PeZook wrote:Feil wrote:
Socialism = communism = USSR = evil, as everybody knows. Simply by mentioning the word socialism in the title, the OP included diabolical anti-productive torturers totally out of the control of the mission commander. You simply can't have one without the other.

Dude, Zor used clear Soviet imagery and references. Seriously, you have been given this task by the People's Star Navy of the Union of Socialist Worlds, which uses space dreadnaughts named after heroes of the USSR, organize their infantry along Soviet lines and calls wars of conquest "Liberating this world from its own backwardsness and rebuilding it into a prosperous proper socialist state."
They are
clearly a social liberal democracy, and not at all an ideologically driven totalitarian moloch heavily inspired by the USSR of old

well, maybe, but there ain't any security services specified in the OP, hell I don't even see a politcal commisariat.
NKVD type oppressors might* emerge with the fullness of time, but not DURING the military pacification. I really don't think they're an important factor in the early stage of invasion we're looking at.
Also - "Be somewhat opressed by the corporations and live in poverty" vs. "Be totally opressed by the communists but live somewhat comfortably", - in my experience at least, most of the population will choose comfort over ideology. It's the bargain the Chinese made for a start.
I mean, if you're dead poor and thus powerless in an libertarian society and you've the chance to be comfortable but still relatively powerless - what have you got to loose?
*almost certainly infact, but it took a few years for them to get going in any of the commie states i can think of
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