40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

And.. we round out this update with the RT compilation again... this time.. Space Marines and the start of the Eldar stuff.... fun fun... Early edition was so much more fluff-heavy.

Page 27
Space Marines are legendary for their incredible bravery. This does not mean that they are prepared to hurl themselves at the enemy regardless of casualties - Space Marines are quite aware of their own worth and would never throw their lives away in displays of futile bravado.
In other words, Space Marines (mostly) aren't as mindlessly and suicidally fanatical as some Chapters are noted to be.

Page 36
One natural ability which is common to many Eldar is called psychomorphism by the human Xenobiologists of the Imperium. In crude terms this gives them the abiltiy to shape matter and create simple artifacts from raw materials. More complex things can be made by several individuals workting together or with the aid of forging machines to enhance the creative process.

Eldar can also move small objects by a form of psychokinesis and it is by this means that they build their most sophisiticated devices.

Some Eldar can influence the structure of growing matter by a form of empathic telepathy. This empathic ability may have been particularily important during the early devleopments of the Eldar race enabling them to promote the fruitfulness of edible crops and reshape the growth of trees to make simple shelters.
Extent of Eldar psychic powers with regard to how it influences their construction and building capabilities.

'PAge 36
Because of their psychic abilities the Eldar race learned how to make and shape raw materials at a very early stage of cultural development. By means of their mental powers they were able to refine minerals and shape the resulting metals and stones into whatever they wanted.
Further commentary on Eldar wraithbone and psychoplastics that they use in much of their constructions - interestinlgy enough, this seems to suggest they do not create such matter purely out of thin air so much as psychically imbue and manipulate it, though tihs may only be a partial truth - we later learn they do make psychoplastics directly from the warp.

Page 38
A spirit stone is a tool which allows a Bonesinger to draw raw energy from the warp and shape it into matter. The matter created in this way is called Wraithbone, and it can be psychically teased and manpiulated by the Bonesinger into almost any form he wishe.s Wraithbone is extrmeely tough and resilient. It forms the backbone of spacecraft and large structures as well as countless smaller items.
Textbook Wraithbone description lasting evne up to modern times. Its worth noting that while it is "magical" err psychic, Eldar tech and vehciles carries a quasi-organic element to it.

Page 38
Because Wraithbone is a solidified form of warp energy it has several special properties. It never really loses its connection to the warp, so that in a sense parrt of it remains in the warp at all times. As a result Wraithbone can channel psychic energy much as an electric calbe carries current. AT the same time it also contains psychic forces and can shield the forces it contains from other psychic energy.
Properties of Wraithbone - it acts as a conductor as well as a communication medium and an insulator (for psychic energy.) - this can hint at a great deal of redundancty in certain respects with Eldar vehciels (They don't need to waste alot of internal space for their energy transmissions, communications and computer systems, or shielding against adverse effects.)

Page 38
The Eldar use Wraithbone to make the skeletal cores of building sand spacecraft. Much as the skeleton of an animal provides a framework for its fleshy tissue, so the Wriathbone skeleton of an Eldar spacecraft is a living core around which its functional structures are arranged.

The Wraithbone not only gives the construction its rigidity, but also provide channels for psychic energgy. This facilitaites inertnal communication between systems, transmits power, and enables the craft to act as an organically intergrated whole. In this way the Wraithbone skeleton not only performs the mechanical tasks which a bony skeleton would perform in an animal, but also the role of te nervous system and blood stream too.

The wraithbone core of a spacecraft is surrounded by a structure which is literally grown into the required shapes. This is accomplished by a special class pof Eldar called Bonesingers. These Bonesingers use their psychomorphic talents to accelerate the formation of psychotropic crystals around the Wraithbone. They then shape the resulting mass into fibrous bulkheads, suppporting walls, floors and conduits. The resulting shell completely surrounds the Wraithbone core and forms the hull and major intenral divisions of the Spacecrraft. The smae process is used to make any large structure including vehicles, but spacecraft are typical works of Eldar psychic engineering and serve as a good example of the process.
More on Wraithbone construction and on the duties of Bonesingers. Also reiteration of the "transmission-based" benefits of Wraithbone.

Page 39
Once the Bonesingers have laid the basic structure over a Wraithbone core, the spacecraft is ready to be fitted out. Individual systems can be either fabricated on board the ship by psychomorphism or made elsewhere and installed subsequently. Most of the craft's operating systems are connected directly to the Wriathbone core. The many thousands of systems draw power through the Wraithbone and are constantly monitored and ultimately controlled through it.

Because of the unique practices of Eldar psychic engineering, any Eldar construction, whether building, vehicle, or spacecraft, resonates with sympathetic psychic energy. The Wraithbone core provides a psychic channel through which an Eldar can evaluate and control various mechanical functions. This is the basis on which Eldare technology is achieved. Although it is very different fromthe simple mechanical processes used by humans, individual devices and structures usually look similar to comparable human artefacts.
Yet again the Wraithbone structure serves as power transmission and a computer network for the ship, but component parts (eg things like weapons presumably) must be buitl and installed separately. As a consequence of this, the wraithbone structure can also allow for remote surveillance and operation of devices through this network. Such operation is implied to happen with most Eldar constructs as well, not just ships.

Page 39
Eldar runes are complex interwoven shapes each of which has its own distinct pattern. Because they are made of Wriathbone the runes retain a connection with the warp and have the ability to both direct and contain psychic energy.

Small runes are cast upon the ground by Eldar Seers who interpret the pattern and the proximity of one rune to another in order to divine the future. The runes are vital to every Seer because they enable him to focus and direct psychic energy, and by concentrating on a particular rune he can evoke a specific psychic power.

The runes used by Bonesingers function as templates or patterns for the various devices or structures which they grow from psychotropic crystals. The runes also have a protective function which is important to all Eldar Seers. Because the runes are made from Wraithbone, which is itself impervious to external psychic energy, they act as simple fuses. If a Seer draws too heavily upon his psychic energies, or if malign forces attempt to reach him while he is in a trance, then the runes will be destroyed severing the psychic connection between the Eldar and the warp.
Eldar runes act as safety valves through which the Warp is tapped, basically. Whether or not this imposes limitations on the Eldar Psyker using them s unknown, but one presumes that the energy limits they can handle may differ from what the Eldar themselves could tap unaided. Logically, the Eldar psyker is paired iwth sets of runes which closely match their level of power so as to maximize efficiency (which may also explain why older runes are passed on from Farseer ot Farseer for example.)

Page 40
These thoughts and emotions cannot die, they are eternal, so that over the ages they accrue and become stronger as they are reinforced by the similar thoughts and experiences of others. Eventually, a single idea or emotion can become so powerful within the warp that it attains a consciousness of its own and becomes a daemon or God.


Prior to this time [the Fall] Slaanesh was growing in power but not fully conscious - rather like a sleeping monster bellowing and kicking in its dream-disturbed sleep.
The formation of Chaos Gods and daemons - beings which are essentially composites of all the combined thoughts and emotions (or in some cases the lesser beings/powers/daemons in the Warp) manifesting in the Warp. A hive mind of sorts, in other words. Other entities (like The Emperor, Gork and Mork, and the Shadow in the Warp) also manifest as similar entities (in the case of the Tyranid Shadow, it likely also overlaps with the lesser "Genestealer Powers" that can form in the warp with a sufficiently powerful Cult and provide its psychic power.)

Page 42
When the cataclysm finally came there were few sane Eldar left on their home planets, only millions of millions of squawking, insane creatures crying an dsequaling with self-inflicted torment
"millions of millions" of Eldar implies that trillions of Eldar existed (and died) in the Fall, and a tiny fraction of which survived. A definite upper upper limit on their population (and a lower limit on the size/power of Slaanesh, although arguably he was more powerful at his/her/its birth than it is now.)

Page 42
The energy of that scream [Slaanesh awakening] swept across the entire galaxy, and blew throughthe minds of psykers everywhere, destroying them in untold millions. Where the energy was concentrated most, in the area where the Eldar home planets were, the boundaries between the warp and real space were torn apart.

The intermixing of the two realities wipedout most of the inhabitants of the Eldar planets and formed the areas of warp real-space overlap the largest of which is now known as the Eye of Terror.
The brith of Slaanesh not only slew countless psykers (not just the Eldar) but also created multiple rifts in addition to the Eye of Terror.

Page 42
Other Eldar, those who had resisted the decline of their civilization, were better protected. Even so, many billions died even as they fled in the giant trading ships, but some survived - protected by their mental resilience or by the psychically impervious Wraithbone structure of the spacecraft themselves.
Billions of Eldar, in addition to the trillions above, died in the Fall during their escape. Its implied that a not-insignificant fraction of that "billions" survived on the Craftworlds, however - possibly as much as billions more Eldar.

Page 42
As the representation of the Eldar mind, Slaanesh is able to gather up the psychic energy of Eldar as it flees their dying bodies. This means that when an Eldar dies the eternal psychic part of him, his soul, is immediately consumed by Slaanesh.
An explanation as to why Slaanesh represents such a special bane for Eldar souls in the Warp - Slaanesh's origins, and possibly a significant part of him was indeliably affixed to the Eldar race and thus he obviously has the strongest claim upon him now, although given what we learn later its possible he had to fight the others for that claim (Eg Khorne.)

Page 42
If the Eldar dies his psychic self is absorbed by the Waystone. The Waystone can then be taken back to the Eldar's own Craftworld and embedded into the Wraithbone core where it will grow into a larger spirit stone. Once the spriit stone is implanted, the soul of the Eldar can travel freely through the Wraithbone, mingling with other Eldar souls and forming part of the communal spirit of the Craftworld itself.


Individual eldar souls can enter specific parts of the Craftworld to provide the energy and controlling intelligence which is needed by many Eldar Technical dvices. Other souls can leave the Infinity Circuit for a short while by entering Waystones which are then placed within robot bodies.
Function and purpose of the Eldar waystones - again self explanatory The context here is intereting though in that it suggests that they form a part of the Eldar equivalents of the power generation and computer/control networks for their technology, including their "robots" (Wraithguard). This hints at a "variable power level" capability in Eldar tech dependent upon the number of waystones implanted into a given device or tech.

Page 42
Although the Eldar souls preserved in the Infinity Circuits of the Craftworlds can muster only a tiny amount of energy compared to that of Slaanesh, the Eldar hope that one day there will be enough souls to unite to fight and overthrow Slaanesh.
As I recall in other sources there are "millions" of souls, perhaps billions in an individual infinity circuit. Given scores or hundreds of Craftworlds at least (a guess but a reaosnable one) this puts a lower limit estimate on Slaanesh's psychic power.

Page 42
Their [eldar] numbers are now a tiny fraction of the teeming billions which once spread across the universe
"teeming billions" instead of trillions, but it againd oesnt neccesarily say how many billions. In any case it is a more explicit minimum for the Eldar race (it could be higher.)

Page 43
These trading craftworlds were whole self-contained communities housing hundreds of Eldar families.
Depending on how large you care to define "family" this could mean thousands or tens of thousands of Eldar or varying ages. This is "pre-fall" population levels as well..arguably after the fall they carried away more.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

More of the Eldar stuff... next to last RT compilation update...

Page 43
Craftworlds travel trhough space via a system of warp tunnels which stretch through the galaxy. Long ago the Eldar learned how to make these holes through the warp which link to fixed places. It is likely that originally nearly all Eldar planets and Craftworlds were interconnected by warp tunnels. However, during the Fall a gret part of the network was destroyed so that travel is no longer as easy as it once was. Some tunnels were attacked and destroyed by daemonic intrusions from the warp - their entrances had to be sealed or destroyed to keep chaos from swallowing entire Craftworlds. Other tunnels simply collapsed or the places they led to were destroyed or desolated. Today the tunnel network still connects Craftworlds to each other and to millions of places throughout the galaxy but there are significant gaps in the system, and some Craftwolrds are completely isolated. Because of the partial breakdown of their warp tunnle network, the Eldar find it impossible or extremely difficult to reach certain parts of the galaxy.
Description of the Webway, although they don't call it as such now. Implication of "millions" of webway passages as well

Page 43
Since the Fall the original Craftworlds have grown considerably in size, so that they are now ten or a hundred times larger than the original trading ships which lie at their cores.
The scoep by which the Craftworlds have grown (in size). It doesnt specify whether this is a linear dimension (IE length or width) or volume, or if the populations inside neccesarily scale.

Page 43
Such wars [between Craftworlds] are almost always fought over a locally disputed world, or colonising and mining interests.
despite having so few Eldar remaining, even the Eldar still clash between each other . The whole bit about "mining interests" is interesting, since it impiles there are some resources they cannot psychically imitate or produce.

Page 43
Since the Fall, the Eldar Craftworld have established many colonies of their own. These colonies are not independent, but remain a part of their society, and provide troops and raw materials for the home Craftworld. Colony planets are connected ot their Craftworlds by means of warp tunnels. The number of colony planets associated with a CRaftworld is tremendously variable, some have hundreds while others have only one or two. Most have about a dozen.
Its interesting that they chose to establish colonies rather than keep the populations on the Craftworlds. Is there something about living on a craftowrld that differs from living on a planet? is it a conscious choice? The context suggests that they are simply extensions of the military and industrial capabilities of the Craftworld (eg provide troops and raw materials).

If we knew how many craftworlds there were, we oculd estimate the number of planets the Eldar hold, or vice versa.

Page 48
Eldar enjoy a naturally long life span and cna live for a thousand years or more.
Eldar lifespan.

Page 48
Exarchs sometimes remain trapped within the Path of the Warrior but continue to cycle from one Aspect to Another. When they go to war this enables them ot wear one of two or more armoured suits represenignt the different aspects they have undertaken. Similarily, they choose weaponry appropriate to any of these aspects. Exarchs who continue to cycle in this manner are sometimes called hte Lost Warriors - or Menshad Korum - which roughly translates as 'hunters in pursuit of themselves'.

In most cases however, Exarchs cease to chang etheir warrior Aspect once they become Exarchs, although they may pass through several cycles as different Aspect Warriors before they are finally trapped by the Wariror Path. The Eldar then becomes an Exarch of his final Warrior Aspect.
Description of Exarchs. The interesting thing here is that its implied some variation (at least initially in) in the Concept (EG trapped on the Warrior path but not fixed to any one particular Aspect)

Page 50
When Kaela Mensha Khaine, the Bloody Handed God of the Eldar, fought with Slaanesh the Lord of Pleasure, he was quickly overwhelmed and his energy captured by the newborn God. For the Bloody Handed God was as much a part of Slaanesh as of Khorne - being a product of that part of the Eldar nature which finds gratification in murder and pleasure in bloody violence. Khorne the Blood God, the Patron of War, Murder and Battle, roared with rage to discover one of his own taken from him in this way. Then Khorne and Slaanesh clashed headlong, the Blood God fighting to recover the portion of his power that had been robbed from him, Slaanesh driven by his unconttrollable hunger to consume everything in his path. The Bloody Handed God of the Eldar was tossed this way and that, at first grasped by Slaanesh, then tugged back into the compass of Khorne.

Eventually the rage of the Blood God and the passion of the Lord of Pleasure were exhausted, and the boundaries between them were established. Like a leaf in the eye of a hurricane, Kaela Mensha Khaine fell among the calm, down through the Realm of Chaos and into the material universe. As he entered the material universe he divided into many shards of energy, scattering his power so that neither Khorne nor Slaanesh could ever find him again. Each shard entered the body of an Eldar, filling the body with his own mind, possessing it, so that it became a virtually indestructible blood-lusting murderer - the material manifestation of the Bloody Handed God. These are the Avatars of the Bloody Handed God..
The fall of Khaine and the creation of the Avatars. It's interesting to see it mentioned that Khaine originally had strong ties to Khorne. This suggests that the original Eldar pantheon perhaps were lesser entities or minions of other, larger chaos Gods (some other sort of warp entitty) although not neccesarily tied to the more 'evil' aligned Chaos gods. Could it be tht there were some Chaos gods who were more "lawful" or "good" in the past?

Page 51
The Avatar's outer shell resembles a suit of war armour and is encrusted with individual spirit-stones which pulsate with vermillion light. These contain the spirits of all the Young Kings that have ever entered the chamber. The personalities and memories these spirit-stones contain fortify the Avatar and enable him to call upon the experiences of the Young Kings themselves. In a sense, therefore, Exarhcs who become Avatars never die - they are united with the Avatar himself and continue to live in him forever.
Something quite similar to what Exarchs and Phoenix Lords undergo with their armour. It also suggests that Avatars are in a sense just very complicated sorts of Exarch armour, imbued with the psychic essence of Khaine the god (or more accurately, possessed) and it slikely the body of the Young King during the ritual is absorbed into the body (and probably consumed or burned up in the process - which is why you always need another one - its just a very exotic form of possession.) Or that the principles behind the two (Exarch armour and the Avatar) are related.

Page 53
Farseers spend much o ftheir time casting the Seer Runes and making endless calculations and prognostications, trying to guide the fortunes of the Craftworld and anticipate any future difficulties. Because the calculations of the Farseers may be based upon predicted events happening hundreds of years in the future, their immediate effect is rather hard to determine.
Scope of Farseer precognitive abilities, and the difficulties therein.

Page 56
If the Avatar is slain in battle this is a calamitous event for the Eldar. The Avatar himself seems to fade and evaporate before he disappears altogether. In fact he is drawn back to his Craftworld by means of a permanant warp-link between himself and his iron throne.
What happens when an Avatar gets its ass kicked.

Page 59
The Mandiblaster is an extrmeley short ranged weapon - useful only at a distance of a foot or so. It is activated by a psychic pick-up in the helmet, and fires a stream of tiny metallic needles straight forward into the target. These needles cannot do much damage themselves, although in the case of unarmoured targets they can tear and lacerate flesh, but rather they act as a conductive medium through which the Striking Scorpion delivers an intense laser energy sting. This laser energy vaporises the tiny slivers of metal into plasma which rips straight inot the target.
STandard mandiblaster depiction. It seems to have explosive as well as possibly thermal effects.

Page 60
Their [Swooping HAwk[ Hawk Armour and much o ftheir equipment is made from a cellular material full of tiny air pockets much like the bones of birds; this makes it extremely light without affecting its outward appearance
Presumbly this also means a trade off in armour durability in ordert o make it lighter (in comparison to other Aspect Warrior armor, that is)

Page 60
The Swooping Hawk's wings are in fact a sophisticated combination of anti-gravity lifter and jet propulsion motor. The wings themselves form the control surfaces and enable the Eldar to glide for short distances.
The Eldar "Jump pack"

Page 61
The armour worn by Aspect Warriors is made from a pliable but resilient natrual material overlaid with flexible but tough plates of varying sizes.


Aspect armour is psychically sensitive to its wearer, and can transmit enregy trhough its fabric to provide the extra power to lift heavy objects.


This unique armour is the Eldar equivalent of Power armour, and it has the same ability to provide a safe isolated enviorment for the individual wearing it, protecting the Eldar from most gas weapons for example. Most importantly of all, the Aspect Armour suit is fitted with a Waystone which will gather the Eldar's soul should he be slain, preserving his psychic self so that it can be recovered and taken back to his Craftworld.
Some of the capabilities of ASpect Warrior armour. Other sources mention their armour being able to reshape portions of it (going rigid or soft, making bigger/thicker plates to enahcne proteciton, etc) in order to retian mobility and maximize protection. The following make it seem more similar to Astartes Power armour. One wonders at the power source.

Page 62
Exarchs wear armour which is generally tougher and lighter than that of their equivalent Aspect. It also includes very efficient neurally activated servomechanisms which make the Exarch faster and more agile than an equivalently armoured aspect Warrior.
Exarch armour is, predictably, better than Aspect armour. It also enhances the speed (and likely strength) of the warrior more via (supposedly) more mechanical means. Although its possible aspect warriors use a lesser version of this anyhow (less efficient)

Page 62
The Crone Worlds remain the primary source of spirit stones. Acquiring new spriit stones is extremely hazardous because it necessitates an expedition into an area of warp-real space overlap such as the Eye of TError.


According to Legend the spirit stones were made by Vaulf romt eh TEars of Isha. This is intepreted as a metaphor for the crystallization of the psychic energies caused by the interface between the warp and the material universe.
Indication of the manner and fashion in which spirit/waystones are created - a process that seems similar to the creation of wraithbone, but a more "natural" process..

Page 63
The personality of the [Exarch] armour's original owner, together with all the Exarchs who have worn it since then, remain trapped in the spirit stone that adorns the suit. When an Exarch uses the Exarch suit, he becomes the living incarnation of the massed experience and power of all the Eldar who have worn it before him, and his own personality is temporarily put aside.
Again, parallels here could be drawn between the Avatar of Khaine and Exarchs.

Page 64
The EXarch is very strong, his muscles are as hard as iron and his armoured suit enhanced to muliply his strength.
As noted above, Exarch armor seems to possess the ability to amplify strength, although this context it was an optional ability not inherent.

Page 64
Stealth- the Exarch has the uncanny ability to move unseen - even in the open. His ability is a mixture of subtle movement and a mild psychic projection which disrupts his visual impression in the mind of an onlooker.
potential stealth features that an Exarch can have.

Page 65
The Brightlance is a high powered laser weapon - like a lighter and more mobile lascannon.
Implies the Brightlance Aspect weapon is similar in power to a lascannon.

Page 66
The Warlock's helmet, armour and cltohing are enscribed with runes which bind protective psychic forces about him. THese can deflect a bullet, or the force of an enemy weapon before it even touches the Warlock.
Properties and capabilities of the shielding of Warlock rune armour.

Page 75
Before the Fall the Eldar seeded many dead worlds with life as part of a program of colonisation which would take many thousands of years to reach fruition. Many of these worlds did not become inhabitable until many years after the fall, and some were then setteld by humans and Orks who were quite unaware that they were living on a planet originally intended as an Eldar Colony.


Since the Fall fresh colonies have been settled formthe Craftworlds themselves, often on worlds seeded before the fall, but sometimes on newly seeded planets or newly discovered habitable planets.
The Kinds/types of Maiden Worlds available.
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Connor MacLeod
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Posts: 14065
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

We round out the Rogue Trader compilation with.. the Genestealers. Next update will be starting in on the second edition codexes. Because that's largely all I have left (otehr than re-covering the 1st edition RT stuff and I havent decided about that.) and it has some of the best info. Maybe the Orks.

Anyhow, this is the official "last" of the 1st edition game stuff I've got on board and may ever cover. Maybe, maybe I'll cover the Realms of Chaos stuff or Warhammer Siege sometime. Haven't decided. Maybe if someone wants it to be covered.

Page 81
Genestealers are stronger and hardier than Men, able to withstand even the most hostile enviroments - including hard vaccuum - unprotected. THey live for centuries.
Genestealers are long lived.

Page 84
The Stealer's egg never hatches - in fact, 'egg' is something of a misnomer; it is more like a cancer than an egg. When implanted, the gg begins to alter the host's genetic structure, cell by cell, wreaking particular damage t the victim's reproductive system. The victim shows lilttle outward sign of the infection - in fact, he gains some of the Stealer's remarkable strength, resilience, and longevity, becoming healthier than he was before.


When someone infected by a Stealer mates, his offspring are hybrids - part Human, part Stealer, with the Stealer traits predominating. Once mature, these hybrids infect other Humans with eggs: their children are also hybrids, though they will look more like normal Humans.

The cycle of infection continues until about the fourth generation, when the hybrid s are all but indistinguishable from purestrain Humans. The fourth generation hybrids have no ovipositors and mate in the normal human fashion, but they may spawn Humans, hybrids or purestrain Genestealers.

Perhaps the most horrifying aspect of the entire cycle is that the Human hosts appear not to notice - or care- that their children are monsters. The parents love and cherish the creatures, above and beyond even normal parental affection. Whether this is becuase of some power of the child or because the parents are psychically dominated by the purestrain Genestealer is unknown.

Once the Genestealers begin to infiltrate and infect a new race, that race's days are clearly numbered. A single Genestealer can infect hundreds; their children can infect millions. Unless the infection is spotted early and ruthlessly countered, in short centuries the original race is all but extinct. This makes the Genestealers terrible, implacable enemies - they must constantly seek out new races to conquer, or their race will perish with their victims.
Description of the genestealer reproductive process.

Page 83
Though equipped with flexible, sensitive hands, purestrain Genestealers are mentally incapable of using even the simplest of tools and weapons. apparently, the very concept of manipulating their enviroment through tools is entirely alien to their psychology, and they are not able to comprehend the workings of the lever, the spear or the blaster. This is extremely fortunate for the Imperium, for in every other way they are deadly warriors.

However, their hybrid children are not so limited. The first generation tends to have the same mental shortcomings as pure Stealers, but further generations - where the Human genes apparently have more influence - gain some of the Man's facility with tools and weapons. Though not technological innovators, these later hybrids can use equipment others have designed and built.
It explicitly notes that Genestealers cannot use weapons or devices, but the reasons for this are tied up in psychological mental conditioning - it remains a possibility that (if the Tyranids wished it) they could engineer Genestealres who could use weapons. After all, the Hybrids can.

Page 83
However it is known that there are currents and eddies in the warp, which can trap a vessel in warpspace forever, or turn it from its course and deposit it back in realspace light years - or centuries - from its intended destination.

The vessels known as space hulks suffer a different, and in many ways, much more unpleasant fate. Space hulks have been wrenched from their course, and drift helplessly through warpspace, travelling wherever the currents take them. They may stay locked in warpspace for centuries, or drop back into realspace minutes after entering the warp.
this seems to imply a FTL speed for Space hlks between "minutes" and "centruies" to cross between light years or light centuries. It coudl be sublight, or just a few times c, to hundreds or thousands of light years in an hour. IT all seems dependent upon the warp currents (and whatever force it is guides the space hulks)

Page 83
It is impossible to determine where or when - or if - a hulk will return to real space, and even the psychic Astropaths are unable to influence or predict the hulk's voyage. Once the hulk is returned to realspace, it is not free. Minutes, hours, days or years later, it will be sucked back into the warp, to endure another uncertain, endless voyage.
An implication here that astropaths could normally "predict or influence" the path or voyage of a warp-travelling vessel (If they couldn't at all, why bother mentioning them? They're not the most powreful psykers in the Imperium after all.)

Again, the capabilieis of the space hulk to enter and exit the warp are completely random.

Page 83
Possibly the most unfortnate are those whose vessels have efficient life-support systems: they may linger for centuries.
Implication that some life support systems exist which can sustain being for centuries. Not neccesarily human.

Page 83
The hybrids construct cryogenic suspension chambers for the pure Stealers - though hardy and long-lived, even the Stealres cannot survive for centuries in the awful cold and vacuum of space.

Once the cryogenic chambers are complete, the hybrids depart.
Description of Genestealre use of Space Hulks and how they get into cryogenic chambers.

Page 83
When they arrive on a Human planet, the Genestealer and its human thrall go as far away as possible from civilisation, settling in the most remote and desloate part of the planet - either in the far wilderness or deep in the bowels of the abandoned inner city.
Genestealer infiltration of another planet.

Page 84
A genestealer cult usually masquerades as a new religion, with the Stealer's thrall as titular head. In outward appearance the religion is completely harmless, and often laudable, promoting hard work, cherishing the young and respecting the old, and encouraging extreme modesty (most of the priests and priestesses go about completely robed at all times.) The religious message is simple, usually fortelling the coming arrival o the Blessed Children, who will lead their parents to eternal bliss.
More on genestelare infiltration tactics.

Page 84
It is rumored that there are millions of Chaos cults scattered throughout the Imperium as well as other groups dedicated to the Emperor's downfall - including genestealer cults.
A low end on the numbe rof Chaos Cults in the Imperium.

Page 86
Though Genestealres are driven by a ferocious and all but uncontrollable need to infect victims to ensure the survival of the species, the pure Stealer restrains itself and its progeny from infecting too many Humans too fast, recognizing that the religion's too-rapid growth might arouse the suspicion of the Imperial Inquisition.


The titular head of the religion, the original crewmember infected by the Stealer, is removed, and his place is taken by a fourth generation hybrid. The hybrid, having some of the Genestealer's hypnotic powers, literally mesmerises those who see him, gaining new and even more fantaical members for the cult.

Other fourth generation hybrids leave the close protection of the cult and, masquerading as diplomats, religious missionaries, merchants, or other travellers, spread the infection across the planet, and throughout the Imperium.
Genestealers control the speed and rate at which they allow the infections to spread or grow in Human societieis because they fear discovery by the Inquisition or other aspects of the Imperium. This suggests that in more "lax" societies, they probably would not move as slow, at least until someone caught on and clamped down.

Also more on infiltration tactics.

Page 86
once the fourth generation (of Genestealers) is born, virtually the only way to stop the infection is to sterilize the entire planet, killing every living thing on it.
If we ever wanted to be clear about what "sterilizing" a planet against Genestealers meant, we get further confirmation here. For all intents and purposes, it means you render Exterminatus on the planet.

Page 86
A Stealer is all but unstoppable in close combat; even a man protected by Tactical Dreadnought Armour is no match.
Genestealrs are nasty in close combat. I imagine they have pyschically augmented blades like other Tyranid close combat types do.

Page 86
Thus, close combat is at the heart of a Genestealer cult's batlte tactics - a massive wave of Stealers, hybrids and Human fanatics.


In batlte, the cult is lead by its Magus - afourth generation hybrid who is the figurehead leader of the cult. The purestrain Genestealer continues to advise the Magus, but it leaves the actual generalship to someone who is better able to understand the opponent's weaponry.

The Magus and Genestealer are accompanied by the core of the cult - the coven, containing most of the early-generation hybrids and a small number of Humans armed with renaged weapons. The coven takes no part in the early stages of the battle, merely directing the other troops, providing a rallying point, and awaiting the moment to spring.

The cult probably won't have a good deal of ranged weaponry at its disposal - the Genestealer is indifferent to such things and they are often difficult for any but legitimate military forces ot attain.

Whatever ranged weapons the cult has are concentrated in a single unit. The unit takes up a good defensive position, attempting to engage the enemy's ranged weapons, pinning them down and drawing fire away from the coven's shock troops.

The bulk of the cult's fanatical Human members are provided with close asault weapons - short range guns, if available, rocks clubs sowrds and the like. Forming up in massive waves, they rush out onto the field, screaming wildly, firing indiscriminantly, and waving the cult's battle banner.


They advance mindlessly, taking no notice of casualties.
Combat tactics of the Genestealer brood. I do imagine that alot of this is contingent upon the tech level of the world and the scope of infiltration - groups that can infiltrate or raid military forces can gain access to better training and equipment.

Page 86
The cult may have auxiliary troops from allied Chaos cults or other Genestealer cults; rogue psykers or Beastmen may be fighting alongisde the cult for their own purposes; the cultists may be mounted on horseback or within an armoured vehicle; the Magus may be possessed by a Daemon (an awesome combniation indeed!)
Genestealer cults (at least bakc then) weren't above allying with or using other factions that may want to depose or destabilize a planet. Of course, once the Imperium is defeated on planet, they become rivals but.. it does show some interesting practcality.

Page 88
Purestrain Genestealrs can only reproduce by infecting a victim with their genetic material. The gene-host survives as a healthy Human being, but, upon becoming a parent, the gene-host's firstborn child is indelibly marked by the gene-infection. Once the child matures into a Human-Genestealer hybrid, it can pass the infection on to toher Humans, whose firstborn will also be born as Hybrids. It is only the firstborn child of infected parents that is a Human-Genestealer Hybrid; later offpsring will always be normal humans.

The first generation of Hybrids closely resemble purestrain Genestealrs. But, with each new generation of Hybrids, Genestealer traits give way to Human traits, until fourth generation Hybrids are all but indistignuishable from untainted Humans. However, a Hybird will always display the Genestealer's primal instincts; these always remain in their genetic structure and - no matter how Human in appearance- a Hybrid belongs to the Genestealr brood.

Purestrain Genestealres are totally incapable of passing as Human.


However, later generations, particularily third and furth, become mor humanoid in appearance. Indeed, many Genestealrers of advanced generations can appear as Humans at first glance, especially if wearing concealing clothing. However, as their sharp teeth and hypnotic eyes are somewhat of a giveaway, they tend to avoid peaking to strangers or looking at people straight in the face.
More on Genestealer generations and distinguishing featuers of the Hybrids.

Page 88
Nevertheless, there is no reason why any other race cannot be infected;
Ork-Genestealer Hybrids are perfectly possible - indeed many exist.
A rather daunting prospect.

Page 90
Purestrain Genestealers and first and second generation Hybrids have no psychic powers except for their innate abilities, Hypnotic Gaze and Brood telepathy. Third and fourth generation Hybrids, however, will often have additional psychic powers.
Some genestealers even non-psychic ones have innate abilities which facilitate their efforts.

Page 90
Brood Telepathy proves especially useful in battle because one Brood member can act as a telepathic observer for another armed with a heavy weapon capable of indirect fire (such as a grenade launcher).
This does, I imagine, serve as a crude but useful form of communication in general if it can allow for indirect fire, giving the Genestealers a potential for excellent coordination.

Page 90
Cursing, he flung the hatch open and stood up, grabbing the bionculars by his seat. He flicked the range knob, bringing the outcrop nearer by a factor of ten.


Just reaching the summit was something moving at a phenomenal speed. He couldn't work out what it was - its blueish skin blended in with the purple rock, making it difficlut to see clearly. He altered the spectrum of the binoculars to pick it out, gasping at what they revealed.
Seem like pretty sophisticated binocs for a civvie to have.

Page 90
Psychic Hybrids tap raw psychic energy emanating from the primitive Genestealer Power that exists in the warp - the shadow image of the 'will to survive' of the Genestealer species. Psychich hybrids who worship a Chaos Power may of course draw psychic energy from their patron, thus tainting their simple Genestealer souls.
Genestealers have psykers and even seek them out. THey may also, surprisingly, serve a Chaos God.

Page 97
After four generations, the Hybrid brood and their human kin have been forged into a close-knit clan. At some point in the rise of the brood, usually with the appearance of the third and fourth generation Hybrids, the brood will feel a collective and instinctive need for their original progenitor - the Patriarch of the clan. Extreme efforts will be made to bring him into the brood if he is not already among them. In seclusion, attended by later generation Hybrids, he will preside as athe venerated elder of the clan.

Gradually the Genestealer clan grows from strength to strength. It becomes a close-knit, extended family that includes the Hybrid brood and all of their Human relatives. Members of the clan infiltrate positions of power, influence and respect in their society.

While the clan devleops, the Patriarch directs the efforts of his extended family to gain temporal power within the host society, whether this is by social, political, financial or religious influence, or by simple physical coercion. In this way, he hopes that the clan will have gained significant power and influence by the time the fourth generation Hybrids are giving birth to more Purestrains. When they hav,e the cycle will be complete - the clan is ready to found new colonies, an the infestation continues.
Seems like there's a bit of a double edged sword to a pact between Genestealers and Chaos, for both sides. It might favor The Chaos God more though.

Page 98
Purestrain Genestealres are immortal, tehir minds intensely driven by a single objective; the spread and domination of the Genestealer kind. The PAtriarch of a dominant clan would not need to deal with Chaos, and would show little inclination to do so. The Patriarch of a struggling clan, however, may choose to turn to Chaos, though only as a source of power.

The Genestealer soul is strong, but not ocmplex. So powerful is their ancient, primeval urge to exist that it has given rise to a specific Genestealer Power in the warp.

This is not a complex Power, indeed it is crudely simple, but it is the source of any psychic ability a Genestealer or Hybrid may have, and can be tapped like a psychic battery.


The Genestealer's spychic hunger, however, can be fed by any of the Chaos Powers, and it is for this reason and this reaosn alone, that the Patriarch will open himself to the Lords of Chaos, using them as a source of psychic energy for the brood.

Of course, since the Genestealer's soul is so very simple, it is easily moulded by the nature of the Chaos Power involved. This is one reason why the Powers of Chaos are willing to assist a Genestealer Patriarch. They regard a pact with a Patriarch as a good bargain: it allows the Power to establish a firm hold in the material universe throught he medium of a very strong partner.
Purestrains are "immortal" now - presuambly barring death anyhow. Also an indication of the view of the Patriarch on pacts with Chaos.

Also interesting is that the Genestealers can an do form their own "Power" in the Warp - presumably this is subordinate to and connected with the Tyranid Shadow in the Warp - it may be the means by which the beacon that pulls 'Nids to a Genestealer cult are created.

Page 98
Unlike Humans, who can become vulnerable to daemonic possession simply through weakness of character or misguided dabbling into the occult, Genestealers, as a species, are in complete control of their metaphysical wellbeing. They will onyl approach a Chaos Power form a pragmatic point of view, looking on it as a source of power. a Patirarch that is considering invoking the Chaos Powers will carefully weigh the cost of his own sacrifice against the potential benefit for his brood.
Differences between Genestealers and humans in terms of possession. A Genestealer PAtriarhc can only become possessed if he chooses to, it seems. One imagines the aforementioned "Power" is strong enough to prevent casual possession at least, suggesting it is stronger than most high end Daemons.

Page 98
When a clan becomes a cult, the Patriarch's role will alter- he becomes an object of veneration within the cult, and is referred to as the Oracle. His will is interpreted by a trusted and respected fourth generation Hybrid, who becomes known as the Magus. The Magus is almost indistinguishable from a nromal Human being, but has a commanding personality and an eerie, otherworldyl charisma.
The Magus of the Cult and his role - basically that of a highly effective figurehead and leader for the cult - its "public face" as it were.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

With this we start a new chapter in the "early edition" 40K analysis segments. I'll be focusing heaivly on 2nd edition stuff onwards, at least til its complete. This is actually the part I am looking forward to, because 2nd edition is quite fluff-heavy, so there's alot of interesting detail to expound upon.

I will say that this marks my (official) jaunt into analysis of the 2nd edition codexes. I did Sisters of Battle and the IG codex (sort of) before, but never really in any great detail. This is bad, because they're quite full of useful information. Indeed, 2nd edition is my favorite because it balances between the tones of the earlier days and what is to come in later editions. It is pretty much the basis upon which all we know as truly 40K seems to stem from. And, at the same time, its bereft of much of the silly grimdarkness that pervates latter editions, especially regarding the Imperium. So it is, in my opinion, worthwhile to give some thought to looking at it.

2nd Edition is also notable in that it is perhaps the most fluff-heavy in a technical sense I won't spoil details, but sufficed to say there is alot of interesting detials in this stuff. I will also be re-doing the Guard Codex as I missed alot of stuff before. I will not revisit the SoB codex, however.

To cap it off I'm going to start with a small one, the Assasins' codex (one of my "fuck its hard to find a copy of this" exploits.) Parts of this have already been covered by Teleros, and they can be found here. he's the one that put me onto looking at this, so thank him (and its not the first time he's been helpful like that, either.)

Page 3
In its crudest form, power means armies of wrariors, war machines, and spacecraft, but it can also be applied in more subtle ways to achieve the desired end. Coercion, bribery, threats, blackmail and murder are all weapons in the armoury of those who rule. To this end, the Imperium has developed severa institutions to study, perfect, and exploit these weapons to the fullest: ancient institutions that trace their history back to the Great crusade and the very birth of the Imperium. One such organisation is the Officio Assasinorum.
In short: The Imperium is not averse to using power in various forms to achieve its ends.

Page 3
The Officio Assasinorum or Office of Assasins is one of the most secretive organisations in the Imperium. Its hidden Grand Master is one of the High Lords of Terra


Only the High Lords themselves can sanction the deployment of the Assassins, for fear that their own weapons may be used against them. It is said that in the distant pass the Grand Mastrs used Assasssins to further their own ends, and a reign of terror clutched even the High Lords themselves. In the Anarchic Wars of vindication the Grand Master himself fell to the Assassin's knife. Thereafter, the High Lords took special care to control the Officio Assassinorum so that, in theory, only traitors and heretics need fear it today.
This is the "old" setup. There is no more "Grand Master" (officially) and an ordo of the Inquisiton controls things. Much of this will be hinted at later.

Page 3
Assassins begin their training in early childhood when they are chosen from the progeny of death worlds, feral societies and the most dangerous hive-cities of the Imperium. Training starts even as the ships return to Earth, with the Officio instructors testing their prospective pupils mercilessly. The weak and the foolish are weded out before they even board the ships, and as they journey to Terra the willful and cowardly are excisedin tests of determination and enforced discipline.
The recruits must survive on limited food and air for days at a time. They must constantly fight each other in armed and unarmed combat, in conditions of total darkness or blinding light, zero-G or crushing weight, stifling heat or freezing cold. By the time of their arrival there may be only a tenth of the prospective Assassins left, or sometimes none at all if the instructors deem every recruit to be unworthy.

On arrival at Earth the new recruits are divided amongst the hidden temples of the Officio Assassinorum. Their training becomes ever more rigorous... Days are spent battling with bone-wrenching exercise engines, fighting in deadly bouts or mastering specialist weaponry and techniques. Each Temple has its own ancient ways and mysteries, each specialises in a different aspect of the art of murder. There are many such temples, some of which are known and others that remain completely secret.


Thus when the High Lords of Terra select their tools of death from the lethal disciples of the secretive Officio Assasinorum, they are assured of only the most finely honed and efficient living weapons.
In this regard, much of what an Asssasin goes through echoes Space Marine training and selection, just on a higher scale. They aren't Marines, of course, but the stuff done to them and the end result is much the same (witness Meh'Lindi, or the Assasin in the fourth Space wolves novel.)

It is likely they are also as fanatically if not more loyal than the Astartes.

Page 4
The Age of Apostasy raged for over two millennia, during which time the Administratum and the religious order of the Ecclesiarchy tore the Imperium apart from within. The culmination of this period was Lord Vandire's Reign of Blood... Eventually many branches of the Imperium turned against the ageing megalomaniac, resulting in the Wars of Apostasy. Five Space Marine Chapters, and the armed of the Adeptus Mechanicus fell upon the Imperial palace in an attempt to end Vandire's Reign of Blood by force. In the end Vandire's own bodyguard, the Daughters of the Emperor, turned on him after learning from the Emperor himself that Vandire was destroying the Imperium... It is during this turbulent period [shortly after Vandire died, having left the Adeptus Terra in ruins] that the Wars of Vindication took place...
Reign of blood in brief. It must be noted that a big reason why the Imperim probably survived this time is because of the difficulties of centralized control. As well as the efforts of groups like the Astartes and AdMech to retain order (as well as to bring an end to things eventually.)

Page 4
Two puncture wounds, both 13mm in diameter, on the body... indicate entry wounds from a pistol, fired from short range with low velocity rounds. Both the cerebral cortex and the heart muscle show signs of massive internal damage indicating use of an explosive type round and ruling out the use of stabbing or cutting instruments.
No exit wounds are apparent and no sign of any bullets or bullet fragments in the body. Lack of burning and or cauterised tissue rules out the use of energy weapons. Lack of post mortem bruising also rules out removal of the bullets by another party. I cannot find any accurate explanation for this.
My final conclusion is that the subject Alpha died instantly from a combination of brain death and heart failure brought on by massive trauma to both of these organs.
This quote implies that it is at least technically possible for energy weapons (which arguably includes las-weapons) can cause 13mm diameter entry wounds and substantial damage across the brain and heart. The cauterization effect indicates significant thermal effects as well as mechanical, and does in fact represent the literal mention of cauterization (an earlier short story alludes to it, but does not say cauterization.)

Also gives us an indicatio nof the calibre of slugthrowers existing. 13mm is a bit larger than a .50cal, which suggests that the theoretical energy weapons could be comparable in effect to a handgun of that caliber and power (which likely means a magnum round.)

Lacking information as to the true extent of the damage, its hard to calc, other than its probably not megatjoule range. Double digit, perhaps triple digit kj, but its pure guess.

Page 5
This time a far more sinister element was involved, the Officio Assasinorum. Somehow entrance to and from the palace had been barred, despite no order coming from the High Lords. Trapped within its confines, many had barricaded themselves in their chambers as the palace echoed to the sound of gunfire and shook with the force of devastating explosions. This period of violence culminated iwth the deat of the Grand Master of Assassins himself.
The Asssasins can (or could) on their own control access to and from the Imperial Palace. Presumably only the Custodians could overrule them.

Page 5
The Adeptus Administratum has vast vaults on Terra, hundreds of chambers containing some of the Imperium's darkest secrets. To locate any one vault could take someone years or even decades of searching. The key to finding a vault is to use one of the special Archive-Servitors. These Servitors are linked to a special memory-slave that holds the locations of most of the vaults. It should be stressed that for security purposes the data bank only has the locations of the vaults and not any detail of what is stored in them. We requisitioned three Archive-Servitors and placed a sensor beacon on each before inputting the vault code. Two of the Servitors malfunctioned, the first incorrectly plotting a course across a walkway that no longer existed and fell two kilometres suffering irreparable damage. The second one simply disappeared. After a two week period only one of them had successfully located the vault, its sensor beacon indicating thta it had travelled some fifty kilometres into the depths of the Terran hive.
The Library system on Terra, at least the ones the Inquisitors have an access too. The timeframes involved give us an indication of the scope and scale of the Library.

It also hints at some tangible numbers for the size of the hives on Terra.. they must be pretty tall and huge even if they are continent spanning.

Page 5
The body of the Grand Master lay preserved in a stasis field. However, upon genetic testing, this too proved not to be the remain of the True Grand Mater!
Stasis fields and genetic testing.

Page 5
My final conclusion is that the Officio Assassinorum is in dire need of reorganisation, and like many offices of the Adeptus Administratum it needs more rigorous monitoring. This will fall into the jurisdiction of the Inquisition and we will be setting up a new department to carry out this function. The department will be called the Ordo Sicarius.
I recommend, to avoid further embarassment, that no traces of this should come to light and Imperial recordsbe amended to read thus: "In the anarchic Wars of Vindication the Grand Master himself fell to the Assasin's knife. Thereafter, the High Lords took special hare to control the Officio Assasinorum so that, in theory, only traitors and heretics need fear it today."
As mentioned before, the Assasins are now under the auspeices of the Inquisition. As if they did not have tons of power as it was.

Page 6
For eighty years I have resided over the Officio Assasinorum,a nd if this document has flalen tino the hands of the Inquisition then I have been successful in uncovering both the assasination attempt upon my life and the corruption within the Officio Assasinorum.


Some I suspected to be the responsibility of my own Vindicare Temple, while others had been horribly mauled by the assassins of the Eversor Temple, and many poisonings could quite easily be the Venenum temple.

During the reign of Lord Vandire I relentlessly resistated allowing this evil man any foothold within the Officio Assasinorum. But as his hold over the Imperium tightened, it rapidly became obvious that Lord Vandire had somehow enlisted the help of the Officio Assasinorum.
[snip mention of various dead/missing officials dignitaries]

Of course all the assasinations concerned were carried out perfectly and no obvious traces of Officio Assasinorum involvemnt could be found. But, familiar as I am with the modus operandi of all the hidden temples of the Officio Assasinorum, there were nough clues within the reports for me to detect a pattern.
Various points: the Grand Master lived at least eighty years, probably more. Second, mention of the Venenum temple (poisoners) and that Vandire had coopted the Assasins too.

Also note that noone but the Grand Master could easily tell the hand of the Assasinorum in things, and that because he ran the damn thing.

Page 6
The first was that the Officio Asssasinorum had been corrupted to its very core by Vandire and his bribes and blackmail. This, however, seemed unlikely, due to the veil of secrety over the Officio Assasinorum, which meant that even Lord Vandire could only know a few individuals within the Officio Assassinorum.

The only other possible answer lay with the Callidus Temple. Using the shape-altering drug polymorphine to assume alternative identities, the Callidus temple is notorious for the ability of its assassins to infiltrate other offices of the Imperium.
With such skills and expertise at its disposal, the Callidus Temple could easily infiltrate the Officio Assasinorum itself.
The Callidus temple can even infiltrate the other Temples if they choose. It is worth noting that evne Vandire could only gain partial influence over the temple, else things might have gone differently.

Page 6
At the time Tziz Jarek was engaged upon a mission, infiltrating a strong warband of Dark Eldar... Jarek and his elite team of Callidus assassins hadn't been heard of for over a year and many felt that they must have failed... This was certainly the standpoint of the High Lords of Terra...
Assasins, as we saw from the Inquisiton War novels, can imitate and infiltrate the Edlar or Dark Eldar.

Page 7
Only I knew all the Officio Assassinorum's secrets. Only I knew the codes that unleashed Eversor assassins. Only I knew the identity of every single assassin. Only I could gain access to the Officio Assassinorum's secret arsenals, containing some of the most devastating weaponry in the Imperium...
Day and night, assassins loyal to me battled against the renegades. Eversor assassins stalked the corridors, the coded identities of renegade assassins programmed into their sub-conscious... Hideouts were located and destroyed with lethal demolition charges, some so powerful that whole sections of the Imperial palace collapsed, killing many innocent people. Many loyal assassins risked using weapons from the Officio Assassinorum's secret arsenal: some were unstable, or limited in the ammount of ammunition available.
Again various points: The Grand Master controlled all the Eversors, secret arsenals with incredibly devastaitng weapons, and so on. Such was the scope of this secret war that entire sections of the palace were demolished.

Page 7
I said the code word and the haywire grenade detonated sending an electromagnetic pulse through the chamber. Jarek looked on in horror as the energy drained from his weapons, leaving them useless. I used Jarek's moment of indecision to pull the Exitus pistol from its place on the wall and fired twice. By this time Jarek had recogered from the shock of losing his weapons, but his attempts to dodge were in vain, the tiny targetting computers inside each bullet were programmed to lock onto Jarek's heat signature and would follow him whichever way he dived. The first hit Jarek in the head and the econd struck his chest. Specially chosen biodegradable rounds ensured that the weapon that killed Jarek could never be traced.
Haywire grenades disable Assasin's gear, but won't stop an Exitus pistol. Also note that the bullets of the Exitus pistol (possibly only the Grand Master's though) were heat seeking and could home. The weapons also biodegraded completely to leave no trace, which is a further impressive feat in and of itself.

Page 8
All Imperial Assassins are indoctrinated into one of the many secret temples of the Officio Assasinorum. No two temples appraoch the the art of death in the same way and each one trains its ASssassins to use its highly specialised wargear and to carry out missions with their own unique techniques.


All Assassins are highly trained killers. Even unarmed, each one is a finely tuned and deadly killing machine. This is achieved with a certain level of basic training that all novitiates receive regardless of which temple they are being indoctrinated into. There are the basic skills for any Assassin and allow him to survive and carry out his deadly missions on the battlefield of the 41st millenium.


All Imperial Assassins wear a protective layer known as synskin. Synskin is a spray-on second skin. It is airtight, watertight and proof against most gases. In addition it feeds him counteractive agents into his bloodstream, making him completely immune to several poisons and toxins.

The Imperial Assassin's trained reflexes are augmented by the booster chemicals of his synskin and enalbe him to react quickly to any threat by doging out of danger.
Imperial Assassins have highly sophisticated bio-implants which enable them to see in the dark or through dense smoke. They are not affected by gas or smoke weapons that normally obscure vision, although the Assassin is affected by Blind grenades and missiles as normal.
Basic assasin abilities.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Next Assassins codex update: Callidus and Eversor

Page 9
The Vindicare temple of Assasins specialises in vengeance and revenge killings. Vindicare assasins practice callous unfeeling destruction which elminates the target with contemptuous ease. They aim to bring inglorious death to the enemies of the Emperor with a sniper's bullet, and have elevated the skills of the markmsan to an art form. To complement this, the Vindicare temple emphasises stealth and evasion techniques as well as weapons training.
...Vindicare Assassins have been known to occupy a position overlooking their target for weeks before finally taking their shot.
The skills of the Vindicare temple are commonly used to slay those who use mob rule and rousing oratory, replying to seidtion with the seemingly divine retribution of an invisible, untraceable sniper.

Rebellious politicians and revolutionray leaders who speak out against the wisdom of the Imperium constantly fear being cut down on the rostrum.
Overly successful alien commanders and dangerously powerful psykers often fall beneath the corss-hairs of the Vindicare.
Vindicare assasins described.
Page 10
In one celebrated (but carefully concealed) incident, a massed Eldar assault in the Lammas campaign was halted by a lone Vindicare Assassin hiding in a ruined hab-tower. The tower enjoyed a commanding view of the surrounding terrain, so that time and again the Eldar advance was stalled by a hail of deadly fire which slew Exarchs, Warlocks, and support wepaon crews in quick succession.
Eventually the Eldar called in their Scouts to clear the tower but when they entered it they found it deserted and empty.
Vindicaire vs Eldar.
Page 10
As dawn broke, the Assassin's sensors picked up the swish of thick curtains in the tower, and he looked up. Far away, on the tower's balcony, Elisiah stood with arms outstretched to welcome the morning sun. As he watched through the sight of his Longrifle, the Assassin carefully loaded his special ammunition. Seconds later a flash of crackling blu energy engulfed the Prophet as his displacer field overloaded. For a moment the Prophet stood stunned, then the second bullet hit, punching thorugh the shining dome of his bald head and ending his heresy in a split-second.
Vindcaire have shield piercing ammo. It took "seconds" to reach him, suggesting a range of hundreds of meters away, at least. Also note the vindicaire gear has sensors.
Page 10
The Marksman skill also increases the long range the Assasin can fire at by 50%
Maybe game stat, but interesting nonetheless.

Page 11
Exitus Weapons are purpose-built for each individual Vindicare sniper. They are manufactured as matchd sets of a pistol and rifle. Both use the same high-powered rounds with armour piercing tips for general purpose executions. They also accept a variety of specila ammunition types for particularily well-protected targets.

Shield Breaker. If the target is protected by a force field the field is automatically destroyed... There are no exceptions to this, even Tyranid Zoanathrope's wap fields...
Turbo-Penetrator. This has a -6 saving throw modifier and inflicts double damage (2 wounds). When rolling for armour penetration, roll D6+5 and double the result.
Hellfire. Always wounds on 2+ against living targets and causes D6 wounds. Hellfire shells affect Tyranids, but do nothing to daemonic creatures. Note that this does not have a splash effect like a heavy bolter hellfire shell.
Exitus weapon ammo. They have some nasty armor piercing and inecndary weapons, note.

Page 11
Stealth Suit: The Stealth Suit combines chameleon chemicals with the ordinary synskin worn by Imperial Assassins.

Spy Mask: The Spy Mask contains cartridges of concentrated food and water for extended operations, and a multi-channel comm sensor for monitoring enemy communications. However, the main feature of the Spy Mask is a wide-spectrum visor which can pick out heat and energy sources at tremendous distances.
Vindicare-specialist gear. Someone will bound to note the "visor" sounds basically like NVG but they must be more complicated than that (compact sensor setup maybe) since we know from Wargear that infrared gear can be standard if wished. (or allocated if need be.)

Page 12
The methods of the Callidus temple are those of utmost cunning and subtlety. They are often used on missions where overt interference by the Imperium would upset the intricate balance of power maintained by the High Lords of Terra. The Callidus Assassin is the ultimate tool against the over-ambitious who use diplomacy, bribes and corruption to further their position. Such individuals play a dangerous game in the orridors of power, making a mockery of the Imperium whilst appearing ot do no wrong.

The techniques that the Callidus temple use to bring down a target are many and diverse, and can go far beyond that of simply killing the perpetrator.The Callidus temple undertakes many covert operations which may involve an Assassin infiltrating an enemy civilisation for months or even years. Their aim is to get close to the chosen target, so that they can carry out their mission. This could range from simply influencing important decisions to eliminating the target at a key moment.

To achieve their exacting tasks the Callidus temple specialises in the use and development of the shape-altering drug Polymorphine. An injection of Polymorphine allows a trained Callidus Assassin to completely change their appearance. Under the influence of the drug the user's body undergoes dramatic changes, which only a fully trained individual can keep under control. Essentially, at a cellular level, the bonds that hold the flesh, bone and nerve cells together are broken down by the Polymorphine drug, allowing the user a brief period to rearrange their cell structure. They can lengthen bones, stretch skin, change the size and shape of their muscles, convert protein cells to fat cells and vice versa. Once the Polymorphine drug has done its work the cells re-establish their bonds and the Assassin will now be changed into a new form until another injection of Polymorphine allows them to re-assume their original shape or change to another.
All the Assassins of the Callidus temple are trained in the use of Polymorphine. With Polymorphine alone a Calldius Assasin may masquerade as any human being they may choose, from a beautiful young woman to a crippled old man. However, in addition, the Medicus Adepts of the Imperium have developed a range of surgical implants to allow Callidus Assassins to mimic members of alien races, like Orks and Eldar. The implants consist of flexi-cartilage and hardened synskin, similar to that used in the black carapace of Space Marines. When the Assassin is in their normal form these implants lie dormant under the flesh and within their bones. It is only when Polymorphine is injected that these implants react to stimulants within the drug and transform into the genetically encoded shapes that allow the Assassin to restructure their body into the grotesque and hunched form of an Ork, or the lithe and graceful body of an Eldar. The most startling and horrific of these implants are those that allow a Callidus Assassin to transform themselves into the totally alien form of a Genestealer Hybrid!

Whilst using Polymorphine an Assassin must have complete control of their body as well as total empathy with the subject they are attempting to replicate. The high level of discipline required by the complex, ritualised forms of combat also helps the Assassin achieve the inner calm and total concentration required. Over the centuries, the Masters of the Callidus temple have learnt that the female body and psyche is better able to implement these changes, and by and large the female novitiates makes better chameleons than men.

Callidus Assasins undergo years of rigorous training to use Polymorphine and become one of the living weapons of the Callidus temple. As part of this training, the Callidus temple practises innumerable ancient and secret martial arts. These arts train the Assassin in many deadly forms of combat, against which even a batlte-trained foe would be hard pressed ot find a suitable defence. A Callidus Assassin must move among the enemy as one of them, so choice of weaponry is always limited and in some cases the ASsassin may be fored to fight bare-handed. Even so, a Callidus Assassin is just as deadly unarmed as when carrying the lethal but easily concealed weaponry used by their temple.
Callidus described, including Polymorphine

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Callidus Assassins spend years training their muscles and honing their bodies with gymnastic and callisthenic exercises. This primarily gives them the physique to accept the Polymorphine drug, but also benefits them on the battlefield where their suppleness allows them to move swiftly and duck, dive and weave through a hail of incoming fire.
Polymorphine training also apparently gives Callidus exceptionally good agility.

Page 14
C'Tan Phase Sword: The Phase Sword was found on one of the long dead worlds of the C'Tan. Excavations by the Adeptus Mechanicus uncovered numerous artefacts of extremely advanced technology, but of their makes, the enigmatic C'Tan, there was no evidence.
The blade of the Phase Sword is unusual in its ability to phase in and out of real-space by molecular realignment, so it is capable of bypassing armour and protective fields.

Neural Shredder: The Neural Shredder is of unknown origin, although some speculate that it is but one of a range of psychic weapons developed by the Adeptus Astra Telepathica... To fire the Neural Shredder place the Flamer template so that the pointed end is touching the Assassin... All models hit must pass a Leadership test with a -2 modifier to their Leadership characteristic. If the test is failed the model suffers 1 wound a -3 saving throw modifier. Armour fields do not protect against the Neural Shredder.

Poison Blades: A Callidus Assassin frequently has to operate with little or no weaponry. However, a Callidus Assassin is never totally unarmed and will always manage to secrete several needle-like Poison Blades about her person.
Callidus weapons. We know about the C'tan weapons ( a good use of the Imperium and AdMech employing Xenos gear), and apparently other kinds of psychic weaponry exist.

Page 15-16
The Eversor specialise in shock and terror tactics, instilling fear of Imperial retirbution into the hearts and minds of all who hold positions of power. Eversor Assassins are primarily used against rebel governors who have plans to move against the Imperium with a large armed force of renegades. Rather than meet this threat with a huge and costly war that will use up precious resources and probably leave whole planets ravaged, the High Lords will sanction the use of an Eversor Assassin. An Eversor rarely has just a single target. His mission will be to rip the heart out of the rebel operation, wreaking havoc and destruction. Such brutality ensures that the renegades are totally cleansed and that no would-be successors may take over. The enemy are utterly destroyed forever by the Eversor's unstoppable attack.

In order ot fufill these grueling objectives. the Eversor temple trains its assassins to be utterly ruthless and completely dedicated to the Imperium. Using specialised knowledge of genetics and human biology, every single Eversor Assassin is engineered to be a super-human killing machine, their bodies driven beyond normal human capabilities by genetic alterations and advanced bionics. In additio, the Eversor temple has developed a range of combat drugs to alter the Assassin's state of mind to that of a psychopath, and push his bio-enhanced body to its absolute limit.

Each Eversor Assassin developed hyper-immuno systems to counter the toxins in the many drugs used by the temple. However, a large number of the drugs are also highly addictive. Without them the Assassin will almost certainly die, with them the Assassin is turned into an unstoppable killing machine. The inevitable result of this is that the Assassin becomes addicted to the killing itself! The only way Eversor Assassins can be kept under control is to keep them in cryo-suspension until they are required for a mission. Each eversor Assassin is stored in a cryo-crypt on board one of the many hidden ships that the Eversor temple have scattered across the Imperium. These ships maintain a constant state of alert, waiting only for orders from the High Lords of Terra to unleash their deadly cargoes.

When an Eversor is selected for a mission he is transferred from the cryo-crypt to a special drop pod, where neuro links feed the details of the mission to hime while he remains in cryo-suspension. he pod is launched at the target planet, as remote links with the spaceship reanimate the Assassin... When the pod impacts, the Assassin will be fully awake and ready to begin his grim task. He will be totally unaware of the time spent in cryo-suspension - he might have spent years or even centuries in a frozen state, but to the Assassin the time gap between the end of the lst mission and the start of the next will be mere moments. He will be psyched up and ready to satiate his desire to slaughter the enemies of Imperium.
Role of the Eversor and the necessity and means of controlling them (they are more psychopathic than the most psycho Astartes.) One wonders if their abilities may have stemmed from research into the Astartes.
Also its interesting to note that these Assasins are kept on ships throughout the Imperium ready to be deployed at a moment's notice.

Page 16-17
Recruits for the Eversor temple are invariably chosen from the youngest of the available novitiates. This is because only a body which isn't fully developed is able to accept the many genetic alterations that the novitiate will undergo. The process of becoming an Eversor Assasin is arduous and long, the extensive testing, genetic manipulation and drugs turning each Assassin into a living, breathing experiment. At first, results from training exercises are assessed to determine which altertions would be most suitable. After that the real experiments begin...
The masters of the Eversor temple and the Medicus Adepts are constantly developing and adapting a special programme of genetics, bio-implants, and chemical boosters to enhance the Assassin's body far beyond what a normal human could achieve. The Medicus Adepts make the most of these adaptations when an Assassin is chosen for the Eversor temple.
The novitiate Assassin undergoes endo-skeletal restructuring, increasing his stamina and aerobic performance and allowing him to fight for days without tiring or the need for rest. Muscular hypertrophy enables the Assassin to explode into a fury of hyperactivity, speeding up his cerebral functions and combat reflexes. In order to cope with these changes the Assassin is given a second heart. Not only does this give the Assassin extra survivability should one heart be damaged in combat, but both hearts can kick in. This ensures that he can maintain the excessively high heart-rate demanded by his enhanced bio-chemical body, without seizing up.
If the trainee's body survives all of the implants and modifications then his cerebral cortex is also enahnced by fitting his brain with genetically coded lobo-chips. These chips amplify the Assassin's state of mind, turning a mere dislike for the enemy into a raging hatred, or the wish to serve the Imperium into determination to complete the mission at any cost. Adrenal ducts are implanted, speeding up the brain's higher functions, allowing the Assassin to make complex calculations and tactical decisions in seconds. The adrenal ducts are also able to feed the brain, allowing the Assassin to work briefly in a hard vacuum.

The process of turning a normal human being into a bio-enahnced killing machine is not without its dangers. Many Assassins have died on the operating talbe or, more often, from some unforeseen side-effect of their many complex bio-enhancements. A lot of the side-effects are known to the Medicus Adepts and can be vountered by glandular implants that constantly feed the necessary counter-active agents into the Assassin. owever, every Eversor Assassin is fatally flawed by his inability to totally stabilise his body. Whilts the Eversor lives he can keep everything under control using his hyper-immuno system and advanced cerebral cortex... However, should the Assassin's hearts stop or his brain fail, the chemical concotions inside him will react at a rapidly accelerating rate. As the dead Assassin's control over his body deteriorates, he spontaneously combusts with quite horrifylingly explosive results!
Rather lengthy discussion and listing of Eversor abilities and training. Again parallels to the Astartes can be made, if your Astartes was drug and murder addicted psychos (like the World Eaters). The training regime is similar (young recruits) and they make mention of dual hearts, bio-implants, and the like.
I also wonder if the Astartes could do the "dual heart" thing to enhance their abilities as well - I generally see no reason why not.

Page 18
The Eversor Assasin's bio-strengthened body and neuro-enhanced reflexes make him an utterly awesome hand-to-hand combat foe. The more the enemy tries to harm the Assassin, the faster and more deadly he becomes. If the Eversor Assassin is attacked in hand-to-hand combat by multiple opponents then he can use the enemies' numbers against them. For each opponent after the first, add +1 to the Assassin's Weapon Skill.

Fear. The raw ferocity and ruthlessness of the Eversor Assassins is renowened across the galaxy.
With the aid of his cybernetic metacarpal implants, the Eversor Assassin may fire his Executor Psitol a number of times equal to his Attacks characteristic.

Wounding the Eversor. The Eversor Assassin's metabolism is so pumped full of combat drugs and toxins that he literally exudes poisons. If the Eversor Assassin is wounded in hand-to-hand combat then he will spray poisonous blood and cells over his attacker. The model that made the attack takes a Strength 4 hit causing 1 wound with a -1 saving throw modifier.

The Eversor Assasin is constantly immunising and neutralising himself against the drugs, toxins, nerve agents, acids, venoms and viruses tha tflow thorugh his body. Alone, any one of these substances is lethal to a normal human, but together there is the further danger of reacting with each other. Fortunately, the Eversor Assasin can prevent this form happening, but only while he lives. As soon as he dies, the process of neutralisation stops and the chemical sreact, causing him to spontaneously combust in a very gruesom eand violent manner.If the Eversor Assassin is reduced to 0 wounds, he will explode with the same effect as a plasma grenade.
A bit more game mechanics in certain parts, but its interesting to note the obviously more fluff parts of the Eversor's abilities. They are the ultimate berserkers and terror weapon in the Imperial arsenal.

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In addition, as Eversor Assasins are equipped to fight a small war if neccessary, they also carry a power sword and are equipped with a supply of melta-bombs..
Executor Pistol: The Executor Pistol is standard issue for all Eversor Assassins, and consists of a master-crafted bolt pistol with a combined needle pistol.
Sentinel Array: The Sentinel Array is a pack containing motion trackers and target acquisition systems, allowing the Eversor Assassin to sense enemy troop movements from all sides.\
In addition, the Eversor Assasin has a 360 degree fire arc, this means he may fire his weapons in any direciton he chooses.
Neuro-Gauntlet: The Neuro-Gauntlet consists of an exo-skeleton hyper-alloy glove, with neuro-toxin injectors fitted to the fingers. The lethal toxins mean that enemies die in an excruciatingly painful and violent manner... If a model is wounded by the Neuro-Gauntlet but isn't killed, then the potent cocktail of acids and toxins will halve all its characteristics (rounding all fractions up), including any remaining Wounds... The Eversor temple constantly modifies the toxins and acids used in the Neuro-Gauntlet so that they remain effective against almost all potential enemies, this includes Tyranid creatures. However, there are no known toxins to affect daemons...
Eversor Combat Drugs: The Eversor Assassin may take one dose of any one of the following drugs at the beginning of his turn. There are enough doses to last the entire battle.
Fury. The Assassin may triple his movement when he charges or runs. This lasts for the duration of the turn.
Terminus. Until the end of your opponent's next turn, the Assassin may carry on fighting and will not explode even he is reduced to 0 wounds! However, if the Assassin is still on 0 wounds at the end of your opponent's next turn, or at the end of the game, then he will die and explode as normal.
Destroyer. DUring his turn, if the Assassin kills his opponents and uses his follow-up move to enter another close combat, he may attack again immediately. After each follow-up move, roll a D6. On a 1-3 the Assassin gets no more attacks this turn, on a 4-6 he may fight another round of combat immediately.
Eversor gear - generally pretty impressive for non-power armored troops.especially the combat drugs turning them into living bombs.
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Connor MacLeod
Sith Apprentice
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last update for Codex Assassins

Page 20
The Culexus temple is in all likelihood the most sinister of all the Assassin temples. Even amongst the upper echelons of the Officio Assassinorum this temple is always viewed with extreme caution.
First and foremost, a potential Culexus Assassin is chosen because he possesses a very rare genetic defect, creating something that is totally unique and yet totally abhorrent to the Imperium.
Every living being has some sort of presence in the warp, where the soul bursts through from the material universe. For non-psykers this will usually be little more than a minute spark. For psykers, however, their soul blazes, a shining beacon that can be seen by other psykers and creatures that live within the warp. The more powerful a psyker they are, the brighter their soul burns within the warp. The Culexus Assassin is special because they have, or appear to have, no presence in the warp, there is just a void. They are, to all intents and purposes, soulless.

This extremely rare defect occurs for no known reason in less than one in a billion individuals, and most find them utterly horrifying. Those who have this defect are known by the name of Pariah, or untouchable, and meeting one is something that nor normal human being can ever forget. Their cold calculating stare draws your attention to their eyes: pools of blackness that seem to suck you into a void of nothingness. It is hardly surprising that most Pariahs are outcasts or lepers, rejected by their parents and banished from settlements. Local superstitons warn about touching them, saying that to do sow ould bring back luck. many Pariahs are resigned to their fate and lead simple lives as loners, leaving heavily populated areas. The Inquisition often finds Pariahs that have become hermits, or have been reduced to squalor and are trying to scrape a living in the depths of a hive city.
The fluff on Pariahs is rather interesting. For one thing they're even rarer than a powerful psyker: assuming quadrillions of people, there are a mere millions of Pariah. One wonders given those numbers why the Emperor restricted himself to only female Pariahs....
It's also good to note that the 'soulless' probably is sort of true, but only in the sense that they are engineered to not have a warp presence - a negative one in fact.
Lastly - as we know, Pariahs were a result of the Necrons' experiments - although if they are as rare as this I have to wonder how successful they are, given that Psykers are becoming progressively more common as time goes on.
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For a short period of time Pariahs were transported back to Terra aboard the Black Ships with other untamed psykers. Once on Earth they would be handed over for experimentation by the Biologis Departmentorium of the Adeptus Mechanicus. It wasn't long before a large number of Pariahs were languishing in the cells at the experimental laboratoriums.

Such a large number of Pariahs began to cast a shadow in the warp, blocking out the Astronomicon, the vital beacon used to guide spaceships to far reaches of the Imperium. This was the first disturbing revelation of their potency.

Other branches of the Administratum, especially those that relied upon psykers, were horrified. Soon several of the High Lords of Terra were making moves towards having Pariahs outlawed and the Inquisition was given the task of ruthlessly exterminating any more that were found. A number of the High Lords including the Paternal Envoy of the Navigators, the mastr of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and the Master of the Astronomican were pushing for the Master of the Administratum to make this an official decree so that they could rid the Imperium of these freaks that threatened their establishments.
It would be interesting to know how many Pariahs it took to do that, since we knew that there were a fair number of Sisters of Silence on planet.

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This was most unfortunate for the Offiicio Assasinorum, who had secretly been working closely with the Magos Biologis and Genetors of the Adeptus Mechancius to see if it was possible to use the Pariahs to kill psykers. Their work was almost complete and many years had been spent developing specialist wargear and training techniques. All of this was about to be ruined by a religious witch-hunt...

The decree from the Master of the Administratum never came, it didn't need to. The Adeptus Mechanicus anounced that it was ending the Pariah project and made a great show of closing down the laboratoriums and executing many of the lab specimens. Satisfied that no further action was needed, the High Lords returned their attentions to other matters.

However, closer study of the records would reveal that the number of executions did not match the number of Pariahs contained within the labs at the time. With the help of the Officio Assassinorum, the Adeptus Mechanicus moved a few of the most promising Pariahs to a secretly constructed fortress on the edge of the galaxy, beyond the reach of the Astronomicon and the more zealous branches of the Adeptus Terra. It was here that the Culexus temple was created.
Interesting that the Assassins worked with the AdMech to make Culexus - one would think that the AdMech would retain the ability to independently make their own psyker killers.
Also we note that Pariahs can vary in "quality" just like psykers do
Lastly, its interesting that the Culexus temple, unlike other Temples that I recall, is generally established outisde of the Imperium, although the Pariah effect makes this understandable.
Page 21
It is within this secret fortress that the Culexus temple operates and it is the Officio Assasinorum that is responsible for maintaining the fortress and ensuring that all Pariahs are contained within its bounds. Most of the other ancient temples are granted a certain amount of autonomy, allowing the general day-to-day running , traning and sometimes mission assignation to be taken care of by the older, more experienced Assassins, often ones whose age or injuries prevent them from operating on active service. However, the Culexus tmpele is ruled directly by the high ranking officials of the Officio Assasinorum. All Pariahs and Culexus Assassins are kept within the fortress. If any are ever allowed to leave then it is always under a veil of secrecy and with the highest levels of security. It cannot be doubted tha tthe Culexus temple has proved itself of invaluable use to the Imperium on countless occasions. Even so, there are factions within the Imperium that would see every Pariah executed and the Culexus temple utterly destroyed.
Most likely those whose whole existence centers around psykers (the Astronomican dudes, the Adeptus Telepathica, and the Navigators.
Page 21
When the Culexus temple receives a mission, an Assassin is chosen and transported to the arena of conflict aboard a specially shielded ship, much like the Black Ships of the Inquisition. In addition to this, the Assassin wears a huge helm called an Animus Speculum. During battle this is used to fired focussed blasts of psychic energy, but its primary purpose is to block out the Culexus Assassin's innate abilities. The helm is only partially effective even while it is active, most people can barely stand to be in the same room as a Pariah. Each Culexus Assassin is accompanied by a Custodian, who operates the Animus Speculum and ensures that his charge remains under his control and does not arouse suspicious amongst other forces fighting in the campaign.

The Culexus temple has found that, much like a psyker, a Pariah's capabilities can be trained and enhanced. This turns the slight distrust that a Pariah causes in the people nearby into a nauseous, head-spinning effect which is the trademark of a Culexus Assassin. On the battlefield the Culexus Assassin carries no guns or hand-to-hand weapons, for he needs none and would be distracted by their use. Once on the battlefield the Custodian, probably positioned safely within a command bunker or on an orbital battleship, will release his hold over the Assassin. The large eye in the Animus Speculum opens and only then does the full intensity of the Assassin's horrific capabilities flood the battlefield.

The Culexus Assasin attakcs using his own innate abilities enhanced by years of training, mental exercises and arcane wargear. He slips through battle lines and bodyguards, his negative aura muddling the minds of conventional troops, allowing him to close upon his targets. Bolts of negative warp energy blast the minds of enemy psykers and strip them of their powers before he moves in for the kill, sapping the very life-force from their bodies.
Pariahs are equipped with gear which is slightly more effective than the limiters ravenor's pariah used. Interesting that the Distaff did not use them, nor did Jurgen (although in Jurgen's case it likely was that it would draw attention to him.) They are also controlled much like a puppet remotely.
His powers seem to be directed at a quasi-vampiric effect and nullifiying their powers, as well as being able to fuck with the heads of others (stealth or just an enhanced sort ofdisgust or aversion.)
Page 22
Etherium: The Etherium is a highly advanced form of Aegis Suit, built into the Culexus Assassin's synskin. This, combined with the Culexus Assassin's innate abilities, means that psychic attacks pass right through him as if he were invisible. This makes it very difficult for weapons that are in any way connected to the warp to harm him. If he is attacked by warp weapons such as force swords, Witch Blades, Vortex grenades, D-cannons or psychic powers then roll a dice. On a D6 roll of 2 or more the attack has no effect on the Culexus Assassin, although the attack is not nullified. Force weapons may still wound the Assassin. However, the psyker may not... enhance the attack. If the attack has a blast marker, then other models with the blast may still be affected.
Basically, he's immune to psychic weapons of any kind.
Page 22
Force Matrix: The Force Matrix consists of a series of psychic conduits that run within the Assassin's Etherium, and is made from a material similar to that used in force weapons. When a psyker taps into the warp, he is not always totally efficient in using all the energy: a lot of excess energy is simply left to dissipate. The Force Matrix acts as a conductor, absorbing excess warp energy providing the Culexus Assassin, who is unable to tap directly into the warp, with a source of warp energy... At the beginning of each psychic phase roll a D3 to determine the number of force points that the Force Matrix absorbs. In addition, for each psyker within 12" you may add +1 to the score... Force points can be used to fire blasts from the Animus Speculum. Any force points left at the end of the psychic phase are lost as the Force Matrix is unable to store warp energy for a prolonged period of time. If the Energy Drain card is played then any force points are lost and the psychic phase ends as normal.
Interesting bit of technology. We see similar examples in Mechanicum to power the Akashic reader, and the Thousand Sons supposeldy used similar devices as I recall. It's not surprising to hear that there is a certain degree of "inefficiency" in warp tapping - its rather pleasing to think that it occurs. Of course, this may also hint at one of the dangers of using psyker powers - that "excess" could be hazardous under certain conditions.
It's interesting too that this psychic power is used to power the "psyker blasting" weapon, when its a negative power.

Page 22
Animus Speculum: As well as acting as a restraining device, the Animus Speculum is a weapon capable of firing lethal blasts of negative psychic energy. By focussing the Assassin's aura through the single eye on the front it becomes a thin beam of energy, burning the target's brain and sucking out its soul. These blasts can be deadly to all, but psykers who rely upon the warp for energy are particularly vulnerable, and can find themselves robbed of their powers.
If a blast wounds a psyker then there is a chance that the blast will destroy one of his powers. If the Culexus Assassin gets the higher score then... the psyker must discard one of his powers, chosen at random.
A more menacing and negative property of the Pariah, properly trained and equipped. I am still not sure why this is powered by ambient psychic power, though.
Page 22
Psyk-Out Grenades: Psyk-out Grenades are used exclusively by the Culexus temple and the Daemon Hunters of the Ordo Malleus. Each grenade is similar in design to a frag grenade, however it is laced with a highly dangerous substance that is only produced by the Golden Throne on Terra. The dust-like substance is heavily impregnated with negative psychic energy and is very rare. When some has been collected, the Imperium's finest armourers use the dust to create Psyk-out Grenades and Psycannon rounds.
In addition, any psykers either wholly or partially under the blast marker will be affected by the negative psychic energy. The psyker may not use any of his powers for the rest of the turn. Any psychic powers that the psyker has in play at that moment are automatically nullified.
The fluff concerning the origin of psyk out grenades and psycannon ammo. I do wonder whyt he Golden Throne produces "negative psychic energy", though. Some sort of radiator or "bleed off" mechanism for excess psychic power?
Page 22
Soulless. Even normal troops find the Culexus Assassin abhorrent, such that their minds refuse to believe that he could possibly exist, causing their subconscious to block out the Assassin's awful presence.
If an enemy character, squad, vehicle, vehicle squadron or support weapon battery wishes to shoot or charge at the Culexus Assassin then you must roll a D6. On a roll of a 2 or more the Culexus Assassin has dustracted the unit and they may not fire.
Psychic Abomination. ... Even monstrosities such as a Tyranid Hive Tyrant can baulk at the prospect of being permanently severed from their psychic abilities and the Hive Mind. The Culexus Assassin causes terror in all psykers. Even psykers that are immune to psychology, cause terror themselves or are assumed to automatically pass any Leadership based test must pass a Terror test. There are absolutely no exceptions to this.
Other properties of the Culexus - an explanation of why they are supposedly "unseen" by humans and the fact that they can even intimidate psykers like the 'Nids.

Page 24
Warp Disturbance. The Culexus Assassin causes the warp to act in a very strange way. His negative psychic energy abilities cause it to swirl around him in a vortex, in effect he creates a very small, localised warp storm, making it very dangerous for psykers to use their powers [to the point of losing wounds when attempting to cast psychic powers].
Life Drain. Many psykers... also augment their physical abilities [using psychics]. Merely by moving into close proximity, a Culexus Assassin can sap a psyker of his life-force. In order to do this to its fullest effect the Culexus Assassin must physically touh the psyker.
The warp disturbing and life-draining properties of Culexus. This hints that "life" in 40K is strongly connected to the warp and without that connection they can be killed. This, however, makes one wonder WHY Pariahs can live - are they connected to some other dimensional "source" (ie their soul existing on some dimension other than the immaterium) that is antithetical to warp energy (anti-Chaos?).
The likening to a small Warp Storm is also interesting, although I wonder if it is literal or not. The apparent danger is such that they can even injure psykers using thier powers in proximity.
Page 24
This assassination is noteworthy because its target, Lord Phaedrus [Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica], did not die, nor was it the intention that he should die. Vandire was having considerable trouble bringing the Adeptus Astra Telepathica under his control. The Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Lord Phaedrus, was a potent psyker and as such was not swayed by Vandire's charisma. No matter how rousing his speeches were, Phaedrus could always see through the plots and deceits revealing Vandire's true intentions.

Vandire knew that Phaedrus was using his considerable psychic powers to stay one step ahead of him. Simply having Phaedrus killed would never do, he would just be replaced by an equally powerful psyker.
Vandire lured Phaedrus into a trap, using his Culexus Assassin to nullify Phaedrus' psychic capabilities. He strapped the helpless Phaedrus to a specially prepared life-support machine, whereupon the Culexus Assassin finished the job! By permanently severing Phaedrus' ability to tap into the warp he made him incapable of using psychic powers. Normally such an operation would kill, but with a life-support system and a bribed Magos Biologis, Vandire was able to keep Phaedrus alive. The Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica was utterly distraught: robbing him of his psychic powers wa slike blinding a aman a nd leaving him to wander in the darkness. On several occasions Phaedrus tried to take hisown life, but Vandire was always there to remove the blade from his hand or to loosen the noose around his neck. In the end, Vandire achieved his aim and gained control of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. He promised Phaedrus that he wouldn't disclose the loss of his psychic capabilities if he agreed to do his bidding. With his position in danger, Phaedrus had little choice in the matter
Vandire using a Culexus Assassin to manipulate the Astra Telepathica's leader. The two noteworthy details here are a.) That a psyker other than a Navigator or Inquisitor manages to rise to high office (indeed being a psyker seems to be a requirement. and b.) stripping a psyker (or anyone with a connection to the warp) of their power/connection can be "fatal", but it is possible to artificially sustain them. How or why is unknown or what is needed to do so (Artificial connection ot the warp perhaps?) but it is interesting nonetheless.
Page 24
A Culexus Assasin's special attacks do affect daemons that are psykers. This includes units of Daemons such as Plaguebearers of Nurgle, Daemonettes, or horros of Tzeentch. Bloodletters, like all daemons of Khorne, are not affected as they do not have psychic powers. Blasts form the Animus Speculum, the effects of the Life Drain ability and any blows struck by the Culexus Assassin in hand-to-hand combat, count as psychic attacks and daemons receive no saving throw on behalf of their daemonic aura.
Culexus assasins vs Daemons. Again, rather interesting, especially WRT Khornates.
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by 2000AD »

Connor MacLeod wrote: Vandire using a Culexus Assassin to manipulate the Astra Telepathica's leader. The two noteworthy details here are a.) That a psyker other than a Navigator or Inquisitor manages to rise to high office (indeed being a psyker seems to be a requirement.
Not that surprising as IIRC the Astra Telepathica is the Astropaths guild responsible for the galactic communication of the IoM, one of the few sanctioned psyker uses.
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers Guild Sluggite Pawn of Chaos WYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sig EBC-Honorary Geordie
Hammerman! Hammer!
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

LAst of the Codex Assassins for 2nd edition.

Page 20
The Culexus temple is in all likelihood the most sinister of all the Assassin temples. Even amongst the upper echelons of the Officio Assassinorum this temple is always viewed with extreme caution.
First and foremost, a potential Culexus Assassin is chosen because he possesses a very rare genetic defect, creating something that is totally unique and yet totally abhorrent to the Imperium.
Every living being has some sort of presence in the warp, where the soul bursts through from the material universe. For non-psykers this will usually be little more than a minute spark. For psykers, however, their soul blazes, a shining beacon that can be seen by other psykers and creatures that live within the warp. The more powerful a psyker they are, the brighter their soul burns within the warp. The Culexus Assassin is special because they have, or appear to have, no presence in the warp, there is just a void. They are, to all intents and purposes, soulless.

This extremely rare defect occurs for no known reason in less than one in a billion individuals, and most find them utterly horrifying. Those who have this defect are known by the name of Pariah, or untouchable, and meeting one is something that nor normal human being can ever forget. Their cold calculating stare draws your attention to their eyes: pools of blackness that seem to suck you into a void of nothingness. It is hardly surprising that most Pariahs are outcasts or lepers, rejected by their parents and banished from settlements. Local superstitons warn about touching them, saying that to do sow ould bring back luck. many Pariahs are resigned to their fate and lead simple lives as loners, leaving heavily populated areas. The Inquisition often finds Pariahs that have become hermits, or have been reduced to squalor and are trying to scrape a living in the depths of a hive city.
The fluff on Pariahs is rather interesting. For one thing they're even rarer than a powerful psyker: assuming quadrillions of people, there are a mere millions of Pariah. One wonders given those numbers why the Emperor restricted himself to only female Pariahs....
It's also good to note that the 'soulless' probably is sort of true, but only in the sense that they are engineered to not have a warp presence - a negative one in fact.
Lastly - as we know, Pariahs were a result of the Necrons' experiments - although if they are as rare as this I have to wonder how successful they are, given that Psykers are becoming progressively more common as time goes on.
Page 20
For a short period of time Pariahs were transported back to Terra aboard the Black Ships with other untamed psykers. Once on Earth they would be handed over for experimentation by the Biologis Departmentorium of the Adeptus Mechanicus. It wasn't long before a large number of Pariahs were languishing in the cells at the experimental laboratoriums.

Such a large number of Pariahs began to cast a shadow in the warp, blocking out the Astronomicon, the vital beacon used to guide spaceships to far reaches of the Imperium. This was the first disturbing revelation of their potency.

Other branches of the Administratum, especially those that relied upon psykers, were horrified. Soon several of the High Lords of Terra were making moves towards having Pariahs outlawed and the Inquisition was given the task of ruthlessly exterminating any more that were found. A number of the High Lords including the Paternal Envoy of the Navigators, the mastr of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and the Master of the Astronomican were pushing for the Master of the Administratum to make this an official decree so that they could rid the Imperium of these freaks that threatened their establishments.
It would be interesting to know how many Pariahs it took to do that, since we knew that there were a fair number of Sisters of Silence on planet.

Page 21
This was most unfortunate for the Offiicio Assasinorum, who had secretly been working closely with the Magos Biologis and Genetors of the Adeptus Mechancius to see if it was possible to use the Pariahs to kill psykers. Their work was almost complete and many years had been spent developing specialist wargear and training techniques. All of this was about to be ruined by a religious witch-hunt...

The decree from the Master of the Administratum never came, it didn't need to. The Adeptus Mechanicus anounced that it was ending the Pariah project and made a great show of closing down the laboratoriums and executing many of the lab specimens. Satisfied that no further action was needed, the High Lords returned their attentions to other matters.

However, closer study of the records would reveal that the number of executions did not match the number of Pariahs contained within the labs at the time. With the help of the Officio Assassinorum, the Adeptus Mechanicus moved a few of the most promising Pariahs to a secretly constructed fortress on the edge of the galaxy, beyond the reach of the Astronomicon and the more zealous branches of the Adeptus Terra. It was here that the Culexus temple was created.
Interesting that the Assassins worked with the AdMech to make Culexus - one would think that the AdMech would retain the ability to independently make their own psyker killers.
Also we note that Pariahs can vary in "quality" just like psykers do
Lastly, its interesting that the Culexus temple, unlike other Temples that I recall, is generally established outisde of the Imperium, although the Pariah effect makes this understandable.
Page 21
It is within this secret fortress that the Culexus temple operates and it is the Officio Assasinorum that is responsible for maintaining the fortress and ensuring that all Pariahs are contained within its bounds. Most of the other ancient temples are granted a certain amount of autonomy, allowing the general day-to-day running , traning and sometimes mission assignation to be taken care of by the older, more experienced Assassins, often ones whose age or injuries prevent them from operating on active service. However, the Culexus tmpele is ruled directly by the high ranking officials of the Officio Assasinorum. All Pariahs and Culexus Assassins are kept within the fortress. If any are ever allowed to leave then it is always under a veil of secrecy and with the highest levels of security. It cannot be doubted tha tthe Culexus temple has proved itself of invaluable use to the Imperium on countless occasions. Even so, there are factions within the Imperium that would see every Pariah executed and the Culexus temple utterly destroyed.
Most likely those whose whole existence centers around psykers (the Astronomican dudes, the Adeptus Telepathica, and the Navigators.
Page 21
When the Culexus temple receives a mission, an Assassin is chosen and transported to the arena of conflict aboard a specially shielded ship, much like the Black Ships of the Inquisition. In addition to this, the Assassin wears a huge helm called an Animus Speculum. During battle this is used to fired focussed blasts of psychic energy, but its primary purpose is to block out the Culexus Assassin's innate abilities. The helm is only partially effective even while it is active, most people can barely stand to be in the same room as a Pariah. Each Culexus Assassin is accompanied by a Custodian, who operates the Animus Speculum and ensures that his charge remains under his control and does not arouse suspicious amongst other forces fighting in the campaign.

The Culexus temple has found that, much like a psyker, a Pariah's capabilities can be trained and enhanced. This turns the slight distrust that a Pariah causes in the people nearby into a nauseous, head-spinning effect which is the trademark of a Culexus Assassin. On the battlefield the Culexus Assassin carries no guns or hand-to-hand weapons, for he needs none and would be distracted by their use. Once on the battlefield the Custodian, probably positioned safely within a command bunker or on an orbital battleship, will release his hold over the Assassin. The large eye in the Animus Speculum opens and only then does the full intensity of the Assassin's horrific capabilities flood the battlefield.

The Culexus Assasin attakcs using his own innate abilities enhanced by years of training, mental exercises and arcane wargear. He slips through battle lines and bodyguards, his negative aura muddling the minds of conventional troops, allowing him to close upon his targets. Bolts of negative warp energy blast the minds of enemy psykers and strip them of their powers before he moves in for the kill, sapping the very life-force from their bodies.
Pariahs are equipped with gear which is slightly more effective than the limiters ravenor's pariah used. Interesting that the Distaff did not use them, nor did Jurgen (although in Jurgen's case it likely was that it would draw attention to him.) They are also controlled much like a puppet remotely.
His powers seem to be directed at a quasi-vampiric effect and nullifiying their powers, as well as being able to fuck with the heads of others (stealth or just an enhanced sort ofdisgust or aversion.)
Page 22
Etherium: The Etherium is a highly advanced form of Aegis Suit, built into the Culexus Assassin's synskin. This, combined with the Culexus Assassin's innate abilities, means that psychic attacks pass right through him as if he were invisible. This makes it very difficult for weapons that are in any way connected to the warp to harm him. If he is attacked by warp weapons such as force swords, Witch Blades, Vortex grenades, D-cannons or psychic powers then roll a dice. On a D6 roll of 2 or more the attack has no effect on the Culexus Assassin, although the attack is not nullified. Force weapons may still wound the Assassin. However, the psyker may not... enhance the attack. If the attack has a blast marker, then other models with the blast may still be affected.
Basically, he's immune to psychic weapons of any kind.
Page 22
Force Matrix: The Force Matrix consists of a series of psychic conduits that run within the Assassin's Etherium, and is made from a material similar to that used in force weapons. When a psyker taps into the warp, he is not always totally efficient in using all the energy: a lot of excess energy is simply left to dissipate. The Force Matrix acts as a conductor, absorbing excess warp energy providing the Culexus Assassin, who is unable to tap directly into the warp, with a source of warp energy... At the beginning of each psychic phase roll a D3 to determine the number of force points that the Force Matrix absorbs. In addition, for each psyker within 12" you may add +1 to the score... Force points can be used to fire blasts from the Animus Speculum. Any force points left at the end of the psychic phase are lost as the Force Matrix is unable to store warp energy for a prolonged period of time. If the Energy Drain card is played then any force points are lost and the psychic phase ends as normal.
Interesting bit of technology. We see similar examples in Mechanicum to power the Akashic reader, and the Thousand Sons supposeldy used similar devices as I recall. It's not surprising to hear that there is a certain degree of "inefficiency" in warp tapping - its rather pleasing to think that it occurs. Of course, this may also hint at one of the dangers of using psyker powers - that "excess" could be hazardous under certain conditions.
It's interesting too that this psychic power is used to power the "psyker blasting" weapon, when its a negative power.

Page 22
Animus Speculum: As well as acting as a restraining device, the Animus Speculum is a weapon capable of firing lethal blasts of negative psychic energy. By focussing the Assassin's aura through the single eye on the front it becomes a thin beam of energy, burning the target's brain and sucking out its soul. These blasts can be deadly to all, but psykers who rely upon the warp for energy are particularly vulnerable, and can find themselves robbed of their powers.
If a blast wounds a psyker then there is a chance that the blast will destroy one of his powers. If the Culexus Assassin gets the higher score then... the psyker must discard one of his powers, chosen at random.
A more menacing and negative property of the Pariah, properly trained and equipped. I am still not sure why this is powered by ambient psychic power, though.
Page 22
Psyk-Out Grenades: Psyk-out Grenades are used exclusively by the Culexus temple and the Daemon Hunters of the Ordo Malleus. Each grenade is similar in design to a frag grenade, however it is laced with a highly dangerous substance that is only produced by the Golden Throne on Terra. The dust-like substance is heavily impregnated with negative psychic energy and is very rare. When some has been collected, the Imperium's finest armourers use the dust to create Psyk-out Grenades and Psycannon rounds.
In addition, any psykers either wholly or partially under the blast marker will be affected by the negative psychic energy. The psyker may not use any of his powers for the rest of the turn. Any psychic powers that the psyker has in play at that moment are automatically nullified.
The fluff concerning the origin of psyk out grenades and psycannon ammo. I do wonder whyt he Golden Throne produces "negative psychic energy", though. Some sort of radiator or "bleed off" mechanism for excess psychic power?
Page 22
Soulless. Even normal troops find the Culexus Assassin abhorrent, such that their minds refuse to believe that he could possibly exist, causing their subconscious to block out the Assassin's awful presence.
If an enemy character, squad, vehicle, vehicle squadron or support weapon battery wishes to shoot or charge at the Culexus Assassin then you must roll a D6. On a roll of a 2 or more the Culexus Assassin has dustracted the unit and they may not fire.
Psychic Abomination. ... Even monstrosities such as a Tyranid Hive Tyrant can baulk at the prospect of being permanently severed from their psychic abilities and the Hive Mind. The Culexus Assassin causes terror in all psykers. Even psykers that are immune to psychology, cause terror themselves or are assumed to automatically pass any Leadership based test must pass a Terror test. There are absolutely no exceptions to this.
Other properties of the Culexus - an explanation of why they are supposedly "unseen" by humans and the fact that they can even intimidate psykers like the 'Nids.

Page 24
Warp Disturbance. The Culexus Assassin causes the warp to act in a very strange way. His negative psychic energy abilities cause it to swirl around him in a vortex, in effect he creates a very small, localised warp storm, making it very dangerous for psykers to use their powers [to the point of losing wounds when attempting to cast psychic powers].
Life Drain. Many psykers... also augment their physical abilities [using psychics]. Merely by moving into close proximity, a Culexus Assassin can sap a psyker of his life-force. In order to do this to its fullest effect the Culexus Assassin must physically touh the psyker.
The warp disturbing and life-draining properties of Culexus. This hints that "life" in 40K is strongly connected to the warp and without that connection they can be killed. This, however, makes one wonder WHY Pariahs can live - are they connected to some other dimensional "source" (ie their soul existing on some dimension other than the immaterium) that is antithetical to warp energy (anti-Chaos?).
The likening to a small Warp Storm is also interesting, although I wonder if it is literal or not. The apparent danger is such that they can even injure psykers using thier powers in proximity.
Page 24
This assassination is noteworthy because its target, Lord Phaedrus [Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica], did not die, nor was it the intention that he should die. Vandire was having considerable trouble bringing the Adeptus Astra Telepathica under his control. The Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Lord Phaedrus, was a potent psyker and as such was not swayed by Vandire's charisma. No matter how rousing his speeches were, Phaedrus could always see through the plots and deceits revealing Vandire's true intentions.

Vandire knew that Phaedrus was using his considerable psychic powers to stay one step ahead of him. Simply having Phaedrus killed would never do, he would just be replaced by an equally powerful psyker.
Vandire lured Phaedrus into a trap, using his Culexus Assassin to nullify Phaedrus' psychic capabilities. He strapped the helpless Phaedrus to a specially prepared life-support machine, whereupon the Culexus Assassin finished the job! By permanently severing Phaedrus' ability to tap into the warp he made him incapable of using psychic powers. Normally such an operation would kill, but with a life-support system and a bribed Magos Biologis, Vandire was able to keep Phaedrus alive. The Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica was utterly distraught: robbing him of his psychic powers wa slike blinding a aman a nd leaving him to wander in the darkness. On several occasions Phaedrus tried to take hisown life, but Vandire was always there to remove the blade from his hand or to loosen the noose around his neck. In the end, Vandire achieved his aim and gained control of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica. He promised Phaedrus that he wouldn't disclose the loss of his psychic capabilities if he agreed to do his bidding. With his position in danger, Phaedrus had little choice in the matter
Vandire using a Culexus Assassin to manipulate the Astra Telepathica's leader. The two noteworthy details here are a.) That a psyker other than a Navigator or Inquisitor manages to rise to high office (indeed being a psyker seems to be a requirement. and b.) stripping a psyker (or anyone with a connection to the warp) of their power/connection can be "fatal", but it is possible to artificially sustain them. How or why is unknown or what is needed to do so (Artificial connection ot the warp perhaps?) but it is interesting nonetheless.
Page 24
A Culexus Assasin's special attacks do affect daemons that are psykers. This includes units of Daemons such as Plaguebearers of Nurgle, Daemonettes, or horros of Tzeentch. Bloodletters, like all daemons of Khorne, are not affected as they do not have psychic powers. Blasts form the Animus Speculum, the effects of the Life Drain ability and any blows struck by the Culexus Assassin in hand-to-hand combat, count as psychic attacks and daemons receive no saving throw on behalf of their daemonic aura.
Culexus assasins vs Daemons. Again, rather interesting, especially WRT Khornates.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

2nd editon Codex Ultramarines. A small update (25K) so I'm gonna toss it all up at once. Enjoy!

Page 6
Space marines can live for several hundred years and they possess extraordinary powers.
Space Marine lifespan.

Page 6
This process [Space Marine implantation] takes several years to complete and only works whilst the body is growing naturally. This means that Space Marines are recurited at a comparatively young age and must stat their training before they reach adulthood.
Several years to create a Space MArine. given the age range, this might mean, say between 3-5 years. Several times slower than Heresy era production rates with accelerated methods.

Page 6
Genetically altered warriors appeared in the Emperor's armies even before he had completed the conquest of Earth. They were the first of their kind and as such their powers were less than the SpaceMarines of later years.
The proto-Astartes were also frothing psychopaths with short lifespans and pwoer armor which was glorified power fists. That they are less powerful than Astartes isnt suprrising.

Page 7
The size of a Legion varied tremendously and could be expanded to provide extra troops as needed. Accelerated gene-seed germination techniques were developed that could turn a human into a Space Marine within a year. AT the time, tens of thosuands of troops were needed so the Space Marine legions could push forward over a widening battle front. Only later would the stability of this accelerated gene-seed prove doubtful when the dangers of its use became apparent.
The variable size of Legions and the year long Astartes development. Legions were "tens of thousands" in size.

The turning of Space Marines was in part blamed on the accelerated gene-seed process, although this is (IMHO) a questionable conclusion. Indoctrination and reliance on the primarchs likely contributed more.

Page 7
Somehow the Gene-seed of Horus had mutated. Both the Primarch and his Legion were touched by darkness, a corruption of the spirit and body that became increasingly apparent.
Again, possible but debatable given recent material. We know the Emperor had been using the Gene-seed prior to this, and none of the Chaos Legions totally turned except (maybe) the Word bearers. Horus's fall and his Legion's fall was instigated by the Word Bearers and the culstists of Davin.

Page 7
The Emperor would be allowed to possess the galaxy only for a moment. He would be encouraged to stretch his empire further and further, until his forces were scattered thinly along the galactic fringe. Then the Dark Gods would strike. Horus, their chosen champion, would lead his forces upon the unprotected Earth and crush the Emperor with one swift blow.
This suggests Chaos intended for the Emperor's Crusade to spread out as far as it did before striking.

Page 7
In all, and discounting the role of the Dark Angels, there were therefore between nine and eleven Traitor Legions, accounting for more than half of the entire Space Marine force. These were amongst the largest and most battle-hardened armies of the Imperium.
Nine definite legions plus the two "undefined" legions in canon. Again, given the Heresy novels its unlikely they ever took a significant role.

Page 8
Whilst millneia have passed in the outside world the Traitor Legions have endured eons of timelessness, emerging to raid and destroy at moments when the interweaving time streams converege.
Time dilationb etween EoT and real life.

Page 8
Thousands of spacecraft had been lost in the conflict...[Heresy]
Lower limit on craft numbers in the Heresy.

Page 9
The Horus Heresy had revealed the weaknesses in the gene-seed of several Space Marine Legions. These defects had been exacerbated by the accelerated gene-seed cultivation techniques needed to keep the huge Space Marine Legions up to strength. The powers of Chaos were able to exploit the resultant physical and mental corruption to turn Horus' s troops against the Emperor.
While its arguably possible this might be a contributing factor (and hinting at some psychic element to the Gene-seed) it can't be the sole determinant.

Page 9
The Codex decreed that Space Marines would be created and trained slowly. The genetic banks used to create implants would be carefully monitored. Cultivated organs would be subject to the most stringent tests of purity. Young initiates were to undergo trials of suitability before they were accepted, and only those of the sternest character would be chosen.
The factors dictating the slow production of Space Marines.

Page 9
On Earth the Adeptus set up genetic banks to produce and store Space Marine gene-seed. These banks were used to provide all new gene-seed for Space Marines.
There was at least one other hidden facility for making gene-seed. An indirect means of controlling the Astartes.

Page 9
By taking direct control of the genetic stocks the Adeptus on Earth could ultimately control the Space Marines. Now they alone had the power to destroy or reate Space Marine armies at will.
As I said before....

Page 9
Each Chapter was to number approximately a thousand fighting warriors divided into ten companies of a hundred. This was never intended to be an absolute rule but a guide which enabled the Adeptus Terra to monitor and control the size of each Chapter. In fact, Chapters have often exceeded this basic strength during times of prolonged war.
Chapter limits are more of giudelines than absolutes, which makes sense since they're simply not going to kill extra Marines for being over the 1000 troop limit.

Page 10
Most chapters do not stick so rigidtly [as the Ultramarines] to the Codex, patterns laid down either for organisation, tactical roles, or other processes. Many Chapters are largely organised according to the Codex but have slight variations, such as the Blood Angels and Dark Angels for example. A small number of Chapters are utterly different from the Codex, and owe nothing to it at all. The most famous of these wild Chapters is the Space Wolves
Most Chapters are neither radically different from nor radically adhere to the Codex Astartes.

Page 10
Indeed, it is impossible to say for certain how many Chapters have been created at all, only that there are approximately a thousand known to exist today, scattered throughout the galaxy. Of these more than half are descended from the Ultramarines, either directly or indirectly through one of the Primogenitor chapters.
Unknown numbers of Marine Chapters, but at least 1000 or so and hal of which are Ultramarine-descended.

Page 11
More than one of the [Primarch] capsules was breached whilst it drifted through warp space. The forces of the warp leaked in wreaking havoc in the developing genetic material inside the capsule.
this is "according to Legend.." I know this is what his hinted at Lion El'Jonson's assholishness.

Page 11
Konor had changed all that, forcing the old aristorcracy to provide slaves with reasonable accomodation and food. He had also passed legislation which obliged them to contribute to ambitious programme of improving and enlarging the city. All these reforms were of great benefit to the people of Macragge, but were unpopular with all but a few of the more far-sighted individuals.
The starting point of the decent conditions on Macragge.

Page 12
His chief talents, as ever, lay in war, and he soon led the Ultramarines to fresh conquests in the galactic south.


He [Roboute Guilliman] succeeded in liberating more worlds during the Great Crusade than any other Primarch, and the worlds he brought within the Imperium were to benefit from his organisational skills and passion for efficient government.
This would tend to suggest that there are a large number of planets in the Imperium whose governments follow along the lines of Ultramar like Tarsis Ultra did.

Page 12
Whenever Roboute Guilliman freed a world from the tyranny of Orks, Chaos, or other aliens, his first priority was to set up a self-supporting defence system. once a world was safe he could move on, leaving behind enough advisers to ensure that industry would be created, trading routes set up with the Imperium, and government directed towards the prosperity of the people. In this way the Ultramarines could conquer worlds faster than any other Space Marine Legion.
In predictably "perfecT" fashoin the Ultrasmurfs left the world probably in a better off state than it was to start.

Page 12
Because of its strong recruitment base and Roboute Guilliman's tactical expertise the Ul;tramarines soon became the largest Space Marine Legion, having more recruits than any other Legion and suffering fewer casualties.
Quarter of a million Astartes as per Horus Heresy Collected visions.

Page 13
None of the worlds already liberated by the Ultramarines was in serious danger from the forcse of Chaos.


Afterwards the Ultramarines took part in several importtant battles to recover human worlds from the dominion of Chaos.

As fate would have it, the Ultramarines were therefore largely untouched by the fighting of the Horus Heresy. Other loyal space Marine Legions had lost thousands of troops during the fighting...
Ultramarines during the Horus Heresy.

Page 13
The Ultramarines successfully held the Imperium together during a time of intense danger. Macragge was able to supply new recruits at such a rate that soon the Ultramarines alone acocunted for more than half the total number of Space Marines.
Why the Ultramarines account for half the Chapters (or more) in the Imperium.

Page 13
Most of the old Legions divided into fewer than five Chapters, the Space Wolves divided into only two, but the Ultramarines were divided many times. The exact number of new Chapters craeted from the Ultramarines is uncertain; the number listed by the oldest known copy of the Codex Astartes (the so called Apocrypha of Skaros) gives the total as twenty three but does not name them.
Probably were lots more than 23, since there were hundreds of thousands of Space Marines. I dont see how that could be hard to figure out.

Page 14
The UIltramarines' fortress was built to accomodate more than ten times as many Space Marines as now remained on the homeworld.
10,000 Marines, which is funny considering they're supposed to have tens of thousands (or now hundreds of thousands)

Page 14
They [Ultramarines] control no fewer than eight local systems, each with its own worlds and governments loyal to the Chapter.


After the Horus Heresy all eight worlds benefited form the improving reforms of Roboute Guilliman. There are manyn today who regard Ultramar as the ideal model for human society.
Macragge system. Naturally its the bestest place in the Imperium.

Page 15
Prandium was destroyed by Hive Fleet Behemoht int he First Tyrannic War. The wasted world is now dead and lifeless, reduced to bedrock, its atmosphere blown into space by the freocit of the Tyranid attack.
Results of Tyranoforming. Loss of atmosphere.

Page 15
Its [Ultarmar's] worlds do not pay the Imperium's tithes. Instead they contribute directly towards the upkeep of the Ultarmarines Chapter. The rulers of the individual worlds of Ultramar are feudal lords of the Master of the Ultramarines.

Like all other Chapters they don't pay tithes to the Imperium.

Page 15
Just like other worlds in the Imperium, each world of Utlramar raises regiments for its own defence. Most worlds in the Imperium are obliged to provide regiments for the Imperial Guard when required, but Space Marine homeworlds are no exception. In the case of Ultramar, however, the Ultramarines rule so efficiently and are so prosperous that they maintain several hundred regiments ready to join the Imperial Guard when needed. As a result regiments have fought all over the galaxy, often in campaigns alongside the Ultramarines themselves.
Ultramar, despite not needing to tithe, sometimes contributes non Astartes forces to the Imperium. As I recall later sources indicate the ultramar regiments tend to fight alongside the Ultramarines.

Page 18
A chapter also includes a number of officers and specialists who stand aside from the comapny organisation. These individuals are known as the headquaters staff and they may be assigned to fight with a company in battle. Included amongst them are psychic Librarians from the Chapter's Libarius and Techmarines together with their servitors.
There are troops who stand uotside the official 1000 number organization regardless.

Page 18
Although the Codex descries a number of ranks and responsibilities within the headquarters staff only a very few of these officers actually accompany the Chapter to war. Many are non-combatants of advanced years whose roles are to find and train recruits or administrate the Chapter. Some ranks described by the Codex include the Chapter's ancient (or Standard Bearer), the Master's Secretarius, the Lord of the Household, the Chapter's ARmourer, the Commander of the Fleet, Victuallers, the Commander of the Arsnela, Commander of Recruits, and commander of hte Watch.

There are relatively few of these senior officers as most non-combatant roles within the Chapter are performed by the Chapter's human serfs. The two largest groups are the Librarians and the TEchmarines. Consequently, these two are set aside from the other headquarters satff and considered seperately.
Other Roles in the Chapter, including noncombat ones.

Page 18 - Organization of the Ultramarines chapter. 1st Comapnyn are the vEterans in Land Raiders and Terminator armour. Comapnies 2-5 are "Battle companies" and comprise 6 tactical 2 assault and 2 devastator squads.

Six through 9th are Reserve companies the 6th and 7th are Tactical compnies, 8th Assault Company and 9th Devastator companry. The 10th company (of course) is the scouts.

Each company also hads a Chaplain, Apocatheery, and a Captain. All except the Scouts have a standard bearer.

All companies save the scouts have transport. Mainly Rhinos., and all (except scouts) have Dreadnought support. Assault squads may use land speeders and bikes, and the Terminators have Land Raiders.

Also of note that Scout squads consist of a Space marine plust 4 (to 9?) scouts. These obviosuly also mean that there are "veteran" troops ousdie of the normal Companies. (mentione don page 20)

Page 18
There is no formal size for a Scout companyy as the rate of recruitment is not fixed.
Makes sense since recruitment isn't fixed and rather unpredictable. You can't having enough recruits in a given year to fill in losses.

Page 20
All space marine squads apat from the Scouts are nominally of ten troopers but can be divided into two separate Battle Squads in combat. This gives each unit a further degree of flexibility in action.
Battle squads or units - 5 man groups. Scouts presumably have variable numbers depending on recruitment levels.

Page 30
the Marines of the 6th and 7th Companies can also act as crews for large, independent formations of the various armored vehicles deployed by the Chapter. Thus the Chapter is able to field entire companies of Land Raiders or PRedator battle tanks, for example.


The entire 6th Company can be deployed as bike squadrons or detachments. The 7th Company is likewise trained to operate as large scale land speeder formations.
Additional roles of reserve companies.

Page 33
Every Company of Space Marines, wioth the exception of the Scout Company, has its own Dreadnoughts.


Space Marine Companies do not have many Dreadnoughts - it is unlikely they will have more than two or three operating at any one time. Veteran Companies tend to have more, but even so their numbers are extremely limited and they are considered very valuable.
A Chapter may only have a few dozen Dreadnoughts total, typically.

Page 35
Whilst each Company has its own Rhino carriers the remaining vehicles in a Chapter form a pool which is available as required. These vehicles are either deployed as massed formations, wholly independent form the companies, under command of a senior officer. Alternateively they may be allocated to an individual company under the command of its Captain.
Vehicle assignment.

Page 41
Of the thousand or so Spacee Marine Chapters extant throughout the Imperium the great majority can be considered Codex Chapters. That is to say that in broad terms their organisation, uniform, and tactics follow the strict giudelines laid down in the Codex Astartes. There is, however, a degree of variation between all these Chapters.
More Codex Astartes stuff. Note that its fairly obvious most Chapters are Codex Chapters considering how many descend from the Ultramarines.

Wargear card: Plasma blaster
AFter the intiial combi-weapons led to the develop ment of the storm-bolter, Imperial artificerrs returned their attentions back to the combi-weapon. The result was the plasma blaster. Due to the sheer bulk of the power packs required only models in Terminator armour may ue the plasma blaster. The plasma blaster is not a linked weapon and you may not fire it as a single plasma gun.
Combit plasma weapon. Terminator only weapon.

PAge 50
Their [Servitor] bodies are grown from human gene-cells in vats of artificial nutrient, and although physically strong and robust their minds are blank and incapable of development or feeling much pain. Techmarines insert bio-programs into theri Servitor's brains, and replace parrts of their bodies with mechanical contrivances such as huge metal claws, infra-red sensors for eyes, or whatever other specialized tools are required. Serivtors operate many of the war engines and other machines of war that the Techmarines make.
Many servitors are clone-grown cyborgs, it seems. I wonder if there's a quality difference betwene these and those built from existing bodies (condemned criminals, and such.)

Page 51
Librarians are poweful psykers. They are responsible for all interstellar communication with the power to project their minds through warp space. They are also the adjudicators of the Chapter's psychic population, dividing psychic mutants into thsoe whose powers are dangerous and those whose powers may be used by the Imperium. Only the most powerful of those suitable psykers can become a Space Marine Librarian.

Space Marine Librarians are trained to use their powers in battle: to unleash energy blasts, to sense the enemy's movements, to predict the fortunes of battle. They learn how to read the Emperor's tarot and to sense the subtle movements of daemons and other extra-real entities through warp space. A Librarian can feel the psychic shock waves that herald the arrival of a spacecraft, or the turmoil that ships leave in their wake as they depart.
Librarian powers and duties. Of particular note are the detection, communication, and precognitive capabilities.

Page 52
If a space Marine dies in battle he can be replaced if either or both of his progenoid organs can be recovered (given a few years) but if he dies and his body is destroyed or lost then his gene-seed is lost too.
Only one of the Progenoid glands is needed to make a new Marine. The other is presumably a backup that if intact is harvested and stored for future use.

Page 54
Dreadnoughts are huge fighting machines which stand two or three times the height of a man and weigh several tons.
Size and mass of Dreadnoughts.

PAge 55
A normal melta weapon fires a fairly tight stream of energy which strikes the target and instantly super heats it to a point where it vaporises explosively. The Space marine dreadnought mounts a multi-melta with a variable focus, allowing it to broaden the energy beam. This sacrifices range and power to burn a wider area more thoroughly. This is particularily useful when fighting at close quaters against large groups of troops.
Multi-metlas are "variable focus" . Presumably normal meltas could be configured so.

Page 55
The twin lascannon weapon system features a sophisticated scanning system which can seperate and identift different components of a target. This system allows the Dreadnought to adjust its aim with pinpoint accuracy to strike the desired component.
Dreadnought lascannon targeting system.

Page 56
Although the Whirlwind is used by the Imperial Guard and the Space Marines, ,its use is less common among the Imperial Guard, who rely on huge batteries of Basilisks, Bombards, and Manticores to provide s upport for their armies.
Whirlwinds in second edition could be accessed by the Guard. They also had the Chimera variant with hunter killer missile launchers (or missile racks.) Considered rare and highly specialized in the Guard.

Page 56
The multi-launcher fires in programmed salvoes of two rockets at a time, using sophisticated target acquisition systems to guide home the Salvo and maximise the concentration of fire, creating a barrage far deadlier than that of a standard Frag missile.
Whirlwind launcher system.

Page 56
The Whirlwind is equipped with a sophisticated scanning device. The scanner employs a bio-scanner and an energy scanner enabling it to distinguish all enemy troops, vehiciles and defended positions. The scanner sweeps the whole area locating enemy units and calculating their position on the battlefield. This information allows the Whirlwind crew to fire on enemyy troops that they can't see.
Whirlwind's scanning system has indirect ifre capability, suggesting it can fire beyond the horizon (8+ km)

PAge 59
It is a matter of honour that Space Marine Chapters contribute forces to a Crusade when called, even if it is only a squad or two of troops.


A Crusade can also be imposed upon an entire Chpater as a form of penance for failure or otherwise incurring the displeasure of the Emperor.
Despite being semi-autonomous it seems that honour can be used (or manipulated) to influence the involvement of Space Marines. Shame (eg penance) seems another possible means.

Page 63
The Entire [Fire Hawks] Chapter fleet, including the space Fortress Raptorus Rex, made a successful warp jump from the Piraeus system a mere 120 light years from the target [Crows World Sub-sector.]. The Space Fortress, five ships, over 800 bretheren and 2,000 other personnel expected to reach Crows World within no more than 12 hours.
120 LY in no more than 12 hours - between 90,000c and around a million c, depending on how many "hours" inferred.

I am going to point out here that this is with the fortress monastery, plus the fleet, so I expect at least STrike cruisers, and rapid strike vessels, nevermind battle barges, could arguably move faster (acceleration can play a big role in FTL speed obviously, and as a rule smaller 40K ships seem to have a faster time in the warp, especially Strike cruisers.)

PAge 73
Space Marines rarely show signs of extreme aging until they are over three hundred years old, but Cassius' skin is gnarled and heavily scarred, ,and his hair has turned whie. He is now almost four hundred, and still fights with the fire and enthusiasm with which he drove forwards the Ulramarines in the battle against the Tyranids.

Ultramarine at least 400 years old. Aging does not kick in for the Astartes (supposedly) until after 300. This may only refer to physical appearance however, and we know it varies from Chapter to Chapter anyhow. Again contrast this with the apparent immortality (short of being killed) mentioned in the HH novels
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

2nd edition Codex Space wolves. I'm just going to shoot this off all at once, mainly cuz I'm lazy and impatient to get all these sources done so I can move onto other things (Horus Heresy, the HH collected visions, Imperial Armour, DH and Rogue Trader, 5th edition, etc.) so I'm kinda hauling ass to get this stuff finished.

Page 4
Fenris is situated far to the galactic north of Earth at the edge of the regions known as the Eye of Terror...


The planet of Fenris follows an extreme elliptical orbit around its pale sun. The Great Year, the period it takes Fenris to complete a single orbit, is approximately two Earth years long. For much of this long year the world is remote from its sun and its surface is bitterly cold. The icy oceans freeze over as Fenris draws away from its sun, and at its farthest point even the equatorial seas are covered with ice. Towards the end of the year, as the planet sweeps close to the sun once more, the Wolf's Eye swells in the sky and a brief spring warms the surface of Fenris. During this period the ice retreats to the poles and countless denizens of the deep waters emerge to enjoy the bounty of sun-spawned plankton and other short-lived oceanic life-forms.

As Fenris reaches its perihelion, the point at which it is closest to the sun, the massive gravitational pull begins to affect the planet. Aside from the rocky polar continent of Asaheim, the land masses of Fenris are unstable and the crust of the planet is thin. The passage of the planet close to the sun breaks and twists the delicate sub-oceanic curst exposing the molten core to the icy waters. With explosive violence the world is torn asunder. Blazing islands rise from the sea spweing fire and pouring lava down their slopes. Below the surface the waters boil into steam which engulfs fenris with its sulphurous fumes. Great tidal waves scour the coasts of Asaheim but the mighty rock stands fast, a single changeless land amongst a planet undergoing a savage metamorphosis. elsewhere islands created in the upheaval of preceding years are cast into turmoil. Some survive, but many are broken apart or swallowed by the sea, engulfed in the churning oceans, casting their inhabitants into the merciless deep.


Only on the polar contiennt of Asaheim are the animals protected to some degree from the extreme climate.


Yet Asaheim is remote, surrounded by cliffs tens of thousands of feet high that rase it above the seas and separate it from the oceans as one world from another.
The Planet Fenris, home of the Space Wolves. Small wonder it is a death world and its inhabitants are genetically engineered.

Page 5
He was said to be the most headstrong of the Primarchs but was undoubtably one of the most brilliant military commanders in an age of great generals.


It is said that he will return in the Last Days to lead his people into the final battle when Warmaster Horus, the Great Evil One, will return from the Eye of Terror and the forces of darkness will overwhelm the universe.


The Space wolves are the warriors of the gods, the chosen companions of Russ, who will fight alongside him in the final battle at the end of the universe.
Blurbs about Leman Russ, including the Last Days prophecy concerning Horus (or perhaps a Horus clone?).

page 6
If the battle is hard fought the strangers may descend after the battle and choose the bravest of the Wolfbrothers. Often those chosen are on the point of death, but as long as their woundsa re to the fore, the strangers do not care.
Pretty much as we witness in Bill King's Space wolf novel.

Page 6
As Space marines they will live for hundreds of years, if they do not die in battle, and they will voyage through the stars to fight in wars on teh other side of the galaxy.
In addition to the "choosers of the dead" we know from the Ragnar novels, its also worth noting the Wolf Priests will appear amongst tribes and challenge the young Wolfbrothers to tests of strength and drinking and pick the best.

Your usual "Space Marines live centuries" bit as well.

Page 6
The trial is long, for the young warrior is taken a thousand miles into the barren wastes beyond the Space Wolves fortress of the Fang.He drinks from the cup of Wulfen, and his body absorbs the first and most deadly gene-seed of the Space Wolves - the unique Canis gene helix, without which none of the other gene-seeds will work.

The Wulfen seed grows fast within the warrior, splitting bone and distorting flesh, turning man into a howling savage that is half human and half wolf.


Only one thought remains, and that is to return to the Fang, where his humanity can be restored by the insertion of other gene-seeds.
Again, events laid out in Space Wolf, including the specifics of the transformation rituals and the Canis Helix.

Page 7
Each Primarch was created differently, with his own unique powers. Some of the Primarchs were made to resemble ordinary humans, but many were of titanic proportions and strange appearance. The Primarch
experiment never reached its conclusion, as the embryonic creatures were spirited away by a raiding part of Chaos Daemons which successfully pierced the raging warp storms to reach Earth.

Before they were able to destroy the Primarchs, the Daemons were themselves destroyed in the turmoil of the warp storms. The Emperor was able to use his psychic powers to save the Primarch embryos, but he was unable to return them to Earth.
Primarchs are all different and with unique powers. Funny enough it implies only some of the Astartes were really giants, whereas in the Heresy novels virtually all the Primarchs are giants.

A bit more of a detailed event too behind the stealing of the Primarcsh from earth by the daemons.

Page 7
Once implanted, the organs would take root and devleop within the host's human tissues, becoming an integral part of his body. Many of these organs were designed to interact with ordinary human body tissues as they became functional, enhancing muscle growth, stimulating mental processes, and subtly altering the recipient into a super-human warrior. Comared to the Primarchs whose genetically engineered powers they inherited the Space Marines are but pale shadows but they are still the most mighty of men and the greatest of the Emperor's loyal warriors.
The implantation of gene seed seems to have some sort of active element to it once implanted ("taking root")

Page 7
Most of the implants were common in type and fucntion to all twenty Legions, but there were subtle variances in the genetic structure due to their different origins. Thus the warriors of the twenty Space Marine Legions echoed to some degree the particular strengths and powers of the Primarch whose geneseed were used to develop their own implants.
It seems to imply that while the basic gene-seed implants have certain "basic" powers inherent in their designs, the differences in each Primarch lead to certain variations in them unique to each Chapter. Unless it's meant to indicate that there were specific/unique implants to each Chapter alone, which isn't ever indicated in any source.

Page 9
Whereas before the Heresy a space Marine Legion might number ten thousand or more warriors, under the new order each Chapter's size was determined at about a thousand.


The Space Wolves were never a very large Legion and so were divided only once, creating the ill-fated Wolfbrothers chapter.
"Ten thousand or more" warriors per Legion. Dividing only once suggests there were no more than a few thousand Space Wolves to begin with.

Page 11
The Space W olves Chapter is divided into a dozen Great Companies.


Each Great Company has its own headquarters and territory within the massive Fang fortress which is the Chapter's base.


Each Great company has its own spacecraft, its own weapns, and in almost all respect it functions as a separate, self-sufficient body of warriors.


In addition to the twelve Great Companies there is the household of the Space Wolve's leader the Great Wolf. This is effectively another company, but it differs from the great companies in some important respects. The Company of the Great Wolf is home to all the Chapter's Wolf Priests, Iron Priests, and Rune Priests. It is also where all the Chapter's Space Marine Dreadnoughts are kept in stasis to extend their lives.
Organization of the Space Wolves. There are technically fourteen "great Companies" with the Wolf Lord's forming an unofficial one housing the 'support' groups (the various Priests and the Dreadnoughts and such.)
Apparently according to the accompanying chart, the Scouts are attached to this group as well. Their organization is again otherwise like we see in the Space Wolf novels.

Page 13
Logan Grimnar is one of the Imperium's oldest and most powerful warriors. This cunning and fierce old man has led the Space Wolves for over five centuries, but even this incredible span is no record amongst the long-lived Space Marines.
At this time Grimnar had been alive 500 centuries, when in later sources this grows to seven hundred. It is also indicated here that 5 centuries is not unusual for Space Marine lifespans.

Page 14 -

to summarize the various priests. The Wolf Priests are apothecarions and Chaplains combined, trusted with the physical and spiritual welfare of the Chapter. The Iron Priests are their techmarines, and they build and maintain all the gear they need. The Rune Priests are their Librarians, but their powers are based on Fenrisian shamanistic rune magic for power (IE not quite conventional psykers, but not sorcerers quite either.) Again stuff we learn from the Space wolf novels.

Page 14
This procedure of implanation is just the beginning, for it takes several years for the genetic implants to turn an ordinary human into a full Space Marine. During those years the warrior is known as a Space Marine Scout - he is neither fully a Space Marine nor entirely human.


Space Marine Scouts are neither as tough nor as experienced as full Space Marines.


A Wolf Scout is placed under the tutelage of one of the Chapter's Wolf Priests who will appoint a grizzled old sergeant to oversee his induction and training. These Sergeants lead the Wolf Scouts in battle. Not ready to join a Great company, the young Scout lives alongside other Wolf Scouts, in one of the cavernous halls of the Fang. Here the warriors eat, sleep, practice their swordsmanship, and learn the Sagas of the Space Wolves. Only after the Wolf Scout has proven himself in combat will his sergeant judge him worthy of the title of Space Marine, and pronounce him ready to join one of the Great Companies.
Space wolf Scouts.

Page 15
These ancient chambers are labyrinthine in construction, sprawling many miles underground.
Referring to the vaults wher ethe Dreadnoughts sleep.

Page 15
A man may live within a Dreadnought for many centuries sustained by its bio-mechanisms. His consciousness is preserved by the complex interaction of flesh and machine, and his memories gradually fix themselves within the Dreadnought's core program. What remains of the warrior's body is uncertain, for as the centuries pass the body degenerates into a mere husk, and the mind within grows increasingly sluggish and detached from the real world.


As the process of achieving full consciousness is very demanding, it is only possible to awaken a Dreadnought maybe once every ten years or so.


Although there are as many as a hundred or more Dreadnoughts beneath the Fang, the Great Wolf must be careful how he uses them. To commit more than a handful at once would be a rare and momentus event.


Its [Dreadnought's] warrior may be hundreds or even thousands of years old.


The Space wolves always try to recover the wrekcage of a destroyed Dreadnought...


As Dreadnoughts are rare they are always repaired where possible....


fortunately the Dreadnought's central processors are encased in adamantium, and more often than not the previous inhabitant's memories are absorbed into the core program. As a result the new inhabitant will have access ot some of the memories of the previous inhaibtants. These ghost-like shadow memories gradually accumulate into the Dreadnought, endowing it with a multiple personality as well as the wisdom and courage of dozens of fighting men.
Lengthy passage concerning dreadnoughts and the implantation. Three interesting points jump to mind. First, the Space wolves have over a hundred dreadnoughts. Dreadnoughts are not something that can be readily or easily employed when sleeping, so they are not awakened more than once per decade (approximatley) which suggests that their use is very selective.

Lastly, Space Marine's memories and thoughts and personality will implant themselves on the Dreadnought's machine core, which is reminiscient of what happens with Titans and certain other vehicles (like starships.)

Page 24
The Wartrak leading the attack swerved and flipped over, its driver torn apart by a hail of bolter shells.
Bolter shells destroying Ork Wartrakk.

page 24
Brother Thorolf took a lascannon hit which melted through his armour but miraculously failed to vapourise his flesh. One of the Blood Claws was equally lucky, his armour barely deflecting a heavy plasma blast that would have burned him to cinders.
Effect of lascannon and heavy plasma bolts on living bodies. Lascannon melts through Termiantor armor of unspeicfied quantity and implied to vaporize the Marine's body (although whether in part or in whole, we don't know). Heavy plasma cannon glancing hit can be deflected by Power armour, but would have burned the Blood Claw to cinders had it penetrated.

This is froma game report rathre than outright fluff, so it may qualify as "in universe" given the context, but falls under "clarified intention" sort of evidence. Not quite primary evidence, but it helps. The results fit in with the other established benchmarks for "cremation/vaporization" level firepower... up to triple digit MJ/single digit GJ depending on degree of cremation and extent of area effected and whatnot.

Page 26
Ragnar weaved forward through the chaos of explosions and bolter fire to reach the Predator, from where he paused to hurl a frag grenade into the advancing Goffs, blowing three of them to pieces.
Space Marine frag grenade vs Orks.

Page 26
Ulrik hurled his virus bomb into the battle-maddened Orks as they spilled into the ruins but the bacillus proved weak and only one of the Orks succumbed.
Man portable virus bomb. As we know from some earlier editions it did have tactical/battlefield versions as well as the "exterminatus" grade variant we've known of.

Page 32
The Space Wolves are assigned armour and weapons in a much more ad hoc way than any of the other Chapters of Space MArines. Individuals may retain armour and equipment long after their fellows have received new or replacement gear. Therefore it is quite common for a squad to have Space Marine armour in a variety of armour marks.
No idea if this is something "traditional" or if logistics has something to do with it.

Page 34
Before coming a Wolf Priest, Ulrik was the leader of Great Wolf Logan Grimnar's Blood Claw pack.

Ulrik is even older than Logna Grimnar.

[Wargear card]
Forged in the stasis-bound ion furnaces beneath the Fang, this ancient helmet was made for Space wolf Durfast, Champion of Mordrak. The Helm has a temporal distort circuit which enables the weare to readily spot any foes in cover or hiding...


In addition, the Helm's predictive interface guides the hand of the weare, improving his shooting accuracy considerably.
Technological precognition/detection system. May or may not be lost tech, given that it was recoveed tech from a dead alien world. How commonly its applied isn't known.

"ion furnaces" as well. Exotic construciton tech?
Wargear card:
Though it looks like an ancient and finely decorated knife, this device actually houses a plasma genreator in the handle. When thrown the blade genreates an intense plasma field which can penetrate most armour. A homing device automatically returns the blade to its owner once it is thrown.
Built in propulsion system I'm guessing. In theory I'm betting the plasma field is a variation of a powerfield as well. Can any projectile be "plasma field" sheathed? Must be propelled by sspensors or antigrav or something though.

Page 42
The Space Wolves have senses as keen as a Wolf of Fenris, superior even to any other Space Marine Chapter. This is undoubtably as a result of their corrupt genetic implants, and part of the blessing as well as the curse of the Wulfen. To represent this a Space Wolves Space Marine can spot enemy in hiding at twice the usual distance -
One presumes this is an example of the sorts of "Legion specific variations" in gene-seed that can occur.

page 43
The Fang, the famed Citadel of the Space Wolves, is a great tower that rises above the atmosphere of Fenris.


Even as Harek attacked Gangava, the fleet of the Thousand Sons and their Chaotic levies appeared in orbit over Fenris. The Fang was held only by a skeleton force of Space wolves and their thralls. For Forty days and forty nights the Thousand sons assaulted the Citadel. Bjorn the Fell-Handed, most ancient of the Space Wolves' Dreadnoughts, was awoken from his long sleep and took charge of the defence.
Thousand Sons assault on The Fang and Fenris. One wonders why they didnt just exterminatus the place.

Page 45
Also, Space Marines enjoy long lives only showing signs of age after many times the span of an ordinary man, so it is hardly surprising that the Grey Hunters outnumber the Long Fangs many times over.
More on showing age only after a long long time.

Page 45
The tallest peak of all lies in the very middle of the range and rises like a single gnarled tooth above the surrounding mountains. This peak, and the Space Marine fortress that is built upon and within it, is called the Fang. The Fang is many times as high as the mountain around it, so that it stands alone as a citadel hewn from the rock. Like a dagger driven into the belly of the sky, the Fang pierces the atmosphere of Fenris.

The fortress of the Fang is clad in armour of immense thickness and strength and is cloaked by void shields more powerful than those found on even the most mighty of the Emperor's warships. Outside Earth, the Fang is said to be the greatest fortress in the human galaxy. Dark shafts cut miles into the mountainside, concealing laser cannons which are capable of crushing the most heavily armoured spacecraft. These huge weapons are as ancient as the Space Wolves Chapter itself, and the thermal reactors that power them are a testament to the precious technology from the distant past. Upon the tip of the Fang is the Space Wolves' fleet dock, where hundreds of spacecraft are maintained in armoured hangars inside the mountain. From here the Space Wolves journey to distant battlefields throughout the galaxy.
Description of the Fang Implied height of many tens or hundreds of km, shielded as well as Imperial warships. Not sure what "thermal reactors" are. "Hundreds of spacecrafT" doesnt really say what kinds though, though they are implied warp capable.

Page 47
No-one knows what happened to Leman Russ. Some say he disappeared in the Eye of Terror while searching for his old friend and rival, the Primarch of the Dark Angels. Some say that he was on a secret mission from the Emperor when he was slain in battle with a Greater Daemon of Choas, and that his spirit is los tin the warp. Others say that, to this day, he waks disguised among mankind, watching over the people of his Emperor and gaurding them from the Powers of Chaos.
Later fluff indicates he left some feast for the Eye looking for something and promising to return at the Wolftime, as I recall.

Page 47
Since that day there have been other Great Hunts. Sometimes Russ appears to a Great Wolf in a vision and tells him it is time. Sometimes he haunts the dreams of the Chapter's Rune Prioests and their words cause the Great Wolf to declare another Great Hunt.


It owuld seem that whenever the ghost of Russ appears to his people he has some mighty task in mind for them - who knows what the next one will be.
Of course on the next page there is a quote indicating that he is dying and he makes a final prophesy.. sooo.. LEGEND!

Rather similar to Vulkan, the Iron Hands, and some of the other chapters hunting for their lost Primarchs. Of course we know Ferrus Manus is dead, but Russ could still be alive.

Page 48
Their knowledge is deep [Wolf Priests] and for many centuries they have studied the effects of the cursd Wulfen gene helix in search of a way to modify and make safe the Chapter's genetic seed. However, their efforts have only succeeded in preventing the curse spreading, and it is unlikely tha tthe damage can ever be repaired completely.
The Wolf Priests actively practice genetic engineering to stabilize the Space Wolf gene seed.

Page 49
The methods by which the Rune Priests manipulate their powers are based upon the native Fenrisian's own shamanistic traditions.


A Rune Priest's armour is covered with runes and they wear rune-encrusested wolf fangs as pendants. The runes aren't purely decorative, they serve to channel and concentrate their psychic powers. Rune priests also carry a rare and priceless oak staff, made from wood taken form trees raised in the soil of ancient Earth back in the days when trees still grew wild upn that planet. These staffs are highly prized treasures which gradually absorb the psychic imprint of their owner, becoming ever more closely tailored to his mind. It is said that if a Rune Priest lives to a great age his staff become a living part of him, and that after his death the staff lives on preserving something of its master's thoughts and powers.
Rune Priests - Space wolf psykers. Like Eldar they seem fond of runes.

Page 49
They [Servitor]s are a weird combination of man and machine, bio-engineered by the Iron Priests to perform specific tasks. Their bodies are grown from human gene-cells in vats of artificial nutrient, and although physically strong and robust their minds are blank and incapable of development or of feeling much pain. Iron Priests insert bio-programs into their Servitor's brains, and replace parts of their bodies with mechanical contrivances such as huge metal claw,s infra-red sensors for eyes, and whatever specialised tools are required. Servitors operate many of the war engines and other machines of war that the Iron Priests make.
Servitor fluff. same from the ultramarines codex.

Page 50
Every so often an Iron Priest will take one of the young apprentices and he will be initiated into the Space Wolves and later he will journey to Mars, the home of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Eventually, after years of training, he returns to Fenris to take his place amongst the Iron Priest sof hte Space Wolves.

The Iron Priests are unique to the Space Wolves Chapter of Space Marines, but have much in common with the Techmarines of other Chapters.


Despite their many years of association with the Adeptus Mechanicus they still presevre some exclusively Fenrisian attitudes and traditions...


The Iron Priests look afte rthe many technical systems in the Fang, supervising engineering projects, building, spacecraft construction and maintenance and all the myriad of complex technical tasks that are undertaken every single day. The Iron Priests supervise a vast organization which consists of specialist bondsmen, technicians, mechanics, engineers, and power workers who keep the Chapter in permanant battleworthy condition
Space Wolf techmarines, a bit more independent than your usual techmarines.

Page 54 - Legend of how Russ lifted out of the sea a Kraken and then threw it back. Its noted that Imperial Scholars believe it to be merely a legend, but likely that Russ did encounter and kill a Kraken.

Page 60
There are numerous tasks that must be done just to maintain the Fang; continual updating of its fabric and weaponry, and the monitoring of its power grid and the thermal wells that draw heat from beneath the surface of Fenris. Like other Space Marine Chapter sthe Space Wolves keep a large fleet ready for war, and the Fang includes huge dockyards and all the facilities needed to equipa nd control them.


The Chapter's bondsmen are loyal members of the Chapter, although they are not Space wolves. The ancestors of these warrior-retainers came to teh Fang many thousands of years ago. some are descended from Fenrisian warriors who may have been selected as potential Space Wolves, but who were judged unfit to endure the final testing. Such individuals are brought to the Fang to serve their masters in a more humble but equally vital capacity.

Every Great Company has its own retainers, and the Great Wolf himsel has the largest number. Most of the spacecraft crews, drivers, and the warriors who man Fenris' defences are bondsmen of this kind. When the Chapter goes to war it is these retainers who keep the Fang running and defend the planet against attack.

The thermal wells might be referencing the "thermal reactors" from before, but to my knowledge Geothermal power is not a "reactor" of any sort. Best i can do from googling is that a "thermal reactor" is related to fission reactors, but again those aren't especially "old" or unknown or special. Unless it refers to something exotic like "Plasma fission" or "warp fission" in some of the other early edition stuff. Who knows. Maybe it uses a combination of both.

Page 62
Brother Ulrik is the oldest of all living Space wolves...

He is older even than the Great Wolf Logan Grimnar, who has served the Emperor now for over six centuries. Indeed, he is the only warrior who remembers the Great Wolf as a young Blood Claw, full of fury and future promise.
Here we see Logan grimnar is 6 centuries old. it may mean Ulrik is 6 centuries old, which may make more sense.

Page 64
To repay his debt Ulf Blackbrow fashioned a psyber-creature, a biological robot which was part flesh and part machine.
Like the cherubs you sometimes see in artwork or novels. Also known as, I think, familiars.

Page 66
This cunning and fiere old man has led the Space Wolves for over five hundred years. This is a long time even for a Space Marine, who often live for several centuries.
AGain, Logan Grimnar is five centuries old. Again newer fluff has Astartes virtually immortal.

Page 66
Many human worlds owe their existence to his armed might, and on several planets he is hailed as a saviour and patron. Every year prayers are offered to his name on a dozen worlds. To this day tributes continue to arrive at Fenris from grateful planetary lords. The Old Wolf, Logan Grimnar, is probably the most highly respected and best loved warrior in the entire galaxy.
Like Dante, Gimnar seems to be widely respected and admired for his feats. I'm not sure he's neccesarily more loved than Dante.. might be depending on locale.

Page 67
Mordrak is now a dead world, but aeons ago it supported an advanced civilisation. when it was discovered by Explorators of the Adeptus Terra, the Techno-magi quickly recognised its importance. Several armed expeditions were launched to recover alien artifacts...
Makes me think of Necrons, but oh well. Interesting that here we got the AdMech mucking about with alien technology.

Page 67
during the raids on the Alphanex site Durfast took command of three packs of Space Wolves to defeat an incursion of several hundred Orks.
Outnumbered and still kicked Ork ass.

Page 67
The device [Helm of Durfast] utilises Mordrakian temporal technology to endow the wearer with an uncanny awareness of the immediate past, presetn and future. Its precognitive temporal-compensation circuits guide the wearer's hand as he shoots, enabling him to anticipate his target's movements.
aforementioned helm built in the Fang. As I said its partly alien tech, but apparently salvaged by the Imperium for their own use. actual usage (if any) unknown.

Page 67
Once, when his squad was trapped by a river of lava Ranulf pushed the wreckage of a Land Raider into the molten stream so that his pack could cross.
Also interesting to note Ranulf and a few Wolf Guard once held a pass against thousands of Orks (think 300) and he sluaghtered so many they could not desecrate his body once he was defeated, but rather buitl a shrine to him and his companions. Pushing a wrecked 80 ton land raider is an impressive feat nonetheless.

Page 68 - after his entombment, Bjorn served actively for 500 years in campaigns until he started to tire as a dreadnought and needed to sleep.

Page 72
Ranger wondered what visions he was seeing and for a moment envied him the Emperor's Gift.
Him being Njal stormcaller. apparently the Space Wolves (or at least Ragnar) regard being a psyker as a blessing. Which is funny considering the whole "Council of Nikea" bit with the thousand Sons. Or maybe it's just Ragnar.

Page 72
He touched each command rune in turn, once again made suddenly aware of how much he relied on this armour for protection. Its ceramite carapace shielded him from heat and cold and enemy fire. Its autosensory systems let him see in the darkness. Its recycling systems let him breathe in hard vacuum and survive for weeks in the harshest of enviroments.

He fitted the comm-net earbead into place and checked the position of the speaking circlet over his larynx.
Ragnar's power armor.

Page 72
He pushed his hands together in prayer, feeling the muscle amplification of the suit's exo-skeleton lend him the strength of many.


With an act of will he switched his hearing from normal sound to comm-net pickup. The subvocalised activation litanies of his companions rang in his ears, interspersed with the comm chatter of the ship's crew.
More of the Power armor.

Page 72
He felt the click of the helmet lock as it slid into place. Targeting icons appeared in his sight underneath the gothic script of his display. all the readouts were fine.
Helmet targeting display in Ragnar's power armor.

Page 73
A frost blue ikon flashed for three heartbeats to indicate a lack of air-pressure. There was another click from the neckband of the armour. Ragnar knew that his helmet had locked into place and could not now be removed until his suit had checked the atmosphere and found it safe for breathing.
Yet more on Ragnar's armor.

Page 73
In the view monitors the Hunter showed first as a vast metal wall.
The sheer size of the vessel was obvious from the hundreds of great arched windows, each of which was the long as whaling ship and taller than a mast.
If the "whaling ship" in question is likea viking longboat (say ~20 meters long) the vessel would be at least 4 km long.

Page 73
He rolled to his left, raising his auto-targeting bolt pistol. Acid fumes steamed from the small crater on his right. The wolf's head ikon of the targeter blinked red-black-red inside his faceplate. He squeezed the trigger; a bolter shell whizzed towards the target.
"auto targeting bolt pistol"

Page 73
Small reptilian creatures scutteld for cover away from them. Ragnar snapped off a shot at one. Its head came apart as the shell struck home.
bolt pistol explodes head.

Page 73
Next to the drop-pod Gunnar stood firm, legs apart, the heavy missile launcher braced with both hands. Flames spat from its muzzle as the weapon spoke. For long seconds the rocket thundered then, with a crash, hit its target.
Missile launcher takes "several seconds" from launch to target. If we knew velocity we might infer range.

Page 73 - Tyranid Hive Warriors are twice the height of Ragnar.

Page 73
Ragnar took careful aim and snapped off three shots. Near simultaneosuly Egil's bolter stitched lines of fire across the Tyranid's chest. The creature fell, torn almost in two by the hail of fire.
TyranidWarrior. vs Ragnar's bolt pistol.

Page 74
With a mental impulse Ragnar slid the claw blades from his boot and lashed out with a kick, slashing the throat of one of the beasts
Neat weapon.

Page 74
A missile erupted from his launcher and flashed into the giant. Smoke bleched forth on impact. The ground shook. As the smoke cleared Ragnar looked on with awe. The Tyranid bio-construct was still standing, even though a huge chunk had been torn out of its carapace.
Missile launcher vs some large Tyranid construct. Carnifex maybe?

PAge 74
It [Genestealer] lashed out with claws capable of tearing through steel.
Again we know genestealer claws are powerful.

Page 74
"And now, you die," he whispered, his hand clutching for a krak grenade.
The bemused giant lumbered forward. For a moment Ragnar wondered if the grenade were defective. Then the monster's head exploded showering him in brains and mucous.
Krak grenade vs Tyranid skull.
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Bedlam »

Connor MacLeod wrote: Page 15
A man may live within a Dreadnought for many centuries sustained by its bio-mechanisms. His consciousness is preserved by the complex interaction of flesh and machine, and his memories gradually fix themselves within the Dreadnought's core program. What remains of the warrior's body is uncertain, for as the centuries pass the body degenerates into a mere husk, and the mind within grows increasingly sluggish and detached from the real world.


As the process of achieving full consciousness is very demanding, it is only possible to awaken a Dreadnought maybe once every ten years or so.


Although there are as many as a hundred or more Dreadnoughts beneath the Fang, the Great Wolf must be careful how he uses them. To commit more than a handful at once would be a rare and momentus event.


Its [Dreadnought's] warrior may be hundreds or even thousands of years old.


The Space wolves always try to recover the wrekcage of a destroyed Dreadnought...


As Dreadnoughts are rare they are always repaired where possible....


fortunately the Dreadnought's central processors are encased in adamantium, and more often than not the previous inhabitant's memories are absorbed into the core program. As a result the new inhabitant will have access ot some of the memories of the previous inhaibtants. These ghost-like shadow memories gradually accumulate into the Dreadnought, endowing it with a multiple personality as well as the wisdom and courage of dozens of fighting men.
Lengthy passage concerning dreadnoughts and the implantation. Three interesting points jump to mind. First, the Space wolves have over a hundred dreadnoughts. Dreadnoughts are not something that can be readily or easily employed when sleeping, so they are not awakened more than once per decade (approximatley) which suggests that their use is very selective.

Lastly, Space Marine's memories and thoughts and personality will implant themselves on the Dreadnought's machine core, which is reminiscient of what happens with Titans and certain other vehicles (like starships.)
I wonder if Dreadnaughts might preserve their occupents beyond the point of death. Could it be that the organic parts of some of the older Dreadnaughts might be entirely dead and the personality displayed by them is purely an AI modelled on the occupant? Sort of like the Clank in Girl Genius which thought to was being remote controlled by someone but later found out that person had died quite some time ago.
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Ghost Rider »

Bedlam wrote:I wonder if Dreadnaughts might preserve their occupents beyond the point of death. Could it be that the organic parts of some of the older Dreadnaughts might be entirely dead and the personality displayed by them is purely an AI modelled on the occupant? Sort of like the Clank in Girl Genius which thought to was being remote controlled by someone but later found out that person had died quite some time ago.
Actually from the way they are killed, it's likely they are extending the life of the occupant. Also of note, they've shown that they sleep and that some of the longest living ones suffer degradation that wouldn't happen unless the Imperium was particularly screwy.

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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

2nd edition Codex "Angels of Death". Covers both Blood Angels and Dark Angels together, rather than separately (like Ultramarines and Space wolves did.) Off we go!

Page 4
They were formed by the Emperor more than 10,000 years ago and were at the forefront of the Great Crusade that ruined the scattered outposts of humanity, and carved out the boundaries of the Imperium which have lasted almost unchanged to this day.
This can be taken one of two ways. Either a.) the nubmer of workds taken has remained relatively constant throughout the millenia (unlikely) or that the borders conquered have remained relatively unchanged, and that much of the loss or gain of territory occurs within these boundaries.

Page 4
Once an asteroid, the Rock has been mined and converted into a spacecraft of truly gargantuan proportions, dwarfing in size all other space-going vessels apart form the largest space hulks.
Since some space hulks can get to be tens of km in size (up to 100+ km or more) this suggests it is quite big. That thye could adapt and build the Rock into an actual spaceship does say something about Imperial starship engineeering (That they can build fuckoff huge ships, although we've long known they could build 16 and 20 km long ships, and in recent fluff 60+ km ones)

Page 7
Most, but not by any means all, of the new Chapters numbered about 1,000 men, organised into 10 companies of one hundred men each. Some Chapters were considerably larger or smaller than this, however, and Chapters are often increased beyond their standards trength if they are involved ina protracted or highly intensive war.


It is not known exactly how many Chapters were created after the Horus Heresy, as many Imperial Records have been lost, and many Chapters have been created and destroyed in the 10,000 years that have followed. The only thing that can be said for certain is that at present there are just over 1,000 Chapters.
Standard (fairly) chapter size fluff. Basically it means that 1 million marines is an approximation, nothing more, and that time and circumstance can alter ntose numbers. Casualties are one obvious factor, as is recruitment, and neither can be predicted or fully accounted for. Logically the former dictates that they have to keep a fair nubmer of the latter around simply to ensure that the Chapter does not fall dramatically under-strength due to catastrophe (hence the tendency to go over-strength in long term conflicts. We know the Black tEmplars follow this practice to extreme, for example.)

Other reasons can dictate "larger than 1000" sizes too. Marines who live but are too badly injured to serve in the companies, Marines who may seve some special function or role (EG the Woflblade in the Space Wolf stories, marines dedicated to shipboard service, Marines who may be assigned to watch over a Chapter outpost or recruiting world, etc.)

Likewise, the number of Chapters is only an approximation. Given the rather loose and indirect control the Imperium has over the Astartes, and the general secretiveness of much of it, it is doubtful that any hard and fast numbers as to Chapter Raisings is ever given. Although in theory this should be less variable than the size of a given Chapter (since the High Lords control a fair amount of Gene Seed and dictate the creation of new Chapters even if their record keeping sucks.)

Page 8
Each suit of Space Marine power armour is hand-crafted by a Techmarine armourer from materials he forges and designs himself. This means that while all suits appear superficially to be the same, each is in some way different, reflecting the character of the armourer who built it.
This would seem to be a different practice from the HEresy era, where Power armour was mass produced. ITs got to be much slower going though, since techmarine numbers are limited to begin with. The interesting high point of this, though, is that Techmarines seem to engage in a bit of R&D of their own in the power armor process if they make their own materials.

This also hints there may be soe measure of variation in quality.

Page 8
Making a suit of power armour is a long process that takes many months to complete. At each stage the correct ceremonies and litanies must be carried out to ensure that the armour offers spiritual as well as physical protection.
Power armour construction is a "months long" process, especially (one assumes) due to all the ritual (which while silly on the surface, may very well be neccesary given the nature and habits of the warp. It cna literally get into anything)

Page 8
The most important element in the construction of a suit of Space Marine power armour is the large ceramite armour plates, which provide the main form of protection against enemy attack. Individual plates of armour can be up to an inch thick, and have a special "honeycomb" design which helsp to dissipate energy and localise any damage suffered by the suit. Against most small arms the armour reduces the chance of injury by between 50-85%, and it provides some form of protection against all except the most powerful weapons encountered on the battlefields of the 41st Millenium.

On its own a suit of power armour weighs over 250 lbs., and even a Space Marine would find it difficult to move wihile wearing it were it not for the electrically motivated fibre bundles implanted in the armour.


In addition, most suits of power armour include a gravitic energy damper which effectively reduces the weight and inertia of the suit to the same level as that of a normal human being.
Lots of interesting technical tidbits for power armour: the plates are up to an inch thick (as noted elswhere) and incorporate defnesive properties more than just being thick armor plate (the honeycomb bit may evne imply that its not just solid plate, probably to save on weight).

The percentage of injury chance is also interesting if hard to interpret (something like the V-0 and V-50 ratings of modern body armor? I believe those deal with penetration.)

The weight is interesting.. seems rather light given the apparenb bulkiness of the suit. Then again Dark Heresy power armor is rather light (about as heavy as the person who wears it). While on the other hand a number of novels (like the Zou bastion wars novels, Brothes of the Snake, etc.) hint at power armored Marines massing upwards of half a ton (meaning powered armor masses several times greater than listed here.) It may be 250 is not meant to be "pounds" but "kilograms" since pounds is more common in the US than in Britain (and 40K as a rule goes by British conventions, of course.) but that is unspecified. It may simply be powered armor can vary somewhat in weight for different reasons (differences in materials, design, etc.)

Lastly the bit about the gravitic energy damper is interesting- its not just the powered function on some suits that enables mobility. It may even have some recoil handling properties. Sounds alot like the "mass lightening" mentioned in Eye of Terror as well (which coincidentally is used to make it easier for ships to lift off from planets) and like suspensors (which also reduces weight on heavy gear). This, plus the differences in weight, may explain why in some cases power armor can float in the water (EG in the Space Wolf novels.) while in others it sinks.

Page 8
The energy source for the power armour is a small battery using a stacked atomic chain which is housed in the suit's back pack. The back pack also contains all the extra equipment needed ot maintain life support, air recycling fluid recovery, and the various automatic medical functions.

The suit's helmet is fitted with automatic sensory devices which allow the wearer to see and hear quite normall, but he can also see infra-red and ultra-violet light, and hear a wider range of sound frequencies. The weearer also is able to sleectively enhance a visual image or sound should he wish. If exposed to blinding lights or deafening noises, the computer procesor acts as a safety valve and dampens down the stimuli preventing damage to the Space Marines.
This version of power armor runs on an exotic battery, while some have their own small reactor. again it likely depends on design and role. Note as wlel the medical functions, atmosphere recycling, and "automatic sensory devices" that includes infrared and UV vision, variable sound hearing, signal enhancement, and flash protection.

Pag e9
On many Codex suits of armour the left shoulder armour uses a special 'studded' construction method which dates back to the dark days of the Horus Heresy. In battle it is the right side of the warrior which needs to be better protected while he fires his weapon, thus the left side could be most easily replaced by the more easily produced (though less effective) studded plates. The need to economise in this way was very real at the time.
Explanation for the 1st edition "studded" shoulder plate. This explanation or concept has held over into later sources (like the HEresy novels)

Page 10
The mutant genes used as the basic building blocks for these elite warriors [Primarchs] had taken centuries to gather and refine..
Primarchs (and by extnesion) the Astartes were built from "mutant" genes of some kind, albeit apparently ocntrolledin development. This would, by the Imperium's definiiton of things, make the Primarchs and Space Marines abhumans or mutants, depending on viewpoint. Which in point of fact is hard to argue against. But I doubt anyone would tell the Space Marines that to their faces.

Page 10
They [Caliban nobles] fought in a form of power armour much like that used by the first Space Marines and like them their main weapons wer the chainsword and bolt pistol. Most other forms of advanced technology had, however, been lost, and the warrior nobilit therefore rode into battle on huge warhorses known as destriers.
Interesting that caliban managed to hold onto some form of chainsword and pistol as well as powered armour.

Page 11
Instinctively the knight drew his bolt pistol and fired a volley of shots. Only Jonson's super-humanely fast reactions saved him from death, as he hurled himself to one side. Even so one of the bolt shells clipped is left shoulder and exploded, sending agonising shards of white hot adamantium deep into his flesh.
Jonson can nearly dodge a bolter round

Page 12
Those knights who were still young enough had the Legion's gene-seed implanted within them, while those too old for this process underwent surgery to transform them into elite warriors of the Imperium.

The process Luther and others underwent was never specified. One presumes augmetic primarily, but perhaps using genetic engineering later.

Page 12
The massed guns of the fleet easily disabled Caliban's defence laser batteries and then scoured the planet, dirving the rebel Dark Angels back to their fortress monasteries.
Self explanatory, but its interesting to hear hinted tha tthe fortresses are reisstant to orbital bombardment.

Page 12
What followed was a fight of titanic proportions during which the two equally-matched adversaries laid blow for blow against each other, tearing down the monastery around them until the whole massive edifice had been levelled by the battle. Meanwhile the massed guns of the fleet caried on pounding the planet, reducing the other fortress monasteries to rubble. The very surface of Caliban bgna to crack and heave under the strain of the bombardment.
Standard "Dark anglsl" origins fluff.

Page 13
They [Chaos Gods] lashed out in fury and frustration. A rent appeaerd in the very fabric of space and a warp storm of unprecedetned fury engulfed caliban. In an uncontrollable, swirling flood of spychic energy the warp rushed into the physical universe.


Caliban, already weakened by the loyal Dark Angle's bombardment, was ripped apart and destroyed, the debris being sucked into the warp.
Again, self explanatory.

Page 13
Protected by Force fields of awesome power the monastery and a huge chunk of the bed-rock of Caliban held together.
Implied that the Rock's fields could protect against mass scattering of a planet and storing energy.

Page 13
Because of his link to the warp, during rare moments of lucidity, the Dark Angels are able to use Luther as an oracle.
Interesting use.

Page 13
The Rock itself does not stay in any one place for very long, at most for only a few generations. As a reuslt the Dark Angls do not recruit from any one planet.
Technically this makes the Dark Angels a Crusading Chapter like the Fists or Black Templars.

Page 14
The Chapter [DA] is monastic in nature with much time being given over to worship and prayer. There are also many different levels within the Chapter which individuals may gradually rise through. On attaining each level, they find out a little more abou tthe truth behind the Dark Angels' origins. Most Dark Angels themselves know nothing abou tthe beginnings of the Chapter. It is only those at the very top who have learnt the whole truth.
Yes, we know the Dark Angels love their secrets from everyone, including themselves

Page 14
Others [Fallen] are willing to atone for their sins and in an attempt to do so have integrated themselves back into human societies taking on the role of any ordinary person. This only makes the
Dark Angels' task of finding the Fallen harder as they are not easy to identify as such.
Not all Fallen ae Chaos renegades. Some are merely just renegades.

Page 14
buried even deeper within the Rock, is the final, greatest secret of the Chapter. Only one person in the entire universe knows the rtuth - the Emperor himself. For hidden inside a secluded, unreachable chamber at the heart of what was once the planet Caliban, Lion El'Jonson lies sleeping, waiting with the Watchers in the Dark for that time when he will be needed once again to defend the Imperium against its enemies.
Now up until I red the Heresy novels the Watchers had never really been elaborated on.. but now its quite obvious the Watchers are some psychically attuned xenox race who were linked to Caliban and (for some reason) linked themselves to the Dark Angels. Why they remain linked is beyond me (or why they tolerate it, since the DArk Angels share the bias against Xenos.)

Page 16
Ancient weapons both viral and nuclear were unleashed. Cities became plains of smouldering glass, lush grasslands became polluted deserts. Seas become poisonous lakes of toxic sludge. The folk of the system died in their millions and for a while it looked as if humanity might become extinct in the Baal system. But somehow, humanity surivved. They clung precariously to life on the edges of the radioactive deserts.


Folk wandered the surface in converted vehicles, desperately hoping their patched-together radiation suits would save them, praying they would never hear the hideous tell-tale clicking of their rad counters.
Explanation of how the Blood Angels homeworld became a radioactive wasteland at home in the annals of Fallout or mad Max.

Page 18
Unable to destroy the infants because of the powerful protections laid on them by the Emperor, the daemonic powers of the warp nonetheless did their best to alter and mould the Emperor's work to their own evil ends. Thus it was that even the best of the Emperor's creations became corrupted at the outset.
As noted elsewhere on the board, scattering the Primarchs was plan b, and resulted in the Primarchs becoming imperfect. Dobut the Emperor intended this.

Page 18
The infant Sanguinius grew quickly and learned everything his parents could tech him. After three weeks he was as large as a child of three years, and could walk.


By the time he was one year old, he looked and acted like a man in his youthful prime. He could walk without a rad-suit in the poison desert, and could shatter mighty boulders with a single blow of his outstretched hand. In the use of all weapons he soon excelled his teachers.
Some of the supernatural qualities of the Primarch - rapid growth/development, insane ability to learn, poison proof, immensely powerful, etc. Shattering a boulder (assuming a meter diameter bolter) is equal to a considerable quantity of TNT. Also tough enough to shatter it without breaking a hand/

Page 18
The Emperor performed the complex operation that would extract the gene-seed from Sanguinius's genetic codes and he implanted ten thousand warrios with it.
Initial stock of warriors was 10K blood angels. The emperor also seemed to have a different means of extracting SM gene seed from Sanguinius.

Page 18
Since the time of Sanguinius the blood angels have recruited from among the greatest tribes of the Blood on Ball Secundus and Baal Prime.....


These contests are usually held only once per generation at Angel's Fall...


Once there they must vie for the fifty or so places that are available.
Typically the Blood Angels only recurit fifty or so aspirants per planet per generation. Makes some sense, as it takes years for them to grow to the needed age. Of course, once you weed out the genetic undesirables, count in others that die, etc. etc.. the numbers must be far less. Though having two planets might help (a little). Still seems like the recruitment is far lower than it should (given probable casualty rates and length of time developing into a MArine.)

Page 19
They are told that they partake of the blood of their Primarch and they drink. Slowly slumber overtakes them and they are borne by Servitors to the Apothocarion where the gene-seed of Sanguinius will be implanted in their recumbent bodies.

From the Apothacarion they will be taken to the Hall of Sarcophagi and each will be placed within a mighty golden sarcophagus. Life support nodes are attached to them and for the next year they will be fed intravenously with a mixture of nutrients and the Blood of Sanguinius while the gene-seed does its work.

Many die at this stage, their bodies unable to cope with the strain of the changes that now overtake them. Those who live will grow swift and ture, echoing the rapid growth of their Primarch. They will put on muscle mass and acquire the extra internal organs that mark the true Space Marine. At this time too they will have many strange dreams, for the gene-seed carries imprinted on it many of the memories of Sanguinius. Thus will the sessence of their Primarch begin to permeate the very souls of his chosen warriors. Even afterwards when sleeping and sometimes when awake these dreams will return to haunt the future Blood Angels.


They will be tall, storng, and superhumanly powerful. Their restructured bodies and featuers will have taken on a beauty that echoes that of their angelic forebear. Their senses will be keener, their muscles will be stronger than tempered steel.
If one wanted to joke we could say the Blood Angels are Catholic Space vampires. It's a bit more complicated than that. Of course as well this process is distinctly different from others (say, what Ragnar underwent.) Reeflects fairly accurately what we are shown in the Blood angels novels. Note as well the gene seed having a psychic imprint and "muscles stronger than tempered steel", gaining extra muscle mass and "acquiring" extra organs.

It does note the Blood Angels are (secretly) known as a Dying chapter. Of course, given the idiocy we've seen in the Blood Angels novels, this comes as no surprise, and the glacial recruitment and implantation process makes this even more apparent.

Page 19
Although it is known to but a few, the Blood angels are a dying Chapter, and they suffer from a dreadful flaw.

[description of Black Rage and Red Thirst]


Some say that it is because Sanguinius was more touched by Chaos than the othrs during his flight through the warp.


Their argument runs that the gene-seed which was extracted from him was flawed even before the first Blood Angels were created, and thus terrible consequences were preordianed.
As noted, a "dying chapter", the description of the grimdark flaws haunting an otherwise nice and noble chapter, more space vampire bits.
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Second and Last half of Angels of Death.

Page 20
Other scholars claim that the flaw lies in the process that is used to create each new generation of Blood angels. They claim it has crept in down the generations because the Blood Angels use the process known as Insanguination to activate the gene-seed. To understand the arguments here one needs to know something abou the processes used originally to create the Space Marines of the First Founding.

All Space Marine Chapters use gene-seed to trigger and control the processes that transform an ordinary mortal into a Space Marine. The gene-seed is encoded with all the information needed to reshape ordinary cell clusters into the special organs Space Marines possess, and it contains viral machiens which rebuild the body to the template contained within the gene-seed. However, from the beginning there was no set way to activate the gene-seed.

Indeed, at the time when the Chapters of the First founding were created, the process was still highly experimental and many different ways of controlling and managing the change were tried. This led to the Space Wolves using the ritual known as Blooding, the Imperial Fists using the process known as the Hand of Faith, and the Blood Angels using Insanguination.

The process was originally triggered by injecting Aspirants with tiny samples of their Primarch's own blood. This practice of course ended with the death of Sanguinius. However, some of his blood was kept and preserved in the Red Grail. The living blood could not be kept this way for long and it wsa injected into the veins of the Sanguinary Priests. In this way they became living hosts to the power of Sanguinius. To this day, drinking the collected blood of the assembled Sanguinary Priests form the Red Grail is part of the ritual of creation of all Blood Angels Priests.

It is from these Priests that the blood ist aken to begin the transformation of Aspirants into Space Marines. It is possible that over the countless generations since the time of the Heresy these cells have mutated, slowly at first but more quickly in recent years, and that errors in replication have resulted in the Flaw.

Still others cite the fact that all the Blood Angels come from a hghly irradiated world, and that a certain maount of mutation is inevitable.
Speculation on the blood angels gene seed, and mention of the highly variable and un-standardized processes by which gene-seed is activated.

The Red Grail/Sanguinary priests bit sounds a bit tricky as a means of perserving their gene seed and transformation process, since it clearly mutated. I'm guessing Primarch nature rendered stasis tech an imperfect solution.

The real interesting bit is the more technical details of the gene seeds and the bit about "viral machines" which rebuild the body. The terminology used makes the gene-seed sound more.. bio-mechanical than purely biological.. like thhe Astartes are a osrt of cyborg or organic augmetic human. Some sort of nanotech like magic perhaps, but it does make sense. We know, for example, that Marines are fed a diet of certain chemicals and materials (like ceramicr or stuff) which are supposed to help in the building process (raw material for the viral machines and gene seed to transform or rebuild the body, for example.) It would also explain how the Larramans can work (they just produce specialized viral machines designed to heal wounds or clot the blood faster.) or other features like extracting info from eating brains, or protection against radiation.. or whatever.

Page 20
During his earliest life he [Sanguinius] desired to lead his people to a new and better life. When he joined the Great Crusade he transferred this vision to a greater arena but he did not abandon it. He wanted a better life for all mankind and an end to the strife brought on by the collapse of human civilisation at the end of the Dark Age of Technology.

He was also cursed with the power of prophesy and saw visions of what lay ahead.
Sanguinius was a nice guy, basically and also highly precognitive, much like Night Haunter and MAgnus.

Page 21
The outlook of Sanguinius did much to shape his Chapter. There is a strong mystical streak to many of the blood Angels doctrines, and also a strong belief that things can be changed for the better.


This belief can be seen in all things the Blood Angels do: they strive for perfection. Their works of art are things of beauty and symmetry. Their martial disciplines are practiced unceasingly.


Their doctrines are permeated with a sense of mortality and the fallen greatness of man (due to the Flaw and the darker things it hints at)
More bipolar grimdarkitude surrounding the Blood Angels. Not as bad as the drama can get in later editions of course, since in 2nd edition you had the bad coming with some good (Rather than bad with less bad.)

Page 21
Physically the Blood Angels are among the longest lived of all the Space Marine Chapters. One of the peculiarities of the Flaw is that it has vastly increased the lifespan of those who survive, so it is not uncommon for Blood Angels to live for a thousand years. Indeed, the current Commander of the Chapter, Dante, has lived for nearly 1,100 years.
A peculiar trait, given that Horus Rising says that Marines are functionally/biologically immortal and only die from injury or damage pertaining to battle. Still the extended lifespan bit makes them notable if not unique.

Page 21
The Blood Angels are unique in that deeply engraved within their gene-seed is the encoded experience of Sanguinius, and most deeply imprinted of all is the memorry of his final battle with Horus. Sometimes an event or circumstance will trigger this 'race memory'.


As well as Sanguinius's memories the Space Marine is touched with a small portion of the Primarch's unearthly power, boosting the wariror's already prodigious strength and vitality to superhuman levels.
This hints at a psychic element to ghe gene-seed, since it can provide a tangible boost in ability through this "link." The purpose of this link is interesting - did it serve any tangible purpose for the Emperor? Could it enhance the leadership/charisma qualities the Primarcsh had with their troops? Did it serve as a means of transferring or extneding the Emperor's power through the Primarchs and to the Astartes (It is possible that being created from the Empeoer, both Primarchs and Astartes are instruments/avatars of the God of Mankind's power and will, much like a Chaos God has his own mortal Champions.)

One may derive a curious question from this - we know that Primarchs are linked to their Marines, but just how psychically linked are the Primarcsh to their Legions? Could the taint of the Primarch have had a tangible influence on the corruption of the Legion as a whole? Was it the only factor? Coudl the gene-seed bond, coupled with the homeworlds in question (some of which obviousyl were tained) led to the differences (EG some of the traitor legions still had loyalists - many of which stemmed from Old Terra rather than the Primarch's homeworld.)

Page 22
Close by another Blood Angel hoisted a rebel into the air and hurled him acorss the room with contemptuous ease, emptying the clip form his bolt pistol into the helpless Guardsmen as he slumped to the floor. The Guardsman's stomach and chest exploded ina bloody shower of intestines and internal organs.

In moments it was all over and all ther was left was a scene of devastation and carnage.
Example of the physical strength of a power armored blood angel/

Page 22
It required all of the Guardsman's will power not to cower before the seven foot tall warrior that was approaching him.
a mere 7 foot tall Astartes.

Page 24
They [Servitor]s are a weird combination of man and machine, bio-engineered by the Techmarines to perform specific tasks. Their bodies are grown from human gene-cells in vats of artificial nutrient, and although physically strong and robust their minds are blank and incapable of development or of feeling much pain. Iron Priests insert bio-programs into their Servitor's brains, and replace parts of their bodies with mechanical contrivances such as huge metal claw,s infra-red sensors for eyes, and whatever specialised tools are required. Servitors operate many of the war engines and other machines of war that the Techmarines make.
Servitor fluff. Common across all codexes that feature servitors.

Page 25
Young space Marine initiates are subjected ot the most rigorous testing ot ensure that no mutant genes enter the Chapter's gene-pool. If this were to happen, the consequences weould be dire, for the mutant gene could affect the Chapter's gene-seed, either destroying it or warping it in some fashion.

Over the millenia many Chapters have developed minor mutations as a result of the transmitted effects of the gene-seed. Some of these mutations have created unuusal phyiscal or mental characteristics amongst certain Space Marine Chapters. The Space Wolves, for example, develop fangs which grow longer as the Space Marine ages.
Genetic purity and mutation in the geneseed.

Page 25
Librarians are powerful psykers. They are responsible for all interstellar communication with the power to project their minds through warp space. They are also the adjudicators of the Chapter's psychic population, dividing psychic mutants into those whose powers are dangerous and those whose powers may be used by the Imperium. Only the most powerful of those suitable psykers can become a Space Marine Librarian.

Space Marine Librarians are trained to use their powers in battle: to unleash energy blasts, to sense the enemy's movements, and to predict the fortunes of battle. They learn how to read the Emperor's tarot and to sense the subtle movements of daemons and other extra-real entities through warp space. A Librarian can feel the psychic shock-waves that herald the arrival of a spacecraft, or the turmoil that ships leave in their wake as they depart.
Librarian roles and powers. They serve as astropaths, precognitives and fortune tellers, the custodians of the Chapter's psychic population, and psychic firepower and a warp sensor.

Page 26
Whereas the Adeptus Ministorum has gradually extended its influence over all the many thousands of individual cults that once existed throughout the galaxy, it has never been able to influecne the space Marine cults, which remain as stubbornly individualistic today as they ever were.
"thousands" of Imperial cults, except for the Space Marines (and the AdMech).

Page 27
Every Chapter has its own bio-researchers called Medics or Apothecaries. The lore of bio-engineering is passed down from generation to generation, and the memory banks of the Apothacarion contains records of the Chapter's genetic history. Every trace of mutant gene-seed must be expunged, every weakness removed, and only the healthy gene-seed used to propogate new Space Marines.
Eugenics is practised on the gene seed, obviously, as well as extensive research and probably testing to help resist and fix mutation. One wonders what the AdMechy would think of this.

Page 27
Every Space Marine carries a replicating organ buried deep inside his chest and another at the base of his throat. These progenoid organs absorb free DNA strand form the Space Marine's other implants and form them into germ cells. If a Space Marine dies these replicating organs can be removed and the germ cells they contain used to grow fresh implants. If a Space Marine dies in battle he can be replaced if either or both of his progenoid organs can be recovered (given a few years) but if he dies or his body is destroyed or lost then his gene-seed is lost too.
Progenoids described. This passage is notable as it is one of a handful I have ever run across that explicitly indicates that only one set of progenoids is needed to make a new marine and that having two is simply for redundancy's sake (which makes more sense, since otherwise you could only at most keep Chapters on an even footing, and more than likely due to losses you would run out of gene seed no matter what.)

Page 28
The armour is massive and bulky and contains af ull exo-skeleton arrangement of fibre bundles and adamantium rods to support the heavy guage plasteel and ceramite plates that form the outer carapace. A wearer of Terminator armour can move and operate with remarkable freedom and agility considering the sheer mass of the actual armor.


Since then [DAoT], however, much of the technology of their manufacture has been lost...

Terminator armor described, note that "much of the technology" in Terminator suits is "lost", suggesting that any buitl supits may be inferior to "older" ones or even rebuilt ones.

Page 28
Terminator armour also incorporates a targeter that is linked ot whichever ranged weapon is carried.
Terminator armor has its own targeter.

Page 29
\The cells drawn from Sanguinius' body were saturated with his last moments of deepest sacrifice, and fleeting memories of that conflict continually breka through into the minds of every Blood Angels Space Marine. These ghostly memories are partly pacified by the ceremonies and rituals for which the Chapter is famous.
More of the psychic bond betwene Primarch and marines via the gene-seed, and presumably etween both and the Emperor.

Page 30 - mention here is made (and elsewhere in the book) of the events in the short story Deathwing by Bill King, including things like the painting of Terminator armour white.

This page also reiterates the bit about hte Deathwing being whwew Dark Angels start ot learn the truth of the Chapter, and that they learn more and more as they gradually rise through the ranks of the Deathwing, and tha tonly those at the top know all the secrets. (Company Leader,s also known as Masters, The heads of the Chaplains and Librarians, who are tied to the Deathwing intrinsically, are also included. As is the commander of the Chapter, of course.)

Page 31
Dreadnoughts are huge fighting machines that stand tow or three times the height of a man and weigh several tons.


The weapons mounted on the Space Marine Dreadnought are superficially similar to the heavy weapons carried by Space Marines or space Marine Terminators. However, Dreadnought weapon systems are superior in a number of ways because of their sturdier construction, increaesd ammunition capacity, and improved targeting systmes.
Dreadnought fluff.

Page 31
A heavy plasma gun can be even more devastating when mounted on a Dreadnought, because the Dreadnought can divert some of its own internal power supply to the weapon and accelerate its recharging cycle.
Dreadnoughts have a better variable-power system to their plasma guns.

Page 31
Most Space Marine Dreadnoughts have been upgraded to carry a specialist salvo-firing launcher cpaable of laucnhing up to three missils simultaneously. Unfortunately, the launcher has a slightly temperamental guidance system which occaisonally locks on to only osome, or none, of the extra desginated targets.
Loyalist Astartes version of the Havoc launcher.

Page 31

The Space marine dreadnought mounts a multi-melta with a variable focus, allowing it to broaden the energy beam. This sacrifices range and power to burn a wider area.

A Space Marine Dreadnought armed with a multi-melta cna opt to fire either narrow beam weith the effects of a standard multi-melta, or it can be fired on a broad focus with the same effects as a heavy flamer.
Dreadnought multimelta is variable focus.

Page 31
The twin lascannon weapon system features a sophisticated scnaning systme which can seprate and identify the different components of a target. This system allows the Dreadnought to adjust its aim with pinpoint accuracy to strike the desired component.
Lascannon targeting accuracy.

Page 32
although the Whirlwhind is used by the Imperial Guard and the Space Marines, its use is less common among the Imperial Guard, who rely upon their huge batteries of Basilisks, bombards and Manticores to provide support for their armies.
Although less common amongst the Guard, in earlier material the IG still had acces to Rhino variants including the Whirlwinds. We might liken the Chimera missile launcher varients that aren't the Manticore as being a whirlwind type.

Page 32
The Whirlwind comes into its own by combining the manoeuvrability of the Rhino with the devastating punch of a multi-launcher.

The Whirlwind's multi-launcher can hold up to ten rockets. Each rocket is propelled by solid fuel and carries a fragmentation warhead. The multi-launcher fires in programmed salvoes of two rockets at a time, using sophisticated target acquisition systems to guide home the salvo and maximise the concentraiton of fire, creating a barrage far deadlier than the standard Frag missile.


The Whirlwind is equpped with a sophisticated scnaning device. The scanner employs a bio-scanner and an energy scanner enabling it to distinguish all enemy troops, vehicles and defended positions. The scanner sweeps the whole area locating enemy units and calculating their position on the battlefield. This information allows the Whirlwind crew to fire on enemy troops that they can't see. This procedure is known as indirect fire. Note that the scanner cannot spot enemy models that are hiding, as the detail shown on the scanner's screen is not clear enough to pick out stationary enemy modesl that are near to cover.
Whirlwind's armament and scanner system.

Page 34 - There are only 5 extra chapters known (at least in this codex) belonging ot Blood Angel Gene seed, and that the Adeptus Terra is reluctant to use the gene seed to make more because of the Flaw. two (Fleshtearers and Blood Drinkers) were either done before the Flaw's full nature was known or in a situation where extra chapters were of greater importance.

It is also noted tht there may be other chapters, but the records do not list it or know of it. Given that supposedly only the High Lords can authorize the creation of new Chapters, one wonders where they came from or how they became legitimized if the High Lords wouldnt recognize them (we know "secret" Foundings were done before.)

Page 36
There is no formal size for a Scout Company as th rate of recruitment is not fixed.
Makes sense, since you can't control or regulate the influx and you would in theory want a surplus of scouts (preferaably a large one)

Page 67 - Russ and Jonson fought "for a day and a night" in hand to hand combat, neither winning or tiring.

Page 78
Whenever Azrael moves simply place the Helmet-Bearer within 2" of his final location, even if Azrael was teleported or moved by some other extraordinary means.The Watcher [In the Dark] has a powerful and unique psychic tallent that protects it from all forms of attack, so it can never be harmed in any way or under any circumstances.
Game fluff but interesting for its implications about the Watcher's capabilities (its highly psychic and largely invulnerable.)

Page 78
The Lion Helm is a protective device that was said to have been worn by Lion El'Jonson himself. It takes the form of a winged Space Marine helmet. Incorporated into the helmet is a protective device that generates a protective force bubble.
Another example of how Primarchs can be powerful because they have the best shit of anyone.

Page 80
The injury was hastily repaired with a simple bionic eye, and this allowed Ezekiel to return to the fray just in time to lead a counter-attack which finally broke Groblonik's army. Ezekiel has refused to have the bionic eye that was fitted then replaced with a more sophisticated and less noticable implant...
Apparently quality of an augmetic can be influenced by speed of replacement - eg crude stuff is good for a fast and dirty job in the field (matter of hours or days?), but may later want to be replaced by something better and less obvious (though "more obvious" augmetics seem more common)

Page 81
A bionic eye is a technological replacement for an eye lost through injury or disease. In many ways it is superior to the original, giving sharper vision and an expanded range of visible light specturms, so the subject can see in the dark, detect radiation, and so on.
In the rules its noted as behaivng like a targeter (improving accuracy) as well as being able to detect hidden troops (life forms), and energy emissions from vehicles psykers and so on... Not all augmetics are improvements of course.

Page 82
The Blades of Reason is an ancient and horrific device that looks like a knife with many sharply honed and polished blades. Etched into the blades are numerous extremely fine neural-wires which inflict agonising pain on any nerve fibres they cut through.
In-game, the agony is sufficient to incapacitate any target for the whole battle. Probably a variation of a power weapon like a shock/power maul.

Page 87
They [Assault Marines] often wear jump packs which enable them to leap over difficult terrain and move faster than ordinary troops.
Implies that Assault marines can move faster than an Astartes or normal human could run (35-40 kph or faster)

Page 92
Commander Dante is one of hte most experienced and able Space Marine commanders. In no small part this is due to the quite extraordinary longevity of the Blood Angels, which has meant that he has ruled the Chapter for over 1,100 years!
DAnte's age and more on the "long lifespan" of the Blood angels.

Page 93
The Infrno Pistol is a beautifully crafted and incredibly ancient weapon that dates back ot the Dark Age of Technology., It uses principles based upon those used for the melta-gun to literally melt the target it is fired at.

The inferno pistol takes a few seconds to recharge after each shot....
Inferno pistols. Note the recharge rate and relation to melta weapons.

Page 93
It is all that remains [Shroud of Sanguinius] of the battle standard that the Emperor used to cover Sanguinius's dead body when he discovered it on Horus's battle barge. The standard, soaked with the Primarch's blood, was retrieved by the Blood Angels...


Even though more than 10,000 years old, the remains of the shroud of Sanguinius still radiates a powerful psychic aura. The Shroud is kept in a stasis field. If the stasis field is turned off any Blood Angels that are nearby will be driven into an ecstatic state by the psychic vibrations.
Shroud of Tur- er Sanguinius. Stasis fields seem to work here. EVen seem to maintain the psychic aura.

Page 93
The Shroud of Sanguinius is cared for by the Blood Angels' most senior Sergeant. Cleutin holds that rank at the present time, and is so old that it is said that he was the Sergeant in charge of Commander Dante's Scout squad when Dante joined the Chapter.
Someone older (by centuries?) than Dante.

Page 94
The energy source of a master-crafted Plasma pistol is far superior to that used in a normal plasma pistol. The weapon does not have to rehcarge for a turn after it has been fired - it can be fired evey turn if desired.
High quality plasma gun capability.

Page 97
Digital lasers are concealed weapons fitted into finger rings or the knuckles of a glove. Digi lasers do not prevent a model using any other wepaons.
Space Marines sometimes have their armour outfitted with digital lasers for close in combat. One of the few "legit" cases outside of 1st edition where Marines use lasers.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Codex Orks, 2nd edition. In its entirety. Yes I'm that crazy, but its been that long. So why the heck not.

Page 4
Orks live on innumerable worlds. On some they dominate, on others they live in a state of war, and on others they still rule as overlords.


Wherever humans may travel in the galaxy, there are Orks. Were Orkdom ever to unite it is unlikely that humanity would survive very long. It is many tens of thousands of years since humans first encountered he Orks.
Bog standard Ork fluff we've seen across multiple dimensions. They're as ubiquitous as humans, would overwhelm humanity if they ever united, and they rule lots of worlds. The other interesting bit is that Orks probably have been around as long (or longer) than humans as a spacegoing group.

Page 4
This overriding urge to expand and conquer is a natural part of the Orks' psychological make-up, and has greatly contributed to their success as a race. If successful, a Warlord expands his territories by conquest, and continues to do so until he is defeated. Even if a Warlord wins battle after battle, plundering many worlds and and scattering the armies of the Imperium before him, he will eventually overreach himself. This is simply a part of Ork nature!
Ork colonization/expansion method and how it controls itself. A bit messy and high on casualties but Orks don't care about casualties (and fighting is part of their growth/adaptation to enviroment) and there are always more Orks. Probably ensures that no matter what happens to some of the race they'll continue to spread and grow and seed themselves across worlds.

Page 4
This lack of foresight and organisation has saved the Imperium from defeat many times, although the damage inflicted by rampaging Orks can still be very great. Most Ork incursions can be dealt with as a matter of routine, and local forces usually manage to contain the invaders before too much harm is done. However, this is not always the case, and Earth has been threatened with destruction several times in the Imperium's history.
Ork threat ranges from minor (pdf can contain it) to epic (threatening Earth.) Those have to be some fucking huge WAAAGHs to do that though, considering the scale of the Armageddon one (thousands of Ork ships and tens of millions/billions of Orks)

Page 4
What has become clear is that Orks are the remnants of a once diverse race of green-skinned creatures whose colonies extended over most of the galaxy.


The Brain Boyz were the driving force behind the civilisation, developing technology and directing other castes. The Orks and Gretchin may well have been specialised mutants created deliberately by the Brain Boyz to perform restricted tasks...


If Ork legends are anything to go by, the Brain Boyz died out in a great plague that lasted for many centuries, causing them to dwindle in numbers and eventually die out altogether. Fortunately for the Orks, the Brain Boyz evidently predicted what would happen and took steps to preserve what they could of their knowledge by engineering it into the genetic structure of their slaves. It is as a reuslt of the Brain Boyz' efforts that Orks have such a relatively high levle of technology today.
It seems the Orks, liek the Eldar and other races, had dominance over much of the galaxy at some point, and they were an actual, coherent empire that degenrated as the "Brain Boyz" died. The Orks are a engineered remnant. I'd guess the Brain Boyz were the focal points and the controlling elements of the Orks for the Old Ones against the Necrons and C'tan. Maybe the C'Tan caused the plague (of course older fluff IIRC mentioned the Brain Boyz dying out cuz they ran out of a special fungus.)

Page 4&6
A Typical Ork stands about the same height as a man, but would be taller if he stood up straight. They have robuts and muscular frames, with strong, long arms that end in clumsy fingers capable of a vice-like grip. Their skulls are thick with heavy protruding brow-riidges shading their savage red eyes.


The Ork mind is curiously specialised: it is devoted wholly to the pursuit of power and war. Orks are brave and tough, and their bodies have a natural resilience which allows them to survive traumatic injuries and the most primitive surgery.

They feel very little pain and can keep fighting even if they lose a limb or sustian a major body wound. Their blood, which is green, carries a symbiotic algae thorugh their veins, digesting and reconstituting damaged body tissue and even rebuilding major organs. This unusual physique is common to both Orks and their smaller cousins the Gretchin. In the case of Orks, the ability to survive damage is more highly developed than amongst Gretchin. A Gretchin's instincts will tend to carry him away from danger - usually as fast as his legs will carry him!
Physical and other qualities of the Ork. Big, tough, and aggressive sums it up. The bit about their green blood digesting and reconsituting body tissue is interesting, especially in light of the regenerative properties it bestows.

Page 6
Gretchin are much like Orks, though not as brutal, strong, or tough as their larger cousins. Though smaller, Gretchin are more clever and cunning. Orks are lazy and forgetful, and organsiation is not their strong point. Only the preparation for war and the excitement of battle really bring out an Ork's innate talents. Because of this most of the day-to-day running of Ork society - finding and preparing food, taking messages, handlign information, fetching and carrying things, organising belongings and so on are left to the Gretchin.
Gretchin are a servant caste that complements the "Warrior caste" of the Ork.

Page 6
Snotlings look like tiny, immature Gretchin. Their main role in Ork society is the cultivation of fungus, which is used for food, drink, and medicine.
Rather useless except as fodder and (occasionally) weapons, but oh well. Also rumored in earlier fluff to be what the Brain Boyz degenerated into.

Page 6
Nobz are Ork nobles. They are wealthy, battle-hardened veterans who have got to where they are by being bigger, togher and meaner than anybody else.


Nobz can be found in positions of command or organised into their own select bands. They prefer the company of other Orks of equal status and Nobz units are usually very well armed and equipped because the Nobz can afford the best wargear. Good equipment is the sign of nobility and status amongst Orks, and ordinary Orks are not normally allowd to have wargear better or more prestigious than a nob's. If a lesser Ork flaunt simpressive wargear, one of the Nobz will undoubtably confiscate it.

The most powerufl and prestigious Nobz are given the titel Warboss or Warlord. A Nob can rise to such exalted status by showing genius in battle, as well as commanding respect and obedience.
Ork Nobz. LEaders and veteran orks. Part of Ork culture is that the Boss gets the best stuff, and taking it (By force) is an acceptable practice (strongest rules after all.)

Of particular note is that Warbosses can be notable not just for brute strength or toughness (but they need that to retain command to an extent) but by intelligence (like Ghazghkull Thraka)

Page 7
At times a Warlord's authority may be challenged by his rivals. The outcome of power struggles is resolved through low cunning (assassination, etc.) or ritually by means of a pit fight. This is the favour ite option, since it entertains the whole warband and establishes the victor as Warlord beyond dispute.


They [Pit] are also used to resolve other disputes.


Pit fighting therefore serves the Orks as a rough and ready judicial system.
Ork judicial system. Simple but straightforward.

Page 7
Freebooters exist on the fringe of Ork kultur. They are small roving bands of pirates, bandits and mercenaries belonging to no warband or clan.


These motley crews have long since abandoned any clan loyalties and have adopted highly personalised insignia in place of their former clan symbols. Some of these Orks prefer to remain anonymous, others want to forget, some want to start a new life, but most have simply forgotten who they were.
One thing that is notable about any aspect of the Orkish race is that it serves some ultimate purpose to the race as a whole (Doks and Meks offer vital non-fighting service such as building gear - and there are Kommandos and Stormboyz as "specialists"). Exactly what purpose Freebooterz serve I'm not sure. I'd venture a guess they're a bit like rogue Traders - operating beyond the scope of their society in various roles - diplomacy (by Ork standards), plunder (slaves and resources and such), scouting and so on. They probably also offer alot more flexibility beyond the bounds of Orkish society - fill in the gaps as it were.)

Page 7
In Ork society, teeth are used as money and form the entire basis of the Ork economy. The teeth must be big, sharp, ivory-like Ork fangs to have any real value - human teeth won't do at all, nor will those of other alien races.


It is a natural form of currency, considering the fac that Orks shed and replace their teeth every few years. This means the number of teeth in circulation never diminishes enough to create a shortage, and that no individual Ork can be reduced to dire poverty for too long.

The tooth economy does mean that those with the most teeth are the welathiest Orks.


Since the teeth of these smaller Orkoids have little value, the only way for Gretchin to get wealthy is to work hard and acquire proper Ork teeth.
Orkish economy. One has to admit that it does have it's merits silly as it sounds.

Page 7
Whereever Orks are found these creatures also appear, although where they come form is a mystery.


The Larger squigs are used for fur and food, or are kept as (rather fierce) pets, or even ridden to battle. The smaller squigs have many specialist uses, but one of the strangest is the Hair squig....


It seems likely that squigs are another legacy of the Brain Boyz, and are a feature of a natural and mobile ecosystem that sustains the Ork race as it travels from world to world.
Squig fluff, dealign with a fundamentla cornerstone of Ork society and its "mobile ecosystem"

Page 8
A tribe is roughly analogous to an army or the inhabitants of a planet, but because Orks don't always settle in one place for very long tribes are more important than planets. Tribes are constantly growing and conquering other tribes, or else being conquered by them...


Tribes are constantly changing, breaking apart, and reforming, but the clans are constant and enduring.

There are many clans but only six really big ones...
Ork tribes and clans. The Tribes are variable, the clans are not.

Also an indication that Orks are generally nomadic (tribes more important than planets) - holding territory is of value to them only as long as they need it. Given the existence of (relatively) stable ork empires (by Ork standards), this may not be a universal fact.

Page 8
The Bad Moons are what passes for a merchant class in Ork society, continually buying, selling, swapping and conning ot get even more teeth.


The Bad Moons clan has lot sof Weirdboyz, although nobody is exactly sure why this should be. Probably the same oddity in their genetic code that makes the Bad Moons' teeth grow faster than those of other Orks also makes them more susceptible to developing psychic powers.
The role of the Bad Moons in ork society - the merchants and (probably) bankers. And strong psychics.

Page 9
Blood Axes will even trade and deal with humans, which is considered a sure sign of their lack of proper Orky spirit.

In fact much of this reputation is quite unjustified and has come about because it was the Blood Axes who first encountered the armies of the Imperium, and it is they who have had the most contact iwth Imperial culture. This has lead to the Blood Axes picking up a number of Imperial battle practices which are not used by other clans, most notably the wearing of camouglaged wargear and the use of captured or traded Imperial vehicles driven by Blood Axe crews.

Blood Axes warlords tend to have a better understanding of grand strategey, and will even retreat if they are losing rather than fighting to the bitter end like the other clans.
Blood Axes likely represent the most flexible and "intelligent" aspects of Ork society - they're wiling (for Orks) to learn and adapt strategies to defeat a foe.

Page 10
Gretchin, although obedient if beaten with sufficient regularity, are neither inventive nor intelligent enough to maintain the spaceships and advanced weaponry the Orks possess, and these highly technical demands are met by a group of Orks called Oddboyz.

There are many types of Oddboyz. The most important are Mekboyz, Painboyz, Runtherdz and Weirdboyz, each of which is described in detial later. Others include Brewboyz, Diggerz, Sumboyz, and Yellerz, all of which have their own specialised role in Ork society.

Although it may seem very strange to humans, these Oddboyz all possess an intuitive understanding of complex technical matters.


If the Imperium's scientists are correct then this would almost be literally true! It appears that bound up within an Ork's genetic structure are artificial DNA strands that carry knowledge. Possibly these DNA strands were implanted into the Ork metabolism by the Brain Boyz to enable the Orks to survive without their masters. As an Ork matures any latent knowledge inherent in his genetic sturcture starts to make itself felt, and he assumes a role in society to which he is best suited.
Oddboyz basically represent the "non-combat" portions of Ork society, many of which don't show up in the game. Yellerz I'm betting are their "news" segment of society, and Sumboyz are some sort of bankers or accountants and stuff (basically anything that has to be counted)

The "genetic knowledge" theory I'm not too sure on, since I dont know enough about genetics, or how they would access it. Part of how they describe it makes me think its at least partly warp based (akin to the Akashic Reader concept from Mechanicum. Another possibility is that they use some sort of self-replicating micro-machines to store/convey the information. Of course saying "magic pixies do it" amounts to the same thing. :D

Page 10
Millenia ago a probe was sent out from Earth, it smission to voyage to the end of the galaxy. The scientists who built it hoped that it would someday return to its place of origin after circumnavigating the galaxy. The probe still sends back faint signals after 14,000 years adrift, and hasn't yet begun its return voyage (And its uncertain if it ever will). To the utter despair of the Imperial Techpriests who still monitor the probe, amongst the incessant battery of incoming signals many are identified as Orkish. The depressing conclusion for mankind can only be that whereever they travle in space, three is a good chance that the Orks will have bgot there first or will be arriving soon!
This has shown up in more than a few sources. the probe evidently is sent out at (slow) sublight speeds and must be pretty self sufficient to be operating still (solar power, or something else). I'm also betting the signals are basic vox rather than anything fTL (although to be getting signals that are more recent than thousands of years old is beyond me.. there'd be tons of signals they still wouldn't have gotten yet.)

Page 10
Orkish expansion into space was only made possible by their understanding of force field and teleporter technology.


The probability that this knowledge was implanted into the Ork's DNA by the lost race of Brainboyz is enhanced by the fact that Ork achievements in these areas is far more advanced than anything achieved by the Imperium or even the Eldar.
More on the "genetic knowledge" bit, but the interesting thing is that Orks lik ethe Imperiujm have forcefield and teleporter tech, some of which is more sophisticated than what the Imperials can do (although as we'll see, Orkish implementation of this tech can be either incredibly clever or incredibly silly.)

Page 10
Speed fufills some depe need in the Orkish temperament, just like the thunder of guns, the clank of tracks nad the din of battle.


Vehicles that go really fast have great prestige value, and Orks will hoard teeth for years to afford a really fast vehicle.


For as every Ork knows, red ones go faster.
General Orkish love of speed fluff.

Page 11
An Ork Dreadnought is piloted by an Ork who has been surgically implanted into the machine by the combined efforts of an Ork Painboy and Ork Mekaniak. Dreadnought pilots have to be interfaced or 'plugged in' as the Orks say, to their suit. Ork Painboyz have the requisite knowledge to wier ethe pilot into his machine. Mekaniaks lack the biological and surgical know-how. After all, you can't just hammer the pilot into his suit - which doesn't mean it hasn't been tried! Furthermore, the Dreadnought and pilot need continual maintenance as wires tend to pull out under the stress of battle.

Orks are very resilient and (more often than not) survive this operation to wake up and find themselves wired into a huge new metal body.


Most Ork Dreadnoughts have four arms although there is a smaller two-armed version. However, the fact that the four-armed version is both bigger and capable of carrying twice as much weaponry makes it by far the most popular with Ork Warlords. Only the very brightest Orks are used for these machines, as they must be cpaable of operating all four of the Dreadnought's arms at the same time.
Ork Dreadnoughts and the smaller "Killer Kans"

Page 11
Orks make all kinds of weapons including types used by Imperial forces and the Eldar. This means the Orks have their own verisons of boltguns, flamers, missile launchers and so on. although Orks undertsand laser technology, they don't really care much for lasguns and laspistols, which are not nearly noisy enough for Orky tastes.

Ork weapons are manufactured by Mekaniaks, which means that their shape, size, and appearance can vary greatly depending on which Mekboy made them and what was going on in his head at the time. Generally speaking, however, in battle Ork weapons will perform pretty much like human or eldar weapons of the same type.
Ork weapons technology. They understand but choose not to use lasers (unless they make Zzzap guns). And like most 2nd edition weapons the effects are roughly consistent among similar types.

Page 11
Although this [in-fightng] gives the impression that Orks are disorganised and rebellious, they are actually capable of a high degree of co-operation. The Techno-magi of the Adeptus Mechanicus have identified low levels of background psychic energy in the minds of Orks and Gretchin, and this seems to act like a hormonal stimulus, establishing territories and establishing just who is who in the hierarchy of Orkdom.

As a particular Ork Warlord grows in power, other Orks are atrtacted to his armies, and clamour to assume suboridnat epositions under his commands. This means that Ork armies can assemble very quickly, growing into masive hordes, appearing out of nowhere and attacking unsuspecting planets.

This process is controlled in some way by the Ork psyche. When massive Ork-armies embark upon wars of conquest, this psychic stimulous gives rise to what the Orks call a Waaagh! The Waaagh takes hold in the minds of every Ork and gretchin, driving them toward fresh conquests upon a wave of bloodthirsty Euphoria. A Waaagh will last until the Orks are defeated or until they run out of enemies, after which the armies will dissipate and the various Ork factions divide into mutually antagonistic tribes once more.
The Waaagh! effect and its psychic elements. Orks therefore are capable of rapid (but unpredictable) mobilization although this doesnt take into account other variables (like travel time and such.) It also provides a primitive sort of (uncontrolled) rapid communication and guidance.

Page 11
Orks and the Ork Way are strong and powerful forces in the universe. Orks are highly successful race; they seem able to survive expand and prosper almost effrotlessly in comparison to struggling humanity. The Ork character, which is strong and virtually invulnerable, has its reflection in the warp in the form of the mighty, belligerent and boisterous Ork gods known as Gork and Mork., Gork and Mork are never defeated, they simply shrug off the blows of the other gods and laugh at them.
Orkish influence on the Warp.

Page 12
Most Ork field artillery is crwed by Gretchin. Orks would never stoop to this sort of menial task themselves, and would sooner be right at the front where the action is.
Ork artillery crews. Gretchin probably work better because they don't have to be as close up.

Page 13
The Traktor Kannon projects a powerful burst of traktor beam energy that latches onto a target and pulls it towards the source of the beam with tremendous force. Even quite large vehicles are tugged helpleslsy forward, scattering formations and throwing the enemy into panic. Foot troops are thrown to the ground and dispersed like leaves in a gale. Solid structures are likely torn apart, anmd vehicles may be ripped open with a tremendous explosion.


The Traktor Kannon fires bursts of energy, it does not maintain its beam...
Remember what I said about Ork technological applications? This probalby isn't the worst, but its not the ideal application still. More of a disruption weapon than one for destruction.

Page 14
The Smasha gun is an Ork invention that utilises traktor beam technology. The Smasha Gun is fired at a target and if it hits latches a strong, narrow beam of traktor energy onto its victim. The gun begins to swing upwards,a nd the target is lifted into the air high above the battlefield. Once the victim is in the ideal position the beam is shut off, sending the victim hurtling down onto the ground, where hopefully he will land on some of his mates and make a great destructive mess.
Another application for tractor beam technology which could have been better, but probably is well loved by Orks.

Page 16
The Splatta Kannon is an ingenious artillery piece that fies a special splatta shell, named after the irregular way that it travels across the battlefield. The shell consists of a several linked rockets attached to a length of chain at the end of which is a large metal ball. The initial shot only fires the first rocket, and the remaining rockets are fired one after the other by the timed fuse.

Once the rocket shell is fired the ball and hcain become a whirling menace to anything in its path. When the shell its the ground the metal ball is catapulted in a new direction by the next rocket to fire, pulling the shell into the air once more and sending the whirling ball and chain in a new direction. Because of the haphazard way in which the shell strikes the ground the splatta shell proceeds across the battlefield like a firecracker, jumping this way and that, scattering troops in its erratic path.
Say what you will about Ork weapons, but they're pretty creative.

Page 17
The Pulsa rokkit is really a special force field generator that is hurled into the midst of the enemy ranks by means of a solid fuel rocket. The rocket is carried onto the batltefield on its own little launcher, and is aimed and fired by its crew. The force field generator itself is a special kind known as a Pulsa - a starnge whirling machine that detaches from its parent rocket and glides to earth by means of a parachute or an anti-gravity motor (if the Mekboy can dismantle a captured Imperial vehicle to get one.) When it lands, the Pulsa sends out powerful bursts of energy, like the ripples a stone makes whne thrown into into a pond. As they spread outwards, the ripples of energy become weaker and weaker. The enemy is thrown into disarray as any troops and vehicles that get in the way are knocked over or spun around.
Force field munitions. Note the use of "anti gravity motors" in some imperial vehicles (probably land speeders and stuff)

Page 18
It [Shokk Attack Gun] projects a force field tunnel through a small portion of the warp; the entrance of this tunnel opens up in front of the gun and the exit point is created wherever the operator directs his aim. Both the entrance and exit look like small spinning black holes in the air. The two holes are connected by a tunnel through warp space, and it is possible for living creatures to travel down the tunnels from the entrance hole and leave it at the exit point.

Unfortunately it is not unknown for the field to fail resulting in an unpleasant death for those inside the tunnel as it implodes. Even if the field does maintain its integrity the journey through the tunnel is extremely frightening, for the travellers are surrounded on all sides by the horrific daemonic creatures that live in the warp. Orks are not exactly afraid of daemonic creatures (at least they wouldn't admit it) but find them disguisting, repellant and definitely un-Orky in the nastiest possible way.

No Ork in his right mind would go into a Shokk Attack Gun tunnel, and even Madboyz instinctively avoid them. Gretchin, being brighter and more interested in their personal safety than Orks, are even less likely to entertain the notion. This just leaves Snotlings, who have only an animal level of intelligence and aren't frightened of anything until they are exposed to it - by which time it its far too late.

By the time the Snotlings reach the tunnel's exit hole they are so frenzied with terror by what they have seen on their journey that they shoot out like a pack of firghtened wild cats, scratching, biting clawing at everything around them. Because of an extraordinary (and quite fortuitous) condensing effect the Snotlings will appear inside vehicles, support weapons, buildings, Dreadnoughts and Terminator suits, rather than around them, causing the maximum surprise to those affected. In the case of other troops the Snotlings just drop out of the sky and attack the nearest enemy, clawing and howling for all they are worth.
Shokk attack gun. Remember what I said about "worse applications of technology?"

Page 20
Flak armour consists of several layers of different ablative and impact absorbent materials that should absorb the majority of the energy from the shot or blow. The protection it offers against a direct hit is somewhat questionable at the best of times but it is much more effective againts explosions. It also as the added advantage of being cheap and very easy to produce. Models wearing flak armour have a basic saving throw of 6 on a D6. This is increased to a 5 or 6 against weapons that use blast markers or templantes such as frag grenades or flamers.
2nd edition when Orks still used stuff other races used. Note that flak is primarily defensive against explosions, but does not completely stop a "direct hit" (better against glancing shots) but still absorbs the majority of energy, meaning it reduces severity. This is alot like Stormtrooper armor against blaster fire, but is more reliable against area attacks (flamethrowers and frag grenades - meaning it can stop shrapnel as well as explosive shock))

Page 20
Ork 'eavy armour is made up of thick armour plates covering the whole body, some of which may actually be riveted to the Ork's body. 'Eavy armour is immensely varied as each suit is kustom built by the Ork Mekaniak to the specifications of the Ork who's paying for it - however impractical or bizarre those specifications may be!

'Eavy armour is often, but not always, powered in some way with an assortment of cogs, wheels and dirve belts supplying extra power from the suit's backpack engine to its limbs.
'Eavy armour has held over in later editions - often as their eqivalent of Carapace. May be semi-powered (in an Orkish fashion.)

Page 20
Mega-armour is the very pinnacle of the Ork armourer's craft, being large, noisy, very heavy and dead 'ard. The armour even includes built-in weapons and special targeters to help increase the user's shootiness!

Because it is so large Ork mega-armour is able to incorporate a number of psecial 'extras' that couldn't be fitted into a smaller suit. These include built-in weapons such as power claws and bolters, as well as targetrs for any weapons that are fitted.

Most important of all, a suit of mega-armour has its own internal medi-squig pack. This ingenious device is the result of the combined efforts of the Mekaniak who built the suit and a painboy. A number of special medical squigs aer housed in the suit and provide instant attention if the Ork wearing the suit is injured. This means that the wearer of the suit is often able to keep on fighting after suffering injuries that would have killed a normal Ork.
"True" Ork power armor in a sense, probably somewhere between terminator armor and power armor. Note the use of special targeters and the "medi squig" pack.

Page 20
Jump packs allow the wearer to make long powered jumps instead of a normal move. This appeasl to Stormboyz because it means that they can jump directly into close combat very qucikly. Normally flying in any form is shunned by the Orks, but Stormboyz are an aberration from normal Ork society and are noted for their unk-Orkish tendencies. They think that disciplined Ork 'soldiers' should be prepared to use any effective weapon, especially if it is noisy!
Ork assault troops.

Page 21
Mekaniaks make a variety of primtiive firearms especially to sell to gullible Gretchin who are desperate to get hold of any type of weapon so that they cna take part in a proper battle. While rich (or lucky!) Gretchin end up with an autogun, many simply can't afford such a sophisticated weapon, and have to make do with a Gretchin blunderbuss instead. These simple weapons have a large flared barrel, into which can be stuffed a charge of scattere-shot balls, pebbles, nuts and bolts, or anything else as long as it is something a gretchin can easily scavenge as ammunition!
Gretchin weaponry - muskert or shotgun type weapons, and in a rare case some sort of autogun. Presumabl they might use stubbers as well.

Page 22
Orks are the best natural warriors in the galaxy because they are tough and aggressive, but also because they actually enjoy fighting. They have a very straightforward, uncomplicated view of life, and suffer from no moral uncertainty or angst as Humans or Eldar might do. Because Orks feel very little pain they can endure serious wounds without a flinch. Their bodies will readily accept the most curde transplants and prosthetics and serious battle injuries don't bother them much.


The Orks' green skin is due to the algae that flows through their blood and also forms part of their digestive tract. This algae not only gives the Orks their green colouration, but it also accounts for their strange and extremely durable metabolism. It is true that an Ork head will lieve for some time if severed from the body, and can sometimes be transplanted to another body altogether!
The contributing factors to Orkish toughness. The digestive element to the "algae" hints that Orkish regeneration may stem from consuming other mateirals (and efficiently converting it into other mass.) It probably also explains why Orks can "bulk up" abnormally well given the right stimulus.

I dont think we've ever actually seen Orks decapitated and surviving in the fluff, but it probably is possible to an extent. That said, headshots seem to still be the best means of taking down Orks (either removing the head or blowing it apart with weapons fire) short of burning the body to ash.

Page 22
Gretchin are smaller than Orks and nowhere near as strong and fierece, but they are very numerous indeed. Their intense pride in the achievements of their masters inspires them to follow the Orks to wear. Although the Orks make no attempt to arm or train the Gretchin, they always manage to scrape together enough teeth to buy a few simple weapons so they can join in the fun.

The Orks have little patience with the Gretchin as they inevitably get int he way of the fighting and tend to run away unless they are winning. The Grethcin's enthusiasm is undiminished by their masters' atittude and they band together into their own mobs to emulate the deeds of their bigger brothers.
Gretchin's contributions to fighting are largely either as unorganized cannon fodder (trying to emulate the bigger orks) or in support roles (like with artillery) They've been known to be snipers (Fifteen hours.)

Page 23
Snotlings are the smallest of the green-skinned races. They are undoubtably related to Orks and Gretchin in some fashion, but the relationship is uncertain. Snotlings are only marginally more intelligent than dogs, and have a natural trust and enthusiasm which is touchingly puppy-like. Snotlings can be trained to perform all manner of simple tasks, such as tendin gthe squigs and harvesting fungus, which with the danges of Gnasher squigs and poisoned fungus can be more dangeorus than it sounds!

Snotlings are unable to use any but the most simple devices, and are completely unaggressive and frightened by loud noises. If unsettled they will huddle together in huge packs because thsi makes them feel safer.

Runtherdz sometimes bring Snotlings into battle, driving them in front of the army to distract the enemy or clear away thin defensive lines. The only way Snotlings will tolerate this is if they think that the whole thing is a game. To this end they are trained to run through mock battles towards some reward, such as a plate of tasty squigs. When it comes to a real battle they are raring to go, convinced that a big feed lies just behind the enemy's lines. By the time the Snotlings realise what is going on it is far too late, and the enemy positions are overrun by panicking Snotlings visciously attacking anyone and everything near them.
Snotlings. Part pet/animal part slave race. Even more expendable than Gretchin and largely used fr mine clearing or to disrupt the enemy.

Page 23
Runtherdz raise and train the gretchin and Snotlings that are a vital part of Ork society. The Gretchin do most of the actual work, especially fetching and carrying, and they outnumber the Orks many times over. Gretchin are also important on the battlefield although the Orks would be reluctant to admit this. Orks are not especially bright and are certianly far to impatient ot operate heavy artillery pieces and other massive engines of war so this task is invariably left to specially trained teams of Gretchin.

On the battlefield the Runtherdz keep a close eye on the Gretchin crews, helping them out if they get in troubel and puting them right if they go wrong. Gretchin are prone to become excited and over-enthusiastic, which alwas leads to accidents in which unfortunate loaders are fired out of barrels or caught in whirring cog wheels. Fortunatley Runtherdz take great pride in their chages and are always nearby to pull any miscreants out of a machine's innards if necessary.

The simplest and most menial tasks are undertaken by the tiny Snotlings. Snotlings are not particularily easy to train because they are slow learners and need to be slowlyand carefully conditioned to perform even the most simple tricks. Runtherdz train Snotlings to cultivate fungus and tend squigs, and take an extrarodinary pride in their tiny charges.

The Runtherdz make a good living by selling wel trained servants and Grethcin workers ot other Orks. Runtherdz often become quite wealthy, and naturally invest their teeth in solid weaponry and other battle gear. On the battlefield they tend to fight alongside the machines crewed by their Gretchin where they can ekep a close eye on things.
The Runtherdz who train the lesser orkoids. Another Oddboy. Neccessary becuase the Gretchin are more numerous than Orks (which is worth noting in regards to Ork numbers as they probably include Gretchin and snotlings.) In battle they also form the "officer" cadre that oversees and directs the lesser okoids.

As a consequence they are probably at least as importnat, if not moreso to Orkish society and economy.

Page 24
When an Ork is really badly injured, if he has lost an arm or leg for example, he may decide to risk engaging a Painboy to either graft on a new one or fit a mechanical substitute. Orks take very well to transplants, and no-one asks where the donors come from.

If he is lucky the injured Ork will get a new mechanical arm which is better than his own and which incorporates a useful weapon too. However, he ca be unlucky.


This is nothing compared to waking up from the anasthetic (a funny name for a big mallet) to find yourself the victim of the Painboy's latest barmy biological experiment. This is all part and parcel of the risks of surgery and regarded as just one of those things. As all Painboyz are plainly bonkers and totally obsessed with experimenting on their paitents, it is only to be expected that customers sometimes end up slightly disappointed.
Painboyz. Their main purpose seems to be to get orks back into fighting trim by any means neccessary rather than actually healing them. Most of the time this seems to involve cybernetics or replacement limbs. Alos represent the biological experimentation side of the Orks.

Page 24
They [Mekboyz] are natural mechanics and innovators and are responsible for inventing and building most of the bizarre machinery that the Orks use.


Mekboyz are obsessed with squeezing more power out of their engines and building bigger and more devastating weaponry.
The Mechnical side of Orkdom. Note that they aren't the sole builders of Ork gear (captured slaves and factories contribute a fair bit) but they tend to do alot of the specialized/custom built stuff.

Page 25
The Ork techno-gene allows Orks to inherit the knowledge and experience of their forebears and enable them to maintain a high level of technology. Unfortunately it doesn't always work out. There are always a few individuals whose genetic influecnes fail to mesh properly. The Ork finds its mind full of distractions and contradictions. Wild ideas about the universe buzz round his brain. Curious bits of unocnnected knowledge keep intruding upon his consciousness. These disturbed Orks are called Madboyz.

While some Madboyz are just plain crazy others are inspired geniuses whose inventions and ideas are tremendously valuable to the Orks. All Madboyz are unpredictable and somewhat anarchic, so they live together and on the battle field they fihgt as a single mob. Other Orks have the utmost respect for Madboyz, whose crazed notions are seen as a sign of favour from the Ork gods Gork and Mork.
Orks even have their own mad scientists, who seem to also to be part prohpet/priest.

Also again the description of "genetic knowledge" hints at some sort of psychic basis.

Page 26
All Orks unconciously generate a cretain amount of psyhcich energy, whcih ould go a long way towards explaining their strong sense of common purpose and uncanny way that tribes have of gathering together when the time comes for a big war. It is as if the Ork's excitement and snese of anticipation were contagious.


Weridboyz are the most psychifc of all the Orks. They absorb the psychic power of the Orks around them, and the more Orks there are nearby the higher the psychic charge. Unofrutntely, the Weirdboy can't control the build up of psychic power within his head and strange things start to happen.


A weirdboy learns how to release this energy in the form of a controlled energy blast or wave of power which erupts form his mouth and is vomited out like a great blast of fire.


These houses are built high in the air on copper piles that help to transmit psychic energy away from the Weirdboy and into the ground, much as a conductive wire will earth electricity.

If a Weirdboy finds himself amongst a bunch of excited Orks the amount of psychic energy they generate will be so great that he may find his powers go out of control. When this happens furniture flies about, guns go off, and all manner of strangeness will manifest itself as the Weirdboy strugglest o control himself.


Weirdboyz don't really enjooy fighting much. The massive psychic energy generated by all the fighting Orks is intolerable and causes the Weirdboy considerable pain. However, the Weirdboy's powers are immensely useful on the batltefield.
Summarized version of the Weirdboy page, becuase its always long and its alot for me to type out. I left out the following: Weirdboyz' who do not discharge built up psychic power will have their heads explode (And those of any nearby Orks.) and that because of their tendency to soak up residual Ork psychic power, Weirdboyz are kept away from Ork settlements in their own houses. They also carry copper staves to help with this.

By and large, their powers scale according to the number and general mood of Orks, and they basically serve as a sort of psychic artillery.

Page 27
Warpheadz are Weirdboyz who have survived enough battles for their minds to become totally saturated with Orky power. Whereas ordinary Weirdboyz suffer agonisings spasms when they use their powers, Warpheadz have been driven to such a state that they actually enjoy it! They become so exhilarated by the near-fatal discharges of psychic energy they unleash that they suffer form a mad sort of addiction and actually seek out excited Orks and battles whenever they can. Warpheads are quite unlike the morose WEirdboyz, being full of manic energy and overconfidence, recklessly plunging into the thickest fighting whenever they can. Warpheadz are also possessed of a low cunning and often give their Minderz the slip.


Before anyone knows what's happening half the camp has been levelled by the Warphead blasting off random bolts of raw energy just for the hell of it. On the other hand Warpheadz are too useful to just boot out of camp because they have become far more powerufl than ordinary Weirdboyz.

In order to get round this thorny problem most Warbosses opt for chaining the Warphead to the top of a fifty foot high copper pillar a goodly distance away from the camp. The pillar earths out the Warphead's more excessive blasts of energy and keeps him conveniently out of the way. Madboyz, drawn by the Warphead's pyrotechnics, often gather at the bottom of the pillar and chant to the Warphead to encourage him to blast off more power.
More powerful Weirdboyz who aren't afraid of having their heads explode.

Page 28
The best boars are selected by the Meks and Painboyz and turned into a strange amalgam of animal and machine known as a cyboar. Basic 'improvements' to the boar usually involve its tusk being replaced by stainless steel ones, the fitment of combined riding saddle and body carapace, and the back legs being replaed by wheels or a roller. however, the single most important addition is a cunning device tirggered by a lrge red button fitted into the cyboar's saddle, which injects a controlled amount of chemicals into the creature's system to produce a temporary burst of extra speed and ferocity.

On many cyboars the chemical injector is the only improvement that is made, which makes them almost indistinguishable from a normal warboar until they suddenly started forming at the mouth and hurtled across the battlefield at an incredible speed!
Yes. Cyborg boars.

Page 28
Ogryns are human mutants who are tall and massive. They stand almost twice as tall as an Ork and are far more strongly built.


The clenched fist of an Ogryn is far bigger than a man's head and his grip is vice-like and tenacious.

Ogryns are not especialyl bright, but they are not stupid or evil by any means. They come from harsh, often cold worlds with high gravity and little natural life. Ogryns have adapted by increasing their bodyweight to survive the cold, and their bodies have become accustomed to long periods of starvation and protracted darkness.


Being so large, strong and brave, Ogryns naturally make good fighters, and many races attmept ot recruit them into their armies...


On the whole Ogryns are unbothered who they fight for, and they are often employed by the Imperium as well as the Ork Warlords.
BAck in 2nd edition there were Ogryns that would serve with anyone, not just the Imperium. Note being twice as tall as an Ork (who is taller than a human) and with fists the size of a human head.

Page 31
The Blood Axe clan has had more contact with the Imperium than any other Ork clans, and has been heavily influenced by human strategy and tactics. Rather than simply getting stuck in, Blood Axes will actually try to come up with a plan before a battle starts, and have even been known to come up with a coherent long-term strategy for an entire campaign!


Blood Axe Kommandos are a typical example of Blood Axe cunning and forethought. They are hand-picked troops, carefully selected from the Blood Axe Boyz mobs for their ferocity, intelligence and initiative. They range ahead of the Ork army, scouting out enemy positions and reporting back any important information that they find out. They also perform daring raids behind enemy lines, such as ambushing enemy convoys as they move up to the front line, or destroying enemy supply dumps and HQs.
Kommandos and Blood Axe tactical planning.

Page 31
Orks grow up faster than humans but younger Orks sometimes take a year or so to find their place in Ork society. As their techno-genes gradually work their influence on the Orks developing brain, the young Ork sturggles to come to terms with his own Orkiness. Orks usually leave the households where they were raised and go to live with other young Orks in Stormboyz camp.

Every Ork settlement has its own Stormboyz camp which consiststs of regimented barracks and a big square drill are where the young Stormboyz can parade and practise their weapon drill. It is a very curious phenomenon that while human youngsters are often anarchic and wild, Stormboyz are exactly the opposite: They are rebelliously smart and well-disciplined!
Orks have short childhoods basically. We're also indicated that it's the techno-gene that is largely responsible for dictating what kind of "ork" they develop into. Since we know the ork's psychic connection influences speed of growth and numbers from spores, this may suggest the techno genes hve some link to the warp.

Page 64
Fortunately for the Imperium, Nazdreg is only interetsed in welath, for if he ever worked up the energy to lead a Waaagh! there is no doubt that he would be an adversary every bit as dangerous as Ghazghkull Thraka. As it is, Nazdreg is an irritation rather than a deadly peril. This being said, Nazdred leads a large and extremely powerful warband which has devastated at least 11 Imperial worlds so far, and defated our outwitted all the Imperial forces that have so far been sent against it.

It is rumored that Nazdreg's Mekaniaks have managed to gain some kind of control over the space hulk's movement, and the ease with which Nazdreg has out-manoeuvred and escaped pursuing Imperial space fleets would certainly seem to imply that more than mere chance and the "luck of the warp" have been involved.
NazDreg and his hot-rod Space Hulk.

Page 65
Kaptin Badrukk is armed with an Ogyrn ripper gun. The weapon has been built into Badrukk's armour so that he can use it without the enormous recoil ripping his arm off![/quote]

Ogryn Ripper gun recoil is more than an Ork can handle unaided. Ogryn are arguably far stronger than Orks.

Page 66
During a raid a bolter shell pulped a large area of his cranium and he suffered extensive brain damage. An Ork Painboy called Doc Grotsnik replaced part of his cerebellum with a bionic device made of an increidbly strong mateiral called adamantium. It may be that this device triggered his latent psychic powers or it may be that Ghazghkull simply suffered from delusions, but for whatever reason, even after his 'accident', he claimed to be in contact with the Ork deitites Gork and Mork.

Some dark power certainly favours Ghazghkull, for his rice to rpominence among the Orks of Urk was meteoric.
I wonder if the context was meant to suggest the Adamanitum had somethign to do with Ghazghkull's abilities. Knowing second edition this is hinting that a metal plate in his head allows him to pick up radio waves or something.

Page 66
In addition, he [Ghazghkull] had something most Orks lack: he had vision. He stirrred the Orks with impassoined speeches telling them that it was their mission to conquer the galaxy, to force all others to bow before them and pay tribute. He gave them a sense of common purpose and an overwhelming sense of destiny.


In battle Ghazghkull is a masterly opportunist and a great tactcian.
Ghazghkull is inspirational, a trait distinctive from other Ork leaders, I'd gather.

Page 68
Zodgrod copied Narflugn's techniuqes, which involved ringing bells and rewarding the Runts with juicy squigs, among other things, and the resutls were nothing short of remarkable! The 'Super-Runts' performed better on the battiefled and were generally more aggressive and dangerous.


Super-Runts have enhanced abilities as the result of their selective breeding and thorough training...
Evolved Runts through Pavolvian conditioning.

Page 69
All he [Wazdakka] wants is spare parts for his warbike and enough teef to buy a can of high octane squig fuel to keep his bike's engine runnin.
Squig fuel. No Peak Squig for the orks.

Page 69
Battle-cannon Recoil: The warbike is a bit to light to cope with the huge amounts of recoil generated by the battle cannon. To represent this, Wazdakka and his warbike are pushed D3" directly backwards every time the battle cannon is fired, and will collide with any model or obstacle they hit.
Accordingto Battles of Armageddon a warbike masses around one tonne. If we knew forward speed we might estimate some recoil. The best we can do is the Grot Bomb launcher from the 2nd old style Imperial armour guide covering orks. 65 km/hr offroad is 18 m/s. Call it 20 m/s of backwards momentum. That is 20,000 kg*m/s worth of recoil. Note, however, that this likely is a combination of projectile and propellant, which could (depending on various factors) account for 1/3 to 1/2 the overall momentum. In the case of Orks it is not impossible it could be more than that.

This is, I believe, roughly comparable to the recoil of a modern tank gun anyhow with the propellant, but this is somewhat conjectural anyhow.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Well yes another long hiatus... that happens with this stuff, especially when your computer crashes, other activities, etc. So after a delay I've decided I'll toss out a whole codex again. No reason not to I suppose and it keeps things simple if its a bit time consuming to review before posting. Ah well.

This time its Codex Chaos: 2nd edition. Lots of interesting technical points if you read through. I especially point out the bit on plasma weapons and reactor technology, Plasma weapons compared to plasma warheads, Thousand Sons and their navigational abilities, Fabius Bile the uber-cloner, and Leman Russ tank off road speed. Enjoy!

Page 8
The psychic shock of Slaanesh's birth had two immediate effects. The catharsis effectively blew away the warp storms created by the millenia long build-up to Slaanesh's creation, thus ending Earth's long isolation. however, the unleashed energies were so grat that they could not be wholly contained within the warp.

Where the populations of Eldar were greatest, the warp literally spilled through their minds and mixed iwth material space. This created the scattered zones of warp overlap in the material universe, the largets and most significant of which is the Eye of Terror.

The Emperor of Mankind had long forseen the creation of Slaanesh and had prepared for that fateful day.
Fall of the Eldar. The interesting bit here really is that a.) its implied that other possible warp/realspace interfaces than the Eye were also a result of the Fall (suggesting that the Eldar while having a signfiicant empire, did not occupy one single uniform region of space, but rather patches of space of varying size. Perhaps this "Empire" was a osrt of confederacy of loosley allied worlds or governments. The craft worlds growing out of trading craft plying the spaceways between such worlds would suggest that, as would the fact that the Craft Worlds evolved into essentially semi-independent nations as well.

Secondly, the Emperor could foresee and plan for Slaanesh's birth , giving us a benchmark on his own precog abilities.

Page 8
Untold billions of humans on thousands of worlds were liberated by the triumphant Space Marine Legions.
billiions of humans on thousands ofworlds. Almost certainly an underestimate.

Page 9 - all I'll note here is that they mention the Eisenstein.. I honestly thought this was pulled only from the Novel itself,, not that it actually had precedence. As I learned of course, it cna go back even earlier than that. Which just goes to show you that there is no hard or fast "canon" rules in 40K orther than "they will drag up old fluff eventually, no matter what." (They've done it quite a bit for fifth edition, and some authors really like the old stuff.)

Page 9
Horus chose to do so by virus-bombing Istvaan III from orbit. The voracious life-eater virus slew every living thing on Istvaaan III in a matter of minutes; twelve billion souls died with a death scream which pulsed louder than the Astronomicon. Whole continents and hive cities were charred to ash as the mass of oxygen released by the instant rotting of all organic material on the planet burned in the atmosphere and covered the world in a gigantic firestorm which raged for days. Before the last fires were out Horus despatched the titans of Legio Mortis onto the planet's surface to root out any who had survived in protective shelters or underground bunkers.
Virus bombing of Istvaan 3. Note the firestorm lasting "days", which would seem to contradict events in the HH novel "Galaxy in Flames", but I don't think an actual timeframe is given there and logically it would take time for all that energy to bleed off anyways (days may not even be enough) Not that it matters a great deal, since virus bombing is fairly magical no matter which way you do it so if in some (or all?) cases the firestorm bit is also magical it won't change a whole lot. Some virus bombing doesnt even have the firestorm bit anyhow.

Page 9
But organising and mobilising such a crusade to the other side of the galaxy took precious months. Horus used that time well, consolidating his position and establishing his claim as the "New Emperor" iwthin hundreds of systems.
Mobilising the forces of seven Space Marine Legions. Took months to set up and presumably dispatch. Implies FTL speeds on order of hundreds of thousands of c at least, possibly millions, but not definite here (the months may not even factor in warp travel time despite what "to the other side of the galaxy" suggests.)

Page 10
Throughout the galaxy the forces of Chaos became stronger as humans were seduced by the values represented by the Chaos powers and even to their worship. The Emperor's great spirit was weakened as the better qualities of humanity were perverted and misidrected by the subtle warping influence of Chaos.
This passage indicates a "battle of souls" of sorts took place between Chaos and the Emperor (or at least whatever force the Emperor stands for on humanity's side) during the Heresy. Chaos strengthened its own side by stealing believers/worshippers (in whatever context you put it given the Heresy novels, they basically qualify as believers in a practical sense) from the Emperor, which in turn weakened his own power. This would in turn suggest that one of the possible reasons of the Great Crusade was to weaken Chaos by increasing the Emperor's followers (or at least the believers in his teachings, rather than him directly) and by depriving Chaos of believers to weaken them.

Or in other words, the Emperor is no different than any other Chaos God (or Ork God, or Eldar god or whatever) - he can influence his worshippers in some manner, and derives power from them in some form or another as well as protecting them.

Page 10
The last squadrons of loyal fighters poured veolley after volley into the huge ships but failed to penetrate even their shields. Once their last shots had been fired the pilots steered the fighters directly into the enemy craft. It was a gesture of defiance - no more.
In this context fighters of unknown number do fuck all against Horus' warships. They have to get under shields to do damage (which they can do somehow) but not even ramming will do anything otherwise.

Page 10
Horus lowered the defence shields on his orbiting battle barge. At the time it seemed that he wished to use a psychic probe to witness himself the final moments of the emperor. It was his undoing for as soon as the shields fell the Emperor became aware of his presence. The Emperor did not miss this crucial opportunity. Within a matter of seconds the teleport links were keyed to Horus' barge and the Empeeor, his immediate entourage, and the two loyal Primarchs, Rogal Dorn and Sanguinius, were transported right into the nest of Horus himself.
shields apparently block psychic scanners, and "teleport links" can be made within seconds if a ship can be scanned.

Page 13
Although Nurgle is ranked behind Khorne and Tzeentch, the truth is that his power is more variable than that of the other gods.
Being that his power is tied to death and such, this makes sense. Interesting that Tzeentch is second most powerful. This would suggest Slaanesh is the weakest, despite (initially?) being strong neough to challenge Khorne (eg over Khaine's soul)

Page 16
They fought on Vanaheim, reducing its armoured hive cities to twisted ruins one after naother. They batted across Thranx and Avellorn, worlds where every scrap of ground was covered in plasteel and rockcrete.
Coruscant like Hive Worlds mentioned, although Vanaheim is a contrast to this arguably (nothing says a single kind of Hive world exists anyhow - indeed the evvidence suggests otherwise.) THranx is one that shows up in a ton of Bill King short stories.. was Exterminatus'ed by Astartes for having a Genestealer infestation (as outlined in the Deathwing story)
As well as watching over the Planet of the Sorcerers, the glowing eye of the tower of the Cyclops also peers through the warp into the galaxy itself. This allows the daemon Primarch to spy out the arcane artefacts and talented psykers which fascinate him, so that he can despatch raiders against the Imperium. Ancient spacecraft are boarded and cast into he warp currents which carry them into the mateiral universe to raid and take captaives and bring back to the Planet of the Sorcerers.
we saw this in Chaos Child, but it confirms that psychic powers can be used for long range FTL scanning.

It's implied that Magnus knows of a way to use he warp currents directing Space hulks to reach his target (precognitive ability, probably.)

Page 18 - they cloned Horus for sure.

Page 19
The ships of the Traitor Legions are driven by the fickle tides of the warp and can appear anywhere in the galaxy at any time. The Chaos Space Marines descend upon an unsuspecting Imperial planet, plunder it and raze anything they cannot take with them before reteating into the Eye of Terror.


Major invasions are instigated in one of two ways. Chaos cultists may plunge a world into anarchy and revolt, generating a ripple of worship in the warp which attracts the attention of the Chaos Gods. By casting auguries and making divinations, Chaos Sorcerers can guide an invasion fleet to the Cultists' world.
Chaos ships do not seem to commonly use Navigators (some do, and some have, but this seems to be the exception rather than the rule.) Rather, they seem to folow the practic the 'Nids used with Genestealers - that is dissention and strife create a sort of beacon that can be homed in on by certain beings (EG Chaos Sorcerers.) Presumably this sort of smaller scale thing can be replicated in other ways (EG astropaths can generate a signal that Navigators could home in on, but presumably other psykers could home in on it as well if it were strong enough. Navigators simply do it the best and the fastest.)

Basically, this just confirms that navigation via methods other than Navigator, pre-planned warp routes, and computer prediction are possible.

Page 20
Tzeentch is almost as powerful as Khorne but his power takes a very different form. Tzeentch is the master of magic and subtelety.
Basically Khorne has more raw power but Tzeentch has more subtle power

Page 21
Driven and tossed by the currents of the wapr, no-one can truly tell when a space hulk will re-appear, although a Chaos Sorcerer can predict fairly accurately where a space hulk might be going.
This would seem to confirm my earlier assessment WRT Magnus and his ability to "capture" what he spies out in realspace - its a matter of precognitive ability. Weirdboyz probably try to do something similar.

Page 21
So it is that the Imperium will be assailed by a Chaos force drawn from the very heart of the Eye of Terror. In many cases the creatures that make up such an army will quickly die or be drawn back into the warp, as they cannot survive for long in the material universe without the sustaining energy of the wapr. however, should the planet where the Daemonic Legions arrive be close to the centre of a warp storm, or if there are enough living creatures willing ot expend their precious psyschic energy in constant worship of the Chaos Gods, then the forces of Chaos can sruvive and even prosper for an indefinite period. Under such circumstances the only way the fores of Chaos can be defeated is in battle, or by the virus bombing of the entire planet.
Chaos daemon armies described, and the importance of havng sources of warp energy to sustain them (Eg warp storms, or generating it from living creatures via some means like worship.)

also, it would seem that Exterminatus of Chaos-held worlds does not directyl destroy chaos, but rather "starves" them out by depriving them of a prime source of sustenance (no worshippers, no link to the warp and they run out of power eventually even if the Exterminatus provides them with extra power temporarily via the mass deaths.)

Page 22
The mild-Calvius warp storm was abating, and unless the he did something to draw chaotic energy to the planet, his army would soon start to disappear. To the Imperial defenders it appeared that they gained valuable time while Angron wasted weeks building monuments to the chaos Gods instead of pursuing hsattered Imperial Armies into Armageddon Secundus.
As noted above Warp Storms are important to maintaining a Chaos army, so Angron had to take steps to od just that. In a way it its like the unit caps in a RTS game - you have to build/maintain some sort of sturcture that allows you to maintain your forces at a given size. Without which, your force size must shrink or weaken. Or another way to think of it, the Chaos equivalent of logistics. This of course makes such sturctures a prime target for attack.

Page 22
Although the virus bombing of the planet to ensure its complete and utter cleansing of any hint of Chaos was considered, the importance of Armageddon's industries made such solution highly undesirable. Instead all but the highest ranking officials of the surviving popuplation were sterilised so they could bear no more children, and then marched to huge forced labour camps built far from the planet's hives, where they could be kept isolated so that not one word of the attack on the planet would leak out. Meanwhile, billions of new workers for the planet's now empty hive-complexes were shipped in from all over the Imperium.


Logan Grimnar, commander of the Space Wolves now as then, has never forgiven the Adeptus Administratum for what he sees as a gross betrayal of tens of millions of innocent people, and there are many who secretly agree with im.
Obligatory "Imperium can be dicks" incident, the repopulation of Armageddon, etc. Interesting that they sterilized the old populace - presumably any taint (but not worship) could be passed on genetically. Mutaton perhaps.

Also kudos to Logan Grimnar for being pissed off at this . Russ may have been an ass, but the "modern" space wolves are much cooler and nicer.

Page 22
Bloodshed and violence pervade the galaxy so Khorne is the most powerful of Chaos Gods.
Obvious conclusion as to why Khorne is on top and will stay on top, not that he is at all subtle or motivated. But then, who needs to be when you live on war and blood?

PAge 49
Captain Vaughan's voice crackled over the communicator..


Sergeant Sern scoure the rugged, windswept terrain for what seemed like the hundreth time before raising the hand-held unit to his mouth.
Normal trooper comms. handheld units rather than micro beads here. Bette rthan Mcneill style comms though.

Page 49
A loud explosion only a few metres away shook Sern from his reverie. Rock and dirt showered outwards from the point of impact, throwing one of the militamen backwards from the ridge, his face and chest reduced to a bloody ruin by the shell which had detonated just in front of him.
Effect of a arty shell I believe. These are pdf forces.

Page 50
The frontiersmen's wepaons were proving ineffective against the solid armour of the veterans. Shotgun shells ricocheted from the plasteel plates or disintegrated harmlessly on impact. At best the bolts form the militia's crossbows penetrated only a few centimetres into the toughened ceramite.
CSM armor proves resilient to primitive frontier weapons - shotguns, crossbows, etc. Ceramite plating is "a few centimeterS" (2-3 cm) thick, but also hints this is a lower limit on armor thickness. (we knew already from Epic sources it was an inch think at least.)

Page 50
Hearing a high-pitched hissing to his right, the sergeant spn round anxiously, certain that he knew what was coming next. Just as he had suspected the hiss suddenly became an angry roaring blast as the air was heated around them and in a matter of seconds Guardsman Kratz became a dried husk as a blast from a Night Lord's melta-gun evaporated all the moisture from his body which then exploded in a burst of dust and calcified remains.
Interestingly its implied they use the melta after the shotguns and crossbows fire, which suggests that a meltagun's range is no better than either weapon (or if so, not by much) This particular melta seems to dehydrate the target without explosively vaporizing it Assuming a 70 kg Guardsmen and 70% water content we're talking ~123 MJ over "seconds" - anywhere from single Megawatts to double digit MW. The one other factor to consider is that its quite likely that the body was only partially dehydrated - steam expansion deep inside the body could possibly get.. "messy" although timeframe and penetration of the beam matters alot. But since this is an Order of magnitude calc anyhow the difference between "total evaporation" of the water content and "partial evaporation" is not going to change the end result dramatically - I've disregarded inefficiency as well after all.

Page 50
Squeezing the trigger, he fired off several shots directly at the marine's helmet. Over the sound of gunfire from both sides Sern thought he heard a roar of pain as he saw his target jerk backwards. Regaining his balance the veterna raised his head and the Cadian saw the shattered stump of a daemonic horn and exposed, shredded tissue through the hole torn in the side of the helmet.
Guardsman's weapon actually seems to do some damage to a CSM's helmet, at least at point blank range.

Page 50
Sern watched as the Chaos Space Marine raised an ornate bolter to fire and then, inexplicably, found himself thrown to the ground on the other side of the ridge.


the first thing that told him something was wrong was the sight of his right arm lying several metres away.
Bolter round severs arm and knocks the Guard sergeant back./

Page 51
Even to the Technomagic of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the warp represents both the ultimate source of power and the ultimate threat to human existence.
one wonders what "source of power" means - through psykers, through some mechanical means (EG reactor or gneerator?) or what.

Page 51
Daemons are not creatures of our world - they are creatures of Chaos, warp entities whose bodies are fashioned from raw power. When they enter the material universe they assume a definite form, but they continue to draw upon the power of the warp to manifest themselves. The energy of the warp suffuses daemons and gives them many strange powers.
The nature of daemons and their limits.

Page 51
This is a surrounding field of warp energy that bathes their bodies with energy and gives them their power. The daemonic aura is not really a force field as such, rather its presence replenishes and fortifies the daemon's physical body, but in effect it acts very much like armour.
Daemon aura has a shield like function but largely behaves as a sturctural integrity field (structural reinforcement basically) and regeneration.)

Page 52
The bloodthirster is the most powerful of all Chaos daemons and the most mighty of the Blood God's warriors.
Bloodthirsters are therefore the high end of high end daemons, and anyone who can kick one's ass is impressive.

Page 62
Teleporters tap into other universes when transmitting their cargoes, and it is all too easy for a teleporter beam to enter warp space accidentally. Normally this is not too risky but on a battlefield where daemonic entities are lurking in the warp waiting for an opportunity to enter the material universe it can have unforseen and deadly dangerous consequences.
HEre teleporters are hinted at being multi-dimesnional in operation but not deliberately tapping into warp space (but rather doing so by accident.) Apparently one risk of a teleporter is that it can open a portal for daemons to attack through.

Page 67
Needle weapons still inflict a S3 hit from the laser light beam, which fires the needle at the target but do not wound a daemon automatically.
Game rules partly, but I wanted to note it because needle sniper rifles are noted to be able to do damage via the laser, and also that the needles are propelled by the laser (explosive vaporization perhaps.)

Page 71
As a result, the forces battling in the Horus Heresy fought with a mixture of the sometimes archaic armaments which they had used during the Crusade and previously unknown weapons based on arcane ancient technologies. Because the Traitor Legions were the ones that had advanced furtherst from Terra they were among the last to recieve new weapons and armour. This means that the Space Marines fighting for Horus lacked many of the weapons which would be subsequently phased into the arsenals of the Imperium over the next Millenia.


Innovation and invention have become anathema to Chaos Space MArines as they battle the hated Imperium.
This suggests the CSM don't have as nice of gear neccesarily as the Imperium does, although in practice and over time, this has changed some (Horus for example had alot of high end gear as a result of being Warmaster, and many CSM legions are described as having better warships for one reason or another.)

Page 71
When the Legions began re-equipping, a number of ewapons which would coem to be in common use later were still experimental or even purely theoretical. Many other weapons relied on sciences that were barely understood but which had been found in ancient vaults of dark technology and copied for general use. For example, the Traitor Legions had no access to Melta bombs or multi-meltas, but melta guns were commonly available. Likewise, portable (though dangeorus) plasma guns and even pistols existed but heavy plasma gun could only be mounted on a Dreadnought or vehicle.

As a result the Legions were most heavily equipped with weapons which were well understood, solid, and reliable. Autocannon were favoured as a simple but deadly weapon that could easily be carried by a Space Marine in power armour. Heavy bolters could cut a swathe through any enemy troops, though they lacked the hellfire shells the Adeptus Mechanicus devleoped ten millenia later to kill the genetically enhanced Tyranids.


Melta missiles were still unknown at the time. Targeters were bulky and prone to malfunction so most heavy weapons were not fitted with them.
More on Heresy era equipment vs "modern" (in 2nd edition) gear. Again the validity of some of this is debatable, given that melta bombs HAVE popped up in the herey novels (EG Battle for the Abyss or Fallen Angels) Marine portable plasma cannons have made an appearnace as well.

Page 72
Crusade armour could be easily recognised by its immobile helmet and the heavy, riveted plates which betrayed its plasteel construction. The newer Codex armour featured a helmet which could be turned thanks to improved neural implant controls, and smoother lines crated by the extensive use of ceramite plates over a frame of plasteel.

Early Codex armour suffered a slight vulnerability because a number of power cables which ran through conduits in Crusade Armour could not be fitted under the ceramite plates and so were exposed on the chest. This was later solved by adding a chest armour plate (usually makred with the Imperial eagle) and armouring the cables themselves.


Even so, over the fierce battles to come both sides were forced to reinstate the older Crusade suits to replace their losses, as well as scavenging and cannibalising armour from the battlefield as their losses mounted.
Differences in marks of power armour.

Page 73
The first Terminator squads were simply armed with bolters but Space Marines in the field reported that this failed to take advantage of the tremendous load bearing frame that Terminator armor provided and left them lacking in firepower. The Adeptus Mechanicus took the simple step of linking additional weapons together to amke a Terminator sized gun. Combi-weapons combine together a bolter with one of three other weapons: a flamer, a melta-gun or a second bolter. Though combi-weapons including plasma guns were developed during the Horus Heresy, they remained relatively rare and were not issued to squads.

It was soon discovered that the only weapon combination that could fire both barrels simultaneously without wrecking itself was twin bolters. Later developments created combi-weapons which could fire both barrels together, but like plasma combinations they remained difficult to produce in large numbers and were limited issue weapons.

nonetheless Terminator Squads benefitted from the increased firepower early combo-weapons gave them, and Techmarines sought to constnatly refine and imrpove on the basic design, leading to the addition of chainsaw attachments and powered blades that allowed the guns to be used as secondary weapons in hand-to-hand combat.

Over the course of the Horus Heresy the combi-bolter emerged as the most dependable and tactically fleixble weapon. It was subsequently fitted with better ammo hoppers and its rate of fire was increased to create the storm bolter used by Imperial Terminator squads.
Funny enough, storm bolters have appeared in Heresy novels evne though Terminator armour supposedly came into service in or around the start of the series (The Luna Wolves had them). It could be perhaps that the term "storm bolter" had come into usage even though they weren't the storm bolters one became familiar with in latter millenia. That is, the supposed difference in name is meant to simply convey that the Imperium refined and improved upon storm bolters to make much better versions than what TErminators started with/

Page 73
The most sufccessful early weapon was the Reaper autocannon, which was later developed into the fearsome Assault cannon which remains in uset ot his day. The Traitor Termiantors, lacking the technology and equipment to maintain the notoriously fickle assault cannon, still make use of the Reaper with its simpler mechanism and solid ammunition.


The Machine autofeeds of the Reaper mean it seldom jams and keeps on pounding out a steady stream of shells as long as it has ammunition.
Differences between Repaer autocannon and assault cannon

Page 74
At the time of the Horus Heresy plasma weapons technology was at a dangerous phase in its development. Plasma reactors were in limited use, and the giant weapons mounted on Titans and space ships were a simple outgrowth of the systmes needed to create reactors. Plasma guns and pistols which could e carried and used by a Space Marine in power armour were still prone to overheating and leaking energised plasma onto their unfortunate users.


Towards the end of the Heresy the Tech-Priests of Mars solved the immediate problems of plasma weapons. By slowing the recharge mode of the weapons they found they could maintain the integrity of the magnetic field containing the energising plasma. This prevented catastrophic leaks detonating the whole weapon and the slower recharge cycle also meant that the weapon's coolant system kept overheating to a minimum..

The resulting weapons were safe and reliable but suffered from a slow recharge rate which limited their effectiveness.


As doctrine within the Adeptus Mechanicus changed the old style plasma weapons were branded Fabrus Excommunicata, engines of destruction that had fallen from the approval of the Machine God. Within a few centuries the early plasma weapons had entirely disappeared.

Several points:

1.) Plasma weapons and reactors are closely related technologies. We have tons of examples of plasma reactors and weapons having odd or abnormal qualities to them, so we can infer that "plasma" weapons (and probably reactors) are quite exotic in nature (rather than being just hot gas or a low grade PBW for example in the case of weapons.) Need anyone remember the plasma flame thrower types (most notably in cases Ben Counter writes?) Agaijn in 40K plasma can be very funky.

2.) Also of interest is the inverse nature between recharge time and reliability and power. That is, the more powerful the plasma gun on a per shot basis, the greater the recharge time or risk of overheating becomes (Depending on design.) As versiions of 40k have come into being the idea and view of plasma weapons has changed so one could argue that the "old style" (and more dangerous) plasma weapons came back into Vogue (but the slower firing but "safer" plasma weapons may also exist.) Refinement, doctrine, tradeoffs in design, and so on may also explain the differences.

Page 74

Chaso space Marines (including special troops like Khorne Berserkers) may only use plasma pistols, plasma guns, plasma missiles and grenades. The heavy plasma gun is limited to being mounted on Dreadnoughts, vehicles and fixed defences like bunkers that can accomodate the power packs and extra coolant lines it requires.

Plasma Grenades and Missiles: The easiest way to use plasma as a weapon is to contain it until it explodes and both Plasma missiles and Plasma grenades were in common use by Traitor forces during the Heresy.


Plasma Guns and Pistols: These weapons suffered from dangerous overheating and occasional meltdown but they benefitted from a faster recharge. This means that early plasma guns and pistols do not need to take a turn to recharge like normal plasma weapons.

Plasma guns for the 2nd edition CSMs were faster firing but more unreliable.. the "type" that became more common in later editions. although spinoff games (Necromunda and Inquisitor and such) retained the "slow charging" plasma weapons.

Also of note is the plasma grenade and missile reference - this implies that plasma grenades and missiles are simply plasma guns that don't bother containing the blast, suggesting that those too are related to plasma reactors and guns (similar yields for a given size, similar nature - eg exotic - etc.)

Page 75

A chain-axe comprises a reinforced steel axe incorporating a powered chainsaw edge. The biting action of the whirling row of monomolecular teeth means these weapons can easily hack through limbs and armour, leaving terrible wounds.

Monomoelcular teeth and a "powered" chainsaw edge. Not sure if powered refers tothe fact the teeth are propelled, or that "powered" means a power weapon. Either is possible.

Page 75

When something is struck by the mace [Power Mace] a powerful jolt of energ is discharged which blasts the target apart with a flash of blue lightning. Power maces were later developed into the Crozius Arcanum used by Space Marine Chaplains and Thunder Hammers used by Space Marine Terminators.

Power Mace - precursor to the Chaplain weapons and thunder hammers. The linking of this weapon to thunder hammers is interesting since they are specifically noted to have a semi-explosive effect on impact, which provides context for the "blasting a target apart" effect of the Mace (and in turn, possibly the effects for other similar power weapons like the power sword in 2nd edition fluff.)

Page 76

The Blastmaster is a noise Marine weapon that focuses a thrumming bass note which builds in intensity to an explosive crescendo, blasting the target area apart in an earsplitting concussion. Living targets are sent into violent spasms as the sound waves cramble their nevvrous system, breaking their own bones as they thrash helpelessly beneath teh barrage of noise. Armour offers little protection as it resonates at the deadly frequency, liquefying flesh and bones of whoevers wearing it. Even armoured vehicles crack and shatter under the atonal assault.

Slaanesh loves his sonic weapons.

Page 76

The Sonic blaster is a weapon which unleashes devastating harmonics to rip its target apart.

More sonic goodness.

Page 77

The technological secrets of building Dreadnoughts is incredibly old and the knowledge is now virtually lost among the artificers of the Adeptus Mechanicus.


Dreadnoughts used by the Imperial Space Marines and the Chaos Space Marine Legions are truly ancient machines which have been salvaged and rebuilt many, many times over a hundred centuries of warfare.

Dreadnought building "virtually lost" This probably means they can still be built, but just not very quickly or easily.

Page 77

They hate the thought of a half life locked away inside the metal cage of a Dreadnought where they can no longer see battle for themselves or feel the kick of a bolter in their fist.

One reason why Chaos Dreadnoughts are batshit.

Page 78

However, all of the Dreadnought's weapon systems are superior to vehicle mounted and infantry carried weapons in a number of ways: they are more sturdily constructed, have an increased ammunition capacity and benefit from improved targeting systems.

Benefits of Dreadnought mounted weapons systems.

Page 78

Heavy plasma guns are dangerously volatile wepaons at the best of times. The earliest heavy plasma guns generated a hail of sustained fire plasma bursts but this was found to cause extensive coil burnouts unless the plasma chamber was kept at a very low temperature. The heavy coolant lines this required limited heavy plasma guns to being mounted on vehicles and Dreadnoughts. Later heavy plasma guns were modified to fire a single bolt or blast of white hot plasma, removing their ferocious thirst for coolants and making them man portable.

Plasma cannon technology. The "thirst for coolant" bit is interesting, as it suggests plasma guns rely heavily on a coolant system that vents the waste heat via expelling some liquid/gas medium (meaning that there are several "ammo" concerns with a plasma weapon, which can make reloading very complicated or lengthy)

Also note the variable ROF of plasma weapons.

Page 78
The most frequent causes of jams for sustained fire weapons like autocannon and heavy bolters are faulty ammunition, overheating components, or empty magazines.The Chaos Space Marine drednought features a nitrogen-cooled powered ammo feed that pushes rounds into the weapon and extracts any dud rounds before they can block the breech.

Dreadnought cooling systems on heavy projectile guns.

Page 78

The twin lascannon weapon system [on Chaos Dreadnoughts] featrures a sophisticated scanning system which can separate and identify the different components of a target.

Lascannon targeting system.

Page 78

Havoc missiles were first fitted to Dreadnoughts in an effort to increase their destructiveness for assaults and city fights. A simple armoured rack of nine Frag missiles mounted on the Dreadnought's upper carapace gave an instant barrage of fire when it was needed. Initially the missiles were rigged to fire in clusters of between one and three but it was found that Dreandoughts nearly always unleashed the full load of missiles as soon as the enemy was in range, which lead to the later Havocs being able to launch all nine missiles at once. The early Havoc experiments eventually led on to the development of both the Cyclone missile launchers used by Imperial Terminators and the giant Havoc missile rack mounted on the Banelord Chaos titan.

Space Marines seem to love a variety of MLRS missile systems. Arguably vehicles could have this too (and weknow a Missile launcher chimera variant aside from the Manticore existed in several forms.)

Page 79

A Thunder Hammer contains a power generator which only activates when the hammer strikes its target. This allows the weapon to store a tremendous amount of energy and only release it at the point of impact, blasting apart the target with flash of energy and making an ear-splitting sound like a crack of thunder.

Again, Thunder hammers seem to have a quasi explosive effect. The power generator seems to run on a capacitor. If we were to distinguish this from other power weapons we miht think most 2nd ediiton power weapons have a "sustained" effect composed of a series of rapidly "pulsed" power fields surrounding the weapon (analgoous to a sustained beam composed of many individual laser pulses.) Whereas the thunder hammer represents a single, massive discharge all at once (which some power weapons could also emulate.. the two idesa are not neccesarily mutually exclusive. Power weapons could incorporate variable settings after all, and could be designed to ramp up energy discharges on impact.)

Page 80

The Leman Russ batlte tank rumbled along the pass, its tracks squealing in protest as the vehicle was driven at speed over the rocky terrain. The steep sides of the gorge rose up menacingly on either side, the black volcanic wlals leaving the pass in permamant shadow. Behind the battle tank came a short column of Imperial Chimeras, the armoured troop carriers multi-lasers swivelling to cover the sides of the pass in case of enemy attack.


"How far now?" he continued, trying to put the thought of dameons out of his head.

"Thirteen klicks, sir." the Guardsman replied, checking the instruments in front of him.

"Estimated time till arrival?"

"Eleven minutes, sir."

The battle tank was suddenly shaken by a deep, rumbling blast as a weapon was fired into the pass. Looking through the sights Rosman saw a section of the gulley wall to the right erupt. Much of that part of the gorge wall proceeded to give way, chunks of rock as big as the Leman Russ tumbling down into the pass, partially blocking the reinforcements' route.

A second blast, like a thrumming boom, rocked the tank and over the comm-link Rosman heard a cry of anguish from one of the other vehicles. The tank commander scanned the sides of the pass through the tank's sights but could see nothing. Simultaneously the cliff face behind the tank crumbled, separating the Leman Russ from the rest of the cavalcade.

13 klicks in 11 minutes with a Leman Russ is roughly 71 kph. What's more, this is distinctly off-road travel. This indicates that Russes could be designed to travel QUITE fast, same as Chimeras, with the right engine/design setup. Of course we dont know the mass of the Russ either, it could have reduced armor too.

Also note the sonic weapons causing avalanches to immobilize the convoy.

Page 81

The agonising frequenices of the blastmaster sent conflicting signals spirallying through his nervous system, throwing the Guardsman into a fit of thrashing spasms. Lyle felt one eye and then the other burst inside his head before he was granted merciful release as his body exploded in a red spray that drenched the surrounding rocks.

Effects of the blastmaster songic weapons.

Page 81

There was a sudden , resounding boom and the stranded tank was shaken by a shock wave of incredible force, throwing the men inside around the cabin. Over a long distance the sonic weapons of the Noise Marines would have had little effect against a plasteel hull but at short range the impact was like the punch of an anti-tank shell.


"Lascannon's out," yelled back a crewman, blood pouring from a gash on his forehead, "and the turret's jammed! We can only fire forwards!"

Sonci weapons at close range have impact equal to an "anti tank" shell. If we calced the ield of such weapons we might have an idea of the power of tank shells. (or vice versa.)

Page 81

...the Noise Marines bombarded the battle tank with another round of ear-splitting pulses of sound from their Blastmasters. Rivets popped free and ricocheted around the interior of the armoured vehicle, inflicting yet more injruies on its occupants.


A heavy bolter exploded befor ethe concussive waves, its ammnition detonating inside the chamber, just as the vehicle's dirve shaft fractured. As the great adamanitum rod smashed through motor systems and drive mechanisms the tank was flipped over completely, crashing back down to earth on its crushed turret.


Under such direct attack and with one burst from the mighty weapons after another, the Leman Russ was weakening. The sustained shots sent hatches and gun casings flying until the tremendous stresses were too much for even the battle tank's sturdy chassis.

Metal warped, amrour fractured and the hull of the battle tank was breached by the sonic barrage. A few Guardsmen, blood gushing form ears, noses and eyes, staggeredout of the wreck before falling to the ground unconscious as their brains turned ot jelly under the atonal assault.

This particular Russ may be a Mars pattenr hull, given the rivetting. Seems like it took alot of sonic abuse to kill the Russ though.

Page 98

He worshiped the Warmaster like a god and Horus treated him as his most favoured son, indeed some whispered that he was in truth the clone-son of the Primarch himself, product of the earliest primogenitor experimentation.

Early fluff on Abbadon's origins, probably not canonical anymore given the HEresy series/

page 98

At El'Phanor he led the charge against the gates of the Citadel of Kromarch. The Kromarch had built his fortress well. It had only one gate and that was solid adamantium fully three metres thick.


The gates were harder than diamond and stronger than steel but they split like cordwood before that blow and daemons feasted on the Kromarch and his kin that night.

Abbadon's daemon sword cuts open the gate. Note the thickness.

Page 102

These altered spawn of Bile's experimentation exhibit strength, speed, and intelligence many times higher than the human norm and are depraved, psychotic killers.

Bile's "New Men".

Page 102

He moved through the wartorn Imperium from planet ot planet, system to system, offering his assitence to the rebel forces in exchange for prisoners, genetic samples, or ancient technical libra.

His serums could transform mediocre defence troopers into ravening super-soldiers or he could use the black technology of cloning to mobilise thousands of 'perfect warriors' within a matter of months.

Bile's cloning tech could create clones "within months", although it isn't clear whether his methods are consideed "black" or cloning in general is. The latter would seem odd given that many servitors are resulting from cloned bodies. In any event it would give us an idea of the capabilities of 40K cloning tech (since logically Bile's stuff is going to be an outgrowth of Imperial tech, if not using captured Imperial equipment as he so often seems to do. That is, the mercenary nature of his work prevents him from having some single, unified "super legion of doom" facility where he churns these things out, and there's only so much he can haul along with him. So he probably has to work with what he has at hand wherever he is doing the cloning, which in turn means using captured Imperial tech. Which is how, when he shows up in the novels, he seems to operate, like in the second Blood Angels duology.)

Page 102

This time he barely escaped with his own life as his ship was crippled by an Imperial gothic class cruiser as it fled into the dubious safety of the warp.

First (canonical?) mention of a Gothic class cruiser.

Page 102

He soon discovered that the shattered Traitor Legions in the Eye of Terror had desperate need of his services; they needed cloned warriors and slaves by the score but hmost of all they needed the precious progenoid gene-seed organs to create more Space Marine warriors so that they could attack the Imperium with renewed vigour.

The myriad ways Bile puts his talents to work in the Eye.

Page 106

Delicate towers of vast antiquity were smashed to rubble by energy beams from above, vast libraries of incalculably precious works burned beneath a rain of fusion fire.

Passages commonplace when describing the burning of Prospero.

Page 107

...inside the heavy shell of ceramite and adamantium the physical bodies of the chaos space Marines had been reduced to a handful of dust..

Ah yes the Rubric of Ahriman.

Page 107

Now those entrances are sealed with bonds of wraithbone a thousand times stronger than steel, and cursed with runes so potent that just to look upon them would drive a mortal creature insane.

Indication that Wraithbone (potentially) can be 1000x stronger than steel, although in what context this strength manifests (some particular quality, or in general) isn't specified. Still a useful benchmark though given that we can compare wraithbone gear to what other races (EG the Imperium, Necrons, etc.) have - in any event it should demonstrate that 40K materials seem to be far better than what we have IRL by quite a bit.

Page 107

Navigators of the Imperium will shun space for thousands of light years around rather than risk a minor deviation in course which might take them into its boundaries. Many can recall other Navigators who travelled too close to the Eye in a foolish attempt to cut a few days from their journey time only to vanish forever.

Travelling close to the eye to cut "a few days" from a journey. This implies a few days can be a significant savings in time over a long distance (hundreds if not thousands of LY probalby, given the stated fact most navigators give it a wide berth and the sheer known size of the EYe itself spanning many thousands of LY) Thousands of LY in a few days would be double digit LY/hr easily, which meshes with the approximate travel times given in The IG codex for 2nd edition (hundreds of thousands times c)

Page 107

The violent currents of the warp are slightly smoother in the vicinity of the Cadian Gate and offer a safe passage through to the Imperium for marauding Chaos fleets. Elsewhere the violent warp storms can scatter invasion forces across thousands of light years, reducing their impact to a series of bloody raids.

Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons are able to navigate their way to the mateiral universe by following the scent of psychic covens or sorcerous summonings. From their spacecraft they can detect and track these emanations by means of large crystals called scrying stones, transparent crystal spheres approximately a metre across. Smaller scrying stones are used to guide the Renegades to their target once they have landed. Because of this forces of Chaos often include a Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons ot guide them to their desired target in real space (though some raiders care not where their ship takes them, leaving it to the gods to decide). Tzeentch often choosesn the Thousand Sons as his agents: the instruments by which he manipulates the course of history. By raiding a specific planet or slaying a certain individual, the Great Power of Tzeentch promotes his own interests and attempts to draw power away from the others.

Here we learn how the Thousand Sons navigate the Warp so much better than others. In theory the scrying stone it would seem, and givne earlier comments, aid in precognition to improve the accuracy of navigation in conjunctio nwith the beacons, but arguably that method could be duplicated in other ways (EG navigator with a scrying stone, for example.)

Also note that its implied that a Chaos warband COULD raid outside of the eye by other routes than the Cadian gate, but that doing so negates any benefit of a concentrated fleet by scattering them across a huge volume of space in the process. Probably not a problme for wolfpack raiding but not likely to be good if you're launching a Black Crusade.

Page 109

Eviscerated corpses were cast aside in an unrelenting orgy of killing as several tons of man-slaying technology usrged forward in a red flood.

Chaos Dreadnought mass.

Page 111

Through divination carried out by the pskyers of the Inquisition, the doomsday weapon known only as the hand of night had been located on the small, forgotten world. Said to be a gift of the Dark Gods, sent into the physical universe striaght from the heart of the Realm of Chaos, nothing was comparable to it in power; not even the planet-scouring process of the Exterminatus.


the Night Lords and a weapon with which whole star systems could be ransomed were gone.

Existence of an Artifact as powerful as (or more so) than Exterminatus.

Page 112

Though the technological advancement of the Imperium moves at the speed of an aged tortoise ten thousand years was bound to bring some changes.

Something we basiclaly knew: Tech advancement ofr the Imperium is glacially slow, but still happens.

Page 130

Some Cultists worship Chaos in its entirety or Undivided Glory, just as some Chaos Champions dedicate themselves to Chaos as a whole rather than to a particular power. These cultists venerate the Great Powers, daemons, and other Powers of Chaos as a Pantheon of diverse gods. The worship of the Chaos Powers in this way follows a pattern of polytheism which is quite common among native religions. This polytheistic version of Chaos is therefore the most obvious form of worship on these worlds.

The main bulk of the Cult is made up of ordinary cultists. These may vary in number from a mere handful to many hundreds or even thousands. Their alleigance to the Chaos Gods is highly secret.
They lead seemingly normal lives, prehaps even holding trusted positions within the local government, but their true loyalties lie with the cult.


Cults prepare for armed struggle by amassing arsenals of weapons and equipment. If they are able to do so, the cult will attempt to infiltrate and subvert the local defense forces. They may also use psychic powers to contact Chaos Space Marines drifting through the Warp and guide them to their world. Once the forces of the Cult and Chaos Space Marines are united the Cult can come into the open, and then the whole world will be plunged into devastating conflict from which the Cult may emerge as a major world power.

Description of the various forms Chaos worship can take, how it manifests in the Imperium at large. It is interesting that it suggests that "Chaos undivided" worship is the most common, linking it to polytheistic religions as a rule. Again note the use of psychic power by Chaos cults (probably via ritual) to attract notice of Chaos Space Marines.

Likely the Chaos Gods never intend this to ever be permanant, but simply expect such coups to establish some temporary base of operatons to serve some ultimate end (and of course to provide amusement and power to them)

Page 131

Because the Eye of Terror is so steeped in chaotic energy it is not as inhospitable to daemons of Chaos as normal space. This is not to say that daemons can live or move completely freely within the Eye of Terror, but their conjuration is vastly easier, and their power is correspondingly greater than it owuld be elsewhere in the galaxy. The centre of the Eye of Terror is more hospitable to daemons than the fringes as it is more highly saturated with Chaos energy. the worlds which lie closest to the centre of the Eye are called the daemon worlds.

This probably explains why in the Eye you see such insane or ludicrously powerful (or impractical, if not impossible) feats.

Page 140

Along with Doombreed he was one of the two Daemon Princes that fought against the Emperor when he boarded Horus' battle barge, and he continues to serve his daemonic master ot this day.

The he in quesitn is N'Kari, a Slaaneshi daemon prince. Doombreed is a Khornate bloodthirster. Interesting that Slaanesh and Khorne could bother serving together in that fashion, but I guess the Emperor really was that big a threat.

Page 142
Even though the Primarch possessed superhuman powers, the two opponents were equally matched, for Luther's already considerable abilities had been enhanced by the Dark Gods of Chaos.

What followed was a fight of titanic proportions during which the two adversaries laid blow for blow against each other, tearing down the monastery aorund them until the whole massive edifice had been levelled by their battle. Meanwhile, the massed guns of the fleet pounded the planet, until the very surface of Caliban began to crack and heave under the strain of the bombardment.

As the planet itself started to break apart, the battle between Jonson and Luther reached its climax. Luther, aided by the powers of Chaos, unleashed a furious psychic attack that knocked Jonson to his knees and left him mortally wounded.


Luther's psychic cry of pain and despair echoed through the warp and the Chaos Gods realised that, once again, they had been defeated. They lashed out in fury and frustration. A rent appeared in the very fabric of space and a warp storm of unprecedented fury engulfed Caliban. In an uncontrollable, swirling flood of psychic energy the warp rushed into the physical universe.


Caliban, laready weakened by the loyal Dark Angels' bombardment, was ripped apart and destroyed, the debris being sucked into the warp.

PRetty much Dark Angels standard fluff. Their fight levelled the Monastery, fleet bombardment fucked up eht planet and weakneed it so the warp storm could finish it off, etc.

Page 141

Cypher is protected by a Chaos Power, though nobody knows who or what this Power is (it does not appear to be one of the four major Chaos Gods.) This Power carefully protects Cypher, spiriting him away at the last moment if danger threatens.

Another curious fact: some other Chaos entity (other than the Chaos gods) protects Cypher and can teleport him away at a moment's notice. One wonders who/what this power is, what its nature is, and why it bothers, since Cypher despite bieng a CSM technically, is nevertheless often depicted as something of a good guy (CF Angels of Darkness.)
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Since we're doing "hive War" in Epic, I'll throw the whole bit of 2nd edition Tyranid codex.

Page 4
Beyond the human galaxy, beyond the range of human spacecraft and astrotelepathy, lies the unspeakable cold of the intergalactic void.
In other words, outside the galaxy. But it does mention that the (effective) range of human travel (at least via Astronomican) and astrotelepathy have definite range limits.

Page 4
A billion times a billion Tyranids stand at the rim of the galaxy yet each one is no more than a single cell in the living body of the hive mind, the devourer of worlds.
This implies somethign on the order of a quintillion tyranids ovreall, althought he source of this evidence isn't clear (eg is it human intel, or is it Omnisicent Narrator commentary?) It also does not neccesariyl mean human form or even clsoe to that, or even all combat type of 'nids. It could refer to much smaller, and/or non-combat Tyranid types (well the stuff that maintains ships or helps consume the resources of worlds.)

Then again the new Deathwatch RPG has a blurb that suggests a "billion billion" humans exist in the Imperium IIRc, so maybe its not all that absurd. Its not like everyone has accurate numbers here, we can at best treat it as a very rough estimate (eg "order of magnitude" calc, although how many OOM can be another question lol)

Page 5
Because of its isolation the base [Tyran] was well protected despite its small size and boasted an Astropath for communication with Earth, over 60,000 light years away.
Tyran is close to the edge of the Segementum, which means that the radius of the Imperium (as defined by the Astronomican) encompasses approximately 60,000 LY or thereabouts, give or take some thousands of LY.

Page 5
As time passed the Technomagi found that worlds which were known to have thriving ecosystems had been transformed into barren planetoids.


In a galaxy of a billion worlds such mysteries abounded, so for a time the information languished in the hundreds of miles of datbanks that form the archives of the Administratum on Earth.
Comment on early Tyranoforming and the scope of the databanks of the Administratum.

Page 5
The Tyran Primus base lay in the midst of Tyran's great world-spanning oceans, dug into an island that was the very tip of a chain of ancient volcanoes. The oceans of Tyran covered 80% of the world's surface....


The base itself was fortified to resist violent storms and the attentions of the voracious oceanic life forms.. Tyran Primus also had four giant defence lasers in armoured silos for defence against marauding alien space craft and any unknown monstrosities lurking in the deep oceanic abyss.
The planet Tyran and the base's defenses. By contrast Earth has 70% of its surface covered in oceans. I should note that in 5th edition the defences were vastly upgraded.

Page 5
Explorator ships passed through the Tyran system to collect supplies and deliver reports every three to six months. The last ship to depart was the investigation, destined to survey worlds on the Eastern Fringe..
Regularity of Exploratory fleets. If we knew their range, or the number of planets they visited we might approximate FTL speed. Still 3-6 month operational time in probably noncombat operations is a useful benchmark itself.

Page 5
Over a month after the departure of the Investigation Tyran Primus detected a cloud of close to a thousand unidentified objects entering the Tyran star system. After intiial studies revealed the cloud was made up of neither spacecraft nor debris Magos Varnak piloted one of the station's small system ships towards the cloud to investigate further.


A week later the first attack began on the base. THe storm-wracked skies of Tyran were split again and again by the blinding flash of the defence lasers as they strove to drive the attackers away. Bolts of energy capable of melting through whole city blocks lanced into space as projectiles launched by the enemy above smashed into the base.


The uneven battle raged on for an hour or more as the brave laser crews blasted at the hundreds of invaders around Tyran before, amazingly, the enemy simply withdrew. Varnak sent his three remaining system ships in pursuit of the foe. They added to the destruction already wrought by the ground-based lasers and confirmed Varnaks's ealrier observations of the attackers.


The system ships were quickly crippled or destroyed by these bio-ships and Magos Varnak was informed that the defences of Tyran had damaged or destroyed only a dozen creatures out of a swarm of close to a thousand.
A condensed version of the salient points of the Tyranids attacking Tyran. Those points are: 1000 vessels of unknown class attacking . They took about a week to launch the first attack (over an unknown distance.) They battle for an hour.

At leats 3 system ships - In 5th edition the "system ships are light cruisers, it is worth noting." but there weren't much more than 3-4 IIRC. The Tyranids use projectile weapons (kinetic impactors) in this case, and the defence lasers are cpaable of mleting through "whole city blocks", although duration and number (of blocks or bolts or whatever) aren't given, nor is the size of the "block". According to Wikipedia (since I am lazy) there is no generalized size on a block (nevermind in 40K, where you can have stuff like Hive Cities or fortress cities...) but assuming the 200x200 block and melted ot a depth of a metre, would take around 180 TJ approximate, assuming silicon composition. Of course, that assumes a more sustained beam tracked over the surface (more like a lance, but possible, since some defence lasers have lance-like behaviour.) If it were more of a single burst (pulse laser perhaps) it might be more of a hemispherical crater and take at least several megatons of energy.

The week to travel insystem doesn't tell us much about acceleration, since it would be single digit (or less) for sustained accel no matter the exact distance (unless its really insanely far like 100 AU, which is possible but highly highly unlikely unless we're talking a huge system or some attempt at a "stealthy" entry) Speed would be fairly slow here too - hundreds or thousands of km/s to take that long (around 1% of c or so.)

In short, good for a sort of lower limit depending entirely on how one interprets it, but that's about it. (we know starship firepower can go quite a bit higher, nevermind that megaton range weapons are mere ground attack and non-Exterminatus planetary bombardment yields from numerous sources as it is.)

Page 6
The data codex would be set to record the fate of the base until it was sealed at a signal from Varnak's control pulpit and dropped into a 3,000 metre deep bore shaft beneath the base.
Self explanatory.

Page 6
Earth received one final, garbled message form Tyran. On the wings of death came a dire prophesy of doom and a mental image of the skies over Tyran turned black with swarming monsters.


Inquisitor Kryptman received word of the last message from Tyran months after the attack. By the time his ship reached the Tyran system almost a year had passed and at first he could not equate the dead, dry planet he found to ocean-bound Tyran at all.
Astrotelepathy can send "mentla images" as well as messages. Implies a sort of camera-like/sensory function to astropaths, which has been noted before.

Kryptman received the same message "months" later, and had taken nearly a year to get to Tyran from wherever he was. Assuming he started from EArth, the speed owuld be 60,000 or thereabouts. In any case we might generalize a FTL speed of around thousands ot tens of thousands of c. As for the astro-telepathy, it would take anywhere from say 2 months to 11 to reach Kryptman on a round trip between Tyran and Earth (120,000 LY total) the astropathic speed (Assuming zero lag time for interpretation, discussion and debate, ignoring conditions of the warp, etc.) of around at least 720,000c to 130,000c. That is broadly consistent with the values established in Hive War.

Page 6
Kryptman ordered his Astropath to send a priority waring to the Imperium but the Astropath could not penetrate the warp turmoil left by the passing alien fleet. Even the nearby Thandros telepathica booster matrix was obscured. In desperation Kryptman set course for Thandros in hopes of re-establishing communications there.
Telepathica booster matrix, indication of at least some means by which astropathic signals are telepathically enhanced (such as with choirs, etc.)

Page 7
The telepathica matrix orbiting Thandros I was later found to have emptied all of its turret magazines and burned out its defence laser crystal before it was overrun.
turret magazines implies some sort of projectile weapon (macro cannons?) and its interesting to note defence lasers having some kind of crystal (although what the crystal is used for.. who knows.)

Page 7
Kryptman salvaged the telepathica matrix and sent his message to warn the unsuspecting Imperium of the magnitude of the Tyranid threat. The Astropath, red-eyed with weariness after days of concentration broadcasting Varnak's codex and Kryptman's report, gave the inquisitor instructions to travel to the planet MacCragge in Ulramar, the empire of the Ultramarines Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes.
Checking between the 2nd edition maps in the 'Nid Codex and meshing it with more modern stuff, Thandros is located close to both Ultramar and Tyran (maybe a few hundred or a few thousand LY away from either) but still many tens of thousands of LY away from Terra (assuming it was sent to Terra, and given the importance of the arning and the fact the initial warning HAD been sent to Terra, seems likely) it would be between 2 and 6 days. Call it 40K LY and a single message (nevermind implied multiple messages) the FTL speed of the astropathic message would be between 2.5 and 7.5 million c. Broadly speaking, we can infer it to be single or double digit millions of c as a reasonable order of magnitude estimate for a Astropath using a booster matrix and presumably straining to the utmost (Balanced by the unfavorable conditions created by the Shadow in the Warp) We can easily at least double/quadruple the original estimate by assuming multiple messages, and at least one or two responses. This again meshes broadly with the Hive War perspective of the same data.

Also of note in this passage is that the data recovered from Tyran was able to be transmitted via Astropath.

Page 7
At times the undertow left by Hive Fleet Behemoth threatened to lose the ship in the warp forever but the Navigator avoided every whirlpool and riptide with consummate skill, the elongated teardrop formed by the warp drives of the Inquisition ship slipping through the Immaterium like oil through water.
The shape of the warp field generated by the warp drives (gellar field?) seems to help in warp travel, much like the bow of a ship or the shape of its hull assists in traveling through an ocean. If this is not the gellar field, then it indicates that the warp drives have addiitonal functions than simply opening a hole into and out of the Warp.

Page 7
In the Macragge system a dozen other ships already hung in orbit and each day more arrived from the warp. Lumbering Space Marine battle barges huhng over Maccragge like gigantic azure monoliths etched with gaping maws of weapons bays, launch tubes and heavy bombardment turrets. THese leviathans dwarfed even the sleek strike cruisers arriving from the Ultramarines' furthest outposts. Orbital fortresses and ponderous system defence monitors surrounded Macragge with a ring of firepower.
The massing of the Ultramarines space defenses. At least a dozne ships, although the breakdown is unknown (it is implied the duzen or other ships were all warp capable and thus independent of the other sub-stellar defences.)

Page 7
The Emperor had despatched a Segmentum Tempestus battlefleet from the orbital docks at Bakka.
Here its implied that the emperor is still alive and conscious enough to be sending out forces.. which was largeyl a convention from 1st edition (and this being second).. but it may be "Emperor" in the figurative sense.. like "Thank the Emperor! he sent us aid from the battlefleet) and it was simply the High Lords or some other authority acting on his behalf (although perhaps subtly manipulated by the Emperor)

Also of note is that Bakka had a whole battlefleet available, although this is probably the older (EG SPace fleet) definition of "battlefleet" which was a temporary formation of ships rather than the latter BFG definition (which was the sum total of ships amassed in a sector), although it is possible the latter applies. If so it would explain why in context you sometimes hear about "Battlefleet so and so" with a Segmentum name attached (EG Battlefleet Tempestus, etc.) - that such forces would be a sort of a segmentum-level Naval reserve at the bases (in addition to whatever sector level reserves might exist at bases and so on.) There may even be a semi-official "Segmentum" battlefleet (possibly referencing the "thousands" or "tens of thousands" of ships mentioned in Space Fleet, assuming that simply isn't overridden by latter sources.)

Page 7
A month later the Tyranids attacked Macragge, their fleet of over a thousand vessels sweeping aside attacks by the Ultramarines strike cruisers as they pushed insystem. With no sign of the Imperial fleet from Bakka, Calgar was forced to use the Ultramar fleet in a risky ploy. By leaving Macragge and retreating outsystem Calgar drew the Tyranids onto the defences of Macragge as they sought to encircle it and invade. The Utlramar fleet struck the aliens while they were spread out and vulnerable, successsfully carving a bloody swathe through their fleet as Calgar tried to fight his way back through to the protection of the big guns of Macragge.
The 'Nids again (initially?) attack Macraggee with a thousand ships. Apaprently either 1000 ships represents the standardized fleet sizes in Behemoth's forces (although there were only a few fleets) and this is a different fleet from the one that attacked Tyran, or they managed to replace their losses in between the attacks of Tyran and Macraggge (around a year or two I believe by now)

Page 7
At the height of the battle Ultramar fighters from Macragge crippled one of the largest Tyranid hive ships and this semeed to fatally disrup tthe cohesion of the hive fleet.
the space based forces have "synaptic" creatures as well, something whch is elucidated on in the Tyranid-specific BFG sources.

Page 8
The Titans of the Legio Praetor stalked the ice fields and drove smoking furrows through the onrushing Tyranid hordes with shells and plasma. Crippled ultramarine ships which Calgar had left in orbit above hurled down bolts of ruby flame and megatons of explosive death at the Tyranids, but still they came on.


Titans were dragged down and ripped apartt by sheer weight of numbers, like lions being swarmed over by soldier ants.
Two points. First, starhsips in orbit are bombarding the 'Nids on Macragge with "megatons" of explosive (could be interpreted as the amount of explosive or implying megaton range nukes, although the former would be both odd and hard to explain since megatons of HE would represent a not-inconsiderable amount of starship's mass and volume, especially for sustained bombardment.) Presumably the energy weapon bombardment was of roughly similar magnitude.

The second point is that enough Nids assaulting will overwhelm even Titans, although the exact numbers (or types) isnt specified.

Page 8
In space Calgar pursued the Tyranid fleet toward the ringed world of Circe at the edge of the Macragge system. The timely arrival of the Tempestus fleet form Bakka finally sealed the Tyranids' fate by catching them in a vice between the two fleets. In a desperate fight the combined human fleet destroye dhte remaining hive ships at a great cost in men and ships.
The space battle chased across the Macragge system, and even with the help of Baaka's reinforcements the battle was costly. Other sources give us (If I remember right) a broad idea of duration of "hours" from Macragge (roughly) with Circle (from an unknown location) taking an hour longer. Depending on exact distances assumed (we know Macragge is at leas 2 AU out from its sun, but not much else) and how many "hours" you assume (say less than a day but more than 2 hours) it could be anywhere from tens of gees (a few AU and nearly a full day) to thousands of gees (a handful of hours and tens of AU)

page 8
The Tempestus fleet of over two hundred warships including the huge Emperor class battleship Dominus Astra, was almost completely wiped out in a titanic battle around Circe. The battle was only won by the heroic sacrifice of the Dominus Astra charging into the heart of the hive fleet and triggering its warp drives. THe Tyranids were desroyed in an uncontrolled warp vortex which also dragged the Dominus AStra to oblivion.
The dispatched fleet from Bakka had 200 warships, setting a lower limit on the Segmentum base's fleet size. Also, the value of warp drives as weapons (as if we didnt know from Vortex weaponry)

Page 8
Captain Fabian of the 3rd Company prudently awaited the arrival of the company's three Dreadnoughts before proceeeding into the fortress itself to search for survivors.
3rd Company has at least 3 Dreadnoughts, probably only 3 though.

Page 9
The corridors were littered with Tyranid and Ultramar dead and even bio-scanners failed to identify the creatures that lay in ambush amongst the corpses.
Bio scanners operate on some principel that makes it hard for them to distinguish between liginv and dead creatures (either from the organic makeup of creatures or their biologies, or from residual stuff like heat or such.)

Page 9
A mighty Tyranid lord, huge as a Dreadnought, thundered into the Space Marine's line. THree Space Marines fell to a single sweep of its curving blade before a Dreadnought charge dinto the monster.
Some Tyranids were as big as Dreadnoughts.

Page 9
All around, the Ultramarines were on the verge of being overwhelmed, only the psychic blasts of the Librarian were stopping the Tyranids completeing the slaughter.[
Librarians offered significant aid in countering Tyranids, confirming their value as heavy psychic artillery.

Page 9
The obvious facts were that, like the Eldar, the Tyranids used a form of bio-technology to organically formed weaponry (though Tyranid weapons were limited to short ranged projectile snd close combat weaponry.) and that the Tyranids themselves formed an incredibly diverse race, more so than even the Orks, Gretchin, and snotlings which infest the galaxy.
Tyranids are similar to (but more diverse than) the Orks, but they seem to emphasize short range/CQB over longer range. Opponents therefore likely would have a range advatnage.

Page 11
Some members of Earth's Adeptus Administratum began to question the necessity of maintaining so many armed forces in the galactic south-east to resist a non-existent Tyranid threat.


When inhabited worlds along the south-eastern fringe began to suffer an epidemic of riots, terrorism, sabotage, and in some cases outright rebellion the same Adeptus claimed the people had become dissatisifed with living in the midst of an armed camp and chosesn to violently illustrate their displeasure.

The Inquisition suspected a plot and moved quickly to "investigate" the dissenters for signs of treasonous thoughts or heretical influence. It was soon estalbished that all of the dissenting Administratum officials either originated from the south-eastern fringes or had travelled there at some point in their career. No other unifying factors could be found, and many of the suspected tratiros had never even met each other.

Inquisitors were despatched from the Inquisition fortress at Talasa Prime to fully investigate the Ultima rebellions. Meanwhile, the Inquisition instigated a terrifying purge throughout the Imperium and parrticularly on Earth, incarcerating anyone in high office who had had contact with the Eastern Fringe. Tens of thousands were dragged away by the Arbites to languish in prison colonies while the investigation continued.
Commentary on the handling of events in light of the Tyranid attacks in Segementum Ultima and thereabouts. This gives an interesting clue into how subtly and over what scope the 'Nids can act in their "infiltration and subterfuge/sabotage" mode, at least against the Imperium.

Also that the Imperium had maintained an increased military presence in the wake of Behemoth to counter possible further incursions.

Page 11
The Imperium's first concern was the rebellion on the industrial world of Ichar IV.


Its gigantic factories and sprawling refineries form the lynch pin of one of the few densely popualted sectors in the Ultima Segmentum. Thousands of ships carrying ore and myco-protein pass through Ichar's huge orbital docks each year.
Ichar IV and confimation of "industrial worlds" (Forge worlds that technically aren't forge worlds.) One of the few "densely populated" sectors in the Ultima Segmentum. Note the "thousands of ships" passing through orbital docks annually (although not confirmed to be warp-capable, that is implied).

Assuming 1 per sector (a low ball ing eneral but not unreasonable for the ultima segmentum) and the 5K sector estimate I've etsablished previously based on BFG, suggests some 10 million ships passing through Ichar IV and similar type worlds annually. If we go with forge worlds and hive worlds alone (at least 35 K worlds, but an estimated 50+ thousand possible assuming 1 forge world per ~1.5-2 hives) thats at least 70-100 million ships annually. Either way its done it gives a rough idea of potential commerce in the Imperium on an annual basis. Millions, even billions of transports (assume 500K civilised worlds like Ichar IV and 10K ships annually would be 5 billion transports, for example.)

IF all those were warp capable ships (navigator or otherwise) and if the Space Fleet ratios held (not unreasonable - 1 warhsip per 10 transports) this would hint at millions of warp-capable warships of varying types nad classes (the overwhelming majority, if not almost all, are going to be smaller escorts however.)

Page 11
The Ecclesiarchy had carefully monitored the Brotherhood for any taint of iconoclasm or heresy but had found nothing, if the reports were to be believed, but the most laudable of faith in the Emperor.
Ecclesiarchy naturally maintains close observations of various sects and relgiions under the Imperial Cult - but the 'Nids manage to subvert this.

Page 12
At the hieght of the attack Agmar's specially placed spy satellite picked up militia forcees leaving the Brotherhood cathedral and moving up to contain the Imperial assault.

Inquisitor left a spy satellite in orbit over Ichar IV for his purposes.

PAge 13
The Terminator's scanners came to life as they left the crypt, showing multiple foes closing quickly on their location, creatures that moved too quickly to be human.
As we learn in Space hulk, Terminators have built in scanners.

Page 13
Focusing his own indomitable will, the Librarian forced his body out of the physical world for an instant, and in an instant he was gone. A bright flash marked his departure, another flared at his point of arrival as he teleported onto the dais with the Patriarch.
Librarians use their own skills to teleport.

Page 13-14
In desperation the Librarian called to his battle brothers and the dais was swept by storm bolters. Indiscriminate fire ricocheted off the Librarian's armour but some shots struck and wounded the Patriarch.
Librarian's terminator armour resistant to storm bolter fire, meaning that they can fire (Safely, to some degree at least) into a melee.

Paged 14
Another dedicated merchant captain helped evacuate millions from the mining worlds of Devlan before it was consumed. The extensive system of Sentinel space stations around Devlan delayed the hive fleet long enough for a fleet of giant freighters to escape into space.
Single merchant fleet (although implied a merchant ship) managed to evacuate millions from multiple mining worlds before being consumed (less than a week, perhaps?) Devlan IIRC was a planet mentioned in Space Hulk's early editions. The Sentinel stations were placed to guard the edges of the system against intrusion.

Also its rather anti-grimdark that they make ANY effort to evacuate people who aren't rich and wealthy. Normal Grimdarkitude demands that all the helpless peons be sacrificed rto the filthy xenos aliens to show how bleak and depressing and doom laden evrerything is.

Page 15
The Squats had reported attacks by a swarm of hive ships on isolated Homeworlds close to the galactic core, tens of thousands of light years away from the main hive fleet on the south-eastern rim of the galaxy.
Ominous hints, since as we know the Squats were supposedly all eaten by the Tyranids. I've ventured at length on my views of this, so I won't bother reiterating them. Possibly precursors of Hive Fleet Leviathan. Note that the galactic core is "tens of thousands of light years" from where the main hive fleets (EG Behemoth) engaged (Which again points to Leviathan, the only forces possibly close enough to eat the Squats.)

Page 15
The Imperial Tarot predicted a time of coming darkness unmatched since the darkest hours of the Horus Heresy: the Devourer of Worlds grappled with the human galaxy and thus far it had shown only the first hints of its true strength. At the command of the High Lords the huge military juggernaut of the Imperium's armred forces turned its face to the Ultima Segmentum and readied itself for total war.

The forge worlds of the ADeptus Mechanicus produce tanks, weapons and war machines by tens of thousands. The ship yards at Bakka and Terra work day and night to build battlecruisers and warcraft to stem the tide of the Tyranid hive fleet. Millions of Imperial Guardsmen prepare to embark on a war for humanity's very survival. To the Imperium war is a religion, a crusade against the forces of darkness which wait in the shadows to enslave Mankind.


Several hundred large inhabited worlds have fallen to the tyranids.
this implies the Imperium went to "total war" simply to fight the Nids, implying that the bulk of their forces were devoted to fighting those incursions. This is debatable in later iterations, since as we know they ended up facing a nasty time with the 13th Black Crusade and such which was ALSO implied to have been siphoning off significant forces. Then again we know the Imperium uses a ton of propoganda to help maintain the "warlike" state of preparation despite the fact the vast majority of the Imperium at any one time is not really under threat of war. Besides "millions" of guardsmen, evne if a deliberate underestimate, isn't a drop in the bucket compared to the nubmers they can amass (millions can represent a single army, nevermind a Crusade.)

It is interesting to note the "tanks weapons and war machines by tens of thousands" over an unspecified timeframe. It also implies that Bakka nad Terra are turning out warships fairly quickly (years perhaps, given the increasing frequency of tyranid attacks in latter genreations post Behemoth and Kraken. Ont he other hand "battlecruisers" can also just be slightly bigger and heavier armed cruisers so this may not be allt hat impressive.)

Page 15
New and deadly tyranid weapons and creatures are being reported all the time: long-ranged acidic projectiles which melt through steel like wax, creatures which attack with bolts of psychic energy or electro-static blasts, gigantic beasts as tall as Titans.
Variety in Tyranid weapons.

Page 18
..some of the Imperial Techno-Magi believe the Hive Tyrants are the consort-minds of the hive queen that forms the repository of the hive fleet's own collective consciousness. If this is ture, the Hive Tyrants embody the hive mind completely, but their destruction does not diminish it in any way.
theories on the nature and role of the Hive Tyrants, especially in relation to hive queens (Norn queens?)

Page 19
Carnifexes are armed with four great sickle-shaped claws of diamond hard chitin, ,bone and cartilage. The combined assault of these mighty scythes is powerful enough to rip through even armorplas and ceramite with ease. Carnifexes also have the capacity to energise a form of bio-plasma in their gut via rasping plates in their oeseophagus, the sourcee of their high-pitched scream. An electrical field around the claws holds the incandescent plasma ball until it is laucnhed at its target.
Carnifex described. Pretty much bog standard by now.

Page 20
The Tyranid hive fleets consist of millions of spacecraft, each home to billions of creatures, untold thousands of monstrosities evolved from the bubbling geno-organs of teh ship's reproductive chamber. All of these creatures are born to serve the single entity that is the ship, and the ship tiself exists only as part of the entity that is the fleet.
Hive fleets with millions of craft of unknown type, and billions of creatures (not neccearily all combat types)

Page 20
All Tyranid creatures are held in common psychic bond that enables them to act together as one social organsim. Individual Tyranids have no distinct minds like humans and other creatures. A Tyranid simply fufills the functions assigned to it by the greater hive mind or overmind. The smaller mindless creatures are unthinking and instinctive, but larger more complex creatures can make decisions appropriate to them.

Tyranid Warriors are amongst the most important Tyranids. Not only are they large and powerful fighters in their own right but they also fufill a pivotal role in the Tyranid armies. They act as psychic resonators, amplifying the psychic bond of the hive mind and transmitting its power to the smaller, less receptive creatures around them. When the tyranids begin to swarm the Tyranid Warriors become the focal point of the hive mind.
The role and application of the Hive Mind in Tyranid society. In a way they are the Tyranid equivalent of Chaos Champions, Avatars, etc.

Page 21
They [Lictors] appear to be a specialist mutation of Tyranid Warriors and are highly adapted to survival in hostile enviroments and a stalker/predator role. Stalking Lictors exude a pheromone trail which draws other Tyranid creatures in their wake. A larger concentration of prey stimulates a stornger pheremone response and brings a larger group of trailing Tyranids.


The Lictor's feeder tentacles are tipped with sharpened bony plates and are used to lobotomize victims so that the Lictor can absorb their genetic data and immediate memories by consuming their brains. The exceptionally powerful upper claws are edged with fractal chitin and the lower talons have venom channels containing a deadly haemotoxin.

The flesh hooks are the most unusual of the Lictor's weapons. They are formed out of a carbon-based chitin with a monomolecular redge and are attached to lengths of exceptionally tough muscle fibre situated between the ribs.
Role and capabilities of the Lictor. Note the "monomolecular" ability, and the ability to absorb data by eating brains.

Page 21
Lictors are covered with tiny chameleonic scales which shift their colour and texture to match the creature's surroundings. THese make Lictors exceedingly difficult to spot except at very close range. The Lictor's body gives off litttle heat and it is capable of remaining completely motionless for days if necessary so even energy and motion detection devices are often baffled by the Lictor's exceeptional stealth.
Lictor stealth qualities.

Page 22
Zoanthropes appear to have been engineered to exploit the maximum psychic potential of Tyranid Warriors and even seem to use psychic energy to invigorate their wasted bodies.

Zoanthropes, for all their seeming physical weakness, ,are lethal creatures. They use their psychic powers both to defend themselves and to attack their opponents with ravening botls of warp energy. THough they are highly intelligent Zoanthropes have become sedentary through their evolution so unless they are carefully controlled by the hive mind they will halt to conserve their psychic energy.


Zoanthropes maintain a constant psychic shield to protect themselves against attack.
Zoanthrope psychic artillery. Note the psychic boosting of abilities as well as the ability ot shoot warp energy as well as the ability t shield themselves. Arguably something they could do on a greater scale if they so wished.

Page 23
More recent reports have indicated an increasingly varied selection fo symbiote weapons being used by Termagants. These new symbiotes include creatures that project a constricting web of filaments or fire razor-edged bony spikes at high velocity.
Known variation on Termagant weapons.

Page 23
As the Tyranids overrun the defences of a planet they rapidly assimilate the genetic imprint and bio-mass of evey living thing on that world. Once all resistance has been eliminated the world is stripped down to bare rock then all of its moisture, atmosphere and nutrients are absorbed by the hive fleet. In the initial phases of this process millions of voracious Tyranid orgasnisms are released all over the planet. They move across its surface multiplying and consuming everyhting in their path, leaving an empty and desolate wasteland behind them. Eventually these organsims are reabsorbed by the hive mind and re-evolved to perform different functions, depending on the genetic imprints they have absorbed.

These organsims are extremely varied but amongst the most common are those known to the Imperial forces as Rippers. Rippers have serpentine bodies around half a metre in length wich terminate in a broad head.

More Tyranoforming, and mention of why the 'Nids generally don't cre about losses.

Page 24
Gargoyles physically resemble Termagants in many aspects such as body mass, cranial capacity and the configuration of their medial armored plates.
Gargoyles and Termagants are similar in mass.

PAge 24
As the clouds continued their approach dark specks broke away form the leading edges to speed ahead. The flickering green screen of the long range visi-scanner showed fuzzy images of flying creatures, big as dropships, borne aloft by their great flapping wings.


Estimated arrival of the enemy force at outpost Ceres XIV - five minutes. There was no realistic chance of slowing the Tyranid advance, or inflicting any appreicable damage on the monstrous alien hordes, but it was hoped that whatever information they could transmit back to base before the outpost was overrun would prove valuable.
Visi-scanner, estimate of dropship sized nids, and such.

Page 25
Great Swarms of Hormagaunts are employed in wave attacks against the enemy in battle, often being used to exhaust the defenders before the main attack is launched.


The Hormagaunt has a simple digestive tract and sustains itself by draining the body fluids from its victims.


There have been reports of Hormagaunts being dropped on planet in mycetic spores similar to the drop pods used by Space Marines.


Hormagaunts are also unusual because they appear to reproduce independently of the Dominatrix. They lay hundreds of eggs just below the surface of a planet before their short lifespan is over, making Hormagaunt infestation a serious problem on planets raided by the Tyranids.
Hormagaunt features. Note the simplified digestive system and ability to subsist on bodily fluids of victims (blood?) Also 'Gaunts (at least in this edition) seem to be less specialized than other 'Nid combat forms, since they can also breed. Given how often in short stories hormagaunts are seen acting independently like Genestealers, this gives them a raiding/terrorist/guerilla function alongisde the 'Stelers and Lictors.

Page 26
In space combat the Tyranid hive fleets make extensive use of thousands of huge, floating pod-liek spores to protect the mother ships of the swarm or seed planetary systems before their approach.

Their explosive power is extraordinary, prompting speculation that they utilise a thermonuclear reaction, and they inflict considerabel damage not only from the resultant shockwave but from the impact of shell fragments hundreds of feet across. These "spore mines" also discharge an accompanying shower of virulent viruses, acids, and infectious parasites when they detonate, causing extensive secondary damage to their targets.
Tyranid spores. Notice the odd theory about "thermonuclear" reactions (in an organic being no less) but still somehow generating both a shockwave and huge bits of shranpel (nevermind living viruses, acids, and parasites) Something in me thinks "technobabble"

Page 27
The Adeptus Astartes eliminated several Genestealer outbreaks but were forceed to vapourise some of the most heavily infested 'hulks.
Marines had to vaporize several space hulks. No idea of the size or the vessels who were vaped, but this may be useful to remember in calcing other events (EG Sin of Damnation in latter editions)

Page 28
The PAtriarch is at least as intelligent as a human, and its huuman thralls allow it to infiltrate and work against human society. The Patriarch projects the psychic emanations that hold the brood together, and it is this growing signal-beacon of the brood that draws the Tyranids to vulnerable human worlds.
Role of the Patriarch in a Genestealer society, as well as the focus of the beacon the 'Nids home in on.

Page 30
Sergeant Mallion glanced back over hi shsoulder at his patrol. Behind him, chewing slowly, ,was Sanders and behind him, Jefferson."Snake" Nash, his biceps bulging as he hefted his melta gun, was fourth in line and was followed by Ersk, the patrol's communication expert. Gunner Hayes, his lasgun dog-toothed with kill markings, ,came after him and was in turn followed by the missile launcher team of Fleece and Beckett. "Sly" Manvers was next, and last in line,w alking backwards so as to be able to sweep the junglle behind them and prevent an attack from the wear, was Schwartz.
Catachan patrol with meltagun, rocket launcher, ,and lasguns as well as comms officer. Presumably vets.

PAge 31
in only a few minutes the missile launcher was reay and aimed along the pass.
Prep time on the Catachan's missile launhcer.

Page 31
Jefferson screamed and started firing wildly at the monster. Its chitinous exoskeleton deflected most of the fire and in two swift, long strides the Lictor was upon him.
Given two "strides" separation, this could be 10-20 meters distance or less.. definitely "point blank" range, and the Lictor's carapace deflecs most of the lasfire.

Page 37

Sector map is given note the following at the bottom of the map syas:
"This Sector Map indicate sonly those worlds of strategic importance or sentient populations of 100,000,000+
The lsted planets include Devlan, Moloch (mining worlds), Graia (Factory world), Triplex Phall (forge world), Thandros (Imperial System Telepathica Matrix), , Talasa Prime (Inqisition fortresS) and the Ultramarines homeworld.

Macragge (ultramarines homeworld) Sotha (Emperor's Scythes Homeworld), Salem (ecclesarirchy monastery world)

Page 37 also has the following data: "Genestealre infestation of habitable worlds in this sector is at 22% and is believed to be as high as 10% throughout the Ultima Segmentum. Successfull repression of Genestealer insurrection on infested worlds by local forces or combined action is at 54%. Exterminatus of infested worlds has reached 8%. Tyranid consumption of Genestealer infested worlds runs to 31%.

Given the "hundreds" of worlds eaten by the 'Nids, this suggests we're alking about sector-scale projections.. (8% of exterminatused worlds would be a huge chunk of a segmentum if it was at that scale) - dozens or hundreds of worlds eliminated in such a way seems likely though/

Page 38
The bio-ships of the hive fleet carry untold millions of Tyranid Warrios in frozen hibernation.
Hive fleets carry "millions" of 'Nid WArriors. Probably alot more than that unless they really do only carry a few per ship.

Page 39
Gargoyles carry deadly symbiotic weaponry; a creature that metamorphises ints bile into a liquid phosphorous compound which burns on contact with the air, this flame spurt is used to set alight enemy troops and vehicles and burn the eenmy out of defensive positions.
Gargoyles carry organic flamethrowers.

Page 40
These creatures [Termagants] are armed with a variety of different symbiote-weapons which would seem to indicate a reaosnably high level of intelligence. However, it has been postulated that the weapons themselves lend their operators the intelligence to use them effectively.
Interesting quality about the Termagant/bioweapon relationship. One wonders if it servers as targeting/sighting link too.

Page 44
As the world's ecology rebels at the harm done to it huge coriolis storms sweep across the globe, volcanoes rise and earthquakes split the ground. But it is already too late, the despoliers return to their brood ships in the sterile fastness of space and the last acts of unforgivable destruction are played out. The great hive ships drink deep of the seas and drain the very air itself into their bodies./ Even the rocky bones of the planet are laid bare as the soil is stripped away for the nutrients and bio mass it holds. Where once there was a planet capable of sustaining life ther eis nothing but a desolate, rocky sphere...
Results of Tyranoforming efforts subverting the climate and weather of a planet to their purposes, including the eventual removal of air and soil and oceans.

Page 49
The area of cleared junmgle surrounding the company's base had been posted with missile launchers, heavy bolters and the occasional lascannon.
Fixed defenses of a jungle base.

Page 49
Commissar Grissom stood amidst his Guardsmen on the battlements at the top of the ceramite and plasteel fortification and prayed for a miracle.
Catachan guardsmen with a Commissar they haven't killed.

Page 49
Striding across the scorched clear zone on crushing hooves, the elite fighters [Tyranid Warriors] of the hive mind stood over twice as tall as a man...
Height of Tyranid Warriors.

Page 50
With lightning-fast reactions he swung the boltgun up into the Termagant's jaws and fired. The creature's head exploded into a mass of torn flesh and splintered bone...
boltgun blowing up a Termagant's head.

Page 50 -worth noting that Tyranids apparently project some sort of psychic fear over their opponents (demoralizing/destablizing tactic) strong enought hat it can effect even an Imperial Commissar.

Page 50
As he ran towards the enemy, he pulled the trigger of his boltugn and immediately felt the kick of the gun's recoil in his ribs.
bolters have noticable (uncalcable though) recoil.

Page 51
This alien [Warrior] seemed to project an aura of raw hostility that grated on Randall's brain and left his limbs slack and uesless. He froze, transfixed by terror, and that was his downfall.

More of the Tyranid fear effect. Can help offset the obvous flaws in human wave attacks.
..the symbiote Spinefist launched a salvo of toxin-coated, needle-like projectiles at the commander. The spines burst through his flak armour, impaling several major organs.
SPinefist projectiles cn easily penetrate flak armour.

Page 51
... their situation was not helped by the fact that the Guardsmen's weapons appeared to be ineffectual against the aliens. Here a Lictor was protected from the soldiers' bullets by its hardened carapace, there a Tyranid's wounds knitted together as it regenerated before hte petrified Guardsmen's eyes.
'Nids both being bullet proof and fast healing.

Page 52
The blades [of a bonesword] are alive and slowly grow in size. If damaged, they are capable of repairing themselves over time. The hilt is formed by the hard, chitinous exo-skeleton of the bio-construct. The creature's small brain is protected deep within the hilt. It is incapable of independent thought but is able to generate a powerful surge of psychic energy when stimulated by the user. The psychic energy flows along the nerve tendrils embedded within the blade, causing a field effect rather like a psykers' forcee weapon.
Boneswords are thus a bit like power/force weapons.

Page 54
These [deathspitter ammo] creatures have a chitinous shell and a fiery metabolism based upon their highly corrosive and volatile vital fluids.


There it splatters over the target and kils its victim with a combination of velocity, poison, and corrosive slime. Nearby targets may also be unfortunate enough to be splattered by gobbets of corrosive slime which eat through armor and burn flesh.
Deathspitter depiction and effects, including secondary area effects.

Page 54
Gargoyles carry a symbiote creature that metamorphises its bile into a liquid phosphorous compound which burns on contact with the air.
The gargoy's organic flamethrower described.

PAge 55
The hooks [fleshhooks] are formed out of a carbon-based chitin with a monomolecular edge, and are attached to lengths of exceptionally tough muscle fibre situated between the lictors' ribs.
Fleshooks. Again note the monoedge.

PAge 56
Then the gun [devourer] is fired, a bio-electrical shock hurls a number of these fleshworms at the target with tremendous force.
Either the bio-electric shock triggers some sort of impulse in the gun itself, or is the propulsive mechanism. Given what is known about Nid weapons it could go either way.

Page 58
The poison [VEnom Cannon] is formed into crystals which are encrusted with a metallic residue. When the weapon fires it uses an electrostatic charge to accelerate its deadly ammunition to supersonic speeds. The characteristic rapid cracking sound of a firing Venom cannon is caused by the crystal breaking the sound barrier. A target struck by the Venom cannon is either killed byh the impact and blast of electrical energy or by corrosive fragments of the poison crystals when they shatter.
Venom cannons are (highly?) supersonic.

Page 58
An electircal field around the Carnifex's claws holds the incandescent plasma ball until it is fully formed and laucnhed at its target. There have been some reports of Tyranid creatures other than Carnifexes making bio-plasma attacks.
Bioplasma attacks cna be given to other 'Nids.

Page 61
Hwoever, the Tyranid hive mind ensures that even burning Tyranids can ignore the flames and continue to move and shoot as normal.

Any Tyranid craeture that is immune to psychology either naturally or because it is within range of a Hive Tyrant or Tyranid Warrior may continue to move and fight if it is set on fire by a flamer.
Benefits of a Hive mind.

Page 61
All Tyranids are completley immune to the toxin used in these (needle rifle/pistol, shuriken shrieker ammo) weapons.


Tyranids are completley immune to the following grenade types: Choke, Hallucinogen, Scare, Toxin, and Virus.


Tyranids count as unprotected troops against both these devices (Conversion field/Photon Flash flare). They do, however, recover more quickly from the effects of th Photon flash flare.
Bioweapons and chemical attacks seem to be hard ot use against 'nids and even have great recovery against flashes and bright flares.

Page 61
It is well known that destroying the more intelligent creatures in the swarm is essential to stop a Tyranid advance. Training in recognition and fire discipline is of some help in identifying the best targets but the chaos and confusion of the battlefield make it difficult for troops to pick out their targts amidst the swarming mass of creatures. Ultimately it has proven best to direct fire at the largest Tyranids in sight and pray to the Emperor that some of them are the leaders.
The cornerstone of Tyranid killing tactics. Eg "shoot the big ones.

Page 63
The first Tyranid invasion, hive Fleet Behemoth, attacked like a chargging animal. Behemoth's attacks wee massive and direct with all the forces the Tyranids could muster being thrown ofrward regardless of the cost.


The second Tyranid invasion by Hive fleet Kraken has seen the Tyranids spreading their forcese more evenly so that they can attack over a broad front. This makes defencee extrmeely difficult because the Tyranids will exploit any weakness in the defender's line to break through and encirlce their forcecs.

In planetary conflicts the Tyranids have learned how to strike at the nervous system of the forces fighting them. They do this by infiltrating the enemy's lines and ambushing men and supplies when their guard is down. Headquarters and supply dumps are regularly attacked miles behind the front lines, reinforcements are wiped out before they reach the battle and rest camps are mercilessly ravaged.
Another breakdown on 'Nid tactics. If anything they have become more versatile in latter editions.

Page 63
..the Tyranid's strategy doesn't concecrn gaining the initiative in limited areas, ,it is all-encompassing and is enacted across the entire planet, very likely throughout the entire star system.

The total war fought by the Tyranids places immense strain on the fighting forces trying to stop them as they are constnatly under threat. After a short time fighting Tyranids, units of warriors are exhausted and their spirit is broken.
Scope of Tyranid conflicts and the problems faced in dealing with them.

Page 66
Unusually, Tyranid patterns of evolution seem to begin in the higher creatures and then cascade down, in creasing in extremity in the lesser creatures. This means that the lesser creatures are diversified into distinct sub-species, such as Hormagaunts and Gargoyle,s while the higher creatures are subjec tot changes on a more individual basis.
Breakdown of how 'nid evolution works amongst the different types of creature.

Page 66 - Biomorphic changes listed here include a Bio plasma attack (like a Canrifex), Acid blood (internal fluids are acidic to other beings), Adrenaline sack (sharpens reflexes for brief periods), Aura of Torment (psychic area which disturbs/disrupts the enemy's brain), flehs hooks, enhanced senses, Hardneed carpace, null zone, toughened exoskeleton, Venom sacks, Sharpened claws, optic membranes, Regenration. Voltage field, and a warp field

Page 67
The Creature's carapace and bony armour plates have been thickened or hardened by using molecular bonding to add layers of carbon and silicon onto it.
Interesting method to toughen a 'Nid. I wonder if other races can do that?

Page 67
The creature can unconsciously dissipate surges of hostile warp energy.
This includes psychic powers and warp weapons both.

'Nids can apparently make their own soulguards or Pariahs, or something like them at any rate.

Page 67
the creature's claws are extraordinarily long and sharp, with a monomolecular edge or a crackling field of psychic energy around them.
'Nids can make mono-edged weapons or a power weapon analogue standard.

PAge 67
The creature's metabolic rate becomes so fast that it can heal the most severe damage in a matter of moments; its wounds close and knit up only seconds after they have been inflicted.
Rapid healing in "seconds" - probably analogous to the Astartes Larraman's organ.

Page 67
The creature is surrounded by a coruscating field of electrical power that dissipates the energy of hits and overloads force fields in close proximity.,
They also add to hand to hand damage probably through electircla attacks, but is mainly interesting (to me at least) for its shield piercing and protective functions.

Page 67
The creature is protected by a psychic shield similar to the one created by a Zoanthrope.
As I speculated, other creatures can generate the zoanthrope's psychic shield if engineered to do so. (one kind of Hormagaunt evolved the ability on his own in one short story, for example.)

Page 70
However, the powers possessed by Zoanthropes are fearsome; in battle they can hurl blasts of warp energy which will vapourise metal and disintegreate flesh in an instant. Zoanthropes also protect themselves with a powerful psychic barrier which makes them almost invulnerable to enemy fire.
Again, powers of a Zoanthrope.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Second Edition Eldar Codex.. the one that pretty much set the store for everything. Thanks to Maxentius for alot of the quotes, and WR for pointing me to a useful source (as usual). This one is a bit long in coming, but Its worth it IMHO. Much more fluffy take on the Eldar. It'll be in two parts (I hope). If not, then three.

Page 5
It is impossible to say with certainty how many Craftworlds there are. They were built many millenia agoo in the great urgency and in times of unimaginable peril. The turmoil and confusion which preceded the destruction of the Eldar worlds was great. All higher government had long since ceased to operate, and it was only thanks to the heroic actions of a few far-sighted individuals that the Craftworlds were built at all.


Each Craftworld originates from one of the ancient eldar planets.


Over the centuries the Craftworld's occupants sought out other surviving Eldar amongst the far flung Exodite colonies, and even began to settle new worlds of their own. In this way the paths of Eldar and mankind met for the first time and humans became acquainted with the most ancient and enigmatic of the galaxy's living races.
Eldar then and now. We've never gotten definitive numbers on Craftworlds, but the upper limit on possible craftworlds is "one per planet." Assuming thousands, tens of thousands of Eldar planets (at least) this could mean many thousands to tens of thousands of possible Craftworlds. Hell, even if one assumes 90% were destroyed, there could be well over hundreds or thousands of Craftworlds today.

Also, in addition to the craftworlds, the Eldar have settled worlds of their own, plus the Exodite colonies. Fluff often describes such planets as providing logistical support of some kind to the craftworlds, although it does not mean that all craftworlds have planets.

Page 5
It is doubtful that more than a handful of humans have ever stepped within an Eldar Craftworld.
Mostly inquisitors, I imagine.

Page 5
No other race has ever succeeded in replicating their technology, nor have the Eldar adopted much from the "primitive" races which have inherited the glaxy.


Eldar technology is based upon psycho-technic engineering, the manipulation of matter using mental energy. The materials they use are mutile psycho-plastics which can be readily formed into solid shapes under psychometric pressure. Such material have many unusual qualities. In some respects they are more like living tissue than inert substances, growing and reacting with their enviroment in a similar way to plants.

Simple devices, including weapons like the shuriken catapults for which the Eldar are especially well known, function in the same way as the equivalent human items. Although formed from complex psycho-plastics, the completed device is a machine or component that works in a conventional manner. Of course, Eldar weapons usually store energy and use it far more efficiently than the human equivalent, but this makes little difference to their effectiveness.

The most unusual of these psycho-plastics is called wraithbone. All the Craftworlds are built upon a skeleton of wraithbone whose structure extends throughout the gigantic craft like a set of ribs. Wraithbone is an immensely resilient substance, far stronger than the strongest plasteel and more difficult to damage than adamantium. If it is damaged it will gradually repair itself, although the process can be accelerated under psychometric pressure.

A wraithbone core lies at the heart of every eldar spacecraft and most large devices. As well as providing an underlying structure the wraithbone actsa as a conduit for power and communication. In this respect the Wraithbone may be thought of as similar to the blood vessels and nervous system of a living crature, pumping life-giving energy aorund the body and also transmitting the impulses which co-ordinate the body's many functions.

Although the Eldar utilise electro-chemical energies in a minor wahy, their principle power soruces is psychic energy. Wraithbone is psycho-conductive and the wraithbone core of a Craftworld acts as a self-replenishing resivoir of power. The invasive rib-like structures carry this energy throughout the enitre length and breadth of the craft.

In a very real sense the Craftworld is a living entity, powered by psychic energy and responding in an organic way to the stimuli of psychic forces. Such power can be expended as light, heat and conventional electro-chemical impulses as need be, but most ship-board devices actually function within the psychic power grid. The Eldar refer to this grid as the infinity circuit.
Eldar technology described. mostly it is self-explanatory but certain details are worth noting.

The efficiencies are interesting to note. Eldar weapons "store/use" energy more efficiently than human counterparts, and efficiency can have a number of effects on the weapon. Take lasguns. Greater efficiency in an Eldar lasgun can impact a number of things, even if all else is equal. More efficient energy use can mean (at ssame settings) the eldar lasgun has more shots. IT could also mean that the lasgun could afford to output more damage with the same energy. Of course, other things probably are NOT equal - this system could include better cooling or simply less waste heat, which means that rate of fire could be higher, and the weapon could afford to employ higher settings than human weapons, both of which would ALSO increase damage. Other weapons like plasma guns can benefit from that as well (plasma guns in fact do compared to their Imperial counterparts.) as do shuriken weapons (The fact it relies on different propulsion principles indeed offers further efficienciy advantages.)

Second, the durability of Wriathbone vs human materials bears some examination. I have no problem accepting that its stronger, but it probably is not *dramatically* stronger. We know that Imperial ships are generally tougher than their Eldar counterparts. A fair bit of this is due to thicker hulls, but it cannot be wholly so (unless Eldar hulls are only a few inches thick) meaning that Imperial materials have a fair bit of the durability of Wraithbone.

Third: Wraithbone serves multiple functions onboard Eldar spacecraft. not only sturcutre, but power transmission systems, self repair, communications lines, etc. To an extent this is a rather useful trait, as it allows for a measure of redundancy in teh given systems, and saves internal space for other things (although being smaller and more lightly built than Imperial equivalents, this is offset some.)

The bit about eldar using electrochemical energy in minor ways may be talking about eldar phyisology itself, and that the Eldar have evolved a certain biological dependence upon the warp. The craftworld evidently does, as the Eldar tech seems to run exclusively on a hyperspace tap. Curiously, the infinity circuit seems to be part of the power system, which means that not only is the circuit the CRaftworld's "computer" system, the power available depends on the number of souls present.

Page 5
Eldar spacecraft can travel between the different Craftworlds by means of a system of what may be imagined as bridges or tunnels through warp space. These tunnels form a network which links the Craftworlds and some of the Exodite worlds together, and which supposedily extends to many other worlds throughout the galaxy. The gateways by which these tunnels are entered are not readily visible except for the main spatial gateway on every Craftworld. This takes the form of a swirling sphere of ligth and darkness held in stasis immediately astern of the craftworld.
The Webway.

Page 6
The largest and most important tunnels are big enough to carry spacecraft, though most tunnels are much smaller and lead from one Craftowlrd to another, or directly to a planet's surface. Some of them are only big enough to allow Eldar or very small vehicles to pass. Evey craftworld contains some chambers which open directly into these tunnels. Some lead to places long since abandoned or destroyed, or else inhabited by the daemons of the warp.


If a map of the network were superimposed over the galaxy it wouldn't resemble a spider's web, with the pattern radiating from a single nodal point. Instead the map would resemble an almost random pattern, with many separate nodal poitns centered upon the largest Craftworlds.

Were an observer to see such a map he would immediately see that craftworlds are not always directly connected to each other, so a traveller must often trace a route through several different craftworlds or planets in order to reach his destination. Not all routes are sufficiently loud to give acess to spacecraft, so whilst individuals might be able ot travle directly to a specific Craftowlrd or planet, a spacecraft might have to take a different route entirely, or be unable to reach that place or all. Breaks and fluctuating accessibility would make the map far from certain, whilst the loss of worlds in ages past would create dangerous dead ends.


When the Eldar go to war they travel through the tunnels of the Webway. Such journeys ar relatively fast, enabling spacefleets to move easily between the networks multiple gatways. This enables the Eldar to move swiftly to places directly connected by the Webway, but makes it extremely difficult for them to reach worlds which have no gate into the network. Eldar spacecraft can travel through the warp using their warp drives, although this is a slow and dangerous process for them. Unlike humans, the Eldar have no Navigators who can steer through wapr space. Furthermore, the daemons of the warp are attracted far more strongly to vibrant Eldar spirits than to the dull, shadowy minds of men. As a result of these factors the Eldar travel infrequently to palces that lie more than a few light years from their Webway exits.
Advantages and limits of the WEbay. Direct routes may not always be possible, meaning indirect routes (or inaccessibility) may be the result, at least not by spacecraft. On top of that, their emergence points can vary as well - on the surface of planets, in orbits close to or far from the planet, etc...

Also, its made quite clear the Eldar can travel in the warp, although it is slower due t otheir lack of Navigators (though FArseers and other strong psychics can emulate this to some extent.). Of more risk is the fact that Eldar, being so much more strongly psychic, pose much more danger from daemons (As we see from the novel Farseer.). Thus, their effective FTL warp range seems to be little better than non-navigator warp travel (A few light years) although its implied that they could travel further if they took the risk.

Page 6
Some humans have made a study of the Eldar and their history, but none have ever glimpsed the whole truth of the terrible fall and even more horrifying fate of that race. It is common knowledge that every Eldar wears upon his breast a shining gem or polished stone. This psycho-receptive crystal is called a spirit stone or waystone, and is attuned solely to the mind of its owner. Its purpose is to capture the psychic energy of the Eldar when it is released at the moment of death. As such energies carry with them a large part of the Eldar's sense of identiy, personality, and memories, it is quite right to think of this psychic energy as a spirit.

If an Eldar spirit is not captured by his spirit stone it is absorbed into the timeless depths of the warp, the shadow-realm composed of psychic force. To a human such a fate means nothing, for virtually no human mind is strong enough to retain a sense of consciousness after death - the psychic energy of th e human mind is paltry compared to that of an Eldar. Yet to an Eldar to enter the Realm of Chaos as a conscious spirit represents the ultimate horror. In the warp there is nowhere an Eldar spirit can hide from the daemons. The nemesis of the Eldar awaits to consume and enslave them for all eternity.
The waystone and its role. It is interesting to note they don't literally call it a spirit, but simply use the term as a label for the "intangible" qualities tied to the warp. Not only do the Eldar have to worry about their stronger warp presences making them great targets, but their connection to Slaanesh virtually guarantees rapid consumption.

Page 6-7
Here the wriathbone core lies exposed underfoot, and the spirit stones palced there quickly take root. The psycho-plastic wriathbone grows into a tall wraithbone tree around the spirit stone. Once the wraithbone tree begins to root the spriit is released into the infinity circuit, where it joins the spirits of all the other dead Eldar. Once he is part of the infinity circuit an eldar continues to exist forever.

his psychic energy becomes one with the Craftworld's wriathbone core, and his individual consciousness remains as a potential within the infinity circuit.

The infinity circuit is therefore far more than a power grid of energy, it is a place of refuge and eternal rest from where the dead continue to watch over the living. Indeed, it is possible for an Eldar spirit to separate itself from the spiritual mass of the wraithbone core and flow into a spirit stone put aside for that purpose. Such a spirit stone can then be placed within the robotic body of a Wraithguard or an Eldar Dreadnought, or of any psycho-technic device, imbuing its artificial form with a living intellect. The consciousness of the dead is never fully as individual or alert as that of the living, for it exists at once in the real world and the spiritual world of the warp, and moves through reality as in a dream where thought and feelings are as tangible as steel and stone.
Inifnity circuit: psychic reactor, resting place for dead Eldar, computer network repository.

Page 7
The Eldar are extremely long-lived by human standards, commonly surviving for over a thousand years before old age overtakes them. They also live at a pace and ptich of intensity many times greater than even the most talented and determined human. An Eldar's heart beats almost twice as fast as a man's, his mind processes his thougths and emotions with baffling speed, and his physical reactions are almost too fast for the human eye to follow. It is this speed and mental capability which make Eldar more diffrent from humans than physical appearances might otherwise suggest.
Differences between Eldar and humans. These differences probably are one reason Eldar are individually superior to humans.

Page 7 - Basic summar for the next two paragraphs of how hedonistic the Eldar can be with regards to sensation and experience, and therefore the necessity of paths to help avoid another Fall.

Page 7
Every Eldar chooses for himself a discipline which he then makes it his task to master. It may take many years ot successfully accomplish this, perhaps more than a single human lifetime. Each discipline is rightly called a path, and each path may necessitate further choices and specialisations.


Other paths include that of the Bonesinger, as the psycho-technicians of the Craftworlds are called, who craft wraithbone and other psycho-plastic mateirals to fashion the material artifacts of the Eldar.


Once an Eldar has mastered one path he chooses another, and in this way builds up a repertoire of abilities oer which he has complete control. An eldar may travel many different paths in his life, and the skills he learns in each path serve to enrich further accompilshments. A few Eldar may be drawn so deeply along their chosen path that they can never leave it, and instead go onto a final, ultimate dedication of mind and body.
Variety of Eldar Paths. I summarized relevant ones, but honeslty anything you think of an Eldar can do (quite possibly including porn star) probably represents a "path".

Page 8
Guardians were a tight fitting thermo-plastic armoured suit. This is called mesh armour because it consists of many thousand of tiny cells woven togehter into a resilient fabric. Under the influence of blast pressure or a gunshot the thermo-plastic cells meld together into a rigid defence, but at other times they allow free movement.
Eldar mesh armour. We saw this working in the Inquisition War novels - Draco's armor was Mesh armour, so it can apparently be quite good (Dracos could block gunfire like shotguns, up to and including bolt rounds)

Page 8
Guardian squads are led by former Aspect Warriors, those who have trodden the Warrior Path but since left it.
Eldar equivalent of sergeants, I assume.

Page 8
Unlike some of the other Eldar paths, that of the Warrior is divided into many separate ways.
Specialization, in other words.

Page 8
Although there are many different Warrior Aspects there are some which are common to all, or to most, of the largest Craftworlds. These are the Aspects of the Dire Avengers, the howling banshees, Striking Scorpions, Swooping Hawks, Fire Dragons, Dark Reapers, and Warp Spiders.
There are other aspects than the "known" ones.

Page 8
They [Dire Avengers] are the least specialised and the most tactically flexible of all the Warrior Aspects. They are also the most common, and their shrines are the largest amongst all the Craftworlds. Their ritual weapon is the shuriken catapult.
Dire avengers.

Page 8
As well as the many gods there are countless mortal heroes descended from the gods.
A bit of early Eldar mythology.

Page 9
In common with most other Aspect Wrariors Dire Avengers wear a flexible armoured suit of Aspect armour. This is fashioned form a psycho-sensitive mateiral which reacts to the movements of its wearer, moulding and reshaping itself to fit like a glove as the warrior moves and fights. The material itself is quite rigid when the warrior is still, and its surface is reactive to impact so that it stiffens even further if subjected to a blow. Some suits also include inflexible bone-like plates to protect vulnerable areas.
Dire Avenger Aspect Warrior armor. The "self shaping" bit is interetsing.. not only because of the ability it can give for rigidity and flexibility, but it could have other uses (selectively strengthen areas, for example - sort of like the Dale Brown tin man armor.)

Page 9
Their [Fire Dragon] armour is the colour of fire and flame, and they carry awesomely powerful melta-guns which spew deadly fire. Their aspect armour is thicker than that of a Dire Avenger, and has many spiny protrusions which help to make it stiffer and more resilient. This is important because the Fire Dragon's weapons have a relatively short range, so they must close with their enemies in order to dleiver a murderous blast form their melta-guns.
Fire Dragon armor is even tougher than Dire Avenger armor.

Page 9
Unlike most other Aspects the Howling Banshees are almost always female Eldar...


Their other weapon is the Banshee mask, an enclosing death's head helmet which contains a psychosonic amplifier. This device intensifies the wariror's battlecry into a howling shriek of psychic rage. By means of their Banshee masks the warriors focus their enmity, flooding the central nerovus system of their adversary with psychic energy and causing temporary paralysis.
Howling Banshees and their masks.

Page 9
Although not as swift as the Howling Banshees, the other common close fighting Aspect, the Striking Scorpions are more heavily armoured.
The Stirking Scorpions' aspect Armour is reinfroced with rigid plates that offer more protection than most other Aspects.


The mandiblaster is an extremely short-ranged weapon, useful at a distance of only a few metres or so. It is fired by means of a psychic node within the helmet.

When fired the mandiblaster dischrages a haill of tiny psycho-conductive crystals, like tiny needles only a few millimeters long. These needles can tear and lacerate exposed flesh, but this is not their principle damaging effect. The deadly sting is actually a psychokinetic laser charge which energises wht crystals and creates a tightly controlled plasma discharge.
Striking scorpion armor more heavier and protective, augmented with rigid plates. and of coures the mandiblaster.

Page 10
These minute sparkling creatures (warp spiders) can move anywhere within the Craftworld by means of the wraithbone core, melting their bodies into the infinity circuit and crystallzing at a new location. They have evloved from the psycho-plastics of which the Craftworld is made, and are therefore able to assimilate with the Eldar's physical enviroment, moving through infinity circuits much like the souls of dead Eldar.

The spiders are aggressive hunters of intrusive psychic forces, and are attracted in vast numbers to the presence of any invasive psychic entities. As the wraithbone core is supportive of psychic consciousness in a similar way to warp space, it is possiblef or it to become corrupted by the fragmented consciousness of lost human or other non-Eldar souls.

In theory at least, it would also be possible for a daemon of Chaos to find its way into the wraithbone core, although sucha thing would be immediately apparent. The tiny warp spiders ensure that this doesn't happen, hunting and estroying alien psychic fragments much as white blood cells in the human body attakc and neutralise foreign bacteria.
warp spiders role and function

Page 10
Their costumes and weaponry [Warp spiders Aspect] reflect the tiny war spiders after which they are named. By means of a compact warp generator within their armoured shell, the warriors are able to make short warp jumps, disappearing and reappearing some metres away. This enables them to make sudden and totally unexpected attacks upon their foes. Their ritual weapon is the Death Spinner, which projects deadly clouds of mono-filament wire.[/quote]

Warp Spider aspect.

Page 10
Theiir [Dark Reaper] Aspect armour is balck or a midnight shade of blue, and it incorporates interlocking plates. Because it is so mcuh heavier and more enclosing than the suits of most other Aspects, the Dark Reaper's armour offers more protection but also slows down the wearer. This effect is exacerbated by the Dark Reaper's heavy equipment, which includes a long ranged missile launcher and heavy limb supports which increase the Eldar's stability when firing. The Dark Reaper's armour also incorporates sensory and range-finding equipment, and the vanes on their helmets form part of this array. This enables the Dark Reapers to lock onto a fast moving target, and increase their already deadly accuracy still further.
Dark Reapers.. designed for sniping and handling recoil. And good protection alongside the sensory gear. Note the vanes and stuff functioning in a sensory role.

Page 10
Theor [swooping hawks] are made from vibrating feather plates and incorporate small jet motors and gravitic reaction lifters. When they fly their wings vibrate with such speed they turn into a blur of colour and emit a characteristic shrieking note.


Because of their highly mobile role their Aspect armour is not so thick as that of other Aspect Warriors, and offers less protection, but this is more than made up for by their speed and agility.


The swooping Hawk's ritual weapons consist of a laspistol and lasgun, and a special pack of grenades. These grenades are contained in a pack strapped to the warrior's leg. Grenades can be removed from the pack and thrown by hand, or dischragred directly from the pack whilst in flight, scattering lethal charges over the enemy below.
Swooping hawks - less jump infantry and more flight infantry.

Page 11
When an Eldar's mind become so tightly focused upon one thing that he can no longer make the change to another path then he is said to be lost upon the path. This is a terrible and frightening thing for all Eldar, as it is a fate which can befall any of them despite the discipline and training that they receive.

Aspect Warriors learn how ot control their warrior-selves, putting on and casting aside their warrior self as they don or discard their ritual costumes.An aspect Warrior who becomes an Exarch loses this ability to dissociate himself.


When an Aspect Warrior becomes an Exarch he adopts an armoured suit from his shrine. Each shrine preserves the suits of its dead Exarchs, often the very suits worn by the shrine's founders., These suits are usually extremely elaborate and ancient. Once put on the suit is never removed and becomes a permanant part of the Eldar, its psycho-plastic form meshing with his tissues. If slain the warrior's costume will be found empty, the body having long since been consumed within the suit itself. Exarch suits are studded with the spriit stones of all the Eldar who have worn the suit. Their spirits continue to circulate through the psycho-supportive enviroment of the suit, like a miniature version of the infinity circuit of the Craftworld. It is the presence of this spirit-pool of raw psychic energy that gives the suit and warrior (for the two are indistinguishable) their special warrior powers.


The warrior's personality flows into the spirit-pool of the suit and is conjoined with the personalities of all the other Eldar who have ever worn it. Their lives and experiences meld with his own, and his name is added to the long list that constitutes the suit's full title. As a rule it is the first Exarch whose name alone denotes the warrior within, and whose personality remains strongest within the spirit-pool. Thus an Aspect Warrior who becomes an Exarch is reborn as an ancient warrior hero. His spirit breathes life into the suit once more, and the Exarch lives again, empowered by the reinvigorated spirit-pool.


Even the smallest shrines are extensive structures with areas dedicated to training, instruction, and creemony. Each shrine has its own armoury, and its own inner sacntum where the Exarchs administer the rites of war before the altar of the Bloody-handed God.


In this way the Exarchs are the priests and guardians of the shrines, as well as armourers and instructors...


The spirit-pool of each armoured suit combines the lives and abilities of all the Eldar who have ever wrn it, a sum total of energy which far outstrips that of any ordinary Eldar.
Exarchs. The fact their armour serves as a mini infinity circuit is interestig for the implications in capabilities (and power) it provides an eldar, as well as why they would segregate otherwise valuable eldar Souls. In a way an Exarch is similar to the Avatar of Khaine, in how it works (explained later.) I wonder what happens to the body.

Page 11
A few of the most ancient Exarchs have no shrines, for they have no Craftworld to call home. They wander from world to world, instincitvely driven by war, attracted by intuitive powre to places of great danger and need.


Using the Eldar Webway they move from Craftworld ot Craftworld and from Planet to planet, following in the path of the Bloody handed God.


No-one knows exactly how many Phoenix Lords there are, for some are seen but rarely, while others disappear for millenia only ot reappear suddenly and unexpectedly. Some have undoubtably perished far way, their suits lying upon some hostile world awaiting discovery by some predestined Aspect Warrior doomed to don the armour and become the ancient hero for another cycle of his existence.

Some f the Phoenix Lords are as old as the Fall.
Phoenix Lords - Super Exarchs.

Page 12
Harlequins have no home Craftworld of their own. Instead, groups of themw ander from one Craftworld to another, appearing and disappearing often without any clue as to where they might be going. In peacetime the Harlequins weave spells of song and dance, neacting the mythic cycles of the Eldar in mime and music. When war calls they lend their strength to the might of the Warrior Aspects and Guardians.

The Harlequins travel the Webway, moving between Eldar Craftworlds as if guided from place to place by some unknown purpose.


Their travelling groups are small and rarely comprise more than a hundred individuals. Only a proportion of them are warrior Harlequins. The remainder are the young and the very old, and whose duties include fashioning costumes and operating the psycho-projectors which shift during performances. The warrior Harlequins make up what is known as the troupe, its body of warrior-troubadours.


The majority of the troup ie smade up of warriors called Chorus and Mimes who are usually referred to simply as Harlequins.
Harlequins for all intents and purposes seem to be the only factor that truly binds together Eldar society in any way.

Page 12
The Harlequins are talented performers, whose costumes enable them to adopt illusive shapes representing different characters within the Eldar mythic cycles.
rather like holofields

Page 13
Just as their acrobatic feats, strength and endurance exceed the abilities of even other Eldar, so these unique talents make them the most deadly adversaries on the battlefield. Their speed and agility is beyond imagining. In combat they hurl themselves over the heads of their foes, and leap high barriers with single bound. With a stroke of their swords they can sever head from shoulders and yet not break a stride.

Such grace and surety outmatches the most accomplished human swordsman and easily evades the clumsy brute-strength of Orks. In addition the Harlequins' holo-masks flash through visions of hroror, frightening away the weak-hearted and unnerving even the most sturdy warriors with premonitions of doom.
combat abilities of the Harlequins.

Page 13
The Webway is a labyrinth through the warp. Its tunnels lead to the Craftworlds, to the planets of the Exodites and to untold thousands of worlds thorughout the galaxy.


The Craftworld seers maintain there are many secret paths which lead through time and reality, though no living Eldar knows any such route.

The Black Library is spoken of as a Craftworld, which in form it may be, yet it is very diffrent form the other Craftworlds of the Eldar. Where the craftworlds float through the firmament of the mateiral Universe, the black Library exists only within theWebay itself.
The Eldar Webway and the Black Library.

Page 13
The Black Library houses all the Eldar's most precious knowledge, and in particular all that they have learned about the perils of Chaos.


Within its psychically locked rooms lie grimoires of dark magic, black tomes of daemonic lore, and records of countless Chaos Cults throughout the galaxy.


Of all humans only certain inquisitors of the Ordo Malleus have ever entered the confines of the Black Library, and then only in the company of Harlequins and under the closest supervision. None have ever described their experiences. These Inquisitors share a common bond with the Harlequins, for both are sworn enemies of Chaos and understand only too well the nature of the threat that faces Eldar and humanity. As the ultimate repository of arcana, the black Library serves Harlequins and Inquisitors alike, although in the case of the latter the Library may only be entered under the guiding hand of others.
Contents of the Black Library. The Harlequins don't seem to totally share the prejudieces of their Craftworld cousins, as they appear willing to share information with Inquisitors against Chaos.

Page 14
The Eldar civilisation was at its height and held dominion over a significant portion of the galaxy.


Their great minds turned as easily to art as to science. They crated many beautiful things and learned much about the universe that is nowadays forgotten. Their lives were long, and when they eventually died their spirits dissolved peacefully back into the warp to be reborn again. There were no spirit stones to contain their undying spirits in those days, nor had they any need of such things, for the warp did not then hold the dangers that it does today.


Heedlessly they plundered the precious resourcs of their marvellous minds. The Eldar had long outgrown the need for labour or simple manual agriculture. Society provided all that was required without individual effort, leaving a long life-time for the Eldar to spend satisftying their least desire. Some gave way to their most hedonistic impulses. Exotic cults sprang up all over the Eldar domains, each dedicated to a different aspect of esoteric knowledge or sensual excess. As these cults gained a tighter hold over the Eldar so their society became increasingly divided. The corruption quickly turned to wanton abandon. Gangs of sadistic killers prowled the streets in search of vitcims. No life was spared in the pursuit of pleasures both murderous and perverse.


Yet it was within the warp that the destruction of the eldar race took shape. It was here amidst the swirling psychic energy that their corruption became manifest. Within the psychic other-realm of warp space their departing spirits began to coalesce into a gestalt consciousness. Whta an unimaginably foul and sickening mind it was that the Eldar raised unknowingly in the warp. It was a shadow of themselves, of what they had become, of nobility and pride brought low by perversity and shamelessness. What the Eldar could onl realise too late was that they had created a god in their own image, a god grown immense and potent upon the rich fodder of the Eldar spirit.

Within the warp thoughts and emotions swell and grow, fed by fellow feelings utnil they achieved a consciousness of sorts. They became spirits of greater or lesser potency, and their long gestation is followed by birthing pangs which rock the warp and rupture the fabric of space. No creature of the warp was ever to be birthed that was as monstrous or powerful as the Chaos God Slaanesh, the Great Enemy and the doom of the Eldar incarnate.

For years the Edlar were riven with madness as Slaanesh dreamed in the warp.


When the time came for Slaanesh to be born into divine consciousness there was not one Eldar anywhere who did not feel the agony. With a howl of psychic power Slaanesh rose into supernatural life and cried out in his pain. A psychic implosion tore at the universe. The spirits of the Eldar were drawn form their minds and consumed as their god took his first infernal breath.


The epicentre of the psychic implosion lay within the heard of the Eldar realm. All Eldar within thousands of light years were destroyed in an instant, their spirits sucked into the wapr to feed the hungry god. Even the Craftworlds were overwhelmed as they fled, and only those furthest away from the epicentre survived. Upon the fringes of the galaxy the shockwave slew millions of Eldar Exodites, leaving only the remotest worlds largely untouched. Ina moment the Eldar had become a doomed people, reduced to a tiny remnant of refugeed scattered throughout space, knowing that their Great Enemy had been born and would pursue them for the rest of eternity.
The Eldar Fall. It's interesting to note that they held sway over a "significant portion of the galaxy", and yet the eventa apparently only occured over thousands of light years (at least as far as the Eye proper cares.)

The nature of Slaanesh's birth and how the Eldar triggered it is intereting too, as it hints at Slaanesh having a "sort of" existence even before the Fall.. albeit perhaps in a more fragmented manner.

Page 15
The psychic shockwave focused upon the Eldar mind, but millions of humans and creaturesf rom other races were destroyed too. Warp space was thrown into turmoil as a hurricane of psychic force raged and whirled for days. The fabric of space was torn aprat and the warp spilled into the material universe. A vast black hole opened and the Eldar worlds were consumed within it. Spacecraft within the warp were destroyed instnatly, and psykers of all races howled with pain and many died in madness.

The hole in space spread until it encompassed the Eldar realms of old, and reached the limits of its power. Today this rend in space is called the Eye of Terror, and is the largest zone of its kind in the entire galaxy. Here the warp and material universe overlap. Daemons bathe in the energy of the warp, whilst daemon princes and the Chaos Space Marines rule over planets turned inot hell worlds of fire and darkness.
Formation of the Eye of Terror

Page 15
Despite the almost universal corruption of the Eldar there remained some traditions, some ideas and values, that were lodged os firmly into the Eldar psyche not even ultimate degradation could erase them from the racial consciousness. This part of the spirit energy of the Eldar race could never coalesece with the Chaos God Slaanesh. This incorruptible spirit of the Eldar is represented by the most powerful of the ancient Eldar gods. Some other gods, the weakest and smallest, were drawn by the power of slaanesh and consumed. This is why the Eldar say that their gods are dead: Slaanesh destroyed them and absorbed their power.
The fate of the Eldar gods. Technically I'm not sure they could be "destroyed" but rather discorporated. they may be re-formed, but not neccearily be the same gods.

Page 15
Two Eldar gods of old survived the Fall. One was Kaela Mensha Khaine, the Bloody-handed God, the most powerful of all the Eldar deities. The Eldar maintain that Slaanesh and the Bloody-handed God fought a titanic batlte in the warp. Slaanesh proved the stronger but was not powerful enough to destroy the Eldar god ocmpletely. Instead Kaela Mensha Khaine was broken into many fragments and driven out of the warp. Each fragment supposedly came to rest within the wraithbone core of a Craftowrld, where it took root and grew into an Avatar of the Bloody-handed God.


Deep in the heart of every Craftworld is a sealed chamber. Inside, upon a smouldering throne, sits an Avatar of the Bloody handed God, a statue of immobile iron.


The skeletal structure of the Avatar's wraithbone chamber stretches throughoug the entire Craftworld, its strands connecting every part of the craft ot his throne.

As the Craftowrld prepares for war the psychically receptive wraithbone core pulses with the battle-lust of the Eldar. The Avatar begins to glow as the heat of his fiery blood is kindled.


The Avatar stirs upon his throne in response to the call to war. In their shrines the Exarchs and Aspect Warriors sense his awakening. Through the naked ribs of wriathbone a psychic roar of destruction echoes throughout the craftworld.

Summoned by that battlecry the Exarchs gather at the gates of the Avatar's throne room. They bring the young King, an Aspect Warrior chosen by the Farseers who stands naked nad unarmed, crowned with a garland of wraithtornsand painted with the blood runes of Kaela Mensha Khaine.


As the ceremony proceeds the Exarchs place an elbaorate blue mantle up on the Young King's shoulders, and fasten it in place with a golden pin. In his right hand they place the Suin Daellae - the weapon of the Avatar, whose Eldar name means the Wailing Doom. In his left hand they place the Cup of Criel, the cup brimming with hi sown blood.

As the ceremony grows more intense so the Bloody-handed God stirs into life. His uncontrollable rage permeates the writahbone core and radiates throughout the craft. Every single Eldar feels the Avatar's inhuman blood-thirst awakening in his own mind.


Into the throne room the Young King walks to his destruction, and the bronze gate closes behind him.

For several hours the furnace rumbles nad booms. The infinity circuits writhe in torment whilst unimaginable powers encoil the chambers of the Bloody handed God. At last there is an inhuman roar of agony and a psychic shock wave blows apart the bronze door of the Avatar's shrine. The Exarchs who wait outside are thrown to the floor, as a hurricane of unadulterated power rages throughout the Craftworld. Admist the torrent of power the Avatar walks from his throne into the Craftworld.

The living Avatar is an anicent god incarnate, a creature of supernatural power, rivalled only by the incalculable energies of the mightiest of daemons.


Upon his shoulders he wears the mantle of the Young King, miraculously grown many times over ot encompass his massive shoulders. His long arms are covered with blood up to the elbows. In his right hand he carries the Wailing Doom, the weapon of the Bloody Handed God that shrieks as it tastes mortal flesh.


As to the fate of the Young King, not even the Farseers will speak. Perhaps he lives on within the Bloody-handed God for all eternity, his spirit intermingling with the greater spirit that is Kaela Mensha Khaine. But maybe he is destroyed utterly, his spirit a sacrifice to the merciless Bloody-handed God.
The fate of Khaine and the creation of the Avatars. It's interesting to note how, despite being fragmented, Khiane still has a connection and influence with the Eldar, in the aspect of rage. It puts one in mind of Khorne, yet they aren't khornate, particularily in light of the fact they basically need to give forth a blood sacrifice to awaken the Avatar. The fragmentation itself is interesting.. like I said, apparently ot "destroy" a god you have to break it apart into smaller and smaller fragments until it becomes basic "components (souls?) which may then be absorbed anew.

Perhaps more interesting is the implied fate of the Young King. If its spirit "mingles" with the greater spirit of Khaine... there are two interpretations of that. One is that the Young King joins a sort of 'inifnity circuit" - which in context makes him similar to the Exarchs and Phoenix Lords who are his greatest warriors. Although in this case the Avatar would have qualities akin to a Wraithguard/Wraithlord or a Titan as well.

The second, and more ominous possibility, is that Khaine is like a daemon or other Chaos entity, and "consumes" the soul of the sacrifices, adding their souls and psychic power to his own. The Avatar in that sense would grow more powerful each time it is used. Given the other qualities of the Avatar, this seems likely. The fact that the Avatar is incarnated in a physical bu tartificial body is interesting, it reminds me of the Brass Thief from the Ravenor novels.

Page 16
Some, the more far sighted, began to openly criticize the laxity of their fellow citizesn, and to warn gainst the effects of Chaos cults.


Some decided to leave the Eldar worlds and settle new planets free of the creeping corruption. They were the ones still untainted by the touch of Choas, and by now they were few.

These Eldar are known as the Exodites. Of all the Eldar race they were uniquely far sighted.


There were some whose dire premonitions were perhaps yet another form of insanity, simply one omre conceit taken to inhuman extreemes. Others were genuine survivalists who chose exile over degradation and destruction. In an assortment of spacecraft the Exodites abandoned their homes. Many died in open space.


Many more survived. For the most part they heeaded outwards as far away from the main concentration of Eldar worlds as they could reach.


When the final cataclysm erupted most of the Exodite worlds were far from the psychic epicentre and survived. The resultant psychic implosion wiped out the rest of the Eldar race and left a gaping hole in the fabric of space, but out on the frindges of the galaxy the Exodites were safe. Many Craftworlds rode out the psychic shock wave and survived that way, but the Exodites had already reached places of safety - or else perished with the rest of their race and have been forgotten.
The Exodites and the fall.

Page 16
The Eldar that live there have learned to cultivate crops and harvest other natural resources. The psycho-plastics necessary for Eldar technology are rare and precious on these remote planets so the Exodites utilise other substances and rely upon simpler ways and physicla labour.'


Craftworlders and Exodites travel within each other's realms...


Because of this they seem wild and individualistic compared to other Eldar, more independently minded and adventurerous by far than their cousins. They can survive in this fashion bevcause they are distant from the Eye of Terror, the hole in the fabric of space which still acts as a psychic focus for the destructive influence of Slaanesh. This alone is not enough to protect them, but it is a significant factor. More importantly, the Exodite societies are more rigorous and physical than those of the Craftworlds. Where the CRaftworlds cling to the past and preserve all they can of their fallen civilisation, the Exodites have turned their backs upon ancient traditions in favour of a simpler and harder way of life. Their minds are tougher and more straightforward but not so subtle and ultimately less powerful than the Craftowrld eldar.
differences and interactions between the Exodites and Craftworld Eldar.

Page 16
The Exodites are too few to disturb the balance of nature. Their settlements are small and thinly scattered. Many are occupied only for a few months of the year, because on many worlds the Exodites are nomadic, moving with the seasons and the herds.
This would suggest Exodite world populations probably fall into the Feral world range.

Page 16
By carefully managing the herds [of dragons] the Eldar live upon them, eating their flesh and even drinking their blood, and utilising their skin to make clothing and leather. Even bones and horn have their uses, and these materials partly substitute for the psycho-plastic substances used by the Craftworld Eldar. Although this lifestyle is in many respects a primitive one, the Exodites have many advanced technologies and are familiar with all the sophisticated materials used on the Craftowlrds.
Elvish native americans?

Page 16
The Megatons are massive herbivores, slow-witted and easy to manage, although deadly if panicked or mistreated. These creatures provide most of the mateiral resources of the exodites...


A large megadon can carry a massive structure on its back, and they bear most enormous weights iwthout concern.


A stab with a lance will turn or stop a megadon without causing it any harm, but the same blow would knock the most hardy Eldar to the ground dead.

Page 17
Ork raids are a constant threat and human settlers are no respecters of Eldar territory. Amongst the most persistent foes are the human settlers of the Knight Worlds which lie closely intermingled with the planets of the Exodites. The human Knight Lords are aggressive, warlike people whose determined independence makes it impossible for even the Imperium to control them.


Their fierce war machines are a common sight on the Exodite worlds. Battles between giant war machines and valiant Eldar draogn warriors are always hard-fought and destructive. But the Eldar are capable of aggresison too. They use the Webway to reach the Knight Worlds where their raids are often so devastating that entire planets are subsequently abandoned.
Knight Worlds and Exodite worlds.. related stuff.

Page 17
The wraithbone core of eahc Craftworld acts as a repository and conductor of psychic power. It is also the ultimate refuge for the spirits of its people in death. Every Exodite world has its own equivalent to the infinity circuit which is called the world spirit. This is an immense store of psychic energy where the minds of dead Eldar are preserved forever. Exodites too wear spirit stones nad when they die they are taken beneath the earth into one of the great tribal barrows. They are laid to rest there and their spirit stones ar ebroken upon the altars of the world spirit.

Each world spirit is a complex psychic energy gird which extends over the entire planet, stretching between the tribal barrows, stone circles and standing stones. THese important places are where the spirit world and material world can interact, where the spirits of the dead can flow together, and where the living can talk to the dead if they have the power.

The stone circle and standing stones are made from psychically interactive crystal. These towering stones are gigantic spirit stones which anchor psychic power into the earth. The links between them form part of the Eldar Webway, but the paths form the Webway into the world spirits are well hidden and protected. Eldar are able to move between the craftworlds and Exodite worlds by means of the Webway. and there are paths over the Exodite worlds themselves. The most potent link in the entire world spirit network is the royal circle of the planet's king. This impressive structure consists of a system of concentric circles connected by avenunes of megalithic spirit stones. The royal circle is supported by outlying menhirs which carry power throughout the entire planet and focus the energy of the world upon that one spot.


To abandon a world is akin to abandoning the souls of your ancestors to the warp, for without constant replenishment the world spirits diminish slowly and become vulnerable. Just as the wriathbone core of a Craftowlrd can unwittingly harbour a daemonic intelligence, so the standing stones can provide egress to dameons from the wapr should the psychic paths be left unguarded. For a daemonic army to pour from the barrows and standing stones of the Exodites would be the realistation of their worst nightmare, but such things have happend in the distant past and remain an ever-present danger today.
Exodite worlds have their Infinity circuit analogue. I wonder what the power does.

Page 17
These Outcasts travel between the stars in their spacecraft. They search for Maiden Worlds to settle, and visit the Exodite worlds where they may live amongst their distant cousins.


Outcasts are common enough on the Exodite worlds, oftne seeking the patronage of one of the Eldar tribes. In return they fight alongside the tribe's warriors and, for a while at least, enjoy the freedom of mind which is impossible on the Craftworlds.


They bring skills which the Exodites value highly,a nd so are always made welcome at the courts of the tribal Eldar.
Outcasts... the Rangers I believe they are called in modern times.

Page 18
The Eldar are a psychic race, and can all manipulate psychic energy to a greater or lesser degree. Their technology is based upon psychically sensitive mateirals such as wriathbone, and many devices of an otherwise ordinary nature are operated by means of psychic triggers and controllers. The vast majority of Eldar utilise only the most natural and inborn of their psychic powers.
All eldar are psychic, as it proves the means by which devices can be operated. It's kind of the ultimate in gun safety. That said the psychic abiliites feel quite basic all told..

Page 18
An Eldar Seer controls his psychic powers by means of psycho-receptive runes. Runes ar elike keys, locking and unlocking the power of the Eldar's mind as well as safeguarding them from the perils of the warp. Different rune shapes represent different powres and states of mind. The more powerful and experienced a Seer becomes the more runes he can use.


Runes enable a Seer to draw powerf om the warp. If he draws too much power or attempts a task beyond his capability the rune will glow fiery hot and, if the Seer persists, the rune is destroyed. By using the runes to focus the raw psychic energyies of the warp, the Seer avoids serious danger. Only if he attempts to utilise a rune which he has not fully mastered is the Seer in peril of his life and spirit.

It is said that the spirits of ancient Seers flow between the Craftowrld's infinity circuit and the runes of its Seers. Thus the power of the infinity circuit lies behind the runic powers, and the spirits of the dead continue to guide the living along the Path of the Seer. This is why the Seers sometimes refer to the guiding spirits that assist them, meaning the ancient Seers whose sage advice comes to them through their runes.


If he is skillful he even may make new runes of his own and teach others how to use them. As his powers develop a Seer will usually favour some aspect of his art. Some develop their kinetic powers and use them to create living symphonies of shape and movement, they become the Eldar equivalent of artists and composters. Others learn how to use their empathic powers to heal and council, and they assume the roles of doctors and advisors. Still others learn how to fortell the future, and they beomce governors and policy maker,s whose role is to safeguard the Craftworld's future.

The reasons Eldar Seers and Farseers need runes. They're psychic circuit breakers.

Page 18
Although there are many divisions of the Path of the Seer most Seers are peaceful members of their society.


A Warlock learns the runes of battl eand how to wield the powerful Eldarforce weapon called the Withc Blade. A witch Blade wirthes and twists with living runes, and it focuses the power of the Warlock's mind into destructive energy. Of all the Seers the Warlocks are the most respected, and, except for the Farseer,s the most potent.

Warlocks are Seers who have once trodden the Path of the Warrior. It is their previous experience as warriors that enables them to control their destructive impulses in battle. The enclosing helmets that are worn by Warlocks are kept in the shrines of the Warrior Aspects. A Warlock can only don his warrior-seer self by returning to his old shrine and receiving the helmet form an Exarch as part of the blood ritual of the Aspect Warrior.


Few psykers of other races can equal the power of an Eldar Warlock or match them in battle/ The Warlocks are one of the reasons that the Eldar armies are so successful, and why other races rarely antagonise them.
Obivously only the batlte variants of seers are mentioned. Warlocks, like Sees, need a psychic focus/

Page 18
Just as warriors who are trapped on the Warrior Path become Exarchs, so Seers hwo are unable to leave the Witch Path become Farseers. Once an Eldar assumes the mantle of the Farseer the rest of his life is pre-determined; he can never tread any other path again.

Farseers are masters of divination. They explore the endless time streams of past and future, studying the manifold possibilities of the least decision or action. By Predicting the most likely devleopments they are able ot guide the Eldar people otwards the wisest course of action. Farseers learn the predictive runes of the eldar, the most complex and subtle of all runes because their shapes are constnatly shifting and changing with the influences of time. Farseers divine the future by casting the mystic runes upon the wraithbone floor of the Dome of Crystal Seers and intrepreting the changes int heir glowing shapes.


A Farseer can uncover the enemy's intentions or dispositions, he can calculate the likely effects of an attack made in many different places, and, to some extent, he can even influence the foturnes of war in favour of the Eldar.
Farseer Divinatory capabilities.

Page 19
The Eldar path is a system of learning and expeirence which hones the Eldar mind and temperament in a carefully controlled way. There is no single path, but actually many individual and different paths offering a variety of experiences.

..an Eldar is guided by accomplished masters an dtheir progress is carefully watched as their skills develop.
Eldar PAths.

PAge 19
Outcasts must bear the terrible burden of their heightened Eldar consciousness without the protection of the Eldar path. Set free within the universe they are dangeorusly vunlerable. Their psychically sensitive minds are a beacon to predatory daemons and in particular to the Great Enemy Slaanesh. Only Eldar of especially storng chracter can survive for long as Outacsts.

There are many kinds and degrees of Outcast.


They are not welcome aboard Craftworlds except birefly, for their minds are dangerously unbound and attract predators form the psychic realms of the warp. Daemons or other warp entitites can home in on the mind of an Outcast and lodge in the psycho-supportive enviroment of the Craftworld's wriathbone core.
Outcast/Rangers yet again. Notable this time
Last edited by Connor MacLeod on 2010-10-27 05:09pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

A bit more Codex Eldar to make this two updates (so two large and one small...

Page 19
It is not unkonwn for humans to come into contact with these adventurers, for these are the only Eldar a human is likely to meet other than on a battlefield.

The wildest of all the spacefaring Eldar become pirates and raiders. They oftne continue to trade and visit their Craftworld or the Exodite worlds whilst plundering the ships of humans, Orks and even other Eldar. They even sometimes hire out their services to alien races. The distinction between Eldar exploration fleets and priates or raiders is not always a clear cut one and many voyages of exploration soon turn into military ventures. As home and the Eldar path become increasingly remote, the naturally wild and amoral character of the Eldar re-surfaces, Eldar pirates are quick tempered and unpredictable, equally inclined to magnanimity and wanton slaughter.


Such individuals will murder on a whim, devastate whole cities without a single qualm, yet sometimes display the greatest compassion ot their defeated enemies if it pleases them to do so.
Eldar pirates.

Page 19
For years Yriel raided the nearby shipping routes. He also hired out his raiders to local plaentary lords as mercenaries, and achieved considerable success as a power broker amongst the nearby human worlds.
hired out as a merc to local lords.

Page 20
Many (outcasts) choose to accept a mission from their Seers so that they can continue to serve their people in a useful fucntion. There are many tasks which would be impossible to accomplish were it not for the existence of these Scouts. They investigate alien worlds, search for hidden or lost Webway paths, explore new Maiden Worlds, and visit known but unsettled worlds to estalbish their suitability for future settlement. Sometimes Scouts are sent to recover lost atirfacts, or to retrieve spirit stones which have been stranded far from home. The greatest need is for Scouts who simply watch and wait, keeping a close eye upon potential foes and reporting any source of danger to their Craftowrld.

Scout roles.

Page 20
Adrift from the Eldar path and without the guidance of past masters, an Eldar can drift into the waiting arms of damnation. It is all too easy for a eldar ot embrace the obscene virtues of Chaos, for Slaanesh is nothing more than a manifestation of the Eldar mind in its most wild and unconstrained form. Human morality is meaningless to the Eldar, and to the dark side of the Eldar mind all life is worthless. Cruelty and generosity are but whims of a moment. Beauty and sensuality are virutes which can e expressed in bloodshed just as easily as in song. To an unfettered Eldar mind ther eis neither sanity nor madness, but merely a wave of perfect existence fufilled by its own savage momentum.

Of all the servants of Chaos there are few as turly damned as the Eldar Chaos Champions, nor any as utterly at the mercy of their Chaos masters. THey are lost ot the Eldar race, unacknowledged and forever forgotten by their kinfoclk, their souls eternally barred from peace.
Before the formal creatio of Dark Eldar

Page 20
When the Eldar worlds were overwhelmed by the rift in time and space known as the Eye of Terror they were not destroyed. They were drawn into the warp and horribly atlered, so that they become abodes of daemons and other foul Chaos entities. These worlds still exist in this timeless limbo today, half real and half part of the warp. In rthis enviroment both daemons and mortals can survive, and the physical laws of the mateiral universe intermix with the endless possibilities of Chaos to produce hellish nightmare planets. It is impossible to imagine more vile or outlandish places, where the skies burn with fire, rivers run with blood, and mortals are driven to torment by their dameonic masters. Every world is a hell whose form is a creation of a mighty Daemon Prince, the most favoured servants of the Chaos Gods.

To the Edlar these worlds are known as the Crone Worlds. According to tradition the Crone Worlds still preserve some of the Eldar's greatest treasures despite the changes that Choas has wrought upon them. It is siad that there are worlds where Eldar still live, the descendants of Chaos worshipping Eldar of ancient times, spared or re-created by Slaanesh ot serve his evil purpose. Sometimes adventurous Eldar Outcasts visit these worlds, searching for some lost treasure or friend. They rarely return and those that do are often so badly wounded in mind and spirit that they soon seek the solace of the Infinity Circuit.
Crone Worlds in the Eye of Chaos.

Page 21
The wraithbone core of a Craftworld is a psycho-supportive enviroment where the spirits of dead Eldar continue to live in the infinict circuit. The many thousands of Eldar whose spirits form the infinity circuit exist both as a single gestalt consciousness and as many individual minds. A single consciousness can separate from the infinity circuit and enter a spirit stone, which can be placed within the shell of a machine, such as the robotic body of a Wraithguard or Dreadnought. Both wraithguard and the larger Dreadnought are psycho-tehcnical robots of humanoid shape. By inserting a spirit stone within them, they are imbued with the intellect of a long dead Eldar and are able to move and act much like living creatures.


To a spirit the the mateiral world is grey and shadowy, whislt the shape of other spirits is clear and bright. Even the thoughts and feelings of lesser races such as humans are astangible as steel and stone.

Dreadnoughts are mcuh larger and more powerful machines than Wraithguard, and only the strongest spirits cna enter and control one. A Dreadnoguth stands over twice as high as a living Eldar and is armed with potent weapons of destruction. THey tower over the battlefield like giant. Their limbs are long and spindly, but incredibly tough, and the spirit stone and animating mechanism is protected by a sturdy shell.

An Eldar army may be accompanied by several of these machines, but they cannot operate independently. Both dreadnoguths and Wraithguard are dependent upon the presence of living Eldar for their sense of purpose The mind of a living Eldar is like a bright beacon, a guidling light which enables the spirit world ot perceive the world around it.

Wraithguard are the Craftworld's last defenders, living-dead who can be awoken in times of great need. If large numbers of Wriathguard are created the infinity circuit is weakened, so it is unusual for many Wraithguard to be deployed at any one time.


Wraithguard are humanoid in shape. but their bodies are incredibly resilient. Even if they are destroyed in battle the chances are that the spirit stone will survive within its armoured shell, and can be reinstalled inside the Craftworld's infinity circuit.
Eldar Wraithguard. Given they need a controlling intelligence to guide them, they sound an awful lot like Necron warriors to me.

Page 22
The Avatar's supernatural metabolism is based on molten metal at an incredible temperature. Weapons which are heat-based are therefore useless against them. These include melta-weapons, plasma weapons, flamers and equivalent grenade and missile types.

Due to its unique natur,e the Avatar is totally unaffected by gas weapons, poisons (including Hellfire shells and toxin grenades), virus, and blinding attacks such as photon flash flares.


TheAvatar's bodyd is fashioned from burning iron and its blood is glowing magma.
Avatar of Khaine's "metabolism" and immunities are described, along with "Heat based" weapons. Plasma and melta are on the list, but it doesnt include lasguns, implying they aren't purely thermal weapons.

Page 22
Within this chamber, upon a throen of smouldering iron, sits an Avatar of the blodoy-handed god, Kaela Mensha Khaine, the old god of the Eldar now driven into fragmented exile in the material universe by slaanesh, the Bane of the Eldar.


The chambver that surrounds him is built of gleaming wraithbone whose skeletal structure stretches throughout the entire Craftworld, its strands connecting every part fto the throne of the Avatar.


When the Eldar prepare for war their thoughts and their souls are directed to their bloody purpose. The Avatar begins to glow as the heat of his fiery blood is kindled. His metal heart begins to quicken and his iron flesh begins to pulse with life. Liquid iron boils through his veins and his smouldering skin crackels and hisses like a furnace.


The Eldar Exarchs and Aspect Warriors sense the psychic vibrations beating through the wraithbone, spreading through the naked ribs of its caverns and chambers. The shrines of the Warrior Aspects begin the rituals of preparation as the battle-call of Kaela Mensha Khaine, the Bloody-handed God, fills the Eldar with an unquenchable thirst for blood.

Again, the Avatar of Khaine sounds like it has more in common with a daemon (wearing Exarch armor) than anything else.
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Last offical 2nd edition source! This comes from the 2nd edition IG codex, one of my favorite sources :D I covered this partly before, felt like covering it again.

Imperial Guard codex, 2nd edition:

Page 4
For ten thousand years the Imperium has shielded and nurtured a human million worlds.
The Imperium has had a "million" worlds minimum since the time of the Heresy. As noted previously, its difficult to believe that they can constantly and consistenly retain only a million worlds all the time, so this is likely an approximate figure, or really meaning "a million systems."

Page 4
Yet the Imperium has endured. Despite internal strife and external invasions that have destroyed human worlds and reduced others to mere remnants of their former greatness, still the greater whole, the Imperium of Man, stands defiant agianst the perils of an unknowable universe.
the vast majority of the Imperium appears to have remain unaffected by the various problems afflicting it.

Page 4
The resilience of the Imperium over its ten millenium history must be attributed to the success of its armies and fleets. These fighting forces are appropirately vast. Indeed, such is the sheer size of the Imperium and its armies, and so great is the effect of temporal displacement upon travel and communications, that it is impossible to know how large the Imperium's armies are. Even the Master of the Departmento Munitorum, the munitions and uspply division of the Administratum, has only a vague notion of the actual size, disposition and logistical requirements of the Imperial forces.
The true size of the Imperium's forces are unknown, which makes logistics a bit of a gamble.
Page 4
The Imperium includes more than a million worlds up to ninety thousand light years apart.
"more than a million worlds" and "ninety thousand LY apart." Maybe slightly larger or smaller depending on source,s ince being "ninety thousand light years apart doesnt neccesarily include the space beyond such planets, minor worlds, etc.

Page 4
Each planetary Lord is effectively master of his own forces, free to raise troops as he needs both for defence and for internal security. The equipment, styles of uiform, and modes of fighting are therefore different on each world and reflect the planet's own traditions as well as its military requirements.

On the whole the planetary Lords successfuly defend the Imperium against the constant threats of Ork marauders, pirate raiders and other insurgents but they are ill-equipped to deal with a major invisaion or a massed attack. The individual resources of a planet are insufficient to successfully wage a full-scale war. The security of the Imperium is therefore dependent upon a whole array of fighting forces, some static and others highly mobile. The planet's own forces form the bedrock of this system.
Planetary commanders and PDF.

Page 4
If an Imperial world is attacked its first recourse is to defend itself. Interplanetary ships, orbital defence fortresses, and ground troops are maintained by each planetary Lord for this purpose. If the attack is impossible to contain a psychic distress signal will be snt into the warp requesting armed support and as much information about the enemy as possible.
more PDF.

Page 4
Because of the uncertain nature of warp space and psychic communication, a message may take moments, hours, days or years to reach other worlds. This time-lag is not entirely constant or predictable, and a world close ot the source of a message will not neccesarily receive it before a world that is more distant. None-the-less, sooner or later the message willb epicked up by an Astropath somewhere.
Taking "moments" to reach another world, assuming 10-20 LY could mean a speed of few tens or hundreds of millions of Light years. If using the hundreds or thousands of LY figure sometimes mentioned, FTL speed can be considerably faster, potentially. The "hours, days, years" bit probably refers to interference, warp activity, etc.

Page 4
The first forces able to respond to a distress signal are usually spacecraft of the nearest fleet. Imperial warships can drive away attacking craft or support frendly ground forces. However, ships can do little to aid desperate ground forces.
It seems the Navy can have a fairly rapid response to assault as can the Space Marines. Makes a bit of sense, as they can perform limited ground actions as well as providing space defense. And in 40K, orbital superoirity can be a crucial element.

Page 4
If the distress signal reaches a nearby Space Marine Chapter fortress a force of Space Marines can be sent as quickly as naval vessels. All Space Marine Chpaters have their own fleets consisting of some of the fastest ships in the Imperium. Often a small force of Space Marines is enough to turn back an alilen invasion, so long as there are some other human forces left to support them. however, the Space Marine Chapters are not large: an entire Chapter may be able to field only a thousand warriors or thereabouts.
Astartes forces are fast as Navy vessels. Maybe in some cases faster given some better tech and sometimes navigators. Note that Astartes can turn back alien invasions if supported, but by themselves they can't do everything.

Page 4
Often a conflict will be simply too large, the enemy too powerful, too numerous, or too well entrenched for local forces, ships, or Space Marines to defeat. In such a case mobility counts for very little. In conflicts such as this, the really huge invasions, the wars that spread across whole star systems and decades of warp space, only the grinding steam-roller of the Imperial Guard can hope to crush the foe. The ultimate fighting machine; its task is to hold a front line that stretches across the stars, to wage war for decades or centuries if need be, to act as the bastion of the Imperium against the massed hordes arrayed against mankind.
Note that mobility is tied greatly to the overall size of the force less than its composition. That suggests "mobility" is often in context of strategic mobility if anything else. Also, the scale of the conflict involving (star systems" and "decades" of warp space (suggesting conflicts can span multiple systems, justifying astropaths with the Guard as well as planets being spread tens of LY apart.)

Page 6
The Imperial Guard is not a single army but many armies of countless millions of men and fighting machines. At any one time the Imperial Guard fight across a hundred warzones and upon ten thousand planets. Its forces may be fresh and hopeful of a quick victory, or they might be wagign wars that have been going on for centuries and claimed billions of lives. Each army and each war is unique in at least some respects.

Imperial Guard armies are amassed to take part in specific wars or campaigns and are usually recruited as close to the fighting as possible. For example, during the brief but bloody war against invading Orks on the world of Ryza, an army was reaised from worlds such as Catachan, Ulani, Barac, and Dulma'lin, all of which lie within ten thousand light years of Ryza.
IG armies number int he millions, fight across hunded warzones and 10K planets. Also IG policy is for forces to be as raised as close to planets as possible (presumably for speed and ease of logistical support.)

Page 6
Ten thousand light years can be traversed within 10-40 days by warp-capable spacecraft. By the time ships have been moved into position, munitions collected and troops assembled, the response time over this distance is in the order of between 30 and 120 days, typically about 75 days. This is the standard repsonse time for the raising of Imperial Guard armies, though for prolonged conlficts troops may be brought in from much further away.
10K LY can take 10-40 days to travel in the warp. between 91,000 and 365,000c. This is not neccesarily a lower limit or an upper limit, but perhaps the closest to an "Average" speed we have. For the kinds of ships, we don't know. Context wise makes it appear to be talking about the IG and its transporrts, which are slower than ships (Space Marines and Navy vessels were earlier noted to be roughly equally fast, Space Marines perhaps being faster.) Which means that the "averagE" speed of warships and Astartes vessel could be faster. It also kind of ignores the conditions of the warp, so even as an "average" time it probably can be aken with a grain of salt.

REsponse time is 3x longer due to assemlbing the needed troops and supplies. This is "months", although I would qualify this statement by noting that many IG responses typically aren't coherent enough that they just assemble all forces and throw them at the enemy en-masse. In all probability the Guard forces arrive piecemeal - some regiments will arrive sooner than others. Other factors like the Vagaries of the warp can make multiple transits to "coordinate" difficult if not dangerous. In that sense, the figure can be interpreted as representing the greatest length of time it takes to assemble the entire force, but coudl also arrive (in part) in less time.

Page 6
It is the speed of space travel that has shaped the way in which the Imperial Guard operates. The distribution of the fleet and settled human worlds is such that armies can be assembled only slowly. This process is too slow to guarantee the safety of any individual world at any moment. Fortunately the Imperium has other forces which can react more rapidly, such as the fleets and Space Marine Chapters. In any case, a planet's intial lines of defence are its orbital fortresses and its own Lord's troops. These defences have only to hold out long enough for an Imperial Guard army to be collected togethre and transported into position.
Again, Navy and Space Marines are faster response forces than the Guard, suggesting that these two formations move considerably faster than the transports hauling the Guard. When you add the possibility of coordinating large formations of ships with the problems of the warp, the difference can be potentially significant.

It also highlights the key nature of how the guard operates - they put enough forces into position (PDF, garrisons, etc.) to hold off the enemy for other faster forces to arrive (the Navy, Guard reserves, space marines) which in turn can (if needed) allow for a sufficiently massive force to be raised and delivered to win the fight.

Page 6
Every planetary Lord in the Imperium recruits, equips and maintains his own planetary defence forces. The number and types of troops vary tremendously from world to world. The forces of a multi-billion population hive world like Necromunda are vastly different from those of a sparsely populated forest world like Ryza. Regardless of the size of its armies, each world is obliged to make 10% of its total armed forces available for recruitment inot the Imperial Guard in any year.
PDFs can vary. 10% of all forces made available to the Guard annually. For an average figure of several million in the PDF (such as a civilised world - an oft created figure and shown in the Guard novels with thracian primaris, which has an 8 million strong PDF) means hundreds of thousands of guardsmen, while Hive worlds are routinely known to raise hundreds of millions of tropos annually (meaning a PDF that can run into the billions.)

Page 6
An army is gathered form a number of worlds, usually over a radius of no more than ten thousand light years and its theoretical size is a tenth of the entire armed forces of those worlds. In practice, planetary Lords are often called upon to provide greater forces and more frequently, especially if the immediate danger is great. On the other hand a planet which is far from any war zone may not be called upon to provide troops for many decades.
Army forces can therefore (At most) be considerded 10% of the forces within 10K light years. This could suggest, roughly speaking, an entire segmentum or so - 1/25th (approximately) fo the entire Ipmerium. Dozens of armies In other words.

Actual tithing can vary depending on various circumstances.

Page 6
Troops recruited from a world at one time are formed into a single Imperial Guard regiment. As a result there is no such thing as a typical size for a regiment. Regiments can consist of a few hundred men or hundreds of thousands, depending on the size of their Lord's armies.


Regiments continue to serve until they are disbaanded, after which their number is given to the next regiment to be recruited from theiri home world. In this way regiments acquire a degree of continuity and tradition, even though successive regiments bearing the same name and title are recruited at different times.
Regiment size, as per this source, seems to be dictated largely by the prupose and need of the forces. An example of the extreme is the Gudrunite Rifles in Eisenhorn. This differsf rom earlier sources which gave definite sizes (often 2000 to 6000). It could be that the inconsistency lies in the different sorts of tithe. Annual, regular tithes would likely need to be regulated more heavily, and require more consistent organization (such as between 2K and 6K units). Emergency/situational tithes, sucha s during a war emergency, probably allow for greater flexiblility since they're required for a single situation.

This also serves to highlight that while often formed in regiments, regiments are merely an adminsitrative unit. In practice they likely get broken up into battalions or companies or such as needed.

Page 7
Regiments join the Imperial Guard uniformed and equipped as their planetary Lord's own forces. Inevitably this means the appearance of regiments is very varied.


Regardless of their appearance almost all newly recruited troops carry the universal lasgun. This weapon is easy and cheap to manufacture and maintain, and hence ideally suited to the needs of planetary forces. Other weapons are more-or-less standard across the Imperium although individual planetary forces may favour one kind over another. The emperor's demand is ismply that troops be equipped and trained ready to fight in his armies.
This probably references a certain "minimum" levvel of equipment demanded to Guard regiments by the Munitorum - eg lasguns, flak jackets, etc. since a Lord's equippage will depend heavily on the industry on his own planet and surrounding planets/systems. This allows from variety, but also a certain consistency (EG certaint hings are always present, eg lasguns.)

Page 7
As well as providing troops a planet's Lord may be called upon to provide heavy equipment in the form of locally built tanks, artillery, troop carriers, etc. As with lighter armaments these tend to a standardised basic form across the Imperium, with only minor variations in design and build quality. Indeed, planetary Lords are obliged to provide heavy weapons of a basically standard type for the Ipmerial Guard, as well as stocks of spares, fuel processors, and logistic support as appropriate. lthough a planet's defence forces will almost certainly include locally designed vehicles, often of the most wild or specialised kind, these are almost neve recruited into the Imperial Guard because of the difficulty of maintenance and impracticality of keeping them running.
Vehicles seem to be somewhat optional, but fuel, spares, heavy weapons of certian kinds, etc seem to be requirements.
Again, availablility and resources/industrial potential dictate equipment concerns beyond certain minimums. It is probable tha tthe Munitorum (if they need to) make up any shortfalls or lacks for a given purpose from their own stockpile worlds, or from other industrial/Forge Worlds.

It also indicates that standardization and logistics is the primary, overriding trait dictating the kinds of equipment the Guard uses. It is, therefore, not so much that grav tanks do not exist for the Imperials as thy cannot be easily maintained or spares obtained, and at best would be reserved for "elite" units (The same way other gravtech like in dropships and grav chutes would be used by Drop troopers and storm troopers and other "elite" units.

Page 7
The Adepts of the Departmento Munitorium must organise the recruitment and transportation of new regiments and their supplies. Sometimes the fleet will detour to a nearby Forge World of the Adeptus Mechanicus to take on extra heavy equipment, siege machines, and super-heavy tanks as well as fuel and general munitions.
Again the AdMech seems to largely be be relegated for when the originating homeworld cannot provide the equipment and it is deemed neccessary. I also expect not every regiment gets superheavies.

Page 7
While travelling through the warp the new regiments continue to train and receive many hours of induction from the fleet's commissars. Inquisitors keep a wary eye upon the recruits for signs of psychic disturbance or daemonic possession. Equipment is checked and passed for Imperial use, or else found wanting and discarded to be replaced by more suitable items.
The training likely involves familiarization and consolidation due to new equipment and comrades and otherwise establisht he Army as a single working unit.

Page 7
Many wars are mercifully short. The sledge-hammer of the Imperial Guard comes down upon the enemy with such force that all resistance may be crushed within a matter of days. Other wars drag on year after year, decade after decade, becoming bogged down in a stalemate with no forseeable respite.

Once a war is underway it will absorb fresh Imperial Guard regiments from all over the galaxy. If victory is not swift then Departmento Munitorum will draw in regiments from beyond the normal 10 thousand light year range, including troops from worlds in the relatively peaceful Segmentae Solar and Pacificus.
Wars going beyond a decade seem to be exceptions rather than the rule.

Solar and Pacificus considered "peaceful" segmentums. Being at the Center of the Imperium and on the far end away from teh galaxy probably helps. Guardsmen can also be drawn from beyond the 10K LY range if needed (EG 13th Black Cursade)

Page 7
Once a regiment has been raised it does not normally return to its home world. If it is victorious it will be moved from one war zone to another. Casualties will inevitably reduce the size of a regiment over time. Regiments that fall below combat strength, or which lose their senior officers, are placed under the command of other regiments and effectively incorporated into them. This is very common practice in permanant war zones, so that a typical regiment may in fact consist of the remnants of many regiments, all gathered under the command of a surviving colonel.
That said, it is known for Guard forces to return to their home planets for various reasons, even to be discharged and returned to such planets. Probably depends on the status and neccessity and other factors (Guard membership may be seen as a way of indoctrinating a new planet's inhabitants towards the Imperium, and those troops are returned to boslter Imperial loyalty.)

Also, the practice of ocmbining regiments. It can also happen if a regiment loses its command structure.

Page 8
Regiments which have served for more than ten years are usually transferred form protracted war zones into armies of conquest. Not only are these the best troops but they are also the oldest, having fought gallantly for the Emperor fo ra decade or moe. Their reward is to take part in the conquest of a new world. If they are successful the entire regiment eanrs the highest honour the Imperium can bestow, the gratitude of the Emperor and the right to settle a new planet. All over the Imperium there are worlds which were originally populated in this way. Their people are the hardy descendants of victorious Imperial Guard regiments.
Guard service despite being a form of slavery seems to be regarded as a 10 year venture, although in some cases it can be longer. Such troops are then sent off and allowed to gain new territory (which only benefits the Imperium and establishes the nucleus - in theory - of loyalist members in control.)

One has to consider how the colonisation by Cadian, cAtachan, Krieg, Mordian, Valhallan, Attilan and other numerous "named" regiments affects the composition and training regime of the Imperium.

Page 8
The incorporation of abhuman regiments into the Imperial Guard is a controversial matter. Abhumans are human descended creatures such as Ratlings, Squats, and Ogryns, whose physical appearances and mental capabilities are quite different from those of their human ancestors. They represent the descendants of the first wave of human exploration inot the galaxy. Over tens of thousands of years of isolation they have evolved into creatures capable of living in high-gravity worlds, in deep space, and in all kinds of polluted or dangerous enviroments.

Today it is generally accepted that abhumans are a part of the human race and not aliens. Many thousands of years ago the Inquisition led wars of destruction against human-descended creatures which its masters deemed unworthy of full human status. When human settled worlds were discovered the Inquisition would conduct a lengthy process of DNA analysis to determine if the population was still fully human by the Inquisition's stringent standards. As a result the populations of many planets were eradicated and their worlds resettled.

In time the Imperium developed a much broader definition of humanity. Ogryns, Ratlings and Squats came to be regarded as fully human. Other individual abhuman mutations were treated with comparative toleration. However, even today the Inquisition is distrustful of these nwly evolved races and of those in the Adeptus Terra who advocate integration of newly discovered abhuman races into the Imperium of Man.

The Departmento munitorum recruits from all worlds in the Imperium regardless of human type. As a result the Imperial Guard includes Ogryns as well as Ratlings. Nowadays there are no Squat Stronghold planets in the Imperium itself, the last having seceded during the Age of Apostasy.

Over tens of thousands of years of isolation they have evolved into creatures capable of living in high-gravity worlds, in deep space, and in all kinds of polluted or dangerous enviroments.[/quote]

Abhuman regiments. Still had Squats around now.

The Imperium mellowed out over millenia and although some oppose use of abhumans, they no longer seem to wipe them out.

Page 8
The Departmento Munitorum recruits from all worlds in the Imperium regardless of human type. As a result the the Imperial Guard includes Ogryns as well as Ratlings. Nowadays there are no Squat Stronghold planets in the Imperium itself, the last having seceded during the Age of Apostasy.

Ogryns are characteristically large and tough if somewhat stupid. Their combat role tends to be as close assault troops where their bulk, determination and lack of imagination give them a considerable advantage. Ratlings, on the other hand, are too small and slight to make good troops, although they are famously good shots. Because Ogryns and Ratlings have very specific areas of competence it is quite usual to divide regiments into smalle runits which are placed under the command of other regiments in the field.
squats are outside of the Imperium, but allied (And may still integrate with the Guard.) In modern context, as noted before, they would probably be little different than other abhumans. Abhumans, despit their "lesser" status, are considered specialists like storm troopers anr Rough Riders and treated as such.

Page 8
The strategic command of the Imperial guard is provided by the Departmento Munitorum of the Administratum. This department of the Adeptus Terra forms the general staff of the Imperial Guard responsible for munitions, supply, recruitment, training, transportation and all aspects of the Imperial Guard establishment.

The chief of strategic staff of the Departmento Munitorum is the Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard, a powerful official and often one of the High Lord sof Terra. Within each of the four outlying Segmentae of the Imperium there is a seperate strategic command base alongside the fleet bases at Cypra Mundi, Bakka, Kar Duniash and Hydraphur. The fifth base is on Earth in the Segmentum Solar. each of these has its own strategic command staff and reserves. The Lord Commander of each Segmentae is in charge of all military operations iwthin his area, an awesome responsibility indeed.
The Munitorum. Hold strategic command bass in each segmentum, with its own command staff and reserves. May refernece the "munitorum" supply basses supposedly alongside each Segmentum fleet base. There are probably sector level command and reserve bases as well (much as their are sector level fleet bases.)

Page 8
Long wars lead to high rates of attrition of both men and their equipment, so that regiments gradually lose their dinsticitve appearance as their origianl gear wears out and is replaced. Regiments that have been in the field for several years may bear little resemblance to the units which left their home world. Replacement clothing may not match their original uniforms, or it may have been adapted from that of other regiments. Improvisation to suit the local conditions will undoubtably change the appearance of units, especially if the battle zone radically differs in climate or bio-type to the regiment's home world.
Again despite standardization vairations can kick in.

Page 8
"I've travelled a thosuand stars and a hundred years to conquer this damn planet - and conquer it I will!"

Lord Alberan Varn upon learning that this invasion fleet had lost 107 years in the warp and his destination Warzone Vengeance was now a smouldering Tyranid infested ruin.

time dilation at work. A thousand worlds implies thousands/10,000 or so LY distance travelled.

Page 9
Imperial Guard regiments are recruited from all over the human galaxy. Warriors from one planet speak different, sometimes unintelligible, dialects or practice strange customs which are baffling to soldiers from other worlds. These vast differences make it hard for some regimental commanders to operate closely with troops from different worlds. If colonels, captains and lieutenants are to function as part of a cohesive army they must be united in their common purpose no matter how culturally diverse their backgrounds might be.

Commissars provide the link between regimental commanders and strategic officers. Commissars have to be tough. Some regiments are composed of savage former gang fighters, or viscious barbarian, who are naturally antagonistic to authority. The colonel of such a regiment is likely to be as wild and anarchic as his men, if not more so! The loyalty of such troops must be earned and the Commissar must be prepared to demonstrate his courage in battle.

Commissars are recruited into the Departmento Munitorum from the Schola Progenium, the rigorous orphanages for families of Adepts run by the missionaries of the Adeptus Ministorum. Many serve as Storm Troopers before becoming Commissars, so they are hardly strangers to warefare. Every regiment has at least one Commissar and many large regiments who remain with the regiment while it is deployed in a war zone.

The chief task of the Commissar is to preserve the fighting spirit and loyalty of the regiment. If discipline is lax the Commissar is to reinforce it. If the regimetn's officers are incompetent or lack courage the Commissar must retran and fortify them or, failing that, allow the regiment's squads to be dispersed to other commanders. If troops are rowdy and troublesome the Commissar must keep order. A Commissar knows that the best troops are the hardest to keep in line. He embodies strength, brvery, and loyalty, and serves as the ultimate example of human courage.

Commissars are also zealots fiercely loyal to the Imperial Cult. In the Schola Progenium they are schooled to love the Emperor and desire nothing more than to serve to the best of their abilities. THey tolerate no disloyalty and remain vigilant for spies, mutants, and agents of chaos that may have infiltrated the men under their charge. They are versed in the Imperial scriptures and will frequently give readings before battle is joined. Most of all they despise the Emperor's enemies and desire nothing more than the chance to crush the foe beneath the righteous heel of Imperial might.
Problems in recruiting from differnet worlds in teh Imperium, and the Commisars. Notice this is perhaps the least-assholish description of Commisars you will ever find in 40K outside a Cain novel. Note the former storm trooper service.

Page 9
In any active war zone there are hundreds of senior commanders with thousands of personal staff. In addition there are tens of thousands of scribes, observers, and organisational officers of the Departmento Munitorum. Indeed, for every fighting man there stands behind him a virtula army of bureacrats and support personnel whose efforts keep the armies going. However, within the Imperial Guard itself there is a complex system of high ranking officers responsible for the strategic and grand tactical military operations.

These staff officers rarely take part in the fighting.


The only staff officers who regularly fight at the frotn are Commissars.
hundreds of commander and thousands of staffs.

Page 10
When the an army is assembled regiments are drawn from nearby worlds, often from many and widely different planets. The result is a conglomeration of fighting styles and uniforms rather than a single homogenous force. Once embroiled in a static war zone those differences are eroded as old equipment is raplaced and troops adopt clothing and tactics appropriate for the enviroment. The influx of reinforcements drawn from distant worlds makes the appearance of the army even more varied.

Each world in the Imperium supplies troops to the Departmento Munitorum for incorporation intot he Imperial Guard. As there are approximately a million worlds in the Imperium the variety of uniforms, fighting styles and levels of equipment cna hardly be imagined. However there are some very large planets which provide particularily vast forces, and a regiment from such a world might constitute almost an enitre army. THe proximity of some worlds to established areas of fighting also means that they contribute more significantly to the Imperial Guard than others.

The regiments described here represent a selection of the most famous and important of the Imperial Guard's forces.
More on variety of equipment. Named regiments (cadians, valhallans, etc.) all seem to be implied to be heavy contributors to the Guard.

Page 10
Only the hardiest, quickest and luckiest ever survive on a death world.

The planet's few scattered settlements are fortresses surrounded by barren bedrock where the soil has been blasted bare to provide clear lines of fire. Even so, buildings never last long on Catachan. Lichens soon take root upon any surface, secreting a potent acid which crumbles even the msot solidly constructed defences.


The people of Catachan must constnatly build and rebuild.
A few lines on the conditions of Catachan.

Page 11
It is as if the whole planet were determined to rid itself of human intrusion, just as the immune system of a human being reacts to such invasive virus.


Children learn to shoot before they can walk. Only those who can shoot fast and straight ever reach adulthood.
Catachans sound alot more like a nastier version of Cadia only more Darwinian.

Page 11
When it comes to jungle fighting the Catachan reigment has no equal and the Imperial Guard recognises their supremacy in this type of warfare.


their clothing is perfectly suited to fast-moving warfare amidst steaming jungles.
This probably means that Catachans are not only elites, but specialists.

Page 11

On several occasions the forces of Chaos have moved against CAdia and raging battles have been fought in the deeps of space, beyond the ninth planet, amongst the rings of Rouran and even on Cadia itself.
implies at least nine planets in the Cadian system./

Page 11
The most powerful fighting formations of the Cadian forces are called shock troops. THey are chosen from the fastest moving and hardest-fighting of the Cadians. As all Cadians must train in the defence forces, all the best fighters are quickly identified and inducted for further training.


Even the Space Marines that have come to destroy especialy large Chaos forces have found the Cadians impressive and powerful allies.
The Cadian Shock. Rather cool that the Space Marines seem impressed by them.

Page 11
The Cadians manufacture excellent weaponry and other military equipment. The world itself is heavily industrialised and has many large cities with highly skilled populations.

More on Cadia.

Page 12
The planet's main land masses were distributed more or less evenly, ,one centred at the northern pole and the other at the south. The equatorial regions themselves were dominated by a huge warm ocean eleven thousand miles wide.

Approximately ten thousand years ago Valhalla was struck by a comet of immense size and weight. The planet's defence lasers poured shot after shot into the comet. This did nothing more than break off several smaller fragments of what proved to be virtually solid iron. A mile-wide fragment struck the nothern continent causing massive earthquakes and destruction, but the main comet body landed in the sea.

At first the confusion and devastation made it hard to gauge the full effect of the strike. The boiling seas, clouds of vapour and pall of dust cut off the light. Temperatures plunged to freezing over the whole planet. Even more significantly, the impact had knocked the whole world from its orbit. For ten years Valhalla spun eccentrically until it finally settled some fifteen million miles further from its sun. By then the planet was a very different place indeed.
Valhalla suffered a catastrophic hit that boiled the oceans (vaporized parts of them) and basically rendered the planet uninhabitable. Says something about the survival capacity of IoM structures, at least belowground ones.
I find it hard to believe that the physical impact knocked the planet off axis without totally disrupting it. Some sort of magical aspect tot he impact (warp based) would need to be involved.
Page 12
Valhalla had become a frozen world of ice. The survivors of the disaster found themselves pushed further and further towards the equatorial oceans as glaciers engulfed the polar continents. Eventually there was no more land left, and they were forced to live upon the ice itself. Though 99% of all life had been destroyed the people struggled through, building their cities deep inside the ice, beneath the glaciers and upon the frozen ocean. What little life remained they carefully cultivated, growing nutrient slimes and algaes in vats heated by thermal stills.
Virtually all ilfe was wiped out, save that saved by the Valhallans.

Page 12
The thermal stills which rose above the ice were easy targets for the Orks, but the green-skinned creatures ignored them and battered their way through the thick plasteel shutters that protected the access tunnels to the ice cities.


By the sixth week of fighting the Orks reached the main food chamber with its hundreds of nutrient slime vats.


The scent of the bubbling green slime assailed their keen nostrils and they licked their scaly lips in anticipation.

The Orks were amongst the huge vats. These were pits hewn into the ground and filled with the sticky green algal slime. The raised sides of the pits provided cover for attacker and defender alike.
Valhallans had their own food supplies, and I find it odd the Orks were after human foodstuffs. Even if it was algae.

Page 13
The Valhallans had won the day because their stiff resistance gave their engineers time to bore and ice shaft under the cavern floor. At the vital moment the old ice burners, industrial machiens used to form the sub-glacial chambers themselves, had been allowed to burst through and run amok amongst the Orks. The intensely hot burners, carried by their own high pressure steam, had terrified the Orks. Those who did not run were badly burned or melted, and those who escaped were cut down by the vengeful Valhallans.
ice boring machinery, steam powere.d Scared te orks, but I wouldnt be surrpsied if they didnt draw inspiration.

Page 13
Though the planet of Valhalla is no longer a populous or affluent world, the Valhallans are famous throughout the galaxy.
Self explanatory.

Page 13
As a consequence, one side of Mordian is constantly burned by the fierce heat of the sun, whilst the other side lies in eternal darkness. The scorched side is lifeless and barren, a desert of splintered rock and canyons where mighty armies clashed during the Age of Apostasy many years ago.
The planet Mordian, home ot the regiments of the same name.

Page 13
Ancient and ruinous cities sprawl across the planet's dark surface. Pyramidal, multi-levelled towers reach for the sky and rise like mountains towards space. Hundreds of millions of people exist upon a land surface barely one tenth the size of Earth.

Mordian is a world that seethes with people, a crowded and dark world whose rulers, the Tetrarchs, must fight a constant battle against anarchy. Ohnly the most careful husbanding of Modrians resources keeps its massive population alive. all food, all clothing, all essential resources and supplies are strictly controlled, rationed and recycled. This enables the Mordians to survive albeit with the utmost effort and in considerable impoverishment.

Such harsh and demanding conditions naturally breed discontent. Few people relaly understand the predictament they or their planet is in. Others cre nothing for their fellow men and seek only to accure personal wealth and power regardles of consequences. In the decaying, multi-levelled cities crime is rife. Gangsters and criminal warlords rule an underworld where life is cheap and where the desperate are merely pawns to be expended as their masters please.
conditions on Mordia - hive like without being an actual hive world it seems.

Page 13

They [Mordian Iron Gurad] are the champions of the Tetrarchy of Mordian, uniformed in bright colours and fiercely loyal to their cause.


They fight a constant battle against the criminal warlords of the undercity, insane gangs of cannibals and misguided rabble-rousers who would sooner see universeal destruction than endure the sacirfice neccessary for the survival of the world.

The Iron Guard are ruthless in pursuit of their enemies. Their discipline is legendary and their training is as rigorous as possible. All who fight in the Iron Guard understand full well the horror that would engulf their world if they were to fail in their duty. Their loyalty and dtermination is all that keeps Mordian from plague, starvation, and savagery.
the Iron Guard.

Page 14
Away from the sight of saner citizens they made their incantations and called upon the Dark Gods of Chaos.


Those who cast the spell sought only personal enrichment; their lust for power knew no bounds. They would destroy the planet itself if they had to. They cared no more for its teeming millions than did the Chaos gods.
chaos comes to Mordian.

Page 14
from the Eye of Terror distorted and ugly spacecraft soared into the Mordian skies to rain fire and destruction upon the world.
Part 2 of the chaos invasion of Mordian/

Page 14
Meanwhile, the Iron Guard fought a gallant resistance agianst the daemonic assault.
Whilst lesser men fled in terror before the might of Chaos the Iron Guard stood their ground, pouring volley after volley into the enemy ranks.

When the attack began the Iron Guard was well prepared. Chaos Space Marines fell before their well disciplined fire as shot after shot struck their ranks.


Daemons and Chaos MArines advanced as one. Bloodthirsters of Khorne roared a great challenge to chill mortal blood. Keepers of Secrets stalked the battlefield, slaying those that dared to look upon them with a withering glare. Whirling Horrors skipped and chattered in an eerie blur of incandescent power. It was a terrifying sight, yet the Iron Guard held firm before the onslaught though many paid the ultimate price for their devotion.
Mordians standing up to Chaos Gods, including bloodthirsters is rather impressive. On the other hand you hav the Fall of Malvolon, where Mordians piss in terror at the sight of genestealers and Tranids. Taking down Astartes is a neat trick too, although it could be due to heavy weaponry.

Page 14
Street by street, building by building, the Iron Guard fell back into the herat of the city. Their lines drew tighter but refused to break, as attack after attack was repulsed. When losses grew too heavy to endure, or as potisions were outflanked and became untenable, the Iron Guard withdrew to another line, always preserving what they could of their men and weapons. It was a battle fought with all the tactical brilliance and discipline the best Imeprial troops could hope for.
Defensive capabilities of the Mordians.

Page 14
Greater Daemons of Nurgle strode clumsily amongst their minions, rising above them four or five times the height of a man, giants and lords of their foul kind.


Behind them were the Chaos Space Marines of that pestilential god...
Height of Greater Nurgle Daemons.

Page 15
The Iron Guard's lasguns spat a volley of death into the screaming horde. Again the lasguns cracked with a single voice, as the captains ordered shot after shot into the vile mass. From teh Tetrarchal palace came the chatter of autocannons, the angry scream of boltguns and the piercing shriek of lascannons.
Lasguns vs daemons.

Page 15
How could they imagien, as the hordes of Chaos advanced upo them,that the Chaos gods' hold upon Mordian was but a tenuous one. The spell that had brought them to mortal space and imbued the flesh of their servants with physical energy was almost spent.

From beyond the orbit of Mordian Imperial psykers had wrought a counter spell to break the hold of Chaos.
Another reason to have sanctioned psykers and astropaths on planet I imagine.

Page 15
In a devastating surprise attack, the Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines struck the planet. Thousands of virus bombs rained down on Tallarn and the people ran to the enviro-shelters deep beneath the surface. As they hid, safe from the devastating bio-infestation, the deadly coils of DNA mutated as they were programmed to do. Animals, plants, even insects died as the virus did its work, destroying the planet's eco system and leaving an empty shell.

After seven weeks of isolation the virus had run its course and the remaining people of Tallarn emerged upon the surface. They found a world covered with the acrid slime of plants and corpses not yet decayed - for the world was completely sterile, without even bacteria to aid the decomposition of its dead.
The battle of Tallarn. The virus bombs ar elargely a surface effect and the Tallarn can exist belowground. The virus lasted seven weeks, no firestorm though. The Virus bomb took out insects and even bacteria. Presumabily EXterminatus by other means could be just as thorough.

Tallarn kept belowground bunkers as a rule it seems, which is why it survived. Wonder if this is standard practice in the Imperium.

Page 15
The Iron Warriors sent their task-force to repossess the world for th eDark Gods of Chaos. From underground bunkers the Tallarn forces emerged to do battle with the invader.s Soon, reinforcements from both sides arrived, rival space fleets bringing vast armies to fight over the worthless remnants of the dead planet.

The Battle of Tallarn raged for many months and was the largest armoured conflict of the Horus Heresy. Outbreaks of viral infection from rogue DNA residue made it almost impossible for infnatry to operate outside their protective shelters. THe battle was finally decided by armies of tanks. When the fighting ended the empty, putrid wastes of Tallarn were littered with the wreckage of more than amillion shattered vehicles.
Apparently enough people survived on Tallarn to wage war.

Also note that sporadic outbreaks of mutatnt virus DNA occur. This may very well one of the reasons for the global firestorm - it burns out any residual virus as a safety measure.

Balttle for Tallarn had over a million tanks.

Page 15
..yet for all the millions that died there seemed little gained form the fight. The planet was destroyed and rendered useless for large scale habitation, industry, or agriculture. The armies of the Imperium might well have given up Tallarn had their commanders realised the extent of the devastation, but once the armies were in motion there was no going back.
Remains of Tallarn. Agriculture is understandable, but industry? They must have overcome that and the habitation limits, if Tallarn became a significant force contributer to the Guard.

Page 15
Within a thousand years of the Horus Heresy Tallarn evolved into a very different world form the prosperous planet of former times. Deserts of sulphurous sand stretched from pole to poel and all water disappeared except for a thin residue in the atmosphere. No vegetation remained on the surface exposed to the blistering, wind-blown sands. All that grew was the carefully husbanded crops of the Tallarn themselves, sheltered in their protective horticultural domes.

The surviving Tallarn now lived in domed towns or in natural caverns hollowed out in the planet's rock. Fierce winds drove the Tallarn into their shelters, corrosive sulphur storms made all travel risky, and evnetually a system of tunnels was built to facilitate travel beneath the surface.

Above their settlements the Tallarn built vapour traps ot catch water from the thin atmosphere. These tall towers still stand above their domes to this day, and all the water they use is caught by these cunning devices and channelled into subterranean holding tanks.
Modern Tallarn.

Page 16
The Eldar struck from the skies without warning or explanation. To the Tallarn it was an unwarranted act of aggression. Little could they imagine that the fate of the entire Eldar race was bound up with their strange discovery. To the Eldar there was no time for explanation or discussion.


The Tallarn fought back with characteristic ferocity. Years of living upon the burning sulphur deserts had honed them into resilient fighters. To the Eldar the deserts were an unknown quantity. Even the hardy Aspect Warriors died under the heat of the sun, whilst the Eldar Guardians fell to the lightning raids of the human fighters.
Tallarn vs Eldar.

Page 16
Division would lead to damnation, darkness, and death. With their fates so clearly predicted, the Eldar and Tallarn joined forces. Many were caught and destroyed in the early confusion, but the Chaos advance was slowed by the merciless hit and run tactics of the desert raiders. Humans led Eldar jet-bike riders into the attack, and soon the Tallarn and Eldar were able to regroup


As the daemon hordes advanced beyond the Cursus their power waned, as if they were dependent upon its proximity for their power. And so it was, for the tendrils of Chaos though long are very tenuous, and only blood-letting and victory can sustain the link between the Dark Gods and their minions.
Another case of humans and Eldar cooperating against Chaos.

Page 16
With skill and cunning hte Tallarn drew out the Chaos battle lines. Choosing their targets carefully the Tallarn launched one attack after another, always retreating before the Chaos hordes could meet their fire. It was a tactic calculated to drain the power of the horde, and it worked better than even the wily sons of the sulphur desert could have hoped.
Tallarn tactics.

Page 16
Many Eldar waystones were collected form the field, and many Tallarn taken back to their domes to surrender the water from their bodies to the hydro-tanks.
A bit more dune reference. I guess the Tallarn are also not just Space Muslims (to GW), but also a Fremen reference.

Page 17
Once the Eldar had departed in peace, and the people of both races had exchanged their promises of friendship, the Tallarn returned to the Cursus.


The Tallarn buried the Cursus beneath the sulphur sands once more and placed within its circle the mysterious devices that the Eldar had given them for that purpose. Then they sealed the surface with plascrete and turned their backs upon it.
I'm guesisng the "friendship" lasts amongst them and only one craftworld.

Page 17
Attilan regiments of Imperial Guard Rough Riders have fought all over the galaxy in many different theatres of war. On worlds thousands of light years from Attila the image of the scarred tribesman resplendant in his crude furs and bedecked with beads and rings is as familiar as it is frightening
ATtilans have fought thousands of LY away.

Page 17
In adversity a warrior will draw off some of the animal's blood and drink it to sustain himself. In this way the Attilans can live without food or water for many days, enabling them to operate deep behind enemy lines without supplies.
Benefits of Rough Riders like Attilans.

Page 18
The fighting skills of a regiment depend upon its combat experience on its home world, and, to some degree, upon the enviromental and social conditions that prevail there. Some worlds are civilised and well-ordered and their warriors wear formal uniforms and are highly trained. other worlds supply techno-barbarians who wear furs and have heavily tattooed skins, yet their warriors are fierce, courageous, and deadly as more formally trained regiments.
Discussion of the variance in types and doctrines and training of Guard units. Implies they're not all the "bayonet charging, trench warefare" lunatics usually assumed.

Page 18
When an Imperial Guard army is formed regiments are raisd from the planetary defence armies of the nearby worlds. The planetary Lords are obliged to provide a levy of troops for this purpose, so an Imperial Guard army can be recurited and ready for passage within a matter of days. More distant worlds provide reinforcements and a second wave of troops to bolster a long campaign. In this way the Imperium can muster its forces to meet almost any threat, and the longer the conflict lasts the more troops the Emperor is able to gather to his armies.
Parrt of the reason for the "10% of a PDF" tithe - it is a quick source for well equipped, well trained troops when circumstances require. note the "days" ready rather than months - this suggests there is always a certain level of "immediate" force that can be tapped and quickly transported, but bigger numbers (reinforcements and the second wave) naturally takes longer. By tithing the PDFs directly in wartime, forces could be avialab eand dispatched (up to from 10K LY away) in no more than a couple weeks. Already established garrisons, and tithing much closer to the planets almost certainly would be faster.

Page 18
Even the Imperial Guard, with its legions of machinery and fighting vehicles, has a place for mounted warriors. These are commonly called Rough Riders.

Rough Riders can subsist off the land and are able to infiltrate behind enemy lines from where they harass troop movements by means of hit and run tactics. Because they employ horses rather than machines they need neither fuel nor maintenance and, unlike machines, they cannot be traced with simple scanners. Rough Riders are recruited from worlds wher eit is usual for warrios to fight on horseback. Regiments of Rough Riders are sometimes deployed wholesale, especially where terrain is unsuitable for vehicles. However, it is more common to divide mounted regiments and allocate Rough Rider squads to fight alongside conventional infnatry regiments, thereby spreading the horesmen over a wide battlefield.
Again, benefits of Rough Riders.
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by andrewgpaul »

I can't remember if you've already covered it, but the 1st edition epic Codex Titanicus (a supplement for the Adeptus Titanicus boxed game) had the Battle of Tallarn running through it as a series of flavour stories. Ultramarines, Salamanders and Space Wolves were present, as well as at least one loyalist Titan legion.
"So you want to live on a planet?"
"No. I think I'd find it a bit small and wierd."
"Aren't they dangerous? Don't they get hit by stuff?"
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

andrewgpaul wrote:I can't remember if you've already covered it, but the 1st edition epic Codex Titanicus (a supplement for the Adeptus Titanicus boxed game) had the Battle of Tallarn running through it as a series of flavour stories. Ultramarines, Salamanders and Space Wolves were present, as well as at least one loyalist Titan legion.
Might have. I remember some of the ealrier Epic stuff (Titanicus or Space MArine) basically covering the Heresy era in lots of flavour stories. They did that alot in the earlier days. Was that the one where some big ass multi-mile starship slagged the ground beneath it, landed, and deployed Space Marines, Titans and a whole bunch of troops directly onto the planet?
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

2nd and last part of Codex Imperial Guard... and with that I am finished with the 1st and 2nd edition stuff. Well technically I have rogue Trader the RPg.. but I havent decided yet on how canonical to treat that, since its so dramatically different (alot of the very very very 1st edition stuff was) I may give it its own thread at some future date.

Page 19
Ratlings or Halflings are one of the few human decended mutant strains that are broadly tolerated within the Imperium.


They have one considerable ability as soldiers which is that they are remarkably good shots. Also their small size enables them to move stealthily in close terrain where larger troops might have difficulty. These traits mean they are ideally suited to the role of sniper, and it is in this capacity that they are recruited into the Imperial Guard.
Ratlings - space hobibts. good at marksmanship, stealth, and cooking and thievery.

page 19
..Ogryns are mutants who are tall and massive, coming from harsh cold worlds which are mostly rocky and barren. Ogryns have adapted to these conditions by increasing their bodyweight to survive the cold. They have become accustomed to long periods of starvation and protracted darkness. AS their bodies have grown bigger and tougher their mental abilities have declined so that their intelligence and mental agility is poor compared to humans.


Because Ogryns learn slowly and cannot understand complex concepts they must be carefully and patiently trained before they are useful to the Imperial Guard. Even then they are capable of only the more straightforward tasks. Fortunately, Ogryns have two qualities that make them excellent fighters: they are almost completely without fear and, once befriended, they are absolutely loyal. So childlike are they in their desire to please their masters that they will happily undergo any hardship to fufill their oders.. so long as they can remember what they were.

Page 20
Commissars are high ranking officers of the Departmento Munitorum and form part of the strategic command of the Imperial Guard. Unlike individual regiments which are levied from their home worlds when they are needed, Commissars are raised to serve the Emperor and from an early age learn the highest virtues of honour and obedience. When the Imperium calls its forces to war it is the Commissars who must supervise the levies and take responsibility for the training and recruitment of new regiments.
More Commissars.

Page 20
The Scholastica Psykana provides countless thousands of psykers for Imperial service every year. As the psychic levies are brought in to Earth aboard the Black Ships, the custodians of the Scholastica Psykana must weed out dangeorus wild psykers, the possessed and the insane.


Amongst the most powerful of these are the Astropaths whose psychic communication web knits the Imperium together. More potent but less numerous are the battle-trained Primaris psykers, or Primary psykers as they are also known.*

Their training gives them a reasonable chance of avoiding powerful psychic enemies and daemonic influence, and they will learn how to use their powers to their best effect. Not all Primaris psykers are equally powerful by any means - some are more potent than others- ubt the Imperial Guard can find use for them whatever their abilities.

On the batltefield a Primaris psyker is assigned to an officer, often to a lieutenant, so that each platoon has its own psychic support. The officer can direct the psyker's powers as the situtation necessitate,s whilst the lieutenant and his own four man Command squad can protect the vulnerable Primaris from enemy fire. In this way an Imperial Guard army is fully supported by psykers, right from platoon level up to the higher echelones of command and the colonel himself.
Imperial trained psykers, specifically the Primaris/Sanctioned psykers. Attacheda tt he officer level to comandn groups.

Page 21
The Storm Troopers are the Imperial Guard's best fighting regiment. Unlike other regiments they are recruited from all across the Imperium, and they wear a distinctive uniform which is instantly recognizable by any other Imperial Guard units. The regiment is unusually large, with as many as ten thousand men under arms at one time. However, it rarely fights in one place. Instead, individual companies or battalions of a thousand men at a time are sent to war zones to bolster the fighting strength of the Imperial Guard. In action they provide a core of ultra-trained, well-equipped squads taht can be spread amongst the other Imperial Guard regiments as needed.

Storm troopers are recruited from the orphan sons of Imperial officials from all over the galaxy. The families of men who die in the Emperor's service are looked after well by the missions of the Imperial Cult, the most famous of which are the Schola Progenium. Here young orphans are schooled to the love of the Emperor. They are shown the many ways in which they can earn the Emperor's gratitude and thereby attain the highest honour in the Imperium. They gladly embrace the demanding and unremitting regime of prayer, study, and physical training. Though hard the path is trod willingly for all know tha tthose who excel are marked for greatness.

Many of those who pass through the hands of the Schola Progenium are initiated into the Adeptus Terra. Some find their way into the Inquisition. The Ecclesiarchy welcomes the studious and the most zealous. For the natural warriors and leaders the Imperial Guard offers a place amongst the staff officer corps or the Storm Troopers. Many Commissars found the unbreakable strength of their faith in the missionary orphanages.
2nd edition Storm troopers. Didnt have Carapace or hellguns, had hotshot lasguns. Fast forward to 5th edition, the hotshot packs have come back. 10K regiments were "considered large" back then, although by what standards I have to wonder since 3rd and onwards you got "tens of thousands" in Guard regiments, and this novel mentiones regiments as powerful as hundreds of thousands strong. They're basically specialists like Attilans, Abhumans, etc.

I realize that this stuff was probably retconned well into the 2nd edition, but given how the novels tend to recycle material, its not impossible that the "storm trooper" regiments exist. Given that some "heavy infantry" regiments are also described as "storm troopers" (like the Jantine in First and Only, or possibly something like the Terrax Guard.) its certainly not implausible.)

Such "storm troopers" probably aren't neccesarily as "well equipped" as the "Glory Boys" however (but its not impossible either given Grenadiers.) And in any case, an entire regiment of 10,000 heavily armed and armoured storm troopers is a downright frightning prospect. hell another possibility is that these would be a kind of Grenadier, but having different qualities or levels of Storm trooper probably makes sense as well.

Also the good old Schola Progenium.

Page 21
Storm troopers are trained and equipped to much higher standards than other Imperial Guard regiments. Though all Imperial Guard represent the best fighting units from their planets, the unique position of the Storm Troopers gives them advantages over other troops. One of the greatest advantages is in their weaponry - although they use the standard universal lasgun and laspistol, they carry special power packs called hotshot packs.

Hotshot packs carry a much more potent charge than a standard laser power pack, with the result that a shot from a Hotshot laser is more destructive than an ordinary laser shot. These Hotshot packs are expensive and difficult to produce compared to ordinary power packs; they give fewer shots and cannot be recharged as easily or as often. Also a lasgun or laspistol that uses a hotshot pack will wear out much more quickly and must be constantly maintained and repaired if it is to work properly.

For all these reasons the Administratum has never issued hotshot packs to the Imperial Guard, thoguh Storm troopers carry hotshot packs as stnadard. They are trained to look after the weapons and can even rebuild them if neccssary, and the relatively small number of Storm Troopers makes it possible to keep enough spare power packs in reserve.
Amusingly the hot shot packs look like Ghostbuster proton packs. Again, these were replaced by Hellguns in later editions, ,though the novel fluff (and other sourcecs) have kept the concept alive in other forms (magazine-size powerpacks mainly.) as I already noted, 5th edition has resurrected the hotshot pack storm troopers (along with carapace.) OF course some novels (eG IA5) indicated that hellguns and hotshot weapons were similar.

It also does lead to an interesting speculation. We know about backpack powered "hotshot lasers" and "hellguns." Some plasma and meltaguns are also backpack powered (usually forge world figurines.) We also know from "cities of death" (something I'll cover later) that normal lasguns can be hooked up to independent power generations or power outlets for virtually infinite ammo supplies. Does this mean that "non-hotshot" backpack power sources for lasguns exist (the same way there are hotshot and "non-hotshot" magazine packs.)? If so, they might be analogus to light machine guns or SAWs in use (designed to provide suppressive fire.) We know from 3rd edition tha tthe Firedrakes seem to have a backpack lasgun source.

Page 21
Storm troopers are constantly moved from war zone to war zone and rate as among the most experienced units in the Imperial Guard. Unlike other regiments, Storm Trooper companies receive a constant influx of new recruits so they are kept up to full strength. Even new recruits are trained in the most thorough manner, and quickly absorb the battle skills practiced by their companies.
Now I do know this has changed as time passed, both in game fluffa nd in the novels. There ARE guard regiments that do receive influxes of recruits from various sources (THe vAlhallans from Valhalla in the Cain novels, whereas the Ghosts had their recruits from Vervunhive. The Vostroyans ar eknown to recruit from their homeworlds also.)

Page 23
The defender round is a special kind of auto-launcher ammunition designed to be fired from the standard vehicle mounted auto-launcher common on Imperial vehicles. It is used instead of a normal frag or blind grenade to protect vehicles when fighting at close quarters. Instead of firing three shots in a normal pattern the Frag Defender is launched straight up and explodes in a gigantic airburst above the vehicle. The full force of the explosion is directed downwards scattering shrapnel over a wide zone around the vehicle.
Flechette round.

Page 23
The Demolisher cannon is terrifyingly destructive, blasting through layers of plasteel and concrete alilke in a storm of plasma and flying debris. Originally designed to destroy bunkers and similar fortifications, the Demolisher cannon was soon found to be capable of obliterating enemy vehicles with ease. This deadly versatility makes the Leman Russ Demolisher siege tank an extremely valuable vehicle.

The Demolisher fires even larger and mroe devastating shells than a battle cannon. The secret to its great destructive energy lies in the special ammunition that it fires.

These huge shells are far heavier than the standard battle cannon ammunition. They consist of an outer layer of standard high explosive and shrapnel surrounding a chemical core. When the shell strikes its target the explosive detonates, blasting a hole in the target's armour and scattering shrapnel everywhere. At the same time, the explosion also sets off a chemical reaction which super-heats the second layer. This sends a plasma jet lancing through the hole blown in the armour and spreads flaming death and molten metal over a wide area, literally ripping the target apartt from the inside.


When the Demolisher cannon is fired, its massive recoil lifts the front of the tank off the ground. If it were fired on the move the whole tank would be in danger of rolling over! Because of this, the Demolisher cannon may only be fired if the vehicle remained stationary
Description of the design and capabilites of a siege tank shell whcih seem to be some sort of shaped-charge (or shaped charge like) coupled with an intial HESH charge (a tandem-charge warhead, in other words.) "plasma jet" may or may not be literal, since it is often used (incorrectly) in reference to shaped charges (but is not literally plasma. Nevermind how often plasma is misused in 40K as it is)

The last bit is interesting as it implies very significant recoil from tank weapons - great enough to physically shift/rock the tank - even assuming the "roll over" bit isn't literal, it implies tremendous recoil far in excess of what modern tank rounds would possess. And moreover, this is a "short' ranged cannon (albeit with a heavier shell) - a standard Russ' is bound to have recoil of a simialr magnitude. It also corresponds with the other instances of tank "recoil/power" (IE necropolis and honor Guard.)

Page 24
The heavy mortar is a support version of the standard mortar used by Imperial Guard infantry regiments. The heavy mortar is simple to construct and doesn't malfunction as often as other support weapons, but its massive size means tha tit may only be mounted on vehicles. However, from the solid platform on a Griffon the crew can achieve a very high rate of fire. The main advantage of the heavy morater is the variety of shells it can fire. These (shells) have been developed from existing missile types and take advantage of the larger shell to make much more destructive versions.
Benefits of a mortar. They make various types from existing missile (or grenade) types. Which suggests krak, frag, blind, gas/virus, plasma, vortex and melta are all possible. One assumes any gun could do so (Battle cannon, EArthshakers, etc.)

Page 24
The Heavy mortar crew are equipped with a sophisticated targeting device, which enables the crew to measure ranges very accurately if they can see their target.


If the heavy mortar crew has line of sight to their target then they may opt to fire directly.

Commentary on "heavy mortar" platforms carried in a chimaera. Have fairly sophsticated (computerized?) targeting systems and ammunition derived from existing types modified to match a mortar round. "Missiles" I presume either means rockets like on the Manticore or (more probably) man portable launchers. Presumably the light mortars, basilisks, and even other tanks have similar ammunition available.

Likewise one could reasonably figure that other vehicles could employ the targeting system since hte mortar platform is largely chimaera variant. Probably would be considered a targeter anyhow.

Page 25
Instead of exploding on impact, Frag shells are timed to explode just above the ground in an airburst, scattering shrapnel over a much wider area than a normal explosion. These shells are primarily used agianst massed blocks of lightly armoured troops, or for taking out the crew of exposed vehicles and support weapons.
Frag shells airburst.

Page 25

Upon impact a Melta shell undergoes a sub-atomic reaciton releasing a blast of intense heat. The shell is capable of melting away vehicles and buildings, while living targets are instantly reduced to ashes. This shell is especially useful for attacking troops huddled together in defensive positions.
Description of a melta shell fired by a mortar. This gives it SIGNIFICANT anti armour capability (against tanks and the like.) Th eability to melt vehicles (including armoured ones apparently) implies double digit gigajoule outputs. This is supported by the idea of "living targets" (plural) being reduced to ashes (GJ range events in and of itself per person.) Again, demonstration of the insane amount of firepower available to conventional guard regiments.

Page 25
Inferno shells
This type of shell contains a small explosive charge, surrounded by a highly volatile concoction of phosphorous and synthesized compounds based on the chemicals used in the highly effective flamer weapons. The explosive charge detonates on impact spreading the compounds and phosphorous over a wide area. As they disperse the chemicals ignite on contact with the air creating a conflagration that melts through armour and sticsk to exposed flesh. The chemicals continue to burn and eat away at the flesh long after the initial explosion, leavin gthe victims reeling around the battlefield in intense agony.
Incendiary shell.

Page 26
The Inferno cannon is a huge flamer weapon, ,specially designed for the Hellhound armoured fire-trhower. The vast flamer weapon can send great gouts of white hot flames shooting across the battlefield. Nothing can escape from the immolation: troops in the open are reduced to ashes.
The inferno cannon can incinerate (reduce to ash) multipl etroopers, implying GJ range outputs (not surprising given the fluff capabilites of hand flamers.)

Inferno cannon, it should note, are not very effective at damaging a 'fully armoured vehicle", so vehicles in 40K are highly resistant to GJ range outputs (though a falmer isn't exactly like an energy weapon or projectile, so this is a very broad application and doesn't factor in momentum.)

Page 26
The Inferno cannon is much the same as any of the other flamer weapons, only on a much bigger scale. Incorporated within the Hellhound are massive tanks to carry the highly volatile liquid chemicals. To reduce the risk of explosion from enemy attacks, the tanks are carried inside the armoured section of the Hellhound. The fuel is then pumped up to the turret-mounted Inferno cannon, where the gunner can set the range of the blast by adjusting a valve at the end of the barrel to get the right pressure. If the valve is opened wide, teh flame will have a short range; if it is closed tight it will have a long range.
in this version of Hellhound the fuel tanks are carried internally and armored. RAnge and power can also be varied according to focus and dispersion.

Page 27
Although the Inferno cannon has little chance of damaging a fully armoured vehicle, the intense, blistering heat of the flames can affect the crew, either seeping in through open hatches or unsecured vision slits, or just baking the crew alive by turning their vehicle into a giant oven!
No idea how long this takes though.

Page 27
The Earthshaker's primary role is to sit behind the battle front and use its massive range to lob enemy shells on to enemy positions. However, the Earthshaker can also be used as an assault gun. With the barrel levelled for direct fire, the Earthshaker can blast holes in fortifications or be used as a close defence for the Basilisk itself, blowing enemy squads and vehicles that have broken through the Imperial Guard lines to smithereens.
Earthshaker's multi-role.

Page 27
The Eartthshaker is able to fire two shells in rapid succeession.
In earlier editions the Earthshaker had a higher ROF capability than in later editions (which would result in higher recoil, of course.) Desert Raiders mentions a rate of fire of once every few seconds for the gun.

Page 27
The Earthshaker artillery cannon fires shells of such awesome proportions that a target hit by one can literally be shaken apart. The huge Earthshaker shells smash against the target not only causing considerable damage form the shell's high explosives, but also sending shockw aves through the target. Even if the target isn't penetrated by the shell, great shards of the target's inner armour are torn away, rivets and loose equipment are sent ricochetting through the target's interior at the speed of a bullet, killing crewmen and destorying delicate machinery and vital cont
Impacts with Earthshakers have insane mass and momentum it seems, although I'm not sure where the shockwaves come from if its not from the HE. Tandem charge of some kind?

Page 28
The neelde rifle is a sniper's weapon used by Space Marines, Eldar Scouts and Ratling Snipers of the Imperial guard. The rifle fires small darts made from a deadly neuro-toxin chemical. The liquid chemical is frozen into a dart or sliver by the gun before it is fired.

Unerring accuracy is afforded by a low-powered beam of invisible laser light which drives and guides the chemical dart to its target. If the target is armoured the beam automatically pulses when the rifle is fired, punching a tiny hole which allows the toxic dart to penetrate.


The weapon may be used against any target, including vehicles, robots and buildings, in which case it is the laser rather than the toxin which does the damage.
Earlier versions of needle rifles implied some sort of laser based electrothermal propulsion (vaporizing inert mateirals to propel the round), whereas more recent editions (CF rogue Trader/Dark Heresy) implied some EM/gravitic elements to propulsion akin to Shuriken weapons. Both may be used depending on quality.

I do wonder hwo the laser can "guide" the shell, serve a targeitng purpose, and also pulse to puch a hole in the target as well without harming or affecting the round (or the round intefering with targeting.)

The laser propulsion method could be used in battle cannon I bet. It can also fire as a lasgun, suggesting that this weapon si a variant of lasweapons.

Page 28
Toxins can be tailored to affect any living creature, but no toxin exists which will affect a daemon or an Eldar Avatar. As yet no toxin has been developed which will affect Tyranids and Genestealers - although Genestealer Hybrids are affected as normal.
'Nids are reissitant to pretty mucha nything except mutagenic acids in Hellfire shells.

Page 28
The Ogryn Ripper gun is a drum fed automatic combat shtogun developed by the Imperium for issue to OGryn units. The weapon is of suitably large dimensions and is constructed as solidly as possible because Ogryns have a tendency to use their weapons as clubs. The trigger mechanism incorporates a burst limiter that prevents the firer shoting off the entire drum at once - an entertaining possibility that would appeal to Ogryns and very quickly leave them out of ammunition.

At short range the hail of low velocity shot produced by their weapon is so dense that the Ogyrns literally cannot miss.
The Ripper gun text here implies that if it didn't have the burst limiter, the gun would have a very high rate of automatic fire (a empty the drum in a few seconds.) Couple that with the raw potentail firepower of the Ripper Gun (its been implied some Ogryn can move/lift tanks, and that the Ripper guns' recoil is commensurate with that sort of strength.) We do learn from Codex Orks that Orks cannot eaisly fire ripper guns, and their weapons are insanely recoil intense.

Page 29
Field modifications are often made to vehicles, and local commanders osmetime improvise hybrid machines from spare parts. If the fighting is taking part on an Imperial planet, then the world's own locally produced fighting machines may also be available, which can take almost any form from primitive landclads to sand crawlers and ultra-fast speeders.
I bet these customization arne't approved by the AdMech. We do learn that, like in 3rd edition, the Guard will requisition forces vehciels as needed from local forces, up to and including speeders (Graviitc vehicles?)

Page 29
In all that time there have been many fundamental changes in construction and even in appearnace [of the Leman Russ MBT], but the capabilities of the vehicle have changed very little. The chief reason why designs are varied is not to improve the tank but to accomodate the use of different materials, powerplants, and repair facilities.

The armoured casing of the Leman Russ is designed to be tough, long-lasting and easy to repair. In the hands of the Imperial guard a Leman Russ might find itsel fighting in palces as different as the blistering heat of an acid waste and the moist chill of a methane swamp. It must withstand all these enviroments as well as the shells and energy blasts of the enemy. For this reason the tank's armour isn't the most sophisticated by any means, but it is practical and rugged, and easily capable of withstanding a shot from all but the most dangerous weapons.

The Leman Russ's armament can be varied considerably, but the turret-mounted battle cannon is fundamental to the design. Variations which dispense with or replace the battle cannon are usually given some other name. In addition, the Leman Russ generally carries a hull-mounted lascannon. This weapon is specificially designed for tank busting, for attacking and killing enemy machines and especially large tough targets.
Russ variants occur according to construction mateirals, powerplants and such that need to be accomdoated for. They are evidently highly customizable.

Regarding the weapons, it is interesting to note the 'Russ's laser cannon is primarily anti-tank in nature (makes sense, though) while the Battle Cannon does not seem to be specicically one or the other (it presumably can be anti-
vehicle or anti-troop depending on roles)

Page 29
Instead of a battle cannon this tank carries the shorrt ranged but highly destructive Demolisher cannon.
Demolisher is more powerful than Batlte cannon. Considering size of shell and explosive payload this is not shocking.

Page 29
The Imperial Guard is a highly mechanised fighting force whose strength derives from huge reserves of artillery, tanks, and mobile weaponry.
Again, this does not sound like the sort of "bayonet charge n' trench warfare" types the Guard is typically portrayed (or misrepresented) as. They evidently DO have some concept of mobility and manuver warfare. (or at least some regiments do. Like the Narmenians and PArdus, or the force General Xarius' commanded in "Crimson Tears." the Algothi Jannisaries.)

Page 30
The Chimaera is the Imperial Guard's most numerous armoued troop carrier and infantry support vehicle. It can carry a full squad and one further man plus its own crew. In fast moving battles the Chimaera can transport its infantry squad many miles. This mobility is essential for the fast moving warfare that typifies the Imperial Guard attack, but is less useful in urban fighting and static defense.

The other role of the Chimera is to provide close support for infantry. Its turret-mounted multi-laser is capable of cutting a swathe through enemy troops and reducing light vehicles like warbikes and buggies to blazing wrekcage.

For massed tank attacks the Chimeras act as support vehicles for the heavier Leman Russ, often fighting ahead of the main battle lines or on the flanks, or side-by-side with the battle tanks adding their weight to the formation's massed firepower.
Note the distinction between "fast moving warfare" on the offense versus the "urban fighting or static defense." Naturally there ARE cases when the Imperium does the "static warfare" thing, but more often than not those are from fixed (and shielded) defenses that must be held at all costs (like a hive world or a factory city or something) That does not mean (as we've seen in the novels) the concept of mobile attack or manuver warfare is completely foreign to the Guard, despite what some think.

Ultimately, the type of warfare will depend on factors such as the officer(S) in charge, the Regiment, the combat enviroment, the available resourcecs, and the enemy itself. (When your enemy makes headlong charges and is stronger and tougher than you are, such as the Orks or Tyranids static defenses cna make alot of sense. And Manuver warfare can't always help when you factor in orbital warfare or a defensive battle unless you have the support to carry it off..)

Page 30
The Chimaera chassis provides the basis for countless specialised vehicles from fuel tankers to ambulances, munitions carriers, mobile communications vehicles, recovery vehicles and even military construction vehicles like bulldozers and cranes. It is the most versatile of all the vehicles produced for the Imperial Guard and it can be adapted to take almost any power plant from sub-nuclear stacks to wood-burning steam turbines.
Yes. Nuclear-powered AND Wood powered chimaeras. Talk about versatility. The former doubtless offers considerable speed and firepower, ,while the latter probably the opposite (but useful if you run out of other fuel sourcs.)

We know of russes running plasma reactors (like the Executioners) as wlel as other forms of reactor. I also expect they may run on melta fuels.

Page 30
The Griffon armoured weapons carrier is one of the most frequently employed of these speical variants. It is tailored to provide close to medium range mobile artillery support where slower, more cumbersome might not be able to reach. Its armament is a deadly heavy mortar designed to lob shells high over the battlefield and onto concealed enemy targets.
Griffon again./ note the capacity for indirect fire.

Page 30
The basilisk is a mobile artillery platform based on the ubiquitous Chimera chassis. Of all the Imperial Guard artillery the Basilisk is the most numerous and most well known. It is fully mobile and can keep pace with the main infantry advance, and can be deployed ready for battle in a matter of moments. It is most effective when deployed en masse in a barrage of many hundreds of guns, but it has also proved its worth at lcose quarters firing over open sights.
2nd edition Basilisks emphasized mobility along with infnatry forces, with a rapid deployment time. This suggests they can perform the "fire and move" tactic quite well.

Page 30
It [hellhound] is equipped with a powerful flame-thrower which discharges a lethal self-igniting chemical. Although the range of the weapon is short, its chemical fire finds its way through every nook and crevass to reach troops sheltering behind cover or inside biuldings.

The Hellhound has a viscious reputation, and the sight of just one of these monstrous war engines, incinerating whole swathes of troops with its horrifying inferno cannon instills fear into the hears of the enemy.
Again, the ability to cremate multiple organic trooper simplies GJ range outputs for the flamethrowers. (Which does little to tanks.)

Page 30
The Sentinel is a lightly armoured one-man scout and insurgency vehicle. It is employed in a reconnaissance role and also as a close support vehicle in small actions. For its size and weight it is well armed with a deadly assault cannon, but its lack of substnatial armour makes it unsuitable for massed combat.

The sentinel is a walker type of vehicle. Its thin and cleverly articularted legs enable it to stalk quietly through dense undergrowth whilst permitting an impressive burst of speed over open territory. It walks with a strutting motion and its small, finely balanced cockpit is stabilised iwth complex gyroscopic sensors.
Gyroscopic sensors to help with the Sentinel's balance. Sensors for other purposes are not unreasonable (especialyl given that auspex are man portable)

Page 31
From the Forge Worlds poured armaments and ships to equip the Imperial Armies and carry them to new worlds.
Interesting in context of the HH novels since its sometimes implied that Mars carried the bulk of the supply and demand.

Page 31
A hundred worlds fell to him in one year, three hundred in the next, and in the third year of the campaign nearly seven hundred planets were taken by the combined forces of the fleets of the Segmentum Solar andthe Imperial Guard.

It seemed that nothing could stop Macahrius. Within five years his armies reached the old borders of the Astronomican.
Macharian crusade. Note within 3 years having conquered 700 worlds before starting ot taper off.

Page 32
The Adeptus Mechanicus long lamented the destruction of Adrantis Five whose hyper-technology kept the Imperium at bay for two years before it was destroyed in the conflagration of a re-directed comet.
Planet destroyed by the Imperium re-directing a comet (asteorids re not free, Citizen!)

Page 32
At the edge of the galaxy Macharius'' armies stood undefeated. But the long battles had taken their toll. His troops had suffered years of constant warfare and had travelled so far from home that communication and supply were no longer practical.
Years of warfare seem to be the limit of veteran guardsmen, as a rule.

Page 32
Navigation was slow without the guiding beacon of the Astronomican. The Astropaths were virtually beyond range of psychic communication.
Problems of operating beyond the range of the Imperium.

Page 32
The Macharian heresy, as this period of struggle is called, was finally ended by a Crusade in which almost a hundred Spac Marine Chapters took part. It lasted for nearly seventy years after Macharius' death, a testament to the astonishing speed and wide extent of the Lord Commander Solar's conquests.
100 Marine Chapters and 70 years needed to suppress the worlds Macharius conquered.

1000 or more worlds within 5 years or so is considered "astonishing speed" - hundreds of worlds per year average.

Page 46
An Imperial guard Artillery company usually consists of ten vehicles - three batteries of three guns each, plus a single HQ Vehicle.
Artillery company 10 vhecles, 3 batteries (or suqadrons) plus the HQ vehicle.) I assume an armoured company works the same way.

Page 51
Each Regiment is split into roughly equal sized companies usually of at least 100 Guardsmen each. The number of companies in a regiment varies from two or three to twenty or thrity depending on a variety of factors such as when it was raised, the planetary population, the number of casualites and so on.
Companies are usually divided up into three platoons, each platoons consisting of a Command squad and three other squads, which may be either squads, heavy squads, or a combination of both. Each squad may be given its own mechanized transport in the form of a Chimera. In addition, the platoon may include additional units, such as tanks, squads from other regiments, or extra squads from the original regiment. A platoon may include as many as three of these additional units, one for each of its squads as shown in the example below.
Variance in number of companies. Given 100 per company thats upw ards of 2000-3000 troops per regiment. If we go up to 400 per comapny (an oft stated high litmit) - 8,000-12,000 per regiment.

Also noting the mix and match nature of the Guard armies - depending on avaialble forces.

Page 52
The vast mechanised regiments of the Imperial Guard can contain both tanks and artillery companies. Each company generally contains three vehicle squadrons or batteries and a company HQ vehicle. Each squadron will normally contain up to three vehicles. In large conflicts these companies will fight together in devastating formations. Vehicles from tank and artillery companies are commonly detailed to fight as additional units supporting Imperial Guard platoons.
Again up to 10 vehicles per company.

- no page numbers,.. various vehicle cards plus a map. Its worth noting the Russ (normal and demolisher) the basilisk, the hellhound, Sentinel, Griffon, Chimera, etc. are all fitted with targeters for all their weapons (Exception being the Griffon and Hellhound, the latter's inferno cannon and the former's mortar not having them)

Page 65
Imperial guard eheavy weapons are crewed by a team of two men. generally speaking, one crewman carries and fires the weapon whilst the other carries and loads ammunition.


The loader is armed with the same weapon as the rest of the squad (generally a lasgun) and can shoot and fight just like any other Guardsman.)


However, if the firer is killed the loader is allowed to take over the weapon and use it from now on.
If the loader can take over the gun can't be that heavy. although it odesnt say that it can be moved..

Page 65
Weapons team crews usually carry a lasgun in addition to their heavy weaponry. However, in some cases a heavy weapon is just too large or cumbersome to allow this, and the firer will substitute his lasgun for a laspistol. Models not carrying lasgunsa re assumed to have a laspistol either in a holster or concealed under their uniforms.
Heavy weapons crews have lasguns or laspistols as backup weapons.

page 65
The Imperial guard lascannon is mounted on a sturdy carriage which is none-the-less relatively light and can be easily manoeuvred by its crew. Lascannon such as these can be hauled into position quickly, allowing them to keep apce with their squad's advance whilst larger and clumsier support weapons are left behind.


If his partner is killed, a single crewman is still able to move or fire the weapon, but, because of the weapon's size, he will not be able to run with the lascannon by himself.
Carriage mounted lascannon.

PAge 67
The role of the troopers [attached to a command squad] is to act as a bodyguard for the officer and to provide him witha mobile fire-base under his direct command.


At full strength a lieutenant would command a platoon of three full squads in addition to his four bodyguards, making 34 men in total. However, it is very likely that he will also have further troops assigned to his command. This might add as many as three more squads making six in total. These assigned troops might be squads from the reigment's other platoons that have lost their own lieutenant. Equally likely, they could be surviving squads from other regiments which have lost their own commanding officers. Lieutenants can also be assigned squads of speical troops such as Rough Riders and snipers.
34-64 troops per platoon. assuming 3 platoons per company and all infantry platoons, thats between 102 and 192 troops. With 20-30 companies thats between 2000 and 6000 troops, roughly.

Page 70
Imperial Guard armies are unimaginably vast. The co-ordination of such large forces is difficult and time consuming. Inevitably an Imperial Guard attak is unwieldy and clumsy, but once it has gained momentum it is unbeatable. Compared to the small, manoeuvrable and precise forces of Space Marines the Imperial guard is like a crude hammer blow next to a surgical incision. However, the power of that hammer blow is utterly devastating.
Again size of the forces (which can number in the millions, if not more) plus the logistics involved is what makes the Guard unwieldy (in a strategic sense.) Individual formations (Regiments, companies, etc.) can be highly mobile, however. The distinction is quite important.

And to be honest, I'm not sure you really CAN have large numbers of troops in the millions, billions, or trillions and have it be anything like fast and mobile.

Page 70
The tactics of the Imperial Guard reflect the structure of its armies and the large scale actions they are involved in. The Guard relies upon mass of firepower to overwhelm the enemy. To bolster their firepower the infantry are supported by large tank formations and artillery whose massive shells pound the enemy in preparation for the attack. Together they form a single, co-ordinated fighting machine across a battle line that might stretch for hundreds of miles and encompass more than a million men.

If there should be any doubt as to the outcome of a conflict the Imperial Guard can quickly deploy reserves to meet an enemy attack or reinforce an assault. Well behind the lines, command centres monitor the fighting and marshal reserves as they are needed. These reserve units are formed from mobile units like infantry companies in Chimeras and tanks such as the Leman Russ. Their role is to bolster defence and, more importantly, to exploit any break in the enemy lines to mount a sudden lightning-fast attack.
A bit on Gaurd tactics and doctrine relating to its size. Again in aggregate and on large scales, an army can be a large, unwieldy mass better suited to static formations or sheer momtenum, but individual elements (like reserves) can be highly mobile. It often depends on the size of the force and the role to which they are put.

Page 70
In reality this barrage would come from artillery and heavy weapons from behind the lines, with supporting fire from vehicles closer to the front or from orbiting spaceraft.
sources of artillery barrage in the IG. It includes Leman Russes as well as howitzers or mortars. Orbital support isnt unheard of during battle.

Page 71
It is common for some Command squads to include a Guardsman equpped with a powerful communications system or comm-link, as they are known. These systems are tied into the strategic command systems of the army's staff officers and enable the unit's officers to call down support from heavy weaponry behind the front lines.

Comm-link units are heavily shielded from stray electromagnetic interference and use an oscillating frequency that is almost impossible for the enemy to detect. Even if the enemy did intercept the scrambled messages it is doubtful whether they could make much sense of them without complex deciphering equipment. So efficient is this system, in fact, that the Imperial Guard has been known to fall victim to its own cleverness, confusing itself with mis-encrypted messages, misplaced or unnecessary bombardmens, and ambiguously translated orders.
Supposeldy guard Commlinks are "nigh impossible" to break, but this suggests that electronic warfare is not unknown to the Imperium (even on the ground.) We HAVE seen comlinks broken or tapped or intercepted, though. The mention of "electromagnetic interferencec" is interesting, as it suggests the Guard routinely expect battlefield conditions to include such (either non nuclear EMP like haywire, or the use of nuclear or nuclear-like weapons. Though I'm not sure if we're talking brief or persistant effects either, and few of those would be persistant.)

Page 71
The Imperial Guard has many extremely heavy or emplaced weapons able to lend their weight to the fighting. Fire may even be directed from spacecraft.
Again orbital support for an army (rather than just preliminary bombardments) aren't unheard of.

Page 84
Armageddon being a large and populous world with a substantial military recruitment base, the 4th Armageddon was a big regiment - almost an army in its own right.
Implied that the Armageddon regiment could be army sized.. potentially millions of men. Though it might be a small army (armies have numbered int eh tens and hundreds of thousands before.)

Page 84
Later he lost his left eye to a splinter shot froma laser, and had a bio-implant made that projected a pulse of laser light.
"splinter shot from a laser" - either shrapnel from a proximity hit, or some exotic laser/particle type of laser eweapon like a needler.

Page 86
By Ogryn standards [Nork] he was a genius and was said ot have been able to write his own name, count, and even speak with reasonable fluency.


After extensive training, involving artificial mental enhancement, Nork was assigned to the 2nd Catachan fighting on Balur.
Nork Deddog - smart Ogryn even before mental enhancement.

Page 86
During this time the sight of Greiss and Nork became a familiar one: The ancient bone-thin colonel bawling out his orders whilst shells burst around him and bullets ricocheted off Nork's dense skull.
Ork skull bullet resistant.

Page 86
It is not often that a hero of the Imperium survives into old age, but Nork finally retired at the age of a hundred and ten, returning to his home world of Formand VI to live out his final years as chief of his people.
Ogryns can live at least 110 years it seems, although "final years" doesnt tell us how much longer he could. Presuambly with decent helathcare and hygiene humans could live to similar ages barring rejuv and augmetics.

Page 86
His descendants still proudly display Nork's collection of medals, citations and personal gifts including the Commissar's cap given to him by Aaron Blest and which became his trademark during the Dimmamak war.
Its worth noting Nork is equipped with Carapace armor too. It makes sense Nork returned to his planet and had kids. The IG would want to, to a certain degree, selectively breed Ogryns for some intelligence (but not too much, assuming they are capable of being educated much) and loyalty.

Page 86
Luckily the ancient colonel had been thrown free of the carrier as it veered out of control. Now the Chimera perched up-ended in a drainage ditch, steam and smoke pouring from its crew compartment. The force of the explosion had pitched Greiss into a ditch on the other side of the track.
Chimera upended in a ditch.

Page 86
.. noticing with only passing curiosity the pain in his own legs where numerous shrapnel hits had penetrated his thick hide. Without a second thought he grabbed hold of the Chimera behind its rear track guards and heaved. The weighty vehicle shifted slightly. He heaved again. There was a creak of tortured metal as the carrier pivoted against the soft edge of the ditch and came to rest on its broad tracks.


The Ogryn had dragged the armoured carrier out of the ditch and twenty yards down the road.
Nork gets blasted by shrapnel and doesnt notice it aside from the pain. Is able to heft the chimera out of the ditch and pull it 20 yards.

Page 86
"I said fetch the medi-kit, not the carrier, Nork."


"Da medi-kit is in da carrier, surr."


.. and busied himself searching for the vehicle's medical supply chest.
Medkit built into carrier. Chimeras evidently cna be used to carry gear that frees up the guardsmen from carrying it.

Page 87
After the armies passed on the Inquisition declared the world 'Amundi Heretica', that is to say a world whose people were genetically contaminated. The N'go were evacuated along with genetic samples of most of the plants and animals whilst the world was cleansed with viral bombs. Later, the desert tribes were returned after swearing oaths of loyalty to the Emperor....
The "genetic contamination" came from uncontrolled psychic phenomena and daemon worship, so this probably qualifes as an exterminatus. ITs also rather nice of the Imperium to evacuate the loyalists rather than sacrifice them because they might be contaminated. Must have been a particularily humanitarian or liberal Inquisitor, cuz I can't see a hardliner doing it.

Page 88
Discipline is by necessity harsh in the Imperial guard where men are accustomed to violence. Amongst armies of so many million there are constant transgressions of military law that cannot go unpunished. While it may sometimes be prudent to turn a blind eye to a drunken brawl the same cannot be said when men turn upon and kill each other by accident or design. Such men, killers and rogues, thieves, cowards, deserters and rebels, must face the choice of death or servitude in a penal battalion.
various crimes like murder, theft, rape, etc as well as more "political" crimes (like rebellion and heresy) are punishable by death. While rape isnt mentioned here, it has been mentioned elsewher.

Page 88
The penal battalions are made up of the scum of the galaxy. They include men from many different regimens who have chosen to fight and redeem themselves in battle for crimes against their fellows. They are a savage band of desperate men: some are half-crazed with anger, others driven mad with remorese. Some want only to die in battle and forget their disgrace. Others hope that they'll get a chance to somehow avoid their fate, to break free and hide themselves away form justice.
Penal battalions. Presumably a smaller and more flexible force than a whole Legion. Still expendable.

Page 90
Mogul Kamir's bionic eye has an electromagnetic link built into his bionic arm. This combines to act as a psecial targeter.


Mogul Kamir's arm acts in unison with his special bionic eye to provide a unique guidance system. In addition the arm is tremendously powerful and can cruseh an enemy that has been gripped.
Targeter-like effect provided by special augmetics. Arm has enhanced strength (acts as impromptu powerfist minus the disruption field?)

Page 91
The Leman Russ Demolisher is a different story: the massive, turret-mounted Demolisher cannon causes such tremendous recoil when it is fired that firing on the move endangers the tank.
Again demolishers have huge recoil that can physicall rock or tip the tank. One wonders if they must be braced.,

Page 93
A Leman Russ on its own is still a formidable tank, and it can be made deadlier still with the adiditon of some upgrades...


"Reinforced armour"...


"Ablative Armour"...
special "upgrades" for the Russ. I wonder if ablative armor could include rective armor (which we know Russes can sometimes carry.)
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by andrewgpaul »

Connor MacLeod wrote:
andrewgpaul wrote:I can't remember if you've already covered it, but the 1st edition epic Codex Titanicus (a supplement for the Adeptus Titanicus boxed game) had the Battle of Tallarn running through it as a series of flavour stories. Ultramarines, Salamanders and Space Wolves were present, as well as at least one loyalist Titan legion.
Might have. I remember some of the ealrier Epic stuff (Titanicus or Space MArine) basically covering the Heresy era in lots of flavour stories. They did that alot in the earlier days. Was that the one where some big ass multi-mile starship slagged the ground beneath it, landed, and deployed Space Marines, Titans and a whole bunch of troops directly onto the planet?
That particular bit - the "Scouring of Catenanda" - was from the 1st edition Space Marine game. Codex Titanicus was a supplement book for Space Marine and [/i]Adeptus Titanicus[/i]. Among other things described in various background text pieces were a new Princeps mastering the personality of the Warlord to which he's been assigned and a Warhound Scout Princeps (this was when Warhounds had a crew of one, and Warlords a crew of five) having to scavenge parts for his MIU from an abandoned Salamanders Rhino.
"So you want to live on a planet?"
"No. I think I'd find it a bit small and wierd."
"Aren't they dangerous? Don't they get hit by stuff?"
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Connor MacLeod
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Re: 40K 1st/2nd edition misc analysis thread

Post by Connor MacLeod »

Well I'm resurrecting this thread from 2 years back or so for a very good reason. I had forgotten I had 1st edition Rogue Trader sitting on my Hard Drive. This is probably one of the oldest things I was still holding onto, as the 'analysis' went back to 2007 when I first did it. Some years ago I revisited it to 'update' and then forgot it was sitting here. Since I've mostly cleared out everything else up to this point, I decided to cover it, even though it probably is not, strictly speaking, 'canonical' - whatever that term actually means in 40K, so I'm going to post it.

Now to be fair, I don't quite hold the same nostalgia-love for RT that I know some 40K fans do (EG 'beakies', although I can share some of the obessive nostalgia for the squats), but there is a certain charm to Rogue Trader. This was before the 40K setting was truly set in stone (or rather, had stagnated to what it became.) There is a sense of the raw, unformed potential... the optimism and energy those early pioneers must have had. And yet there is a certain.. logic.. to the setting.. you can see the underlying patterns of things that would be crystallized in second edition onwards (like the nature of Chaos as outlined in the Realms of Chaos stuff). IT also has much more of the absurdity and refusal to take itself seriously coupled with the 'grimdarkness' - which actually works better than the 'grimdark but we take it seriously' of the more modern iterations. And i this source we also see the elements that lead to the creation of the setting (which was basically futurise warhammer fantasy by borrowing from STar Wars, Dune, Trek, and a bunch of other sources.)

So ultimately the value of the material and how applicable it is to 'modern' 40K will probably depend on the individual (same as usual then, given the lack of canon policy in said setting.) Enjoy it while it lasts.

Page 6
Warhammer 40,000 has been desigend around a ground scale of 1 tabletop inch = 2 metres of real distancee. Tabletop distances are expressed in inches and imperial units within the rules. "real" distances are expressed in metric measurements.


The ranges and effectiveness of weapons hav ebeen calculated from the basis of individual weapons firing a single shot or blast at a single target. Most of the rules used for historical wargames assume massed ranks of firers blasting away at a massed target. For this reason, ,the ranges and effectiveness of Warhammer 40,000 weapons may seem comparatively low, but we believe that this is reaosnably accurate, and it does give a better game.
Way back when you could use this to measure combat ranges but i doubt it applies anymore. Or maybe it does. Who knows lol. But as I said it reflect that attempt to 'make sense' of the setting. This is an important thing to note because while 40K is fantasy masquerading as science fiction, and while there is 'magic'... these guys did make a serious attempt to make the setting make some sort of internal sense. Bitch about how silly the tanks look, or how stupid (or badass) Space Marines are, but the setting is not meant to be arbitrary. 40K from the get go did not operate on 'Rule of Cool' (who decides what is 'cool' in that context anyhow?) and I do believe people devalue the setting and its roots by trying to trivialize 40K this way when they say '40K isnt supposed to make sense.' It is not a crime to use your mind or critical thinking in this, as long as you don't get mired in dogma in the process, but it can also be wrong to completely close your mind down because of preconceptions that science is inherently illogical. And sci fi fans go both ways.

Page 30
Preservation of life for its own sake is not to be commended where sacrifice offers a reasonable chancee of gain. None the less, the purposeless waste of life is equally to be avoided. The loss of trained personnel implies the loss of resources, equipment, and knowledge. A true warrior does not belittle his value as a resource, P7. THe duty of a commander is to judge what measn should be undertaken to acheive each objective. He must be aware of what is to be gained and what may be lost. A commander who places his troops in a position where he may likely lose more than he may likely gain risks more than the lives of his men. He risks far more; he risks failure. Loss is acceptable, failure is not.
Compare this with fluff from more modern codexes. :P As I've said, it sclear that while they wanted the setting to be Dystopian and grim, it wasn't all just a silly, senesless sort of grim. You have to admire the way they tried to balance the absurdity with the seriousness... its something that modern 40K does lack, and a big reason why it is unintentionally hilarious/absurd in its efforts to be 'seriously' dramatic (EG adding more skulls and death counts does not add drama.)

Page 37
Flexi-shelter. A one-man, self-supporting habitation unit, made of tough plastic. Used by military and exploration teams world-wide.
Portable shelter

Page 40
Most vehicles incorporate robotic systems that are capable of performing one or more tasks normally accomplished by driver or crew.
Auto systems. Superseded by machine spirits in most respects, but its amusing that for all the 'grimdark' about the Guard we have nowadays... the Imperials, even the Army, were pretty goddamn sophisticated by sci fi terms. They had automation and anti-gravity vehicles, after all.

Some of this sort of survives by having been ascribed to the 'Great Crusade' Era, which is what the Imperial Army was (there was no Guard in 1st.)

Page 40
Auto-drive: The Vehicle will drive itself according to a verbal instruction. Auto-drives are sophisticated, intelligent computers, and will avoid danger, take evasive action and otherwise ehave in a manner comparable to a living driver.

Auto-aim: an auto-aim unit can fire and control one mounted weapon. It is activated verbally, and will seelct appropriate targets as instrructed.

Auto-fac: This unit provides automatic facilities such as opening doors, hatches, and operating other equipment.
The thre main types of Auto systems. Nowadays you get cyborged brains and zombies to do it for you, rather than intelligent computers. In some ways I think the 'intelligent computer' ideas made more sense, as you can be more forgiving of the ignorance and superstition if there are machines to do that thinking for you. In a way its kind of like the Culture in that respect.

Besides, imagine how cool it would be if the Omnissiah was some sort of God-AI sentience, or every Forge world had some sort of AI ruling over it :P

PAge 40
All auto-units can relay information via telescreens or verbally, and are sufficiently discriminating to ask for information, or alert the crew in the event of a malfunction or possible danger. THey can be thought of as small robotic devices with a degree of sentience, but limited spheres of interest. Auto-units can speak to crew members and each other, and may even possess a built in "friendly " personality. This is especially true of units built for civilian vehicles, whose auto-units emit constant pleas to "please fasten your safety belt" and "have a nice day."
Autosystem capability. Again back then shit could still be pretty complicated, although the Guard never recovered form the nosedive in quality they took after 3rd and 4th.. although they've slowly sort of recovered.

Its also interesting that even civilians could have some measure of AI. Although it probably goes against 'theme' of modern 40K, remember that 40K was built on the notion you could have an odd discordancy in tech levels. Whehter it was the wagons drawn by robot or cyborg horses, or using anti grav robots on worlds where the wheel was forbidden, or steam tanks with MIUs. Another of the 'old' aspects of 40K that seems to have been largely forgotten in modern contexts.

Page 40
Many types of armour described in the Equipment section offer almost complete immunity - at least from the common weapons. However, there is one kind of armour which is even more powerful than any of these - the dreadnought suit (also known as battle suits, battle armour, mech suits and mech armour.). THese suits are literally one-man tanks; and it would, perhaps, be better to think of them as small, ,mobile vehicles rather than as normal armour. A man (or other creature) wearing a dreadnought suit is a forcec to be reckoned with; quite capable of taking on twenty times his own number of ordinary troops.

Dreadnought suits usually stand between 3 and 4 metres tall. It is possible to manufacture even larrger suits, but it is doubtful whether the gain in physical aura compensates for the inevitable loss in mobility. The wearer, or pilot, sits in an enclosed cockpit - usually contained in the mid-section of the suit. His arms and legs do not fit into the robotic limbs themselves. Instead, the pilot crouches in a foetal position, s uspended in a protective amniotic jelly. Information from the suit's sensors, (vision, sound touc, etc) is fed directly into his consciousness by means of a spinal link. Impulses from the pilot are translated instnatly into bio-mechanical instrructions that move the suit's limbs, fire the weapons, etc. To the pilot, the suit feels and behaves just as if it were his own body, even though his real body remains inactive and senseless. The suit and pilot exist in a complete symbiosis that cannot easily be broken - once accustomed to the suits functions and senses it is very hard for a pilot to readapt to normal life.
RT-era Dreadnoughts. Back then they weren't just for Special Snowflake Space Marines. :P

page 42
Robots are a part of everyday life in human and alien society. Vehicles and any comparable machines can be effectively turned into robots by the installations of appropriate auto-systems (auto-drive, auto-aim, and auto-fac.)


The greater majority of robots are simple runarounds, workemn, or toys, and have no placee on the battlefield. Wariror robots, however, are different. They are machines created specifically for war as the soldiery by proxy for a living, biological race. In human space, the Emperor's tech-priests are continually experimenting with and improving their dread warrior legions of robots - machines implanted with the will to slay and destroy.
RT era robots, long before there were servitors. It might give you an idea of what kinds of servitors might be creatable. Like many RT/1st edition things, this got folded into the Great Crusade/Heresy (EG the Legio Cybernetica.)

Note as well the 'experimentation and improvement' bit. Rather conflicts iwth the 'ignorance and superstition' doesnt it?

Page 42
Although possessing a ner perfect memory and computing ability, robots lack the intuitive insight which makes good warriors. They may be slow when speed is of the essence, they are often brash and clumsy when what is really needed is stealth and patience. The speed at which a robot can act and make decisions is governed by its intelligence, and with the limited capacity of the robot brain smaller robots tend to be more intelligent than large ones.
They're alot like Necron warriors in other words. We even had Chaos Robots at one point (epic I think, but perhaps also Realms of Chaos) which explains perhaps why the Imperium si so scared of them (not that you can't corrupt servitors, but go figure.)

Also robot intelligence seems to be goverend largely by complexity. Smaller robots are probably less complex (less mass to move, less stuff to multitask or operate or deal with) and thus can afford to be more 'intelligent'

Page 48
For a thousand days the great barge of the adeptus Astronomica sailed towards Earth. In the thirteen holds, each as cavernous as a temple nave, our human cargo sent up a great wailing and moaning. There were over two thosuand souls bound for service, men, w omen, and children; young and old, the sick and the sound. Only the children did not know. but I am a psyker like them and I know the pain. I felt the chains as if they were upon my own limbs. I knew their fate - they had been tested and found wanting, they were too vulernable , too dangerous to live. I am a guardian of the Adeptus Astronomica. Souls such as these I carry to the Emperor's table.
Black Ship. Not sure if this is 2000 total or 2000 per hold.

PAge 49
A psyker draws power from within himself. Psychic power is inherent in many living organisms and can be channelled or retained within specially constructed objects. Weapons designed to channel or enhance psychic powers are usually called force weapons after the force - a common term for psychic energy and its use.
Psychic powers, and the origin of the term 'force weapon' - its not a rip off, honest :lol:

I suppose if we were ever going to do a 40K vs SW crossover, this would be proof that The Force and the Warp were intended to be the same thing :P Actually the whole Sensei/Star Child thing was also a pretty strong Star Wars connection too what with the Knight/Master analogue (Champion/Daemon Princes in 40K terms, only for the humans or forces of law)

Page 50
Auras are powerful emanations that protect the psyker from harm. The aura provides a physical barrier - a sort of force-field..

Hammerhand - this ability allows the psyker to channel raw psychic energy through his body - turning him into a powerful fighter.
Psychic abilities listed. other abilities listed on this pag einclude telepathy, (10 word message, one way contact), teleport, disonnect the higher functions of a mind and turn a person itno a slavering idiot, creating an ectoplasmic fog, the ability to fool with electric, mechanical, huydralic or similar mechanisms, or banish fear and panic from troops.

I only typed out the 'physical enhancement' ones because they were the most useful.

Page 51
Sense presence- this ability enables the psyker to sense the presence and location of living creatures...


This ability can be used to lcoate a hidden target prior to shooting at it -
Psychic sensors.

Page 51
Smash - this ability utilises raw psychic energy to destroy material objects, ,such as a door or wall.
TK strikes.

Page 51
This is a longer ranged, more powerful version of the first level teleport ability. It allows a psyker to teleport a distance of up ot one mile in any direction...

He is able to teleport through solid walls, solid objects, etc., so long as the thickness of interposing matter is no more than a metre.
Psychic teleportation... 1 mile range, as long as the thickness of objects is no greater than a metre. Why this is a limitation, I do not know.

Page 51
Using this much-improved version of the telekinesis ability, a psyker may move any one or more unseucred objects with a total weight approximately equivalent to that of a small vehicle.

Provides a rough idea of TK lifting abilities at a moderate level, although time and speed aren't known. Otehr abilities mentioned include causing confusion, causing fear, inciting rout, change the alleigancec of an enemy, heal wounds etc.

others include forming telepathic, two way contact with all persons within a given range (or just one)

Page 52
Limbo: this ability enables the psyker to disassemble the physical part of himself, turning into a phantasm. As such he is absorbed into the psychic universe, unable to act upon or even realise what is happening in the "real" universe.
"phasing" out in other words.

Page 52
Stasis: This ability allows the psyker to alter the laws of time and space, ,temporarily creating a stasis compareable to that cuased by a stasis grenade.
Stasis attack. This leads to an interesting speculation that stasis grenades (or possibly even vortex grenades) Are based on psyker brains :P

Pag 52
The most powerful form of the telekinesis ability. This allows the psyker to move any one or more unsecured objects with a total weight approximately equivaletn to that of a large vehicle (two medium, or three small vehicles.)
Hovering is included, defying gravity.

Page 52
Temporal distort
The psyker can utilise his powers to create a disturbance in the fabric of space, causing repetitions and negations of the time tream. A skillful individual can manipulate this to his advantage.
Probability manipulation, in other words.

Page 52
Since the twentieth century mankind has suffered constant mutation as a result of exposure to various types of genetically damaging radioactive and chemical pollution. Nuclear wars ravaged many worlds during the Dark Age of Technology and the ensuing Age of Strife. As a result, the human gene-stock is far less stable than it was during the pre-atomic age and mutation is common. Families with no record of mutation might reasonably expect to run a 5% risk of mutated offpsring. Amongst mutant parents the chancecs are over 90%.


The position of mutants within the Imperium varies from world to world. On the majority of primitive and medeviel worlds they are slain as soon as they are born. On the majority of technically advanced worlds they are permitted to live, but rarely enjoy the boon fo full citizenship. On many worlds they are segregated from the normal population, outlawed, or forbidden to live in certain areas. Generally speaking, they form a huge downtrodden portion of the population of the Imperium. Their dissatisfaction occasionally erupts as rebellion. Such revolts occasionally allow the mutants to take control of planets or even groups of planets for a short period.
Mutation and its place in the Imperium. Has not changed much in modern times.

Page 53-57. A list of various 'mutations' that are actually useful:

Page 53
Arms elongate at will - the Creature has a complex system of ligaments and muscle instead of normal armou bones. (about 2-7" extra range")
Breathes fire: This terrible mutation permits the crature to breathe flame.
Burning body: The Creatures body chemistry is distorted in a very strange and unnatural way, the skin burning constantly. A creature with a mutation fo this kind is invulnerable to normal fire and takes only half damage from all heat based weapons (laser, plasma, meltaguns).
PAge 53 mutations. The burning body bit is interesting if for no other reason that it implies lasguns and plasma weapons are partly thermal (the other half being mechanical/explosive.)

Page 54
Crystalline body: The creatures's body appears to be made from a form of living glass. IT is toubh but inflexible [trade wounds for toughness.,
Evl Eye: This weird mutation enables the creature to make a single gaze attack instead of shooting. ...if hit by the evil eye a character's karam will be serverly disturbed.
This mutation endows the libms of a creature with extra joints in its arms and/or legs.
Hypnotic gaze: THis is a very special power which enables a creature to transfix an enemy...
Illusion of normality: This mutant has at least one other mutation,b ut appears perfectly normal. The appearance is kept up right until the creature is touched, when its true form will become apparent.

Invisibility: By some freak of cell structure this mutant appears invisible. .. Only by using equipment, carrying things, etc. will the crature give itself away.
Mutations seem to include not just physical abnormalities bordering on the bizarre or supernaturel, but mental or psychological disorders (They mention Irrational fear and mental disorders here.)

The invisibility and illusion one are interesting.

Page 55
LEvitation : The creature may levitate by up to 1 m form the floor and also move horizontally at normal move rates.
Metal body: The creature's skin is formed from some sort of naturally deposited metal, making him very tough indeed.
Multiplication: This bizarre mutation enables the creature to split into tow or more entities for a limited time [physical splitting]
Rapid regeneration: this is a very useful mutation that affects the creatures' metabolic functions and ability to heal itself.
Massive intellect, Mindless, Moronic, Irrational hatred, limb loss...

Page 55 powers. The regeneration is useful, and again we see that some fairly mundane stuff can also be considered 'mutation'.

Page 57
Timeline slip. This unusual mutation gives the creature the ability to literally jump out of time for a brief period.
Very Strong: The creature is fabulously strong for its racial type.
Very Fast. This creature can perform actions at incredible speeds - drawing guns, moving, tyings hoe laces, etc. To an observer the creature appears as a blur moving far too fast for the eye to follow. The creature moves four times as fast as normal (movement x4),a nd may stirke in combat with four times as amny blows... ... otherwise all actions can be done approximately four times as fast.... ... Psionics and thought processes are not speeded up.
Very agile: The creature is astoundingly fast and agile. (2 extra attacks and may dodge better.)
The mainly useful traits here are the time slips and enhanced physical performances, especially the enahnced reactions (indicative of the ability to react in tenths of a second physically.. although mind is another matter.)

Page 68
Within this context the largest weapons seem pretty awesome, especially the supporrt weapons some of which are capable of levelling whole cities.
Some 40K support weapons can demolish whole cities singlehandedly. These are defined as the various kinds of bombs and missile warheads (like plasma bombs, missiles, scatter missiles, barrage bombs, etc.) It may or may not include Macro cannon and defence lasers and such. It does provide the intial context ofr the 'city' devastation, and we get mention of continents later.

Figure megaton range firepower, at least, depending on the city and the kind of 'levelling' done.

Page 68
...try to remember that the universe of the future is very different from that of today, brute force and fear are the most potent of all weapons. The hand-to-hand fighting reputation of a unit may be in itself sufficient to put down a rebellion. Technology and sophisticated wepaons systmes have no place in this universe. Equipment must work and, where possible, it must be easy to manufacture on worlds where the only buidling materials are wood, stone and metal ores. Try to remember that a wepaon's combat effectiveness is measured in terms of durability and ease of production as much as its theoretical perforamnce - hence the low-powered laser is the most common weapon. It is true that twentieth century weapons may outrange or even outperform some of the weapons described in teh following pages (in theory), but then some of the latest generation of combat rifles and vehicles may be out ranged and (in practice) out performed by older models. For example, the old 303 rifle was desigend to operate at far greater ranges than the modern 'Bullpup', its sighting mechanism and general construction were also much sturdier - not factors included in the performancee statistics but vitally important under battlefield conditions.

In the Warhammer 40,000 niverse a battle is often decided at close quarters, and the ranges given for the weapons reflect this. Even so, most weapons would be capable of longer range fire than allowed under the rules. The usual explanation for this is that although weapons could be fired at ranges perhaps ten times as far, the chance of scoring a hit at such ranges is neglibible.


Ranged weapons have a further range band up to ten times the nromal maximum range for bolters, autoguns, missile-launchers, and all weapons which fire a physical projectile. Bows, crossbows, slings and energy weapons have a range five times as long as their stated maximum. Note that beamers and grenades have no extended range - the maximum remains as given.
A stab at recionciling fluff with 'real life' I suppose. Not bad and I admire them for it, although it probably doesn't apply nearly as much nowadays (although the 'ease of maintenance' does!) The general idea that ranges are 'variable' is understandable in a broad manner, though I wouldn't rely on calcs any more than I'd rely on Inquisitor or FFG game stats (at least not as much as fluff.) Its also generally noted that the damage/power of such long range shots is reduced.

And as noted before, 40K has always been intended to 'make sense' - the underlying premises (many of which still are true today) had a certian logica nd internal consistency behind them, and that cannot be ignored. Heck, there is a certain sense in two ways:

One is technology. We know this applies most often to the Munitorum, but the imperium suffers from a lack of standardization in tech level. A feral world or feudal world will not have the capabilities of an industrial or hive world, but military forces can find themselves fighting on one or both, and with logistics as unreliable as it is due to the warp, the lack of proper equipment and the ability to maintain it can mean the force suffers. So the Imperium by necessity seems to trade some performance for that 'basic' reliability - which means tracked vehicles that can run on anything, projectile weapons, and the like. And given the premise of the setting, it DOES make a certain sort of sense. The problem is how they over emphasize that 'technology has no place on the batltefield' or 'brute force is most potent' when you have mention of all sorts of sophisticated automation, computers and shit like that. Emphasize the tech variation if you must, but do not make it seem like its absolutes, because people READ into those absolutes without thinking of the context or what may have come before (unless they think in terms of inconsistencies.)

The notion that 'battles are often decided at close quarter's could traditionally also be taken to mean the 'lol melee weapons' bit, but recall too that 'close quarters' does not necesarily mean 'hand-to-hand.' This could reflect that combat ranges are meant to be short, and the equipment is optimized for that. When you consider that the primary means of deployment is going to be some form of drop ship (with some of them armed and armoured for deployment into warzones), or maybe gunships and mechanised/motorised units in some cases, that 'close quarters' would make a certain bit of sense (its certainly true of Space Marines, who use thunderhawks or Rhinos or Drop pods to get in close.) There is certain truth in the idea that 'modern combat' ranges were lower than older ones (Assault rifles traded power and range for certain other advantages after all.)

Liikewise ascribeing fear and brute force and other psychological factors as 'potent' in the 40K millenium can have truth too, because we know thought and emotion influence the warp, especially on the macro scale - large numbers of troops believing (or fearing) the same thing could suffer tangible degradation in its ability whereas an 'inspired' or fanatical force could benefit positively - this could manifest in lots of ways (intensifying fear or doubt or panic, which could degrade accuracy and other abilities, etc.)

Page 70
The vast majority of weapons carried by the military and civilians are hand-held, carbine-sized guns designed to be fired form the shoulder or hip.
Back then carbines were more common than actual rifles it seems. That would explain the lack of stock as well as the shorter ranges. Modern carbines, of course have stocks. And most 40K weapons nowadays do (although Power armoured troops with bolters remain unchanged. LOL)

Page 70
An auto-gun is comparable to a twentieth century automatic rifle in appearance and operation - although it uses caseless, small calibre ammuniton and has a rate of fire far outweighing that ancient weapon. Its main advantage is that it has a long effective range. These weapons often find their way into the hands of human militia, and are the standard arm in some less advanced cultures.
Autoguns using caseless ammo. Still pops up in some fluff, although cased ammo is also pretty prevalent. Not that this is bad per se, since cased ammo has some definite advantages. Again the fact they've made caseless ammo works also tends to contradict that whole 'high technology has no place on the battlefield'- hell so do laser guns. I mean if it were true, why aren't they fighting with crossbows and muskets more often than energy guns?

Page 70
The bolt gun, also known as the bolter or blaster, fires small bolts or shells having explosive or armor piercing tips. Boltguns are popular with pirates and criminals because they make a loud, violent, and suitably satisfyting noise. For the same reason they are popular with Orks -a nd represent the most common weapon used by those loathesome cratures.
Boltguns. Basically they're psychological/status/intimidation weapons first rather than a practical or well designed weapon (that does not mean they are ineffective - they're quite powerful, but there are more efficient ways of achieving what they do.)

also note they were called 'blasters' back when :P

Page 71
The flamer fires a burst of superheated chemical which sticks to the target and burns it up.
Flamers. Sounds like part of the energy to burn the target comes from the target. Like clingfire from the Watson stuff.

PAge 71
The graviton gun is a curious wepaon, it was originally developed for peaceful purposes in low gravity enviroments. Any target hit by the gun acquires added mass - becoming much heavier almost instantly. This does not physially change or harm the target b ut it does make movement difficult.
1st edition graviton gun. Basically a tractor beam weapon. Again note this runs against the whole 'technology no place on battlefield' theme.

Page 73
The melta-gun, melter, or fusion-gun, is designed to melt its target away with a blast of near-unstoppable super heat. The weapon needs to be accurately pre-set, so it cannot be moved and fired..
Meltaguns. Less portable back then.

PAge 73
Musket - a primitive weapon, still used on some feral and backward planets, of which Birmingham is the most well known (Birmingham - aka the Black Planet -receives almost no visible light and as a reuslt no-one wants to go there. Its inhabitants have become linguistically and culutrally isolated.)
Muskets.. and a long-time injoke.

Page 73
Needlers propel small slivers of poisoned chemical. These dissolve almost instantly on contact, slaying or paralysing the target. The propulsion unit is a small laser. Needlers are favored by hunters, sportsmen, and others who need carcasses or live animals in good condition. An individual using a needler can employ a paralysing isntead of lethal chemical -


Needlers are silent and flashless, and may be fired by hidden troops without giving away their positions.
Needlers. The laser propulsion has stayed more or less accurate. Also seen as hunter/sportsmen weapons, which suggests they're pretty damn common.

Interestingly as well the 'laser' propulsion implies they have some fairly exotic means of electrothermal propellant,a lthough that would conflict with the 'flashless' bit too.. unless the flash is due to the small size of the projectile (and the smalla mount of vaporization needed to propel it.)

Page 74
The plasma gun fires a hail of plasma bolts - small packets of super-heated energy. THe weapon uses a vast amount of power, and for this reason needs to be energised for two whole turns before firing. The weapon cannot be used at all during this two turn power build up.
Plasma weapons with their delayed 'recharge' feature.

Page 74
The shotgun is a smooth-bore, low velcoity weapon capable of firing a variety of different ammunition. This versatility makes them useful tools for farmers or settlers. They are relatively easy to manufacture and maintain, ammunition can be produced by almost any planet or outpost, no matter how poorly equipped or badly supplied. Designs vary, although performances are comparable. Some shotguns are magazine fed, others are pump action whilst a few are single shot weapons. On many civilised worlds they are carried by police or militia. THey are equally popular with outlaws, bandits and, on hive-worlds, with the scum of the city bottom.
shotguns. not much different from latter editions.

PAge 74
The shuriken catapult utilises the same technical systems that enable some vehicles to hover or move within a planet's gravity field. This principle of gravitic reaction can also be used to fire a small metal projectile. In the case of the Shuriken catapult the projectile is a circular or star shaped disc wihich has a mono molecular cutting edge. Every burst of weapon fire catapults a hail of these missiles, each fully capable of cutting through steel, and able to slice through flesh and bone quite effortlessly. The weapon is easily recogniseable by the two polar fins next to its muzzle, it is these fins which create the powerful magnetic vortex which draws and accelerates ammunition from the magazine. The magazine itself is flat, circular, and sits on top of the weapon. Some variants of the shuriken catapult have fins or magazine positioned in the vertical plane, although that is less common.
1st edition shuriken weapons. The tech used in them is similar to the ones used in grav vehicles, suggesting antigrav exerts a force. They too havne't changed much, except that the Imperium could have them back then and they confused magnetic and gravitic (perhaps the Imperial versions were magnetic.)

also note that the shurikens have a mono cutting edge. Seems like a cross between a crossbow/bowcaster and a shotgun (better than flechette ammo.) Shurikens did not neccesarily spin in this iteration, although we might speculate they can and can't spin.

Page 75

Auto-pistols are rapid-firing automatic pistols similar to twentieth-century sub-machine guns, but more compact. Still occasionally built on human frontier worlds, and carreid by less sophisticated aliens, these are deadly weapons at short range.
Autopistols... mini uzis. Considered 'primitive' but are more compact than their modern analogues. Possibly equivalent to PDWs even.

Page 76
This is an unusual weapon of alien origin. It is made from a black substance impenetrable to X-rays or probes of any kind. Rods are nearly always about 15" long and weigh about a pound.


They function as storage batteries for psychic energy.
Psychic rods of some kind. Jaq Draco had one.

Page 76
A force-sword resembles a normal carbon-steel, plastic or ceramic blade - in fact it is very different. Inside the structure is interwoven a powerful convector, a special material formed into a precise serpentine shape which concentrates and directs psychic energy.
Force swords. Named for THE FORCE.

Page 78
The Jokaero are a strange race who manufacture equally strange artifacts. Amongst these are the various digital weapons.


The Jokaero make digital versions of the needle pistol, laspistol and hand flamer.. Each has exactly the same effect as its larger counterpartt.
digital weapons, and the note they do pistol level damage.

Page 78
The needle pistol is a small and elegant version of the basic needler weapon. As it is silent and flashless it is used in all kinds of underhand and secretive work - assassination, 'doping'
and kidnapping are missions for which this weapon is ideal.
Needle pistols and its stealth abilities.

Page 78
Neuro Disruptor. This is another weapon which is, ,or was, manufactured by unknown aliens.


The disruptor is made from transparent crystalline material, a bit like glass. Disruptors have no obvious power source or internal workings, although occasionally lights and misty shapes appear within the crystal body. A neuro-disruptor works by intent, victims hit by the weapon become confused.
Neuro disruptors. More common back when.

Page 79
Power Axe: This weapon resembles a large axe or halberd, but is powered frrom a bakcpack. The cutting edge of the weapon vibrates at a high frequency, enabling the power axe to cut straight through any surface, even steel.
Power axes with their backpack power source.. Also some 'power weapons' were vibroweapons back then it seems rather than forcefield enhanced :P Like some examples, vibrational weapons have lasted through to modern times in various shapes or forms.

Page 79
A power sword consists of a powerful energy field surrounding a thin-taut wire. Power swords - and the shorter power knives - are activated when drawn frfom their protective sheaths.
1st edition power sword, quite obviously different from latter editions, although not by much (just a bigger blade.) Not unlike the monofilament swords from Niven's Ringworld novel.

PAge 79
Power gloves consist of a metal gauntlet surrounded by a powerful energy field. Power gloves can tear and punch through thick metal, bulkheads, and even the toughest sorts of armour.
Power glove - early powerfist.

Page 80
Stub Gun. This weapon, also know as a slug gun or hand gun, is similar to a twentieth century automatic. Stubs are adaptable, easily repaired, and ammo is relatively easy to make. Consequently, these guns are still used on many colonial, agricultural worlds where off-world supplies are rare.
Stub guns. Semi auto pistols or revolvers. This oddly suggests autoweapons might be more sophisitcated than modern firearms (or at least what was 'modern' at the time of Rogue Trader.)

Page 82
Auto cannon are similar in concept to twentieth century tank guns. They are rapid firing and use mass-reactive explosive ammunition. They are mostly vehicle mounted because of their great weight.
Back then there were no real battle cannon, every sort of vehicle gun was an autocannon of some kind. And used mass reactive ammo.

PAge 82
The weapon [Conversion beam projector] functions by converting matter into energy, creating an energy field to its front. The energy field increases in intensity as the beam extends further. Initially the filed builds up very slowly - so that troops in the path of the beam can avoid it fairly easily. At its maximum extent the matter/energy conversion becomes so powreful so as to cause a violent explosion.
Conversion beamers.

Page 82
the production of weapons for the army and fleets is undertaken on many worlds throughout the Imperium. The Foundries of the Adeptus Mechancius on Earth comprise by far the largest of these weapon-shops, supplying the needs of over half the fleet and a quarter of the army.


The design of individual items is incepted by master Artisans of the ADeptus Mechancius after due consultation with army commanders and financial officers of the Administratum. While the basic design is a matter of stricture, individual weaponsmiths are free to introduce modifications and onramentation into each batch of weapons. Weaprony is often further modified once it reaches armies and fleets.

Each army and naval supply base has its weapon smiths and foundries, although on a lesser scale than those on the Imperial Planet. Like their brethern on Earth, the fleet and army Artisans are members of the Adeptus Mechanicus, although sequestered into military organisation. These smaller, more [can't read] weapon-shops produce wargear as well as undertanking substantial modification of Imperial issue equipment.
Item fabrications and industrial capability of 1st edition Imperium. The AdMech was much more laid back back then.

It's interesting to note that Mars was singlehandedly responsible for providing supplies and resourcs to a substantial portion of the Imperium's military back then.

Page 83
Few Marine Chapters build their own spacecraft, most are constructed in the Imperial shipyards situated around Mars. Marine armourers are highly skilled, practicla craftsmen. The chief weapon-smith is the Master of the Forge; an honoured title and a repsonsibel psotion.
Marine gear. Note this has changed significantly from the old days, where Marines are more self-sufficient and cna build much of their own gear, especially the powerful Chapters.

Page 83
The Basic Marine weapon is the bolt-gun. A number of bolt-gun variants are produced, incorporating distinctive features in grrip, barrel-length, monitors and ammunition capacity.


Nevertheless, all bolt-guns function in pretty much the same way, and use all the standard mass-proximity fused explosive ammunition. Although small, these self-propelled missiles are quite deadly. The diamantine tip affords excellent intial penetration of armoured surfaces. The ceramite core holding the explosive charge is punched through the ruptured target surface by the residual propellant. Only when embedded within by the mass pre-set during manfuacture does the charge ignite, allowing penetration of, and ignition within, unarmoured and armoured targets. Shells failing to penetrate do not ignite, reducing the risk from wild shots. The fact that a bolt-shell explodes inside its target makes it extremely devastating.

Marine boltguns and an explanation of how the mass reactive detonators work. I wonder how they account for discrepancies between armoured and unarmoured targets?

Amusingly, some types of torpedoes in BFG and such seem modelled after bolt rounds, especially the Graham McNeill types. This actually suggests bolt rounds back then were 'staged' as well - they ejected, had the propellant that carried them to the targt, then a final 'charge' to drive them through on impact to detonate within the target.

Since autocannon ammo is also 'mass reactive' you wonder if they operate on similar principles.

Page 83

The distortion cannon, also known as the displacer cannon, displacer, D-Cannon, Warp cannon or warper, uses the same principel as a spacecraft's warpspace drives. The target is 'warped' slightly into hyperspace, and then back again. This occurs in an uncontrolle fashion, exposing the target either to the deadly cold of interstellar vaccuum or the inferno of the heart of a sun.

D-cannons Basically teleporter guns of some kind. it would seem rather than 'open a rift and tear youa part/suck you into the warp'.

Page 84

Grenade Launcher: A light tubular launcher that is capable of firing any grenades. THere are many designs, but the principle shape is universal. Many of these launchers are designed to fire from a modified automatically-fed backpack.

Grenade launchers, with a backpack feed. I really have to say that despite all the uproar about 'primitive' and all that, the gear they had back when wasn't half bad. (like the autosystems and shit. Nowdays that's all lost tech.)

Page 84

Like other plasma weapons, this fires a hail of super-heated plasma energy packets. It is heavier and more lethal than the standard plasma gun. Most of its bulk is taken up by the power packs needed to feed it. These are large; far larger than the basic energy packs. Because of this, the heavy plasma gun can fire either of two different kinds of shot: sustained fire and maximal fire. Sustained fire uses only a small amount of the available energy, so there is no need for the weapon to build up power. Maximal fire is an all-out burst, releasing all of the stored energy in a single cataclysimic shot.

Plasma bolts. Most definitely not magic flamethrowers. Also unlike other weapons the heavier plasma weapons operate on special powerpacks.

Page 85

Heavy stubs are clumsy just like the twentieth century heavy machine guns they resemble. Their use is mostly confined to yokel milita units.

Heavy stubbers and the origin of the HMG analogue, although nowadays that becomes much different. Note that unlike every other analgoue they never had a 'rifle' version of the stubbers originally (and never directly in the codex fluff) or a 'stub cannon'. Just slug pistol and machine gun lol.

Page 86

The lascannon, laser cannon, or blazooga, is a weighty, tubular weapon usually fired off the shoulder, or from a mount of some kind. It is frequently mounted on vehicles as their main armament.

Lascannon - energy bazookas. Although the term 'blazooga' makes me laugh. Sounds like a noise I'd make when sneezing.

PAge 86

The multi-laser is a rapid-firing combination laser chamber designed to slice its way through compact bodies of troops. In operation this makes it comparable to a twentieth century quadrupedally mounted bofors gun - delivering a hail fo fire against its target. It is a weighty device and usually vehicle mounted.

Multi lasers of first edition. Note that they are usually vehicle mounted, but the implication is that they need not be. So you know the whole 'multi-lasers' thing is not neccesarily a conflict, its a cherished throwback to earlier fluff. The Nostalgia fans are supposed to like stuff like that, right?

Page 86

Like the multi-laser, this is a combination weapon that has a number of melta-barrels. It is a viscous and effective weapon, if rather short ranged. Targets are just melted away - turning creatures into pools of steaming protoplasm, and vhicles into so much twisted goo.

Multimelta. Melta version of a multilaser.

Page 87

Defence lasers are very large weapons indeed, with a laser chamber over 15 metres long, and an overall weight of many tons. They ar eusually set inside permanant and immobable concrete silos. The power drain of these weapons is enormous, and special generators are integral to their design. They can be built into vehicles, assuming you can find one big enough, but this is not usual. Their main purpose is to fire off-planet, into the upper-atmosphere against incoming missiles and spacecraft. Positioned on top of high buildings they can be used against ground targets, and are ideal for siege warfare. Their range is limited only by the curvature of the planet. This factor limits their usefulness against gorund targets - giving a practicla range of under a mile at ground levle.

Defense lasers in 1st edition. I suspect these are more the 'point defense' type you find on Titans rather than the anti-ship ones that are buried belowground, given the high atmoshpere range (hundred or so miles) and LOS limits and ground assault role. But this was laso first edition, so go figure.

PAge 87

Macro-cannon are the largest and heaviest versions of the auto cannon. THey fire explosive shells of considerable size and potency. A macro-cannon can be mounted on a large vehicle..
..but they are more commonly used in emplacements for static defence. They can be used for indirect fire...
Maximum range is about 40 kilometres..

Glorified wet navy battleship guns more or less, based on range. The scariest thing? You can mount them on vehicles. Super-heavy artillery lol.

Page 87

Plasma cannon. This weapon employs a shell that energises into boiling plasma as it is fired. As with other plasma weapons, a massive energy drain is involved.

Plasma cannon. Plasma version of defence lasers. Seems to be more a physicla projectile with thermal properties than a particle beam.

Page 90
Blast grenades and missiles have an actual phyiscla effect - they epxlode!

Gas weapons affect the target's tissue or nervous systme - killing or disabling. Gas does not neccesarily need to be inhaled to work, any exposure to unprotected skin will usually suffice. Only troops wearing sealed suits or armour, or inside sealed buildings or vehicles will be unaffected.
Field-effect weapons produce a short lived energy field on detonation. The effects of the field vary according to the weapon.

Grenade and missile types. The blast and gas are self explanatory, the field effect are the interesting ones (force fields like a SW seismic charge perhaps?)

Page 90

Gas and field effect weapons can be designed so that they have a very brief active life..
Others may hang around as dense clouds, persistent energy fields or lingering areas of lasting danger.

Variations in the latter two types.

Page 90

Anti-plant grenades release a gas that instnatly destroys all foliage, depriving concealed troops of cover, and killing harmful vegetation types. Anti-plant will even destroy bio-wire.

They don't hurt orks though. Never have.

Page 91

Blind is a sophisticated kind of smoke grenade, releasing dense smoke and broad spectrum electro-magnetic interference. Characters cannot see or target through blind, and psykers cannot use their powers to penetrate it.

Interesting defense. It also blocks sensors in latter editions, and its use has survived in inconsistnet form into modern days.

Page 91
These shells and grenades are designed for 'cracking' open armour.

crack (krak) grenades. How they worked remained unspecified.

Page 91

Choke is a lethal gas that must be inhaled to have any effect.

Choke gas.

Page 91

Frag: These are standard antiperssonel grenades, they explodes scatteirng fragments of casing over an area.


Page 91

hallucinogen gas: Hallucinogen gas is used as a psychological weapon, it causes delusion, hallucniation and, sometimes, madness.

drug weapon

Page 92
When haywire shells/grenades detonate they release a massive burst of electro-magnetic energy. This is sufficient to cause damage to living tissue, but is really aimed at eletrically operated machinery.
Even bio-units are affected - the energy surge scrambles their neuro-fibres as it burns out electrical cables and fuses small components.

Haywire grenade. SEems to be more lethal than emp weapons, suggesting it might be a secondary effect. Armour provides some 'shielding' effect. And it requires objects to have electrically driven components (mechanical guns don't.. but lasguns and most energy weapons seem to. Sort of a combination of an EMP gun with a neural disruptor really, which is much more nasty.

Page 92

Melta-bomb: This grenade/missile explodes with a blast of super-heat - the intense thermal energy metling away the target

Melta wearheads. Depending on the target this could be megajoules to gigajoules :P

Page 92

A photon shell releases a burst of light energy sufficient to seriously damage visual organs. This causes blindness in any creatures within the effect area, and destroys light-sensitive equipment (including infra-equipment and targeters.

Photon flash has an EW effect as well as blinding.

Page 93
A plasma shell releases a cloud of flesh-boiling plasma over its effect area. A plasma shlel
never lasts longer than 3 turns..

Plasma warheads. If we know the size/area of effect we might calc it based on 'flesh boiling' If a human sized target.. tens of Megajoules to boil it.

Page 93
When Psyk-out shells detonate they release fine dust particles which are heavily impregnated with negative psychic energy. This form of psychic energy is extremely rare - in the whole of human space it can be obtained only as a byproduct of the Emperor's unique metabolism.

And the Sensei, if we go by REalms of Chaos.

Page 93
Radiation shelsl release dangerous radioactivity from their landing point.

Radiation/neutron bombs, probably.

There's also scare gas, which I am going ot ignore.

Page 94
A Stasis shell detonates creating a stasis field within which time is distorted and virtually ceases to exist. A field is unaffected by all events around it, it cannot be fired into or thorugh.
flying objects are frozne in mid-air.

Basically temporariyl takes objects ouf ot play.

Page 94

Stumm gas - used widely by police - this detonates to disperse a debilitating gas over an area.

nonlethal weaponry still makes an appearance

Page 94
Tanglefoot shells detonate producing a minor distortion effect in fhte fabric of space. This causes gravitic disturbance, spacail displacement and a certain amount of time distortion.

Stasis and tanglefoot (and possibly melta) may be some kinds of field effect warheads

Page 94
Toxin is a gas that can be absorbed through the skin or breathed in. Only troops sealed in clothing are safe. Other targets are instnatly slain if hit; their body tissues erupting into a putresencet mass of green and bubbling corruption.

Toxin wepaons.. seem to be a bit like Virus weapons.

Page 94
Virus shells are germ warfare weapons, perfected to a reasonably safe and controlled degree. The types of virus used can, and do, vary a great deal, and it would be theoretically possible to manufacture species discriminating types. However, the rate of mutation is such that it would be impossible to guarantee this, so the weapons are rarely used for strategic decimation.

1st Ed virus weapons. Latter of course are used for strategic decimation :)

Page 96

the virus is genetically programmed to mutate into a harmless form once the killing spree has stopped. Note - although considered instantanoeus, a virus would normally spread no faster than half a mile from the detonation point...
.. in fact in 1% of all uses it will break out again at a random moment within the next ten years.

More fun about virus weapons. A half mile radius has implications for other shell/grenade weapons here.

For example assuming 1 cubic meter of "flesh boiling' plasma (1 kg) at 400 kj would be 430 TJ, a bit over 100 kilotons.

Page 96
A vortex shell creates a small disruption in the space/time fabric, a spinning whirlpool of destruction like a tiny black-hole. The disruption is called a vortex field. You cannot see or fire through a vortex field.
..a vortex destroys all matter and energy.

Vortex fields are actually spherical in shape and leave a crater where they have been, a moving field cuts a trench. The problem with these weapons is that they are unpredictable (they are also very rare and extortionately expensive.

Vortex weapons.. can bve persistant, short term, or moving.

Page 97

Mines are comparable in effect to grenades and shells. In fact, all of the grenade type weapons can be adapted to mine for by the use of a simple pressure, temperature or proximity fuse or a similar device.
Most mines are coin-sized 'micro-mines' - usually laid in clustered or scattered in groups.

Crack, melta-bombs and other hard-hitting mines are the most likely to be laid singly, or in small numbers.

Mine weapons.. similar in power/effect to grenade/shell/missile variants.
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