Um, no. It is specifically stated that a Gholam is immune to weaves. ME magic does not utilize weaves, thus, it can injure a Gholam.D.Turtle wrote:And your idiotic suggestion that a Gholam is only immune to Saidar and Saidin, but not ME magic is similar to idiotic suggestions that SW ships can not survive in ST, because of something (ie. It is part of the premise of a debate that certain things count for both sides...)
Which shows that the armies of WoT are understaffed, underfiananced, and underequipped. Sorta why the Seanchan Empire tore through them like a man threshing wheat.The Aiel are a warrior society. Almost all of the other countries (except for the Borderlands) had to ally in order to defeat an army of the Aiel (During the first Aiel War).
Use the auxilarily picket lines to harry and harass the Aiel and draw off as many warriors as you can. Meet them in a relatively flat area, then have the auxs sweep around and harry them from their flanks. The Aiel can outrun heavily armored warhorses; I doubt they could outrun lightly equipped stallions with javelin-equipped riders. Anyway, continue to dance your auxies until the Aiel are either dispersed so much you can close around and annhilate individual knots, or until they encounter the legion, which is dug in behind some trenches. Let the Aiel advance a bit, hammering them with artillerly, then raise tower shields, toss javelins, and charge, while the auxies close in from behind and harry the flanks.Even Mat Cauthon, the best general in all of WoT (with the experience of hundres of years of war) has at least half again as many casualties as the Aiel do whenever they fought. Show me how a roman Legion could kill 5000 Aiel.
That is tactics, not strategy. Strategy involves overall planning, objectives, and logistics, and the Aiel have demonstrated no overall grasp of these concepts. One of the greatest victories of the Roman civil wars was when Caesar defeated an entire enemy legion without once engaging it - he, by keeping sight of his overall goals, was able to cut off the enemy supply lines and win a victory without a battle.About the Aiel having no strategy: Did you read the books?! They usually divide their forces into several parts(4 I think, but I don't remember exactly) of which all but one (I think 3) attack the enemy from different directions, while the last (the fourth) waits in reserve in order to exploit any weakness in the enemies front.
The Aiel are unable to do this. In the Aiel War, the objective was to kill Laman, not to annhilate half of Cairhein! But instead of making for Cairhein straight away, or utilizing these vaunted stealth capabilities, they ravaged the country at random, wasted time sacking towns and villages, and managed to incite half the continent against them.
I wasn't talking about the Stone. I was talking about the siege of Tar Valon.The Aiel did not lay siege to the Stone of Tear.
Really? I didn't think it was.The Access Key (A Ter'angreal that allows access to the Choedan Kal from everywhere) for the women's half of the Choedan Kal was melted. The male Access Key is still quite operation
Which is a good reason why it is unlikely that the WoT forces will be using it en masse.Balefire almost destroyed the whole Pattern! The massive use of balefire during the beginning of the War of the Shadow almost destroyed the whole Universe!
At the same time, it requires them to devote a large portion of their concentration to maintaining this shield, at which point they are ripe targets for some Maiar whoop-ass(this IS First Age LotR)Cyril: You forget that a sufficiently large number of Ashaman can NOT be defeated by ordinary forces ie. forces without magic users. They can simply cast a large shield around them, which stops any and all attempts to get through.
Yes...and this changes the fact that the vast majority of Aes Sedai are still bound by these the Three Oaths: Did you read the books?! A large subplot is the whole finding out about the effects of the Three Oaths (shortening of ones lifetime for example), and the struggle of Egwene to undo this idocy
So? Orcs and Uruk-Hai are superb fighters, where Trollocs can be defeated by farmboys with no combat experience.Trollocs are a lot bigger than any orcs or Uruk-hai (not to mention Myrdraal...). Some Myrdraal have the ability to "teleport" from shadow to shadow (over large distances).
Perhaps he is not, but Morgoth certainly is.Sauron is NOT a match for Shai'tan. Can Sauron change the weather of an entire world?
I was thinking that elves were immune to the seduction of the One Ring, and thus a Draghkar's croon- then I realized I was obviously in error, as even Gandalf fears the Ring. However, it is unlikely that Draghkar will be assassinating the Istari anytime soon, given that they are demigods and all.How do you know that Draghkar can not seduce elves or the like? So far we have not met anything that can resist a Draghkar. (Not even Aes Sedai) I do admit though, that they are not very useful against armies, however they can assassinate important people.
Until the Valar get pissed off an annhilate whatever landmass the Asha'man happen to be standing on. Besides, I said the Ents would butcher the Ogier, not the Asha'man.Ents can be destroyed with mere fire. I would like to see an Ashaman destroy all those nice Ents single-handedly (fireball the Ents. If the yget to close, Travel to the next hill. Rinse and repeat.) Using such Hit-and-run tactics, any army of ME can be defeated easily.
The Maiar are the rough equivalent of demigods. Gandalf, for example, cannot be killed, and even when he is not allowed to use his full power, he can defeat a Balrog.?!?!?!
Some support for this statement?
Oooh. Assassins. So? The Maiar cannot be killed by them, and the Valar certainly cannot. And they most defininetly are not going to be assassinating dragons anytime soon.Also, WoT has the Gray Men (and Women). They are practically invisible. And almost undetectable (Even Al'Lan Mandragoran did not detect them)
Deathwatch, actually, but it doesn't matter. A dragon merely needs to breath, and they die screaming.Oger are some of the fiercest warriors ever known. They can hold of masses of Orcs and even Myrdraal are no match against them. Remember: The Ogier Gardeners are a part of the Elite Deathwing guards.
The First Age elven armies are likely a match for the imperial armies.About inland vs ocean. Who says there won't be fighting along coasts? Besides, IIRC, the Senachan are great for fighting onland or off.
Shara, btw...there is almost no information about Shara's capabilities, so I don't know what to say.
If we just take Third Age LotR, then yes, WoT wins. But First Age, WoT goes down hard.