to make the IG LIKE MODERN or BETTER as I've seen so many do - not only can you NOT do that but it wouldn't be consistent. But I'm trying to break away from that idea that it NEEDS to live up to that ideal to be good, or effective. It can be its own entity, and neat, without having to subscribe to anyone's preconceptions of how things 'should' be. Whether its the Guard, or how wars are fought, or whatever.

Now, as a result of various factors (and the fact of this long assed intro, which alone should prove how 'biased' I am LOL) I'l have to split this up into three parts, but it will be going out all at once. Be patient.

Part 1 begins

Page 5
The dominion of Man stretche from the Halo Stars to teh Eastern Fringe and beyond. This gulf is unfathomly vast and travel from one end to the other is inconceivable during a mortal lifespan.
Implies it takes 'decades' to cross the galaxy. By what method is not specified, as we know it can vary. Nevremind that its probably not going to be accomplished very often in a single, uninterrupted jump and even then its not going to be a straight line course.

Page 5
Isolated by cosmic distances, a message sent at the speed of light would take many decades or even centuries to reach neighbouring star systems.
Implies message distances of tens to hundreds of LY between systems. Presumably including Imperial systems.

Page 5
Whilst such warriors are hardly the equal of Space marines, they outnumber their superhuman brothers in arms by millions to one.
Many, many trillions of guardsmen, basically. This is an approximation and not a fixed number, as actual numbers will vary on timeline, recruitment, attrition, age, and so on.

Page 5
The forces of the Imperial Guard are not subtle, responding to almost every situation with the application of overwhelming force. The Imperial Guard grinds its foes to nothing in gruelling wars of attrition, many commanders expending the lives of their men for the most trivial of tactical and strategic gains.
Whilst the forces are unwieldy and slow to react, when such immense armies are deployed to engage the enemy the end result is inevtiable.
Overall true in effect, but it requires clarification to show exacrtly why:
1.) Overwhelming force is pretty much the first option - basically to try and crush the enemy as fast as possible. This isn't subtle in general (although elements of it, like infiltrators, drop troops, storm troopers and the like may be subtle.) but it seeks to use size and firepower ot defeat the opposition. Failing that, things may settle into wars of attrition to wait out the enemy. The caveat to 'attrition' war however, is that there is a constant supply of men and supplies to achieve this from somewhere. Not all wars will have that, so they may settle onto a purely defensive footing (which can get into trench warfare) or they may even use sieges. Or the force may end up being improperly supported (due to politics or perceived lack of importance) and may either fail or be defeated. People tend to latch onto the 'attrition' aspect as being standard for the Guard, but that doesn't account for the logistics issue, which is far more important (and indeed decisive) in how the Guard fights.

2.) Many commanders are like Zapp brannigan. Again this is true, but it isn't the complete answer. The Guard does not try to enforce any specific tactical doctrine on its officers any more than it does its troops, and for much the same reasons (the size of the Imperium and the number of cultures in it, plus the nature of transport and communication within it make micromanaging nigh impossible save at the most local levels.). It certainly tries to train them to a certain standards (or to act in certain ways.) but that isn't guaranteed, so you will get officers who are both brilliant and care about their men (Slaydo, Creed, Xarius, Straken, etc.) as well as officers who use their men as tools or pawns to be expended for their own purposes (Dravere, Chenkov, etc.)

3.) unwieldy and slow to react is another 'depends on' factor. If the infantry is entirely foot and without anhy means of transport, then yeah it is unwieldy and slow. But depending on how/where they are deployed they could have alternate means of transport (provided by the planet they are on - like in necropolis, or requisitioned as part of a garrison, as in the 3rd edition IG Codex, or provided by the Munitorum in some manner, as in Savage Scars. Hell even hitching rids on tanks or other vehicles is an option sometimes) Size is another factor. Not all forces are huge, multi-million armies, and the smaller forces (tens of thousands, like the Damocles Gulf invasion) tend to be less sluggish than large armies.

Vehicle performance allotments can also impact this (and its variable like everything else, and also dependent upon logistics/troop quality.) It can also be impacted by the way the troops are being deployed. Large invasion armies or crusades tend to be more unwieldy and 'slow' because they take time to amass and concentrate from separate, disparate locations. While if they are being dispatched to reinforce or assist an ongoing attack on a planet, they may just be dispatched independently from different locales. The latter has the virtue of being faster, but it also lacks some of the coheision that the first option offers.

Page 5
"To this end each populated planet shall raise and maintain forces for its defence and, from tis ranks, shall provide the best of its troops for recruitment into the largest of the Imperium's armies - the Imperial Guard.
Each Imperial Commander shall swear that such men as are given over to the defence of realms other than his own shall bear arms and be equipped to fight as befits an Imperial Soldier, and that his domains shall stand ready with such mighty engines of war and machineries as are needed by his armies to crush the Imperium's enemies.
If his armies shall be found lacking or wanting in any regard, he shall no longer be fit for Lordship and shall face such censures or punishments as judged appropriate by the High Lords of TErra or their duly appointed agents."
"From the Codex Execitus, incorporating the Amalathian Oath"
The demands on troop (and the quality of troops) as well sa their equipment expected of an Imperial commander. The interesting thing is that it implies both a tithe of men and vehicles can be expected - it may not be a large number (although the requirement is open ended enough to demand as much as needed), which suggests that military vehicles of some kind are not uncommon. They may not all be chimeras or Russes, but some vehicles are available at need (cf Baran Siegemasters of Epic Armageddon.)

And of course, any Commander who fails in this duty (through greed, ineptitude, etc.) can face puishment or removal depending on circumstances - the Munitorum is as ruthless in extracting its needs from those beholden to it as it is stingy in laying out the precious materials it hoards to those who need it. It goes without saying that this can also serve as an indirect restraint on inter-planetary conflicts between Imperial commanders - commanders (unless they are blind or stupid) cannot expect to conduct large wars if it means failing in their tithes.

Page 5
..waves of infantry overwhelm enemy positions, those foes that are not killed by volleys of disciplines lasgun fire are likely to meet their fate on the end of a bayonet point or else trampled under the thundering charge of tens of thousands of boots. Lumbering beside these troops are mighty armoured battle tanks, rugged brutes of plas-steel and ceramite that bristle with firepower.
The standard depiction of Guardsmen on the offense. Its a very stirring, evocative image, but its also the sort of resource-intensive warfare that is not guaranteed to exist due to the logistical issue I mentioned before.

Page 5
..enormous artillery barrages that pound the enemy into oblivion with shells that can topple a hab-block.
Capability of artillery. Not sure if it means shells individually or collectively, but a single shell blasting apart an entire block's worth of buidlings is impressive. Of course the kind of artillery isn't specified either, and the IG has some pretty big vehicles at hand.

Page 6
..the Space Marine Legions... .
..the finest warriors humanity had ever created, each the qual of a dozen normal men.
The new standard for Space Marines seems to be each being the equal of a dozen men (although what qualifies as 'normal' in the Imperium is up for debate.) I guess this would mean at least a dozen times stronger, faster, etc. Doesn't mean they neccesarily run as fast, but speed can mean reflexes and reaction time as well.

Page 6
Gargantuan numbers of brave troops - millions growing to billions of men, ranks of armoured battle tanks and mighty armadas of spaceships were raised, all subordinat eto the Legions Astartes At first the Imperial Army was employed for garriosn duties and mopping up resistance in the wake of the Legions..
The Crusade era military.

PAge 6
The Imperial Army, as it was, ceased to exist. The link between fleet and army was severed- never again would ground commanders be given direct control over interstellar ships.
The Imperial Guard was reorganised into smaller units known as regiments, and centrally trained Commissars were universally introduced to watch out for disloyalty. The inter-dependence of the newly formed Imperial Guard, the most numerous of the Emperor's troops, ensured that should a regiment turn against their oaths they would not be able to spread their treachery beyond a single world, and should a Navy fleet mutiny then they would not have the ability ot re-supply or deploy ground troops.
The formation of the IG. Flexibility is traded for security, although the degree of that tradeoff is where the variability comes in. The divisions are mostly meant to keep renegades isolated, although it does not make it impossible (EG aid of pirates or Chaos bands transport can be had. And it doesn't rule out commandering a chartist vessel - the Navy can't be everywhere.)

Page 7
In theory, Imperial Guard officers receive their orders from the Lord Commander of their respective Segmentum Commands, who are in turn enacting the wishes of the High Lords of Terra. In practice, the immense distances and delays in communication obetween worlds often makes a mockery of such procedures and the sheer scale of the Imperium prevents any meaningful central control. Operational control of any given army group is therefore assigned to a high ranking Imperial Officer such as a general, high marshal or even lord hetman who assumes responsibility for the completion of his given duties.
'duties' which could be offensive, or defensive, and of any scale. It can also include recolonization efforts. This is indicative of how the theory vs practice of the Imperial military, and the Imperium as a whole, works. the ones at the highest level issue broad decrees, and then rely on loyal minion sgiven broad powers and (hopefully) brainwashed into reliability execute those decrees far from home. This can be good or bad, depending on the officer in command (and the politics of the situation.) The distances insulate the group from bureacracy, but it can also make it hard to rein in an inept leader (by the time the higher ups hear about it things are already fucked up.) It also makes the 'broad policy' decisions slow to disseminate or be changed, which perhaps there is no small amount of 'unofficial' improvisation amongst military units and leadership.

Page 7
...the commander of such an army group has the responsibility for the deployment and application of all resources at his disposal...
Surrounded by a host of advisors, data-globes and parcment bearing servo-skulls, they direct their forces from the relative safety of an orbiting starship, a Proteus-class battle bunker or the lumbering armoured bulk of a Leviathan command vehicle.
The Imperium provides its warleaders the resources he needs to prosecute a war, then basically expects him to form it into a usable weapon and then achieve victory as he sees fit. The ability to do so depends both on the logistics provided (EG the right types and quantities of men and material provided) as well as the right commander (EG someone not Chenkov) To this one adds politics and bribery and the bureacrtic side of things (which can help or hinder, or sometimes both.)

Page 7
Imperial Guardsmen outrank their counterparts who serve in the fighting forces of their home world; indeed, many veterans look down on regiments whose only duty is to defend their own planet. These forces are perceived by some guardsmen as having little combat experience.
I'm not sure if thsi refres to PDF, Guard regiments on garrison, or possibly both. But it tends to reinforce the 'PDF are shit' attitude we see in the Cain novels. When in truth the PDFs can vary as much as the Guard can (in equipment, capability, etc.)

Page 7
The rank [Warmaster] is not available to the Departmento Munitorum without the express consent of the High Lords of Terra, and such an individual is said to wield authority second only to the Emperor himself.
..because of the unrivalled power of the position there is never more than one in existence at any one time.
and even then their authority is limited in some way, to some region of space, in the amount of roces they are allocated (subject to further approval, no doubt,) etc. The Imperium is paranoid about giving one man too much power anymore.
Note that some sources have said that there is no more than one WarMaster per Segmentum, and some have used the title at the sector level (EG in Eisenhorn) - either 'Warmaster' is a title that has different meanings from region to region, or there are different levels of Warmaster (which would make sense, givne the aforementioned reluctance to give one man too much power. Lesser warmasters might be seen as 'limited' alternatives depending on the situation.)

Page 7
The Departmenot Muntiroum is the military arm of the Administratum and forms the general staff of the Imperial Guard.
... responsible for the distrubion of every aspect of the Imperial Guard's military resources..
..its most important function concerns the monitoring of tithes and the raising and transportation of the Imperial Guard between war zones - for which it liaises with the Imperial Navy.
It also either forms the majority of the officer class for the Guard, or it recruits officers of a certain rank from offworld directly into its ranks. I'd bet on the latter. It is part of, yet in a way distinct from the Administratum, and perhaps represents its strongest arm (possibly even strong enough to consider itself a separate entity, although I've never heard of the two organizations coming to blows.)

Page 7
A plea for military aid may come to the ears of the Imperium, but not be acted upon for months, years or even decades.
Organised at the sector and subsector level, every echelon of the Departmento Munitorum has enough autonomy to respond to problems within local star systems. with the vagaries of Warp travel and communication, this is essnetial. Their smaller size allows the individual subsectors can respond to emergent threats more quickly and as such, when one comes under attack, an army group is formed from the regiments of all worlds in the local star systems.
"slow" in this context is largely one of bureacracy but also of origin/destination of request and the manner it was delivered. The higher up the chain it has to go, the slower it is. (For example in Rynn's World the Crimson Fists requested aid directly from the Segmentum Headquarter, and it took nigh on 18 months for aid to arrive.)

In more usual terms however, the forces for a response tend to be drawn immediately from closer locales. Response time is strongly dependent upon the size/area of recruitment involved and the distance from the warzone (which is why the closest sectors are the first to be drawn upon).
Further away means more resources to draw on (subsector vs Sector level, for example) but it also means the longer to assemble and coordinate them, as well as more time spent in transit. Local forces can act to delay and confine a threat, at least until a proper response arrives.

Speed can also depend on whether they decide to consolidate forces to deployment from one location, or they just dispatch them from multiple separate locations to converge on the war zone and consolidate there, or even if the do piecemeal deployments. It can also depend what sort of tithing is required - pre-existing garrisons and PDF can be more quickly raised and deployed and better able than mass conscription, but they may or may not be as numerous. And if multiple conflicts in a system, sector, or subsector arise, resources can get stretched which also influences response time and the level of response. In fact the larger the "volume" one operates in, the more likely it is for multiple threats to be ongoing.

Myriad other factors pertaining to warp travel conditions, politics or any number of other things can also influence it. There is an immense number of tradeoffs involved simply by the nature of how the IG is organized.

Page 7
The method by which forces accumulate are haphazard at best, many thousands of troops from dozens of rgeiments across several worlds are raised and directed to the appropriate warzone.
..it is not unusual for entire reigments to be lost or even destroyed in [warp] transit. Some may be delayed by the raages of Warpstorms or appear from the Immaterium many thousands of light years from their destination. That sufficient troops arrive at a crisis point is only because of the sheer mass of troops and vehicles despatched by the Departmenot Munitorum in the frist place.
'haphazard' is a polite way to put it. Basically a regiment is defined as 'x' strength of forces in theory, and they simply allocate a certain number of regiments (of whatever combination they deem appropriate, although some commanders are allowed latitude in requesting specific kinds of forces.) and then expect the officers to use that to win victories. There's alot of 'ifs' in that process, including 'maybe they'll continue to be supplied' or 'maybe they'll all get there close to on time and intact' and so on. Such is the Guard. It probably isn't quite as inconsistent as I make it out to be, at least when talking about within certain regions (within a sector, along well established routes and supply lines), but if we're talking about deploying troops across a segmentum (EG to support the fight against the 13th Black Crusade, or reinforce Armageddon) things get murky.

It also doesnt tell us percentages peraining to losses and such though.. it could be anything like 10% to 90% of forces arriving at location. And it doesnt mean they all end up getting eaten. They may get deployed to the wrong locations, get delayed in the warp (One force allocated to the DGC had precisely that happen) and so on.

Page 7
"I have at my command an entire battlegroup of the imperial guard. Fifty regiments including specialised drop troops, stealthers, mechanised formations, armoured companies, combat engineers and mobile artillery. Over half a million fighting men and thirty thousand tanks and artillery pieces are mine to command.
Warmaster Demetrius of the Salonika Crusade... A quote from the earlier codexes, but its an interesting look at the mix of troops and vehicles. Thats roughly one vehicle per 16 men or so. How that matches up to real life I can't quite say, but its not exactly like 'tons of foot tropos and very few vehicles' - I mean hell, the above doesnt even seem to suggest it is a rare or special formation.

Page 8
.. a planet may need to defend itself against the predations of a myriad of nefarious enemies for many months or even years, before reinforcements arrive.
On some planets this may take the form of an official military or a garrison force. On other worlds the duty to defend their worlds may fall to dozens of separate armies, tribes and hive gangs...
PDF - as variable as the Guard itself. the need for long term defense against invasion (months or years) is less a comment on typical response times (which can vary) than it is about the inconsistent nature of communications and warp travel itself - it is an unknown and unpredictable circumstance that must be accounted for - the Munitorum and the IG think in terms of 'worst case scenarios' more often than not.

Page 8
As part of their annual tithe Imperial Governors are obliged to send no less than one tenth of their overall fighting force, and as much more as the Departmenot Munitorum deem neccessary, to fight the Emperor's wars throughout the galaxy.
The exact number of regiments that are to be raised for the Imperial Guard will depend upon the individual world's tithe grade and its proximity to hostile warzones. For a hive world such as Armageddon, caught in the throes of an all-consuming war, a draft of at least a hundred million men at arms and several million armoured vehicles is typical - a tiny fraction of a the total populace which numbers in the hundreds of billions. A far flung agri-world may have a significantly lower military tribute, perhaps as few as five million men and cavalry, but this may be a significant proportion of the world's population.
..should a tithe be of an unacceptable quality, the Imperial Governor's life is forfeit. For this reason those soldiers selected for the Imperial Guard tend to be drawn from the elite of a planet's troops.
Tithing in detail. This above is actually referring to the 'annual' tithe, which is generally from the PDF and is perhaps the more 'professional' of forces.

These troops are the first ones drawn upon in wartime - the highest quality and the least numerous. They also form the 'garrisons' of more peaceful systems/sectors which also double as the Munitourm reserve in times of emergencies, and may also be alloted to the initial forces of any invasions, crusades, or similar offensives the Imperium may launch. In addition ot the annual tithe there are the wartime 'circumstantial' tithes - which are the cases where entire PDFs may be conscripted, militia forces conscripted, or even random civilians conscripted if the need for troops is great enough. It is perhaps the 'circumstantail' tithes where places like Fortress/garrison worlds, Hive worlds, and feral/feudal worlds have any value, since even their 'civilian' populations are bound to be militaristic (EG Cadia, Armageddon, Necromunda, Canak, etc.)

It is rare (but not unknown) for Admech owned or adminsitered worlds to sometimes tithe, for whatever peculiar reason. Gryphonne IV, Fortis Binary, and Urdesh are examples (although the latter two may jus be industrail worlds). They perhaps form some of the most sophisticated regiments.

Note the tithe of Armageddon 100 million men and 'several million vehicles' - a ratio roughly similar to the 'battle group' alluded to before, but its also implied this is a fairly representative (wartime?) tithe - likely of the PDF forces (tens of millions of vehicles, and billions of men) Hell, the tithing from an Agri world is pretty big too 5 million may be a significant part of the population (how significant is up for debate) but thats still a hefty tithe (again for wartime). of course, the percentages also will affect the actual timeframe sof tithes - while annual tithing seems to be common for many worlds it is not unusual for certain low population worlds (EG agri worlds) to have different. The actual tithing process and the variables that go into it are probably quite complex and esoteric (like much of the Imperial bureacracy.) To be fair, the definition of PDF on hive worlds tends to be a bit flexible (it can be actual soldiers, or it might just be officially sanctioned hive gangers.)

Still, with 33K 'hive worlds' thats around 3 trillion men and nearly 100 billion vehicles as a a minimum annual tithe in wartime, and this is only 1/10th of that potential of the Hive worlds alone, nevermind all the other worlds in the Imperium.

Page 8
On seething hive worlds such as Alcatran, it is common for entire generations to be drafted and sent to fight on distant worlds, the indentured gangs given the choice between volunteering or summary execution.
Many young hopefuls, especially on industrial worlds and factory planets, flock to the world's military forces in hoping of being found worthy of the Imperial Guard - often the only chance of escape from their claustrophobic existence and endless work shifts.
'volunteering' of various kinds happens.. and some of it is actually voluntary! Also given that a sizable hive world can have tens or hundreds of billions of people, its quite likely that a 'generational' draft will comprise many billions or tens of billions

Page 8
It is not uncommon for a regiment's number to be recycled following its destruction, a new raising taking the designation of their predecessor.
Might explain inconsistencies that sometimes happen.

Page 8
..the uniforms and specific armaments of the different Imperial Guard regiments changes dramatically from world to world. Upon their raising, each regiment is equipped in the manner of their home world. The newly inducted Imperial Guardsmen are issued with the same style of uniform and weapons as that of their own world's fighting forces
The only universal piece of equipment common throughout the entirety of the Imperial Guard is the lasgun. This weapon is cheap and easy to manufacture, extremely reliable and simple to maintain.
Even equipment is not neccesarily consistent. hell as we learn later its possible for some ergiments to not even get a lasgun! This tends to imply that new regiments freshly raised may use native gear and equipment (possibly even extending to vehicles.) Logistical considerations, wartime attrition, generla improvisation and acquisition (looting), and other factors may lead this to change over time.

Page 8 - 2/3rd edition Cadian guardsmen.. magazine-less lasguns with scopes that emit a red light.

Page 9
..split into battalions, divisions, cohorts, militia groups, geno-corps and a host of other formations, but, in the Imperial Guard there is only the regiment. The concept of what exactly comprises a regiment is not at first glance an easily quantifiable matter, the huge variations in troop and vehicle dispositions making no two seem alike.
An Imperial Guard regiment is largely uniform in its composition. Infantry regiments, for example, are unlikely to contain much or any heavy artillery, whilst tank regiments contain little or no infantry.
Whilst this interdependence may at first seem like an inherent weakness, it is a necessary precaution. Should a regiment rebel against the Emperor, the traitors will not have access ot the supporting units needed to prosecute a full-scale war.
Regiments are no more organized or standardized than anything else. As I said, its largely just a block of vaguely defined 'combat power' of size and type that allows the Munitorum to simplify the allocation of men and material to forces, as well as a further security measure against rebellion (in a rock-paper-scissors fashion.) In practice what the regiment represents may or may not correspond to what the Munitorum thinks it does (which can lead to cases of a regiment being full strength on paper but sadly depleted in reality.)

Page 9
Regiments are typically raised with a strength of several thousand soldiers but the precise numbers can vary enormously. The Valhallan 18th Light Infantry 'Tundra Wolves' consists of over one hundred and twenty thousands men whislt the Vostroyan Heavy Armoured 24th 'Iron Bloods' comprised less than one and a half thousand tank crewmen.
There is of course the 'regiment' raisd in Xenos of course, which in other cases would be called an 'army'. Other variations can include the fact that many mechanised regiments tend to have fewer than several thousand invididuals, whilst Siege regiments such as Krieg fields may have many tens of thousands of men.

Page 9
Regiments of Baneblades and Shadowswords, each an armoured behemoth capable of laying waste to a small army by itself, rarely consist of more than a dozen super-heavy tanks.
The superheavies.

Page 9
The basic principle held by the departmento Munitorum is that regardless of the number of men at arms or the exact composition of armoured vehicles, the overall fighting strength - and hence combat effectiveness - of one regiment is equivalent to any other. This is clearly a gross oversimplification but a necesssary one when organising wars on a galactic scale.
And thereby proves how useless the bureacracy can be. If not for numbers the Guard would probably lose far more often than it does, because it does not always put much effort into tailoring the size of forces or addressing shortcomings. To be fair, this isn't true in all respects - an army general who is putting together his own force tends to put more thought into it than a bureacrat does.

This also shows how the regiment is at most an adminstrative convenience for the Munitorum's purposes - in practice a regiment on paper is not guarenteed to stay whole in the field, depending on the commander. the actual building blocks of the forces are squads, platoons, and companies (and sometimes battalions.) that make up the regiment. It's also a good indicator of the 'theory vs practice' nature of the Imperial military - as I noted before, the 'theory' of the Munitorum tends to make alot of assumptions and generalizations and apply those, which may or may not translate to the field (and thus your three full strength regiments are actually a handful of under-strength companies. Ha ha, Grimdark!)

It is also quite possible that this is not an absolute - the Munitorum hardly is ever consistent with itself after all - and it is possible for regiments to be freshly raised with armour and artillery attached - its just a 'depends on' sort of thing like all things.

Page 9
The number of companies in a regiment depends on the type and size of the forces at the commander's disposal, but may consist of as few as three or as many as twenty. Companies are themselves organised into several platoons, typically between three and six. Platoons are typically comprised of a Platoon Command Squad and several ten man infantry squads - the most numerous of the Imperial Guard's forces.
The composition of a regiment. Again note that these are not absolutes any more than troop numbers are. The actual numbers tend not to vary (EG a squad is always ten men) as much but the organizatons can vary quite a bit. One example is the Ghosts. throughout the series their organization of companies and platoons has mutated (they started out with fewer, larger platoons per company, but gradually shifted to platoons that had fewer men/squads, but were more numerous.)

Page 9
Support units, such as heavy weapons platoons and much valued specialist units, such as battle tanks, artillery and abhuman squads, may be attached to a company for a single battle or entire duration fo a campaign. These are rarely permanant additions and are attached as needed by the regimental commanders. It is a common practice, especially amongst armoured and artillery regiments, to break down several companies and second them to infantry forces, in exchange for platoons to provide close support form the attnetions of enemy troops.
Such detachments may adopt the uniform and markings of the hosting unit. This is again where 'theory' and 'practice' clash. It's theory that such detachments are temporary, but they may not always be 'returned' to their parent force for various reasons (the natures of war, the parent regiment getting wiped out, forces getting lost in administrative errors or the chaos of an evacuation, deliberate deception by company/regiment commanders, etc.) This can, in principle, lead to unofficially created 'combined arms' forces, which may reflect what we actually see.

Page 9-10
Bio-screened techno-troopers fight side by side with primitive barbarians and noble-born soldiers rub shoulders with the lowliest gang fighters.
..all planets within ten light years were ordered ot recruit and raise at least an additional fifty regiments as a primary reaction to counter the Ork invasion. Should the Imperium's response not prove to be decisive in crushing an enemy then the sphere around the conflict zone is increased in ever-larger increments, reinforcements will be drawn from further away and more regiments are raised to replace the losses. This ponderous process repeats itself until the enemy is ground down and destroyed....
Provides context for the "slow and ponderous" description of the Guard: eg it's a result of its largely reactive nature and the scale and scope of its response in totality, which in itself is dependent upon the sort of enemy they face (not all enemies are the same, so therefore the circumstances of the Imperial Response will differ. This also rpboably reflects how the Imperium actually goes about attrition warfare. It isn't so much that its always a 'deliberate' effort to do so so much as that it grows into that due to the scope and nature of the threat - they just keep expanding the size of the response until they defeat the enemy. This sort of response can also be why planets can be devastated through conventional war, or trench wars can break out.

For example, the 10 light years is basically going to be the nearby planets within a sector/subsector, hours or days away depending on the means of transport and the preparation time involved. Drawing them from outisde the sector (thousands or tens of thousands of LY away) can be more ponderous due to the distances involved as well as the increasing number of planets being drawn upon (and the logistiical and operational demands that places upon the Munitorum and military officers directing the war.)

As an aside, I'm not quite sure what 'bio-screened techno troopers' means - quite possibly troopers who are genetically engineered or bred for warfare (like the Geno Chiliad from 'Legion', which fits the earlier reference to 'geno-corps.') either cybernetically enhanced, or provided with sophisticated high end (for the Guard) gear, or both. It's largely a reflection of the sheer dichotomy in troop types that the IG can field.

Page 10
Many of the newly raised regiments inducted into the Imperial Guard will laready have some modicum of fighting experience. This may take the form of formal military instruction or simply be the result of the instincts necessary to stay alive on their respective home worlds.
.the newly inducted Gaurdsmen will receive intensive training that tempers the natural fighting skills of their many disparate cultures and forges them into soldiers worthy of the Imperial Guard. They are trained in the use of specialised weaponry and vehicles and receive proper indoctrination into the Imperial Cult. Officers are tutored in the broader aspects of the Tactica Imperialis, all the while being judged under the vigilant gaze of the Commisariat. The regiment will be drilled fo rmany weeks beofre their trial by fire in the curiclbe of war. The training is also intended to adapt and, where necessary, re-educate the new recruits for the inevitable shock of fighting on foreign worlds.
This implies average "response time" as far as transit goes is a matter of weeks (not including raising/recruitment and deployment, or supplying) but like all things it depends on the distances involved, the nature of the transport and travel conditions, and the nature of the forces being transported. Annual tithes being transproted to a new war zone are liekly to be more "prepared", and a garrison force in transit probably is not in a great rush either. In an emergency I would expect more haste, and in routine cases it probably could take evne longer.

At the same time, it also reflects the highly variable quality of the Guard. Troopers drawn from a PDF (or from Garrisons) are better than those conscripted from the native population (who may or may not have time to receive proper basic training - or any training at all.) And even the 'military training' can vary - military training on a feudal and feral world isn't going to be much useful in gun warfare except as cannon fodder without further training.) This reflects another 'speed vs quality' aspect of the Guard.

Another interesting possibility is that even amongst the 'professional' (EG trooper) tithes, worlds directly administered by the Adeptus Terra (particularily the Muniutorum or the Guard) or with very strong ties to the Adepta (like Vostroya) probably are of higher quality and professionalism than even the PDF tithes. These would be the Cadians, Valhallans, Tallarn, Vostroyans, Catachans, etc.

Page 10
.. regiments [reduced by casualties] are often amalgamated together so that united, they can continue to wage the Emperor's wars. Where possible, two half-strength regiments from the same home world will combine, but it is not uncommon for two disparate cultures to find themselves brothers in arms.
As always there is disagreement over the practice, some only care about the numbers, whilst others say the disparate regiments can have infighting and mistrust that reduces efficiency. For my part it can be an interesting approach depending on the kinds of regiments amalgamated (creating a combined arms force within a regiment for example) but it could also lead to a logistical nightmare. and it assumes the disparate elements can unify.

One imagines that this also covers 'recruiting' from war torn worlds (the militias and PDFs in particular) to replenish losses (EG Verghast in Necropolis.)

Page 10
If a regiment has been so badly mauled that it is considered a waste of time and resources to combine it with other Imperial forces, they may be assigned garrison duties over a nearby world...
The garrisoning of such worlds is vital. After a brutal war in which the local defence forces are inevitably decimated and the government left in tatters, the small Imperial Guard contingent may be the only loyal force left to impose law and maintain control for many decades. In rare circumstances, a regiment may be granted custodianship over a world as a reward.
This also probably includes worlds conquered (and colonised) during a crusade, another way for IG troops to be 'garrisoned' or mustered out. I imagine it works out either way. Not only does it get some use out of the troops (provides a core of experienced, solid troops to train and support native forces) it also can lead to the installation of Imperial-loyal and reliable leadership, thus cementing control over a planet.

Ultimately Garrisoning is just a way to find a place to put regiments who might not be immediately useful (or useful at all.)

Page 10
The Ecclesiarch has decreed that every regiment should be accompanied by at least one adept from the Ministorum but it is not uncommon for more to flock to martyr themselves on the battlefield.
This is bound to vary from sector to sector, at least in how it is carried out. In some regiments the priests may be distributed at the company or lower levels, whilst in others they may be few in number and distanced from the regular troops. Their exact roles in a regiment vary depending on source, some may provide inspirational and psychological/counseling services (and quite probably useful intermediaries with Sisters of Battle and Hospitallers that the regiment finds itself alongisde) while others may serve in more direct battlefield roles, providing symbolism and leadership to complement the Commissars. And some are probably just lazy, greedy fat fucks who don't give a damn (or zealous fanatics who don't give a damn. Don't forget them.)

Page 11
Though each regiment may contain only a dozen or fewer vehicles and they rarely fight side by side, each super-heavy is the equal of an entire company of other tropos in terms of sheer offensive power.
We aren't sure what kind of regiment, could be infantry, artillery, or armoured.

There's also Stormlord superheavies as well as Baneblades and Shadowswords.

Page 11
Industrial worlds churn out thousnads of Leman Russ Battle Tanks and Chimera armoured transports every day. Large, grinding production lines manned by thousands of work gangs toil ceaselessly in the manufactorusm to meet their quotas.
Assuming this includes all Hive worlds (but not forge worlds), and there are at least as many civilised industrial worlds as there are Hive Worlds, and a terran year, we're probably talking many tens of billiosn of tanks and APCs. That's still smaller compared to the probable hundrds of billion/trillions of guardsmen (most of whom are purportedly infantry) but since its likely most IG forces are fighting in defense of a specific world (or just providing a garrison), the Munitorum likely expects the host world to provide whatever the regiment needs (or for the regiment to requisition and/or take what it needs.) whether it be vehicles, inter-system ships, etc. (The regiment example form the 3rd edition IG codex proves this point.) Don't forget its also a lower limit - if we interpret 'thousands' as say 10K a day, you'd get well into hundreds of billions. Forge worlds are probably going to be more industrious than either hive or Industrial worlds.

It is also worth pointing out that the kind of tithing probably impacts this. Those raised from professional armies (the PDF, etc.) on an industrialized world, especially as part of an annual tithing, ar emore likely tob e better supplied with vehicles than an "emergency conscript" tithing from the PDF/militia/populace. Or, for that matter, for penal legionnaires.

It also doesn't factor in the possibility of using 'alternate' modes of transport - motorised transport (wheeled or halftracks of various kinds), Rhino analogues or modified Atlas vehicles (APCS basically, since the Chimera is more than just a troop carrier), the light centaur carriers, superheavies like the Crassus or Gorgon or the 'too precious to risk stormlords', etc.

It also goes without saying this suggests 'industrialised' worlds (factory, manufactorum, and all the other related names) provide similar proportions of vehicles to their tithed forces, but probably not nearly so many men.

Page 11
A small number of planets, known as forge worlds, are capalbe of maintaining the more advanced weapons of the Imperium - relics from the Dark Age of Technology. Knowledge of their creation is a long-forgotten art, the science behind their construction debased to myth and superstitious rites.
Because its the AdMech! They never understand science or do research!

Page 11
Before being transported to a warzone a newly raised Imperial Guard regiment may receive additional units from a Forge World.
Techpriests will also be attached at this time to provide support, as well as attaching other vehicles.

Page 12
Abhuman home worlds are few and far between, and their total populations are not particularily high. This results in relatively few abhuman regiments being raised each year for the Imperial Guard.
..it is usual to divide these regiments into smaller units that are attached to other formations..
Ogryns seem to be the most common, albeit still more uncommon if we are to believe the fluff. (although they are common enough to work as labourers as well as troops on some worlds - look at any Imperial Armour book). Ratlings (in the fluff) are almost unheard of - indeed the IG seems to have far more vehicles attached to it than it has abhumans. Again like with vehicles and other things alot of this is highly relative and variable. we know there are alot fewer abhumans than 'normal' humans (HAH good luck defining that with variations in gravity and warp influence and shit.) but not actual ratios.

Page 12
As with everything associated iwth the Warp, however, astrotelepathy is an erratic process. The psychic messages transmitted by Astropaths are affected by the currents, eddies and storms of the Immaterium. The consequcnes of this unpredictability means that it may take mere moments, several days, or many decades for an Astropath's signal to reach its destination.
it also can depend greatly on distance. moments betwee planets is fast, but several days is not. Several days across the galaxy is not bad, but decades is.

It can also depend on the method and type of message. Astrotelepahty is no longer a single 'kind' of communcation, but represents a number of different approaches and methods (like everything else, it depends.) which can offer differing tradeoffs.

Page 12
..more potent, but less numerous still [compared to astropaths].. are the indiviudals that have bene judged suitable for battle training...
..these Sacntioned Psykers..
The IG can thus make use of astropaths AND psykers. Considering millions of regiments, thats potentially alot of psykers.

Page 13
The decomissioned Emperor-class battleship Lord of Light, the Lord Solar's second flagship during his legendary campaign, now orbits the shrine world of Macharia as a tribute to his many victories.
Cue the 'WARSHIPS ARE RARE AND PRECIOUS AND IMPORTANT AND FEW IN NUMBER' line to provide irony for the mention of a decomissioned Emperor class Battleship.. which are amongst the oldest, biggest, and most impressive warships in the Imperium. And they use it as a floating shrine. :lol: And this is Codex material mind, this is the 'real' canon that cannot be dismissed by saying 'its just a BL book' :lol:

Page 14
The Cadian Shock Troop regiments are highly disciplined and have a reputation for being excellent shots.
As Cadians manufacture excellent military equipment their regiments are equipped with only the finest weapons.
Cadians are a prime example of 'high end' regiments of the 'directly adminstered' variety I spoke of before. (Fortress/Garrison world, remember.)

The fact that the Cadians are likely to have fought over the galaxy and colonized more than a few worlds must also mean their doctrine has spread (not unlike the Baran Siegemasters duplicating Krieg's approach to warfare, or the Minervan Tank Legions emulating Armageddon.)

And of course, its bene mentioned lots of times how other regiments seek out to emulate the CAdians (in gear if not doctrine, but I'd bet they try for that as well.) I'd imagine Cadians are also a pretty good standard sampling of what oyu get from Fortress/Garrison worlds as a whole.

Page 14
Raids and landings upon populated worlds in the Cadian system are commonplace. As such, all Cadians must train in the defence forces, and many are drafted into the Imperial Guard. Before induction, all Cadians must first serve in the youth Army, joining one of the so-called Whiteshield platoons...
The Cadian Shock Troop regiments tend to have a high proportion of Veteran Squads. Formed from the survivors of the harshest warzones, these proven warriors may receive additional training and special armaments.
For all the 'training to fight since youth' and 'learning to fire and clean a lasgun before learning to read' stuff, and for all the brutality such a situation must engender, Cadians are pretty hardcore and veteran types, even their PDF.

Also a note of how veteran regiments are 'specialists' in a vein similar to Grenadiers/Storm troopers (sepcial training and equipment.)

Page 15
They [Catachans] excel at fast-moving, close quarter fire-fights, infiltration and sniper work.
Half the population dies before they can learn to walk, and half again perish before they reach ten years of age. There are no mineral or strategic assets on Catachan, its people have but one resource of value to the Imperium; their superb regiments of Jungle Fighters.
..in exchange for this tithe of warriors, their settlements receive supplies from the Imperium that would otherwise be impossible to maintain.
Catachans tithe their troops in return for needed imports. Given the skill with which they fight this is understandable. although to be fair we know there are Mechanised and even armoured Catachan units, so they have to have some measure of industry (and must get it from somewhere.)

Page 15
Catachans take great pride that their officers, renowned hunters and esteemed warriors all, share with the troopers every danger and hardship. As such discipline in the Catachan regiments is maintained through trust and respect as well as rank. The Jungle Fighter regiments tend to be fiercely independent as a result and outsiders, particularily authoritative figures such as Commissars, have difficulty in earning the Catachan's deference.
The Catachan regiments can also boast some of the best snipers in the Imperial Guard...
Catachan tank crews typically adorn their vehicles...
Sentinel pilots in particular personalise and modify their vehicles to better suit each individual warrior's particular combat style.
Catachans are some of the best snipers (which seems to differ from simply being good marksmen, which the CAdians are.) and again mention of them having tank crews. They are also some of the most democratic regiments out there. Like the Cadians I imagine the Catachans have 'settled' planets from time to time, and their heritage and doctrines may have influenced new worlds.

Also HERETICAL customization of vehicles for combat purposes.

Page 16
The soldiers raised on Mordian have a reputation for following orders to the letter, and without a moment's hesitation.
Each Guardsmen rigidly obeys and respects the Chain of command and the Iron Guard are amongst the most dependable troops in the Imperial Guard.
The complete antithesis of Catachans. It suggests that 'rigid adherence to rules' is not a common thing amongst guardsmen, but has to be instilled in them. Else why would Mordians (or the Krieg troops) be known for it?

Page 16
Despite rigid volleys of platoon fire gunning down hundreds of Orks..

A platoon's worth of fire gunning down hundreds of Orks, implying fairly high rates of fire for the lasguns (at least by lasgun standards, which is like saying 'its fast by shotgun standards' at times :P)

Page 17
Tallarn Desert Raiders are mobile guerilla fighters, evasive and opportunistic. They are masters of hit and run warfare...
Considering that they too have armoured and mechanised forces, one imagines their vehicel forces are just as mobile as the infantry.

Page 17
The once fertile planet of Tallarn was all but destroyed during the Horus Heresy...
Thousands of Virus bombs rained down upon the surface of Tallar, and many of its people died whilst attempting to escape the devastation. When the surviving populace emerged from enviro-shelters hidden deep beneath the surface weeks later, their world was unrecognisable, the deadly attack leaving it a barren, desolate wasteland.
Residues of the lethal virus that ravaged Tallarn were still present on the world's surface...
The Virus bombing of Tallarn. Virus bombing as a rule seems good for taking out shit on the surface, but not anything belowground (Tallarn survived virus bombing, as have tyranids that burrow)
Rather ominously, the life eater has still managed to survive. This could explain why Exterminatus or rampant virus bombing is not commonly used - even in limited quantities and its deliberate speed/virulence cannot ensure it is completely purged from a planet. Not unlike the Orks. So even a planet that is 'safe' to inhabit may risk outbreaks.

Page 17
.. was the largest tank engagemnt in Imperial history. Vast reinforcements were directed to Tallarn by both sides, enormous resources squandered fighting over a devastated world of no notable strategic worth. During the months that followed more than ten million armoured units clashed over the shifting dunes of Tallarn's surface. The Desert Raiders rarely met the invaders in open battle, preferring to strike from the flanks and dodging the strongest elemenst of the Chaos battleline. To this day, the Tallarn Desert Raiders have a well-deserved reputation for armoured warfare, and their tank crews are amongst the most feared in the galaxy.
The tank war of Tallarn. apparently at one point Tallarn had millions of tanks devoted ot the war even AFTER they were bombed. And apparently their doctrine and tactics do apply to their mechanised/armoured forces. Note that this lends a tremendous degree of irony to what happened at Taros, given their 'mobility oriented' warfare and yet they got tied down in a slow, slow march.

Page 17
Over the following centuries the final remnants of the virus expired, but Tallarn was irrevocably changed. Deserts of sulphurous sand now stretched from pole to pole, and all water had disappeared except for a thin layer in the atmosphere. No vegetation and few animals remained on the wind-swept surface. The Tallarns lived, as they continue to do, in domed towns or caverns hollowed from the planet's rock where they are protected from the corrosive sandstorms that can strip a man's flesh from his bones.
A complex system, of tunnels were eventually built to facilitate travel between domes and the desert Raiders are just as apt at fighting over the exposed surface of a planet as they are in the confines of caverns and tunnels.
Certain kinds of virus bomb, can, even after the virus 'burns out' pretty much destroy the ecosystem/habitability of the world permanantly. Apparently even the oceans are either polluted, evaporated, or both. This makes Tallarn at least an underground city and 'dead' world, if not a form of hive city. (and perhaps one way you can have billions of hive worlds! :P)

Page 17
Tallarns are accomplished riders, using swift mounts to move from battle to battle, dismounting only when they are close to the enemy and wish to employ stealth.
..relying on their practiced marksmanship to achieve victory.
The people of Tallarn are master craftsmen and their wargear is both ceremonial and practical.
Tallarn are marksmen (like Cadians), as well as using high quality gear. Using mounts with their light infantry strikes me as kinda clever, as it gives them mobility without having to rely wholly on vehicles. They aren't as fast as mechanized or armoured troops, but they're still far faster than foot troops.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Part 2

Page 18
Vostroya was, as it remains today, a factory world providing vital arms and munitions ot the Imperium.
Vostroa is a factory/industrial world.

Page 18
Their ancient pact drives them onwards, instilling them with a stubbornness, courage and fortitude rarely seen outside the Adeptus Astartes.

the Firstborn regiments are trained in the most adverse of conditions.
...the Firstborn learn the skills of close-quarter combat and strict firing drills.
Vostroyans are the new Space Russians (at least if you go by Rebel Winter.) and they are heavy infantry more or less.

Page 18
Vostroya is goverend by the Techtriarchs, a curious committe of Adeptus Mechanicus officials and Imperial commanders.
bionic replacement and cyber-augmentation are commonplace amongst Vostroyans and many officers voluntarily undergo such surgery.
The weapons carried by the Vostroyan Firstborn regiments are exquisitely crafted pieces, often heirlooms that are passed down through the generations. Hand-carved wooden stock sand precision-tooled barrels replace the utilitarian weaponry of other Guard Regiments.
Not unlike Armageddon, Vostroya is ruled by a council/committee with strong ties ot the AdMech. It goes without saying that their Admech-based factory world origins mean they also have high quality equipment. It seems that all the 'named' regiments get better gear than average. They also apparently can be heavily enhanced/modified, which makes their skills as heavy infantry even more impressive.

Page 18
..the Firstborn are one of a very few regiments that ship in reinforcements from their home world in order to stay at fighting strength.
Yet another indicator of 'high status' regiments - only a few others tend to get this (Valhallans sometimes, for example.)

page 18
Only when the bulk of the Tyranid swarm had passed into the city, did the 9th Vostroyan regiment detonate its nucleonic stack, incinerating the hive, its defenders, and an estimated 85% of the Tyranid Swarm.
Nucleonic stack in a hive city.. nuclear reactor or some kind, and demolishes the whole hive and its inhabitants (and the tyranids.) Megaton if not gigaton range explosion, although it might depend on whether the 'stack' is a single reacrtor or a group (multiple smaller explosions being better than one big one)

Page 19
Mechanised infantry companies are normally quite rare in the Imperial Guard. This is because it is difficult for most Imperial Commanders and Planetary Governors to obtain and maintain enough of the vehicles needed for such a formation. Amongst those rare few regiments that can equip their companies so....
This quote bears some context. For one thing, recall that the tithe of Imperial commanders carried the expectations of providing vehicles (on demand) to equip tithed forces if need be. There are also the regular tithes of Hive worlds (like armageddon) as well as the production rates for hive and industrial worlds daily (which was identical.) Indeed some ratios were hinted at and they suggested its not nearly as rare as the quote implies.

Hell, look at Vraks and the amount of tanks and vehicles expended/lost in sheer attrition over that time (on both sides).. again you can hardly call things rare.

Bearing all that in mind, 'rare' is entirely relative, and highly selective. It may reference that infantry make up far more troops than other forces (because armour and mechanised regiments tend to be smaller in size than infantry), or it may refer to specific kinds of armor (EG Chimera-equipped mechanised troops) being rare. Chimeras are rather specilized sorts of troop carriers, often quite heavily armed and allowing infantry to engage the enemy from within the tank. More basic APCs (Trojan variants, low grade Rhinos, Centaurs and so on) may be more common but less versatile. Hell that doesn't even include wheeled or half-track vehicles (which we know exist.) It certainly doesnt include any of the so called rare and valuable troop-carrying superheavies (like the new Crassus, or the Gorgons, or the StormLords, or whatever similar variants exist.)

It also bears mentioning we've seen a great many worlds where Rhinos, chimera (or at least chimera variants) and the like have been buitl and used.. it can't be THAT hard to field them to some extent, even if they re just shitty variants.

Page 19
This hive world is one of the chief manufacturing planets for Chimeras, producing countless numbers for use across the Imperium. The extremely industrialised nature of Armageddon means that a far highe proportion of its regiments are mechanised infantry.
This is a clarification on above. It doesnt mean that other palnets don't produce a number of mechanised regiments, it just means that Armageddon is notable for producing more than usual.. but again this doesnt tell us how much more than usual they do. Remember that earlier it was mentioned that a tithe of 'several millino vehicles' was not unusual for hive worlds, and industrial worlds produced as many vehicles as hives did daily (nevermind what gets provided from Forge worlds, munitorum depot/stockpile worlds, etc.)

Page 19
The ash wastes of Armageddon are fillwed with corrosive toxins and industrial pollution. Were a man to breathe the air of Armageddon for any extended period his lungs would quickly rot.
In some places at least. The Jungles are another matteR (Armageddon Ork hunters can live just fine in them.) Armagedodn hasn't quite reached Necromunda levels of uninhabitability yet.

PAge 19
Many of the Steel Legion troopers are drafted from amongst the crammed populations of ARmageddon's massive hive cities...
Many of Armageddon underhive's most notorious gangs are conscripted directly into the Imperial Guard, without the need for any additional training...
Suggesting that Armageddon Legion troops are a form of hive ganger regiment, which again has interesting parallels for regiments drawn from other hive worlds.

Page 19
Indeed, at the height of the Second War for Armageddon more regiments were being raised each year from the population of Armageddon than from any two other worlds in the entire Segmentum Solar combined.
That would imply it was out-tithing even Necromunda, which would be pretty damn impressive, considering Necromunda is older and probably has even more people. If we assumed the '100 million' people tithe (and ignore the vehicles for a second) that means other planets in segmentum Solar tithed anywhere from 33-50 million troops annually apiece (More than 2 worlds but less than 3.) Assuming some 200,000 worlds in Segmentum solar (1/5 the Imperium's worlds, or one sgmentum... 'thousands' of sectors mentioned in Battlefleet koronus would imply upwards of 400,000) would imply anywhere from 6-10 trillion troops tithed from Segmenum solar alone, which does mesh broadly with the mentioned tithe rates in the 5th edition core rules. Millions or tens of millions does not exactly seem rare (at least in wartime.)

Page 20
When attacking, they are renowned for combining massed artillery barrages with infantry assault waves.
Valhallan tactics. Contrast this with Cain's mechanized forces. That said they're more known for being staunch defenders against impossible odds and weren't half-bad infiltrators in 'Ice Guard.'
Then again there's Chenkov. There's always Chenkov.

Page 20
..the planet was struck by a comet of immense size, so massive that it knocked the world from its orbit and raised clouds of dust that blocked out the sun. The tempreature plummeted and barely one percent of all life remained; the survivors were forced to build cities deep inside the ice and beneath glaciers, closer to the core of the planet..
Magic comet somehow hits the world in just the right way to push it into a new orbit without disrupting it. Either it was some warp comet, or perhaps the Valhallan homeworld was some bizarre artificial construct that is mysteriously more durable than a natural world. Crafting artificial worlds is not unheard of for particularily high end races in 40K and it wouldnt be the first time the Imperium colonized a world in ignorance for it to turn out to be something else entirely later on.

Regardless of how it happened, that any people survived is damn impressive considering the side effects this would cause. Between this and Tallarn (or hell, Krieg), it says something about the survival mechanisms of planets in the face of highly destructive catatrosphes.
Valhalla represents yet another underground hive/type world.

Page 20
Those that do not serve in the Valhallan military or volunteer to join the Imperial Guard must toil in the dark caverns, cultivating the nutrient slimes that sustain the populace..
It may not be a full fledged hive (hard to say) but it has some interesting means of sustaining its populace that rival some hives.

Page 20
Without their thermally insulated greatcoats and helmets the Guardsmen's blood would freeze within seconds on the arctic surface of Valhalla.
I wonder if this is indicative of good seals on their greatcoats and general gear to prevent heat loss, or what. Their helmets (not hats?) probably are. The gReatcoats are supposedly armored too.

Page 21
Regiments raised on Attila consist entirely of Rough Riders..
The horse regiment version of the Steel Legion. They're basically good as Rough Riders and attila-the-hun wannabes.

Page 21
The Elysia system and surrounding wilderness space is notorious for its pirates...
Thourhg combating this ever-present threat, the Elysian regiments have become well versed in ship-to-ship boarding actions and fighting in concert with orbital support when attacking isolated pirate bases. Famed for their lightning descents in Valkyrie Assault CArriers, Elysian Squads often deploy behind enemy lines via rappelling lines and grav-chutes. Drop troopers are issused with a Type 5 pressure helmet that incorporates pressure equalising equipment and draws air from the troopers' backpack.
Elysians apparently are not only good for drop troop/paratrooper roles, but also skilled in Space Marine style 'drop' assaults (including orbital bombardment) as well as ship-to-ship boarding actions.

Page 21
The planet of Krieg was laid to waste when rebellion led to a five hundred year campaign of atomic cleansing.
Self explanatory. Suppsoedly it was done by using forbidden atomics that had extra dirty warheads or something silly. It combined nuclear artillery and missile warheads.

Page 21
The Death Korps excel at grinding their enemies down in long battles of attrition and their skills at siege warfare are renowned throughout the galaxy.
The Guardsmen of the Death Korps regiments fight without fear of death, disdaining retreat or surrender.
Krieg are basically attrition and siege warfare specialists, which echoes IA5 and the siege regiment stuff in Epic Armageddon. It is not the sort of warfare troops are 'normally expected' to engage in, no matter what the propoganda fluff may imply. (at least, not to the scope or duration that Krieg specializes in.)

Kriegs attritional warfare nature also tends to laugh in the face of the Munitorum's obsession with vehicles and equipment over men, because they sacrifice massive numbers of tanks and other gear (some of it not exactly low end) to achieve their goals. As with many things, the way the Munitorum and Administratum view the expenditure of military gear depends on whose doing it, where they are doing it, why they are doing it, and who in the Munitorum may get yelled at if someone higher up doesn't like them doing it.

Page 22
Tbe Sabbat Worlds Crusade begins to reclaim Imperial Worlds from the foul clutches of Chaos. It is the largets military offensive since the MAcharian conquests.
Sabbat Worlds Crusade apparently has a scope that parallels Macharius' expedition.

Page 22
..a further forty thousand regiments are raised and all high-ranking Imperial Guard officers are assigned personal bodyguards.

Raising of 40K more regiments for a specific war. We're talking tens or hundreds of millions of additional troops.

Page 22
The Cadian 423rd, led by the legendary tank ace Knight Commander Pask, rally to engage rearguard elements of the Admaant Fury Titan Legio..
The Cadian 423rd spearhead the largest armoured assault since the battle for Tallarn. Over eight thousand tank companies and thirty-five super-heavy detachments are annihilated during the near-total destruction of a renegade Titan Legio.
At least (possibly) until the battle on Medusa during the 13th Black Crusade. Shows the scale of forces needed to take on and defeat a titan Legion.

Page 22
Regiments are raised from all planets within ten light years, including the worlds of Barac, Ulani, Dulma'lin and Catachan. To meet the additional tithe reguirements, the world of Dulma'lin drafts four-fifths of its total populace.
Tithing again... and the case of a small-population world conscripting its normal populace to meet tithe requirements. Probably means it won't be providing more troops anytime soon.

Page 23
The offensive on Bren's World falters when Imperial forces from over two-dozen worlds are unable to take the fortifications at Haven's Spire. The Cadian 12th lead the blitz that finally destroys the Spire following the destruction of several void-shield generators by elite Storm Trooper units
forces of 'two dozen worlds'.. we dont know how many that is,b ut its an interesting commentary on the scale of forces deployed. Also fortifcations protected by voids.

Page 23
..the Krieg deploy in the towering mountains that overlook the primary hive. Several artillery and siege comapnies begin to bombard the city spires and the inhabitants are mercilessly gunned down as they try to break out from the besieged city. After ten years of relentless shelling, the hive is reduced to naught but rubble and dust, two years after all signs of life from the hive ceased..
10-12 years of shelling destroy all live and totally demolish a hive. Efefects of several artillery and siege companies (fewer than 1000 guns.)

Page 23 - one of the bits of irony has the Munitorum charging a Lord General and a regiment with desertion because they dont know the forces have been wiped out. It mentions that they are all 'posthumously sentenced to death.'

Page 23
The Cadian 9th devastates Hive Fleet Scarabus at the walls of Fortress Carcasson without loss of a singel company.
A new hive fleet.. which gets wiped out by the Cadians without taking a single loss. Damned impressive.

Page 25
..the Volscani's treason is revealed when they swarm aboard the Leviathan command vehicle of the Governor Primus of Cadia...
.... advance towards the mutinied Leviathan.
...the firepower of the 20th Cadian armoured companies and Titans of the Legio Ignatum are directed to disable teh void shields of the catpured Leviathan..
The battle of Tyrok fields.

Page 25
The fiercely uncompromising Colonel Scaheffer leads the 13th Penal Legion - the so-called Last Chancers - int the Daemon World of Fool's Paradise to hunt down the Daemon Prince Mk'Irathirix. Only two survivors return.
ungodly high attrition rates? Impossible mission? sounds like typical Last Chancers stuff. I could buy Schaeffer staring donw and killing a Daemon Prince, too.

Page 25
- Ornsworld, a world of ratlings (space hobbits) gets attacked by CSM Renegades and 90% of the population is brutally massacred, repeating what happened in teh Gothic war. someone hates Space Hobbits.

Page 27
Bombardment of the Heavily-shielded Wrath's Spire by the Krieg 786th and Loriar 273rd Regiments continues. Use of Deathstrike Missiles authorised.
Deathstrike missiles amongst the Krieg and Loriar regiments.

page 27
The Red Corsairs descend upon the Dentor system slaughtering millions. Over one hundred new regiments are raised.
Chaos renegades raid the Gothic Sector. One hundred and fifty additional Imperial Guard regiments to be raised.
100 regiments raised to fight Red Corsairs, 150 to defend Gothic Sector.

Page 27
The Tau Empire continues its third phase of expansion into the Imperium. All nearby worlds ordered to increaes their military tithe contributions to at least twenty percent.
Military tithe (of PDF forces) increased to 20%. So the tithe percentage can be varied if need be in emergencies. Again note how this differs from TAROS - not only is the response larger (we're talking hundreds of thousands of men per world probably) but its from nearby rather than halfway across the galaxy.

Page 29
The ranks of the Imperial Guard are not trained to think independently or to use their initiative, relying instead on their officers for guidance and direction. To this end, Imperial Guardsmen are conditoned to obey orders withou question or hesitation. Only by concentrating on their orders to the exclusion of all else can a common trooper override thoughts of self-preservation and face the horrors of the galaxy. A rigid chain of command exists from the commander of a battle group down to the lowliest trooper.
Maybe because they aren't training most Guardsmen much at all? They rely on the PDFs to do so, and then steal them from the PDFs wholesale. Or scoop them off a planet and throw them into the meatgrinder. Or whatever. They may try to 'brainwash' them of course (they always try to) but humanity being the contrary beast it is this has varying degrees of success. Heck when you really think about it, how long does one have to train someone to instil discipline and obedience, and what is the base stock they're working with? I don't think they'd always have the time to do so, or that they could train a Hive hanger as easily as a agri farmer conscript.

Basically: 'not trained to think independently or use their initiative and rely on officers' is not the same thing as saying 'have no initiative at all.' There are plenty of regiments with 'initaitive' (Jopall indentured, any Death world regiment, etc.) and there's all those hive ganger and feral regiments who need commissars to provide a figure of respect to keep them in line. Hive gangers at least aren't known for 'military discipline.' This is another case of 'theory' vs 'practice' and reflects the control-obsessive nature of the Imperium itself.

That said, I can kind of see the point of 'not thinking' - given the crazy shit the IG can be expected to face (up to and including Chaos) I could see promoting discipline and 'lack of thought' as being a virtue. I'd say that only certain regiments (EG like Krieg or Mordians) can pull it off and that only because of extensive, long-term indoctrination.

Page 30
The company command squad is the heart of an Imperial Guard army, directing the actions of specific units, disseminating orders and executing the commanders battle strategy..
They [the men assisgint the officer] are often given additional training and equipment, entabling them to funciton as combat medics, vox-operators, and other orderlies.
Just as the company is the building block ofa Guard force, the command squad is its head (by 'heart' it means the core of it.. the one doing the leading). They also seem to provide additional duties to the company.

Page 30
A rare few officers are those who have worked their way up through the ranks, survivors of a dozen campaigns and as many field promotions.
Normally it is hereditary nobility from war acadmies, although on certain other planets it may be obtaind through trials or combat. I'd say it really demands on the world overall.

Page 30
Assisted by orbital relays, targeting matrices or just a good pair of binoculars, the officer coordinates firepower..
Mechanical and other means of coordinating or targeting firepower (both artillery, tanks and other stuff.. which suggests there is a non-verbal means of relaying that information available to forces.)

Page 31
Astropaths serve the Imperial Guard as planetary communicators. They can transmit and receive covert orders and other sensitive information. In addition, any Astropaths also have mystic powers of divination.
They're basically sensory/intel and communications support.

Page 31
Masters of Ordnance are therefore attached to Command squads. These artillery experts have all manner of auspex ident-arrays, range finding bionic implants and modified servo-skulls that rove ahead of the main advance and pinpoint specific targets. The Master of Ordnance communicates directly with his counterparts in artillery companies, relaying the location of enemy forces, calling down a dead bombardment with an accuracy not otherwise possible.
Basically a means of providing precision bombardment support for the artillery forces. One of several ways anyhow. Note the servo skulls providing telemetry. :P

Page 31
They [Officers of the Fleet] coordinate with the Imperial Navy bomber wings and even the lance batteries onboard warships. Whilst the full might of the Imperial Fleet cannot be called upon, the avaialble firepower is enough to disrupt the enemy's supply lines, forcing their reserves to take shelter or face destruction from above. Such actions delay enemy reinforcements from entering the fray...
helps to coordinate and control the orbital artillery the way the master of Ordnance helps the ground based stuff. Probably also provides the telementry and beacon stuff for coordinates (not unlike the officer in 13th Legion who did the same thing)

Page 32
It is a Commissar's duty to maintain morale, discipline and fighting spirit of the regiment, and to punish cowardice and incompetence wherever it is found.
Commissars are fanatically brave and their devotion to the Imperium is utterly without doubt. They personify the ideals of loyalty to one's comrades and to the Emperor.
Commissars lead by example and are the first to step up to the firing line to repel an enmy attack...
Unwavering and resolute, a Commissar's uncompromising code of honour and defiance of corruptoin stands as an illustration to all nearby troops, inspiring them to feats they owuld not have dreamt possible.
The gallantry of Lord Commissars is legendary an tales abound of stranded, demoralised Imperial Guard squads being drivne to valorous deads by the leadership of such heroes. Lord Commissars exemplify power and bravery, making them natural leaders with a reputation for turning the tide of battle, snatching victory form the jaws of defeat.
We have here something of a compromise between 2nd edition 'heroic inspiration' commissars, and the 4th edition 'shoot them in the head to inspire fear' commissars. To their credit, tehy emphasize the 'inspiration' angle before the 'summary execution' angle, which is tolerable because there probably are enemies and cases where summary execution is needed. Besides, given the 'variable' nature of the Imperium I continue to allude to, there are invariably going to be those commissars who simply cannot be inspiring and must lead by summary execution (or are so fanatical or insane enough that they interpret any action as heresy and execute rampantly.)

Page 32
At least one Commissar is assigned to every regiment, and most will have several who remain with the regiment throughout its duties.
It is the Commissars who supervise the raising of new regiments, many of which coe from savarge worlds where warriors are ill-disciplined and respect only strength and fighting prowess. The loyalty of such troops must be earned, so Commissars are always prepared to demonstrate their courage and skills in battle.
Commissar allocation in regiments.
Commissars seem to be involved in the training process as well as indoctrination. Again note how feral or hive gangers (savage worlds) are not 'mindless' and their respect/loyalty must be earned.

Page 33
With a gesture the psyker hurls these bolts of ether-energy at his opponents, burning the foes' synapeses and searing their flesh from their bones.
Primaris psykers. Implied severe burning or cremation - single to double digit MJ at least.

Page 33
A Primaris PSyker is typically attached to a high-ranking Imperial Guard officer who can direct the psyker's powers as the situation necessitates, providing psychic support to the troopers on the front line.
They are the psychic artillery/support in the same way an astropath is psychic vox/auspex.

PAge 33
A psyker can focus his prodigious mental strength through sucha psycho-reactive staff, transforming it into a searing weapon that glows with a barely contained, otherworldly power capable of cutting through reinforced ceramite and ripping the life force from those it strikes.
Not unlike Librarian force weapons.

PAge 33
Complex micro-circuitry and neuro-active wiring are connected to psychically attuned crystals embedded in a psykers hood or collar, designed to bleed away excess Warp energy. Such precautions are not limited to the psyker's wargear alone and most have undergone cranial surgeries to implant neural inhibitors that limit the danger of possession - however such actions tned to blunt the psykers' innate power as well. When combined with a lifetime of training a Primaris Psyker has a reasonable chance of avoiding powerful psychic enemies and resisting dameonic influences.
Something akin to an Aegis hood I suppose, alongside implants and training as safety measures.

Page 34
..the red-ropbed Techpriest enginseers are clad in power armour...
Techpriests get their own powered armor!

PAge 34
There are untold billions of these mindless, mono-tasked cyborgs throughout the Imperium of Man, many working in hostile atmospheres where an unmodified human body would quickly perish. Servitors are not even considered to be as valuable as... .. servo-skulls..
Servitors. Rather funny that tehy rank lower than a floating skull.

Page 35
All members of the Ecclesiarchy will take with them a rosarius...
meaning that that chainsaw wielding lunatic shouting religious phrases will also be shielded.

Page 36
..even basic troop movements can involve the mobilisation of thousands of men.
Scope of 'basic' Guard troop movements.

Page 36
..there is another [officer] who panics and falters in the heat of battle. These incompetent individuals are responsible for wasting countless lives and such ineptitude is quickly punished.
What's that? WASTING lives is considered inept? Butbutbut human life is cheap! an inexhaustible resource for the Imperium! more easily replaced than even a lasgun. If.. you don't count the time of investment in training, feeding, clothing, etc..

Really there's a wide range between 'caring about your troops' and 'treating them like complete cannon fodder.' It is possible for troopers lives, health, etc. to matter while at the same time treating them as some impersonal statistic or resource. Why bother wasting fuel and time evacuating troops? Or feeding them? or even training them? The fact of the matter is that Guardsmen do have some value to the Munitorum, but no different from any other resource. They don't think of them or care about them as individiuals or people, but they also don't want to pointlessly waste human life any more than they would waste any other resource (ammo, weapons) they are responsible for - it's contradictroy to their nature. This is why often Imperial commanders might have to politick or finagle to get more regiments out of the Munitorum (EG Taros. Hell the officers in charge at Taros got in trouble for wasting valuable Munitorum resources!)

Another good example are the Krieg meatdroids of IA - utilized in attrition warfare... and yet Kriegers get commissars to keep them from being TOO sacrifical and enthusiastic. Including with the troops.

Page 36
The number of Platoon Command Squads in a regiment varies tremendously. Constant attrition amongst the regiment's officers, especially those who fight the enemy face-to-face, means that companies must continue to re-organise, almost on a daily basis. It is not surprising therefore that many Platoon Commanders have been comissioned form the rank and file. Field promotions and brevet ranks are commonplace and necessary to ensure that the chain of command remains unbroken.
Platoon commanders 'coming up' from the ranks seems more common than at compnay level (or higher.) Which makes a sort of sense. It creates an interesting sort of interplay.. officers that come up from the ranks raen't likely to think or be the same as officers who are noble born or otherwise elite or aristocratic. And the interactions between commands at the platoon level and company (or higher) level can keep the highers up from being too isolated (assuming the company level guy is listened to at all, and listens to his platoon leaders.)

Page 37
Infantry squads form the backbone of the Imeprial Guard. Countless billions of soliders fight and die..
Infantry are the most common (but we aren't sure by what percentage.) Given the reactive/defensive nature of the Guard (EG to hold territory or defend it, like cities, fortresses, etc.) this makes some sense. You let the more mobile offensive arms (Space Marines, armoured regiments, armoured fists and other specialist sformations) push the assault.

Page 37
The Armies of the Imperial Guard are made from billions of regiments, recruited from every world in the Imperium.
at least 'billions' of regiments in the IG. Whether this is billions per 'army' (which could increase the nubmer even more) or total for all the armies we don't know. assuming the usual 2-6 thousand troops per regiment and a mere 2 billion we're talking 4-12 trillion troopers, at least. If we're talking bigger regiments (tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands) that number is correspondingly greater (1-2 Oom). It's possible to even argue quadrillions of troops, especailly if the number of regiments increases alongside the number of troops. assuming 100,000 troop regiments and say 100 billion regiments we'd be talking ten QUADRILLION troops.

On top of that, don't forget that the Guard is usually outnumbered by the PDF - going by the 10% tithe that means there's an order of magnitude more PDF troops (who are potential guardsmen to draw upon). Hell, imagine what this sais about the population of the Imperium (1 trooper per 100 people is easily in the quadrillions. Possibly even quintillions.)

Of course, potential numbers ARE impressive, but it also matters what kind of troops those are. If there are quadrillions of stone-axe wielding feral troops as opposed to say, cadian-style troops.. then that impressiveness is taken down a few notches ;)

Page 37
..Warriors don the armour and wargear native to their home world. The only piece of armament common to all Imperial Guardsmen is the lasgun, and even then some regiments have been raised with only muskets, crossbows, or even spears. The fighting ability of each regiment reflects the world and society it comes from.
It's not impossible for regiments to be fielded without lasguns.. and trooper gear is generally reminisicient of their homeworlds. Within a sector or subsector this probably isnt a problem, but serving far outside of the sector (say across the segmentum) can create interesting logistical problems.

Page 37
Opponents charging at Imperial Guard positions must first survive a blazing hail of lasfire...
On equal terms they (guard squads) are no match for the many alien horrors they must face. Should such enemies close the distance the Infantry Squads are, more often than not, slaughtered.
Although some Guardsmen are equipped with a vareity of powerful and specialised weaponry, the primary strength of the infantry regiments remains their huge and expendable mass of manpower.
Numbers are a guardsmen's advantage, but they still rely on shooting them (At range) since most enemies the IG faces are stronger and/or tougher and/or faster than they are. This also explains a preference for fixed defenses, I imagine - cover can do much to enhance the lifespan of a guardsmen.

It also tends to argue against them just fixing bayonets and charging everything they face after firing a volley. They can and do do that against some enemies, but they know its usually disaster against an uninjured Ork or Tyranid.

Page 37
the thundering charge of a thousand Guardsmen can overwhelm the most elite and dangerous of opponents, crushing them underfoot and running them through with a wall of bayonet points.
Through numbers or psychological effect.. assuming the enemy a.) is outnumbered by the Guard and/or b.) can be psychologically affected in this manner. AGain, Orks and Tyranids tend not to fall into either category, so charges are a good recipe for getting lots of people killed to no gain. Hell there are some Chaos forces (with mutants or beastmen) agianst whom this would be a joke. (Some IG officers would still try it, of course...)

Page 37
Conscripts: In dire situations a world may be required to increaes its tithe and raise additional regiments to match some overwhelming threat. A planet may be forced to bring forward its annual conscription, recruitng troops who would otherwise be deemed too young, or have not had the time to complete basic training.
Probitors, or 'whiteshields.' also termed as 'conscripts. They aren't officially guardsmen until they are promoted. The interesting thing is that these really are considered 'emergency' forces and only when numbers matter more than quality. and evne then they still seem to be pulled from the military populace (or militias) first before moving to the nonmilitary populace. And this is only done in extreme emergencies. Understandable when you think about it - conscripts will put a burden on any logistics or transport capacity you have, so its not something you do unless absolutely neccessary. In most cases what is going to happen is that a planet under attack will be doing the conscripting, suggesting this is more commonly a PDF thing than a Guard thing (EG the hive militias or Armageddon during third armageddon.)

This also further suggests that the bulk of the guard can be considered 'professional' military troops (for a given definition and quantity of professionalism, at least. There is still that whole 'lots of different cultures, customs and doctrines to draw on' thing.)

Page 38
All Imperial Guard regiments include some form of mobile heavy weapons, especially those with limited access to armoured fighting vehicles.
..armed with heavy bolters or autocannons, they lay down a curtain of firepower that can mow down packed ranks of infantry in a welter of gore and tear apart light vehicles.
heavy weapons crews. Implied they are meant to have some mobility, even if it is vehicle based. Which is rather interesting/odd, considering that chimeras themselves tend to mount some powerful heavy weapons. does this mean the vehicles the Heavy weapons troops use are different variants?)

Page 38
The lasgun is the universal small arm of the Imperial Guard, but there are a great many models, marks and patterns in service.
..the much sought after variable power setting Triplex pattern, and the short-barreled, folding-stock models used by mechanised infantry, tank crews and troops on starship detail.
Also, picture of 3rd edition lasgun with a scope. Note as well that IG troops on starship detail use lasguns (whereas naval troops use shotguns because of fear of damaging shit. Go figure.)

Page 39
With scanners and communication voxes, Chimeras are also suitable mobile bases of operations from which Imperial Guard officers can marshal their forces[.
Chimeras seem to come with sensor and comm gear as standard. HOW PRIMITIVE.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 5th edition analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Final update for 5th edition. Enjoy it while it lasts

Page 39
These [armoured fist] squads lend speed and tactical flexibility ot the often slow and rigid formations of the Imperial Guard. An infantry regiment does not typically include any mechanised troops, it being difficult for most planetary governors to obtain and maintain the vehicles needed for such formations. Because of this, it is quite common for commanders to attach invididual armoured fist squads from fully mechanised reigments in order to provide fast-moving armoured transport.
Armoured Fist squads are able to respond quickly to emergent threats or forge ahead of the main advance and seize vital objectives until ground pounding reinforcements arrive.
Armoured Fists are both reserve and offensive forces. Again 'typically' not being attached to infantry regiments is not the same thing as saying that the worlds don't produce mechanised regiments at all (all the reasons I outlined before still apply.) it just reinforces the specialization issues and that limited supplies and equipment mean that not every infantry regiment can be equipped with a Chimera. There's alot of latitude in that (again as I noted before.)

Indeed armoured Fists tend to be a very specialized sort of mechanized force, it would seem, it doesnt rule out other kinds of mechanised (or motorised) infantry existing alongside. There's LOTS of different vehicle deisgns and patterns in the Imperium, after all (such as the Land Crawler mentioned in Epic ARmageddon swordwind: that gets converted into miltiary vehicles. And there are the Trojans, ro the Atlas, or other variaitons.)

Page 39
Chimeras are amphibious and are able to move through dense swamps, deep marshes, and even rivers.
A useful quality I imagine. Not quite as cool as Land Raiders going underwater of course.

Page 40
Veterans are the hard core of the Imperial Guard.
The toughest and most skilled of the Imperial Guard's regiments may have endured throughout the grim wars of a campaigin with their forces largely unscathed.
This is highly unusual hawever, and after an especially hard campaign, oftne lal that is left of a company is a single squad of combat-hardened Veternas...
Such squads are attached to larger regiments where it is hoped they will assimilate quickly and their skills may rub off onto less-experienced shoulders. These Veterans may not be from the same regiment or even the same home world, and so may introduce new combat-tactics and an entirely different war-ethic to their foster regiment.
IG Veterans. Between these and the storm troopers/elites, they form the edge/spearpoint of the Guard when related forces (Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, etc.) are not available. Veterans are lso used for training purposes as well as to psychologically bolster less veteran regiments - a trait which echoes 'retiring' some worlds to garrison duty (where their skills and training cna influence the local PDF forces.

Page 40
Although Veteran squads technically remain part of the same rigid command structure, these grizzled survivors function best when allowd a certain amount of free rein. They provide valuable battlefield experience and may employ unconventional, but effective tactics - such as the laying of booby traps - that are not taught by the Tactica Imperialis.
Remember what I said about that whole 'guardsmen do not think' thing? This is another case where 'theory' and 'practice' tend to clash. Although to be fair, its been stated that some Veterans tend to be a little crazy too.

Page 40
Many Veterans carry weapons and wargear not commonly issued to the massed ranks of the Imperial Guardsmen.
Many Veterans recieve additional training in order to perform dedicated combat roles and have accordingly been issued the neccessary equipment. Some are 'borrowed' from Munitorum stores, whilst others are battlefield trophies..
As noted before, vets get 'extra training and equipment'. Some of it is stolen of course, or looted from the battlefield. This tends to suggest there is some wiggle room between 'fresh' regiments not gtting much in the way of neat gear until they prove themselves, and the 'vets'. I imagine experienced regiments (the important ones) get better gear as well. This is echoed in the novel 'fifteen hours' for example (EG hotshots and targeters and stuff.)

Even more, I wonder if some 'high end' regiments like the Cadians and Catachans, or Tallarn and Vostryoans (who have pretty fancy shit to start with) might qualify as veterans right off the bat (or at the very least highly experienced.)

Page 40
With few exceptions, regiments are not reinforced with troops from their own home worlds. Instead under-strength formations are merged to form composite regiments.
Sometimes, however, two very different regiments are combined, such as when the 182nd Catachan merged with the 90th Elysian.

..the composite regiment was designated the 314th Prosan. This particular merging proved highly successful. The new regiment became expert in airmobile jungle warfare after being issued Valkyries..
reinforcement/replacement of losses from homeworlds rare, ocmposite regiments used in stead, but other methods of recruiting may be used (EG Verghast example.) it also shows that 'mergng' regiments can alter the versatility of a regiment by combining disparate elmeents (such as drop troops and Jungel fighters.) This could be something that accounts for the 'combined arms forces' we see where they have infantry, artillery, armour, etc. Hell if the merged regiments settle a new world thy probably pass that doctrine along!

Page 41
Such men - killers, rogues, thieves, cowards, and deserters - must face the choice betwen death, and service in the Penal Legion. There are a great many capital crimes in the Imperium, so the supply of 'volunteers' for the Penal Legions is never-ending.
In rare and exceptional circumstances, Legionnaires who complete their missions and survive might be granted the Emperor's pardon. These Legionnaires are absolved of their sins and can rejoin the ranks of the Imperial Guard...
Pardon sare mentioned as happening only a handful of times in a millenia. Oh yes, and the explosive collars. They are also considered to have unorthodox abilities and unique skills, whcih makes them valuable for various things besides cannon fodder (coert work.) The most notable example being the 13th Legion, of course. All in all they're the first choice for cannon fodder if cannon fodder must be used. I imagine a great many heretics and others either arrested and punished by the Arbites, Inquisition, and other forces as well as the Guard may be put into penal legions (so lonsg as they ren't executed as something like Chaos worshippers.)

It seems the pattern of the 13th Legion became the standard for ALL penal legions, up to and including the pardon. :P Maybe we should call it the Schaefer system!

Page 42
They [Ogryns] can survive a score of wounds that would fell a normal man and shrug off small-arms fire as if it were nothing more than a bothersome sump-fly.
The trigger mechanism of a ripper gun also incorporates a burst-limiter to prevent the firer shooting off the entire drum at once.
suggests Ogryn are tougher and stronger than Astartes (outside armor, at least.) Also the ripper gun is governed to control its rate of fire.

PAge 42
A select few Ogryns, those that show a glimmer of initiative or intelligence, become prime candidates for augmetic cranial surgery to boost their brain-power to the point where they can understand basic strategy and tactics, equivalent to that of an eight year old child. Those that survive the Biochemical Ogryn neural enhancement procedure are referred to as 'Bone 'eads'
'enhanced' Ogryns. It has to be noted that over the editions Ogryns have become more intelligent. Way back when, it used to be that only the Bone 'eads had ripper guns because they were the only ones bright enough to use them. I guess selective breeding favoring the Bone 'eads may have raised the collective IQ of Ogryn through the millenia :P

Page 43
..Ratling home worlds contirbute troops to the Imperial Guard.
..they have incredbile eyesight and their small size enables them to move steathily inc lose terrain..
..they are ideally suited to the role of snipers, and it is in this capacity that they are recruited into the Imperial Guard.
Ratlings are famously good shots, even without the telescopic laser-sights of their needle-rifles.
They can also be cooks. They also eat twice the ratio allowance of a nromal trooper, so have a knack for absconding with unsanctioned supplies and work as black marketeers. Including supplying weapons to others [like VEts]. Other than this, their sole reason for existence seems to be not included in novels (whereas Squats, who aren't even officialy apart of modern canon, still have a couple mentions) and getting slaughtered in job lots when Chaos invades their worlds.

They also seem to have some rather well developed needle rifle tech (or they are provided it by the munitorum) - note the rifles have laser sights.

Page 43
To the Ratlings' amazement, the column halted, only 300 metres from their position.
He took the shot, blew the alien's head clean off, and in an instant the entire Tau column was in disarray.
First Tau Ethereal killed. Blows head off/apart at 300 metres. Considering Ratlings seem to use needle guns as standard, this means their needle guns are not just poison weapons (But can carry some dart capable of inflicting physical damage - perhaps similar to Glavian needlers using 'explosive ammo?) or it used the laser component of the needle rifle. It probably comes to the same effect either way given the damage profile for a needle rifle, but its interesting nonetheless.

Page 44
Such mounts are bred for power and strength, and many are given bio-chem treatments to enhance their combat potential.
Whilst the majority of Rough Riders are raised from feral, undeveloped worlds, this is not exclusively the case. On some planets the honour of riding a steed o war is reserved for the elite classes...
Origins of rough riders and their mounts. It goes without saying that their mounts are not normal. Extreme examples are the Death Rider mounts, which are vat grown, cybernetically and genetically enhanced. Sometimes alien creatures are used as mounts (Tallarn have done so, for example.)

Page 44
Regiments of Rough Riders are sometimes deployed wholesale, especially where terrain is unsuitable for the tracked vehicles of the Imperial Guard. A squad of skilled cavalry can be an effective assault and skirmishing force.
However, it is more common to divide mounted regiments and allocate Rough Rider squads to fight alongside infantry regiments where they act as scouts, patrols, and fast response troops. Rough Riders are used to operating out on their own beyond the normal lines of communication, often deep inside enemy territory. Able to forage and subsist off the land, Rough Riders are able to function for extended durations behind enemy lines with only the minimum of basic supplies. Because they employ living mounts rathr than machines they need neither fuel nor maintenance and, unlike vehicles, they cannot be easily tracked with auspex or scanner. As such, they are often utilised to harass enemy troop movements by means of hit-and-run tactics.
Uses forRough Riders... not etheir uses as scouting and recon, skirmishing and raiding, rather than say... charging fixed positions with lances lowered, or taking on tanks. They can do that if need be, and the lances are designed to do so, but it isn't really their primary or only task, and probably not their typical role.

Supposedly the use of living mounts makes them harder to track via scanner or auspex. this may suggest that most high tech races/cultures optimize towards machines and vehicles for detection rather than wildlife (although if a planet's wildlife is particularily abundant, maybe it's assumed the mounts blend in. It's not as if one can expect every alien race to be intimately familiar with the knids of rough Riderss the Imperium could call upon.)

They can also represent a sort of last-ditch mobility force when vehicles simply aren't available. Give them a rocket/missile/grenade launcher or similar other weapons and they probably can do alot of damage.

Page 44
Rough Riders are armed with a long hunting lance tipped with a shaped explosive charge that can tear throuhg even the toughest armour.
'armour' doesn't necesarily mean tanks. It can mean heavily armoured troops. Like Space MArines, or Ork Nobz or certain large, powerful Tyranid breeds.

Page 45
..where mobile patrols must be mounted across rough terrain, or where firepower must be deployed rapidly in response to a threat.
Employed primarily for reconnsissance and light infantry support, the Sentinel Scout Walker is used by many Imperial Guard regiments to locate and obliterate knots of enemy resistance in daring ambushes and surprise attacks.
The scout vehicles' powerplants also incorporate noise-reduction modification so as not to alert the enemy to their presence.
Sentinel role and usage. I imagine if noise reduction can be used on Sentinels powerplants it might be used on other vehicles.

PAge 45
The Sentinel Scout Walker is not intended for extended frontline combat operations. The crew compartment that allows the pilot to survey his prey leaves him vulnerable to small-arms fire and the walker itself lacks the ablative armour and ferro-steel plating of a fully-fledged battle tank.

Sentinels become superb frontline units when they are modified with extra armour, able to stride trhough a dleuge of weapons fire that would cirpple or destroy a lighter insurgency walker. The mechanical legs of an Armoured Sentinel are modified with recoil compensators in place of additional gyro-stabilisers to allow the walkers to fire the most powerful weapons systems. Sensor arrays and auspex are replaced with additional power cells and cooling systems to allow the Armoured Sentinel to fufill its role as a mobile heavy weapons platform.
Sentinel variants and durability. Note that like Chimeras, Sentinels can come with sensors.

Page 45
...plasma and lascannon fire slicing through the thickest ablative plating.
Ablative armour again. I guess its a fairly common armour even for the Guard!

Page 45
Sentinels are often deployed far from Imperium supply lines, deep within enemy territory. When operating as autonomous units, the pilots of Sentinel squadrons are often forced to use their initiative - a quality that is not generally fostered in Imperial soldiers.
Yet another force, alongside Death Worlders, Veteran troops, Rough Riders, and so on who favour initiative and autonomy. They don't oppose such qualities, they just don't want everyone to do it :P

Page 46
Years of punishing training have honed the minds, bodies, and skills of the Storm Troopers to the very peak of human perfection.
Which makes them good as specialists, but it also tends to make them less cost-effective than other troops (unless the're from Krieg.) I imagine that the 'honing' has a good deal to do with indoctrination as it does with fighting skills.

Page 46
Protected by rigid arma-plas and reinforced ceramite plates, Storm Troopers can wade through a torrent of small-arms fire that would kill a normal Guardsmen outright.
Durability of Storm trooper carapace.

Page 46
The sophisticated hot-shot laser weapons wielded by Storm Troopers are more potent and destructive than the standard lasgun.
However, such weapons require reinforced barrels, thermal-cooling cells and gyro-stabilised power packs, all of which makes them difficult to produce and maintain. The Departmento Munitorum rarely issues these weapons to soldiers outside of STorm Trooper companies, who are trained to look after and even rebuild the weapons if necccessary.
Mainly their own (provost) troops, Grenadiers, and (in very very *very* early 3rd edition fluff/experimental rules, to Elysian Special wEapons troops.) Also note again that we're back to 'hotshot' lasguns instead of hellguns, although technically the two aren't mutally exclusive (hotshots are a type of powerpack and hellguns are a type of rifle.)

Page 46
Storm Troopers are constantly moving from one warzone to another...
It is rare that the entirety of the STorm Trooper regiment will fight in one place. Instead, individual companies are sent to bolster the strength of the Imperial Guard present..
Probably would explain the existenc eof dedicated storm trooper regimental transports. They may be dispatched or deployed as a whole, but then get broken up into parts as need be.

Page 46
Storm Troopers are taught to perform covert operations, spearead assaults into fortified positions and storm key installations. THey can deploy ahead of the rest of the army, infiltrating behind enemy lines to engage the foe..
They are often dropped into the midst of the enemy during battle. Leaping from low-flying aircraft and descending using grav-chutes, Storm troopers land into the middle of fierce firefights, guns glazing befor they even hit the ground.
Storm trooper doctrines.

Page 46
The hot-shot lasgun uses a more powerful, external energy cell. This allows the hellgun to project a much more powerful, and more penetrating, shot.
hotshot and hellgun uesd interchangably lol. Basically its a more powerful AND a more penetratig shot. Some sources also say Hellgusn have higher rates of fire.

Page 47
The Sanctioned Psykers that form a Psyker Battle Squad become so closely attuned to each other that they cease acting independently, and instead function as a single combined consciousness
In battle they pool their energies, each member adding his psychic ability to unleash a power greater than the sum of its parts.
..together the combined might of a Psyker Battle Squad can flatten a battle tank.
..a hurricane of coruscating Warp energy that ruptures organs and tears bodies apart.
..a storm of Warp energy that sears flesh...
Super heavy sanctioned psyker artillery. Probably suppelment Primaris psykers.

Page 48
Most of the Leman Russ Battle Tanks fighting as part of an infantry company are detached from an 'Emperor's Fist' or 'Emperor's Lance' armoured regiment.
Armoured regiments.. there are evidently differnet kinds.

PAge 48
The battle cannon is the most common armament of the Leman Russ. The explosive rounds of a battle cannon decimate enemy infantry and tanks with equal contempt.
This would imply the battle cannon is meant to fire explosive payloads of various types. It may not be designed to use KE penetrator roudns at all (That would be the Vanquisher.) If it needs to do anti-tank work it probably uses a krak or shaped charge round or something similar.

PAge 49
The Vanquisher cannon's long range and high first-hit kill ratio make it the anti-tank weapon of choice...
The vanquisher mounts a modified cannon that fires special anti-armour shells.

Page 49
The tank's [Eradicator] design is easily replicated on dozens of Forge worlds...
An easily replicated Russ variant made on many forge worlds.

Page 49
ERadicator Nova cannons fire shells with an unstable sub-atomic charge at their core.
..the easily replicated Russ Variant fires some osrt of nuclear or melta charge :P

Page 49
The Executioner plasma cannon fires pulsed plasma bursts that can incinerate even the most heavily armoured infantry.
The good old plasma cannon tank. incinerates heavily armoured infantry.. which could mean anything up to a carnifex. Somewhere in the megajoule or gigajoule range.. too lazy to argue over how many or what incinerate means.

Page 50
... the sight of just one of these monstrous war engines incinerating swathes of infantry with its horrifying inferno cannon..
Hellhound. Incinerating large numbers of troop s(again).. MJ to GJ.

Page 50
Armed with powerful melta cannons, Devil Dogs are able to tear through heavy troops and armoured tanks in short order. When fired, the main weapons make a high-pitched howl as moisture in the air vapourises, becoming a roaring blast as the target detonates.
The Melta cannon fires a thermal blast over a short distance, causing massive molecular breakdown and turning the target into a mixture of molten slag and steaming gas.
A melta tank. Assuming it can melta even vehicles, we're talking GJs.

Page 50
They smother their targets in broilign clouds of noxious [acidic] gas that dissolves organic mateiral in moments. Victims blood boils in their own veins and flesh sloughs from bone as the mixture of toxins do their horrific work.
Bane Wolf. Chemical warfare tank

Page 51
Linked to a predictive logic-spirit, the Hydra's distincitve array of four autocannons can track the swiftest of targets.
Hydra targeting computer.

Page 51
Manufactured on hundreds of Forge Worlds, the Hydra is a common sight in the Imperial Guard, frequently deployed in support of armoured tank columns, fixed aritllery emplacements and infantry regiments..
hundreds of forge worlds.. Hydras are 'common' sights. Note they use a Chimera chassis as well, which says osmething abou tthe commonality of said chassis.

Page 51
Many an enemy grav-tank has been brought low from the hydra's relentless firepower.
Apparently Hydras are good at shooting down grav tanks/gunships as well.

Page 51
Hydra flak tanks normally serve in batteries as part of an infantry regiment's headquarters company, or as part of the command squadron of an armoured company. But there are some regiments that consist entirely of Hydras, and these are often referred to as 'heavy air defence regiments.
Hydra deployment.

Page 52
At the defence of Bellephon, the disciplined gun-crews of the 388th Cadian Artillery 'Gate Wardens' destroyed the Chaos Imperator titan Tyraxoss. The Monstrous behemoth was smashed asunder several miles from Imperial lines under a relentless barrage ofrom the artillery regiment's guns that lasted an entire day.
A day's long bombardment from a artillery regiment with unknown guns can down an Imperator Titan. BEar in mind that since the Titan evidently did not decimate the regiment or its own forces (despite having a full day to do so), they must have fired from far beyond the Imperator's range. Which, as per the rules for Emperor Battle Titans, means they must have engaged the Titan far in excess of tens of km (and accurately at that!). More, probably, given a whole day to destroy it. Yet again basilisks can have far greater ranges than the 15-16 km ranges from other sources.

Page 53
The Griffon armoured weapon carrier is one of the most frequently employed variations of the versatile Chimera chassis.
This implies Griffons might be more common than Basilisks even.

Page 54
These rockets carry a lethal cluster-bomb payload and are capable of laying waste to enemy formatiosn deployed over a large area
Several warheads separate form the main rocket at the apex of their trajectory, before impacting amongst the foe...
..it has been known for a Manticore to unintentionally fire its entire rocket payload at once in a spectacularly devastaitng volley that annihilates enitre armies.

..knowing full well that a single salvo of Storm Eagle rockets can pack the same punch as an entire artillery battery.
Manticore rockets. note the ability to destroy entire 'armies' (tens of thousands to millions of men) in single asalvo. Single salvo of rocekts = entire artillery battery (dozen or several dozne guns at least, although whether for a single salvo or sustained payload we don't know.) Either way thats a trmeendous amount of firepower - equal to many scores if not tens of tons of TNT I'd wager.

Page 54
A manticore rocket launcher fires deadly storm eagle rockets. Each rocket delivers multiple high-explosive wareheads into the heart of enemy formations, detonating with devastating effects.
Manticore rockets seem to be MIRVs.

Page 55
Deathstrike missiles boast an extreme payload size and a reach unparalleled by any other artillery unit. They fire an inter-continentla solid fuel rocket, which has an operational range measured in thousands of kilometres. However, Deathstrike Missile Launchers have become an increasingly rare sight on Imperium battlefields, the size and logistics of their deployment seeing them overlooked in favour of more mobile artillery units. Due to their size and desturctive potential, Deathstrike Missile Launchers are only deployed when the total oblivion of a key target is required.
The good old Deahtstrike. When you need a nuclear grade ICBM with continentla range. remember this is also a titan grade weapon.

Page 55
Deathstrike missiles are able to carry a range of payloads ranging from bilogical pathogens to specialised titan-hunting rockets. The most rare and destructive of all are the dreaded Vortex warheads - weapons created during the Dark Age of Technology with the ability to tear the boundaries between dimensions and create a raging void of destruction that annihilates anything in its path. These warheads are only ever deployed in the most apocalyptic battles where their use has been authorised by Segmentum Command.
Deahtstirke payloads, including anti-titan loads. Vortex warheads need 'segmentum command' authorization.

Page 55
By far the most common payload for a Deathstrike missile is a plasma warhead. When one of these gigantic missiles detonate everything caught in the blast is engulfed in a raging fireball that vapourises flesh in an instant. There is no escape from the cataclysmic explosion as everything, even buildings, are torn apart. So armed, a Deathstrike Missile Launcher has the capability of annihilating entire armies.
plasma warhead can 'vapourise' flesh. assuming an army of 200,000 to 2 million and each person being 80 kg we're talking 40-400 TJ worth of energy.e Even a 'small' army of a few tens of thousands would be worth a couple kilotons, and allowing for inefficiencies would ramp that up to megatons. If we don't take vaporization literally? This source states 400 j per square cm can flay flehs to bone and reduce skin to steam. Assuming a surface area of arond 10,000 sq cm we're talking 4 MJ per person, and the yield would be 'only' 800 GJ to 8 TJ. or 200 tons to 2 kilotons. It's less than literal vaporization, but still damn extensive (and conservative, since it ignores inefficiencies, the three dimesionality of the human body, etc.)

Page 55
With a few notable exceptions, Valkyries are under the control of the Imperial Navy and are attached to Imperial Guard regiments on an as-need basis. Whilst the Valkyrie is operating in concert with the Imperial Guard, the aircraft's pilot reports directly to the regiment's senior officer. If Valkyries are attached to ground forces for any extended duration of time, the armour plating of the aircrafts are commonly reinforced. Whilst the added weight restricts the ability to operate at the highest altitudes, the extra protection is a vital necessity..
We know of lots of cases of Valkyries not under Navy control, although there might be some sort of cooperation or tradeoff that allows them to be allocated. Frankly I never understood why the Navy HAD to have control of them.. its not like Vulture or Valkyrie forces were something that could trvel through space. Or the aerospace fighters for that matter. Meh. Politics.

Page 55
A Valkyrie uses vectored engines for vertical takeoffs and landings. It can even hover..
Some sources also mention suspensors used, but I imagine a fair bit of it comes from vectored thrust.

PAge 58
The Knight Commander was instrumental during the Saint Cyllia massacres in which Pask and his company claimed no less than four Titan-class kills. Pask himself accounted for the Dreaded Damnation Eternus. A single battle cannon shell punched through the Titan's black torso..
Yet more about Cadian tankers taking down titans.

Page 59
Possessing a sound tactical mind, Bastonne was able to assess and adapt his squad's movement and target priorities on a continuous basis and it was not long before he wsa promoted to Segeant.
Bastonne is seen as the epitome of professional soldiery and self-sacrifice, a role-model that all CAdians can aspire to emulate.
Bastonne is both blessed, and cursed, to possess an almost perfect memory.
I cited this example not to make a claim that all Cadians are like him (because he's clearly an exceptional person, not least because of his memory) but because he is portrayed as the sort of trooper that makes an ideal (Cadian, at least) soldier, and sets something of a standard for other professional soldiers to live up to. (Conscripts and other types of Guardsmen, of course, are another story.) Considering we had Creed and then bAstonne coming up from the ranks.. it really sets a standard by which to judge Cadians by.

Page 59
His chiselled features are now the public image of the Shock Troop regiments and his face is the most recognisable on the hwole of Cadia. Bastonne's perosnal examples of courage and valour have earned him the unconditional respect of both his peers and his superiors, as well as the adoration of the masses of Cadian citizenry.
Upon Bastonne's return to CAdia, a parade was organised and the tales of his heroism were broadcast across ths sector. The ranks of the Whiteshield companies swelled as eager youths flocked to sign up.
Volunteering for the Guard rather than conscription, and lots of sector-wide PR stuff baed on Bastonne's image and exploits to bolster IG (esp cAdian) recruitment and support.

Page 59
What was not revealed was that Bastonne was forced to execute the very Guardsman he had gone to such lengths to save after he showed signs of sickness on the return voyage - one more face to haunt his dreams, one more name to avenge.
Whilst not technical, I have to say I like this because it represents what I consider 'classic' 40K - a blend of the positive and hopeful with the grim and dramatic, without descending into Grimdark. It's the balance of that hope and despair.. the fact that Bastonne is a noble hero, but is also haunted by the costs of the actions that earn him that fame, and that there is often a secret past behind it. It provides a human face and perspective to the otherwise bland, uninteresting Grimdark.

Page 60
Straken has earned the respect of the entire [Catachan] regiment for his prowess in combat, his use of resourceful and innovative tactics, and his refusal to sacrifice his men for trivial gains. He has little regard for those commanders in neatly-pressed uniforms that send their troops into pointless meat-grinders just to win a new medal, a fact that has led to friction when the Catachan II serve alongside regiments from other worlds.
Much like Creed, Straken is an exceptional leader because of his talents and it wins him tremendous loyalty and respect, particularily when contrasted to "lesser" commanders who are attrition junkies. That said, this mainly demonstrates the vast variety of military styles and doctrines the IG (and the problems it can create because of its inherently limited standardisation.)

He's also hardcore insane (if you go by the Catachan novels) and has a killer augmetic arm.

Page 60
Straken has received many injuries during his years of service and his body is now riddled with cybernetic replacements and bionic implants.
Colonel Straken's extensive bionics grants him resilience and strength beyond that of an ordinary man.
Straken is superhuman even by Catachan standards. Echoes the Augmetic officer from the novel 'Ice Guard' as well.

Page 61
He is the ultimate soldier and possesses skilsl that surpass any of the Imperium's highly trained operatives.
The myth of Guardsman Marbo has become legendary amongst the Catachan regiments, although their tradition of exaggeration is equally well known.
The blood and death he has witnessed have warped Marbo to the point where he can only function with a blade in his hand. His eyes are empty when he isn't stalking the foe and his actions lacklustre...
Space Rambo.. only more Grimdark. While he is without a doubt he is to some degree.. altered.. he is also almost supernatural in his abilities. IT is unlikely it is all exaggeration, particularily since we've seen him in fluff (Death World.) and he was pretty eerie even there. He may be some sort of useful mutant, or perhaps even a wyrd/psyker.

Page 62
..that he can endure pain like no other man. He can place his hands in searing flames without flinching, and shrug off knife cuts and gun wounds without a grimace.
His strength is such that he carries his heavy bolter, 'Payback', as easily as a normal man might carry a rifle, without even breaking a sweat.
Gunnery Sergeant Harker. Basically a Catachan version of Bragg, with better accuracy. Proof that its not exactly uncommon for IG heavy weapons troopers ot be able to haul their weapons around without support.

Page 62
Harker leads a squad of Catachan Devils, exceptional warriors even by the exacting standards of their birth world.
super-veterans, or basically the Catachan version of Kasrkin.

Page 62
Harker then hefted his heavy bolter from its tripod stand and opened fire on the remaining Tyranids. Each organism burst apart as the explosive bolts did their work.
This after literally breaking the neck of a Tyranid Ravener with his bare hands, so the story goes. Also heavy bolter blowing apart Tyranids.

Page 64
Scattered tales exist of another gifted Tallarn commander who marched across the batlteifled at the behest of fabled Machaarius.
Some believe Al'rahem was named after this man, others aruge that he is the descendent of this great hero. There are even those who insist that Al'rahem and this legendary Tallarn commander are the same man.
Given the nature of the warp and time dilation, it could be true. It would make an interesting story to tell, certainly.

Page 65
Chenkov insists on leading the Valhallan 18th 'Tundra Wolves' from the very front...
Any that dare to retreat within his sight are likely to find the guns of their once allies turned upon them, such is Chenkov's opinion of cowards. It is whispered that Chenkov has killed more of his own men than he has the enemy..
Chenkov does not employ subtle strategy to win his wars, relying instead on blunt, direct tactics. He knows full well that he has tens of thousands of troops at his command and that with enough manpower, any opponent can be overcome.
So high is the attrition rate amongst the Tundra Wovles that they have been refounded more than a dozen times in recent decades.
Although unimaginative, Chenkov's tactics are doubtlessly effective. During the year long Siege of Kotrax, the Commander's actions brought a swift, if bloody, end to the conflict when he assumed command of an Imperial battle group and stormed a heavily defended citadel without armoured support or dedicated siege weapons. The conflict cost ten million Imperial Guardsmen their lives but Chenkov received the Merit of the High Lords for his achievements in liberating Kotrax in such a short span of time.
IT wouldn't be the IG Codex if we didn't have our 40K version of Zapp Brannigan, I mean the grimdark demands someone who spends human life like money. Chenkov is that man, and he is the anti-Creed. Other reputed "examples are him using his own troops to clear minefields, using platoons to draw enemy fire away from "high value" specialists, using sending in troops to pin an enemy genera in place for an artillery strike, etc. An example of an "attrition loving" Guard officer, and one from a noted regiment no less. Note how he is explicitly considered 'unimaginative' as well.

All that said, considering the typical outcome of many "long term" wars of attrition or trench warfare that may arise, his tactics are hardly less efficient. If anything, they quite possibly guarantee the planet is not reduced to a useless wasteland (Eg Vraks, with at least 14 million casualties over a 18 year timeframe, and the planet was still effectively lost.) Indeed, he killed 10 million men to liberate a world, but he did so faster than the Krieg did at Vraks and still managed to do it with less men. And given the lack of the useful armor/artillery support, it was bound to happne. It's simply a fact of life that the Munitorum expects the guard to be capable of doing shit lik this - remember they treat Regiments as being roughly equal to each other for fuck's sake!

Also, at least the bastard leads from the front compared to most Attrition lovers (EG Dravere.) That means he's at least risking the same sort of danger he's sending these poor fucks into.

Page 66
The Adeptus Mechanicus crafted for Kamir a cybernetic steed that would never tire, never flinch and never bleed to death - a gift bestowed to the great Attilan warrior for his actions in saving the manufactorum world of Loxar IV...
Admech seem to own manufactorum worlds. I wonder if manufactorum worlds are different from factory or industrial worlds, or maybe they're just such worlds under AdMech jurisdiction (or joint ownership?) It might be a place like Dolumar IV.
Also, cybernetic horses.

Page 67
By Ogryn standards Nork is a veritable genius; he can sign his own name ("N is fer Nork), count to four (his thumb still confuses him though), and even speak in short sentences.
Ogryn education.

Page 67
...whilst shells burst around him and bullets ricocheted off Nork's dense skull..
Nork selflessly leapt on top of an enemy grenade... .
The explosion that followed was muffled and Nork seemed to notice his resulting shrapnel wounds with only passing curiosity.
A testament to Ogryn durability. Nevermind the shell bursts or the bullet ricochets, he can survive a grenade detonation without having his gut horribly lacerated. (something that would blow a normal human apart.)

Page 67
When Ork Warboss Uglurk Gitsmasha and a mob of his hardest Meganobz charged..
Nork killed the massive greenskin Warlord with a single headbutt of such extreme violence that the remaining Orks were totally awestruck and retreated rather than face the angry Ogryn bodyguard.
Ogryn vs Orks. Or atleast against Nork.

Page 67
Nork has a large collection of medals, laurels, citations and personal gifts, including the Commissar's cap given to him by Aaron Blest that became his trademark during hte Dimmamak war. It is not for trinkets or baubles that Nork Deddog continues to serve (although he is particularily proud of his big shiny buttons) but rather it is for the content feeling he gets when fighting at a friend's side.
One of those rare lighthearted bits of 40K (even a bit silly) that counteracts the grimdark that I so dearly wish there was more of (Doomrider, for example.) Whatever you think of the IGX codex in general, its details like Bastonne and Nork that really stick out and reinforce more of the positive aspects of 40K.

Page 69
There are many subtle variations to the humble lasgun, but they are all reliable and simple to maintain.
The standard power packs for these weapons can be recharged from a standard power source or by exposing the cell to light or heat.
Standard lasgun fluff.

Page 69
Even the thickest armour vapourises under the sub-atomic blast
Melta weapon, sounds like a particle beam.

PAge 69
There are many different sniper rifles utilised by the Imperial Guard's marksmen. Some regiments prefer to use needle sniper rifles that fire small darts made from deadly neuro-toxins. Others may use the 'long-las', a variant of the humble lasgun with a reinforced barrel and overcharged power cells.
Sniper rifles. Note the long las is noted to use 'overcharged' power cells, rather than hot shots. Oh and needlers firing poison darts.

Page 69
A larger, more destructive version of the meltagun, perfect for reducing armoured tanks and reinforced bunkers ot molten slag.
Multimeltas. Tanks or bunkers to slag is easily double or triple digit GJ at least (see Stormo f Iron)

Page 69
'bolts' of pure plasma explode upon impact with the fury of a supernova, scything through steel, flesh and bone as if it were nothing.
Plasma cannon. Not literally a supernova of course.

PAge 70
Some Imperial Guard vehicle crews add additional ablative plating to their vehicles..
Ablative armor again.

Page 70
The enhanced phased capacitors and reinforced barrels of a multi-laser mean that a more destructive power level can be combined with a high rate of fire, making this weapon effective against lightly armoured targets and onrushing hordes alike.

Page 71
Carapace armour is made up of large rigid plates of armaplas or ceramite moulded to fit the bearer.
Cheap and easy to produce, Flak armour comprises several layers of ablative thermoplast materials and impact absorbent carbifibres.
Ig armor. Note flak uses ablative elemetns as well as the carbifibres (carbon fibre? Rather good for body armor considering the thermal capacity of carbon.) And this is the 'soft' flak. Note that depending on the kind of 'carbon fibres' it could mean double digit kj easily, possibly more (range and other factors matter as well - carbon is a very good material for resisting thermal effects, nevermind the ablative qualities.) Playing around with the death ray calculator with mm diameter lasers in the microsecond range I got 10-20 kj per pulse (assuming diamond to nanotubes.) at least.. several times that depending on number of pulses or other parameters.

On the other hand alot of it depends on how you figure the lasweapon to work. Alot of sources state lasguns as firing only a single pulse (or a few pulses) which means pulses have to be individually more powerful to penetrate. this is alot more inefficient than a pulse train of individually less powerful but more numeorus pulses (EG 'blaster' style lasers.) If the lasweapon behaves more like a 'blaster' the energy requirement to penetrate can go down quite a bit. here Luke Campbell is describing his hypothetical lasweapons which also discusses use of carbon-based armors and how they penetrate. It's actually kinda interesting, a 'blaster' as he designed it could penetrate deeply, but air and ranges (focal points) can hamper its effectiveness over certain ranges (IIRC he says around 150-200 m for a laser smallarm against most carbon-type armor.) And wth ablative elemtns and rigid plates augmenting the armor, that resilience can only go up.

Page 71
refractor field: This is an all encompassing energy field that partially refracts energy around the bearer, protecting him from toherwise fatal damage.
Standard 40K defense shield thingy

Page 71
Some units are able to use rare cameleoline material in their armour, uniforms, or cloaks. Cameleoline automatically lbends in with the surroudnign terrain making the wearer much harder to spot.
Camo cloak stuff, can be put into cloaks (like the Ghosts) or armour/uniforms.

page 71
A Vox caster is a sophisticated and reliable communications array that is connected to the Tactical command net via tight beam transmitters and a series of signal decoders.
Vox casters.

PAge 83 - Vostroyan Firstborn shown... Guardsmen with medi-pack.. the medi pack looks audomated.. the guardmsen is holding a big fuckoff syringe and looks like it has a gauntlet (at least one) with surgical attackments (including a big saw.) Which I take as a throwback to early 2nd or 3rd edition medikits.

Page 94- PSyker battle squad is 1 Overseer Plus 4-9 pskyers. Orgrny squad is between 3 and 10 (1 sergeant plus up to nine ogryn)

Page 97 - conrscirpts. no special or heavy weapons or grenades or anything like that. Just flak, Close combat weapon, and lasgun. 20-50 conscripts per group.

Page 98
- interesting that Veteran squads can have up to 3 special weapons (Flamer, Heavy Flamer, sniper rifle, grenade launcher, meltagun or plasma gun), and they can also pick the "Grenadier" doctirne which gives them carapace, or "Forward Sentries" giving them camo-cloaks, or Demolitions to give them demo chrages and melta bombs.

Page 100 - Rough Riders get two special weapons (grenade launcher, flamer, meltagun or plasma gun.)

Page 101
Hellhound and its vriants cna replace th front heavy bolter with a heavy flamer, or a multi melta (HAH)

Page 102 - its rules, but all I'm going to note is that any Russ can equip the front weapon with lascannon, heavy bolter or heavy flamer. Sponsons can include heavy bolters or heavy flamer,s Multi-meltas, or plasma cannon. I'd also assume they could mount lascannon, since a lascannon is unliekly to be any more bulkier or power hungry than a melta or plasma weapon.

And if that weren't enough you can stick hunter killer missiles on them and a storm bolter.
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