Buffy VS Spiderman

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Post by Skelron »

One possible discrepancy with the Spidy description, if it's comic, the current line of Amazing Spiderman... has claimed that the spider being irradiated was irrelevant. The Spider was always going to bite Parker, was Always going to give him Spider like powers, as part of a cycle that has been going on for erm as long as there has been humans. Basically Sopiderman is a link between Humans and the Animal kingdom, in the form of spiders.

During a recent visit to the Astral Plane, courtesy of Doctor strange, to defeat an escaped prisoner who needed to kidnap people and place into a cage in the Astral plane to buy time in the real world. (Doctor Strange couldn't come he had an appointment with Death...) he felt drawn to something that seemed fanmilar, a huge Astral Spider that told him to leave, he wasn't ready yet to see this.

This version of Spidy also explains why most of his steady foes have an Anuinmal side to them, (Dr Octopus, the Rhino etc) They are people who want to be like Spidy sub-conciously, they want to be an Animal/Human Hybrid, but can't so they hate the real thing...
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Post by Crown »

Darth Wong wrote:Are Buffy's reflexes fast enough to dodge bullets? Because Spidey's are.
4th season Buffy, second last episode; Scooby Gang combine their 'essence' with Buffy and call upon the power of all the slayers before Buffy in order to defeat Adam. So Adam is uber strong and quick, Buffy is like Neo at the end of the Matrix. Adam gets upset and his hand turns into a six barrel machine gun and fires at Buffy. Buffy puts out her hand and the bullets are stopped in a water like barrier infront of her. Adam changes tack and fires a grenade at her, Buffy again puts out her hand and 'freezes' the grenade/rocket in place... She lightly brushes her hand on it and it turns into (3?) doves, and fly away. Buffy then proceeds to rip out Adam's Uranium core and it disapears in a blinding flash of light. A nice quote from that episode is;

Buffy; You can never grasp the source of our power. [Shoves hand into Adam's chest and retreaves the Uranium power core] Yours is right here.

So in answer to your question yes she can.
Robert Treder wrote:Maybe "Spydie" has no chance, but Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man isn't going to have any problems, fourth season or no. If we're talking about sixth season Buffy, then we're talking about main continuity Spidey, and I honestly don't see how he can't handle the gang.
I will happily admit that I know very little of Spydie's exploits, but how exactly can he combat the combined Buffy-Scooby Gang circa 4th season, let alone Darth Rosenberg in 6th season? I have provided an example of what the 4th season gang could do... Do you wish me to show you what Darth Rosenberg could do to Spydie? Let alone Anyanka (should some girl wish vengence on him)? If you already know what I am talking about then please educate me as to why/how Spydie could stand up to A) 4th season Buffy-Scooby Gang B) 6th season Darth Rosenberg...
Robert Trader wrote: know he sounds too uber-powerful, but I'm not the one who suggested pitting anyone against a Marvel character.
I said the same thing, except that I was refering to Spydie vs Buffy. Spydie vs Buffy-Scooby Gang, or Spydie vs Darth Rosenberg/Anyanka are two etirely different things.
Cpt_Frank wrote:aye Spider Man will kick Buffy's sorry ass.
The argument is Spider Man vs Buffy and Scooby-Gang!
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Post by Crown »

Just for those who aren't up on Darth Rosenberg's powers... The following is taken from the sixth season episode 'Vilians';

Warren throws a bomb at Willow;

Bomb explodes in Willow's face;

Willow 'freezes' the bomb in place...

She then goes on to 'crack' it and moves away, but that is irrelevant for now, unless someone really wants me to post that!

Willow; 'Bored....

....now' Instantly skins Warren alive!

And just because she doesn't like a mess, decides to totally disintegrate him for good measure!

Right, who in their right mind thinks that Spider Man could face down Darth Rosenberg? And by the way she did much more in the next ep!
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Post by Skelron »

Darth Rossenburg may be powerful BUT she isn't a part of the scooby Gang, she turned on them remember...

So if you include Darth Willow you have her fighting against the Scooby's and Spiderman not for them, we therefore have to go back to pre-Darth Willow, who is either not touching her magic powers because she's addicted to them OR is not anywhere near that level of instinctive power levels... meaning it's all in the words, words which spidy can stop with a web...

If you want to include Darth Willow, fighting for the Scooby's then Spidy needs something to even the score as you are claiming VERY unusual events, I say Dr Strange fits the role very adequately, and as he's the guy you turn to in the Marvelverse for the supernatural it's not too much of leap...

Next for the Buffy Dodging Bullets in against Adam, once again unusual event she wasn't Buffy she was Uber-Buffy, her powers and the power's that the core scooby's added to her where upped, not just by the addition alone but by a factor GREATER than just adding Willow to Buff, it was the raw abilty running rampant, her body was Raw Slayer without the human factor to limit it. Etc.
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Hmm, even I think that whole sequence with Willow is disturbing. You know, I think I merely reflect society's perverted lust for blood, just a bit twisted into a sexual sense.
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

This thread established that it was only Buffy and Spider-Man fighting, not Buffy's entire group versus just Spider-Man.

You can't just add extra conditions halfway through a thread (especially when it looks like you only did it because your side is losing). That's called cheating.

It's just Spidey and Buffy. Not the rest of the faggy bunch.

Spider-Man wins with my scenerio.

BTW: Does Buffy have a last name? I don't give enough of a shit to look it up.
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Post by RayCav of ASVS »

Her last name is Fuckmecrazy, I believe :D

Really, yeah, it's kinda like those debates on how all the Milky Way will unify against the Empire...in other words, bullshit.
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Post by Crown »

Skelron wrote:Darth Rossenburg may be powerful BUT she isn't a part of the scooby Gang, she turned on them remember...
Yes and I had already pointed out that if Darth Rosenberg was included, all Buffy would have to do is point to Spidy and yell; He killed Tara! :evil: After all she did save Buffy's life as Darth Rosenberg, she only turned on them when they objected to her killing people. So since the question is about Spidy vs Buffy and the Scooby-Gang, after Spidy does what ever he wishes to Buffy (if we follow Darth Wong's example of doining her up the ass) he would inevitably face Darth Rosenberg sooner or later!
Skelron wrote:So if you include Darth Willow you have her fighting against the Scooby's and Spiderman not for them, we therefore have to go back to pre-Darth Willow, who is either not touching her magic powers because she's addicted to them OR is not anywhere near that level of instinctive power levels... meaning it's all in the words, words which spidy can stop with a web...
Not true, fifth season episode 'Tough Love' before Willow is addicted; Glory mushes Tara's brain, Willow goes balastic! This is before Darth Rosenberg, here Willow is just pissed, not grieving; Thicken (Glory is instantly trapped and imobolised), I Owe You Pain (lightning shoots out of Willow and stikes Glory), Bag of Knives (knives levitate and strike Glory), all these would end Spidy right quickly wouldn't you agree?
Skelron wrote:If you want to include Darth Willow, fighting for the Scooby's then Spidy needs something to even the score as you are claiming VERY unusual events, I say Dr Strange fits the role very adequately, and as he's the guy you turn to in the Marvelverse for the supernatural it's not too much of leap...
Don't read too much into the Darth Rosenberg pics, I posted them to educate the board members who from all appearances didn't know too much about the Buffyverse and it's power! I would have prefered to find screen caps of the two episodes I mentioned 'Primal' ~ where they all join to beat Adam, and 'Tough Love' ~ where Willow goes all medival on Glory's ass. Unfortunately I couldn't find them so I posted those instead, to give people an idea of what one member of the Scooby Gang is capable off. Hell I could have made it worse! And the debate is Spidy vs Buffy and Scooby Gang. People were forgetting what the Scooby Gang can do, I am only showing that it wouldn't be one sided, so I am not bringing 'Darth Rosenberg' in to crush Spidy, I am only tring to show that the Scooby Gang can't be discounted. As I said I would have preferred screen caps from 'Primal' and 'Tough Love' but they aren't available, so I had to go with 'Vilians' instead!
Skelron wrote:Next for the Buffy Dodging Bullets in against Adam, once again unusual event she wasn't Buffy she was Uber-Buffy, her powers and the power's that the core scooby's added to her where upped, not just by the addition alone but by a factor GREATER than just adding Willow to Buff, it was the raw abilty running rampant, her body was Raw Slayer without the human factor to limit it. Etc.
Yes it was. It is also a valid arguement. As I said if we are talking movie Spider Man than Buffy alone has a reasonable chance. If we are talking Marvel Comic Spider Man, then I would be hard pressed to argue that Buffy alone would have a better chance than a snowflake in Hell, in beating Spider Man. Since everyone is arguing Spider Man Marvel, I get Uber Buffy from 4th season, Uber Willow and Buffy from fifth season, and possibly Darth Rosenberg.

Having said that I will like to point out that Darth Rosenberg isn't needed. Buffy and co, end of 4th season, or Willow and Buffy end of 5th would handle Spidy easily! For Christ's sake they took out a God!
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Post by Crown »

Spanky read the God Damn first post before you open your big trap! You look like and idiot. And I quote;
Gandalf wrote:I was up watching TV last night, I do that a lot. And it got me thinking, who would win if Buffy were to fight Spiderman?

- Advanced slayer healing
- Great reflexes (Catches knives in midair)
- Good strength (Look at Life Serial)
- Good resilience (Look at her in 4/5th season when she fights Adam/Glory)
- Backup of Scooby Gang (Willow has cool powers, might have some anti spider spell :twisted: )

- Spider senses
- Good strength
- Web slinging power
- Good resilience
- Good agility

It's in your hands...

Emphasis mine. Mistake yours.

Buffy Anne Summers
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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

He still wins.

All he has to do is launch more web strands and snap a few necks.
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Post by Crown »

Spanky The Dolphine wrote:He still wins.
Apolgy Accepted :D And no, from what has been proven so far, he most certainly does not!
Spanky The Dolphine wrote:All he has to do is launch more web strands and snap a few necks.
And all Willow has to do is say thicken and he is trapped... And all Darth Rosenberg has to do... Well not a lot since even having an axe implanted in her back didn't slow her down!
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Post by Crown »

Isn't it alway the case when you try and sound superior you look like a dick? :oops: I obviously meant Apology, istead of Apolgy.
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Post by Skelron »

Crown wrote:
Skelron wrote:.
Yes and I had already pointed out that if Darth Rosenberg was included, all Buffy would have to do is point to Spidy and yell; He killed Tara! :evil: After all she did save Buffy's life as Darth Rosenberg, she only turned on them when they objected to her killing people. So since the question is about Spidy vs Buffy and the Scooby-Gang, after Spidy does what ever he wishes to Buffy (if we follow Darth Wong's example of doining her up the ass) he would inevitably face Darth Rosenberg sooner or later!
Well I doubt Spidy would kill... hell Spidy dosn't kill but if it's a requirement of the battle possibly, he would have to face Darth willow at some point in which case he loses... but Darth Willow knew who killed Tara so that half of the plan wouldn't work. (and yes I know it's a joke tactic but...)

Not true, fifth season episode 'Tough Love' before Willow is addicted; Glory mushes Tara's brain, Willow goes balastic! This is before Darth Rosenberg, here Willow is just pissed, not grieving; Thicken (Glory is instantly trapped and imobolised), I Owe You Pain (lightning shoots out of Willow and stikes Glory), Bag of Knives (knives levitate and strike Glory), all these would end Spidy right quickly wouldn't you agree?
Thicken possibly but the clue here was that it hinted towards what Willow would become, and was only possible under great emotional strain greater than simply being in a fight, the women she loved had been driven insane... Outside of these moments of great emotional strain Willow has not shown the same levels of power, nor has her eyes flashed that funky black colour...
Skelron wrote:Next for the Buffy Dodging Bullets in against Adam, once again unusual event she wasn't Buffy she was Uber-Buffy, her powers and the power's that the core scooby's added to her where upped, not just by the addition alone but by a factor GREATER than just adding Willow to Buff, it was the raw abilty running rampant, her body was Raw Slayer without the human factor to limit it. Etc.
Yes it was. It is also a valid arguement. As I said if we are talking movie Spider Man than Buffy alone has a reasonable chance. If we are talking Marvel Comic Spider Man, then I would be hard pressed to argue that Buffy alone would have a better chance than a snowflake in Hell, in beating Spider Man. Since everyone is arguing Spider Man Marvel, I get Uber Buffy from 4th season, Uber Willow and Buffy from fifth season, and possibly Darth Rosenberg.

Having said that I will like to point out that Darth Rosenberg isn't needed. Buffy and co, end of 4th season, or Willow and Buffy end of 5th would handle Spidy easily! For Christ's sake they took out a God!
Apart from the experiance factor and the source of the webbing what differance is there between Spidy in the Movie and Spidy in the comics, I don't think it's much. Same strengths, same abilties. However I will say this about Comic Spidy he'll go to any lengths, and can take a lot of punishment, (A Building fell on top of him, yes a building, buried under all the rubble he struggles his way out knowing he'll have to leave his air behind, because a Doctor Octopus wannabe is going to the film studio where Aunt May and Mary Jane are, to hold them hostage... As an example of what he will do...) As for God's yes I'll admit he hasn't taken out a God, thats Doctor Strange's area of expertise.

Actually the real question for this debate, is Who out of all the contender's comes up with the best one line insult during the fight, the three main contender's in my book are...

Spiderman, well known for his wit during a fight....
Buffy, has had a good few comments in her time...
Xander A real challange for the title, I'd place Spidy and Xander as the top two contender's and Buffy trailing in third here...
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Post by Darth_Shinji »

Here is my question... how long does it take too conger uber-buffy and evil willow? I sersioslt doubt they would have the time to go... "oh yeah we need to summon uber.. *snap*. And williow is not going to have the time to go into this evil mode of hers... Lets face it... if this is staight up all out fighting there all dead in ten secounds too.

Oh and axe to the back of the head is NOGHTING compared to the amount of damage a being who can deadlift 10 TONS can do to a human body... that guy bends steel....
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Post by Crown »

Skelron wrote:Well I doubt Spidy would kill... hell Spidy dosn't kill but if it's a requirement of the battle possibly, he would have to face Darth willow at some point in which case he loses... but Darth Willow knew who killed Tara so that half of the plan wouldn't work. (and yes I know it's a joke tactic but...)
Well at least you got it :wink: I still maintain that Buffy and co circa 4th season would be a match for Spidy though.
Skelron wrote:Thicken possibly but the clue here was that it hinted towards what Willow would become, and was only possible under great emotional strain greater than simply being in a fight, the women she loved had been driven insane... Outside of these moments of great emotional strain Willow has not shown the same levels of power, nor has her eyes flashed that funky black colour...
Actually I believe that they do in the 7th season when she is Willow, I will try and find a veryfication for this. However the eyes going black just reflect the kind of magics she's using. Like Lyta, black = pretty dangerous, glowing = uber powerfull. Remember in 'Vilians' when Willow is turned down by the demond and loses all control? Her eyes flash/glow red, when she destroys him, not black. The black is a symbolism for anger yes, but also for using the 'black arts'. And in 'Primal' Buffy's glowed orange, probably 'cause Giles was in the mix. In conclusion eye change indicates level of power being used not emotional instability.
Skelron wrote:Apart from the experiance factor and the source of the webbing what differance is there between Spidy in the Movie and Spidy in the comics, I don't think it's much. Same strengths, same abilties. However I will say this about Comic Spidy he'll go to any lengths, and can take a lot of punishment, (A Building fell on top of him, yes a building, buried under all the rubble he struggles his way out knowing he'll have to leave his air behind, because a Doctor Octopus wannabe is going to the film studio where Aunt May and Mary Jane are, to hold them hostage... As an example of what he will do...) As for God's yes I'll admit he hasn't taken out a God, thats Doctor Strange's area of expertise.
I think that if you read some of the exploits of Spidy's abilities in the comics, page 2 IIRC, there is a substantial difference especially in speed and strength. Not to mention that endurance.
Skelron wrote:Actually the real question for this debate, is Who out of all the contender's comes up with the best one line insult during the fight, the three main contender's in my book are...

Spiderman, well known for his wit during a fight....
Buffy, has had a good few comments in her time...
Xander A real challange for the title, I'd place Spidy and Xander as the top two contender's and Buffy trailing in third here...
Hmm you pose an interesting question here. :)
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Post by Crown »

Darth_Shinji wrote:Here is my question... how long does it take too conger uber-buffy and evil willow? I sersioslt doubt they would have the time to go... "oh yeah we need to summon uber.. *snap*. And williow is not going to have the time to go into this evil mode of hers... Lets face it... if this is staight up all out fighting there all dead in ten secounds too.
Uber Buffy does take a little prep time (a couple of minutes, maybe less), so there is a serious possibility of the Spidy really getting to them before it start. Uber Willow (5th season), not a lot of prep time, she has the power, she uses the power. Darth Rosenberg... :twisted: Instantaneous!
Darth_Shinji wrote:Oh and axe to the back of the head is NOGHTING compared to the amount of damage a being who can deadlift 10 TONS can do to a human body... that guy bends steel....
Steel. Brick Walls. Hights. These are no obstecles;


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Post by Darth_Shinji »

Crown wrote:
Darth_Shinji wrote:Here is my question... how long does it take too conger uber-buffy and evil willow? I sersioslt doubt they would have the time to go... "oh yeah we need to summon uber.. *snap*. And williow is not going to have the time to go into this evil mode of hers... Lets face it... if this is staight up all out fighting there all dead in ten secounds too.
Uber Buffy does take a little prep time (a couple of minutes, maybe less), so there is a serious possibility of the Spidy really getting to them before it start. Uber Willow (5th season), not a lot of prep time, she has the power, she uses the power. Darth Rosenberg... :twisted: Instantaneous!
Darth_Shinji wrote:Oh and axe to the back of the head is NOGHTING compared to the amount of damage a being who can deadlift 10 TONS can do to a human body... that guy bends steel....
Steel. Brick Walls. Hights. These are no obstecles;
But willow in a normal episode doesn't just have the power out and ready doesn't she? Unless she immedaitly uses it as a matter of chioce.

Also whats up with the pictures.... Willows ability to defeat these things with magic have noghting to do with spidey ripping her body into a puddle of unidentifible organs in two seconds.... which is what I imagine a person that can deadlift 10 tons could do...
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Post by Crown »

Pictures, well just wanted to show I wasn't making this up in some sort of fan-wank-fest as some have suggested. Just wanted to provide facts that's all.
Dath_Shinji wrote:But willow in a normal episode doesn't just have the power out and ready doesn't she? Unless she immedaitly uses it as a matter of chioce.
That's the thing, Willow does have that sort of power in her. It's her power, she does transform to Darth Rosenberg in 'Vilians' by 'absorbing' the knowlege of the dark arts books, but the magic POWER? That's all 100% bona-fide Willow.
Dath_Shinji wrote:Willows ability to defeat these things with magic have noghting to do with spidey ripping her body into a puddle of unidentifible organs in two seconds.... which is what I imagine a person that can deadlift 10 tons could do...
Yes... Sure, because Spidy would be sooo much stronger than a Hell God! Forget it, Spidy requires phisical proximaty. Willow doesn't.
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Post by Skelron »

The thing is with both of them their are foes they shouldn't be able to defeat and yet do...
Example for Buffy is Glory she shouldn't be able to defeat her but does... for Spiderman my favourite, maybe not his most powerful foe ever but my favourite is the one in Amazing Spiderman.
Continuing JMS's theme that Spidermans powers are a Supernatural occurance he meets another Spider empowered person, who tells him that he is being hunted. The Person hunting him is a foe from a species that 'eats' people like them who are powered by Animal links, (a Kind of vampire in a way, just a specialised Vampire who eats the supernatural essence that empowers these people.) He also tells spierman that NO ONE ever of their kind has faced one of these beings and lived. That once the being touches him he can find him anywhere he gos, and that because he admires what Parker has done with his powers he's going to help him. by giving him a shelter, a hiding place where he can't be found. At first Peter refuse until he faces the creature who chases him all over New York placing Parker in many situations such as escape or save X-Hostage.

Throughout the fight nothing Peter does fazes the creature, he hits him full force and does nothing... except it turns out make his bolt hole useless he can be found. Eventually he and the other spider person team up, allowing Parker and the other guy to draw some blood... thats it they cut the guy lip or something similar at the cost of what appears to be the other-Spider's life... (It isn't but.)

Peter takes this Blood they managed to spill and analyises it, discovering what gives the guy his power and then comes up with a Very dangerous plan. he goes to a Nucleur power plant and injects himself with a lot of irradiated goo, a hell of a lot, almost killing himself in the process then when the hunter turns up and attempts to drain Parker he gets a mouthfull of radiation which is Peter needs to turn on the guy, each punch hurts the guy as it's irradiated energy that he naturally draws in, almost killing the hunter, forcing and weaking him enough that his aide shoots him, because his aide hated him but feared him... I loved it

Oh I especially loved the ending through, a Beaten almost dead Parker stumbles home, and collapses in his bed, (At the moment he and MJ are going through Marital problems, MJ isn't sure who she is away from Spiderman, and needs time) So he's living on his own, when his Aunt May comes over worried about a Phone Call Peter gave when he thought he was going to die. Ad sees not only Parker out cold covered in bruises but also he remnants of his Spiderman Costume and the Web Slingers... What a touch and what a cliffhanger, not a huge fight but the simple fact that now his Aunt May knows who Parker is!!!
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Post by Darth_Shinji »

Crown wrote:Pictures, well just wanted to show I wasn't making this up in some sort of fan-wank-fest as some have suggested. Just wanted to provide facts that's all.
Dath_Shinji wrote:But willow in a normal episode doesn't just have the power out and ready doesn't she? Unless she immedaitly uses it as a matter of chioce.
That's the thing, Willow does have that sort of power in her. It's her power, she does transform to Darth Rosenberg in 'Vilians' by 'absorbing' the knowlege of the dark arts books, but the magic POWER? That's all 100% bona-fide Willow.[/qoute] And yet does she have this power all of the time...Does she call on it all of the time for any case? They have no way of knowing that spiderman can take them all out in 2 seconds... why would she just bring it out before they start fighting? and in the end you basically conceed this debate... this is not spiderman versus buffy and the scooby gang.... this is spiderman versus buffy with backup of scooby gang.. and if willow wins it... it isn't buffy winning isn't?
Dath_Shinji wrote:Willows ability to defeat these things with magic have noghting to do with spidey ripping her body into a puddle of unidentifible organs in two seconds.... which is what I imagine a person that can deadlift 10 tons could do...
Yes... Sure, because Spidy would be sooo much stronger than a Hell God! Forget it, Spidy requires phisical proximaty. Willow doesn't.
That statement was in contest to the axe in the back of the head.. if he does get a hold of her she is more fucked than a mere hit with an axe.
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Post by Shinigami »

There's a problem with your argument, Crown.

It hinges entirely upon Uber-Willow. How does that prove that Buffy would beat Spiderman? If anything, it shows Buffy's weakness in comparison. To be honest, you haven't necessarily shown how Willow (who is remission, if you will) could beat him either. You used Warren as an example, but he was a normal human being. Not to mention the fact that she was right next to him. With the speed and reflexes that Spidey has, there's no way she could get the jump on him like she did that poor hapless dope Warren.

Another thing, I remember Willow being particularly drained after having used said powers. Seeing as how she'd never catch Spidey, she only end up draining herself to the point of exhaustion. Leaving her vulnerable to attack.

Victory: Spiderman
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Post by Durandal »

I'm probably the biggest Buffy fan here, so I'll chime in.

I'm going to have to give this one to Spidey. Spidey has webbing and wall-crawling as two advantages that the Buffster does not. So, she'd be trying to hit a fast-moving target who could scale walls and zip around her.

As for Darth Rosenberg vs. Spiderman, I'm fairly certain that Darth Rosenberg would beat Spidey's ass, much as I like Spidey. Although, Spidey could attempt to outlast her. Darth Rosenberg does have to periodically recharge, after all.
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Post by Robert Treder »

I have a question:

Does this battle take place in the Buffyverse or in the Marvel Universe?
Because if it takes place in the Buffyverse, and Spidey's unable to call on his friends, but Buffy is, that's not fair.
Conversely, if Buffy isn't able to call on her friends, but Spidey is, that's unfair.

I believe the only fair options are 1) Buffy vs. Spider-Man or 2) Buffy and Friends vs. Spidey and Friends.

I think we've come to the consensus that mano a womano, Spidey beats Buffy, and that if she has her gang, they can defeat him. This isn't too surprising, considering that if it was just Buffy versus Spidey and his friends, Buffy would be flattened.
The point that the Buffy fans will contest, however, is that if it were Buffy and Friends vs. Spidey and Friends, Spidey and Friends would win, considering the caliber of friends he can call on (Dr. Strange, the Avengers, etc.)
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Post by Gandalf »

(I should point out that I know not much of Spiderman save for what I've seen in cartoons and the movie, I've seen all eps of Buffy, I'm a fanatic, what can I say?)

I figured because all I've seen of Spidey is that he works alone most of the time, and the Scooby Gang have been together from day one episode one.

As for the venue, lets just say that its in some neutral ground in nowhere.

Also would it stand to reason that if they performed the spell from Primeval (where she kills Adam), she could theoretically stop the web being slung at her?, as she stopped bullets and turned what appeared to be a rocket firing at her into birds.
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
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Post by Durandal »

Uber-Buffy from Primeval would likely kick Spidey's ass. She transmuted a missile into a three doves, for Christ's sake.
Damien Sorresso

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