Bit of Analysis: Rifts
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- gigabytelord
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
One thing I love about Rifts is that its never stated by the writers that magic is inherently better than technology, or vice versa, although there are in universe characters who obviously believe that one or the other is superior.
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Always there are some bits and bobs I forget to mention. Chi-town the State (as opposed to the city) consists of the north half of Illinois, and the entire state of Iowa. It is both breadbasket and industrial center to the Coalition.
Most recently, the Coalition launched a war on two fronts, to bring the 'rebel' Quebecois back into the fold, and to conquer the kingdom of Tolkeen (Minnesota.) This was called the Coalition War. To make a long story (really, at least six books worth) short, Tolkeen got desperate and mad enough to pull off some kind of massacre called the Sorcerer's Revenge (I never read that back, so I'm a touch vague on the details) which inspired Quebec and Chi-town to make peace and destroy Tolkeen.
Now the Coalition is having a rough time of occupying the territory, between freedom fighters, vengeful warriors, opportunistic bandits/adventurers, cosmic horrors unleashed to stop them, and refugees fleeing to Lazlo and the Magic Zone.
Of course, they do broadly comparable things in Rifts. Wanna fly? Get a plane, or a skyboard. Want to pile your enemies like cordwood? Firequakes great for that, so are Tornado and Tsunami. Or you could use a tactical nuke like most people.
Most recently, the Coalition launched a war on two fronts, to bring the 'rebel' Quebecois back into the fold, and to conquer the kingdom of Tolkeen (Minnesota.) This was called the Coalition War. To make a long story (really, at least six books worth) short, Tolkeen got desperate and mad enough to pull off some kind of massacre called the Sorcerer's Revenge (I never read that back, so I'm a touch vague on the details) which inspired Quebec and Chi-town to make peace and destroy Tolkeen.
Now the Coalition is having a rough time of occupying the territory, between freedom fighters, vengeful warriors, opportunistic bandits/adventurers, cosmic horrors unleashed to stop them, and refugees fleeing to Lazlo and the Magic Zone.
I do believe Siembienda did comment once on the spell/gun disparity. You can wreak far more havoc with a timely spell than a firearm, but if you run into a gunslinger, well... most spells take at least twice as long to cast as it takes him to pull the trigger.gigabytelord wrote:One thing I love about Rifts is that its never stated by the writers that magic is inherently better than technology, or vice versa, although there are in universe characters who obviously believe that one or the other is superior.
Of course, they do broadly comparable things in Rifts. Wanna fly? Get a plane, or a skyboard. Want to pile your enemies like cordwood? Firequakes great for that, so are Tornado and Tsunami. Or you could use a tactical nuke like most people.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- CaptainChewbacca
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Was the Juicer Uprising before or after the Siege of Tolkeen? I can't remember.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Before. The plan was to use the Juicers to open up the new campaign against Tolkeen.CaptainChewbacca wrote:Was the Juicer Uprising before or after the Siege of Tolkeen? I can't remember.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
For anyone who read the above exchange and wondered, the Juicer Uprising was a campaign that in story, IIRC, takes place about six months before the launch of the Coalition War.
Scientists from Newtown (a North Michigan kingdom lossely affilitated with the Coalition) came up with a process, the Phoenix Chip, which could add 2-2.5 years to a Juicer's life expectancy. A plan was hatched in which the CS would announce that they had a cure for Juicer Burnout, and offer it to one and all in exchange for 2 year's service. The Coalition would then use up the vast army of Juicer volunteers against Tolkeen, and maybe in a campaign against the Xiticix. When Juicers started dying despite the treatment, the CS would hit the kill-switch included in the chip and put them all in the ground.
That was the plan anyway.
There was a whole comedy of errors that led to a large portion of the Juicers learning the truth (as it was known to the CS, anyway) and rioting. A none-too-bright CS commander tried to contain the situation... by hitting the kill-switch on the Juicers to undergo the treatment. That got most of the fence-sitters on the anti-CS side, and in short order the Juicers seize the city they were gathered in for treatment and start raising hell throughout the surrounding countryside.
During the chaos, the graves of the chipped Juicers are emptied, which also has the juicers calling foul.
Further investigation eventually leads to the truth. The scientists who created the Phoenix Chip were android imposters, serving a race of insectoid aliens (besides the Xiticix, there are lots of aliens.) Said aliens got accidently swept to Earth by a Rift (them and the rest of the cosmos) and decided to take over the place. Their usual method involves nano-tech that turns people into techno-zombies loyal to them, divide and conquer etc. Humans are unusual in being to fragile to make techno-zombies, but Juicers are fine, hence the deception.
You barely escape their ship before the Juicers destroy it. The Juicers are outraged at the idea of being an alien's patsies and maybe a bit shaken at how close they came to being zombies. The CS, eager to save face after the whole debacle, issued a statement pardoning the Juicers for all crimes, praising them for saving the world from aliens, and saying that the CS had learned of the plot just before and totally had a team getting prepped to deal with it when the Juicers intervened.
It was a great adventure, but seemed to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
Scientists from Newtown (a North Michigan kingdom lossely affilitated with the Coalition) came up with a process, the Phoenix Chip, which could add 2-2.5 years to a Juicer's life expectancy. A plan was hatched in which the CS would announce that they had a cure for Juicer Burnout, and offer it to one and all in exchange for 2 year's service. The Coalition would then use up the vast army of Juicer volunteers against Tolkeen, and maybe in a campaign against the Xiticix. When Juicers started dying despite the treatment, the CS would hit the kill-switch included in the chip and put them all in the ground.
That was the plan anyway.
There was a whole comedy of errors that led to a large portion of the Juicers learning the truth (as it was known to the CS, anyway) and rioting. A none-too-bright CS commander tried to contain the situation... by hitting the kill-switch on the Juicers to undergo the treatment. That got most of the fence-sitters on the anti-CS side, and in short order the Juicers seize the city they were gathered in for treatment and start raising hell throughout the surrounding countryside.
During the chaos, the graves of the chipped Juicers are emptied, which also has the juicers calling foul.
Further investigation eventually leads to the truth. The scientists who created the Phoenix Chip were android imposters, serving a race of insectoid aliens (besides the Xiticix, there are lots of aliens.) Said aliens got accidently swept to Earth by a Rift (them and the rest of the cosmos) and decided to take over the place. Their usual method involves nano-tech that turns people into techno-zombies loyal to them, divide and conquer etc. Humans are unusual in being to fragile to make techno-zombies, but Juicers are fine, hence the deception.
You barely escape their ship before the Juicers destroy it. The Juicers are outraged at the idea of being an alien's patsies and maybe a bit shaken at how close they came to being zombies. The CS, eager to save face after the whole debacle, issued a statement pardoning the Juicers for all crimes, praising them for saving the world from aliens, and saying that the CS had learned of the plot just before and totally had a team getting prepped to deal with it when the Juicers intervened.
It was a great adventure, but seemed to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Life in the Coalition can be pretty grim. There are military checkpoints every 3-4 city blocks, magic users are simply purged while D-Bees are untermensch. Psychics must register with the government, and while the weak ones just get their names in a file somewhere, the psychics strong enough to hurt people get chipped and have a barcode tattooed on their necks. Either system (its redundant) will set off the psi-scanners found at every checkpoint and government building, logging the psychic's movements. Businesses frequently have psi-scanners as well, and extend the right to not serve undesirables like psychics. The most powerful psychics simply vanish, with no one willing to admit they ever existed.
One does not become a citizen just by being born in the Coalition, unless they have wealthy parents. Citizenship can be earned through the Emperor's dispensation, extraordinary service to the State, rather regular military service, or long-term residency with all your paperwork filled out perfectly, if you get through the decade-long waiting list to have your case reviewed.
Remember, service guarantees citizenship! For yourself and up to two family members.
In the Coalition, education is provided to those who can pay for it, which means the upper 10-12% of the population. That's just for basic literacy, mind, only the truly rich can obtain the equivalent of a college education.
Private ownership of books, particularly pre-cataclysm books, is illegal within the Coalition. Allegedly because the knowledge found within is meant for the good of all mankind. Once Chi-town had the world's greatest library of pre-cataclysm works, but it was destroyed in a fire. Rumors persist that the library was not destroyed, but moved to a part of the city not accessible by the hoi polloi. However, such talk is clearly seditious nonsense and will, at best, net you a long discussion about your loyalties, clear?
Instead of books, which are boring and require learning a whole new skillset to access, information in the Coalition is generally provided in a video format. Especially historical information. These videos are all vetted for historical and political accuracy, and are regularly reviewed and edited as needed.
There does exist however, a class of Rogue Scholars who insist on pursuing forbidden research, spreading seditious lies, teaching people to read and write, even offering medical treatment to undesirables! Most of the Coalition higher-ups do respect Rogue Scholars for the strength of their convictions, which translates into giving them one chance to play ball before vaporizing them.
One such scholar, Erin Tarn, is Coalition Public Enemy Number One. She is a 70-year-old historian who has written many unflattering things about the Coalition, their tyranny, and their revisionist history. Tarn wanders the world writing about the things she sees and people she meets, her collected letters being most of what the common man knows about the world. It's really her popularity that makes her such a threat, but she's also a tough old lady.
The Coalition is an organization of men, using manmade technology against the horrors of the Megaverse. They do not use magical or alien technology, even when clearly superior to theirs, because knowledge and technology are power, and the Coalition government believes in an exclusive model of power. The Coalition, as mentioned, hates mages and D-Bees, seeing both as corrupt and coming from the Rifts. They will tolerate psychics and mutants, to a point, if they have to.
Because of their human supremacist views, the Coalition has historically been very much against against Cyborg, Juicer and MOM conversion. Really, anything that smacks of trying to "improve" humanity. Administering these conversions within CS territory was a death sentence. The Coalition considered Cyborgs the most tolerable of transhumans, and has had a long-standing policy where the CS pays for conversion and training in exchange for a six year hitch, and they don't get citizenship after.
Recently, with the war on Tolkeen and as part of saving face after the Juicer Uprising, the Coalition has extended much to the same deal to Juicer and Crazy volunteers, with a two year hitch. Albeit, the CS Special Forces have been secretly using Juicers for years. Unauthorized body chop shops still get the chop.
Though not precisely deified, Emperor Prosek, his father, and his son share the acclaimed title "Savior of Humanity." The average citizen is apparently sincere in believing that they are all wonderful people, directly responsible for the survival of all or most of the human race. And if they've had to make some rough calls along the way, do evil in the name of the Greater Good, then it is because of the terrible and violent world they live in.
So we have an extremely xenophobic population, kept at a comparatively low-tech level and a medieval peasant's mindset by their ruling nobility. They have a regime as brutal and tyrannical as Earth has ever had, headed by a venerated Emperor. An army armed with flashlight lasers that die in vast numbers thanks to uncaring generals. They are beset on all sides by alien threats, including demons, orcs, elves, robo-undead and clever, clever little aliens. But they're much more afraid of the threat within, so despite hating psychics, they create a force of psychic secret police who operate above all law to seek out the supernatural.
Now why does this all sound so blasted familiar? Any ideas? Connor, how about you?
One does not become a citizen just by being born in the Coalition, unless they have wealthy parents. Citizenship can be earned through the Emperor's dispensation, extraordinary service to the State, rather regular military service, or long-term residency with all your paperwork filled out perfectly, if you get through the decade-long waiting list to have your case reviewed.
Remember, service guarantees citizenship! For yourself and up to two family members.
In the Coalition, education is provided to those who can pay for it, which means the upper 10-12% of the population. That's just for basic literacy, mind, only the truly rich can obtain the equivalent of a college education.
Private ownership of books, particularly pre-cataclysm books, is illegal within the Coalition. Allegedly because the knowledge found within is meant for the good of all mankind. Once Chi-town had the world's greatest library of pre-cataclysm works, but it was destroyed in a fire. Rumors persist that the library was not destroyed, but moved to a part of the city not accessible by the hoi polloi. However, such talk is clearly seditious nonsense and will, at best, net you a long discussion about your loyalties, clear?
Instead of books, which are boring and require learning a whole new skillset to access, information in the Coalition is generally provided in a video format. Especially historical information. These videos are all vetted for historical and political accuracy, and are regularly reviewed and edited as needed.
There does exist however, a class of Rogue Scholars who insist on pursuing forbidden research, spreading seditious lies, teaching people to read and write, even offering medical treatment to undesirables! Most of the Coalition higher-ups do respect Rogue Scholars for the strength of their convictions, which translates into giving them one chance to play ball before vaporizing them.
One such scholar, Erin Tarn, is Coalition Public Enemy Number One. She is a 70-year-old historian who has written many unflattering things about the Coalition, their tyranny, and their revisionist history. Tarn wanders the world writing about the things she sees and people she meets, her collected letters being most of what the common man knows about the world. It's really her popularity that makes her such a threat, but she's also a tough old lady.
The Coalition is an organization of men, using manmade technology against the horrors of the Megaverse. They do not use magical or alien technology, even when clearly superior to theirs, because knowledge and technology are power, and the Coalition government believes in an exclusive model of power. The Coalition, as mentioned, hates mages and D-Bees, seeing both as corrupt and coming from the Rifts. They will tolerate psychics and mutants, to a point, if they have to.
Because of their human supremacist views, the Coalition has historically been very much against against Cyborg, Juicer and MOM conversion. Really, anything that smacks of trying to "improve" humanity. Administering these conversions within CS territory was a death sentence. The Coalition considered Cyborgs the most tolerable of transhumans, and has had a long-standing policy where the CS pays for conversion and training in exchange for a six year hitch, and they don't get citizenship after.
Recently, with the war on Tolkeen and as part of saving face after the Juicer Uprising, the Coalition has extended much to the same deal to Juicer and Crazy volunteers, with a two year hitch. Albeit, the CS Special Forces have been secretly using Juicers for years. Unauthorized body chop shops still get the chop.
Though not precisely deified, Emperor Prosek, his father, and his son share the acclaimed title "Savior of Humanity." The average citizen is apparently sincere in believing that they are all wonderful people, directly responsible for the survival of all or most of the human race. And if they've had to make some rough calls along the way, do evil in the name of the Greater Good, then it is because of the terrible and violent world they live in.
So we have an extremely xenophobic population, kept at a comparatively low-tech level and a medieval peasant's mindset by their ruling nobility. They have a regime as brutal and tyrannical as Earth has ever had, headed by a venerated Emperor. An army armed with flashlight lasers that die in vast numbers thanks to uncaring generals. They are beset on all sides by alien threats, including demons, orcs, elves, robo-undead and clever, clever little aliens. But they're much more afraid of the threat within, so despite hating psychics, they create a force of psychic secret police who operate above all law to seek out the supernatural.
Now why does this all sound so blasted familiar? Any ideas? Connor, how about you?
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Erin Tarn is possibly the most ridiculous NPC in existence. Travels the Rifts world with relative impunity, has encountered everyone and everything and is protected by a Cyberknight, but more likely by all the remaining deities and certain god-like forces, because there's no fucking other way she can live.
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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- Location: Ocularis Terribus.
Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
I seem to recall a ragtag bunch of misfits who also wandered RIFTS Earth with relative impunity. True, we never got around quite as much as Erin Tarn, but I'm pretty sure she didn't pick nearly as many fights as we did either.weemadando wrote:Erin Tarn is possibly the most ridiculous NPC in existence. Travels the Rifts world with relative impunity, has encountered everyone and everything and is protected by a Cyberknight, but more likely by all the remaining deities and certain god-like forces, because there's no fucking other way she can live.
Dead Boys
Hard to keep the iron fist around the populace, or fight imperialistic wars without some grunts. Meet the Dead Boy, the armored trooper of the mighty CS.

Dead Boys are thoroughly indoctrinated and trained to shoot first and ask questions never. It helps cut down on dissent in the ranks every time you have a village wiped out, but it's also a reaction to living in a world where mind control and three-syllable death spells are things that happen. Granted another good thing to come out of the war on Tolkeen was an upgraded look.
Dead Boy armor is made with a light "molecularly bonded" ceramic with a thin metal coating. This actually provides decent protection for cost and weight (20 lbs. or less) at the very least, a Dead Boy can take multiple hits from his own weapons and even tank through a couple of mini-missiles, though he'll be sore and disoriented.
The armor is full enviromental, and serves as a radiation suit. If the air filters seem inadequate at any time, the suit has a 5 hour air supply. It can serve as a diving suit in up to 200 feet of water, though you can't swim in it. A mini-comp in the left gauntlet displays remaining air supply, system status, damage, a compass and time/date display. The rear of the suit has a universal access that can accommodate air tanks (extra 8 hours of air) water jets and even a jetpack. Not that any of these things are available when and where they'd be useful.
The CS Navy trooper wears a "Shark Boy" variant that is otherwise identical to the Dead Boy, but is rated for twice the depth of water (400 ft) has a depth gauge and gyroscope included in their mini-comp, and has multiple 'fins' that are in fact voice-activated vibro-blades. Also, they usually get water-jets or scooters.
Dead Boys are traditionally armed with the C-12 heavy assault laser rifle. It has a range of 2000 ft. (610 m) gets 20 shots off a standard E-clip and has three fire modes; standard single-shot, 3-round burst, and a stun setting.
In recent years the C-12 has been phased out in favor of the C-14 "fire-breather" rifle. The fire-breather likewise has a 2000 ft range and 20 shots off a standard E-clip. The innovation is primarily in superior lensing that gives each shot half again the power without requiring any more juice form the clip. It also has a grenade launcher with twelve grenades.
Heavy weapon options for the Dead Boy include a mini-missile launcher with one rocket (but a trooper can conceivably carry up to three dozen) a plasma-cannon (which is more-or-less the same as a 40k plasma gun) and a CV-212 variable output laser. The last is significant because it has a microchip that adapts the frequency of the laser to get around laser-resistant things like forcefields or Glitter Boy armor. However, the chip is easily by damaged even by simple firing, and it can take a minute or two to find the right frequency on manual.
Dead Boys are issued flares, and grenades. The grenades take many forms; smoke, frag, HE (light and heavy) and plasma. They use "fusion blocks" for emplaced explosives (like C4.)
The typical Dead Boy squad consists of 10 men, including a sergeant and recently, a pair of Dog Boys.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4854
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- Location: Ocularis Terribus.
Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Dog Boys
After the Coalition found the Lone Star Genetics facility, they saw a use for it to swell the forces with some more... expendable members. They completed the defunct US government's research and created a new race of dogs, bipedal, with human-level intelligence and speech, and even hands. The Psi-Hounds, or Dog Boys as they became commonly known, are somewhat stronger than humans, have a lot more endurance, better hearing and can track by scent. Most importantly, they were able to breed into the strain a sensitivity to the supernatural the match of a Psi-Stalker.
These then were the uses the Coalition put the Dog Boys to, cannon fodder for the frontlines, and security/enforcement inside the cities, packs (squads) of Dog Boys led by a single Psi-Stalker.

Which is how the average citizen knows them. Originally, the CS armed Dog Boys only with neural maces, vibro-blades and clawed gauntlets, reluctant to trust their mutant minions with guns, but the war with Tolkeen has changed a lot of things.

Now Dog Boys are useful on the front not only as cannon-fodder, but as an early warning system for large-scale sorcery, or a way of finding things and people hidden with magic. More, a Dog Boy has all of a true dogs love and loyalty, and their acceptance of abuse and willingness to die even for the people who scorn and bully them has won over many of the rank-and-file, a growing concern for the High Command. In fact, now nearly every squad of Dead Boys on the Eastern (Tolkeen) front or patrolling the Magic Zone have 2 or 3 Dog Boys assigned to them. And the ideal Tolkeen occupation squad has become half-and-half, 4 Dead and Dog Boys respectively, a sergeant and a Psi-Stalker.
Though rare, some Dog Boys do defect or desert from the Coalition, and there are even now Dog Boy litters born into freedom. And a few who become insane feral monsters, but that happens to people all the time in RIFTS.
As previously mentioned, a large number of Psi-Stalkers have become somewhat civilized and settled in the Coalition. They are prized for their ability to ferret out hidden mages and psychics, but reviled for being savage mutants, and just plan creepy besides.
They traditionally lead Dog Packs doing internal security or scouting, and are seconded to other Coalition forces as needed. They have made some progress on acceptance, but nothing like what the Dog Boys have. They usually wear typical CS armor, plus a spiked helmet and PSI emblazoned on the left shoulder/breast, showing their status as detectors and enforcers.
After the Coalition found the Lone Star Genetics facility, they saw a use for it to swell the forces with some more... expendable members. They completed the defunct US government's research and created a new race of dogs, bipedal, with human-level intelligence and speech, and even hands. The Psi-Hounds, or Dog Boys as they became commonly known, are somewhat stronger than humans, have a lot more endurance, better hearing and can track by scent. Most importantly, they were able to breed into the strain a sensitivity to the supernatural the match of a Psi-Stalker.
These then were the uses the Coalition put the Dog Boys to, cannon fodder for the frontlines, and security/enforcement inside the cities, packs (squads) of Dog Boys led by a single Psi-Stalker.

Which is how the average citizen knows them. Originally, the CS armed Dog Boys only with neural maces, vibro-blades and clawed gauntlets, reluctant to trust their mutant minions with guns, but the war with Tolkeen has changed a lot of things.

Now Dog Boys are useful on the front not only as cannon-fodder, but as an early warning system for large-scale sorcery, or a way of finding things and people hidden with magic. More, a Dog Boy has all of a true dogs love and loyalty, and their acceptance of abuse and willingness to die even for the people who scorn and bully them has won over many of the rank-and-file, a growing concern for the High Command. In fact, now nearly every squad of Dead Boys on the Eastern (Tolkeen) front or patrolling the Magic Zone have 2 or 3 Dog Boys assigned to them. And the ideal Tolkeen occupation squad has become half-and-half, 4 Dead and Dog Boys respectively, a sergeant and a Psi-Stalker.
Though rare, some Dog Boys do defect or desert from the Coalition, and there are even now Dog Boy litters born into freedom. And a few who become insane feral monsters, but that happens to people all the time in RIFTS.
As previously mentioned, a large number of Psi-Stalkers have become somewhat civilized and settled in the Coalition. They are prized for their ability to ferret out hidden mages and psychics, but reviled for being savage mutants, and just plan creepy besides.
They traditionally lead Dog Packs doing internal security or scouting, and are seconded to other Coalition forces as needed. They have made some progress on acceptance, but nothing like what the Dog Boys have. They usually wear typical CS armor, plus a spiked helmet and PSI emblazoned on the left shoulder/breast, showing their status as detectors and enforcers.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- gigabytelord
- Padawan Learner
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
I still prefer Monkey Boys, because nothing tops being able to play a gunslinger chimp who wears a top hat and monocle, while speaking with a terrible British accent.
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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- Location: Ocularis Terribus.
Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
...and there are also Monkey Boys, Cat People and assorted other crimes against nature. Nothing tops a gunslinging faux-British ape? We haven't yet come to my favored RCC class.gigabytelord wrote:I still prefer Monkey Boys, because nothing tops being able to play a gunslinger chimp who wears a top hat and monocle, while speaking with a terrible British accent.
In search for more things to handle the tasks too hazardous for humans, the Coalition started using combat robotics 7 years ago. Skelebots are quite strong and heavily armored, though less so than many Combat Cyborgs. Skelebot squads are in continuous contact with each other via scrambled radio. Their onboard computers include a vast library of infantry tactics, as well as the identification and weaknesses of over 2000 hostile alien, D-Bee and monster forms. They are also familiar with Coalition protocols, insignia, units, major bases etc. Though they're usually just programmed to kill everything that isn't human, they are also not to attack any target that hasn't been positively identified as nonhuman.
Skelebot squads are almost always under direct human supervision via their squad leader, who usually wears power armor. They can understand American just fine, but cannot verbally speak except to say a handful of pre-recorded phrases: AFFIRMATIVE, NEGATIVE, ERROR, DOES NOT COMPUTE, HALT, IDENTIFY, FREEZE, LOWER YOUR WEAPONS, EVACUATE THE AREA and BE SILENT. They also have an evil mechanical chuckle.
Skelebots can run at speeds of up to 90 mph and do not tire. They run off a nuclear power source, like most CS tech. They are typically armed with the CV-212 variable laser from the Dead Boy entry, but are capable of using all non-railgun CS weaponry. They also have a retractable vibro-sword blade in the forearm.
Skelebots have IR, light-amp, and thermal imaging. They can use telescopic lenses to see as far as two miles out. They have an internal radar unit with a two mile range that can track up to 24 targets 500 ft or higher in the air.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4854
- Joined: 2011-04-22 11:04pm
- Location: Ocularis Terribus.
Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Wilderness Scouts
... are pretty much rangers. The CS needs people with woodcraft for when sending legions of jack-booted thugs stomping through the underbrush is counterproductive. Quebec used to provide the Coalition's best Wilderness Scouts, but now they all work solely for Quebec.
Coalition Commandos
Are so sneaky they barely get a mention.
Technical Specialists
Fix things, mostly. This is the category for the Coalition Army's mechanics, combat engineers and medics. The skilled professionals.
Coalition Sky Cycle
A flying motorcycle. Taxiing on the ground it only does 40 mph and doesn't steer all that well. In the air it has a top speed of 520 mph (830 kph) and a flight ceiling of 5,000 feet (1.5 km.) Though cruising speed is more like 150 mph (240 kph) and it can't hover or do other VTOL tricks above 2,000 feet. Like everything else the Coalition uses, the sky cycle has a nuclear power source that needs refueling once every twenty years or so. If you go above the cruising speed the jets can overheat in a day or so, but the cycle has effectively unlimited range at cruising speed or with rest stops.

The cycle is designed for urban combat and patrol, though it is used for most aerial recon. The cycle has radar and is armed with a twin-barreled heavy laser turret (90 degree arc) right beneath the skull-face, 20 mini-missiles in two side pods, and 6 shots of smokescreen and/or tear-gas.
Another design once used by the US army (though IIRC it was largely Japanese designed and produced) the 8-foot tall, 350 lbs, PA-06 SAMAS (Strategic Air Mobile Assault Suit) or "Sammy" has become the signature power armor of the Coalition. It's not the heaviest suit of armor, nor does it have the biggest gun (both those distinctions belong to the Glitter Boy) but it's exceptionally mobile.

The SAMAS suit can do a 60 mph (90 kph) run and leap 15 feet high or long without assist. With thrusters that's up to 100 ft high, 200 long. But mostly? SAMAS is the power armor that flies. The flight seems to be hover-tech based, though if the wings are damaged it can't fly. The suit has a flight ceiling of 500 ft (150 m) and a max speed of 300 mph (480 kph.) Nuclear power source, but the suit needs to stop and cool it's jets every 20 hours of cruising speed or 10 hours at max. The suit can hover and turn on the proverbial dime, flying and fighting through even heavy forests.
You can also throw them out of an aircraft at higher altitudes and they recover when they get close to the ground.

The SAMAS is light on integral armament. A single gauntlet (usually the left) contains two mini-missiles. That's it. SAMAS troopers are usually issued a CR-40 railgun (pictured) which is no Boom Gun, but fires 40 round bursts that can saw most armored troops in two and give even dragons and sea serpents a headache. Railgun ammo comes in drums of 2000 round, or 50 bursts. However, while that's the standard SAMAS can also use plasma cannon, heavy lasers, mini-missile launchers, and chainguns depending on the mission or simple availability.
Naturally, the SAMAS also uses radar, and is a full enviromental suit.
Recently, the PA-06 is being phased out to security, police and rear duty areas in favor of newer SAMAS variants. You have the fast recon "Smiling Jack" SAMAS, the stealthy "Striker" SAMAS, the submersible Sea SAMAS, the Super SAMAS made to fight dragons, and even Free Quebec has a new Violater SAMAS (V-SAMAS) built for air superiority and winning dogfights against other sammies.
Okay, that about does it for Coalition infantry, even if that's sort of debatable for the cycle and sammies. I guess that must make the Coalition armor next.
... are pretty much rangers. The CS needs people with woodcraft for when sending legions of jack-booted thugs stomping through the underbrush is counterproductive. Quebec used to provide the Coalition's best Wilderness Scouts, but now they all work solely for Quebec.
Coalition Commandos
Are so sneaky they barely get a mention.
Technical Specialists
Fix things, mostly. This is the category for the Coalition Army's mechanics, combat engineers and medics. The skilled professionals.
Coalition Sky Cycle
A flying motorcycle. Taxiing on the ground it only does 40 mph and doesn't steer all that well. In the air it has a top speed of 520 mph (830 kph) and a flight ceiling of 5,000 feet (1.5 km.) Though cruising speed is more like 150 mph (240 kph) and it can't hover or do other VTOL tricks above 2,000 feet. Like everything else the Coalition uses, the sky cycle has a nuclear power source that needs refueling once every twenty years or so. If you go above the cruising speed the jets can overheat in a day or so, but the cycle has effectively unlimited range at cruising speed or with rest stops.
The cycle is designed for urban combat and patrol, though it is used for most aerial recon. The cycle has radar and is armed with a twin-barreled heavy laser turret (90 degree arc) right beneath the skull-face, 20 mini-missiles in two side pods, and 6 shots of smokescreen and/or tear-gas.
Another design once used by the US army (though IIRC it was largely Japanese designed and produced) the 8-foot tall, 350 lbs, PA-06 SAMAS (Strategic Air Mobile Assault Suit) or "Sammy" has become the signature power armor of the Coalition. It's not the heaviest suit of armor, nor does it have the biggest gun (both those distinctions belong to the Glitter Boy) but it's exceptionally mobile.

The SAMAS suit can do a 60 mph (90 kph) run and leap 15 feet high or long without assist. With thrusters that's up to 100 ft high, 200 long. But mostly? SAMAS is the power armor that flies. The flight seems to be hover-tech based, though if the wings are damaged it can't fly. The suit has a flight ceiling of 500 ft (150 m) and a max speed of 300 mph (480 kph.) Nuclear power source, but the suit needs to stop and cool it's jets every 20 hours of cruising speed or 10 hours at max. The suit can hover and turn on the proverbial dime, flying and fighting through even heavy forests.
You can also throw them out of an aircraft at higher altitudes and they recover when they get close to the ground.
The SAMAS is light on integral armament. A single gauntlet (usually the left) contains two mini-missiles. That's it. SAMAS troopers are usually issued a CR-40 railgun (pictured) which is no Boom Gun, but fires 40 round bursts that can saw most armored troops in two and give even dragons and sea serpents a headache. Railgun ammo comes in drums of 2000 round, or 50 bursts. However, while that's the standard SAMAS can also use plasma cannon, heavy lasers, mini-missile launchers, and chainguns depending on the mission or simple availability.
Naturally, the SAMAS also uses radar, and is a full enviromental suit.
Recently, the PA-06 is being phased out to security, police and rear duty areas in favor of newer SAMAS variants. You have the fast recon "Smiling Jack" SAMAS, the stealthy "Striker" SAMAS, the submersible Sea SAMAS, the Super SAMAS made to fight dragons, and even Free Quebec has a new Violater SAMAS (V-SAMAS) built for air superiority and winning dogfights against other sammies.
Okay, that about does it for Coalition infantry, even if that's sort of debatable for the cycle and sammies. I guess that must make the Coalition armor next.
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- Ahriman238
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Coalition Spider Skull Walker
The Coalition's scout walker, like an AT-ST or a Sentinel(40K.) By now you may have noticed a common motif to the Coalition aesthetic, can you guess what it may be?

The Spider Skull is 30 ft (about 9 m) and can travel up to 80 mph, can't jump but can skitter pretty quickly up sharp inclines and over heaps of rubble. It also has room in the back for up to 6 troopers, so in addition to recon and heavy weapons support, it can ferry men across rough terrain in small numbers, or with multiple trips.
Nuclear power source, as always. Say what you want about the Coalition's human and inhuman rights record, but you can't fault their commitment to clean energy.

The two large guns on either side are railguns, again no patch on a Boom Gun, that fire 80 round bursts and have ammo for 250 bursts each. You may also notice two twin-heavy laser turrets, one under the chin and one on the top rear.
There is also a larger submersible version used by the Navy. It has a dozen mini-torpedoes, can walk along the bottom as well as use it's engines. It has room for twice as many men (12) with all the hatches converted to airlocks, and is fine to a depth of 1.2 miles (2 km.)
The Coalition's scout walker, like an AT-ST or a Sentinel(40K.) By now you may have noticed a common motif to the Coalition aesthetic, can you guess what it may be?
The Spider Skull is 30 ft (about 9 m) and can travel up to 80 mph, can't jump but can skitter pretty quickly up sharp inclines and over heaps of rubble. It also has room in the back for up to 6 troopers, so in addition to recon and heavy weapons support, it can ferry men across rough terrain in small numbers, or with multiple trips.
Nuclear power source, as always. Say what you want about the Coalition's human and inhuman rights record, but you can't fault their commitment to clean energy.

The two large guns on either side are railguns, again no patch on a Boom Gun, that fire 80 round bursts and have ammo for 250 bursts each. You may also notice two twin-heavy laser turrets, one under the chin and one on the top rear.
There is also a larger submersible version used by the Navy. It has a dozen mini-torpedoes, can walk along the bottom as well as use it's engines. It has room for twice as many men (12) with all the hatches converted to airlocks, and is fine to a depth of 1.2 miles (2 km.)
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- CaptainChewbacca
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
I loved that about the Coalition. New weapons system? Can we put skulls on it anywhere?
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

- Ahriman238
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
You'd think there'd be some things that simply made that impractical, say tanks.CaptainChewbacca wrote:I loved that about the Coalition. New weapons system? Can we put skulls on it anywhere?

Or not, what about an AA gun? Hard to put skulls on that.
Crap. How about Mecha, they're already too absurd for many impractical flourishes.

Ok, thinking about this. I seem to recall an APC that wasn't skull-bedecked, albeit one with more firepower than a few tanks. I recall correctly, it's this one! The Mark V!
Oh. That was an older edition and has since been replaced with the Mark VI-

and the Mk VII.

How about aircraft? Sure they can paint as many skulls as they like on them, but the shape must be determined by aerodynamics.
You know, I can't put my finger on it, but I have an indefinable sense that maybe the Coalition are supposed to be the bad guys.
EDIT: I couldn't find any online pictures of the skull-faced Coalition submarine. Be assured that it exists.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- Connor MacLeod
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Well the Coalition are technically the 'bad guys', but I'd say thats oversimplifying things a bit, at least if you go by the discussions 'behind the scenes' of them. And even Prosek isn't evil in the manner, say, that Emperor Paplatine (aka Cackling Hobgoblin) is (mutsache-twirling evil variety). Which in a way makes things more horrible - he's shown to be a loving, caring father type who had a family he cared for... who is also a tyrant and megalomaniac and bigot (pro humanity.) It's actually much more plausible sounding than the Imperium of Man is typically handled in the 40K Codex fluff (which hasn't played up the 'gray area' aspect since oh, 2nd edition or so I think?)
- Ahriman238
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Yes and no. I know, I say that a lot. A lot of Coalition citizens are swell guys, but the high-echelons, command and the Executive Council are all corrupt, amoral, insane or any combination thereof. Yes, the Emperor loves his family and dogs, and his son, who is as ruthless and ambitious as any man ever has been, would never dream of hastening his ascension to the throne. This doesn't mean they're great people, just that they're more complex than Snidely Whiplash. The Coalition is in no small part a product of their time, and in their time there are myriad threats to human life and approaching the unknown with absurd amounts of firepower is only prudent.Connor MacLeod wrote:Well the Coalition are technically the 'bad guys', but I'd say thats oversimplifying things a bit, at least if you go by the discussions 'behind the scenes' of them. And even Prosek isn't evil in the manner, say, that Emperor Paplatine (aka Cackling Hobgoblin) is (mutsache-twirling evil variety). Which in a way makes things more horrible - he's shown to be a loving, caring father type who had a family he cared for... who is also a tyrant and megalomaniac and bigot (pro humanity.) It's actually much more plausible sounding than the Imperium of Man is typically handled in the 40K Codex fluff (which hasn't played up the 'gray area' aspect since oh, 2nd edition or so I think?)
The Coalition is a horrible police state that does horrible things to outsiders and not infrequently to their own people. The CS is attempting genocide on a vast scale, practices slavery, vivisection and horrible genetic experiments. They have a twenty year plan to conquer all of human-habitated North America. And yet, the Coalition is the largest human government yet around, and they've done more to ensure humanity's survival and continued relevance in an increasingly alien Earth than anyone.
The Coalition keeps the masses uneducated, and can thus be argued to keep them poor, reserving real knowledge and skills for the privileged few. Yet those same privileged few will be the first to argue that the Coalition needs to protect all it's citizenry from threats foreign and domestic, not merely as a fig leaf, but because that's what the CS was founded to do.
The Coalition is an incredibly militaristic society, on damn near a total war economy, with the largest army (over 1 million men) of any human faction or kingdom. Which is why the Coalition, and perhaps all NA human civilization survives.
While other groups (the NGR and rival D-Bee empires in particular) throw around tactical nukes with abandon, the Coalition is the only faction in the world, human or otherwise, to produce and stockpile strategic nuclear weapons and ICBMs. They keep them because the High Command believes a nuclear deterrent is the only thing forestalling a massive invasion from Atlantis, they may not be wrong either.
So it goes. The Coalition government is motivated primarily by greed and lust for power, but this doesn't always touch the grunts or even middle management. Even so, most of the evil acts of the Coalition have positive effects along with the negative. The good doesn't erase the bad or vice versa, it just is. The Coalition is built on the principle that it can protect it's people form the horrors that come out of the Rifts, and so they will to the best of their ability, even as they restrict the freedoms of these people in the name of security.
Case in point, the NGR, who remember Hitler and the Nazis quite well thank you, are definitely disturbed by the similarities, and Emperor Prosek's open admiration of Hitler. The result is that they are only reluctant trading partners and allies to the Coalition.
As far as evil factions in RIFTS goes, the Coalition isn't even in the top 20. If we restrict it to human factions... they're probably in the top ten, but certainly not the top 5. I still have no hesitation in labeling them evil, because that's what most of the Coalition's actions objectively are, but I do accept it's not really that simple.
Of the infantry groups I listed, all but the skelebots have rules and stats for being player characters. It's entirely possible to play a whole campaign as Coalition troops, and explore their society. Maybe defect, maybe try to change it from within, even embrace the darker side of the CS. It's one of the few things I regret not doing when I had a group.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- CaptainChewbacca
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Really? Not in the top 5 evil human factions on RIFTS earth? Could you name 5 that are worse that are bigger than criminal gangs?
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker

- gigabytelord
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Mindwerks :pCaptainChewbacca wrote:Really? Not in the top 5 evil human factions on RIFTS earth? Could you name 5 that are worse that are bigger than criminal gangs?
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
My dear Wookie, I can name five groups worse than the Coailition from a single sourcebook, Warlords of Russia. But if you don't like, I'll be charitable and count that as one, Orlov if you need a name.CaptainChewbacca wrote:Really? Not in the top 5 evil human factions on RIFTS earth? Could you name 5 that are worse that are bigger than criminal gangs?
I would argue that the "True" Federation of Magic under Alistair Dunscon is worse than the Coalition, as the Coalition leadership at least want humanity to survive and protect their people, Dunscon the younger just wants revenge. Plus all the torture and demon-raising. I'm aware it's a debatable point, but I consider them worse.
The Nexus Knights of Merlin (Zazshan) the human ones anyway. All of the police state brutality of the Coalition, with the added benefit of selling out humanity to Zazshan.
The Sunaj. Just the Sunaj. Each and every one a murderer and a traitor of the worst sort.
But, to my thinking, the number one human evil in RIFTS is Zhao Zheng, the Reborn First Emperor of China. There's a reason his realm is known as the 11th hell.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- Crossroads Inc.
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
My favorite faction in RIFTS?
Yeah, if anyone saves humanity it will be "him"

Yeah, if anyone saves humanity it will be "him"
Praying is another way of doing nothing helpful
"Congratulations, you get a cookie. You almost got a fundamental English word correct." Pick
"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan
Read "Tales From The Crossroads"!
Read "One Wrong Turn"!
"Congratulations, you get a cookie. You almost got a fundamental English word correct." Pick
"Outlaw star has spaceships that punch eachother" Joviwan
Read "Tales From The Crossroads"!
Read "One Wrong Turn"!
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
People keep saying things that require explanation. Remember part of the reason for this thread is to introduce the universe to people who haven't messed around in it before. The other part, of course is to get all this information in one place as a resource.Crossroads Inc. wrote:My favorite faction in RIFTS?
Yeah, if anyone saves humanity it will be "him"
ARCHIE-3 is a slightly mad computer the Army used to use to design weapons. It is now the "man behind the man" of the North Michigan kingdom of Ishpenning, and the major arms manufacturer Northern Gun.
Coalition Enforcer
The first of the Coalition's mecha is the UAR-1 (Urban Assault Robot) Enforcer. Standing 20 feet tall (umm, 6 meters?) and weighing in at 18 tons, it's sort of the runt of the giant mecha crowd. Actually, I'm amused to have just realized it's significantly shorter than the Spider Skull.
Still, this robot is kept in service for a number of reasons. It has become iconic as the symbol of law enforcement within Coalition cities, has very simple controls that make it a wonderful bot for first time pilots, and it's the only Coalition mecha small and light enough to be airlifted wherever it's needed. You really can't underestimate the value of that last.

Okay, abilities. The Enforcer can make a running speed of 60 mph (96 kph) and go 15 ft high/wide on a standing jump, 10 more with a running start. If that doesn't sound like much, it's an 18 ton bipedal robot. It's ability to take punishment is... almost half that of a Glitter Boy.
If you direct your gaze to the picture, you'll notice a number of irregularities about the shoulder area. The right shoulder has a railgun that gets it's own number (C-50R) but is pretty much the same weapon as the Spider Skull's railgun, same damage and range, 80 round bursts and ammo for 250 bursts. The left has a medium missile launcher with 6 missiles, 80 mile (128 km) range and payload options of HE, Plasma, and cluster bomb. The shoulders themselves each contain 5 short-range (5 mile) missiles with the same payload options. Urban warfare pretty much means indiscriminate destruction right? Atop each shoulder is a laser turret similar to the ones in Sky Cycles and Spider Skulls. There's also a mini missile launcher in the torso with 20 missiles, for a grand total of 36 missiles of varying size and payload.
Other features include a 5-shot smoke/tear-gas dispenser on the right leg, a spotlight and video camera on the chest (cop robots record everything, ditto the military) and knuckle spikes for punching other giant robots. Also note the sensor tower left and behind the head, it's the only major weakness, if you take it out the targeting computers are useless. Alas, no mortal weapon can disable it's most potent weapon, the disapproving look.

You just know someone studied a photo of Bismarck to get it just right.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Mark V APC
Wasn't expecting to do this one, but it's in the new main sourcebook, so here it is. The premier, for a time the only, APC of the Coalition. The Mk. V.

Carry capacity is 20 infantry, or 6 SAMAS, or 3 Sky Cycles. Or any combination that will fit, i.e 14 men and 2 SAMAS, or 4 power armor and 2 cycles. Access is via the side or front door/ramp, or the three roof hatches. Nuclear power source, as ever, 20+ years between refueling. Top speed of 90 mph (144 kph) the APC is also amphibious but is restricted to a third it's normal speed while crossing water.
The APC is armored as heavily as the Enforcer Robot.
The Mk V is armed with a SAMAS railgun set in a turret with a 250 burst (10,000 round) magazine, 2 forward mounted autocannon with 30 rounds each, 2 forward mounted mini-missile launchers with 20 missiles apiece, 1 large dual laser turret towards the rear, 4 light laser turrets (2 on each side) and the standard smoke/tear-gas screen with 20 shots. Oh, and 3 pintle mounts for heavy weapons, one at each hatch.
Do recall that this is now the lesser armed of the Coalition's APCs.
Wasn't expecting to do this one, but it's in the new main sourcebook, so here it is. The premier, for a time the only, APC of the Coalition. The Mk. V.
Carry capacity is 20 infantry, or 6 SAMAS, or 3 Sky Cycles. Or any combination that will fit, i.e 14 men and 2 SAMAS, or 4 power armor and 2 cycles. Access is via the side or front door/ramp, or the three roof hatches. Nuclear power source, as ever, 20+ years between refueling. Top speed of 90 mph (144 kph) the APC is also amphibious but is restricted to a third it's normal speed while crossing water.
The APC is armored as heavily as the Enforcer Robot.
The Mk V is armed with a SAMAS railgun set in a turret with a 250 burst (10,000 round) magazine, 2 forward mounted autocannon with 30 rounds each, 2 forward mounted mini-missile launchers with 20 missiles apiece, 1 large dual laser turret towards the rear, 4 light laser turrets (2 on each side) and the standard smoke/tear-gas screen with 20 shots. Oh, and 3 pintle mounts for heavy weapons, one at each hatch.
Do recall that this is now the lesser armed of the Coalition's APCs.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Death's Head Transport
Not that there aren't already a ton of things called Death's Head or Skull in the CS already.
The core of the Coalition's defensive, and sometimes offensive, strategy is the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) a group of 4 divisions (which in the CS means 6,000 men) always on standby to be airlifted anywhere within the old CONUS within 48 hours. They be deployed as companies to check up on towns that lost contact or reinforce a sagging front, or the full 24,000 men may descend on a target (the standing plan should the CS reliably find a major city in the Magic Zone.) And the center of this strategy is the capabilities of the Death's Head Transport.

The Death's Head is the size of a football field (American Football, you Yurpean heretics) 300 feet long, 100 feet wide, and 75 feet tall. It is capable of Mach 1 flight, though cruising speed appears to be 350 mph (560 kph) with a flight ceiling of 40,000 feet (approx 12,000 m.) It is capable of hover (up to 2000 ft) VTOL and spinning in place. The large disc on the underside can detach and fly under it's own power, but lacks the speed and altitude capabilities of the main body, which will lose VTOL, hover and much of it's maneuverability. It has, need I say it? A nuclear power source. Jets need cooling after 20 hours above cruising speed, unlimited flight time at cruising speed or with rest stops.
The Death's Head's armor is 4x heavier than that of the Enforcer or Mk. V APC. It is armed with 6 heavy laser turrets (3 to a side) a turret with 2 heavy railguns (C-2000DH) that fire 100 round bursts, has ammo for 400 bursts, and out-ranges every other railgun in the game by nearly a factor of 3. It also has 2 missile launchers with the usual payload options, an 80 mile range and 10 missiles, as well as 12 shots of the usual smoke/tear-gas screen. The craft has very good thermal imaging, IR and ultraviolet and Enhanced Radar, which means a 200 mile (320 km) range and the ability to track up to 192 targets.
However, the DH really gets involved in battles directly, mostly ferrying troops around, and sometimes hanging out high above the conflict to provide overwatch, coordination and perhaps occasional heavy weapons support. A DH is a significant investment of resources, and their commanders are expected not to risk them needlessly.
The standard RDF strike force a Death's Head carries will have 136 infantry (Dead and/or Dog Boys) 2 APCs, 12 SAMAS, 2 Enforcer 'bots, and a Spider Skull Walker for recon/heavy weapons. In this case, the DH will have food and water for about a month.
When a very heavy and mobile force is required (i.e. Monster-Hunting) they'll use much the same formation, but ditch all but 40 infantry (enough to fit in the APCs) to make room for another 32 SAMAS. Making the final count 40 infantry, 2 APCs, 44 SAMAS, 2 Enforcers and a Spider Skull. The loss of most infantry can stretch the supplies out a lot.
On the other side of the scale, if the robots and vehicles are removed the DH can carry 384 infantry, but even in a "pure infantry" configuration will almost always have the 12 SAMAS and the Spider Skull. In this configuration, onboard supplies will hold out for maybe a week and a half without rationing.
Or as another alternative, frequently used to patrol long stretches of CS border, the DH can act as a mobile airbase for a strong company of 140 SAMAS. When the Sammies need to get out and patrol a bit, or hit a target, they can simply jump. The DH never has to land, and they can stay out a month, which is usually as long as these patrols last anyway. The only hitch is the need to drop to 500 feet and less than 300 mph to collect their lost little birds.
Not that there aren't already a ton of things called Death's Head or Skull in the CS already.
The core of the Coalition's defensive, and sometimes offensive, strategy is the Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) a group of 4 divisions (which in the CS means 6,000 men) always on standby to be airlifted anywhere within the old CONUS within 48 hours. They be deployed as companies to check up on towns that lost contact or reinforce a sagging front, or the full 24,000 men may descend on a target (the standing plan should the CS reliably find a major city in the Magic Zone.) And the center of this strategy is the capabilities of the Death's Head Transport.

The Death's Head is the size of a football field (American Football, you Yurpean heretics) 300 feet long, 100 feet wide, and 75 feet tall. It is capable of Mach 1 flight, though cruising speed appears to be 350 mph (560 kph) with a flight ceiling of 40,000 feet (approx 12,000 m.) It is capable of hover (up to 2000 ft) VTOL and spinning in place. The large disc on the underside can detach and fly under it's own power, but lacks the speed and altitude capabilities of the main body, which will lose VTOL, hover and much of it's maneuverability. It has, need I say it? A nuclear power source. Jets need cooling after 20 hours above cruising speed, unlimited flight time at cruising speed or with rest stops.
The Death's Head's armor is 4x heavier than that of the Enforcer or Mk. V APC. It is armed with 6 heavy laser turrets (3 to a side) a turret with 2 heavy railguns (C-2000DH) that fire 100 round bursts, has ammo for 400 bursts, and out-ranges every other railgun in the game by nearly a factor of 3. It also has 2 missile launchers with the usual payload options, an 80 mile range and 10 missiles, as well as 12 shots of the usual smoke/tear-gas screen. The craft has very good thermal imaging, IR and ultraviolet and Enhanced Radar, which means a 200 mile (320 km) range and the ability to track up to 192 targets.
However, the DH really gets involved in battles directly, mostly ferrying troops around, and sometimes hanging out high above the conflict to provide overwatch, coordination and perhaps occasional heavy weapons support. A DH is a significant investment of resources, and their commanders are expected not to risk them needlessly.
The standard RDF strike force a Death's Head carries will have 136 infantry (Dead and/or Dog Boys) 2 APCs, 12 SAMAS, 2 Enforcer 'bots, and a Spider Skull Walker for recon/heavy weapons. In this case, the DH will have food and water for about a month.
When a very heavy and mobile force is required (i.e. Monster-Hunting) they'll use much the same formation, but ditch all but 40 infantry (enough to fit in the APCs) to make room for another 32 SAMAS. Making the final count 40 infantry, 2 APCs, 44 SAMAS, 2 Enforcers and a Spider Skull. The loss of most infantry can stretch the supplies out a lot.
On the other side of the scale, if the robots and vehicles are removed the DH can carry 384 infantry, but even in a "pure infantry" configuration will almost always have the 12 SAMAS and the Spider Skull. In this configuration, onboard supplies will hold out for maybe a week and a half without rationing.
Or as another alternative, frequently used to patrol long stretches of CS border, the DH can act as a mobile airbase for a strong company of 140 SAMAS. When the Sammies need to get out and patrol a bit, or hit a target, they can simply jump. The DH never has to land, and they can stay out a month, which is usually as long as these patrols last anyway. The only hitch is the need to drop to 500 feet and less than 300 mph to collect their lost little birds.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud
- Ahriman238
- Sith Marauder
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- Joined: 2011-04-22 11:04pm
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Re: Bit of Analysis: Rifts
Black Lightning
Coalition attack/transport helicopter. It's pretty much a Black Hawk with a laser turret and skull on the nose.
Coalition Artillery
Doesn't get a lot of love in the regular books, but it's there. The Coalition primarily uses mortars and howitzers based on a railgun principle. They still throw explosive shells (or plasma, or cluster bombs) they just do it a bit faster, further and higher.
Living in a world with giant monsters, demons, dragons etc. has really convinced the Coalition of the virtues of heavy artillery.
SAMAS Variants
Smiling Jack is the primary replacement for the traditional SAMAS. Aside from complying with the new Coalition look, which does a lot to improve peripheral vision, Jack is mostly different in how they bulked up the flight pack, added a bunch of thrusters. Because of these, Smiling Jack is a lot more agile in the air, and has an absolute flight ceiling of 6,000 feet (1800 m) though their recommended ceiling is 4,000 feet (1200 m) they also added 6 mini-missiles to the wings.

Now the Super SAMAS is designed to handle heavy targets, like Dragons or Glitter Boys. The Super Sammie is bigger (10 ft tall, 2.5 tons) and more heavily armored than any previous SAMAS, and with it's power and larger flight pack (removable now) it has a max flight speed of 500 mph (800 kph) a cruising speed of 200 mph (320 kph) and a flight ceiling of 16,000 feet (4800 m.) The jets need to cool every 8 hours of max speed, 16 hours of cruising. Running speed is 40 mph with the pack on, 60 with it off. The flight pack accounts for half the suits weight and it is not possible to make a non-rocket assisted jump with it on. Without it's 20 ft high/across.

A Super Sammie is armed with two laser/plasma guns (the pilot chooses which to fire) in the flight pack. The two guns can be aimed and fired independently. This system is fed by the suit's nuclear (what else?) generator and have effectively unlimited ammo. The suit gauntlets contain mini-grenade launchers that fire micro-fusion grenades, but if needed can also fire regular rifle grenades. Either has a blast radius of six feet, it's mostly the damage dealt that's different. The suit carries 80 grenades, 40 in each arm. It also has 3 vibro-blades on each arm to slash out at passing aircraft/winged creatures/other flying power armor.

The main weakness of the Super SAMAS is if it loses the weapon it's issued, all the built in ones are sort of medium-short range. The lasers can touch you at 2,000 ft (610 m) the plasma at 1600 (488 m) and the grenade launcher at 1000 ft (300 m.) Also, the suit costs as much as 5 of the old school or Smiling Jack Sammies.
Coalition attack/transport helicopter. It's pretty much a Black Hawk with a laser turret and skull on the nose.
Coalition Artillery
Doesn't get a lot of love in the regular books, but it's there. The Coalition primarily uses mortars and howitzers based on a railgun principle. They still throw explosive shells (or plasma, or cluster bombs) they just do it a bit faster, further and higher.
Living in a world with giant monsters, demons, dragons etc. has really convinced the Coalition of the virtues of heavy artillery.
SAMAS Variants
Smiling Jack is the primary replacement for the traditional SAMAS. Aside from complying with the new Coalition look, which does a lot to improve peripheral vision, Jack is mostly different in how they bulked up the flight pack, added a bunch of thrusters. Because of these, Smiling Jack is a lot more agile in the air, and has an absolute flight ceiling of 6,000 feet (1800 m) though their recommended ceiling is 4,000 feet (1200 m) they also added 6 mini-missiles to the wings.

Now the Super SAMAS is designed to handle heavy targets, like Dragons or Glitter Boys. The Super Sammie is bigger (10 ft tall, 2.5 tons) and more heavily armored than any previous SAMAS, and with it's power and larger flight pack (removable now) it has a max flight speed of 500 mph (800 kph) a cruising speed of 200 mph (320 kph) and a flight ceiling of 16,000 feet (4800 m.) The jets need to cool every 8 hours of max speed, 16 hours of cruising. Running speed is 40 mph with the pack on, 60 with it off. The flight pack accounts for half the suits weight and it is not possible to make a non-rocket assisted jump with it on. Without it's 20 ft high/across.

A Super Sammie is armed with two laser/plasma guns (the pilot chooses which to fire) in the flight pack. The two guns can be aimed and fired independently. This system is fed by the suit's nuclear (what else?) generator and have effectively unlimited ammo. The suit gauntlets contain mini-grenade launchers that fire micro-fusion grenades, but if needed can also fire regular rifle grenades. Either has a blast radius of six feet, it's mostly the damage dealt that's different. The suit carries 80 grenades, 40 in each arm. It also has 3 vibro-blades on each arm to slash out at passing aircraft/winged creatures/other flying power armor.

The main weakness of the Super SAMAS is if it loses the weapon it's issued, all the built in ones are sort of medium-short range. The lasers can touch you at 2,000 ft (610 m) the plasma at 1600 (488 m) and the grenade launcher at 1000 ft (300 m.) Also, the suit costs as much as 5 of the old school or Smiling Jack Sammies.
"Any plan which requires the direct intervention of any deity to work can be assumed to be a very poor one."- Newbiespud