I must also agree with this. Truth was such an excellent villian in Halo 2 because of how little we knew of him. And how he contrasted with the series other "villians." My favorite moments of dialouge in Halo 2 were near the end of the game, where Truth, during his escape from High Charity, attempts to wash down the Covenant with his propaganda while Gravemind retorts to everything he says. Yet Truth continues undaunted, sounding calm and collected yet clearly insane and delusional at the same time.Alexian Cale wrote:Bingo.
We couldn't place a finger exactly on what Truth ultimately wanted, which is what made him the most frightening and foremost of the villains.
That he was given such a minor role was... disappointing.
"Shall we let the Flood consume our holy city? Turn High Charity into another one of their wretched hives? .... No enemy has ever stood before our might."
"Their are those who said this day would never come. What are THEY to say now?"
Gravemind took over this role in Halo 3, which is why I felt he was the better villian in H3. Truth, much like Dooku in Episode 3, was forced to take a backseat, even though he was so much cooler in the last game.
And in another parrallel to Palpatine, it should be interesting that Truth had been grooming both the Arbiter and Tartarus for his position of "right hand man" much in the same way Vader was for Palps. I'm not sure if Truth had decided from the outset that he would ditch Arbs for Tartarus. That decision potentially came down the line. It's possible he was "experimenting" both of them. Using them as examples of each's race to find just who was indeed more loyal.