gamer wrote:WH40k is not exactly the hardest scifi material you will ever come across but people always try to analyze it is the point I was making.
People like me you mean?
Dammit Aaron you're supposed to tell me this shit!
As for the Orks its canon that the Orks have the WAAAGH! assissting them (think something like an ultra-watered down version of Spiral Power from Gurren Lagann) with the WAAAGH nearly anything becomes possible if they have enough boyz even blatant violations of physics like "red makes things go fastah".
if its 'canon' then you can provide the source and quotes for your allegation. Otherwise (I'm sure) its just your interpretation of how things work, and interpretation and fact are not the same.
The ability to produce tech that normally would never work but somehow WAAAGH energies sustain it, it is said that most of the things the Orks create can't even be used by other races as beings like humans can't produce a WAAAGH! field so shooters all of a sudden have to obey physical laws and stop functioning.
Actually Ork weapons have been used by humans before without problem. One example is from the Cain novel 'Death or Glory' I believe. So I guess you're Shit out of Luck there!
Most of things about the Orks really don't make sense but they are supposed to be the comic relief in the grim dark galaxy of 40k. The Imperium while not Ork level silly aren't exactly realistic I could go on and on but just the simple fact space marines exist isn't realistic, how is a man with a completely fused ribcage and two hearts going to function, let alone outperform humans.
I love how you try to use 'stuff is science fiction' to justify some of your more bizarre approaches to things. Apparently by you THERE ARE NO STANDARDS and how dare we try to hold you to anything like a standard. LEt's not forget that you have tried doing 'calcs' and analysis of oyur own, so this actually comes across as a rather pathetic sort of backpedaling.
Man, didn't Stark take you to task in the last thread for 'consistency?' in your argument? It seems like you chose to ignore that too.
How is a lasgun going to blow heads off if it only needs a camp fire to charge its batteries?
Well the obvious thing is 'blow a head off' depends on how you interpret it and how the lasgun works. It oculd mean exploding the entire head, or just reducing the top half (or 2/3) of the head to splinters, or whatever. It could even depend on the number of shots or the power settings. Based on what all I could find, if you go with a pulsed laser train like Luke Campbell notes (ideally a single pulse for an unarmored target) you could get away with blowing apart a head with maybe 10-15 kj of energy depending on parameters - about equal to the KE in a .50 BMG round. For comparison,
this is the size of the permanant cavity a .308 Winchester can make in ballistic gelatin (~4 kj). I could be wrong, but Sea Skimmer or Aaron (or anyone else with military or firearm experience reading this) can probably confirm or deny my assessment. For a 50-60 shot lasgun and a 12 hour recharge time (overnight) in the campfire, which is what FFG implies, you only need the power pack to absorb 10-15 watts of usable power for a 50-60 shot lasgun.
Frankly I love how you just declare IT CAN'T WORK without even doing the math either to actually be sure of that. OH NO ITS THE CHEWBACCA DEFENSE!
I hope you realize campfires don't have that much energy in them.
Have you ever actually been around a campfire? Frankly I don't think you even begin to grasp what the fuck you're talking about. Here's a hint. Wood has quite a bit of energy in it (~15 MJ per kg on average IIRC, although it can vary somewhat according to the wood) Even a fraction of that spread out over hours is a TREMENDOUS amount of energy.
Yes I realize its possible to have an engine powered by wood, but do you really think such an engine could have the power to move a tank, the way the Leman Russ is described it can use essentially anything that can burn as fuel, coal, wood, gasoline, whatever if it burns it works, this isn't that unrealistic its not like necron gauss beams or Titans.
Yes, actually I do. If you bothered reading the link I provided Wood gas actually compares quite favorably to regular gasoline. Moreover Sea Skimmer mentions running an Abrams on Wood Gas
here. I'm more inclined to trust his word on it than you, particularily given your penchant to make grand claims without backing them up.
The only "realistic" faction in WH40k is the Tau even then some of their stuff isn't all that realistic like Tau Broadside railguns overpenetrating Leman Russ tanks and somehow sucking the crew out of the hole . If WH40k had to obey physical laws most of their tech wouldn't even function.
I like how you use 'realistic' with the tau faction even though they're the ones with plasma railguns and antigravity vehicles and the Imperium is the one who usually uses the tracked vehicles.
No one cares about realism instead the question isn't is it realistic but can X really do Y and then looking into the available information. If we just have gameplay and cutscenes we have to use gameplay and cutscenes though cutscenes should be higher canon than gameplay. If we have just gameplay but we also have an official novel, the official novel should be higher canon.
You have a remarkably retarded way of looking at things. The fact that you think this is the ABSOLUTELY CORRECT way to analyze all of fiction apparently is even more hilarious. And then you cite this in the same breath you claim 'no one cares about realism', which is quite obviously just an excuse for oyu not to back up your claims or be internally consistent in your arguments. TL;DR more backpedaling.
By the way I like how you once again completely ignore what you don't like to go off on some other tangent. I asked oyu for proof, and I want that proof, not waffling. Like that whole 'Space Marines breathing in space' thing. You have this real gift for ignoring things you don't want to address, don't you?