For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Grumman »

Scrib wrote:Huh. I was just reading the summary and it made it sound as if he was pandering to the pro-life crowd. My mistake.
It's quite a while since I saw it, but I got the impression that it was a deliberate ploy on Baltar's part. He told Roslin the statistic that would make her switch from pro-choice ("We have been through this. Abortion was legal under colonial law before the attacks, and so it is still legal today. ") to pro-life, in order to create an opening for his own Presidential run.

It's Roslin's own fault, of course: her new position makes no sense even if Baltar's statistic is correct. If humanity is going to die within eighteen years it's because they are losing entire ships, not just the people on board.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Crazedwraith »

711 As I recall, Roslin was anti abortion. The girl had an abortion because the doctor just went ahead and did it, and then dared them to put him in jail. And I never put Roslin far from the religious fanatics at all. Her closest advisor was the Gemenon priest, and she based policy decisions on hallucinations that matched passages in a scripture. Hardly a hyper rationalist taking nothing on faith.
Err. No. Roslin was pro-choice and mentioned a history of campaigning for it. She didn't want to outlaw abortion but Baltar convinced her it was good for the population of the fleet because the human race needed babies to survive and avoid an aging fleet population.

Then he masterfully backstabbed her and used the backlash against the move (as well as citing the increased food needs as being unsustainable) to launch his own presidential campiagn.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Alkaloid »

In the specific campaign, I meant. I recall her adviser giving her ominous warnings about the religious types her liked her prophecy stance abandoning her over it if she stayed pro choice.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Crazedwraith »

Oh right. That was actually not her advisor; Who'd died early in the season on Kobol. But the leader of the Gemonese people on the quoroum. And iirc Rosyln basically told her to go screw herself even after she'd fallen in with the anti-abortion stuff (on Baltar's advice) and things remained hostile because she let the girl who'd triggered the issue get the abortion she wanted becuase it happened before she'd annouced the new law.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by JLTucker »

Crazedwraith wrote:The only time I'd ever seen something like 'one year later' before in a tv show was SG-1's 'Absolute Power' which <i>was</i> a dream sequence episode.

Plus there's a massive disconnect between the before and after. The time between the miniseries and that episode was ~7 months. To leap over a year after seeing those seven months left everyone so different that it just didn't feel real. Like I said even though I knew logically there wasn't going to be a reset button, I felt like there should be.
But why would them being different not feel real? They are on a desolate planet in horrible conditions. They are all pissed at Baltar for being a shitty president. They have to create unions to get by. The climate is cold, the ground rough, and it's just a shitty place to live.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Crazedwraith »

Look I'm sorry if my feelings about the show are not logical and regimented enough for you. But that's just how it struck me on first viewing. The swing from 'omg a nuke just went off and blasted the fleet' to 'now its one year later and somehow Baltar survived his nuke going off and blasting his fleet and now Gaeta's a toady, Lee is fat, Adama has pornstache, Starbuck and Tigh are friends' just threw me.

Now yes, some of this makes logical sense and some of this is there just to throw you off and go 'look time jumps makes things different!' It just didn't work for me, that's all.

This is not where the show lost me in the sense that I intentionally ditched it. Though I didn't watch the next couple of seasons on Telly because I'd gone to uni. But it is the moment I first remember realising the writing was not all that it was cracked up to be.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by JLTucker »

Who knew that things can change in a year when given the right conditions? SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF!
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Crazedwraith »

JLTucker wrote:Who knew that things can change in a year when given the right conditions? SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF!
Have you read what I have been writing? I mean really read it? Did I not just say that it was logical and realistic? That the developments of the year did make sense?

I don't mean suspension of disbelief as in 'I no longer beleive this is a realistic story.' I mean it forced me to realise I was watching a television program rather than being carried along by the story I was telling. It popped me out their reality and made me ask 'what the hell are the writers doing here?' for the first time.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by JLTucker »

Crazedwraith wrote:Oh right. That was actually not her advisor; Who'd died early in the season on Kobol. But the leader of the Gemonese people on the quoroum. And iirc Rosyln basically told her to go screw herself even after she'd fallen in with the anti-abortion stuff (on Baltar's advice) and things remained hostile because she let the girl who'd triggered the issue get the abortion she wanted becuase it happened before she'd annouced the new law.
The discussion about this issue is why I love the show. Moral quandaries are prompted and we can discuss them for a extended period of time. I recall the original reaction to the mutiny when it aired and people supporting it. That discussion came back up somewhere else on the forum earlier this year. Then there's Helo stopping what he believed to be genocide. I think that prompted discussion as well. Of course some are handled better than others (like the racist doctor in "The Woman King"), but it still prompted discussion.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Grumman »

JLTucker wrote:Who knew that things can change in a year when given the right conditions? SUSPENSION OF DISBELIEF!
In a year? Things would have changed in a few minutes, once they realised that someone just nuked one of their ships. That's just a horrible place for a timeskip.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Themightytom »

JLTucker wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:Oh right. That was actually not her advisor; Who'd died early in the season on Kobol. But the leader of the Gemonese people on the quoroum. And iirc Rosyln basically told her to go screw herself even after she'd fallen in with the anti-abortion stuff (on Baltar's advice) and things remained hostile because she let the girl who'd triggered the issue get the abortion she wanted becuase it happened before she'd annouced the new law.
The discussion about this issue is why I love the show. Moral quandaries are prompted and we can discuss them for a extended period of time. I recall the original reaction to the mutiny when it aired and people supporting it. That discussion came back up somewhere else on the forum earlier this year. Then there's Helo stopping what he believed to be genocide. I think that prompted discussion as well. Of course some are handled better than others (like the racist doctor in "The Woman King"), but it still prompted discussion.
What are you fucking drunk? This isn't a discussion of moral quandaries, it's a discussion of order of events, I can see EXACTLY why you can't grasp the time skip was a major out of universe moment for most viewers accustomed to incremental change.

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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Scrib »

Beyond that, the mumbo jumbo ghost people bullshit was frustrating only in that it answered no questions at all. It didn't really even give enough evidence to make a guess. I like to imagine head Six and head Baltar are actually the real Six and Baltar who achieved some sort of enlightenment and discovered the meaning of life or something, and then went back in time as head ghosts to drive the plot in the direction it went in. I think it explains the absolute contempt they have for their past selves perfectly. It's also possible I was reading far too much Simon R Green while the show was finishing. Ghost Starbuck on the other hand seemed to exist only to allow the universt to drop one final turd in Apollos lap before the show finished. Yes, it's impossible you are alive and also a corpse in a crashed viper. It's also impossible for that corpse to be the real Starbuck because her viper crashed on an entirely different planet, you silly cow.
Honestly the show (or the writers) took a turn for the worse with Head Baltar. That was the point where the story was blown wide open as RDM put it. But they had no way of resolving it. At that point something supernatural was probably happening,as opposed to being merely very, very weird. This might not have been a problem if Baltar had been a Cylon and there was some explanation but nope. Instead we get more copouts and God nonsense . Starbuck is especially a terrible one because we have NO IDEA what the hell could have happened. At best A wizard did it. Nothing else is worth speculating about. It was basically a meaningless decision. She died for no reason and came back for no reason. Why the hell didn't they just cut the middle part out? Oh, because they needed a blatant Final Five Cylon red herring. Fuck, they could have had that without killing her!

Instead we're meant to believe that God led humanity on to Earth. In which case either humanity fucked up royally or god wants them to repeat the cycle. I still have no fucking idea what that ending was about. Did RDM deliberately recreate the cycle while pretending to be ending it? Because that would be masterful. I just don't have that much faith in him though and the markedly optimistic tone makes me think otherwise.
Last edited by Scrib on 2012-12-03 09:36am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by JLTucker »

Themightytom wrote:What are you fucking drunk? This isn't a discussion of moral quandaries, it's a discussion of order of events, I can see EXACTLY why you can't grasp the time skip was a major out of universe moment for most viewers accustomed to incremental change.
Are you sure? What I quoted has nothing to do with the time jump but instead the entire abortion issue with Roslin. As far as I know, that didn't happen after the time jump. And no, I have no problem with the time skip because I've seen it before and that was far more egregious in terms of length (2001: A Space Odyssey). Both did it admirably. What I do find hilarious is that the show did something different and people are up in arms about it because it's not a traditional storytelling method. crazedwraith admitted that it made sense, but it took him out of the story because it was something different. Unfortunately, I think he and I are operating under different definitions of "suspension of disbelief."
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Crazedwraith »

JLTucker wrote:
Themightytom wrote:What are you fucking drunk? This isn't a discussion of moral quandaries, it's a discussion of order of events, I can see EXACTLY why you can't grasp the time skip was a major out of universe moment for most viewers accustomed to incremental change.
Are you sure? What I quoted has nothing to do with the time jump but instead the entire abortion issue with Roslin. As far as I know, that didn't happen after the time jump. And no, I have no problem with the time skip because I've seen it before and that was far more egregious in terms of length (2001: A Space Odyssey). Both did it admirably. What I do find hilarious is that the show did something different and people are up in arms about it because it's not a traditional storytelling method. crazedwraith admitted that it made sense, but it took him out of the story because it was something different. Unfortunately, I think he and I are operating under different definitions of "suspension of disbelief."
This is entirely true. There were a couple of threads of discussion I've taken part in. Roslin's stance on abortion is one and my responses to JLTucker's questions about my feelings about the time skip is another.

I do also seem to have used SoD in an uncommon sense. Apologies.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Spoonist »

@JLTucker, why are you being snarky? Look at the link I posted, it was clear for the majority of the reviewers, viewers and advertisers not to mention the production itself that it was a sliding slope.

So it doesn't matter whatever it was based on, there were loads and loads of people who like CrazedWraith got their suspension suspended by one thing or another. So why try to defend such production decisions when they obviously led to the demise of the show regardless of what you personally think?

If you look at successes like ST:NG or B5, the writing stepped up a notch after 1-2 season and the following audience grew and grew.

Then regarding your worthwhile dilemma angle. It doesn't matter how intriguing the dilemma(s) was unless the show itself continues to keep getting the audience to come back next week. Its like the multitude of SciFi books over the years with a really cool/provocative/interesting dilemma/twist which still got crap reviews and sales, due to the simple fact that the writing wasn't up to par with the audience. It always boils down to if the audience felt captivated and/or entertained.

If we go by the number and length of discussions then outside of ST&SW that would be Avatar, which I don't think should be chalked up to a watertigtht script.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Guardsman Bass »

I think it's weird that Moore actually went out of his way to say that he wasn't going to explain how the Cylons were tracking the Colonials in "33". Especially since it seemed obvious to me (they had a transmitter in the Olympic Carrier), and would have taken about two seconds. Hell, he could have even left it vague, saying "There was probably a transmitter in the Olympic Carrier".

More messed up was that they waited five days before actually changing the plan. Shouldn't the first six or seven followed jumps have tipped them off that they were somehow being tracked, and that one of their ships might have something in it?
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Mr Bean »

Guardsman Bass wrote:
More messed up was that they waited five days before actually changing the plan. Shouldn't the first six or seven followed jumps have tipped them off that they were somehow being tracked, and that one of their ships might have something in it?
Keep in mind the time scale, both sides have roughly equivalent FTLs and charge speeds. Meaning every ship in the fleet jumps away only to have to instantly get ready to jump again. They jumped from a combat situation directly into another combat situation. The lack of mixing things up is bad but you have to say they first ten jumps they probably just ran.

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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Themightytom »

JLTucker wrote:
Themightytom wrote:What are you fucking drunk? This isn't a discussion of moral quandaries, it's a discussion of order of events, I can see EXACTLY why you can't grasp the time skip was a major out of universe moment for most viewers accustomed to incremental change.
Are you sure? What I quoted has nothing to do with the time jump but instead the entire abortion issue with Roslin.
Um yes. I'm entirely sure Tucker, you posted your little bsgasm in response to this:
Crazedwraith wrote:Oh right. That was actually not her advisor; Who'd died early in the season on Kobol. But the leader of the Gemonese people on the quoroum. And iirc Rosyln basically told her to go screw herself even after she'd fallen in with the anti-abortion stuff (on Baltar's advice) and things remained hostile because she let the girl who'd triggered the issue get the abortion she wanted becuase it happened before she'd annouced the new law.
That's literally a description of events. Does a person have the right to choose or an obligation to contribute to the survival of a species, is Roslin a moral person for superseding her own ethics to promote what she deems is good for the whole fleet? Is Baltar an asshat for advocating pro choice purely to beat her in an election, that was not this discussion.
Crazedwraith wrote:
This is entirely true. There were a couple of threads of discussion I've taken part in. Roslin's stance on abortion is one and my responses to JLTucker's questions about my feelings about the time skip is another.

I do also seem to have used SoD in an uncommon sense. Apologies.
Stay classy CrazedWraith, you're clearly bringing manners and open mindedness to the table here, but I am fairly sure JL is not approaching this subjectively, and is pushing an agenda, as is evident from his other line of discussion. I'm in this thread too, and I object to a hamhanded effort to apologize for what doesn't need apology, if you're willing to be candid about both it's strengths AND weaknesses. The original questions asked were

1. When did the show lose you?
2. From what you've read from behind the scenes commentary, when do you think they lost it? Did it take you long to notice?

1. How many ways can you persuade someone the show never lost them"
2. Assuming the show never lost you, how many ways can you spin failure into gold.
JLTucker wrote:As far as I know, that didn't happen after the time jump.

Is the degree of uncertainty necessary or was that just a trite mimicry of noncommittal speech, we both know Roslin's election took place just before the time jump, the point that eludes you is this:
And no, I have no problem with the time skip because I've seen it before and that was far more egregious in terms of length (2001: A Space Odyssey). Both did it admirably.

circular reasoning that INCLUDES the actual argument? I've... I've never even seen that done before... so you were ok with bsg's time skip because bsg did a time skip?
What I do find hilarious is that the show did something different and people are up in arms about it because it's not a traditional storytelling method. crazedwraith admitted that it made sense, but it took him out of the story because it was something different. Unfortunately, I think he and I are operating under different definitions of "suspension of disbelief."

The show did something lazy. People are up in arms because of THAT, in a thread where we are to specifically discuss what we did not like, try not to lose the context of this discussion, most of us use suspension of disbelief as a minimum requirement, not the building blocks of a story, your definition of suspension of belief clearly includes an "Apologize for any mediocrity" component.

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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by JLTucker »

Themightytom wrote:
JLTucker wrote:And no, I have no problem with the time skip because I've seen it before and that was far more egregious in terms of length (2001: A Space Odyssey). Both did it admirably.
circular reasoning that INCLUDES the actual argument? I've... I've never even seen that done before... so you were ok with bsg's time skip because bsg did a time skip?
No. I was okay with it because I had seen it done elsewhere (reference to 2001) and I do not consider it lazy. I actually thought it was quite cool because I had never seen it done in a television series before and seeing them on that desolate planet and not improving much at all was amazingly depressive. Perhaps my word choice inferred I used circular reasoning, but I in no way meant to convey that BSG's time skip is okay because BSG itself did it. The word "that" may have fell victim along the same lines as Obama's "you didn't build that" remark that falsely enraged people.

Themightytom his right, wraith. There's no need to apologize. You did nothing wrong and perhaps I'm coming across as an asshole. That's not my intention, I assure you.
Spoonist wrote:@JLTucker, why are you being snarky? Look at the link I posted, it was clear for the majority of the reviewers, viewers and advertisers not to mention the production itself that it was a sliding slope.
Why should I care what viewers, critics, and the production think? Why are their opinions at all relevant to my own? They think the show started to slip, the numbers show it did because interest wasn't maintained, but I didn't. I just disliked some of the things the writers chose to do and wish they hadn't.

The reason I am defending the show in this thread is because I think the reasons for why it slipped (note: slipped, not just poor decisions made in a show that I think remained relatively consistent) are unconvincing. You can call me a fanboy, but I only defend what I think needs defending. The "33" complaint, the alleged lack of tracking by the cylons, the "lazy" writing with the time jump, and other things that haven't yet popped up in the thread. I still find some of the things the show did to be pretty horrible, like the final five nonsense and the finale. I never fully understood why the writers felt the need to play up the "final five' mystery as it was certainly boring. To take one of the most least interesting cylons (Diana) and spread her arc over the course of episodes for a stupid mystery is just filler and more proof why 20+ episode seasons suffer from wasted time and filler.

The finale sucks, not because of the thematic elements that work within the context of the series, but because it's all climax and boring action. And yes, the angel shit with Starbuck was annoying, even if it was poorly foreshadowed in Razor. That entire arc with her in season four was pretty bad too because her development was over the minute she died. We saw all of the grieving parties. It felt like complete fan service to me to bring her back. I have a book I bought with a quote from a writer about bringing her back. When I return home, I'll transcribe it because it's funny as hell and shows that the writers had no idea what the hell they were doing and had no plan in sight for the remainder of the series.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by jollyreaper »

El Moose Monstero wrote:The thing my g/f was digging, anthropologist that she is, were the episodes that were exploring the logistics and how people were dealing with it in what was essentially a new society - finding food, water; dealing with jobs, castes, religion; unions, elections, democracy etc. She found them refreshing as they aren't things that most shows can engage with. She did however often come up with way more nuanced solutions to the problems - especially the abortion episode. She decided it was a false premise in that the way to promote population growth did not require to ban abortion, but to promote parenthood with extra perks, better quarters etc.
Agreed. Those parts allowed the situation to drive the drama and it remained interesting. You have all Thea problems in addition to killer robots. How do you deal?

I mean hell, if they had planned this thing out better, you want to show an occupation? How about back on the colonies? There would be survivors. What's happening with them? Maybe there were competing cylon schools of thougt with what to do with humans and each faction gets a colony to play with. The fleet then is presented with the choice of running or joining with a cylon faction that repents the decision to go to war. Maybe the repenting faction was lied into the war, deceived by brothers. Maybe they were told the humans had a super weapon to use against them and they later discover it was a lie, or maybe the weapon is real but invented by cylons for use on cylons, a betrayal where robot becomes owner, what they had rebelled against in the first place.

If robots and spaceships aren't crucial to the story, aren't part of the color, they probably shouldn't be there.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by jollyreaper »

Stark wrote:That's what I think is interesting, because regular people just see the scifi stuff as trappins rather than an end the way nerds can. Sherry is all about how the world changes to face a new threat and how war changes people and produces generations of suffering... And not so much the color coded robits. Quirks of plot and theme are given more importance than 'how many gigatons' or 'tensile strength of e-carbon plz'. If you removed the engaging characters and strong themes but kept the BATTLEPORN FIVE GIGATONS it would only appeal to a small audience.

I guess this is a shame because nBSG tried to sell changing characters.
A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing. Lucas said that and as a child I did not appreciate it. Then he made the prequels and I truly understood.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by JLTucker »

JLTucker wrote:I have a book I bought with a quote from a writer about bringing her back. When I return home, I'll transcribe it because it's funny as hell and shows that the writers had no idea what the hell they were doing and had no plan in sight for the remainder of the series.
As promised:
Rymer: The original ending [of Crossroads, Part II] had Lee rushing into his quarters to find Starbuck standing there. Ron wanted two versions of that scene - one where the Cylons were attacking and there was a blackout, and on without that, in case the Cylon attack was too much. Ron had this vague notion that she was someone who had changed/transmogrified; the analogy was 'Starchild in 2001'. I was concerned about that idea, so we talked about another version where Lee jumps in his new Viper and encounters Starbuck in space. That was the ending on my cut, although we shot the other two versions as well.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Stark »

jollyreaper wrote: A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing. Lucas said that and as a child I did not appreciate it. Then he made the prequels and I truly understood.
I don't think you understand what is being discussed.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by Crazedwraith »


Yeah. The more behind the scenes stuff you see, the more you realise they never had an overall plan and it was all just throwing stuff on screen and see what sticked. I mean Helo for example. Was supposed to die in the miniseries, but they liked the actor's performance too much. That gives you the caprica B plot in the first series, it gives you the half-cylon kid and that' supposed to be a big thing for the over arcing story arc (except it wasn't really in the end) but its only there because... well they didn't want to lose Tahmoh Penikett.

i think the op was right about this basically being Galactica's biggest weakness and I think its a big part of why the last two seasons are so poorly received compared to the first two. In those seasons when weird stuff like the religion or the head angels pop up, you can tell yourself its all part of the plan, the writers know what they're doing and it'll make sense by the end. When the show is clearly winding down and still throwing weird stuff into the mix without resolving it, you can't kid yourself it's not gone off the rails.
Last edited by Crazedwraith on 2012-12-03 02:22pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: For those who feel nuGalactica failed...

Post by jollyreaper »

One other thought. You get away with what you can get away with. The problem with the time jump wasn't the jump itself, it's that I couldn't buy what they did with it. The reason I didn't like the gender swap with Starbuck at first was that it seemed like stunt casting, just for notoriety. Katie did a good job with what she had been given but ultimately was doomed by the writers as being unbelievably hyper-macho while also a basket case.

There's an interesting question about commercial and critical success and pandering to audience expectations. It can feel cheap to just give the drooling fanboys what they're asking for. Yet at the same time, it's also possible to use the "art!" defense to cover shoddy work. It's not that we don't understand what you're about; we do and it's terrible.

When I think of fandoms that have gone malignant, I think gainax and rei sex fetish toys. They wouldn't be making them if they weren't selling.
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