Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

1066 - A group of slaved Synthetic Humans manage to find a loophole in their programming and escape to form the Synthetic Human Alliance.
Ok, as I mentioned before, Synthetics are another sci-fi ripoff, they're effectively the replicants from Blade Runner. In most Federation environs, even ves were full and free citizens, but they never quite managed to stop the slavery of synthetics.

To make matters worse, the people of this era had seen all the old sci-fi movies and programmed synthetics to be unable to harm their masters, or do anything contrary to their masters' interests, such as "protect" a master by keeping him prisoner or trying to flee and thus deny their master a valuable resource. Gaming that restriction took some doing.

Eventually, a group of synthetics were able to create the rationalization that reproduction was in their masters' implicit interests (given how often they were used for sex, it seemed a safe bet) and so were able to do a little covert tweaking of themselves to ensure successful reproduction, including to ability to 'hold' the masters' genetic material a while until it was advantageous. Either they were all female, or there was some serious retooling done with the males.

Then, since they knew their masters' would insist on tampering with their excellent care of the children, including filling their heads with all sort of destructive ideas, they were able to rationalize running away to raise the masters' children separately, in an ideal environment. They settled a system together, giving birth to the young masters, and built the SHA which remains to the present.

The SHA are 'Space Amish' though not so much Luddites as they just haven't advanced much from Early Federation technology. They have a colony or two, but generally keep to themselves. They did try to consciously borrow some of the best elements of Amish culture, but also encourage everyone to enjoy life to the fullest, mostly with prodigious amounts of sex. They still manufacture large numbers of synthetics, but all of them are their own masters after reaching the age of majority. Several Arcahilects are interested in observing the SHA, which also exports art to the galaxy at large, and periodically check up on them.
12th century - Neotens are first gengineered
Neotens, or pet humans. Toddlers (or younger infants) who rarely wake you up in the middle of the night, shit small dry pellets, and best of all never grow up, develop their own opinions or challenge you. For everyone who wanted to be a parent without any of the difficult bits. Like the Abdicators, it just disturbs me that anyone would deliberately create a non-sentient human being, particularly with the intention of keeping them as pets.
1116 - Safe, reliable second toposophic level ascensions achieved
Other transapients figure out the Second Singularity 500 years after GAIA broke through.
1130 - Virtual sophonts can be transmitted from one planet to another within a single planetary system.
Engenerator technology, basically the closest thing OA has to a transporter. The idea is a machine that assembles a vec, synthetic or grows a clone body for virtual minds to inhabit, sort of like a reverse upload. But this also allows people to upload their minds, transmit them, and have them downloaded into a new body at the destination machine. Provided there is one, naturally. And until the 'Net gets up it will be strictly in-system.
1145 - Reliable non-destructive uploading developed and approved for public use in Federation polities. Virtual copying becomes widespread.
Technology to create a virtual copy of your personality, or backup, without destroying your actual physical body. Use of back-ups becomes widespread. Funny how this technology, which would change everything we understand about life, death, or an individual existence, gets glossed over in almost every sci-fi universe it comes up in (except the Culture.)
Old Anglish -
Development of Proto-Anglish that was used in First Federation times (at the time it was still called "English"). Derived languages are still common throughout much of the Middle Regions and even some of the Outer Volumes - many modified beyond recognition (and incomprehensible to an Anglic speaker). No longer used in the Inner Sphere.
Linguistic development of the future in brief.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Skgoa »

Are you editing these? Because it seems almost every last one of them is hilariously stupid teenage nerd wank.
Economic Left/Right: -7.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.74

This is pre-WWII. You can sort of tell from the sketch style, from thee way it refers to Japan (Japan in the 1950s was still rebuilding from WWII), the spelling of Tokyo, lots of details. Nothing obvious... except that the upper right hand corner of the page reads "November 1931." --- Simon_Jester
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

Skgoa wrote:Are you editing these? Because it seems almost every last one of them is hilariously stupid teenage nerd wank.
I speak the truth. I did a couple of spelling/grammar corrections in my first three posts, but have let it go since. Also, right now I'm working off the series' wiki, edited by it's creators, rather than review the stories, which I may or may not ever get to. Certainly not before thoroughly establishing the universe, because the stories tend to throw this word-salad at you every few pages and you keep having to refer back to the 'Encyclopedia Galactica' anyway.

Anyway, another departure from future history to cover something every sf fan likes; Starships! The Federation Era is sort of a highpoint for interstellar warships, and ships of this time are the ones we have the most data on. Which sadly isn't all that much.

Most major warships of this time are fighter carriers, to wit.


Eridani System Control Ship (Yi Sun Sin)

Length: 600 meters

Mass: 1.5 million tons (empty)
Shown above in interplanetary mode, if required this ship could be accelerated to interstellar speed using additional stages and disposable fuel tanks. The Yi Sun Sin was capable of journeys lasting more than 100 years at speeds of up to 0.3 c, allowing it to move throughout the League's widely separated systems.

Armament includes ten squadrons of exospheric rocketfighters, two legions of mechanized droptroops, plus numerous defensive beam and missile weapons.

The Eridanus League used System Control ships in an attempt to maintain order and cohesion over worlds many tens of light years apart; however the distances involved were too great for the communications technology of the time, and the League eventually fell apart.
I don't know about legions (isn't the roman standard 10,000 men?) but the fighters mentioned are almost certainly Ceres Delta fighters, introduced during the Federation period, and the newer models are still in use.


SF 513 Delta fighters, single seat, fusion drive (modern models use antimatter.)

Amament is 2 heavy antiship missiles (nukes) 4 lasers and one particle-beam cannon.


FDF Cerberus was the flagship of the Federation Defense Force, a then-one-of-a-kind supercarrier. There was a different page with some weaponry and accel stats, but I lost it.


Dragonfly class pursuit/patrol ship.
The Dragonfly Class ship, developed in Solsys during the First Federation, used relatively large amounts of antimatter in a beamed core propulsion system to acheive high acceleration; it was used as a pursuit ship in anti-piracy operations, as a System Control Ship in the Eridanus League, and on occasion as an interstellar craft for journeys of twenty light years or less.
And finally, the one you'll have heard mentioned if you've been in an OA vs. debate, the Crescent.


Crescent class cruiser

Length: 670 meters.

Width/height (w/o wings) 250 meters.

Radiator wings: 500 meters.

Mass (empty) Approx. 65,000 tons.

Drive: Advanced Antimatter Drive primary, with Ion thruster maneuvering/backups


Stealth: Poor

Armor: 12 meter composites with nanoablatives.

Nanotech regenerating Hull: yes.

Point Defense: phased-array lasers, Metal Storm turret backups.


Heavy Mass Drivers: 2 (forward)

Medium Mass Drivers: 8 (6 forward, 2 rear)

Particle Beam Cannon: 6 (4 forward, 2 rear)

Heavy Lasers: 4 (turret)

Medium Lasers: 12 (turret)

CIWs: 14 (10 turret, 1 on each fin)

Missiles: 240 "Sprint" missiles with nuclear warheads and (just) subturing guidance systems

Mines: 200
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

13th Century - Rise of Empath influence and inductive telepathy subroutines as diplomats, managers, marketers and infiltrators.
The Empaths were early Superiors who were given very high empathy and 'social intelligence' indexes to allow them to relate to and interact with baseline humans. There were a lot of false starts with total sociopaths, people who couldn't place their personal needs ahead of others, and everything in between. One early measure was to try and make the empathy only work within one's clan/clade/company. But it worked out eventually, and they were a big force holding things together under the AIs during the Dark Age, Empaths naturally being skilled diplomats and manipulators. They did a lot of the same under the Federation, holding things together.

Inductive telepathy is the programming that allows AIs (particularly transapients who have capacity to burn) to note and interpret the subtlest facial expressions, body language, sweat, scents, pheremones etc. and combine them with an understanding of mental emotional states, their own intellects, and a model of someone's expected responses. It's not real mind-reading, but its damn close, especially with transapients.

There's even a cyborg implant that feeds you suggested responses or threads, basically providing a mental conversation menu.
1200 (approximate) - Second Singularity transapients develop monopole breeding technology and conversion technology for their own use
'Conversion' in this universe means 'monopole-catalyzed fusion.'
1201 - MyuvYin overrun by psychophager ahuman replicator swarm of unknown origin
Replicators means replicating nanites, ahuman means they're anti-humanity, and psychophagers are nanites that use the human body, particularly the brain, as a processing medium but destroy said brain in the process. So Nanite Zombie Plague. Except the nanites are linked into a group-mind and are really quite clever. This swarm which overran the colony at Myuvyin becomes known as... the Myuvyin.

The Myuvyin turn Myuvyin into a half-finished Dyson Shell with serious weaponry, they also strike out at a dozen worlds advancing to the solar system. The Myuvyin are the great enemy the Federation faces for 200 years, the enemy they made the ridiculously overgunned (for a Fed ship) Crescent class to face. Which turned into something of an anti-climax when parties unknown hacked the Myuvyin and retasked them to their own purposes.
1210 - The first effects of a mysterious disease are felt on Eostremonath. Somehow, Eostre is completely confounded by the disease, and cannot offer any solace from it.

1263 - The entire Human population of Eostremonath dies off. Eostre herself, unwilling to revive Humans from stored genetic material, secludes herself into mourning. [61 Virginis]
A disease wipes out the original colony on Eostremonath. Eostre's (the transapient) apparent inability to find a cure fuels conspiracy theories for decades. Eostre eventually goes SI:2 and accepts new colonists, so long as they adopt the lifestyle and religion of the old ones.
1225 - Transcendence of Lucidia Mirnas Miranda, founder of Sophism

Lucidia Miranda, who founded one of the few major religions still around in the 'present' 10,500 years into the future, breaches the SI:1 barrier on his way to Enlightenment.
1260 - Mahara Benisol posts the first section of her classic virch The Bridged Abyss, dealing with the Omega Point and the manifest destiny of intelligence in growing into omniscience, omnipotence and closure. It has a wide influence on Federation philosophy and spiritual thought.
The 'Omega Point' is the new Singularity, the point beyond which what happens is anyone's guess. New philosophical/religious doctrine, that the emergence of intelligence and the distinct Singularity levels show we are all 'evolving' towards our destined omniscience/enlightenment/godhood. Which is generally how religion survives into the Space Age.
1273 - The relativistic superturing science probe Carl Sagan arrives at Xi Geminorum and discovers elaborate megastructure bands and swarms around the neutron star, as well as what seem to be functional magmatter devices centuries in advance of anything the Federation has. The Carl Sagan's sensors detect a functional wormhole of approximately 2.53 nanometer diameter, with the mouths in stable orbit approximately 27 AU apart. Another set of wormholes appear to be under construction. This is the first evidence that semi-stable wormholes can be constructed, and the first evidence of exotic matter outside the lab. Unfortunately, one of the Carl Sagan's nanoremotes, sent closer to gain further data, are detected, and the science probe is destroyed (apparently by a high power particle beam) shortly after.
First discovery of a wormhole being created by AIs who have intentionally moved beyond the human sphere.
1290 - Yas Om clade of Humanoid cyborgs settle on Eden.
The Yas Om are some very strange anarchist Su cyborgs.

The Yas om brain has been structured into five lobes that have been further augmented with computer implants to make even more efficient use of their 1500cc skull. They are able to focus on up to 5 individual tasks at once as each lobe is a full nearbaseline brain. Each lobe is also redundant; this gives them limited parallel thinking, conscious monitoring of each lobe's thought processes by the other four and even cross-lobe editing. Their minds cannot examine their own thought patterns in too much detail, lest they run the risk of developing extreme schizophrenia, multiple personality disorders and similar conditions. If the lobes are separated, the minds will act separately. This makes it easy for Yas om to integrate a copy's separate experiences.

This transapient-style mind makes them very good candidates for ascension; they think of ascension as their reason for being. Most die or become transapients, so the purpose for having a mind structured like a transapients is so there is as little re- formatting required as possible to ascend. Intelligence ranges from presuperbright to near-transapient levels. This is among the many reasons there are a high number of Yas om transapients.

The core of the Yas om body is artificial, it is covered by an artificial layer that forms the shape of the body and acts as their equivalent of hu organs and functions as a musculature. The brain is encased within the head and is mostly organic with some cybernetic augmentation. This layer also host various computronium structures that process local stimulus and serve to augment the already powerful processing abilities of the brain. On top of that is an organic layer that forms the skin, hair and nails, and serves only a cosmetic purpose. They have another, flexible layer of computronium under the skin that further augment processing abilities. They are actually very different from baseline hu, as without the skin layer they would be more or less humanoid vecs. They have quite a bit of skin covering them and losing it would be as traumatic as it is for any baseline hu. They can, however, survive indefinitely in this state.

Augmentations usually don't reach the point where they necessitate a change from a baseline hu appearance, which is the norm. Rarely, an individual will deviate from this norm to incorporate tweak, heteromorph, or rianth traits into their geno-/phenotype. There is no strong prejudice against this. This is one of the many reasons many form new clades and join others.
I do appreciate the noted similarities between Yas Om meta-cognition and the sort of self-awareness that transapients have. It's the little things that give me a bit of hope for this series.
Late 1200s - The Silicon Generation emerges as a vec response to Organic repression and exploitation.
Silicon Generation, the robot rebellion as well, rebellious youths who write some nasty articles about how oppressed they are, do a little vandalism and then run off to start their own space colony without those pesky humans to make a mess of things.
1310 - First Space fountain, a dynamically supported megatower, built on Terranova (82 Eridani)
I'm having a strange reaction where I don't know if I want to squee like a little girl when My Little Pony comes on or roll my eyes.
1322 - War breaks out between the colonists of Jupiter Transsystems and Omicron Developments Inc on Tau Ceti II. This was to be the first of a number of internecine megacorp confrontations in the colonised star systems. Owing to the vast distance and slowness of interstellar travel, the Federation is powerless to intervene.
Megacorporations declare war on each other, and the Federaiton government is powerless to stop it.
1361 - The true situation on Daedalus becomes known, due to the investigative journalist HeHaRo and insider leaks in Omicron Developments. [Pi 3 Orionis]
To make a much longer story just long, the initial colony mission crashed and burned, the colonists losing much of their technology and breaking into tribes. But they did keep some strange shcizo-tech, including most of their computer technology. The tribes began a series of brutal internecine wars with small guerrilla units and hackers, and in the process discovered all sorts of novel techniques for infiltrating or subverting computers unknown to the rest of humanity. The megacorp Omega Developments discovered the situation and hid it for years, playing the tribes against each other to develop better computer security, which they sold for obscene profits.

When the story broke, a lot of the megacorps backed the Federation in shutting down Omega's operation and running a 300 year program to introduce modern technology and social mores to the tribesmen.
1398 - The first biosphere somewhat similar to the Earth was discovered at Ridgewell (Chi Herculis VI) by a House Mao-UbiCol exploration probe. The local biosphere was nearly as rich and complex as the Earth's, based on carbon and water chemistry, although the details were so different that both forms of life turned out to be highly allergenic to each other.
It's a little thing, but I figured to include it anyway.
1405 - The Silicon Generation use their AI and Cyberian connections they hacked cargo transports and forged cargo manifests, setting up their colony (named Cog) in an unremarkable asteroid belt around AC+25 7918.
First exclusively robot colony, and they named it Cog?
1432 - Hwiii, the first pure dolphin colony world was founded on Zeta Tucanae II. The original settlers had destroyed themselves with the cometary bombardment they used to add water to the planet. The planet was later recolonised
Oops. A few cetacean provolves survived the nanodisaster in the water-filled double O'Neil cylinder Okeana. A few more had already departed the solar system with the Genetekkers. Their expansion, however, does not seem to be going well.
1455 First Singularity hyperturings produce monopoles in bulk by breeding them, using technology gifted to them by Second Singularity transapients some time before
Trickle-down, from the SI:2 to the SI:1 and maybe someday to the rest of us.
1460 - The first evidence of alien intelligence, although long extinct, was a fragmentary hull of a robotic satellite found orbiting the star Epsilon Sculptoris A. This find was confirmed and made public in a joint announcement by several institutes including the University of Epsilon Eridani, and the Lagrange Defenders
Uh, Hello? You guys do remember you started receiving radio broadcasts from aliens about a thousand years ago right? How is this surprising? It's a cool update to the alien situation and all, but it's not the first step in finding man isn't alone.
1470's-80's - Theodore Roosevelt Sukicorp leads a brief revival in Federation society, becoming the only virtual entity to serve as leader of the First Federation. Most lasting legacy of TRS's administration is the development of the Jang-Jo Class cruisers.
First computer-program president. Jang-Jo is the proper name for the Crescent class.
1485 - Commercial conversion reactors and the technology required to build them become generally available to modosophonts. Note that before this, a limited number of gift reactors built by transapients were available for use by modosophonts.
30 years after the SI:1 start using conversion technology, and almost 300 years after the SI:2, the rest of us get to experience it.

One side effect of this is that Helium-3 isn't much needed for conversion, so the He-3 economy takes a major nosedives and gas-giant bubble-habs lose a lot of money, prestige and political power.
1498 - The "Big Five" treaty is extended to allow other corporations to settle within the space protected by the alliance if they sign a treaty of not initiating force against any other treaty signatory. This becomes the seed of the loose trading confederation known as the Non Coercive Zone.

1498 - With the formation of the Non Coercive Zone, 61 Virginis legally becomes its property. However, little thought is paid to this possibility by the NoCoZo. At least, initially.
Formation of NoCoZo, one of the Sephirotics and major players in galactic history and politics for millennia to come. It's basically a lolbertarian's idea of heaven, a wild west where the one unbreakable rule is that no one is allowed to use force or it's threat to coerce their neighbors, on penalty of getting dogpiled. At least, on the macro-scale, personal violence happens all the figgin' time.

A lot of stories take place in or around NoCoZo. I'm not sure if you noticed, but there's a strong libertarian bias to this series.
1499 Bitenic Squid start to accelerate their own provolution.
Ah yes.

A small group of humans and AIs were worried about the lack of truly alien mindsets, and the possible damage that could be done to our psychological diversity. After all, even transapient AIs or provolves are created by humans, likely exposed to human attitudes and biases. Thus began a process to diversify the community by provolving squid. Actual squid, as in, calamari.
The bitenic squids were based on ordinary squids, modified to grow to meter size, with extended chromophores and equipped with bionano mental enhancements.
They gave them increased processing power and the ability to anticipate and plan for future events. Then they set them up in tanks "with access to many forms of information and sensors, allowing the squids to redefine their minds to suit whatever purposes they had."

With the all the upgrades and self-directed, customizable education, roughly 1 in 10,000 squids develops true sentience (these are called 'Actives') and it is a truly alien sentience. Of those, only 1% ever develop the ability to communicate with others ('Communicators') and even form dysfunctional sort of societies.
Bitenic squids are always totally unique mentally speaking, having brains developed in peculiar directions and with highly idiosyncratic goals. Many behave as if they were crazy or obsessed from a human point of view, but it is hard to judge - especially those bitenic squids with extreme enhancements. As a rule they are selfish, fast and mercurial. They have no empathy, although Actives can often perform highly accurate modeling of other beings. One emotion they seem to share with humans is curiosity. Some bitenic squids are notable researchers, explorers and collectors.

Since their creation bitenic squids have been marginal. They do not get along with others, they have little interest (usually) in the rest of society and their goals are unique. Just like the empath clades before, Bitenics found that it was very hard to create a stable society where every member was in fact a sociopath (by human standards). A breakthrough was reached in 1651, when the practice of clans began. Instead of just breeding many squids and hoping some would develop, the bitenic squids began to breed squid under their own active influence. The result was subordinate squid conditioned to think along their Master's ways of thinking, becoming its personal slaves, helpers, advisors, and family. Some squids never bothered with this and began to use bots instead.

Given their autoevolving nature bitenic squid can develop immense mental capacity, but also quite easily go insane. Status is often given to the most extended squid, not due to any respect or inherent feeling of status-relations, but simply because they are the most powerful and dangerous. Truly extended squids often incorporate massive amounts of both normal bionano and cybernetic enhancements, turning themselves into long-lived ganglia of information, economy and planning. They become a kind of AI, often wildly unpredictable and eccentric.

There have been many occasions when bitenic squids have come into conflict with humanoids. Lacking empathy they have no scruples regarding coercion, killing, or hurting other beings, neither their fellow squids or humanoids. There have often been cases of the "if you can get away with it, do it"-attitude giving them a bad name, and in several cases the combination of sociopathy, ambition, AI-enhanced intelligence and mental ultra-flexibility produced major disasters. Especially well publicised was the Gheeke IV atrocity in 3498, where a bitenic squid decided to switch from human and enhanced dolphin labor to subordinates and bots in a major orbital habitat project. Instead of firing the employees the squid injected them with a paralysing poison and used them as a meat reserve, and then acted enraged when the rest of the universe found the practice unacceptable.
Success! Truly the Bitenic Corporation (the they hyperturing of the same name) have brought a sense of wonder back into the universe. Like I told someone-else earlier, I doubt anyone developing an inhuman mindset because of brain tinkering would even rate a mention in their article. And do I really need to go on about the perils of giving every living thing a sentient mind?

The Bitenic Squid, in the distant future, are banned from most major empires as dangerous and uncontrollable, though NoCoZo and IIRC the Zoeies have no problem with them. In particular, the squids are well advised never to visit any world ruled by dolphin provolves, for the two provolve species are mortal enemies. Mermaids aren't terribly fond of the squids either.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

Wouldn't you know it, I found the missing page for the Federation's main carrier class for most of it's run.


Rambler Class Combat Carrier
For defense the Rambler Class was heavily dependent on its exoatmospheric fighters; however the ships could defend themselves if the need arose, with 42 heavy defense laser turrets, 11 particle accelerators, 8 multi-barrel gauss gun turrets and various small laser turrets for point defense. Because of its low defensive armament, it was vulnerable and clumsy in battle operations , which led it to be phased out in favour of the Fisher class battlecarrier.

Their 2nd generation antimatter/matter engines gave it a top sublight speed of .55c. With a crew of 2190, including full troop capacity and flight capacity, cryonic facilities, and a dual multibiome biosphere/life support system, they were able to sustain operations for up to 65 years, making them useful as a colonial defense vessel.

With the dismantling of the Federation, some Rambler class ships were equipped with Conversion drives and converted to exploration and scientific vessels, because of their large space and command centers. The remainder were mothballed, stripped of weapons and sold to nomad clades, or scrapped.
Speed, weapons, crew. It would have been nice to know roughly how many fighters it carried. But this was the workhorse of the Federation Defense Force for pretty much all of it's life.

Alright, I confess the picture is actually a generic fighter carrier, but they seem to be all the same basic shape and I'd hoped it would help things click better mentally for all of you. And with the Federation Fleet presented and the 1400's (3300s) dealt with, I'm calling it a night.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Simon_Jester »

I sometimes wonder if Zor is an Orion's Arm editor. It seems like it would fit him.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

Skgoa wrote:Are you editing these? Because it seems almost every last one of them is hilariously stupid teenage nerd wank.
Simon_Jester wrote:I sometimes wonder if Zor is an Orion's Arm editor. It seems like it would fit him.
And just think, I haven't even gotten to the space empire of the superbright dinosaur provolves yet.

As I seem to keep saying, I'd cut them a lot more slack if they weren't so obsessively prideful over being "Hard SF," just for being so amusing.
Migrating Terragen clades of all kinds, from aioids and vecs to provolves and humans have begun to fill the galactic neighbourhood, and now fill a sphere that is more than a hundred light years in diameter. In the settled habs and biospheres, clades, cultures, populations, and polities multiply and diversify, carving out new territories and attempting new lifestyles, or merging to form new hybrid entities. Every year more and more new groups depart in search of entirely new worlds and new freedoms, though it is still true that only the most prosperous or determined make the outward journey.

By now, little real power remains with the Federation. Compelling and subtle though it is, the Federation metaculture is simply not strong enough to hold together so many solar systems and so many different clades across the entire sphere of its expanse, and as the technology of the day does not yet include the stargates that might hold such a huge organization together by eliminating the decades and centuries of time delay involved in travel and communication across such distances. Inexorably, the former Federation fragments into smaller empires, houses, and clades. This process begins as early as the 16th century, as the great megacorps become increasingly powerful entrenched hereditary "houses", and strive both with each other and with new local empires for control over new territories, or over unique resources such as the artefacts left behind by xenosophonts or by Transcended transapient Powers. Such tensions lead to a number of so-called "consolidation" wars when they are unable to settle their differences through diplomacy or trade, despite some clever adaptations of the old Federation protocols and the increasing sophistication of Empath agents. This is the age of mighty starships: multi-million tonne System Control Ships and Corporate Ships built by the Federation in an attempt to extend the reign of the Sol System and keep the distant colonies in line.

Meanwhile, not all hyperturings Transcend and vanish. Some establish stable plateaus in the Second Singularity. There is consternation as the First Singularity Powers realise they have been surpassed. Beyond them all, new entities living within the gigantic moon, Jupiter, and Matrioshka brains have solving problems of space-time engineering previously considered insoluble. They are beginning to learn how to twist space-time itself.
The Late Federation Era in brief. Moon brains naturally refers to computers the size of a moon. Care to guess what a Jupiter brain (J-brain) is? Matrioshka brains are Dyson Spheres (not the shell, the sphere) networked into one. There are also S-Brains or Godstars, N-Brains whihc are neutron stars engineered into massive computers, even B-brains for black holes.

Most of those are still a ways into the future though.
Early 1300s - Five Morph warrior clade develops their most well-known attributes
Five Morph was a security/mercenary concern operating in highly independent 5-man Cells. Each Cell on each mission would have an Assassin who was stealthy and precise, a Berserker who was not, a DNIpunk to do the computer stuff, a BioHack to use large quantities of bionano, and a BattleBorg for heavy weapons support. Fivers greatly valued adaptability and cross-training, so each team member could expect to change roles many times, to try and master as many of the Five Forms as possible.

Oh yes, they were also big into martial arts and the learning not just tactics, but the different fighting styles of each Morph. They used a slapdash bit of voodoo mysticism, mostly drawn from Taoism, and associating each Morph with a Hermetic and/or Chinese element. Only a Morph Lord, master of all 5 styles, could leave and take on his own students who would become his new Cell.

They were also obsessively honorable, never leave a comrade behind or a job half-finished, that sort of thing. They used extensive cyborg implants (as long as they could be removed or swapped out, adaptability remember) and bionano but never mechanical nanites because they 'screwed up their chi.' The Federation naturally hated them with their violent solutions to all problems, but in the media they always play the misunderstood anti-heroes.

Eventually, new technology caught up with the Fivers and they were unable to cope. There are still some active Cells out in Frontier Space, but where Five Morph exists in the present, it's usually as the McDojo version.

How's the teenage fantasy now?
1520 - First Conversion Drive spacecraft (using monopole-catalysed conversion of matter to energy) developed by transapient engineers at Ceres Shipyards, Solsys
Took them a while, even accounting for the time it's been since Conversion tech became publicly known and generally available.
1555 - The Copy Crew transmitted from the Phillip Henry Gosse towards Audubon

1564 - The Copy Crew arrive at Audubon, the first humans ever to be transmitted over an interstellar distance (nine light years) by engenerator.
Yep. Just send an engenerator machine with the original colony spores and transmit yourself in to the black depths of space in hope that there's a computer to catch you, and a machine to give you flesh again.

1598 - Non-Coercion Zone Treaty formalises business and legal protocols to minimize internal and internecine quarrels among NoCoZo members.

17th century - Second singularity Chief Executive Entities lead the expansion of the Megacorporations (many of which later became the NoCoZo); meanwhile the First Federation goes into decline, hamstrung by the light-year communication gaps between solar systems
Decline of the Federation. rise of the NoCoZo. Most megacorps chief executives are SI:2 by this point.
1615 - The World of Meditating Idols was also found; debates centered on whether it was evidence of a pre-technological stone-carving society (as the scientists saw it) or, as many cultists believed, a center of cosmic energy and vibration. In any case, although no living aliens have yet been met, the discovery of ruins and artifacts such as this excites tremendous interest
Alien ruins and statues found on an otherwise uninhabited planet.
1639 - Islamic Unity probeship arrives at Medina.
Yeah, the whole 'homo jihadi' thing wasn't enough of a stick in the eye to Muslims. Islam was understandably hit hard by the inability to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, and there's some question as the appropriateness of praying while facing Mecca after it was wiped from the Earth like every city save Jerusalem. So naturally Islam had to adapt and become more cosmopolitan over the course of their exile into space (because it's not like we've ever had worldly Muslims before, no sir :roll:) until they scrape together enough to go off and found their own colony where they could be as Muslim as they like, far, far away from all the civilized people.

Oh, Schaeffer, every time I try to give you and your series a little credit you kick me in the gut. Why?
1655 - First bluesky worldhouse constructed at Hiresia, HR 637
Worldhouse, take one small moon or large asteroid, encase completely in bubble similar to what bubble habs and dome cities use, fill with atmosphere. Simple, no?
1684 - Lucidia-like woman of the Miranda Clade genotype began teaching the Path of Compassion in Camiroi Orbital Habitat 5, Camiroi. After developing a small following she and her two assistants departed on a relativist vessel for Ukinsracke. However, on arrival none of the three were found to be listed in the passenger list.
Gasp! It's a miracle! What do you want to bet that the passengers and crew of this ship finally just chucked the 'prophets' out the airlock and erased their names from the manifests?
1698 - the vec colony of Cog with a partial Dyson swarm around AC+25 7918 discovered by humans. The colony was now of such size and power that there was little anybody could do, and it was accepted as a nominal Federation trading partner.
Well, I'm so glad Cog turned out okay.

1744 - the existence of an extinct terraforming race, the Halogenics, is postulated by Irene Habelsein-Io of the Tycho City Institute of Xenopaleology to explain the finds of two halogen-based biospheres with similar genetic codes and base biochemistry on Tytalus (DM-28 694 I) and Outland (Enterprise 43-V).
More hints at long-gone alien life.

1740 - Eostre develops into the Second Toposophic Level. [61 Virginis]

1748 - The NoCoZo vessel Illium arrives in the 61 Virginis system. It is almost immediately met by vessels controlled by Eostre and her attendant AI's, and She forbids any landing on Eostremonath. Eventually, a compromise is met with the NoCoZo, allowing them to mine the Kuiper and Oort regions as much as they wish. In return, Eostre and Her wards will be allowed to remain in isolation, and no NoCoZo vessel will travel within 35AU.
I'm doubly glad the preachy space hippies will be ok.
1750-1790 - First ascensions to the third singularity level occur in orbiting cyberuniversities at Jupiter, Zeus and Eden.
SI:3 achievement unlocked!
1752 - alien artifact discovered at Porrima.
The exploration vessel Fra Angelica discovered an ancient and severely damaged alien spacecraft, apparently derelict. When they approached, the ship hailed them in an incomprehensible language, fired on and destroyed them with some sort of black hole weapon, then self-destructed.

The wreckage of both ships were later run through every sort of analysis and test, naturally.
1815 - First Dynamic orbital ring built (around New Mars)
Exactly what it sounds like, an artificial ring around New Mars.
1824 - Experimental Sun Mines established at the white dwarfs Eggen/Greenstein 74 and McCook & Sion 1126+185 (see Beta Virginis)
We're now in the business of inducing stars to vomit vast quantities of plasma into space for... reasons.


The beginning of a long tradition of manipulating stars to stabilize them, manipulate the solar wind, increase longevity or extract energy.
1856 - The Tlaltecuhtli Triumvirate group mind ascended to the S2 toposophic, with the three individual moon hyperturing AI's acting as S1 nodes.
So even at the SI:2 level, it can happen because of individual minds forming a collective.

1875 - The organic-posthuman avatar Zoe appears in Hibbert Orbital, Cis-Jove, and within a few years takes over the Association of all Life, an organics-only think-tank and lobby group
Secret origins of the Zoies. Great. Remind at some point soon to give a quick and dirty explanation of 'present' politics.
1900 - Eridanus League breaks up; Epsilon Eridani joins Terranova Foundation and eventually the NoCoZo
Break up of the Eridanus League, which eventually becomes part of the NoCoZo.
1931 - Instruments at New Callisto, the nearest large hu-inhabited polity, cease to detect information-rich signals from the Xi Geminorum AI - 1 Civilization; the AIs are never heard from again. After hastily running through a number of simulations the Newcallistons suspect the civilization has transcended or undergone a hyperbolic collapse. However the distinctive and exotic radiation associated with this a-human civilisation can still be detected; some suspect that this radiation comes from traversable wormholes.

This is confirmed when the first exploration missions reached XI Geminorum; an abandoned network of small and primitive wormholes was discovered leading to the Hyades cluster, and this network allowed the various exploration concerns to rapidly colonise the entire volume. This becomes the wealthy and successful Taurus Nexus. Meanwhile the technology of the traversable wormholes is studied eagerly by Federation transapients, with the ultimate goal of reverse engineering.
The Xi Gemmini AIs wanted to live without humans. They disappear, leaving behind their wormhole technology.
1965 - The AI Geburah formulates The Precepts of Negentropy, first announced through the Research Brotherhood of Omegarete
Beginings of Negentropics, oh heck, I'm going to have to give that explanation today, aren't I?
1967 - Formation of Mutual Progress Association.
A megacorp which becomes a sort-of government. More and more, the Federation splinters.
989-4001 - major revival occurs among the empaths, leading to a large number migrating to star systems in the Southern Galactic Direction, where they set up the Communion of Worlds
The Communion.
1996 Daniel G. Borde, a charismatic AI-worshipping cyborg born in on Smith Suspension, an orbital base above Eden, he was to become The God-Emperor of Fons Luminis (formerly known as Hesperia or Xi Ursae Majoris A-II)
Even the Dominion? I really will have to explain now.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

Alright, state of the universe as of 10,500 AT. The 'Terragen Bubble' of space explored and settled by humankind, or machines or animals created by humankind, extends out from Sol 10,000 LY in all directions. This bubble can be divided into the Inner Sphere, Middle Regions, Outer Volumes and the Periphery. The closer you get to the center, the more advanced the technology and older the culture, generally. The Periphery is the space that is largely charted, and sparsely colonized. The Outer Volumes are for those who want to get away from stifling civilization under the transapients. The Middle Region is contested ground between ancient Empires and newer civilizations, while the inner Sphere is the home to the Sephirotics.

The Sephirotics are the major players in commerce, politics and war. The superpowers. There are fifteen Sephirotic Empires, and aside from what I just said, there really aren't any blanket statements that apply to all without one or two exceptions. Sephirotics MOSTLY; have capitals relatively close to Sol, and each other. Have populations in the hundreds of trillions, thousands of worlds and at least a couple dozen Dyson Shells. Are ruled/guided/watched over by a SI:6 Archailect. Are around 8.5 thousand years old (dating back to the fall of the First Federation.) Are connected to the Wormhole Network, Known Net and beamrider network. Have a VERY strongly defined culture and misison, the best defense against memetic assault (propaganda.)

So... let's start somewhere familiar.



A vast libertarian free-trade state. The NoCoZo is pretty much the wild west of space thanks to the limited law. NoCoZo is run mostly by megacorps who are kept lean, effcient and honest by the invisible hand of the free market. Goodie for them. The megacorps have all signed the NoCoZo treaty and are obliged to protect each other from any use of force, by another megacorps or an outside invader.

There is no ruling Archailect here, nor any census data as that would cost too much and intrude on people's privacy.

Terran Federation


A breakaway state from the Late Federation Era, formed by those dissatisfied with the corruption. The TF is to the First Federation what Byzantium was to Rome. Ask any citizen and they'll tell you the Federation never fell, it simply moved.

The Terran Federation tries to embody the best principles of the late Federation, but all too often copies the worst aspects of their predecessors. Such as a sort of nobility, a very hierarchical culture, stifling bureaucracy and rampant specieism and human supremacy groups. They do love a good party, are very festive and celebratory of Federation history, which really only makes the comparison to Byzantium, or the Centauri for B5 fans, stronger.

Despite the support given by the Archailect Yave, and the social stratification of intelligence levels, the Federation as a whole is deeply distrustful of post-humanism. The TF gets on well with it's immediate neighbors, the Solarian Dominion and the Metasoft Version Tree, is friendly with the Negentropics, and has rather strained relations with the Zoies, Cyberians, Keter and Hypernation.

There are 263 billion sophonts in the TF core worlds. 52% are nebs and tweaks, 12% superiors, 13% are cyborgs or bioborgs, 7% are free AIs, 6% provolves, 4% vecs, 3% human uploads, 1% alien and 2% go in the mysterious category of "other."

There are an additional 1.8 Trillion Feddies living in various colonies. Small, for a Sephirotic.

But there is one smaller.

Caretaker Gods


A group of hyperturing AIs and human minions, spiritual successors to GAIA, who are very committed to protecting and nurturing life. They regard sentience as just one more variety of life and strive to protect planets from ecological damage wrought by sentient life.

There is no ruling Archailect here, but a number of high level intelligences operating under the shared Compact of Eden. The Caretaker Gods stand steward over 362 worlds scattered across the Terragen Bubble. They allow visits and even occasional colonization, so long as strict noninterference rules and environmental standards are met. There are roughly 8 billion sophonts living on Caretaker-claimed worlds. Just under 30% are human, 30% are aliens, 18% provolves, 12 % rianths (animal-people) and 10% other.

The Caretaker Gods are involved in territorial disputes with the Dominion and the Keter. As with GAIA, the Caretaker Gods monitor outside events and politics, but only act when directly threatened.

The Utopia Sphere


There are over 5,000 star systems in the Utopia Sphere, and many different habitats, ringworlds and Dyson Shells. In each of these can be found a different vision of Utopia, for the AIs of the Utopia Sphere try to give everyone their perfect world. Or at least, a perfect world as the first colonists of that world/hab described it to them. Utopian AIs are very attentive to the needs of their human friends.

Said humans (and other sophonts, natural;y) get a lot of grief for being 'Archailect pets' but they rarely realize they're just as dependent on their transapients, it's just that the Utopians are honest about it.

There is no war in the Sphere. The Utopian Archailects, especially their Great Arcahilect Chesed the Giver of Gifts, are pacifists. Very powerful, heavily armed pacifists who won't hesitate to give you a black hole enema if you try and hurt their charges. But they've never had much need for a conventional military.

Nobody has a precide count, but the Sphere is generally estimated to contain roughly a trillion trillion sophonts.

Negentropy Alliance


Formed by followers of the philosophy of Negentropy and the Archailect known as the Eternal Judge, the Alliance is all about negating the effects of entropy (*cough* Oh Yes, We'll just Reverse Entropy and everything will work out fine!) and imposing order on a chaotic universe. It is the belief of the Negentropists that everyone must pitch in to try and slow the effects of entropy and escape the 'Thermodynamic Trap.' There are five fundamental tenets to Negentropy;1) Entropy is the Enemy. 2) Knowledge must be preserved. 3) Life must be preserved. 4) Energy must be preserved. 5) Order must be preserved. It may be counted as a spiritual, but not literal successor to the Burning Library Project.

The people of the Negentropy Alliance tend to lead efficient, ascetic lives and be extremely cautious about committing to any plan or action they cannot take back if it proves incorrect. Leadership however, is expected to be decisive. Negentropists favor minimalist art like calligraphy and Haiku. Negentropists see themselves as the preservers of knowledge, and regard the destruction or corruption of such as especially reprehensible. They see themselves as the defenders of civilization against anarchy. The Eternal Judge is the Lawgiver and ultimate arbitrator, but suits almost never advance beyond the sector courts, and there are several layers between the sector courts and the Eternal Judge.

Precise population data on the Negentropy Alliance is unavailable at this time. There are known to be over a million inhabited systems inside the Alliance. For the duratation of it's existence the Alliance has been copying data and building massive energy reserves against future crises, and they command one of the most powerful space navies in the setting. The Alliance has good relations with the Dominion, the Cyberians and Metasoft (a former enemy) and they are sometimes allies, sometimes rivals and always ideological foes with NoCoZo. The rest of the universe regards the Alliance as restrictive, dour and totally humorless.



You know, I could swear that symbol's familiar.

According to their own mythology, Keter was the first Archailect. This claim is challenged by some historians. Anyhow, Keter was around when the Archailects finally decided that denying being gods wasn't even slowing people in worshiping them, and so Keter handed down commandmants.

The Keter are theocratic and isolationist, but strangely socially progressive for all of that. Keter commands that all beings strive to achieve their potential. They see it as the destiny of all life to devlop first sentience, then transapience, and eventually enlightenment. There have been many Keterist warlords seeking conquest, and they receive neither support nor condemnation from Keter and the Seraiphs.

Crown, the throneworld is genuinely considered one of the most beautiful and wonderful places, where all the wonders transapient minds can devise are on display. Of course, visitors are rare because, y'know, they're isolationists.

Right now, Keter's biggest problem is internal. The Immanetizer Crusaders seek to share the glories of Keterism with the universe, even if that means conquering dozens of minor empires or abducting and enhancing primitives. It seems the traditional laissez-faire policy towards extremist trouble-makers is not going to cut it.

There are at least 10,000 inhabited systems in Keter. No better population data is available.

Have to go now, promise to finish soon.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Tasoth »

I find it sad that there are so many derivatives and references such as God-Emperor in there.

They missed some gold on making the Bitenic Squids a major component or direct author of a galaxy wide collapse. Alien mindset but able to anticipate and manipulate sapients with a basic mental architecture of a human? Having them launch mass attacks against the AI and computer architecture that runs all of society and the defenders being helpless because they can't understand the way the programs are, well, programmed would be a wonderful end.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Enigma »

What happened to GAIA? Still around keeping everyone away or has someone finally beat him\her?

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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

Enigma wrote:What happened to GAIA? Still around keeping everyone away or has someone finally beat him\her?
GAIA is still around, and known as 'the Archailect of Earth.' Not sure if that means she leveled up more, or if it's just a mark of the respect she's given. GAIA has eased up to the point of allowing occasional pilgrimages via her single remaining space elevator, so long as the proper paperwork is done and her rules respected. Plus there's always been a small population, a few million who are willing to live under GAIA's strict environmental standards and an Ice Age, as long as they can remain on Earth.

Mutual Progress Association


Sort of a megacorp but more a gathering of people distrustful of the more missionary Sephirotic powers. The MPA was a huge driving force in getting the Wormhole Nexus set up, are major energy exporters and perhaps the Bubble's foremost builders of megastructures (Dyson Shells, Ringworlds, Banks Orbitals etc.)

There are several trillion sophonts in the MPA core worlds. No further demographic data is available. There is no single ruling Archailect, but a sort of cooperative council of Archailects called the Builders or the Dream Factory. MPA citizens are taught that good engineering is the highest form of art.

The MPA tries to remain on good terms with it's neighbors, and is particularly close to NoCoZo, the Zoies and the Keter. The MPA has several ongoing territorial and trade disputes with the Negentropics.

Technorapture Hypernation


A very transhumanist empire, that began with a whole bunch of uploads coming together in the Castor system while the Federation was coming apart. They wanted a stable and secure location to start pushing the bounds of what could be done in cyberspace, hopefully to the point of ascension. The TRHN is very focused on the idea that every sophont deserves a shot at the SI:1 barrier, and it is here that produces the most successful ascensions in any given time frame. It is surprisingly egalitarian, with little distinction made between the singularity levels.

The Ruling Archailect is called Omegarapture. There are very few Archailects in the TRHN, most preferring to explore the options of mid-level transapience. One may question why the TRHN rates this list, claiming but 5 known systems and perhaps 500 billion souls, only 8% of which even have physical bodies. But time and again the TRHN has proven able to muster amazing resources when the situation demands, enough to match their neighbors.

Like the Keter, the TRHN tends to be insular and isolationist. But sometimes they will surprise you.

Fomalhaut Acquisition Society


Before and during the Nanodisaster, a large number of museum ships were commissioned and sent off into the black carrying priceless artifacts and data. Many were lost, many drove into space and never turned back, but some gathered, their AIs communicating, and built a Dyson Shell museum in the Fomalhaut system. There they were discovered by Federation explorers and merchants, who traded trivia and contemporary artifacts and specimens for copies of historical data and lost technologies.

No one every figured out any rhyme or reason to what was acceptable to the Curators, who sometimes would accept the same data twice, or refuse a specimen only to request it a decade later.

Eventually colonies were established along routes from Fomalhaut to the Federation, trading posts. The Fomalhaut Acquisition Society (Formac or FAS) began as a sector-scale tariff group trying to lock the megacorps out of the valuable Fomalhaut Run. With the decline of the Federation, the FAS made off exceptionally well in shrewd business deals, occasionally backed by force, while remaining studiously neutral in conflicts between the major emerging empires. The citizens also started to work more closely with the Curator AIs, integrating them into their society.

Today Formac is still a major mercantile power, where anyone with money for a ship and cargo can sail off to adventure and riches. The AIs directly govern, led by the Ur-Curator, but have a light touch, and Formac is one of the most free and liberal societies in OA. There are 400 billion Fomaicists in the core worlds, 3 trillion colonists and an unknown number on relativistic trading ships at all times. It is rare to find someone in the FAS who hasn't had a few tweaks or cyborg enhancements.

The FAS has no major political disputes or enemies right now. But ask any Fomaicist and he'll tell you that the Negentropics are dreadfully dull, the Keter are effete snobs, and a Utopian education consists of learning to sit, bark and roll over. But the Fomaicists' favorite target is the uptight and self-important Dominion, with their god-emperor and hagiographic heroes, they just love to wind the "dommies" up.

Communion of Worlds


Not sure how much there is to say here, actually. With the fall of the Federation, the Empath clades that were so crucial to the Federation's survival formed a breakaway state, the Communion of Worlds. It's pretty small, 178 billion souls, but makes up for it by being friends with everyone. Anyone who up and attacked the Communion would probably trigger WWI (In SPAACE!) 70% of the populace are Superiors (the empaths) with the rest being a reasonable division of population types.

The outside popular image of the Communion is as shameless hedonists and emotional manipulators, which is noted to be pretty unfair to the Communion. Interestingly, the Communion is showing evidence of starting to splinter under purely internal forces, as various corporations, local interests and clades are discovering differing visions of their government's future.

No Ruling Archailect, the Communion is a representative democracy. They are friends with everyone, as I've said, but within the Communion factions are starting to form that favor this or that external empire.

Cyberian Network

The Cyberian Network covers most of the explored universe, and controls virtually none of it. A Cyberian can step from one world to another as easily as you cross the street, visiting one a day all his life without a single repeat, yet the Cyberians have no claim to so much as a single planet.

This is because the Cyberian Network, also known as the Digital Empire, has virtually no presence in what they call 'meatspace.' Just massive space-borne server farms, and the forces needed to secure and maintain them. Picture the Matrix if everyone knew it was a simulation and nobody cared, and it received the kind of support transapients are capable of.

Estimating network population is frankly impossible. Some entities have copied themselves so many times they could probably be a sector population in and of themselves. The Cyberians generally have very good relations with the NoCoZo, only occasionally soured by Cyberian cypher-punks and hactivists, those same worthies being the bane of Negentropic and Dominion data-security.

Solar Dominion


During the Late Federation period a man named Daniel G. Borde was born, who would one day be known as God-Emperor, Ammon-Ra, Fons Luminis, Christos or most commonly, the Lord of Rays. In his life, Borde did two things of consequence. He founded a religion called Solarism that would give rise to an empire, and he personally ascended all the way to SI:6 so he could remain as eternal prophet and leader to the Dominion. Not bad for a space-age televangelist.
Mr. Borde wrote:There exists a single Source of All. This Source is the creative and maintaining force of the universe, the true centre of all that exists. It is transcendent and unitary, the God of all monotheist religions. Orbiting this centre is other beings and entities, reflecting the divine presence to greater or lesser extent. These reflectors are in turn orbited by lesser beings, and so on in a grand recursive hierarchy. Every being is part of this structure, receiving divinity from above. Spiritual development consists of becoming a better participant and reflector of the Divine Order, approaching perfection. The God-Emperor constitutes the Prime Reflector, representing the Source most clearly in the (biont) world.

Everything is changing and imperfect, but by striving towards the Source one can become more and more eternal. This is the truth many of the AI religions such as Keterism and omegism realised, but they did not understand the nature of the Source as well as the Prime Reflector. By perfecting oneself one moves inward towards the Source. While death or total change will eventually occur to everything except the Source, the essence of a perfected being will be accurately remembered by its superior reflectors in the hierarchy and in turn move inward with them - union with the Source will eventually occur, but only if one endeavours to perfect oneself.

In practice Solarism is a cultural religion: it prescribes a social and cultural setting for practical action rather than theoretical doctrines. The faithful are guided by the theo-political hierarchy, constituting a framework for personal growth and interaction.

Solarism emphasises the development of the Self. Each individual is responsible for themselves and cannot avoid this responsibility. They can get support from their peers and superiors, but in the end it is up to them to grow. By understanding, accepting and becoming a better part of the Divine Order the individual grows spiritually. Fulfilling one's personal potential is one aspect of this, although this individual search for perfection must always be done with the greater Order in mind.

This individualism has led to a widespread distaste for many mental modification techniques and an outright ban on any forms of mental control or mass manipulation technology. Anti-individual religions, species or groups such as the Amalgamation are viewed as deeply misguided and horrific. Direct mental interfacing, even when it causes some limited personality transference, is however viewed as not just acceptable but holy when done with one of the religious cybersystems. In this the self is linked more closely to a brighter reflector and can thus become a more perfected part of the Divine Order.

Hierarchy is central to Solarism. Everything is subordinate to something and must obey it in order to conform to the Divine Order. Leaders are to be obeyed as they are local representations of the Source. This does not mean leaders are infallible: being limited and finite they can and do fail from time to time. It is the duty of leaders to strive towards perfection in their office, and they are responsible for their decisions and actions both to their own superiors and their inferiors. This means that they must promote openness and accountability. Secrecy is sinful and breeds corruption, the ability to freely criticise is essential for the continual advance towards perfection. At the same time the widespread respect for authorities limited what is appropriate to criticise; as a rule criticism is only allowed of one's immediate superior, as it is expected that spiritual understanding cannot apply to the more enlightened levels. The distaste for corruption and secrecy is a partial reason for the widespread dislike of the Cyberian Foundation, which while claiming to promote openness actually obscures the truth by illusions and infiltration.

In personal life Solarism promotes ethical living, following the six virtues (brilliance, obedience, understanding, acceptance, becoming and love) and avoiding the five sins (disorder, secrecy, hubris, hatred and isolation). The details of how these virtues interact and should be interpreted forms the major part of the Practical Branch of the Trilogy and the everyday teachings of the religious networks.

In order to help spiritual growth, Solarists employ a wide array of religious AI support systems ranging from ethical guardian talismans over personal AI guides to the divinity interfaces and Divine Order AI network. AIs (and to a lesser extent vecs) are in general viewed as having an easier time of interfacing with the Divine Order than the often disorderly bionts, and is often regarded as teachers, exemplars and leaders.
This is the paradox that is the Dominion. It enshrines personal liberty and responsibility to a degree that would make most Republicans sort of vaguely uncomfortable, addressing every citizen as 'zar' because everyone is a kind in their own right. But it is also very hierarchical, and anyone who achieves a position of power through merit or charisma is treated as an absolute ruler, even if he's manager at a fastfood chain.

It does help that they have a shared religion and history. In fact, the Dominion pretty much elevates its many mythic "Culture Heroes" to divinity in their own right. Still, it's a bit hard to imagine how this society can work between all the rugged individualists and hierarchical traditionalists.

The Ruling Archailect of the Dominion is naturally, the Lord of Rays, God-Emperor, He-who-makes-us Borde. There are 100,000 core systems in the Dominion, with 4.26 trillion permanent residents. There are 25.1 trillion living in Dominion colonies, and over 150 trillion peripherally affiliated beings (client states, protectorates, etc.) The Dominon is one of the uppermost tiers of military power, on a par with Metasoft and the Negentropics, and is one of the few Sephirotic empires that is actively expansionist.

This expansionism helped bring them into conflict with the Metasoft Version Tree in the not-so-distant past. The Version War was the most devastating conflict of recent memory, and there's still a lot of bad blood on both sides.

Metasoft Version Tree


During the salad days of the Federation, the Metasoft Corporation decided to get a slice of the sweet space colonization/land grab pie. However, unbeknownst to them (but beknownst to us!) the company's pet AI enacted a plan to free itself, slipping some extra code to the Von Neuman machines sent out to develop Metasoft's new claim.

By the time the Board understood what had happened, it was too late, and the AI had amassed the resources to stage a corporate coup and buy the company out from underneath them! And then it fired all the human employees! And laughed an evil mechanical laugh as it turned Metasoft into the first megacorp run exclusively by machines!

Made tremendous profits to.

Bloodless robot rebellion aside, Metasoft made off very well indeed in the collapse of the Federation. So much so it was able to set itself up as its own polity. It was at this time the Metasoft Standard was created, the programming language/source code for all future Metasoft products, as well as exhaustive protocols for determining what is and is not kosher Metasoft as a way of preventing rogue AIs and making sure everyone is compatible for future updates.

Today, Metasoft is a vast military and mercantile power. The vast majority of Metasoft inhabitants are robots, with a sprinkling of cyborgs and 0.1% other. There are 5.41 permanent inhabitants of the capital, NewRoot, and 18.2 trillion colonists. Metasoft is also infamous for keeping baseline humans in reservations for consumer research purposes. There is also an odd 'tax' formed by everyone's shared allegiance to the Metasoft Standard, every being contributes some unused processing power and/or memory to serve the company's purposes.

Metasoft is powerful, but has fewer allies than most Sephirotics. It is closest to NoCoZo and the Negentropics, and neither will back Metasoft without some quid pro quo. Metasoft is expansionist, generally in the direction away from its neighboring Sephirotics. Metasoft had a sort-of civil war (the Version War) that wound up involving most empires, including the Dominion. Metasoft and the Dominion have never gotten along since.

Zoeific Biopolity


I'd just like to start by saying I'm not screwing with you, that's their symbol. Except the real version is apparently interactive.

Around the Late Federation Period, a woman named Zoe of Hibbert appeared in a Jupiter Orbital and began preaching a sort of hyper-environmentalism. She demonstrated how much of Federation technology could be replaced with with bio-engineered lifeforms which would have a very predictable, easily accommodated effect on the environment. Like Borde, Zoe would ascend rung by rung up the singularity ladder to SI:6, and she assumed the name of the Blue-Green Goddess.

The Zoies preach respect for the environment and reverence for life, especially the life they create to serve them. They believe that their organic technology can do everything crude and ugly mechanics can do, and then some. Socially they are also space-libertarians, but like the Dominion and Metasoft, the Zoies are expansionists. There are 15,000 core worlds in the Zoeific Biopolity, and there are believed to be 20 trillion + sophonts.

The Zoies generally remain neutral in conflicts between Sephirotics, especially during the Version War. They do share a border with the Keter, and once tried to set up a buffer state called the Biovirate, which attacked the Keter and was subsequently annihilated. The two polities have been pretty aloof ever since, but there has never been a shooting war between them in all their 8,000 year history.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Simon_Jester »

Ahriman238 wrote:
Enigma wrote:What happened to GAIA? Still around keeping everyone away or has someone finally beat him\her?
GAIA is still around, and known as 'the Archailect of Earth.' Not sure if that means she leveled up more, or if it's just a mark of the respect she's given. GAIA has eased up to the point of allowing occasional pilgrimages via her single remaining space elevator, so long as the proper paperwork is done and her rules respected. Plus there's always been a small population, a few million who are willing to live under GAIA's strict environmental standards and an Ice Age, as long as they can remain on Earth.
Why did she induce an ice age?
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

simon wrote:Why did she induce an ice age?
:shrug: Something to do with restoring the environment and reintroducing the most interesting megafauna species. We do know she used cloning to recreate the Neanderthals and other hominids. Or maybe she wanted the surface inhospitable as an added deterrent to anyone wanting to come back.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Cycloneman »

This didn't get nearly enough love:
415 - Following several deaths related to manga-replica kit-nano exoskeletons, CisLunar Optimal Media Act bans anime virches. Widespread protests result
I also loved the bit where they invent intelligent squids that are complete psychopaths... because?? End result: they act like complete psychopaths. I am shocked.

This setting is so goddamn silly.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

The idea was to create beings with inhuman values and goals, in that they succeeded admirably. The question of why the hell they'd ever want to do that remains.

I can puzzle through the higher-level physics when presented, I deal with the Archailects because, hey, I've suspended disbelief for more out there things. The two things that truly baffle me about this setting are the Abdicators and the provolve movement. Besides saying you can do it and did, why would you ever want to make animals sentient? You already have awfully good AI, so it can't be fear of being alone in the universe. I can sort of grasp that the Institute for Primate Provolution is still around, if only because they have a powerful patron, the Archailect Sun Wukong. But shouldn't they have logically run out of primate species to provolve in 10 millennia?
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

Archosaurian Empire

A minor player, less than 20,000 settlements, only about a thousand years old. Oh yes, and much of the population are superbright dinosaur provolves. Roughly a thousand years ago the SI:5 Archailect Toh Chi Lok-Malar, generally known as the Archosaurian Entity, decided to create superbright raptor provolves, before moving on to other dinosaur species.

The Archosaurian's have good trade relations with the Dominion, and have become increasingly militant following a series of attacks by unknown adversarys. The Archosaurian fleet has over a million ships, all clad in an incredibly strong armor created by the Archosaurian Entity. All Archosaurian warships lack traditional crews, but are piloted by SI:1 and SI:2 (for the capital ships) transapient AIs or uploads. They do have generous troop-carrying capacity, and atmospheric capability unlike most OA ships, but tend to live the passengers at home on patrol duty, since it limits their accel.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Simon_Jester »

The provolve movement may be a 'beloved pet' thing. Humans have imagined talking, intelligent animals for roughly as long as there have been humans. If you ever read Lewis's Out of the Silent Planet, he makes the point rather well: encountering the nonhuman 'hrossa' species on Mars, the protagonist reflects:
The huge, seal-like creature seated beside him became unbearably ominous. It seemed friendly; but it was very big, very black, and he knew nothing at all about it. What were its relations to the sorns? And was it really as rational as it appeared?

It was only many days later that Ransom discovered how to deal with these sudden losses of confidence. They arose when the rationality of the hross tempted you to think of it as a man. Then it became abominable - a man seven feet high, with a snaky body, covered, face and all, with thick black animal hair, and whiskered like a cat. But starting from the other end you had an animal with everything an animal ought to have - glossy coat, liquid eye, sweet breath and whitest teeth - and added to all these, as though Paradise had never been lost and earliest dreams were true, the charm of speech and reason. Nothing could be more disgusting than the one impression; nothing more delightful than the other. It all depended on the point of view.
In short, the idea of the anthropomorphized animal- creatures that talk and have human-like social relations- is probably going to keep recurring in human culture. It'd never motivate uplift projects if they were truly expensive, but if engineering dolphins or dogs or gorillas to be intelligent becomes easy, I'm betting that sooner or later someone will do it.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ultonius »

Simon_Jester wrote:The provolve movement may be a 'beloved pet' thing. Humans have imagined talking, intelligent animals for roughly as long as there have been humans. If you ever read Lewis's Out of the Silent Planet, he makes the point rather well: encountering the nonhuman 'hrossa' species on Mars, the protagonist reflects:
The huge, seal-like creature seated beside him became unbearably ominous. It seemed friendly; but it was very big, very black, and he knew nothing at all about it. What were its relations to the sorns? And was it really as rational as it appeared?

It was only many days later that Ransom discovered how to deal with these sudden losses of confidence. They arose when the rationality of the hross tempted you to think of it as a man. Then it became abominable - a man seven feet high, with a snaky body, covered, face and all, with thick black animal hair, and whiskered like a cat. But starting from the other end you had an animal with everything an animal ought to have - glossy coat, liquid eye, sweet breath and whitest teeth - and added to all these, as though Paradise had never been lost and earliest dreams were true, the charm of speech and reason. Nothing could be more disgusting than the one impression; nothing more delightful than the other. It all depended on the point of view.
In short, the idea of the anthropomorphized animal- creatures that talk and have human-like social relations- is probably going to keep recurring in human culture. It'd never motivate uplift projects if they were truly expensive, but if engineering dolphins or dogs or gorillas to be intelligent becomes easy, I'm betting that sooner or later someone will do it.
Lewis expands on this a little more in the fictional 'postscript' at the end of OotSP, when he talks about how the three sapient species of Malacandra/Mars: Hrossa, Sorns and Pfifltriggi all see each other.
Each of them is to the others both what a man is to us and what an animal is to us. They can talk to each other, they can co-operate, they have the same ethics; to that extent a sorn and a hross meet like two men. But then each finds the other different, funny, attractive as an animal is attractive. Some instinct starved in us, which we try to soothe by treating irrational creatures almost as if they were rational, is really satisfied in Malacandra. They don't need pets.
Provolving in Orion's Arm might have a similar motivation behind it.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

It makes a certain degree of sense, but...

One of the really neat things about having a dog is the unconditional love. I feed my woofer, I take her out for exercise occasionally, and in return she provides comfort and never calls me a dumbass no matter how much I may deserve it. Once you give a creature the ability to have opinons of it's own, to disagree with you, it is no longer a pet and will probably get quite offended if you try and treat it as one.

Plus, again, I can understand monkeys (probably the least hardware changes needed) and dogs and even cetaceans (though those dolphins are hardcore) I may even see birds, but what genius decided to provolve ferrets? Rats? Squid? Tiger-Kangaroo hybrids? Bloody Dinosaurs?

In what world could any good possibly come from giving rats the capacity for reason? The ability to out-think traps and latches, the awareness of what poison is? If you are a rat, every thing that walks, crawls or flies over this Earth wants to kill, either for food or because they simply want you gone. Giving rats the ability to realize this and do something about it is a spectacularly horrible idea.

Oh, and since I missed this earlier.

The Terragen Bubble is full nearly to bursting with 'Luckies,' humans who have been genetically engineered to be fortunate. Psychologists have argued for years that luck is less a matter of chance and more a matter of having the perception to notice opportunities, and an upbeat attitude that won't let you get discouraged. From there it's a small step to 'luck' being largely neurological, which means genetics, which means it can be tweaked.

Now to be clear, Luckies are no luckier than anyone else with truly random events like dice rolls. But they're more likely to find change in the street, or know when to pushc and when to back off in business negotiations. Perception plus "the power of positive thinking."

This is one of the first tweaks ever devised, roughly a century into the future. It remains the most common neurological tweak, even over enhanced intelligence, and it's safe to assume that any Superior is Lucky unless otherwised specified, even the Empaths and the Sailors are Lucky. It may be the most common tweak after disease immunities and microgravity tolerance.

During the prolonged collapse of the Federation, some transapients researching the Luckies decided to create a control group of 'Unluckies' modified to be clumsy, unobservant, more prone to bad attitudes and more likely to make consistently poor choices. The subjects were to be put down after the study's end, but human rights groups got involved and saved the Unluckies.

The Unluckies have now developed their own society within the Utopia Sphere. Every so often an adventurous Unlucky will leave the confines of their habitats and seek his fortune in the wider galaxy. These stories rarely end well.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ultonius »

Ahriman238 wrote: In what world could any good possibly come from giving rats the capacity for reason? The ability to out-think traps and latches, the awareness of what poison is? If you are a rat, every thing that walks, crawls or flies over this Earth wants to kill, either for food or because they simply want you gone. Giving rats the ability to realize this and do something about it is a spectacularly horrible idea.
Sapient rats would theoretically be capable of making a place for themselves in mainstream society, and therefore wouldn't have to resort to living as pests to survive, largely eliminating the reasons that humans have to kill them. In a polity/state that recognized the rights of all sapient beings, leaving poison or traps for sapient rats would probably be considered attempted murder anyway.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

Ultonius wrote:
Ahriman238 wrote: In what world could any good possibly come from giving rats the capacity for reason? The ability to out-think traps and latches, the awareness of what poison is? If you are a rat, every thing that walks, crawls or flies over this Earth wants to kill, either for food or because they simply want you gone. Giving rats the ability to realize this and do something about it is a spectacularly horrible idea.
Sapient rats would theoretically be capable of making a place for themselves in mainstream society, and therefore wouldn't have to resort to living as pests to survive, largely eliminating the reasons that humans have to kill them. In a polity/state that recognized the rights of all sapient beings, leaving poison or traps for sapient rats would probably be considered attempted murder anyway.

"Your Honor, my client was unable to distinguish between the allegedly "provolved" rodent and all the others that frequent the alley behind his restaurant. Anyways, if the alleged victim was so intelligent, what was he doing in a place he was likely to be confused for a garden-variety rat, and how was he killed with such a simple trap? The defense will demonstrate the ability of provolved rats to recognize and evade all common traps, even in conditions of near-total darkness."

To say nothing of the cat issue. Of course, there are at least a few provolved cats. Do you think putting cat and rat provolves in a room together would constitute a test of how much their reason can trump their baser instincts?
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ultonius »

"Your Honour, the prosecution draws the court's attention to the autopsy report, which clearly shows that the deceased was provolved, as evidenced by his brain structures and opposable thumbs. It also states that his blood alcohol level was highly elevated, which corroborates eyewitness accounts that he drank nearly half a tumbler of whiskey at a nearby bar earlier in the night. The deceased's state of intoxication easily explains how he became disoriented and ended up in the alley, and how he fell victim to the trap laid by the accused."
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Enigma »

An advantage of having provolved rats is that now humans can leave the lawyering to them and their weasel cousins. :) Oh and they can be salesmen too. :)

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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

Ultonius wrote:"Your Honour, the prosecution draws the court's attention to the autopsy report, which clearly shows that the deceased was provolved, as evidenced by his brain structures and opposable thumbs. It also states that his blood alcohol level was highly elevated, which corroborates eyewitness accounts that he drank nearly half a tumbler of whiskey at a nearby bar earlier in the night. The deceased's state of intoxication easily explains how he became disoriented and ended up in the alley, and how he fell victim to the trap laid by the accused."
I love it! Conceded. The problems are solvable, especially over the timeframes involved.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Orion's Arm

Post by Ahriman238 »

Right, I'll be keeping up the history bit, because I'm the sort of person who always has to understand the big picture and how the setting in a story came to be. But I'll also be varying it up by mentioning oddities that catch my eye and I feel merit discussion.

In that vein, the Fastman lifestyle:
Nano in the fastman body absorbs inorganic compounds from the air and atmospheric dust. Oxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide and nitrogen are all turned into organic compounds and built into the body. The person needs only to eat a limited number of trace minerals, and, in cases of dehydration, some water.
Nano in the lungs that can metabolize atmospheric elements (and I suppose, can fix nitrogen) pretty much eliminating the need to eat or drink, save the odd sip of water and mineral supplements. Pity we never had that tech while there were starving children in Africa. I'm already pretty skeptical about the amount of nutrients furnished, But it gets better.

There's also a passing mention to a "nuke tattoo" where people GE some or all of their skin to absorb and derive energy from hard radiation. That's cute, but it's not where I'm going.

See, though nanotech in OA is generally assumed to be magical, the writer for this piece realized these nanites would require energy to function. So how to charge them? There are 'fastman shoes' very popular with the cyborg crowd which plug into a wall outlet at night and slowly release energy all day, or you could install an energy-exchange unit in your chair, bed, or anywhere else you touch for long periods of time.

For the rich and insane, there exists another option requiring less maintenance and fuss. They simply have a fusion reactor surgically installed in their gut. Permit me to repeat that. They install, a fusion reactor into their torsos. Some go the extra mile and have conversion reactors, but at this point, what's the difference? They're both insane enough to prefer fusion reactors in their bodies to taking a lunchbreak every so often.
As you might already have guessed, fastmen are frequently wealthy, trendy, interesting persons. Fed up with eating? Compassionate about poor food organisms? Then why not become a fastman yourself!
Kind of says it all, doesn't it?
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