My bet? A place to retire or live in peace and general freedom without having to worry about Reinhard or the Empire, or having to fight a war they may no longer believe in. The FPA remnants/Iserlohn might actually be more compatible with the Federation, at least under yang.Darth Fanboy wrote:-Taking a step back, why would the Feds align against the Empire with the FPA and/or Iserlohn? In defense of democracy? Vital trading partner? Perhaps Admiral Bucock is the guy who sets everything in motion? Or humanitarian reasons as the Alliance suffers under Imperial rule (depending on your timeframe, it could even be because the Federation opposes the Goldenbaum dynasty, and once the Empire comes under Reinhards control he assumes that rivalry just as he did with the FPA)
I admit personally I kinda like this idea for the whole 'Renegade Legion' dynamic to it. The integration of those two sides could be interesting, although in the context of a larger story it would be, as you say, time consuming and only somethign to explore in a long term project.
I agree with the absuridty of the FEderation attacking the Empire just becuase they're *unknowns* but I'm not entirely convinced that the Dominion War is a bad idea. It's not as if the Dominion and founders were written as totally one-dimensional, mustache twirling villains (the way the Borg came to be.) They ended that war with a peace treaty, and they have goals and motivations, and despite their conquest and military oriented mentality (and general brutality) once they conquer or ally with someone they do hold to things (EG forbidding CArdassia from invading Bajor.)-Which takes us back to the time place and circumstances surrounding first contact. Which is where you seemed to start and I think this is what opened you more up to critique, because honestly, you picked a shitty start. The Federation mows down a fleet of unidentified ships because they "might" be dominion? Pretty flimsy. I also don't think the Dominion war as a setting does you any favors, but that's personal preference. I think your own story would be enhanced not having to tell another one. You were obviously trying to provoke your war and picked something that, were it feasible, would do just that with little to no consideration of whether or not it would work. But i'm getting ahead of myself.
And at the same time if he wants war, the Dominion is probably the most likely to attack first. Only the Borg might be more inclined, and they ARE pretty much one dimsnional villains (at least in Voyager/movie era) who serve simply to be fought.
On the other hand maybe setting the story in or around BoBW or Wolf 359 might not be bad either if we're going for a pure military story. Youc ould even have Sisko in it without involving DS9 (Wasn't he and his wife present?) That would also create an interesting dynamic to explore between Picard and Sisko - something that was seeded in the DS9 story but never really explored.
If he wanted to have the LOGH empire 'attack' then he probably should have set it in a Pre-Reinhard Empire era.. they seemed far more expansionist and prone to attacking first in earlier eras. Once Reinhard is on the scene that becomes less likely.-What timeframe are you putting each setting in? What characters are you going to specifically focus on? If you are all about writing for Reinhard and his Admirals more than the Alliance characters there you go, and what Trek characters do you think you would want to focus on? Unless you are writing a terrible sometimes funny mostly useless comedy for cheap laughs and shock value, this should be semi helpful advice.
Are the Klingons really that conquest minded in the TNG onwards? They'll fight wars gladly and they are warriors, but I never got the impression that they actually sought to conquer anyone out of habit. Which gets back to the whole 'Who attacks first' to set this up, which seems a bit like a contrivance.On the Trek side, well unless you have a hard on for Sisko or Data why not set it post-Nemesis? I still think the Klingons would make for a better adversary, and you can have their alliance with the Federation and the perceived oppression of the FPA (if that's known) be factors in aligning the UFP against the Empire. Its an easy setup, and by being aligned with the Klingons the AQ can have larger fleets to wield against the four and five digit Imperial fleets, not to mention the fighters.
If we're going with the Nemesis era, why not re-write things some and have a Shinzon (or shinzon like) character at the head of the Romulan empire heading towards a war with the Federation? I'm not sure how to tie LOGH into that though. Maybe Yang and the Iserlohn forces have to abandon the base and flee and just end up in a wormhole/dimension shift just cuz? Maybe Q brings them over. I dunno. Anyhow they run across the Federation and seek Asylum. Reinhard follows because he wants to end the war (and have his battle with Yang due to the ego you mentioned.) He won't neccesarily 'attack' the Federation out of hand but he is brought into contact and may be made to pause.
The federation has a new ally, one who may give Reinhard an excuse to attack and invade, but its not an easy fight. But the FEderation (and the Iserlohn) forces are also caught between two enemies, and a two-front war is not something anyone wants to fight. Hell it doesnt even have to break into a full-scale, all out war. Maybe they just settle for a 'cold war' with occasional skirmishes or fights by proxy.
Dominion could work. Borg is only for pure military. Putting both in together is rather ambitious and long-term so I will agree with you there. although the idea of a five way conflict has some appeal as well just for the sheer confusion angle (who's fightng who?)Trying to add in the Borg and Dominion would take a lot of talent to pull off without killing your main story, unless you are prepared to write it long as hell just like LoGH and have more writing ability than I give you credit for. But your scene just sounds like a clusterfuck (the bad kind).
As far as the Empire being expansionist. Just how expansionist are they? Reinhard wants to fight Yang because Yang has thwarted him so often and they never really fought each other decisively, and he wants to conquer the FPA, but I never got the impression that was something he wanted to do, but more had to do. The War had been fought for as long as anyone could remember - longer - and things like that have a way of taking on a life of their own. It had to be ended, one way or anothre, and there was no nice way to do it. too much blood, too much death, too much destruction.
Besides, its not exactly like the FPA were the good guys. They were pretty damn fanatical in fact, and their government was not exactly trustworthy for much of the time. In Reinhards position he may not have much reason to think they wouldn't attack again. Hell, could he even take that chance?
And then there were the Fezzani and Terraists. Weren't they basically manipualting both sides for their own end for much of the war? As I recall they changed their mind and pushed the Empire into conquering the alliance (hence why they gave the Empire the tech to make Geiersberg mobile.) They were going to control the Empire as a whole then, or something.
And if he wants to include TNG and DS9 characters I dont think he's require dto include EVERYONE. Despite how the show managed to contrive it, I imagine federation crews can be broken up or reassigned. In a war, experienced, veteran crews are going to be at a premium, so it wouldn't be terribly shocking if people get transferred form one post to another (so you could get rid of people you didn't want in the story by having then transferred elsewhere. God knows Riker could use a command. And that's exactly what they did with O'brien and Worf IIRC.)