Yes we do - he whispered it to her during the S6 finale.Tribble wrote:Incidentally, we still don't know the circumstances which led to River learning the Doctor's true name
Um, Clara didn't single-handedly change the outcome of the Time War. The Moment allowed the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors in through the Time Lock so they could help push the Big Red Button, then Clara said to the three Doctors, "Guys, is this really necessary?" which lead to the War Doctor coming up with the plan to save Gallifrey. Saying that Clara's a Mary Sue for that implies that any other companion would have happily let the Doctors blow up the Time Lords, and then just shrugged their shoulders and let the Doctor be blown to shreds at Trenzalore, which somehow I don't think would be the case.And once again, Clara "Mary Sue" Oswald saves the day. Rose Tyler's stint as a deus ex machina may have been annoying... but at least it was brief. Seriously, she's got nothing on Clara, who is single handily responsible for everything from ret-conning the Time War, to giving the Doctor a new set of regenerations, to even his choice of TARDIS!
As for Clara getting him to choose that particular TARDIS, remember why she was there in the first place - to counteract the Great Intelligence screwing up the Doctor's history. Chances are the Intelligence somehow changed things so that the Doctor would have ended up with an even less reliable TARDIS, or one which he could actually control too well and prevent him randomly stumbling into adventures.