Cykeisme wrote:Just clarifying why Havok stated that Star Wars wouldn't make any difference if it was rolled into our reality:
Star Wars takes place "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away", thus even if it wasn't that long ago, it's probably in a galaxy at the far end of our supercluster at the very least. Thus, if our reality was rolled in with theirs, we wouldn't even notice because we're too far away and we have no spatial overlap with them. They wouldn't notice us either.
How is that in any way different to RL?
Borgholio wrote:The Centauri? You sure you're thinking of the right species? Plus there aren't really all THAT many aggressive species, at least in our immediate neighborhood.
Well, IIRC,
Centauri tried to scam Earth into thinking we're just their lost colony, and at their peak occupied dozens of worlds, including Narn, no?
Eternal_Freedom wrote:Actually, Hapes only struggled with the (at the time) recently developed quick-recharge turbolasers. They worked around it with the Battle Dragon design and combat tactics to compensate.
And for reference, Naboo only assembled the fighters. The sublight engines and hyperdrive came from contractors on other worlds.
Yes, and as noted, once their first alpha strike exhausted their gun load, Hapes ships became sitting ducks to vessels many times smaller, not to mention ability to only attack one ship at a time. As for Quick-rechare being new/advanced tech, well, Phantom Menace shown such guns on Trade Federation vessels, IIRC, so not really.
As for assembly, by that standard Lockheed Martin doesn't produce F-22 as engines are made by Pratt & Whitney