True, but TLT is there to maintain balance. He is RARELY used. Personally, I think he's used as a "reset" button in the case the Marvel authors accidentally made a super powerful character that would just completely own everyone else for free (ie. Thanos w/ IG). This gives them a way out, and lets them remove the characters super abilities while remaining in continuity.LMSx wrote:Yet one more reason why I don't read anything DC or Marvel related anymore. Everything just keeps scaling up and up and up and up and up and up and up, until any super-enemy is counter-acted by an even more powerful person who has control over every single aspect of every single universe.......Silver Paladin wrote:Who are these Living Tribunal guys?? *snip*
Remember, he's a glorified judge; he does not participate unless the balance of the universe is greatly threatened (and sometimes, even then, since he didn't interefere with Thanos kicking the crap out of Eternity because he thought it was Darwinism at work). BUT...when you DO mess with him...expect an ass kicking. =D