Enigma wrote:Yet, before Mjolnir went to Thor, wasn't there a scene with Odin shedding a tear and saying Thor's name while still unconscious? Something like that?
He sheds a tear after Thor is struck by the Destroyer and dying, indicating he's aware of what's transpiring (perhaps he can still jack into the Destroyer while in the Odinsleep?)
That actually always made me wonder. Thor tells Sif he has a plan and when she has accepted this and left, he simply drops her shield and begins his walk towards the Destroyer. I took from this he had resigned himself
at that point to sacrificing himself, which in theory should have been when Mjolnir began to power up. What if Loki had been more merciful and not struck him? The tear from Odin almost seemed like Odin had thought better of his punishment and revoked it, rather than Thor actually meeting the requirement. Aplogies for the tangent.
What is relevant from that scene though is that Mjolnir visibly breaks the sound barrier returning to Thor so we have a minimum speed it can achieve from its own power. I've not seen Pacific Rim so I'm not sure how durable the kaiju are or if that could penetrate them.
For what it's worth when Stark summons his armour in Iron Man 3 it takes the pieces of his suit 57 seconds (once freed) to get from Tennesse to Miami (832 miles apparently). I'm not math expert but if Stark can build self powered armour components that move that fast (and that is
fast) the kaiju better be insanely tough to go up against a dedicated missile/penetrator rod.
Or to put it another way if Stark is in any way given the time and resources the Jager project was the kaiju are fragged.