Ryag Han wrote:Not if they keep killing replicators faster than they reproduce. Besides, the more replicators they create, the less ship there is for them to eventually take over.
They may eventually overwhelm the defenders by sheer numbers...only to be left with a powerless hulk.
replicators have a
very fast production rate. they just pour out by the thousands in a very small amount of time. as i said before, reaction time is all that matters.
And they get killed by the
hundreds by just SG-1 and the SGC corridor guards. Spider replicators are a nonissue to anybody with a substantial slugthrower-armed force, at least aboard a ship. You kill them via shooting them, you kill them via self-destruct, or they defeat themselves via eating so much of the ship to swamp you with sheer numbers that the thing is turned into a useless wreck.
Really? Where? I'm not necessarily saying you're wrong but I can't offhand recall any incident where that happened or was referred to, so if you have a quote handy I'll happily concede that.
when the replicators escaped the black hole that was formerly Hala (season 8, ep.1), they fire a block of replicators at the
Daniel Jackson . Carter asks if the shield will stop it, Thor said ''not likely'' and it went right through the shields.
Thank you. While 'ignores universe X shielding' does not necessarily mean 'ignores universe Y shielding' I think given that SG and especially Asgard shielding is considerably superior to anything the AQ has at their disposal I guess them being able to go through AQ shielding is at the very least highly probable.
Why? Because you say so? You start with one Beliskner. Every single replicator you lose to a ship self-destruct is lost. You try replacing them with the Beliskner's material, that ship is going to become inoperable on short order.
again, they can easily override the self-destruct.
No they can not. They can
eventually override the self destruct and even if they can, that doesn't help them if the ship is dropped into a sun or a gas giant or even down an M-type planet's gravity well.
im not saying of every one, but most of the ship they infect.
Some of the ships they infect. 'Most' is for you to prove.
also, you assume they will self-destruct immediately, even when they have no idea what the replicators are, like, THE FIRST CONTACT!
I'm not doing anything of that kind. I'm saying that the self destruct
will work, nothing more. And frankly, even those morons from the 24th century understood that 'those technobabble goons that are taking over our ship have the upper hand-maybe we should just blow up the ship and kill them rather than let them get away with it?' as per FC. And we
aren't talking about those 24th century morons.
the self-destruct won't work until later, when their gonna know it works.
The self destruct will work from the word go as the Feds as early as the 23rd century that it was better to destroy the ship than let the enemy have it.
the trek people don't have the replicators weaknesses implanted in their brain, they have to discover them FIRST HAND. the Asgard spent years with nothing.
'Let's blow the ship rather than let the enemy have it' doesn't exactly require years of familiarity with the enemy you know.
It absolutely does if it goes through
IF it does.
You said them self-destructing wouldn't solve anything which means that it wouldn't matter even if they
do self-destruct, which is patently untrue. If you meant to say they wouldn't be
allowed to self-destruct you should've said so.
May not work again. Not will not work again.
depends. all replicators are connected to each other by subspace, so that's the problem. they all know the strategy, soo....
I note a complete and utter absence of pretty much anything. Why don't you come back when that trick actually
does fail to work.
I think you mean corroding (corrosive would mean they cause other stuff to corrode) and while it's been a while since I saw that episode I don't think SG-1 waited for the replicators to rust to death, they just blew the shit up out of them.
And frankly we have no idea wether or not duranium corrodes, not that I really see why this is important. They'll be made of duranium, and duranium can be destroyed by AQ weapons.
yeah, corroding...my bad. and no, they blew up the sub, but one survived a fucking burning, exploding ship, a blowing up sub will leave much more survivors. unless, they rust to death.
Not in Trek it won't. One photorp. No more sub-base replicators. Unlike the SGC, Starfleet's existence is common knowledge, as is there being alien threats that can actually make their way to the Sol system, so them blowing up a replicator-infected sub in Earth's oceans would be no big deal.
Which...doesn't tell us anything about their overall ship strength other than they lose X ships but still have Y left. X and Y are...?
im not saying anything about their numbers. im just saying that they can build up fast.
Which is something you can't actually tell without knowing their numbers I'm afraid.
Um no they don't. Reread the OP. They have all of one Beliskner. Which is more powerful than any AQ ship we've seen so far, but it's also alone. Swarm it, have Geordi's granddaughter do something technobabbly with the Enterprise-G's navigational deflector, and this invasion is over
yeah, sure. that goes both ways. remember the shield bypassing block i mentioned? they just came up with that. remember how they created the humanoid replicators? in, like, hours??? their inventive little bastards to. also, one Beliskner is fucking advance. and the replicators have been showed to improve infected ships.
Somewhat, with a technology base that is essentially limited by what power it has available, not what the technology can actually do. Goa'uld, Asgard and even Ancient technology is routinely hampered by there not being enough power available to do all it could theoretically do. The Antarctica outpost once supplied with a ZPM changes the equation from 'we're screwed' to 'any last words before we kick you back into oblivion?'. Trek ships I'm afraid aren't quite that flexible.
hey also have extremely advance shielding.
There's no they. You have all of one Beliskner.
on another note, you assume their gonna swarm it right away, before it takes over other ships
Again, I do no such thing. I'm speculating what would happen if they do. Just as I'm speculating what would happen if the replicators were up against a force that has the good sense to have more than four people with slugthrowers shooting at them.
Um-they have all of one ship to start out with. Every other ship they catch, assuming they manage to do so, is going to be one the AQ is capable of destroying with sufficient numbers (including the Borg as seen in FC).
but the replicators improve infected ships,
Somewhat. Infected Ha'taks could still be killed by regular ones and that's ignoring SG technology is limited by available power a lot. Treknology isn't nearly as much.
making them stronger. and again, stop assuming their gonna swarm it right away, they won't.
The replicators aren't exactly subtle you know. When what you thought were your own ships start shooting at you, yeah, especially if they're noticeably more resilient than they ought to be, you
will be swarming them.
As those are going to be Treknology ships, photon/quantum/plasma torpedoes, phasers/disruptors etc should do the job just fine.
improved Treknology ships. and they can just find a planet with enough resources and make their
own replicator cruisers. which, by the way, are even more advance than a Beliskner.
Which is why they do exactly that in Stargate. They snag the best technology they can grab, then run away and hide until they've amassed a supertech fleet. Oh wait. They don't do that. Instead, they take over whatever technology is available and improve on it best as they can.