Eternal_Freedom wrote:Yeah, I couldn't figure out why they called him "/thePredator" when they already had "The Oncoming Storm"
It doesn't even fit as well.
Everything else has been discussed already in regards to plot points, I would just like to point out my dislike for Amy. It bears repeating. Her comparing giving up Rory to "waiting outside a box" (yes she did say this) is just idiotic. I get that it was an emotional moment but if you don't buy into her character it comes off as more whiny-ness and unlike the whining in The Girl Who Waited it's not justified.
I don't want to have a meta-discussion here but her divorce was also contrived as all fuck. Did she tell the Doctor? Because the man has a
fucking time machine. This shouldn't be that big an issue. Either way it's one of those silly plots that's designed to break people up while leaving them both likable, maximum angst for minimum sacrifice and all. It fails miserably and ends up leaving one party looking stupid (surrogates or adoption don't cross your mind?) and more than a little insecure.
Oswin was saved by her final scene. I'm really not looking forward to having her as the companion because I hate this River Song-esque Mary Sue-ishness. If it's toned down in the rest of her episodes (and there's no reason it shouldn't be) then it might be bearable, but otherwise...meh. I hate that bubbly persona for some reason. I can't even say why because I'm fine with The Doctor, who has it worse than anyone else but I was annoyed by her pretty quickly.
As for the huge Deus Ex Machina:I've always felt that Moffat wrote himself into a hole with the death of the Doctor and would have to resort to nonsense like this. But this goes above and beyond making them think that the Doctor is dead, hoo boy. This is just weird.
As for Moffat and his smacking of The Doctor for fighting evil: The Doctor deserves a smack or two sometimes. He's carries around a bunch of neanderthals (relative to him anyway) incapable of understanding the danger he's putting them in just so he isn't lonely,he's not an angel, but I think it gets crazy at times. This Doctor has a habit of going overboard but I'm not that sympathetic to the argument that he makes things worse.