Simon_Jester wrote:Yes. Because the 40k Imperium has all those things too. Only more so, with an extra helping of crap and hopelessness. The lower classes are even more exploited and enslaved, the military and politics are still inefficient and backstabby, and it's all slathered with theocratic trappings to keep anyone from trying to change it for fear of Chaos blowing up the galaxy.
Depends on your example, I suppose. In Star Wars for example, there was
Toprawa, for example. AS bad (or worse) than anything the Imperium did. Or Gholondreine-B, which had its planetary oceans sucked up and carted off by Palpy because they (IIRC) offended him. The fact they have faster and more reliable communications and fTL make that sort of dickery worse and even more all-encompassing. Whereas despite how corrupt, inept, and grimdark the Administratum is, there's very little it can do to an Agri world on the other side of the galaxy (at least, from Terra.) About the only difference between Imperium and Empire (and hence its only real advantage, aside from the fact their omnipotent magical superrulers are completely different mentality wise) is that there is a limit to how muck fucking with the galaxy the Imperium itself can do.
This part falls under "remove the sheer malice of the guy running it." The God-Emperor at least tried to create a political system that could survive his death, even if he didn't expect to die- and it kept chugging for ten thousand years, so it kind of worked. He wasn't trying to eat everyone, he was engaged in serious projects for improving the situation.
If you remove Palpy, then the system as a whole falls apart and chaos and madness ensue until you find something oyu can put in its place. And given the failure of the NR to do even that in the decades since toppling Palpy, he must have REALLY fucked the galaxy up something fierce. That takes some genius, that does. Although the Republic was hardly better.
Absolutely. Palpatine was a dick, and his personal ambition took a Galactic Republic stable on millenial timescales, and plunged it into a civil war that's taking centuries to resolve itself, with round after round of conflict.
But that's all on Palpatine personally.
Again I'm not sure the Republic was massively better. Stable, yes, but that's about the only advantage it has over the GE. Of course, for a given value of 'stable', so is the Imperium (EG you don't count shit like whole Segmentums declaring rebellion or the Regin of Blood.) The Imperium has no real equivalent to shit like KDY or the Tagge consortium or shit like that. Or Black Sun and other various criminal organizations.
Sure- it wasn't all smiles and sunshine (Warhammer 30k, for crying out loud!)
What I'm getting at is that it was not such a bad government, compared either to what came before or after it in its own setting. 40K humanity would indisputably have been better off if it had lasted longer and not gotten wrecked by the Heresy, which is part of the grimdark- there was a golden age, even if it had its vices, and that golden age ended and can never really come back.
I think the problem is it depends on what you define 'good' and 'bad' as. People also say the same thing about the GE (or the 'modern' Imperium) 'not being all that bad' either, and it glosses over the problems inherent in both. Likewise, there's problmes (different problems) in the pre-Heresy Imperium that prevent it from being the sort of 'Golden age' it is made out to be. I mean fuck, some of the main 'differences' between the two is that you simply subtract 'God' from the Emperor's title, you have fanatical ideology instead of fanatical religion, still just as xenophobic, and instead of priests you have rhetorical orators and philosophers who try to manipulating you into their way of thinking through speeches rather than sermons. 'Imperial Truth' is not all that different from 'Imperial Creed' even after 10,000 years.
I agree. There were a lot of problems, it was not a great government, I would not prefer it to, say, the Star Trek Federation.
In 40K terms, the Eldar would probably be the least grimdark. Or the tau, although with successive editions the tau have gotten alot less happy, bright and cheery. The Tau will do some of the same things the Imperium does to conquer a world it wants (and you have about as much choice) but they're much better at making you feel better about it afterwards (As long as you do what they say. Although reeducation and reprogramming camps are probably better than being killed as a heretic.)
But it was at least capable of providing security, without being totally stagnant and doomed. Which is more than you can say for its successor state of ten thousand years later. There are degrees of "bad government," as when you compare the Roman Empire of 100 AD to the Western Roman Empire of 400 AD. Both could be very nasty and oppressive to huge numbers of people, but at least one was functional and not in a slow irreversible decline.
I'm not totally sure about that either. Warp travel seemed relatively more stable (and possibly faster), but the nature of the Crusade and the aftermath of conquests tended to create problems, and I'm pretty sure there's more than one example in the HH novels of an Imperial world getting conquereda nd having to be protected/retaken again by the Crusade forces.
Part of the problem is much of the HH POV comes from those on the fleet or people on Terra, which tends to skew your views about how 'great' the Imperium actually was.
Although another good 'example' is what happened with the Word Bearers in First Heretic (and what turned them to Chaos.) The 'Benevolent' Emperor turns the whole of the Ultramarines Legion loose on a single world to make an example of how religious worship of Big E will not be tolerated. Virtually masscared the population of the whole planet, destroyed their cities, etc. and then made a humilitating example of Lorgar and the Word Bearers as a whole on the ashes of said planet. And when Lorgar and the rest turned on their conquests and started purging them (which included mass extinciton bombardments, genocides, etc.) Big E and the rest never batted an eye apparently.
You could also draw objections to groups like the Night Lords, the World Eaters, etc. being tolerated despite the savagery and bloodthirstiness with which they would conduct their 'compliances.'
In the end, you can argue about the particulars of the good/bad for either Imperium or GE, but what it really comes down to is arguing whether its worse to be dissolved slowly in weak acid or to be crucified.