SGA 5x01 "Search & Rescue" Talkback

SF: discuss futuristic sci-fi series, ideas, and crossovers.

Moderator: NecronLord

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Post by NecronLord »

PREDATOR490 wrote:If they cant run the Ancient shields then why not simply install Asgard shield emitters ?
On Atlantis? You want to point me at a character who's got the requisite engineering degree from Halla-University in order to be confident in making large scale alterations to a city ship?

Seriously, the stuff the wonder-kids like McKay do, it's all physics. Just because they know how the shields work and such, doesn't mean they're up to making massive alterations to a city-ship that remained cutting edge among a race millions of years beyond our own, for millions of years. Even if they had the manpower
The Asgard technology should have at least contained designs for better power generators so I remain highly skeptical of any future attempts to play the 'not enough power' card.
Asgard technology is also accustomed to running with a very large industrial base of competant people behind it. The Tau'ri are doing all this in secret, with people who've spent most of their lives thinking fission power is the dog's bollocks for power.

Where would they get the fuel for asgard reactors? Which, note, were not naquadah/naquadria based; naq is very good for that, all you have to do is have some primatives dig it out of the ground, a trivial amount of refinement, and it's ready to give you power - we've no idea what the Asgard's ordinary (as distinct from the 'Asgard Core' which runs supplementary systems, and is probably something like a ZPM, given the description in Unending) power systems use as fuel, but I'm betting Earth nas no infrastructure to set about using it.
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Post by Timotheus »

NecronLord wrote:
PREDATOR490 wrote:it seems unlikely they would be able to 'magically' summon up a new ability that brings them back into play.
A hive ship is seven miles long; it barely preforms much better than a couple of the sub-KM cruisers. All they have to do is say "they put more reactors in, oh shit it's killing us," and have Colonel Ellis burning to death in his badly named space ship, and it's a threat again. That's pretty much the opposite of magic, let alone the regular miraculous (human) technological breakthroughs we're accustomed to in SG.
I like the idea if for no other reason than you are killing the asshole colonel.
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Post by NecronLord »

I don't mind the character so much, but he's the one I'd probably kill (well, him or the guy on Oddessy (does that even have an assigned captain still? Landry in Unending, Mitchell in AoT what happened to Emerson?) rather than Caldwell. Of course, just killing the ship and having the characters escape would work too.
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Post by Stargate Nerd »

NecronLord wrote:I really don't think 'not being at war' makes you a pacifist. The Asurans weren't at war. They were, however, quite equipped for it, and quite willing to shoot dead any fucker that annoyed them. This doesn't strike me as 'pacifist.'
And you'd be right. Passive might be a better word.
NecronLord wrote:I don't mind the character so much, but he's the one I'd probably kill (well, him or the guy on Oddessy (does that even have an assigned captain still? Landry in Unending, Mitchell in AoT what happened to Emerson?) rather than Caldwell. Of course, just killing the ship and having the characters escape would work too.
IIRC Emerson was killed when the rogue Lucian Alliance "member" captured the Odyssey.
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Post by Revy »

Stargate Nerd wrote:IIRC Emerson was killed when the rogue Lucian Alliance "member" captured the Odyssey.
Yes, apparently if you want to survive as Captain of an Earth spaceship you have to be bald. Observe - two USAF Captains with hair, both now dead. THREE current Captains, ALL bald.

What's up with that? I ... I think they're being hairist!!

Anywhoo, it looks like the Wraith are still set to be a threat for the Atlantis gang, if the episode summary info's floating about are anything to go by. I don't think they're even going to bother toughening the Wraith up, they're just going to keep pretending that the Wraith are still scary and dangerous.

Oh, though if the info for 'First Contact' is accurate, I'm looking forwards to the return of one of the few Ancients I actually liked.
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